Commercial..HockeyLeague Mutton & Gould Shel Head Frank Rec feated Walter Frank Real Es- tate 4-3 at Uic Mémnoral Mena, Suxiday morning ta Inot'e in front ai the best ai flve Commercial Hockey Lea- gue finals anc game to nathing with anc tled. Mutton & Gauid led 1-0 at Uic end af the first and in- creascd their margin ta 3-O after two, then had ta with-' a1 Estate In Finals stand a third period surge by Frank'us to preserve Uic de- cision. Alex Wiseman acored thc lone first pcriad marker, with AI Guernsey and Wseman dlicking i the second. Lloyd Hamilton broke Uic Ice for Walter Frank aiter 40 seconds af final period action and Steve Burns brought them within a single tally at Uic 7:25 mark. 0 . 0 a Senior MOn P CÙrie 'Receive Winning, Trophie .With goal-keeper Gr a nt Wright on Uic sidelines i favour aifaa sxth attacker, "Archie" Crossey broke away to Put Uic game out ai reach with 19 seconds lcit. Fivel Seconds. from Uic end, Hamil- tan's second goal conipletcd thc scoring. Third game In the series will be playcd Sunday night Recreati*on Reviews Atom Hockey Spicher with two and twa erscales each had anc asslst. In thc first game played on assista, Grant Luxtan twa The Panthers' goals were scar- March 9th, the Giants handed goals and two assists, Andy ed by Randy Allen and Mur. the Barons a 7 ta 1 drubbing. MacKenzie anc goal, Brad AI- ray Twist. The Giants were led by Dennis mond one goal, Pearce Wilcox In the final Bantam game Bamber with five goals, while anc goal and Dennis Living- af the day, the Lions defeated Kimn Wallace and Dennis stone with anc goal and threc the Cubs by a 5 ta 2 score. ]Broome cach scored one, assists assists, James Larkin also had The Lions goals were scored going ta Randy Wilkins with anc assist. The Wings' goals by Steve. Reynolds with four, two, Brian Pascoe and Dan were scored by Morris Mead- Wayne Harness one, while AI Leaman anc cach. The Bar- ows, Bob Joncs and Daug Me- Mycrs collected three assists At the final general meeting of the Senior Men R. Lawton and M. Brock, absent. The A. L. Rundie ans' lobe marker was -scored Knight, onc goal and one assist; and David Passant and Herb Curlers at the club last week,'trophies were presented Trophy for third schedule was received by R. Couttie, by Jamie Perfect assisted by other assists went to Grant Tink anc assist each. The ta the winners of the four schedules. Unfortunately,W. odeadEAn rsn N.Hl swsabnt Bradley Miner. Martin, Bill Reid, anc cach. Cubs' goals were scored *1y W oaiadl.Anesn;N mee wsabet Ini the second game thc The third game saw the Aces Gerry Snowdcn and Maurîce mmbers of the teams were flot present due ta Fourth schèdule and the W. Kitson trophy went ta ]Bisons dcfcated thc Rams by and Bruina fight ta a two-ail MacDonald, while Laurie Gay other commnitments. First schedule winners awarded S. R. James; G. Lander, K. Ormiston, S. Worden, W. & 4 te 0 count. The Bisons' tic.