Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 7

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HoId First' Father and The Salvation Army Scout Troop and Cub Pack held their first annual Father and Son banquet at the citadel on Saturday evening, with about 60 sittiri! down to a delicious turkey dinner served by the Home League ladies. Head table guests are shown here, froîr ]eft to right, Scoutmaster Ernie Colliss, Assistant Jirr Geddes, Cub David Fraser, Chaplain Capt. H. I. Fraser, Major John Wood, the guest speaker, froni cSocia/ & £ersonai Phone 623-3303 Mn. and Mm. Charles Wass of Newmraket were Sunday dinner guests ai Mr. and Mmm. Nick Tkatch, Chumch Street. Mr. Lamne Bickcli and Mra. Isabel Johns spent the week- end with their niece, Mr. and Mmm. Harold Riddell, Hespelen. Mr. and Mms. Tom Pearson. Liberty St. South, returned home on Sunday from a week's winter vacation at Sanasota, Flonida. Mmm. W. W. Dickson ai Otta- wa was a weekend guest wîth hem sister and brathen-in-law, Mr. and Mmm. Robent Kerr, Elgin Street. Mr. and Mmm. Ross Richards, Lambert Street, ncturned Sun- day evening fom a vcry pleasant eight-day holiday at Bowmanville Pentecostal (hurch 75 Llberty St. 8. Phone 623-5100 h~. Pastor: %cv. A. Kudra, B.Th.1 9:55 a.m. AlGrowing Sunday School 11 a.m. «'TIIS CUP"' (Communion Service) 7 p4fl. "THE GOD 0F THE DEAD OR THE LIVINGV" Wednesday - 7:30 FAMILY NIGHT SERVICE 9RING YOUR FAMILY "'TRE BIBLE AS IT 15 FOR MEN AS THEY ARE$& i sTreasune Island, Florida. Mn. and Mmm. Wm. H. Bates, Flett Street, were necent din- nen guests oi their daughter iand son-in-law, Mr. and Mmm. Wm. Parker and family, Osha- twa. *Mmm. R. R. Nicholson bas me- turned home aiter spending 1the last two manths in Otta- 3wa with ber daughter and son- - in-law, Mn. and Mmm. J. E. Camnpbell and family. Mr. and Mmm. M. S. Jaques, LWoodstock, and Mn. and Mmm. H. S. Jaques, Dollard des Ormeaux, Que., wene weekendý gucsts ai Mr. and Mmm. Byron Vanstone, King St. West. Recent weekend guests ai 'Mr. and Mmm. Leland Berry, Liberty St. North, wene their cousins, Mmm. Reginald Menaul and Mr. and Mmm. Ronald Menaul and Wendy, al af Pont Hope. Brigadier Dama Taylor who is stationcd at Salsbuny, S. Rbodesîa, spent a few days last week with Mn. and Mmm. Harny Bamtlett. Brigadier Tay- lon leaves shortly ta commence hem fiitb term in Rbodcsia as a- missianany. Mr. and Mmm.- Ron Evans, I REHOBOTH Christian Reformed .Church scugog Street MinIster: Kev. A. Vandenflerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.m. 7:30 pi. 11:15 a.m. Sunday Schoo Back Ta God Hour CKLB o1 Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. 'Everyone Welcome" 1 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rcv. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, MARCH 5th, 1967 11:00 a.m. "THE I AM'S' 0F JOHN'S GOSPEL" (6) "The VINE" 9:00 p.m. - Panel discussion on "The Church and, The World" in the Church Hall. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:00 a.m. - Begmuners 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten United Pentecostal Church 320 Rtitsoan Rd. S. (Nr. Olive) 723-6325 SPECIAL SERVICES wlth REV. M. S. WINGER Former District Superintendent et Maritimes Continuing through March 5th ~SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHlIP EVANGELISTIC Tuesday throuch Frlday ~PM S« .A-toadibvin" dI * Urnestanargds of P«tflUt Corne a" Hear lu Stlrrlng Meuages tram thi. defficatei EVEEYONE WELCOME r Marc là t 2:0 pm forthefr Son Scout -Cul, Banquet Ea: r sevice SbanquT e ln April,an this was disCllzàed. The Presint reporteà hav- Ing received ean order with payment endlobed, for two copies of theg book Mrs. C. Burley bas bOm compiling on aur local hl4tory. A special account wiil bée apened to fin- ance the cost',ai publishing, with ?