FMk Méhm623-7231 UtUèttuut.y because» w re ied up playlug badogu- -â fusdPartgdPatlng ln thse Canadien Tire Bonspiel cn Sat- u td is reporter mlssed the elght tbai juvenfle tournament tbe ok place at thse M*tnorlaArena. owever, from fl _1U% rtilbWU a s«uootu affafr, wllh plenty of good hockey Ajax defeted Port Credit 4.1 ln lthe champlonahip ftnal, .Wth Orifla stopplng Markham 4-1 to capture tic consolation , ozs.l Aja MX lad th. mst valuable ployer - Sandy Fergu- son aud top goal-keeper - Mike Laing. Ferguson, Terry lAswlck 01 Port Credit and OrUfla's Brian Fox tied for the ;ponts leadership wlt ixaplece. Trophies were preienled by Howard Corden and Mike Puis w1th Mm. Mary MacGregor and Mn. Jean Devitt award- be Ing creits. ni .- Scores of lhe firit ciglit gaines, ln order, were: t Ï- Ajax 3 - Bowmanvle 2 5 Markham 3 _ Bowmas. 2 gc 2Lindsay 4 - Markiani 1 6 Ajax 3 - Lindsay 1 hi 3 Port Credt 4-. Trenton 17 Orllla2 -Trenton 1 .4 Gal 4 - Orlla 3 8 Port Credit 5- Galt 81 O.MMHA. PLAYOFFPi Tie mldgels are ËMii awaltlng word o! Uic next playoff eha opponent, but th. bantamas sarted tUir next serles Sunday thi ,fulglit lns Trenton on Uic igit foot by walloping Trenton 10-1. 74: Doug Parker, Tom Simpson, Mise Donaghue and Keith Ru Mou=tjoy ecdi cored twlce, singles golng bo Randy Rogersso "*ad Doug Crougi, as Bowmanville came up wlth a tremendous ( Second gaine ln lthe best of tiree serles was played here Jac YÜ'Zesday nigil. A report appears elsewhere lns Uic Stahesman. 284 t t t t tOr S CMECIAL, JE aud TOWN LEAGUES 261 - Victorici by Crystal Dairy and Olympia Restaurant lied tihe best o! Ibre. Town Hockey League nemi-finals at one wo ing *gaine aplece, lait week. Crystal, tail-enders is Uic regular tr.i ocliedule upset Robson Molors 6-4, wlth Olympia Restaurant1 :edging pennant-wlnnlng (con hockey tearns win pennants hic or Io liat lust for basebafl?) MéNulty'i Sports 2-1. K&i - Thtis Thursday night MéNully's mecl Olympia lis the la' *«paner, while Robson's langle wlth Crystal lis the nlghtcap. l&w îý.1 Mutton & Gould Sheil doubled lhe score on Bryson's er Aimoke Sholp 8-4, ater the teams had lied lhe first two gaines17 ',omd Walter Franks Real Estate defeated Brooks' Supertest 5.2 rea. owrap up thse best of three semi-fisal serles lis lie Coin- Ost Sirilloop. Wo&dL Mutton & GudwMf now mccl Franks Real Eshate for thir 'ie league champlonshlp, ail gaines being played on Sunday Il ý.iornings, startlng at ten o'clock. tai The Junior Town League finals got underway SundayT 310t, wMl regulars cledule leaders, Ken'& Men's Wear golng be ,d«M n an upset 2-1 delcat at lie hands o! Nichols' Motors. leai ',was a liard touglit gaine wi Ken'a laklng lhe lcad carly Ove ta the second. Nichois bled l before Uic periad ended and pi ,Xeted lie wlnner wlithleus lion four minutes remalning ln «the game. The but o!f ive series continues on Sunday night, u$tttig at seven o'clock. t t t t t BIG ONE AT MOSPORT BMsôt will again b. onc ai thc tracks, where a Cana- ,4a1M-Amreian Challenge Cup race wili be held this year. ?Ihe riai six race sertes gels underway on September 3rd, -,"nd wlnds Up November 121h ln Las Vegas. Tic race ai 'Mosport Is slaled for Seplember 23rd. ~~~Tota1prlzemossy for Uic sertes will be close bo half a Uisflon bucks, enougli to brlng back once again, Uic big RaMes I car racing. Thse Mosport Canadion-Amnerlcan race WIHf offer *35,000 la prises, and lie date - Seplember 3rd Wl]! udoubledly draw linge crowdi fof raclng enthuslasts 7boithiis arts. t t t t t AMERICAN PLAYES TAKING OVER N.H.L.? *t may never iapj>en, end even ifftIldoei It won't b. for man yers o cme bu doyouthik tatAmerica- - ..bor players will ever tak. aver ln the National Hockey R4iduous you gay? Could be but we tallced bo Wren *.]Blair reccntly at lie Gardens, and i.bld us liaI liere are .more reglslered amateur playeri ln Minnesota lion ln any Canadlan province except Ontario and Quebec. Blair wenh .en to say liaI hé feels some o! lie young U.S. prospects he "baas watched, wl] make lhe N.H.L. wlhhin the next flve or r years. You Sea bel Uiey'll b. wllh Wren's Minnseapolis Worth Stars toc. S Incldentally, lieme are more professlonal leains and .