Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 5

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JThe Orono i Mrs. James E.- Richards, i~REMEMBER TWO NAMES WHEN SICKNESS COMES ... DOCTOR, DRUGGIST W. work band in band with youn doc- tor to get you out of bcd . . . fast! Make us your "fam- ily druggist."1 Phone 623-2546 Open Manch 13 - 18 'tiI 9 p.M. FREDERICK'S S67 RING ST. E. P. C. Tippins, B.Sc.Phm. Ls ph ck ri en . -il -Mr. and lins. Julien E Paepe, Mn. and Mnm.Pai Grôeneveld, Mn. and Mrs. à Annaet, Mr. and Mn.. Albel Saman, Mr. and Mn.. Geo. D Paepe, al ai Orono, Mn. an lirs. Rene Clapdrop ai Bom manville, attended the funeri mass ait Langton, near Smr coe, on Thursday marning le the late lins. Planant Samar Uic former Racheil De Paept sisten af Mn. Julien De Paepf Mn.. John Wannan, who ha been staying with Mrs. Dav Hooper for thc past sevel weeks, is now visiting lie daugliters , Mrs. Deibert Yei ai Oshawa and Mn.. W. A Tomiason, R.R. Orono, be fore returning ta her ow home in Aimonte, near Qi tawa. Mn. Milton J. Tamblyn haw retumned home from the Mc. marial Hospital, Bowmanvilie Congratulations ta Mr. anÈ Mrs. Wayne Bowen, the for. mer Miss Martin of R.R. New. castle, on their marniage ai Newcastle United Church ar Saturday, March 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Coop- er are spending two weeks' winter holiday i Tampa, Flonida. They leit by Jet carly on Thunsday tram the International Airport, Toronto. Mn.. Dave Hoopen is stay- ing with Mn. and Mrs. Victor Robinson, Somenville Drive. Mns. John Lavcny, Louise and Robent ai Montreal have neturned home aiten spending a week with hier parents, Mn, and Mns. Robt. Glanville, and othen relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Morton and daughter Marilyn of Sixth Une wene Sunday dia- nen guests ai Mrs. Morton'. mother, Mns. John Turner, Wellington Street, Bowman- ville. Congratulations to Mn. and Mns. Wayne Loweny, the for- mer Brenda Dninkie ai Bow- manville, on their marniage ait Kirby United Church on Satundav. Rev. Pasil LTnc anc the Bowmanvi*lle and Distrit (anadiain Red Cross:' Presents this open letton ta, ail good peu MARCH IS RED CROSSi OUR OBJECTIVE US $: WiIl jou help? Will you assist that we mny neact OU.R.WORK We have EIGHT specific Services for your conq BLOOD. DONOR SERVICE LOAN CUPBOARD SERVICE WATER SAFETY D)ISASTER RELIEF INDMVDUAL El FIRST AID HOME NURSINI WOMEN'S WOI We need your help to continue to assist oi neighbors. Ini Bowmanville wiII you welcome our canvý call Monday, March l3th? Please have your donation rei throughout the month. Officiai receipts will be mailedt Respectfully submil T. R. Wideman for The Campaign Con ouw -Iup onua ANaturai Gas ÇonvOrsIC ~ch fast IOW CO tomnodernize an outdatel furnace. Because: 0 Just $1.95 a month puts a Naturel Go$ conversion bumner in yaur furnac ... gives yau the dlan, quiet, dependable home heating yau get only with Naturel Ges! a There's no nced ta replace your present furnace ... yu lui replace the aid- fashioned fuel you are now using with modem Naturel Gasi *The Natural Gis conv vent is desigried far Ioni operation . .. Comsme and recommendedi e A Natural Gas conven b. instalied in lutta feti via diacomfor ta you an Ren un c efficient, economical Matura Goas Canvursl, lamer for as low es $1.95 à month ~ 1-0 *.. efli 3 CELiA ST., OSSAWAI, ONT. Seo your Hoatlng Contractai', Plumbee, Applince Dealer, or four Natta Federation Wamts Casual Workers Exempt from Penn Pay.ents non at XMaxoe. Mn. and Mmn. Dougla four danghters. Jack has beci convalcscing at his home fol Editor loving surgery in the. Mers anial Hospital, 3owrnanville. De oficiatd. 