Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1967, p. 10

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-*-------~~-~ r Plans for the Centennial Birthday Party to be byZ~ the Women's Hospital exlir t the Lions Centre atrthis month were diacus *M et the meeting of the aux. MMar on Priday in the Board XS eom t Memorial Hospital. The President, Mis. Lloyd Ayre, preuided, and the meet. lng oipened with the Auxiliar-j Prayer mid in unison. The Treamurer, Mrs. R. G. Cowie, presented a satsfactory fin- l~ancial report and moved its adoption. Thik was secanded ~by Mns. Glenhairne Hughes and carried. In the absence oi 3&s. J. J. Cuddahee, the re- cordlng secretary, Mrs. A. L. !Iooey acted as secretary for the afternoon. The Imniediate Past Presi- dent, Mrs. W. M. Rudeli, con- Court Venture, Plans Dinner Court Venture L1892, Can. adian Order of Faresters, helcd Its monthly meeting on Feb- rujary 2Znd, with Presideni Helen Wallis presiding. Pre- aident Una Dart of Court Charlene, Oshawa, and sev- oral niembers of that court were present. Sister Diane McReelis ne- ported an plans for aur an- fluai spring dinner and dance ta be held in May in the Lions Centre. Sister Dorothy Bond thanked the members for their help In providing a layette for the hospital cup- board. Sisters Betty Westlake, ~oreen King and Gwen Den- Iswene chasen as delegates the Eastern Ontario, Pro- flneial Assembly to be held Blarrie in April. ~A successful Penny Sale, 4 a held faflowing the nicet- 85. The monthly draw was !Ln by Sister Dorothy Bond. ~DARL!NGTON UPHOLSTERY Ile. .Bwmauflhm ÏPrEmutes LI venor for the Centennial BirtI e day Teai nnounced that Mnr ,, S. G. McMurter, a past picsi e dent, bas been appointed cc convenar for tbc event. She rcported that Mrs. L.1 SMcLaughlin bas offercd t donate the floral centrepiec Sfor the scrving table. Mri -Rudeil said that Mns. C. C YMorris and Mns. E. E. Patter eson wili be bbc food convenorc Mns..Lawîence C. Mason,i -paît president, wiii be ii àcharge of registrations; Mn: 1Cowie and Mis. Duncan Smitl 3wil look afber neceipts, anc 1 Mis. Hughes tbe publicit, -convenor. Decorablons wIll carry ou rthe Centennial theme, Bfl Mis. Rudel îcminded bbc aux iliary membens that ail presid, i ng aven bbc tea cups, serving and otbeiwise assisting, wil be in costurrie. Mis. Rudeli asked that. letten be sent Hospital Admin. istrabor Bernard Holden, sec. rctaîy of bbc Hospital Board inviting bbc board rnemberç and their wivcs and busbandý ta attend. Also that a sîmîlai letter be sent to Dr. Keiti tSlemon, Chairman of the -Medical Staff, inviting the tdoctons and their wives. . Mis. Rudeil movcd the tadoption of ber report. Thie was seconded by Mis. Mc- Laugblin and cannicd. Mis. J. Nesbitt, bbc cornes- Fponding sccretary, îepoîbed tbat during the last montha leter of thanks was sent bc Mis. Stewart Crago, and one 1bouquet of flowcrs and thiee bud vases were sent. Letters thanking bbc auxiliary were neceived from Mis. Allan B, Sylvester, William Wallis anc P. Dodds. Mns. Rosswell Callan second. cd the adoption of Mis. Ne%- bitt's report. President Ayne urged that wben anyonc bears of a member wbo is in hos- pital or i11 nt home bo be sure ta notify ber or Mis. Nesbitt. As Mrs. Sylvester, tbc lay- ette convenor, was unable to be present, Presiden~t Ayîe read ber report which showed that thene are four layettes on band for girls. Mis. William Wallis bold bbc meeting that Court Venture, The Canadian Order of Foresters, is making an ail wbite layette, and Mis. Rudeil said bbat bbc New- castle United Churcb Women are making thîce layettes. Mis. Wallis, librany cant convenar, reported that in January bbc library cant vol- unteers were Mis. Morris, Mis. Nesbitt, Mis. George Stephen- son, Newcastle, and Mis. Mol- 'loy, and that tbc vobunteera wbo assisted this projecb in Fcbruary werc Mrs. Nesbitt, Mis. R. C. Simipson, New- castle, and Mrs. Stephenson. Books wcre donated by Mis. Pallan, Mys. J. J. -Brown and BROWN'S' CASE SHOW BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL F riday, Mairdi lOth 8:00 P.M. r - EVERYBODY WELCOME- -,ego ljniversity of GuI*h à. The adoption of ber report was s. seconded by Mrs. Morris. - Mrs. Mason moved that thc o- auxiliary donate twa subscrip- ions for bbc TV Guide, anc T. Ifor bbc chronîc floor tele- tovsion, and the other for tbe ,,Elurgcalfloor belevision set. i. This was seconded by Mia. ,Fred Stevens, and cannied. r- President Ayne read a letten .fîom tbc Bowmanville and a District Bîancb of tbc Can- iadian Cancer Society askîng 9. thc auxiliary members ta at- lh tend bbc Cancer Society meet- id ng ta be beld at bbc Lions ýy Comrnunity Centre on Tues- ,day, Marcb 28th at 8 p.m. itwhen bbc Executive Director [d of bbc organization, M. 1- Grimes, wbo was a debegate ta bbc World Congress in Tokyo. 1will show films of Asia. 91 Mis. Rudeli, chairman of volunteers, reportcd that Mis. O. N. Plummer and Miss Janet a Nimigon have volunteeîed ta look after tbc Gift Shop every Satunday for several nionths. She expressed ber a ppnecia- Stion of thein wbrk and of bbc Is work of othens wbo bave ýr voluntcercd ta work In bbc SGift Shop sevenal days eacb e onh h Married 65 Years in August entennial Costumes to 'eature Hospital P art y Neyer was-their Dutch hos-ý I pitality more appreciated as! NESTLETON we clustered around there I isters, sipping bot coffee and - j HE JCKSN FAILYsoaking ini the warmth. But, The Jacksons, another prom- 4 according to the old saw, the d inent Cartwright family, have " "Maie" must go through, soi i~reeive thir Cntenialwe trotted away home to en- 0Plaque. sure that the "home fires" e James Jackson and his wife would be kept burning, and! eJane Richardson came from On Friday, Sunset Lodge Nursing Home on Church St. will hold a birthday left our responsibilitiesîn1 's Cavan County in Irelarid to party for Mr. Manford Howe who wi]1 be celebrating his 89th birthday. He and their hospitable care. It's eCavan Township, Durham Mrs. Howe, 88 in June, will have been married 65 years this comirig August. Until mighty nîce to be blessed with 1. County in 1820., They hadh d seven cbildren, three boys and they came to the Lodge, they were longtime residents of Trenton. They have a Ithese kind of neighbours. four girls who married in to daughter living in Bowmanville, Mrs. Cecil Sarnis, King St. East. On Sunday the Malcolm! - familles by the name of John- -- Clan - the Victor, Ralph andi -son, Job, McAlister, Taylor, and Job. Robert Charles died Harvey Ma]colms, and the F eAmtog alsadM aein1933. F r ed t L a sLloyd Hunters of Port er, sThey and their descendantsj R. Wilford married Graceý converged on the Rae Mal- -moved mbt different parts ofI Gordon in 1927. They had fivefa n r de o n colm's on the occasion nifthe! eOntario. cbildren, four boys and one! ~h Mater's birthday and to ex-, Robert Jackson, son of James girl. The second son, Harley,1 ~ A tend our best wishes mn ad-! 3 moved into Cartwright Town- farm. Wilford dled in 1963. JiIUw Sharp I crease anni v er s a r y (their "'50")[ > ship and boughb Lot 16, Con- Names added to this fourthý which thcy will be observingý cession 8 in 1853 (114 years generation are, Sheffield, Mof- . somewhere in the sunnyý iago, March 8). They had 10 fat and Gordon. Fai'm Credit Corporation,7.6% from 2091 to 1931 bhough, south on Marcb 7th. May, ichildren, bhree boys and seven Charles Alan, third son f loans in the south seven Town-, the dollar amount increased! thei r "honeymoon" be a plea-ý tgirls. The oldest boy died at Wilford and Grace, now ownslships of Ontario County andfrom $40,212,900 to $40,658,400.!sant one. i ther tweo 7 ears and theand operates thc farm. NaeýDurharn averaged $24,960 jnl The Corporation has two' h >1 ohertwoboys were the added to the fifth generationnine months ended .31 Decem- types of moi tgages. Standard Tred Glasbergen Tamily re- youngest of the family. Robert are Judson, Benoit and Grace.