*Ieagucs active ln the Unitbed Statestlio n laony cther country. rAt least lial's what liey tel us, but we can'l ielp wondering L If Russia wouldn'l have lie edge when Il cornes to «amateur" -Àh*,ockey. t t t. t t :DOING WEIL On Frlday, the Oshawa Cruthimen opened licir playoff s =fa Kingston, wlnning 7-6, as Bownsanvllle'g Ronnie Webb s cored tire. goals Includlng lie winner la .sudden-dealh over- -,tlme. Sahurday, in Oshawa, il was Kingshan's hum ta wln Zi-7 in sudden-deah overtinse !ollowing a regular 10-minute . overtime perlod. Roi sncored another goal during tli gaine, givlng bin four lor lie weekend. Reie s a graduate o! lhe lo.1cal miner hockey organîzation. i. t t t t SCANADLAN TIRE BONSPIEL ~ Is lie Canadian Tire Mlxed Open Bonspiel, Salurday, I %.aitlie Bowmanville Golf and Curling Club, 16 teams saw~ action, wih Paul Kowal and AI Rundle sklpping their rinks J vlcbmry.c *4 Kowal'a foursorne, compnlsed o! Shirley Robson, vice; E =Uob Froster, 2nd; and Audrey Cuismins, lead, won lh i 8aI *draw. Olier Memberi of! Rundle's second draw wlnners were :,Ma Goddard, vice; Ken Rund., secod; and Irene Rundle, MEMORIAL, ARENA BO WMA>ZMVIL TOIsphon. 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING IFRIDAY, MMRH Io* 8 te lePxI à te 4. SMen ys Major Lg Bowling News Rusa Hately, one of bearded boys, had a te: aight at the alcys. Hatel te high triple for the se îhedule with 870. Rusa mmes of 270-275-3235 10 is big total. Clarence Oke crashed W0 barrier with garnes of 110-320 for 804. Brian Ma id 782 (276-306). Ge ,ier,,comlng out of his si sd79 (303), Howard Bi 1 751 and the hlgh sing] ie night 334, Murray '1 Il1 (265-305), Dr. Ho' lundie 731 (303), Matt H on 728 (294), Si Trewln Don Oke had a big 312 ingle gaine. Bob Lawlon 301, ick Parker 286, AI Osborne 84, Hap Palmer 266, Bill )me 265, Blon Brock 264, )on Bageehi 263, Art Rowe 61, Bd Leslie 260. Thc JurY & Loveil leam ion al lte heamn honora, hav- -g high single 1309 and higi ripie 3631. Ail the records were not roken by lie top bowlers. >rl Bickell had the season's )w single and low triple. iri bowled 81-132-138 for a )w total ai 351. Jack Land- i ad 111 for one gaine. Tie race for top average Is sIY tighh Ihis week wilh AI sborne first, bhtting 245 Bob awtan 244' and tic ýouth rd kid Howard Bromeli in ird place ah 243. In a stahement to the press romeli predicted he would ,e over the lead next week. T.he Pepsi Cola klds secin ho , n trouble as their 4-point~ ad le now down to lwo points rr Ken's Men's Wear. The bang at heart boys have 18 Lnts and Ken's 1e. Standing Ninth Week Second Sobedule Win Provincial Championship the rlfic [y set econd shad rnake the É274. artyn eorge lump, Irom- ,le of righe ,ward arri- 1720 Averages Name Gane AI Osborne 27 *Bob Lawton 27 Howar Brome .27 Dr. H B. Rndle 27 Emnie Perfect 27 t Bd Leslie - 27 Mury Tighe 27 1LarryPiper .27 !arce Annaert 27 Don Oke - - 27 Ted Bagneli 27 1Si Trewin - 27 3Bill Westlake - 17 Malt Harrison 27 Russ Hately -21 Ab Saman - 27 Brian Martyn 27 .Jack Parker 27 George Glanville- 27 Normn Henning 27 George Bebee- 27 Don Bagneli 27 Maurice Richards- 27 Russ Oke -____27 Russ Halîman 27 Clarence Oke 27 Elton Broclc -27 Kari Piper 27 Bob Kent- 18 Bud Barter 27 Bruce Milne 27 John Carter 24 Steven Oke 9 Dave McKnight 27 Bud Henning- 27 Fred Thomson 27 Bob Williams- 27 Harry Akey 27 Bill Orme _-___27 'George Stephen- 27 Harold Michelson -27 Morley Thompson 27 Team Standing Teamt W L Men's Weair le1 il 16 Beaver Lumber - 15 12 15 Whyle Bras.