4;. Evan M. Quantrfli anc ul M. Frnci Hal vlaed M. nCecil Joncs are patient ýuIMr.Frnci Ril isiedMr'in the Memorial Hospital Mi. and Mn.. Wm. Robinson on B3owmanviil. xit Monday. U.CW etnswr e 3e Mr. and Mn.. Jim Johnson, an Tu etig wr hl id neg DebieandDonie oain Tesday, Mardi 7th: Uni r - eg Petc bug isitd Dn. D1 ic h eMain Hall at 8 pn w- etebooug vsitd rs.D.Units 2 and 7, Frinsi ýa N. Myles and Mn. LeRay Rom at 2 pam.; Unit 3, hami n- Myles. aioflins. Wm. Armstrong ai on Mn.. W. A. Gerry has re 2 p.m.; Units 4 and 5, boini n, turned home frai attendrng ai Mns .Gmb,8pm c, thc funeral ai ber brother, Unit s.,G.hm sby s ., l e. the late Mn. Wilbert J. Han- liams at 8 p.m.; and Unit 8, s cock, husband ai Margaret home af Mrs. M. Aimas, Wcd. ce Jainstan, who passcd away at 2 p.mn., at Leskard. !n Feb. 28th aI St. Joseph's Hos- i and lins. Lamne Atkin- r pitl Peterborough. Funeral sofa Whitby, Mn. and Mrs, ?a was on Fniday. Intenment in Ji Johnson and Gneg o: ,. the Little Lake Cemete'y, Peterborough visiled Mn. and ePeterboroughi. Mns. James Johnson, Hill- ,n Mn. and Mrs. Ron Blake ai crest Lane. tValley Fanms, Pickcning, have Mr. and lins. Enni B. Du- purchascd the Vernon fanm vail of Leskard spent Sunday is on eighth lino, Uic former with ber brother, Mn. Wm. -Chanlie Harris fanm. Miller and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. John Wannan, Mn. and Mn.. Wellington Adams' af d lins. Deibert Yea and Lamna Newcastle, Mrs. Keith Waod ofa Oshawa wenc Sunday dmn- of Kendal, with Mr. and Mns. -ner guests ai Mn. and Mn.. Robert Rutherford and son It W. A. Tomlinson, Sixth Line.. Douglas spent Thursday ini i lins. Russell Virtue, Mn. Toronto. and Mrs. Lamne Phare ai Ty- Mn.. Cecil Robinson spent none visited Mn.. D. G. Hoop- several days wiîh Mn. and en on Satunday. Mrs. Francis Hall at Agin- 1, Mn. and Mn.. Ernest Lea- court. ýt men have maved inorn the ________ eeighîh lino and anc now living in the home ai hi. brother, (~TV the late Mr. Wm. Leamen, on L N A L rStation Street, Orono. MrndMsW.Vny Mn..James E. Richards were SandayMns. W. Vaney evisited in Cobourg hast week. ai Mn.SndaysC.eng gests Mn. and Mn.. Robert Glan- M.F.0mt and Mwr. ville, lirs. Hanny Morgan, MnM n. F.et O.th S man Mn., aduhtr.Fa, Mn.wiand .wenc Sunday supper guests ai R as. ewisa, Mn. and Mrs. the Smiths. Ross Lewis, MrMn and Mrs r n . r. Gardon Baker, tEmil Schmid wene recent An Rut n amry visited Eguests ai Mn. and Mns..MatI u.tndh . and G aer Mnris.BoMahallCtertonOshawa, Sunday aitennoon. Mrs.Marhal Chtteton Mn. and lirs. Berry Baker plans ta return ta hiem home, and Danny, Burlington, Mn. Centre Street, soon ater con- and Mn.. John Baker and valescing at the home af Dr.Rky rolnadM.ad 1and Mrs. Keith Taylor, Ban- Mns. K0ihGbewr us la kita kit I.; ilp le at le ri t; CENTENNIAL GAME LAST WEEK'S WINNERz MRS. D. HARMER Box 62 Newcastle WILL RECEIVE A $10-00 GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM DARLI