Ïber 1966, up sharpîy fromi $19,- loans have a $40,000 maximumtuon Su to bbe famnily hearthl sold 50 acres of bis lot (now There are eight children mi- 624 for the same pcriod of the flrst $20,000 at 5% interesb o Snday and Monday to! iowned by Mr. Malcolm Emer-Ithe sixth generation of this1965. rate and the remainder at.hnu hi mte nte son), also a lot for a yard and1particular branch of the fam-ý Lance Beath, Credit Advisor 6ý4 %. The supervised Joan de-; occasion of ber birthday. tMethodisb Church called Salem1 ily', seven girls and onc boy. ýfor this area, said the main signed fori experienced farm- ýMany Happy Returns. iand known as 'Jackson's Chap- The Jackson family, as other reasons were the expansion ta ers u nder 45, has a maximum; el?' The United Churcb, built pianeers, have done much in larger farm units and rising!of $55,000. Repayrnent tcrmî in 1900 is now on this site and the development of Canada F farm values. Chie f lan pur-! xvith both is up to 29 years. the name was later changed ta and of Cartwright in particu- pose was ta buy land, thoughi The Farm Credit Corpora- Nestieton. Although Robert lar. Tbcy have been active inia significant sum was applied tion alsa adîninisters the Farmi iwould only make bis mark on churcb and community proj ects o newbuliganbidn! aherSyictLo A. legal documents, be was an always practising the "good moderiain i ye of la sJvia avid reader and often boughb neighbor" policy. Thcy raisedý Thirty five loans totalled w here three or more farmers vetèrinary books and books on their large families and edu- F$873,600 compared wvîth 46 îWwho have a common need for the Bible, rather than clothes, cated themn in the different Fthe amount of $902,700 for, an item of eauipment or an wben be made the trip to professions. The men were; 1965. outflt, form a syndicate to 1Bowmanville. noted for their fine bass volcs finance nurchase. Dlxrtng--Robert's thme- the and somne of. the. ladies wqz In, Qtno a wo for M.Bahatnsa i land was clearcd, a better 1og accomplished inusicians. Alan'sithe saine peniod, bbc nÏuiner office in the Post Office, Port N were built. He lived long en- in Lindsay and taught pianoF ough ta sec the spaclous brick and thcory for many years.1T EW bouse (a community land- So it Js bats off and a royal'e mark) built which Is flow oc- salute to another pioneer fam- P.U£ i TMinutesc cupicd by his great-grandson iîy. nils Alan Jackson and bis mother. GM Robert Charles, youngest son A meeting of the Bowman- No assurance could be made of Robent and Isabella, man- ET Tn ville Public Utilities Com- that this condition will flot ried Alice Job in 1895. Tbey NE T E O mission was hcld in the Com- occur again if matenial for- bad three children, bwo girls NESTLETON U. C. W. mission's office on bhe evening eign to the sanitary sewer ls and a son Robert Wilford. Mrs. Norman Mairs was of February 14, 1967, wlth ail disposed of by permitting it The daugbtens were educatcd hostess for the Nestleton u ebers present as follaws:1 ta be flushed down bhe sew- as teachers and Willord hclped . hchmtonTedav WCarruthers, Chairman, R. crs. bis father on the fanm. More afternoon with a fair attend- Stevens and Mayor 1. Hobbs. 1 The following accounts of land was sold to the cemeteny. ance, some visitors and child- i The minutes of the ]astl the Electric Departmenb for As the Patrons of Industry bad ren present. regulan meeting of January the oth of January197 lN1.~ PT' 1A a building on this propenty itjmýaimnr 6 was moved tr the present site After a few words of wel- 10, 1967 were read. on ma-amunting to $57,049.59 werel N M I Y of bbe I.O.O.F. Hall. Another come the President opened tbe tion of I. Hobbs, seconddb presented for Commission ap- lat was sold ta, Mr. Allan meeting with a paem, "A Little R. Stevens, the minutes wee proval.