- 14 13 14 Lander Hardware - 14 13 14 Nelcs Osborne Insurance 13~ 14% 13%, Dykslma's - 13 14 13 I. G. A. - 3 14 13 Jury & Loveil 13 14 13 Miutton & Gould -- 12 15 12 Selby Grant Reatlng - 12 15 12 !rank's Variety - 8% la % 88! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 .2 21 Z 21 21 V Ive 24,9 244 24â 235 233 23C 22fl 228 227 227 223 22 222 216 216 215 214 214 214 213 213 213 212 212 212 210 09 209 208 08 07 206 05 W04 03 02 102 101 100 !00 100 DO Pts. Ladies Major Bowling ý5 Sharlene Cain, left, and Connie Bradley put on a trernendous show at Plan- tation Bowl over the weekend to win the Ontario Senior Girls Doubles. They averaged 210 per gaine, and are shown here with the beautiful trophies they won. Laler this monhh, they will rail off for the Canadian tille. Crystal Upsets Robson's Olmpia Stops McNulty's Thc hables weme reversed ini 3 Town League playoff action, Thursday nigit, as regular Ssciedule lail-enders Crystal SDairy upset Robson Motars 76-4 and runner-up Olympia 7 Restaurant stopped pace-séêt- 3 ing McNulty's Sports 2-1. 2 Tie esuts left both best o! 2lirce semi-finals deadlocked 3at one win apiece. 3 I he apener, Crystal scar- 5 d three unanswered goals is 1the first period, with Robson's 1eomilng back ho shave thie 1margin to 4-3 heading into Shie final 20 minutes. Tie 1Dairyinen tallied again, but Bill Crossey's second marker 1ah 16:59 again closed il to a 1single goal, unlil Raye West put il out of reach with two minutes left: Don Prout fired two goals along with two assists, West and Larmy Permis each scoring once and setting up three oth- ers. "«Bucky" Hughes and Bob Marjerrison bagged the others for Crystal Dairy. Crossey's pair led Robson's, singles going ho Gary McCui- lough and Jim Rickard. The nightcap produced typi- cal playoff action ah its best, with Bob Foster nathing the ganic-winning goal at 12:50 of the third period. Aller a scoreles pening scs s i on, Gene Balson potted the Sports' lone marker early in the second. McNulty's con- Bro 654, Jun 'oks 665, Shirley Bickeli 4Shirley Davis 622 and ne Baker 619. Teins Standings pIs. Etcher _________ 17 Jl .16 Patfield _____- 14 Brooks _______ 14 13ickel -__12%____ Martyn 1 Hazelden -12 Butonshaw il Bowera __1_______ Preston ________ 10 Baker _________ 10 Tennant ______ 5 220 Ganses and Over D. Brooks _______326 H. Reynolds - . 241 L. Hazelden ______266 M. Cole _________ 251 P. Muhbon ________236 ILaut week, three tes were C*. Bowers I ied for the Ladies' MjorMD. B on ______ League Iead, but af or MMhaeo pins had been îcattered Mrt.hJ.aker_______ day nlght, only one was litt J. akenr______ BIcher whlpped Patfield 3-0 M. ichlin - in a battie between two of H. DLnawis the three lnvoIved tb emerge IL Monunîo . alop the. heap. ZOU walloped 0. BIcher_____ the other contender, BrOOk-0 Patfleld ____ lno via the. shutout route, to L.: intoff ____ remain one point off the pace. J. Rarena______ Bickell moved imb fourth S. Bickefl2 spot on lhe strength of a 2-11J) Jol - 238-23î wic over Buttonshaw, coupled S. Davis______ wlth Martyn's 2-i uyset de- H. Piper test at the hm&d o Baker . Mutton _ _ _ Boweri dowued luit plae Tonnant i-o while In the Top 13 Ave«ge final attracion Haielden 20.10 a 2-1 dàçisia. over D. Joli _____ k'OPOS. S. Blekeil______ DotBrosbld the way 0. Patfleld ____ with -a *âà& 8#40%tflowd by M. King W&W4 Davis 972, Doris ZOU o. mecer_____ 30, Lma ra u H axe2en 68. J. Baker_______ Muiel Molak"=ei261,ud Ha- s. Davis ______ DerI èll'34itow w as D od_____ la tw trie ivwson, IL ou *22.1 227 261 230 254 -223 .231 .259 .241 .226 .228 .226 .231 57-2441 W-270 272 236 236 the score-sheel until he:321Fairey sunk the equalizer. 