NGTQN UPHQLSTERING 102 King St. W. Bowmanvill. PRIME, MINISTER: JOHN DIEFENBAKER NADA'S PRIME MINISTERS ? Gamel'-You Could Win H, bi G, QThe March meeting ai Uic Uic farmlng ommunity w ouîd tg DrhamFedenation af Aii- be best represented by anc wýcluevas held in the'Board strang organization adequately Id oma 14 Frank St. in Bow;- flanced by is members ac- ManVifle on Manch 2nd with conding ta their ability ta pay, IPres. Dalton Donrell chairing c.g.: n check-off on fanma salcs. ' the meeting. The minutes ai An intcnesting paint was I he previaus meeting wene broughî ouI that Canadian: t adapted on motio a pinted fanmer. are Uic Iowest subsi-i sud mailed ta ecl=n- wi dized la the civilizcd wonld,1 Snoie ai meeting. Mn. Douglas 2 % as compancd with 8% in, Kemp provided a comprehen- the U.S.A. 7sive report on the assessmenî, etaxation, and land use confer- once sponsored by C.F.A. B wbicb he altndcd as anc of B wmanville '-Durhami Caunly delegales. Mn. Genald Day ai Peterboroughi The Bowmanville Wamen's SC.I.A. office was present at the Institute negulan manthly J meeting ta commenit on tic meeting was held an Thuns-j .pragresa aif C.I.A. and ta pre- day, Manch 2nd in tic Young1 sent certificates ta the nine People's Salvation Arîy Hall - dinedtors who atîended a senies with a very large allendance.1 aio information meetings held The President Mn,. D. Park t recentiy. welcomed the ladies and thec A -nesolution prcsented by meeting was apencd wilh O 9 lite Fruit and Vegelable Gnow- Canada, the Institute Ode and ors asking liaI cçasual' labon the Lard'. Prayer. Mn.. I. necciving les. Ihan $600 or Munday, secntany-tncasurer,e *wonking for les. than 40 day. nead the minutes ai lie lasI be exempîed irai compulsory meeting, gave the Ireasune'. Unemphaymcnt Insurance and report, and rend the con- ti Canada Pension Plan deduc-1nespondence.a lions was endorsed ta be sent A letter was neceived frmi on ta O.F.A. Unden present tic Harold King Rani teiling le legisîntion it was fl, that it ai a 'Fun-O-Rama" ta be hcld d would be impossible ta attract at yorkdale Plaza an May 14.d lie necessary help ta harvest A donation af $25 is ta be b certain seasonal draps: apples, given ta tic Crippled Child- tobacco, etc. nen's Schaah at Oshawa. Entry Mn. Russel Kennedy repart- fees for lie Officers' Confer- cd an the O.F.A. Winter Con- ence at Guelph are ta be sentc ference tiat he allended as in. anc ai aeur delegates. Conclu- The Short Course an "Cap- sions ai Uic meeting werc that pen Tooling" will be n Mardi F p Barbershoppers Give c ai Interesting Program ah Kinsmen Ladies Night me WHYTE BROS. UPHOLSTERY 55 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-5252 Attention Subscribers: *BLUE CROSS *GREEN SHIELD ÉSI DRUGS JURY&LOVELL accept daims for roiir drug plans. 623-3361 >m1 Phone or see us about ucttlnt Up your file NOW. When you Iist witFi us ... Be ready to move.H DeWITH Realtor nida any IRrrnn ith Gble en e T-gu-es-- h omnil ise eto h omnil i andMr. Ml artigthe Baker faily. Club's Ladies' Night Dinner wanis Club, Mrs. Carruthers, ewedaug hler Mic helespn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mur- and Dance held at the Lions George White, President of rs eeen i t hu er at hl phy and boys were Sunday Community Centre recently the Bowmanville Lions