Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 8

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".SP-OIRlrSPORTOPICSM S Py g " o R T OC Sp e o ap l e ua y ~ O a a Yareotu;ko eaew tre ulnw udt ie 6234234 ~~~~~~~~~reporter c mpt d h t e hu o 2 te m G n ul M t s XtGlr TA T A UDITOR PJM o v e g t bit us o u a du n aea a d p Iu Curling clusli:eknad o eti o tw ? m g t(W odnsdc ) 18 fight nght t Os haw 'aCiv lc uh.t e t u e g me e w u d u la i g o au MÉMrd that moalt cf the fightlngest fanilly in Canada rmha W" r 'o f courue to the battling Bagnatos of Toronto, flrie e irsae b= inlyhoeade :rte a M earkCo rtic Se iors Defeted By Central in C.O.S.S À Biadt~a - tht ersadn rudouhio.e tomlg t n b cause h sB b "Pretty Boy " FPelsteila i w e m g aeo e e eo e o e se il n e c I W cb n I> a îp , an d hI h is prim e fought uch great thrL ge e bg h ' pet lo1a m n i n o f d n e Y u s s - w 'VB agat o mua18 turned pro, w nning the Canadi n and Standingi End Of Sth W ekan ac o d gy h d pan e ont k g it e G n es'g m E w e b ntàm crwn, while Charlie aptured the Se o d Se uead te n ed in o 4Ç is U d A O d ]Force l lghtweight title, classed as a pro- N m v r g sA e dl o n a a e a w i a rfrtg m e lt rle >% W lor4 I title, b ecUse h o def ated severa l pros w ho w ere Ai Osh rn e. 48 t i kw e, w e oig au be t o s , ml î g U M t t e tm .A s o n 4 2 8by a 5-4 sc r. e t on, f o ou p sti n a seco , yo ' arm a Ui t e.U QbLawton _ __24 247 evey ok we t ur e u a ie 4 'T e tour other brothers remained amateur. Bill, the Howard Bromel - 24 242 H r d n h a u lesl, w s j s b u s h t a 0b planshp, wlth Paul fightlng his way ta the British Larry Piper - 24 235 owul% EMleGm* atmcon rnie Perfect __ 24 234 Bl >n pre G ma a ta i cr w .Dr. H. B. Rund -e _ 24 233 of a 1- George and Vince were Canadian lightweight title-hold- Ed* Leslie _ 24 231 T a eey pt u no te fnl, cneld past ""£' d VinC, the Bagnata we interview d hI rder ta get Maurice Annaert 24 228 . see the Generas a efrars e n a Ucr dasain > sStory, lu the pro noter of the Felstein-Slaughter bout. Don Oke -- 4 22nd a hurnl d m a. Al n i ay l n g d a l c u Murray Tighe 24 226 kesI h Vince told us that their interest in pugilismn came about Ted Bagneli 24 224 N Ilehônestly, as hbl father, the late -Joseph Sr. was a lead- Bill W estlake 17 222 ....'~, Party, tired, ac ng nd a ti e lt. > g llgtw ei gt h I y. "Us seven boys did a l the flghting," Si Trewin 2 2 9In t e fn l at a to e t al d 8 7 h a i g b t the '8ùd Vince, *ny four isters were al perfect ladies." George Glanville - 24 219.. final end and lcly eo g aae o gtbt u ht Non Hcnning 24 217 t tj. j t. t.Ab Saman 24 215 ihwer 'ÏOLDTMM'-OCKEYGAMEMatt Harrison 24 214trpeak- ~L T M E S' HO KE G MERuss Oke -- .- 2 1 anothe n fine cod ra to tc t u. TUrk Br da, Uic fabulous fat m an, returns to the nets Russ H alm an 24 214 . .:Gu s we er ait e t n iothe d > he Toronto 01I Timers hook up with Detroit Old Timers Kari Piper -- 24 213 .. . . . ii etr *t a game et MeLple Leaf Gardens a week from Thursday, George Bebee 24 213 wu e mdeal iauphos Z !auch th t 8 p.m. D B ag ineil __ _ 24 212bu th op oi on us ha e ee a ltte m r s ak , a 4Jp,4inU he i Toronto lineup are Cal Gardner, Jack Parker___ 24 212 adou i72etie.Wn ie e i iv BitHariýY Watson, Murray Henderson, Gus Mortson, Maurice Richards- 24 210 rwarouorofgh2 414elcziJ"c