%J Gordon (1923) and is no Bit" and followed with prayen. adopted as read. Carried. It wa moved by . Hb0F É%V Rim.u stt1 ownd b M. Hrr Crib Hynin 306 "How Sweet the Mrs. A. Frank, Scugog seconded by R. Stevens, that Te pes by r ain was bt Nam e of Jesus Sounds" was Street, attended the meeting bhe accounts be approved as 1894.pNes added as u this sung. to dis'cuss the floodîng of bbe pcetd Crid 1894.Name addd tothls Th e wonship service was in basement of ber garage and peetd1Crid third generatian were, Widder, The consfthWae chreof Mrs. Pearce who rented home on Scugog St. o e accontsrth of bcWtero Robnsncaing ooe, on rpDe fia rtmenra"ncmtforaniathe1 month of - ---- VA1)«Nfc* r - Lu te sLi1piure pasageJdIuary 23, 1967. In was ex- January 1967 amounting ta from the 24tb Psalm. Mis. piained that the blockage Of $7,253.57 were prcsented for Jackson bad charge of bbc the main sewer was due ta Commission approval. study book "The Cbunch and an accumulation of rags, Ib was movcd by f. Hobbs, the World" and gave an cx- pieces of woad and sticks in secondcd by R. Stevens, bbat cellent talk on bbc first six bbc manhole at the corner of bbc accounts be approved as chaptens, assisteci by Mis. Scugog and Lowe streets. Ib pnesenbed. Carried. Arnold Williams and Mis. was also explamincd to Mis. A letter from Creighbon, Ralpb Sadien wbo rend scnip- Frank that ail precautions are Drynan, Murdoch & Victor bure passages bhîoughout. taken ta prevent situations Solicitors concerning tbc ne- She stated bbc Chnistian be- sucb as this, boweveî it !S location of bbc wateîmain in longs to bbechcurch andi also impossible ta prcdict wben a Darlington township was nead ta, bbc wonld. The chunch is sewen may become blocked. andi filed. in bbc world but it is not of The sewer was cleanedthebb The manager was Instruet- tbc world. If Cbnist's disciples day following bbc flooding1 cd ta inquire as ta bbc date arc ta be effective -tbey cannot and Mis. Frank was assuned of tbc next Chamben of Com- be isolateti from the world that bbc sewer would be mnerce meeting s0 that bbc about tbem; tbey must be cbecked fnom bime bo time. Chairman mighb attend. active in its life. Thnougb de- It was movcd by R. Ste- pcndencc on God, man finds vlI"TII5 ens, seconded by W. Car- bis truc Independence. Wbeii UDITUARY. ruthers, that tbc Manager we have a right relationship write R. L. Byron, Clenk- witb God we expenience bbe CHARLES E. GIST Controller, cancenning aur reai freedam for which Christ lte ae coe 4 96 bas set us free. Wben we tny The funenal of Charles E. eTberded Octgor 14 1966 ta escape from this depend-IGist, 77, of 803 Park St. ., Tsiessr e g o futher ence we find ourseives in deep Peterborough, wba died Fr - Commission smc was adi- trouble. The churcb is tbc day, February 24, 1967, in juîed fulfilment of bbc way in whicb Peterborough Civic Hospital, _____________ God bas worked In bbc past was belti Monday, Februany and is working today. Paul 27, fram Comstock Funenal refeis ta bhechcurch as bbc Home. YELVERTON body of Christ. Christ is the The service was conducted j bead and wc are bbc parts. by Rev. Allan M. Duncan ofl (Intended for last week) We sbould leain and prfit St. Giles' Presbyterian Chuncb bihrqetyoipcsr fram tbe Christian experience whcre bbe labe Mn. Gist was a t pokeqlgheîtc fu n lat of 19 centuries. Study is a member. t oelgthatdfne vcry nccessaiy discipline IW Bain and cducated at W el-j bbc members of aur com-. bbc Christian life. icorne, he was bhc c]dest sonF munity whcn we manage ta, Questions werc then asked of bbe late Robent Gist and catceldom o ne epresau ap-cs andi a very intercsbing discus- tbe former Sarah Meadows. lo dowexrsouap sion followed. Hymn 500 clos-,F He was a city resident for preciabion at living in a cam-. cd this part of bbc meeting. thîce years, living previouslvmity wîb so atvi AIl responded well ta bbc rall at Nesticton and Part Hope. practises thc "goad neighbon" cal "My Hobby". ýA former employe of Crane ,palicy witbout any fan-fane. jThe business period follaw-ICanada Ltd., of Port Hope, be This wcek it was aur pleasure F d witb minutes, correspond- also had been a jaint pro-ta be bbc necipients of such ence and bbank you notes read. 1pniebor of Davison