- The Aces goals werecocllccted ane asgist. the Lander Trophy, A. Code and G. Vinson, fram left Maindonald and N. Holmes being absent. Tentative g oais werc score by Brian scorcd by Byron Holmes and Mdget League Ito right, accepting H-. Ormiston and W. Cox were ne oficreeteweeredntAW.R deVe I w ithPeterrNowlan whilc JohnsnadDvPolpce In tert gmc the Gen- absent. Second schedule for the. Toronto-Dominion Pres. W. Goode, Treasurer R. G. Lawton and Secretary Bowc te othr. Mie Hobs shut out the Canucks bY Bank trophy was awarded- ta J. Gay and L. Goddard, L. D. Goddad collectcd two assists and Bill up anc assiat each. For the a fivetenhigso.Te Cox anc. Bruina It was Jan Bennett and Generanothing sco re.Th Ini the games played on Boyd Knox, whilc Max John-Dvtalweeedb Lry Baccohwih n rc sore ce vtt w ol n Glen Prout with a big 741. MUIh l0th whicy th hwre p on a BrueaOrch pckdassists; Grove Bennett two 1i v. KiBrcegiler ameupwh Giaft Si froeanu tearons heub ac sisyac.goals, and Harvey WilliamsB a nDE s B e a G e o g e toB6ruYeadIJ W IIcae . we à Gl nt d f atd he B ro s yBantam Hockey n. Assists w nt to Brian S wit.Ia 6 1 1 d Ev Knf l 3te 0 cotoet. The Giants' In the first game the Huskies Evans with two, Rick Woolner oa ît 68 go"i were sSred by Dennis scored with only anc second anc and Tom Puk, who was 1 V 1 m Fln arI Ladies' High Triple wcnt ta ]Bamoc)r with two and Brian remaining in the game ta edge also credited with the shutout.I i R E NE Marie Sedmnan with 568.Lois Pascoc one, whIlc Randy Wilk- the Pce Wee Ail Stars 2 ta 1. In the second gae th Ba -. iW E e W E E EDm i odokfolwdwt Ina and Andy Vangrootle pick- The Huskies' goals wcre scor- tamn AU Stars defeated the close 567 and Betty Westlake ed up anc assist cach. cd by Bill Ewwcs with bath, B.T.S. by a 7 te 1 score. The Bowmanville movcd out i ners a 2-0 bulge and Bawman- Cawker. Doug Parker colîect- came up with a 547. In the second game the while Ken Rowe picked up an Stars wcre led by Doug Park- front in the beat ai five on- ville went on ta run thc mar- cd thrcc assiats, with Doug Mcn's Hlgh Single went ta ]Bisons dcfcatcd the Rama by assist on the winner. The er with four whiIe singles tarie Bantam semi-finalsto ta 1 margin. The Bisons' Stars' goal was scorcd by Mike wcnt ta Dan Cawlc, Mike games ta one, by defcatwong t M nth hr.Smp ruhcntiu v ing oleda ic 20 arud goals were scored by Robbic O'Brien assisted by R011Y Donoghue and Tom Simpson. Georgtown 5-1, here on Sat- son was ln on aIl five tallies, Jurie Kudrasous spoilcd Bill Allen foilowed with 263. Brough, Brian Ferguson and Simpson. Kcith MoUntjoy pickcd up six urday. scoring t wice more in thego-kpe bctWouh LaisHihinlwnta Stuart Wight while Steven In the second game the Fly- assists and Randy Rogers two. TmySmsnfrdsi-fnlpro o attla ysuou-p et .wih L aeta 'oln ih 223gVeratt Hobbs and John Trimble cach crs dcfcated the Pirates by a The-B.T.S. goal was scorcd by Te oal so n h irthc -filfDur, ad s ftin uaUicotherf min ou and.15 secons Re Kin llowedwith 2a3 close pn'tally was scared by werc scored by David Ormis- and McKay. 