Hamilton, Danny Lewicki, Barry and Brian Bud Barter___ 24 209 On Fniday evening, Courtice Secondary School's in Oshawa on Thursday. Members of the Courtice probably aurmotcnietcuerwsldDnCos.t ZU4R-lus o asrIa ase.Elton Brock ___24 208 senior basketball team was ousted from the COSSA tearn who have flot Jostalegeaienfveers asapuarwn- arclayasars e er Ted Lindsay will playfor Detroit and expected ta joinIBrian MartYn 24 208 playdowns by Central, the winners of the Oshawa are, £romn left to right, Coach Jack Nesbitt, Tom Veitch, concerned. ')dm are God Howe, Sid Abel and Bill Gadsby. BesidesIJohn Carter __ 24 206 League, coached by a former Bowmanville boy Don John Sikora, Bayne Potapchuk, Don Westlake, Jan Now if annecdsaurrfothCnaanTe ;Pdaother positive starters are d Litznberger, BobRuss Hately - 24 2o4 MeIlveen. The final score of the two gaie playoff was Zavitski, Ed Hanewich, Dwight Bradley, Jerry Rey- Bonspiel comningU hsStra tteBwaveGl % ib J î a c k S t w a rJ am mc ke eSt e w a rto v C a r e ceni n2 4i y3 P eten tnsin gGl e n h e S k o v .o s ngFr e dp e erTh o m s o ne t . G ry2 4h n20 3n Maa ge2 4d C rli n w , MFtraed TJa l k y, H ry u ly, D t h ~ ~ ho n24 203 tm r i g i s h i f e o i gt eo e e l nK i e z about disappear d - T ho game wM1 be refereed by Red Storey, George Hayes, Jack Lander __ 24 203 ~lonMaAtuan de oes Bud Henning 24 203M n Macutur ndEdde owes.Harry Akey 24 202 .!,Pàlt-COF BOWLING - The evcnlng la uponsored by a Toronto radio station with Lowell MacDougal 24 202 ._I.0proceds carmarked for study afI ntellectuaily handicap- Bob Williams -----. 24 201 February 24, 1967 H. Snowden 192____ k *d chlldren. Harold Michelson_- 24 200 Ail bowlers are requested V. King----li Players an bath teams are donating their services for George Stephen ---- 24 200 ta be at the bowling alley and R. Westlake19 Uegrn.ýTeam Standing ready ta bowl at 9:00 p.m. D Bond~189 j. j . j .Team w L . sharp. The league bowling D: Dennîs-- 19 t t t t t Pts-befone us has made a neal RATM N MDESWNPepsi Cola 17 7 17 effort ta be finished beinre ;,eAW MS AN MDGES WINKen's Men's Wear 14 10 14 9 p.m., so let's show them w Bowmanville's two survlving 0.M.H.A. teams, continued Beaver Lumber _ 3__ 13 aprcaei n etee~ Mixe Ma jor Il1rp r caei n e t e e o lkeir march alang Uic playoff trail last week, the bantams Whyte Bros. 13 Il 13 timne Lander Hardware- 13, 1l 13 This week Marshall clob. Berniece Buday took aven Whltby, while Uic Midgets captured their series with Nels. Osborne Ins. 12 13 12 bered D. Bond with a 7-0. irst place I the averages Muttn &Goud~. l 1 iland hen teami also took aven Muton Gold-- i 1311Prout downed Snowden 5-2 first place in the standing. ur4dy nlght, Uic bantams downed Whitby 5-2 ta takei Dykstra's----------l 1 l n-rokdfatd Wsl eea' olr i h 0 ,t of three affair In two straighit ganies, aften winning SlyGatHa.i 13 Il lake 5-2 aise. McKnight triple marks, B. Buday 7821 roun , t e lo als haci beaen1. G. A.- -------- - l 13 11 downed M acnab 5-2 and R. ( 52 829 ) P. D b ns 52 fier 9-2. In their firs n dteloashd etnJury & Loveil__ il 13 il WýestIake edged by J ond (251-22-299), . DHalîn 7a Frank's Variety ---7 17 7 wi2h1ave52-cose)4,3D A Y S FR T W O *scorers Thursday, were Tom Simpson with a hat-I Bowling Newsv Ma en's igcl rpe 43. 