and Gist, bounby. The tneasuner's report waslGeneral Store, Nestîcton. On Friday nîght we Mal- given and bwo cards signed for,; Mn. Gisb is survivcd by his conians spent bhc cvcning alck niembers. wife, bbc former Ethel Rob- with bbc parents, bbc Rac Mia. Mains gave a îeading,ison. Alsa surviving are anc Malcolms in Janebville, priai "The Quiiting Bec" and a daugbtei, Mis. Richard Davi- ta thein leaving on Monday "Musical Ternis" conbcst wasson (Winnifned) of Nestîcton, for a bus trip ta Florida in- beld witb Mis. Jackson as j onc son Francis L. Gist, R.R. 1,j cluding a boat trip to-Nassau. winner. 'Indian River; two sisters, Mis: Anyonc wbo hati occasion ta The meeting closeti witb the FRuby Staples, Port Hope; Mis.F be travelling by auto that themne sang anid the benedic. Elwood Lahcy (Elsie), anc evening realizes tbey would tion. Lunch was aenvcd b; brother Allen Gist, bath of bave been better to bave the unit In charge andi ail en-iPen Areyl, Pennsylvania; six "stooti" at home; an, at leasb, Joyed a social hour. grantichildien and faur great- that was aur expenience. That Uns. SadIer moveti a vote jgrandchildren. One brother,iportion of bbc Broad, Roati of thanks toalal who in anyllHarvey, predeceased ibm soutb of Yelverton, wbicb bas ,Wày helped 'te make sucb a: Palîbearens werc Hcwitt earned a repubation as being pleasant aftemnn. ýLockingbon, Fred Storcy, Roy tbc wonst 'blankety hlank' -MMs George Johns, I Staples, Horace Baxber, Stan roati for drifting snow mn Pssu Iaorter.iCburchley and Ken Lee& 3Manvcrs Twsp.,, lived up toi KAtI.tVI Z '41 -*i Durham Farmers' County Co-op PHONE 983-5102 ORONO ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUET 1of the Durham Farmens' County Cooperative will be held in the Onono United Chunch Wednesday, March 15th at 6:30 p.m. Montgage burning cenemonies will he held. Entertainment and door prizes. Tickets are obtainable from the miii office or any of the Directors. John Knox, President, R. Morton, Vice-Pres.; Orme Falls, Stan Allun, Everett Cryderman, Gerald Shackleton, Ken Henderson, Stan Turner. )TIC.E, (ERS AND EMlPLOYEES IN JRE AND HORICULTURE LENT INSTJRANCE WILLAS 9679 COVER EMILOYEES 0F ANCHES iNURSERIES GREENHOUSES FRUI, VEGETABLE, FLOWER GROWERS. EMPLOY1ERS Âsx FmaTHEPAIIurr-lfyau bave flot already received a pamphlet dcscribing yopur obligations as an employer under this ncw programme, obtain one Im- mediately front the Unemployment Insurance Commission. MIITE AS AN !MPLOY! - AS SOon as possible you should register at bbe nearest officeof bbe Unemployment Insurnc Commission. This is im- portant because unemplayment in- surance is compuisory if you hire workers. IICENCE TO PURCRUSE I'iAMS - After registrat ion, if you have insurable cm- ployeca the Comission wiii send you a licence f0, purchas. unemploynicnt inaurance stanips and additional noces- ary information as to the insurabiity of your employeca, contributions to bc paid, bow to affla stamps in your em- ployecs' books, records you mmi keep, etQ l!MPLOYEE FMNDOUT iW YOU AU INNORAILE- Conmuit your neanest Unempicyxuet Insurance Commission office to fâd aut if you ans insurable. Under tbe pro. gramm, sane employeoe arc flot insurable. SOCrALInSRANCE Nmiu - £Mcy insurabi. employa. must bave one Application tom cmxi haobtained ut Uncnployment Insurance Commission offices and niost Post Offices. Complete the form and mail it ta an Unemployment Insurance CommIIission offie, There isno charge for it. UJNDUWLYIoEW DWINRBOOoK - If you are insurable you are required f0 have such a book, which niay ha ob- tained fron t te nearest office of the Unemploymen Inaurance Commission. You simply have to sive your full aaaý dam f <bith a"d Social Insur- anS Nomboe. ThSe s uno charge for if. *UNEMPLOYMENT INSUMRAC COMMISSIoef GOVERNNMOF CANADA Ias reputation with a Ven- '. ~a geance. DE uI4IhuVDaF On oui retur n havingI.IJ ward Win er negotiated the wost portion of the Great White Way, bhe mtor gave anduffed secufuo- eaotnggasp and