&à. G. $iapleton, Secre. tary of aur Centennial Com- mittee, au Treisurer. A request ià made again for names and addresses to be sent invitatiaois ta aur Cen- tennial Service here, June 4 at 2:30 p.m. Contact Mrs. G. Stapleton. The President gave a short report af the Oshawa Presbyteril Annual meeting iéld last wee4 in Northmins- ter Church, aý which mixe had attended bath Ëessions. Seven 'other ladies were able ta at- tend froin aur Society. The 20 present rase for the k Oshawa, Scout Peter Vanderlinden, Harry Bartlett, Benedictian, after which caf- chaimanfor he venxg, epreentng te Goupfce and doughnuts wene serv- e chirmn fr th evnin, reresntig th Grýpcd by Mrs. Farrow and mcm- g Committee, and Cubmnaster Clare Mutton. On SundaY, bers ai her group. ethey held a church parade ta the citadel when the Hockey iguest preacher was Capt. Jim Reid of Belleville. On Sunday, Feb. 19, New- i Bowmanville Scout Troop and 3rd Cub Pack joinedItonville played the New Serv- with them for the service. iice Cleaners, and came up wiffl a A-2 win. For the locals, lgtbunkers were Ken Gray, Andy Murphy, Ron Robinson Toronto, were Sunday dinner N W ON IL and Langstafi, while assists 1getofteruncle and aunt, E T N IL went to Phil Gilmer, Ted Mr. and Mrs. A. Mari errison, Stark and Bob Robinson. Flett St. Their son and daugh- Mr. George Stapleton was'Nwovle-licd th ter- in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- in Toronto last Tuesday at- iNwovle hce h ald Marjernison of Peter- tending the annual meeting of game with a goal wben there borough, wenc also Sunday the Canadian Hereford As- were just 18 seconds lcft ta visitons. sociation, at the King Edward play. For thel.Cleaners, Bate- Hotel.man and Douglas scared, with *Mr. and Mrs. Walil a ceel.Mcl Stevenson setting up bath Holmes, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paeden of them. Newtonvjlle were Mrs. Rupert Byers, town, visit- and Mr. Lamne Paeden return- assessed five af the eight min- 5cd Mr. John Holmes who is:ed horne from their southern or penalties. -attending Western University, lholiday trip on Wednesday Feb. 26 saw the villagers rLondon, Ont., and also visited evening last. preparing for the playoffs, as 5Mrs. Byers' daughter andý Local residents in hospital they came out af a close- family, Mr. and Mrs. Don include Mrs. B. Elliott, Jr., checking game with the Wright,. Patricia and Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Ogden, Mîdgets, with a 5-2 victory. - Misses Judy Brough, Gwen Mrs. K. Riese, Mr. Cecil Chuck Trim led the way with 9Norton, Carol Greenfield and Stapleton. Mr. George Clarke two goals while singles were - Marilyn Stone, nurses - in - retned homefrom Prt openotcbed by Phil Gilmer, Bob training at Hamilton Generai optiIs ldy Westheuser and B. Robinson. Hospital, have returned ta Mr. and Mrs. John VVaIWyý Next week the schedule duty after an e ni1 o y ah 1 e have taken up residence in îdraws ta a close, as Newton- month's holiday at Hallandale, Bowmanville. ville pîcys the Eldos at 5:30 Florida, guests af Mr. and Mns. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- p.m. F. Norton af Hamilton who son were supper guests, Sat- reside in Flonîda during the urday, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross winten months. Brown. frm he YELVERTON Mn. and Mrs. Peter Bath-A number rmheat gate were recent weekend tendcd the Official Opening of Th~e local Hi-C group span- guets f teirdauhte ad the Antificial Ice Rink at guetsof her dugtenanNewcastle, Saturday night. sored a pot luck supper fol-ý son-in-law, Mm. and Mrs. iowed by slides taken in! Douglas Gamsby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade Europe, Satunday night in the' Guelph. Mr. and Mms. Gams- were visitors with Mr. and chunch hall. Not wishîng ta by and family were visitons Mrs. Francis Tuffard, New- let pleasune interfere with the last weekend af ber parents, castle, _Saturday evening. business af watching "Hockey Mr. and Mns. Bathgate, and af Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster Night in Canada", we are un- ber sister, Mm. and Mrs. Jack visited Mr. and Mrs. George able to provide additional in- Williams, Onano. Hendenson in Port Hope, Sun- formation; wonder if those Msday afternoon, then went out slides belonged ta the same Congratulations tae 55ta Port Britain and visited Mr. classification as those uncen- Anna Farder and her partnen and Mrs. Charles Beighton. sored Italian mavies? Richard Stephens, Part Perry Miss Diane Gilmer and Mr. Mrs. George Wilson bas figure skaters. Competing in Bill Clark af Lindsay were been moved back ta Port Per- the North American Figur spegussSndyatM.rHoialrmOsaaa Skating Championships, helâD Vine' us cdy, r.r ot brorecupera tn recently in Montreal, wheme D ikes otne le eueain ail