22adLi odokrle Sandy Kemp assisted by Rod ton with thrce, whilc singles In the third game the Com- a nice 211. Coombes. went ta James Baker and Bob cts dcfcated the Mt. RayaIs[lp ~ ITa Pce Wee Hockey Harness, anc goal and anc by a 3 ta 2 count. The Cornets* Ii i!Stnng In the first game played on assist. Other assists wcnt ta goals were scored by Brian 'l e Glen Prout -______ 43 Saturday, March llth, the Phiiip Broome and Paul Wat- Blackburn, anc goal and anc S IX1 ddGea. Marshall -____ 41 Bears dcfcatcd the Rangers by son. The Pirates' goals wcrc assist, Greg Corden anc goalM. i Jack Bond -_____ 40 a 4 ta 1 score.- The Bears wcre scorcd by Lance Livingstone and Ronald Siblock anc goalE Betty Westlake _____40 led by Ken King with three with bath goals and Murray while Gary Baker and Ken~.2E u£ E M ~ Dot Bond -_____ 38 çasand anc assist, Martin Ormistone anc assist. Tabb each had anc assist. The ri M io-H ok e D Jack Macnab _____ 36 g d onc goal and anc assist, In the third gamne the Braves Mt. RayaIs' goals were scoredyRa etk 3 whilc Nick Wind pickcd up dcfeatcd the Panthers by a 5 bY John Goyne and Rick Van- Saturday was Minor Hockey Turney cach fired a pair in ta wallop the Maroons*11-6 for Jim MeKnight 29 two assists. The Rangers' ta 2 score. The Braves' goals tone, while David Lee and Day in Bowmanvillc, the cul- the losîng cause. . Ron__________26 oas was scored by Tcrry wcrc scorcd by Stephen Park- Dan Forsey pickcd up anc minatian ai a big recreation the Midget-Juvenilc champion- Harry Snowdcn _____21 lae.BANTAM ship. Grave Bennett had a hat- with two, Bill Mils one, assist. decp a r t mcnt season, when In another ciosely contestcdI In the second game the AIl- Garry Murphy anc goal and In the final game ai the championships wcrc dccidcd in battlc, Lions edgcd Flycra 5-4 rick ta lcad the Generals, Stars defeatcd the Wings by anc assist, David Johnson anc day the Orphans upset the six serica.' on third period tallies by Murray O'Brien scoring twiccj an 8 ta 4 score. The Stars' goal and anc assist, whlle Maroons by a 5 ta 3 count. TYKE David Passant, his second ai bath i the big third period goals werc scrcd by Don Dean Knox and Dary Sum- The Orphans' goals wcrc scor. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ - d by John Hamilton three, Backed uii by Tim Van the game and Steve Reynolds. uprising. Singles went ta Ken Warren Alder anc and one~ stonc's shutaut goal-tcnclîng, Rick Shackleton and Allen Rice, Dave Calwell, Larry assist, John Krampan ad Amerîcans dawned the Bomb- Mycrs addcd the other Lions' Devitt, Rlcky Woolner, Harvey FORSAF . DEEND BLEancassst.Dav Pne andcr4-ta intett.Rlh goals, whilc PhiipBam Wiliams and- Don Hutton. FO AF EPNJBEon sVt anlonde n had andssstCryderman led thc way with JmsBk r lry Trimbfe Devitt and Hutton asslstcd on each. The Maroons' goals two goals, singles going ta Ian and Bob Harness shared the four athers, wlth O'Brien set- 24 QH UR SYIC trn ored by Charlie Ca- W#- cex~, aogwt .