Club, s Fex Hdde andchi~- upnr guests af Mr. and Mrs. was greatly enjoyed. Pei r.Wie arc owy H\urphy. dent Ralph Whyte welcomed President of Branch 178 af the Mr. and Mrs. Ceci Langley the members and their guests. Royal Canadian Legion, and and girls, Bowmnvilie, were Large letters suspended fram Mrs. Canway. ft*Sunday afternoon visitars ai the archway in the entrance The Toast ta the Queen was tur cn the 3Xovacs'. hall carried the message, Wel- given by PeietWye h Night. Welcame Ladies in tail posed with elaquence and wit So i tyK ND Lgold letter: was an the west by Duncan Ulley. Mrs. ht Society Mrs. Alva Swarbrick Is A beautiful arrangement af half ai the ladies. Sergeant- spending this cold weather in red carnations and white at-Arms Harry Collacutt pre- 4Oshawa with her son and hi. chrysanthemunis centrcd the sented a lovcly bouquet af red opewife, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred head table which was lighted and white carnations ta Mns. Roughley. by tail tapers in crystai candie- Whyte, on behali af the club. __Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Byers sticks. Carnations and chrys- Imniediate Past President Bill -were guests of Mr. and Mrs. anthemunis also farmed the Kilpatrick proposed the Toast M ONTH Hatcher Faster Sunday after- centrepieces af ail the ather, ta the Kinsmen Association. Mrs. Martin Faster is visit- corsage ai carnations. pers presented an excellent 26 0ing lier aunt in St. Cathaines, ,Those at the head table Were program aietrtimnt n 2600Mrs EsherKerlak, an alo PesientandMrs. Ralph they received much applause hrdaughter Marie. Whyte, His Worship, Mayor for their fine singing. ýour quota? Mr. and Mrs. John Sarchuk Ivan Haobbs, Mrs. Habbs, Bob During the balance af the and famuily were down ta Stevens, President af the evening dancing was enjoyed their summer home which Bowmanvilic Rotary Club, Mrs. to the music af the Imprimus was vacated last week by Mr~. Stevens, Bob Carruthers, Presi- Quartet. and Mrs. MeKn lht. MÉ. and MrÉ. Eddie Coûroux and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cou- sicleration: roux were back ta Lake Kus- HOW WUELLDO YOU KNOW CA hog on Sunday ta see haw their cottage was. EMERGENCY AID Keith Swarbrick was home e n a with Mr. and Mrs. Truman Garbutt for the weekcnd. PLAY 'the Centena [G Rass Gays have moved out ai their home on the Sixth MK COMMITTEE Line whîch was the former Sixth Uine school. They had W A TFrteBs made many' improvements on W A TFrteBs 'ur oss ortuate it. They intcnd going into an )u esfruae apartment. Their oldest lad TO BE VOUR Inl Diin'i and vassers when they was in the hospital for awhile. G MAEnetim t Miss Selena Thertell iEG ANEn innmn ady. Rural canvass Suniset Lodge near the United TOOI1 R THER to you. Church in Bowmanville. . Mrs. Irene Mercer was quite FLYING surprised Saturday night when itted, four visitors ail in yellow G i en iR ae D T H A ittdsuits dropped ini ta sec her, DAIRY D T H A nase and eyes were about ail MOTOR HOTEL ninittee that could be seen. They We Guarantee Our AND RESTAURANT were Vance and Jean Allen w.41 2337 and Dean and Anne West who Products For Life Hy.41 6337 had leit their skidaas on a 1_____________ neighbar's lawn. It had taken _____________ them about an hour ta came from Aliens dawn through$1 