748 (276-227-245), L. Annaert Y th Mountjoy and Gary Preston, the others. Bow- Bob Lawton continues his Snowden 725, G. Marshal 709, 728 (2-5) .Ryod 111 now meet Trenton, with the first game Prob. hot pace and this week wins R. Westlake 681. (3721,D.Ryod ~- una~rlx Tentn nd ecndgam a th bs:high triple with 794. Law- Men's High Singies - 7.26 (294-256). The teams ton's games were 260-251-283. Snowden 295, R. Ovenden 270 elycagdpstoso és.heM Tuesçlay, March 7th at seven a'clock.. AI Osborne was second, hav- B. Marshall 256.' Monday with several teams JML«Èv néies Bowmanville won aven eg 781 (333-267), Larry Pip- Ladies' High Triples - D ta 0 points Arna Studa ngh, o ra 7'63 and the high single Bond 6b~7 May AIlcfreed58& .Ea0Açpites e ton, 3-1, t et ui àon!ArnSauda iht a rpgame af the night, 350;, How- F. Allen 569 ù* . éDaRyls47 At Up hi Unthee stralght gaines. After a scoreless apening ard Bromeli 738 (301), Ernie Ladies' High Singles - D. PErf ___241 4erodf, the locals wcnt I front 2-1 an second peniod goals Perfect (286), Bud Henning McReelis 234, D. Bond 227', Perfect -_ 7,.... 243ALWA MUEU "y Hbb owes and Mike Cawker, and wnapped It up on 716 (282-27), John Carter 705 P. Allen 226. H. Ballantin-e _____ ýýînMcMullen"a tafly hi Uie final 20 minutes. (240), Kani Piper 702 (304). Games 200 and O P* HiM Anna___ 222 Soees i Uc ohertwaconest wee 20 ad 51. heDr. Howard Rundie, weli D. Bond 215, 215, 227, G. net-_____ ScS Intheothr wo ontstswer 20 ad 51. heknown hunten and aIl around Marshall 225, 2.31, 253, M. A* Carter _________FREI J.uidgets wliU now probably b. Idle until March îîth, aften sportsman, had a 303 single Dakin 243, 203, 228, G. Den- D. Joli ______ 216 FREE Double Guest Boom Yýý tii. Etern Ontario tite. Possible pposition in gamne, Art Rowe and his nis 202, C. Schwarz 213, H. D. Wright______ 211 FREE Breakfast for Two F E atE EtLusmet .I next round' Which would be the provincial semi-final, s, ,Ed s 31lren i c k Snwd25, ro221 , 242 E, FRThmWn-g--__209___ 300hBi sk e 73 , Clanen c ke Snowde2 5, ro 2 , 2 4 2,Ev. W gh t o _ __ _ 29 FREE Theatre Tickets to The Palace Des OR FREE Sig ht S en o te l a d F m u :'aould camne tram any oi four teams - Aurora, Newmarket, 270, Norni Henning 267, Don B3. Marshall 256, L. Woodcock R. Haliman ______208 Arts or El Morocco Theatre Lounge. V -Coflingwaoot or Mldland. Oke 265, Ted Bagneil 264, 203, R. Ovenden 270, B. West. P. 20biwu B2 owmanvillees three Little N.H.L. clubs - the Atoms, George Glanville 263. lake 222,B. lle 203R. Bkel26 a -N e *Wec àndàý nt'is lBinournysta Cobo rgjtisrS turdytRo Mobardurd t1hwiBroka20,r23,yV. Ring 203,ynBe ee - 206-aOR - FR E C cktals 2d0Flr2S o6,a The Folles R yal r Ca a Lo a Ni ht C ubs ~'Ir fthc Litte. ..H.L. Zone Playofis. winning triple of 449. Jim J. McKnight 241, 203, N. Mc- R. Maynard _________gtLie EcelntSopinToe Callan Jr. broke this sched- Lean 212, D . D ennis 206, 221, . L C nno s 2 4A S x ii ~ N g t L f , E c l e t S o p n , T w r e d B o k o s t e e ' s a d t fj j.uie's low score with 84. 218, F. Allen 226, J. Macnab J. Houck _-.L202 Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. PLAYOFFS Ihadi high triple, 3253; Mutton 240, 226, Ro.v Woodward 220, L* Wright------. 2002_a ~..f 3ffuý*lUopen Up their playoff series tonight (Wedl.)&Gols jet-propelîed team 223, S. Brock 216, N. Wood- TStandi---------g- 20 o iiB u u s tt e S e ____s____ R o y aldin meet Madoc in Tweed. Second game in the best hadGa 1255 single game. cock 213, R. Westlake 252, 231, Buday - .....