1 CAREFREE DAYS FOR TWO IN FABULOUS. EXCITING SEE . EXPO '67, CANADIAN RAILWAY MUSEUM, MOUNT ROYAL PARK ALL THIS FREE FRIE FREE FREE Double Gue&t Room Breakfast for Two Theatre Tickets to The Palace Des -OR- FREE Cocktails and Floor Show at The Follies Royal or Casa Loma Nlght Clubs. Exciting Nighî Life, Excellent Shopping, Towcr and Blockhause St. Helen'. Island, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. YQU WILL BE OUR GUEST AT THE SHERATON MOUNT ROYAL OR LAURENTIAN OR OTHER HOTELS AND MOTOR INNS AROUND THE MONTREAL AREA With the Purchase of a NEW OR USED CAR PONTIAC - BUICK -VAUXHALL VALUE $1,OOO.OO0 OR MORE -MORE THAN 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM- GORD Bale«~i~ m STEW mm Er WYNN PRESTON LTD.ILLCOCIK 166 King St .Llins623w33%6 Bouwmeester - SU B. Holroyd 184 HuusDouble R. Bouwmeeiter 414 L. BrunI ____320 SENIOIR MM= »LEAGUE Etchez. 5, GoodwIn 2; Col. ville 5, Bradley 2; SHc* 5, Goodwln se___3 Cain 2To3St2dn Selleck32 colville ______ 2 S -Bradley 21 BIcher _________ 18 Bigla magie D. Sellers ______355 J.Tcker _______308I YoutuBo wling P. Sll 220.254 9PBurnsa27 BATMGIRLS J. Bennett 248-207 Bromeil 3, Dadson 2; Bryson R.Beaupre 206 *Mountjoy 0; Tice 3, McMul- S. ian ________206 enl 2. C. Bradley 225 Toiam Standing M. Hately 215 adson ________ 28 B. Colville _____ 234-229 romel ________ 22 W. Lewis_______ 283 lcMullen ___- _____19 R. Bcher -_______209 ice __________ 18 J. Bromell. 246-213-249 [ountjoy 17 B. Weish -______ 208-263 ryson 16 N: Goodwln - 234-216 Higis Sinle R. Leal ________221 Bromell 206-217 K. Cobb ________255 Hrdigs ----- - 145 S.- Martyn 219 HihDouble Hlgh Triple Bromell -- - 423 j. Bromeli________ 708 T. Mo nt-o 250 R. Seileck _______ 667 BANTAM BOYS B. Welsh _____657 Coombes 5, Jackman 0; Van- W. Lewis _______657 riel 3,,Donoghue 2; Shred 5, D. Sellers _______666 nson 0. B. Colville ________ 651 Team Standing K. Cobb -______64 hred -___ ___ _ 29 N. Goodwin______ 622 anDriel - -_____ 26 J. Bennett 616 M Ti Br D. D. D. Dr, Jet Sh: Donoghue ________19 Jackman 15 High s1inge 8 W. Combes 155 W. Holroyd 150 M. Chittick 150 Higis Double W. Holroyd 276 R. Donoghuç 252 JUNIOR GIRLS Macklin 3, Ayre 2; Hennlng 3, McMurter 2; Patfield 5, Pip-I er 0. Team Standing Macklin _________26 Ayre 25 Piper -22 Patfield -- 221 Henning ______15' McMurter --7e Higis Singleic J. Wright 284 IZ F. Herining 239 S. Firth _____-212 C. Ayre---_ _ 206-211 D. Bradley - _ 205 D: King 204 L. Piper ----201 Higis Double C. Ayre - ---.417 F. Henning 393 D. Bradley 368 J. Wright 365 JUNIOR BOYS Ruiler 5, Preston 0; Wilson 5, Holroyd 0; Bouwmeester 5, Preece 0. Teans Standing Bouwmeester ______28 Preston _________27 Wilson __________22 Holroyd 17 Preece 1 Ruiter ___________________ 1~jd- KINSNEN FREE Lunch at Altitude 737 or Otber Fine -OR - Eating Establishments FREE Sight Seeng Müntreal and Yamous " Life Insurance * Incarne Disabllty " Pension Plans " Group Insurance " Business Insurance " Estate Planning Sun Lif, Assurance DRING TElS SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASS For Two to thse FRIDAY, MAR. 10 KINSMEN SUPER CAR m mB 1N GOm- PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,600 IN PRIZES nldg Brand New 1967 AMASSADOR Sedan or $2,000 lu Cash; 01,000 HI-Le Ganse; $1,800 BitgSnowbail (53 nos.); $800.00 Sisali Snowball (51 nos.); $600 regular ganses; $450 speclal ganses. Don't forget te buy thse economy pack for value snd save money. Plus 4 Early Dlir! Gans (Share the Wetlth) Starting at 7:30 p.m. 30 EASTER HAMS AS DOOR PRIZES Offer Good Until March l5th Onlyl 1 .1 1- il at the 1 1 Town League Playoffs 1 TEMY