e0 W N the Ganaraska Forest ta Ken- PR ST NJust read through each ad dal. PAaehîn hi R and put them together to fo. . TheP.T.A are olNiSPORTi Minlater. You could win a $10 first euchre in the school Fni- T A S O T ayoeo h atcpt day night. LTany pstanc o at e r tangS On Sunday, Joe Smith from tLT. he astakdnlan te tan, S Newcastle was in the village AGENT FOR t h aainSaemn «Swith his skidoo and took a ALLIED VAN LI'<ES * SHELF AND number ai folks for a ride. VAN MOVING HEAVY HARDWARE Ross Mercer also taak some AND.STORAGE*ROFN folks in his four wheel con-* OFN Mrs. Vance Allen visited *FORN with her mother, Mrs. W. Ail Loads Fully Insured * POWER TOOLS Mercer, an Thursday evening. s____________ There are reports ai thieves ______________ around aur neighbourhood. With sa much snow some peo- l % 2-ORFRT EBS pie have had ta leave their2-IORFRTEB T car at the road thus making SH11Q TOWING IN UPHOLSTERING It easy for same uncrupulous )npersans ta, heip themaselvcs ta EVC NoEIIHH what they can get off them. SRIE A D RFNSfN I stvv yAt the recent Public Speak- Complete Service andi T Durham caunty, Kendal Sr.an oesD rig n raam took part in the musical Lcesed MelanD rlng d eetosunder tic direction LceedMcai. m u . d~ ~~ Cy aihendeaherMr.MdU cn- Mutton & Gould unuinl gratuiatcd an their fine show- Service Station 12Kn t .6374 ing. Some wcne In four part 172½KicggSt.St. 623-7451 harmony.72 uggS6-45 The U.C.W. met Wednesday __________ afternaan at the home ai Mns. Keith Woods, with the presi- WHITE SLICED N version burnerycu dent Miss C. W. Stewart in BEA es' Gistested name a Canadian M~issionary. 5 for 95c A The missionany toplc was tak- i en by Mrs. Garland Cathcart JUG MILK E stway t. mian humer cari and deait with mca of thceom v short heurs, w t past. She gave a talk on Dr. 2% -- Hm Lanes nd your familyl Smith wha was naised nanth 58C 63c af here. She also told of th UicwyNé two who did so much mission Pus »eposit open w l ng work, Crasslcy and Hunter, vrDa wheson, Crossiey Hunter BRYSO NfEeryDa dlcd a few years ago. Mrs. Exccpt Wednesday Judy Fank sang a pleaslng SMOKE SHOP Enquire6. solo. They decided ta hold 31 King W. 623-5626 lit 723-M5 tic bazaar at a Inter date. A_____________ dedication of memnorials for those who have passed away is ta be held at the church on 4 A fO I May l4th. On May 7th Mr. 728-7363 viis md l'iavlng his Bow- ruanville choir corne and sing ON PLMA OFN EWR 01 ni! ces Company fan us. For ýuncli ail enJoyed Crne in aMd Enqul thc fine bir day cake made bv Mrs- tÇ,Cj a nou-4 PUILIFS 19» PORTABLE TELE VISION *Pro-Set Fine Tunlng *Autoniatlc Circi *Mono-Poie Anten Sugg. List 8199.50 Now OnIy W$8 0 COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 XKing X.. Eewmmmel 1A resolutian requestlng C.!.- A. to provide a fire Insuranoe caverage for fariners was en- dorsed ta be forwarded ta ap- propriate a u t h o r ity. Dalton i orrell and Howard Quantrili were appointed delegates ta attend a C.IL Convention in Ottawa in April. The meeting was adjourned iollowed by a coffee break and lunch. WlI. Report 20 and 21 in the Department of Agriculture Board Room. A.nyone interested contact Mrs. I. Munday. The Roll Cail was "A bad habit 1 have that I would like to avercome". Mrs. M. Flint- off was in charge of the pro- gram on Citizenship. The motto "Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds dis- cuss people" was given by M1rs. A. Wood. She dealt with the three topics individually and asked which we were: The knucklebones w ho kn oc k everything that others try ta do, the jawbones who do the discussing of events or the backbones who get under the load and do the work. She finished with a verse entitled2 "Happiness" by Jon Gilbert.2 Mrs. E. Twist and Mrs. H.2 Cryderman sang two duets1 "Lullaby Tinie" and "Song of E Peace". They were acconi- 2 panied by Mrs. 0. Bragg. 2 Mrs. M. Flintafi read the E 'itizenship Act of Jan. 3, 1947. 3he conducted a question and 2: rswer period on Citizenship 21 td new Canadians receiving Ji ieir citizenship certificates. I [embers participating were G Ers. D. Park, Mrs. J. H. Ab- G Snethy, Mrs. S. Buttery, Mrs. R 1Sumersford, Mrs. R. Rob- Ji [ns, Mrs. H. Corden and Mrs. B ;Richards. D Mrs. Clapp was presented R 4~1 mui unKa. S. liW The Camidian StammnB"o hon 50th Wedding Annlversany. Gifts we rnought in by the. members for th. Ropper Kanval and final Plans made for it. Meeting closed wlth God Save Uic Queen. Lunch wis served by thc gnoup in charge, Mra. G. Richards. (0OF Bowling This wcek Dot Bond dowa- cd Betty Westlake 5-2 and George Marshall downed Jack Bond 5-2 aIsa. Jim McKnight cdged by Harry Snowden with a close 4-3 and Jack Macnab won over Ron Brock with a 5-2. Glen Prout cîob- bercd Ray Wcstlake with a great 7-0. Mca's High Triple - B. Mar- shall 714, G. Prout 713, H. Snowden 658. Ladies' HIgh Triple - D. McReelis 600, D. Bond 595, A. Miller 582. Mon'. High Single - B. Mar- shall 295, R. Brock 267, G. Prout 261. Lies248, gh Single . A. Miler 48,D. McReelis 236, L. Woodcock 226. Games 200 and aven werc railed by: B. Allen 256, B. Miller 233, 238, B. Buna 206, F. Patter 202, D. Bond 215, D. Noan 231, B. McReelis 206, M. Dakin 201, 204, B. Griffin 236, A. Miller 248, 207, J. Bond 216, P. Burna 229, 'Roy Woodward 211, J. McKnlght 212, N. McLcan 224, D. Dennis 248, 201, H. Snowdcn 217, 221, 220: B. Patter 202, E. Ring 211, 201, R. Brock 267, L. Vecsna 202, J. Macnab 201, 234, E. Archer 206, D. McReelis 236, V. Luke 218, G. Prout 261, 249, 203, M. Sedman 209, B. Marshall 218, 295, 201, L. W1oodcock 226, R. Westlake 28, F. Stubbert 248, E. Luke 03. Jack Bond _______36 Jack Macnab ______33 Glon Prout -- 33 George Marshall - 31 Ray Westlake _______3 m McKnight 29 [etty Westlake 28 Dot Bond _______26 Ron Brack --_____ 19 =>1 Md I-c u<M~ '-I LhIZ CLEARANCE 0F WORK SHOES Reg. 1.50 - $9.95 - $10.50 NOW ONLY --______$6.00 JO0E'S SHOE REPAIR AND PET SHOP 80 King St. W. 8 1ER WEEKLY Ivertisement, flnd the letteru orm the name of a Prime Dmerchandise voucher from Smerchants. Entries should unday midnlght and mailed P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviile. S McGREGOR E Hardware E 95 King W. 623-5211 complinients we 11k. .constructive erlIcism b,. . . help un to, continue ipieyen! 0 For Appofntment Phone Now NIKI'S BEAUT SALON 15 King St. E. 623-7541 Christie'. Butter Mate BREAD 18c Loaf PO TATOES 10 Ibs. 39c LLOYD'S General Store Ou@c Mlle ea.t of Oshawa Town Line on Rhghway 2 Open weckdaysP 8 an. - 10 p.m. z' )AY IN )a USE!> CAR si! ÇA m%ý h 0 i I M I I I I I I 14 Frank St. 623-3950 F W

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