~s ctn tn ' ~ -tgu he trwith twa and Harold and Richapriad another a MiDGE ýTff .UVNlm Sandy Brown was the day'sN1 Leachi one, whill Sandy Brown ATON Generals exploded for six top scorer, rapping in four collccted two assista. A, goal by Daug Leddy ln thfrd period goals ta break up1 goals, with Gary Bail and Tom N CALL 0 te frstperld ad aothr aclose 5-4 game and go on Carter picking up the others. off the stick ai Robbic Brough in, thc second gave Bisons a ta sTi ere O EMPLO LADIES# MAJOR2-O Win. over Giants, withIan msTeS r s Steven Jeffreys carning thc -.BOWLING PEut 2Wut NX- - -On Thurerlnv AI;nhifAGRTCULIC Ron Smith's goal ater 30 seconds ai overtime gave Rangera a 4-3 win over Uic Bears and the. Pcc Wcc Minor crown. Captain Terry Baker was the winncrs' big gun, clicking for a hat trick. Martin Wind, Grant Snowden, also an assist: and Ray Verburgh ac- countcd for the Bears' scarig ail ithc middle session. PEE WEE "A" There wasn't much ta choose betwcen the two Pee Wee "A" finallats before Bob Lux- ton's sccond goal ai the game, 29 seconds from the end ai regulatian time won it 5-4 for the Aces over Uic Bruina. The lasers traihing 4-3 ater two periods had ticd it up at the 17:10 mark and it lboa die overtime bcfore Luxton's latei goal. Butch Stephen also notchcd a pair for the wininers, who scorcd thrcc times in two and a half minutes at the start ai thc second period. Paul MartinIt added the other Aces' tally. Max Johnson and RQbrt (DUWlfflNIVIILLE 623m3.443 JUST ASK FOR ROY MACKII or DAVE WOOLNER COTrkoleab r/ SEE BEN DICKINSON s Sj~ e. CANADIAN TIRE 10 WMAN VILLE 623-7111 623-2471 r Etcher cefeated Buttonshaw 2-1 last Monday night at Lib. erty Èowl ta, take over the Ladies' Major League lcad. In a stunning upset Joli faund themacives knocked out ai a tic for the lcad, whcn thcy absorbed a 3-0 pasting at Uic hands ai Preston. Third place Patiield also bat bowlng ta Bickell 2-1, ta fai tbre Pointa off the Pace. A 2-1 decision aver Hazelden enabled Brooks ta miaintain Uieir grasp on fourth whilc taiî-end Tennant loat ta, Mar- tyn 2-1, and lni the other shut- out Bowers bianked Baker 3-0. Joyce Tennant led Uic bawl- crs with a total ai 659, fol- Iowcd by Jean Sellers 656, Ollie Patfield 642, Cecile Bowcrs 639, Dot Brooks 635 and H. Rcynolds 619. . lcRynolds took *high sin- gle honours, rollin.g a 279 game, other big scores going ta Cecile Bowers 277, Jean1 Sellers 2118, Barb Buttonshaw1 267, Carrall Ormne and Doris Joli bath with 264. Team Standings E t c h e r _ _ _ _ _ _ P 1 a u ~ ~ v u u 2ol1 March 13 '67 Brooks - 18 Frank Hill was the top Brooks17 bowler ai the night with an Bikell________ 16I/% 833 triple (294-214-325), fol- Bowera _________îs4 lowcd by Ross Wright 799 Prston 15 (272-236-291), Jean Holroyd Paedon1 731 (227-293-211), Jini Murphy Buaz shaen 13 707 (268-240-199), Fred Thom.- Baker __a 12 son 705 (201-244-260), Linda Baker i Crossey 703 (188-233-282), Tennant 7 Dave Reynolds took the high 220 GAME5 AND OVER single honora with 326, Frank Hill 325 and Albert Saman B. Buttonshaw ___ 267315. 0. Adans 25 Over 200 Average& L. Cdrsc _____ 240 B. Buday 243 L.__________ 230 D. Reynolds _______240 S. Blckell______ 220 E. Perfect______ 1,C.. Orme _264F__Hil264238 O. Patfleld ' 233.228 . lanie228 J.. Baker _______228 . Maeraso 251 D. Joli ________224 C. Benows-_____236hA.Saman _____220 C.________ 277 P. Dobbins _______217 H. Reynolds ______ 279 M. Annaert ______ 217 M. A.Rihads 235-264 S. Bickcll 214_____ Ji . S cr _____268R Wright 214 J. Mallryn258 j.