~1 The Pepsi-Cola boys lost a May Alldread 208, F. Snow- Colwell 5; o Laurentian or Other Hotels and Moo1n s A o n or4' serles goes Saturday in Newcastle, starting little ground this week and den 22 1. Btasa . . 14JteAra 'dc.The next contest wiil be played next Wed- now only have a 3-pin ea ea tadng on avunLrea Madoc, wlth the teams returning ta Newcastlelaven the- nfcln by-r- ont n A. Sharp --------- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -a ies ighSin g . O R1 0 .M C . T N P C U L o w T i l S mL2 2 ) e n Ag e l a V - 6 f o r g r e t c c n o m y , a u o t c , A o e o w r - U E N W SATU, MARCH 4th A. Sharp ...327 -.«.îge anc ect 16 OTA HiglMariehn a radio, white walus and dises.Lc.N.186. - $29 Averages0 OvrOb(09 ais Hg rpe ver180(s 0 ePARISieIENNErile Lie. NO. 390690. - $1789. O . M . H . A . J U V E N I L ED a v e R e y n o ld s 2 4 2 3 7 1sb e G a rv in (5 7 7 ; M e n s P A2 D RR TI E9 6NN EE P L A A2 D O R H A D O JUVENILE ýe Hîgh Triple, MuieAnnaet 21962 THUNDER65BIRD PLAR HOCEY OURAMET<855)ll 24_218_V-8_ automatte, Power s rngad2-DOOR HARDTOP H O C4 l aK E Y t o U n, a itH .T ic h e sn - . z z z~2 2 6 b r a lk e s , r a d i , w h i te W a ll V - 8 , a u to ia t i ,P o w e r ate e r in t , r a d io ,C o l o e o w r t r u o u d li D rdra 18 27tires. Lic. No. K13751. -. $2297. white waiis, des. Orne owner-A ai .Frdlur Lld saY, Port Credit, Bow nanviîe R. Laird . 24 206 Y oLc. Na 1 05 _ __ __ B. Bothwell 21 205 10 ~ AM S 10L. Wern24 203 "Z n " inala 1964 OLDSMOBILE $19o89.ntu Jim one 24 202. Teani events held I Peter- 16 O TA JIRST GA3E STARTS - 8 A.M. J. Siemon 24 201 ar ai fie bowl2.5 ten1s,67'DOORARDTOP88 CO SL TOaIA .. 2 21aealfv lr irs braes, rdioRH R PARISIENNE 165CH VELEMAIB C O S L T O N F N L - . .C . C arsw ell 24 200 five scores c unting. Av-s, auto m atie, on ow ese er f a nda d 4oAND~CZA.MONSmp 8:45 P.M. K. McGill 21 200 40 V-.9,__ Automatie, raio ower steernsdSUESPR E. Dickey - 1 20 BBantazaGBrls rn d bae.Aoeo rml 21 20Aa olbaeý aiwiewaliggetsae aiwht al IENW A D ISSION B. M cDonald _ 18 200 A NN ER PA SSAN T Bo l2040. 1 58.$1959 . Lic. Noa. K 4 2.$ 5 5 i, N . K 8 5.$ 1 9 D.WodsMotor City, Oshawa 20 D. W o o dsO O2 4 1976 3- 2 8. u i e G rl AdlaPN-Children 25e C. Brunt 624-3197200 24 17 Juior irls50 MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Adyac. Ticket Sae - 75ë D. Tennant 24 195 120 Duke st., BonmffeLiberty Bowl, Bow'ville 2934 GR Deug Reynolds- 24 195 Junior Boys ,&valhe t McGrq's Drg Store Bruce Coamnbes 24 3 ~Lt .Ajax Bowl G97 ORDaMATR M mM V reySoeRay Devey 23 13 Ic ieui- iet Bw oll 25657 S Dle S ,agB ud F a ks V r ty S reChester M ils - 24 192 I c me D mY * W Vnirôir o C R -hDa. 23 189 * Pension a.m Senior Boys 3aes141eO SM I G- U DA , th J.. MShéii . ý24 188 GrOUi> Inum acn gecoinet ournamient SE 24 186 ~insunae Maxr leads at 7 winners, TWLTD G-BeicktCt 2 187 * s na sa Ei Owznanville h vhg6 plus PRESTON G . S h c l c ~ '~ 2 1 * Etla st m d g i B w i g e s t i v a l Q u e e n , MON MRC st~ . UlsL. 2 v18Sn5u. ssrace r Ci ,3, Lekeview 1, ~a r GF W tt n24 4 The neit round, th c Provin.If ne kfor lalL. Cmbs 24 vn Woglako 24 ~~~~~cie finals, wifl b. held ai 16KnStÈb WA V LLE I... Plaxntattox owIl in Taranto

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