expied, un-Frorn Canada's 4-H able ta cape with its blanketi- of fluffy white mush. Thelf ia N prprtosfor aur depart-'F~f readngfor' the N oaetlrbhoud'a. n1ao e sti Q e wee omarbl t Br L'Esterel, Quebec, August iarce.0 Rural peapie ust lain g wer e Nthrdl;edh o 2th, wili flot only be- l rnto better u drsa dCity lois eregided"fguaytine- 120 btc gatbering place for1 people and vice versa. Unden. ly"_ speaking with ayhn 2 award winning 4-H Clubistanding was anc of the con- present. The procession got membens fromn acrass Canada ýfederation objectives In 1867 under way while the Man-in o nhsoi etnilpoln ssili 97 h - the-Moon smilcd benignly ject butm wi a1c eniproi-1cand is stl sin1967.ThLe 4- fromn bis austere vantage:ctCndaspoi.cnena eia tLEt let andinspanticipating asF iel should challenge the l- point in bbc celestial rcalm. Ispeakers. lagination of tbc delegates ini First went Paw lugging bbcý According ta L. J. Murphy, 1a mannen wbich Expo alone smallest fry bandaged like aF President of tbc Canadiani could not accomplish . . . one Mummy Egyptan) aginst nciI jon 4-H Clubs, con..1will augment bbc ather." bbc sub-zcro blast followcd by firmnations bave been grate- Each speaker will stimulate tbc junior members gambol-1fully îeceived from: The Hon- thinking and present facts re- binglik pupies in rne rable J.W. Grant MacEwan,ilated to the seminar theme, came bbc distaff aide - tbc Lieutenant-Gjovennor of AI - i"Rura Youtb and bis World", backseat driver and oun berta; Dr. Ernnest Mercier, 1following which tbc delegabes 44schoen-moednr" expostulat- Special Advison on Agriculture will assemble in groups for ing on a variety af subjects ta thc Quebcc Cabinet; Dr.!Fdiscussion. and muttering Imprecations Wilder Penfield, Honorary! ust1han Il av bilingually ne aur fine Cana- Consultant to thc Montreal'bAugs t a d r t bav dian Winters. Neurologîcal Institute a n d be e sd o iiat Sevenal thousand stcps later Piesident of thc Vanier Insti-'Expo. wc arrived witb arn sockctsltute of tbc Family.--_ ____ almost scpanatcd by tbe addi- In accepting bbc invitation, Gl~,s tional weigbt littlest "M" ta speak at bbc semînar, His PLCe CshTGday bas acquired during transit; Honor J. W. Grant MacEwan! big "M" and middle "M" with expncssed pensonai satisfac- For OId Applîances cbîlled exuberance and dnip- !ion that emphasis in thc sem- ping nases placed second and inar program is being placcdthog third in bhi.s midnite mara- on rural youth. hog thon. The "Mudders" have1 h iutnn Gv8o T A T E 8 M A N Into view wheezing and cx-iaddcd "Part of the challenge C L A 5 8 1 F 1 9 B 8 hausted to complete bhc cn-lfacingjCnd oa sudr tourage of bhc Glasbergcn'si Cand naathodaius nen- ePhone 623-3303 unexpected guests. Ssadn hs fu nrmt J h ~ 'r Fi ~' '.~ 'z ¶ "0' w. 44 'a, 4. >~ 'i,' ~ i IW 1i4 Ua. GRADE 13 STUDENTS.g Challenging careers -await you with a Science Degree ini Agriculture - B.Sc.(Agr). Apply now to: O.AUC., UNIVERSITY 0F GUELPH, _,e Mono graduates with a science doe. in agriculture are needed nov than ever before for career in: agri-busineas, research, teacbing, govern- ment service and induatry. " Specialization in offered by Ontario Agicultural College in:-Animal Science, Plaent Science, Agricultural Biology, Agricultural Economica and Business, Resources Management~, Soil Science and Landscape Horticulture. " Co-operative work plan assista agricultural students to obtain employ- ment between semesters " Students are admitted in April or September. " Spring Admission acholazihipo cf $500are open for coinpetition by students with a minimum average of 75 percent. " Spring admission la open to students with 64 percent average in Grade 13 subjecta and prmncipal's recommendation. Septmberadmission zoquires 60 percent average in Grade 13 Depart- " For SpiiqAdmIm sapply, If poWsbW, bdoNUlnMsoh 5th. Grae 13 swuenteanare vited ta ae.k f Ifoemation by itinr. no Regitma, Outeiio Apiultearul q% et u~oGuelph, Guoiph.

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