*Cartlfer _______213 T J. Tennant 27-252 j Murphy ~20 h L. Hazld enn 237 F.Tosn207cc D. Brooks ' 236 F. Tonso _______207 S. Poirier - 258 D. Wright 205 el S. Brown 220 R. Maynard 204 G S. Davis -____231 ,ouk_______20 TP12 AVERAGES Te.m Standi 00 D. JoIl 234Buday -________23 S. Blckcll_______ 211 Buttonshaw ______ 20 O. Patfield -_____ 205 JoIli ____-___ 19 J. Daver 201 Annaert _______18 in J.__Baker___198JWright le M. Kig 1971COlwel 16 P. O. Etcher 197, Patiield____le___ Ag B. Buttonshaw 196 Bickell ______ _18 CI J. 1enn 94 Haynes _______12 b. Bond 193, Coole il D. Brooks______ 1911 Suteliffe _______9 lo a a a -a auf 04 4r l FY E Bawmanville r e b o u n dce d1 Single; went ta Paul Slemon, from anc af Uieir poorcat cf- Du qPakr and Larry Allen. forts on Tucsday whcn they Jurrit Rudrasors was the loat 6-2, ta wallop George- visitors' beat with two goals, town 10-4, at the Memariaa "Bunny" Hepps and Paul Arena, here Thursday night. Fcndley bagging the athers. The victory deadîocks the Third game in the acries was best-of-live Ontario Bantam played here Saturday night, "A" Minor semi-final senes with the fourth back in at anc game apiece. Georgetown at eight o'cîock Tommy Simpson fircd three Tuesday night. Should a fifth goals for the winncrs, with game be needed it wiil be Mike Donaghuc and Steve played in Bowmanvillc, 5:30 Forsey each ntching a pair. p.m., Saturday. Rural Bowling League Mardi 14, Maple Grave- Enniskillen Srs. S o l i n a _ _ _ _ _ Hi C'a __ __ Tyrone Hanmpton Salem ______ U..u.da 'qed '67 Pts. 28 19 19 18 15 12 1/ il Pins 3653S 33601 31896 34523 32068 32874 31424 1 Rlgh single 1J. Mosher 325 )l Hlgh Triple 6f Dave Reynolds --- - 794 3 Low Single B8 A. Sharp 85 '4 Low Triple 4 .Sharp 282 Averages Over 180 Dave Reynolds - 33 240 H. McLaughîin 30 227 H. Michelson 33 226 Ccc Milîs - 33 219 B. Bothwell 30 209 T. Pleasane 30 207 R. Laird 33 205 B. McDonald 27 205 D. Taylor 31 204 K. McGil- 30 204 D. Crydermau .24 203 E. Dickcy . 30 .20 L. Wearn 33 199 D. Woods ... 33 197 Jim Cme 33 197 C. Carswell 30 197 J. Siemon 33 196 Bruce Combes- 33 195 Doug Reynolds 33 193 D. Tennant 33 191 Ray Davey ~3?, 190 L. Combes 33 189 John Coombes 30 189 JC. Russelli - 30 189 THE GREATEST P. ecke33 â îâ L. enn 23 186 SIPECTACULAR R. Coonibes 33a 185, EVER SEEN IN CANADAI J. Mosher 33 185 A. Wilson - 33 185 TATTO - 67 stars hundroda of B. Milla * 33 , 183 Armed Forces personnel ln a two- A. Martin - 33 183 bour pageant of Canadien Mtiitary A Westlake 33 183 histoty. Packod wlth action, music, B.Taylor - 33 182 colonr thrlisand laughtonl Superb Chester Milis 33 182 entertalnment for the whoie family. P. Wcstlakc 33 181 Got your tickets nowl Oshawa Chie Auditorium KU»A. A m (0FO Bowling MONDAy, APDIL rd March 17, '67 8 pm.This wcek Betty Westlake lokets availale at: downed Jack Bond 5-2, Ray Oshawa Clylo Auitorium, Westiake edgcd by Gea. Mar- P.O. 3« 3«, Oshmawa, OBial shall with a close 4-3 and Dot Oduji.: 8S. 8p.06, î Bond clobbered ,Jack Macnab hllireu si£@ 12Sui -WOO7.0, Gien Prout -miade a cdean Wln ordera muti incUd e off.sweep ai 7-0 over J3h Me- sadreàsed rftura evip Knlght; and Ron Brock down- w#h tB aswyeri . ed I*arry Snowden 5-2. xéKu1' M»gb TripbewSgt.1t cr 4h Batumn omvfhmaxu . 3% î. Jr. Mens League Kens Men RuIIy t h Over Nchols 2 t. o by, John Omboram__ Alter thethfdgameof theSh' finals~ onSSa,~t. Joseph'$Mix.<i bklncontention alter los- Bo lig Ing the first two to Nichas IWing LeaiI Motors. They beat Nichais Motors 2 to 1. 9unday, Mareh lth. 1*0 Ken's scorera were Brian Strikers defeated nu*%4pm Collins and B. Whiteman, wlth Imps beat PLIsfits, n O ,sitagine, to, Gene Balson Getters won ovzer UndoedoMà alins. pit Nichais Motors' niarker byPit John Adamis assisted by John Strikers, No. 5- Mathers completed the scor- IHeadpins, No. 2 -4 lng. Imps, No. 1i In the penalty department Mifta, NO- 3 30 Nichais had five minora while Go-Getters, No. 4- Ken's had three. Underdogs, Na. 61- The canteat was very fast Ladies' High Single, and dlean but Ken's seemed ta Saman (256); Ladies" I be in the perfect spot at the Triple, Angela Saman <BS» hIit. Men's High Single, JIm FI hi Sunday the fourth game (299); Men's IHlgh Triple, l. getaunderwayat_7:30. Pair(714)11 _______ CANADA"s BEAT SEC ASE of STARS BANDS Oshawa's Largest Dance SAT., MARCK 25th 8 " *SUSAN TAYLOR "Don't Make Promises'l SEEL* R. K. end THE ASSOCIÂTES New Record Not Releosed 110811Y KRIS end IMPERIALS Heor Their New Smash Hit *THE TRIPP liiiStraight From The Village HURS* TEMIDKMIGHTSngt The Mid Knights ADVANCE $2.00 DOOR $2.50 FIE Bus Service from Marty'$ Record Centr. et Simco. end Bond ct 7:30 - 8:00D - 8:30 . 9:00 end after donc. TICKETS. AT: AUDITORIU BOX OFFICE; DO WMAN VILLE: JURY AND LOVELL TRAVEL; and ALL BIG BEAT SCHOOL MEPRESENTATIVES. )TrICE. ËERSAND ENMfY]EES IN JRE AND HOIRTICULTURE UNEMPoY1ETINSURACE WILL,AS OFAPRLs4967COVn EMPLOYEES 0P FAMRMS tR AN CIHE S N UR SEJRS GREENIOISSLFUTVGTBZ FLOWER GIROWERS. EMMLYEES I'IND Otrr 17 YOU AREbU M AMu Consuit jeuxnearMt tnempioymnu Insurance Commnission office to fad OU if jo, ame imeable.t nder thu prom ammn., mmeeilyc r o insuabje. insurable emplcyce must havm ù Applicaio forma can le obtaned çt. UàhmplcyrmeutInmrncoCommWoà on= "s d~most post Of51=. Comple. unform Mmni fI tum Unhmpoyment kg==rac Cmmlul ofice. Them OW asi c arge or M You uiPly have to give yourlm Marnedate of bh and SScima«. UNEPONT UN *GOVERNMMEFNTAND 4 e e i A 4 A i A e x wlth CANADIAN TIRE Balanced Wheels Now is the trne to get ready for spring and summer driving. At C.T.C. we balance wheels and we're fnlly qualified in aligurnent work. 1 -.114 f«r a PRIN WHEEL BALANCE CHECK! EMIPLOYERI ASKPalTSIAIoBI.x..fynhave flot already rccived a pamphfle describing your obligtions as au employer under tlis new programme, chiala meslme' mndaeyfrorn the ummpoymmn Insuranco CommissoM IEGIIERAs AN sNm D~- As 1mm1 as Possible you ahould 'ritr at the nearest office of the Unomploymeut InsuranSc ommissoM M&ni là]»i partant because »-. ioym n- u msurn i. compulsory if 7mu lit. workcrs LICENCE 2O PtTRCASE WAM - Alle registration, if you have insurable em- ployeu the cCommis"ion lagnd you a licence to purchoufopoma inmurance stmmps and addhlioÎnl use.. sary information as to thle rualk of your cmployeeg, contrbatio.. to bc puid, bow to aftx sbuaij la ymou - plcyes' boocste=&rdS jume keepeN 'I I il -1 1 1 or".,