the top skaters frrom Can- A surprise birtbday party Mrs. Orval Quackenbush spent ada and the U.S.A. met, the for Mr. Bob Willsber was held thîs past week in Part Perry yaung couple placed founth at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Hospital getting acqauinted, in the pairs campetition. Mrs. J. Marteli an Sunday after- with the staff. Rupert Byers, grandmnothen ai faon whcn other guests in- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mal- Miss Farder, reside on Church cluded Mrs. Martel and colm are flying to St. Louisl Street heré, Steplien, Oshaw. Mr. and in U.SIt. foc *g three-dav heul- Mrs. W. Hénry, Sandra and day sponsorecT by a fecd cam- Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Har- David ai Toronto. pany locatcd there. rison, Brown Street, hcld a Mr. and Mns. Don Staplcton, A certain amount of extra family gathering on Saturday Lois and Neil werc supper excitement has been cneated i ýevening. Guests includcd Mr. guests, Sunday, with Mr. and in aur communîty wben a and Mrs. Carl Ritchie and Mrs. Bruce Dannelly and Dar- local Senior Citizen becarne daughter Wendy, Oshawa; Mn. reil, Part Hope. mis-placed; he knew where and Mrs. William Glanville, Mr. and Mrs. Truemnan hbc'vas but no one else did. Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson were Sunday sup- He was later located an Sun- Glanville, Newcastle; Mr. and per guests at Mr. Morton day, much ta the relief of Mrs. Robent Glanville, Mrs. Hcnderson's, Morish. friends and neighbours. A Beatrice Morgan, Mn. and Mrs. Mn. Jim Adams entered the member ai the Provincial [-anny Lewis and Fac, Mn. and Shauldice Clinic in Toronto, "Constabulany" in the pursuit Mrs. Emil Schmid, Mn. and Sunday evening ta undengo of bis duty as he saw it, drove M'rs. Ross Lewis, ail af Onono. sungery. . down one of aur sidcroads In the "Milestones" ai them Supper guests, Sunday, with which possessed anc ai thase February issue ai the Good- Mn. Dave Denault included little hilîs for which aur Tir & ubbr Cmpay M. and Mmm. Ron Burley and township is quite rcnawncd yea Tie &Ruber ompnyBob ai Port Hope, Mr. and (and fnequently bi1ces smed). of Canada, Limitcd, "Wing- Mms. Don Elliott and daugh- hth i atko rtk rootCla" w noe tat . G tes.?into accaunt, was that It was Saunders ai the Bowmanvillc Mmr. and Mrs. Harry Wadc fnot a thnough rond and that plant bas completed 20 yeans with Mm. and Mns. Bill Wadc this little bill bad fo c service. Aima in the "On the motoned -ta Buffalo, Sunday, ta been sanded since the ict M,'ove" column, at Bowman- sec thein cousin Mm. Jim Hold- tom Nedsa asay h ville I. C. Martin bas b cen away, play hckey. sent 5 ransferned irom the sales de- aMn W.pJ.y hacck ,lse nt P me time.getting bet- 4la -elinrproucW. .JA. c sstaceai loalesien f e a c y 0 fi s p si ti p p fi F si ci di w ti ti h si ai tt p BI K Di ar ce fi f a Bq D( pr i eh cm lag w. sic Vi w Mi an an an an Wi Te Re Ru Bu SIC Sp St: anq an, Mri ber hîglih- a tebrak a, beining wintn te land- Mn. and- Mmm. Aida Nasato~ ght wof the brcak- Ji 0on 0ur shores ai the first and Louis ai Part Credit and! Rsick-li e ilsJatStocker Indians inom Asia, the cus- Mrm. Hank Boon Sm. were1 ý ettylne gils, ReatFStokeantoms and habits ai tbe vaniaus wioeSunday visitons attý arty LbK elly. Unus a dor ibes, and where tbey settled; Malconi.Mm.Bo l e ýorthyKely. nusal oorthe coming ai the Viking ex-'rn'nn o awe ro o rizes. danated by the Baw- plorers was touched on, lead- rntning fo anepar tOrin ianville Club and local mer- îng up ta the landing a umigtaHlln aryi hants, added spark ta the Chnistophen Columbus, John Tanh.aevleMde o Lly mamning event. Among Cabot and iinally Jacques isThe a etvileoridget (or )cal Rotanians and their Cartier. itatPeWeoBatm ives wbo attended were Pre- Business period includcd 10-13 yns. bave had three' dent and Mmm. Bob Stevens, the reading ai minutes ai games necently, tieing Black-I ce President and Mns. AI. previaus meeting by Secre- stock 3-3, and besting Ponty- itherspon, Secretary and tany Mmm. R. Best, also cards pool twice with scores ai 3-1 rs. A. O. Dairymple, M!'. and notes af appreciation from and 7-1. No patential N.H.L. Su id Mns. Alfred Allin, Dm. thome nemembered bý' the matemial ham been clcanly id Mmm. Keitix Billett, Mr. Sunshine Committee. Fin- noticeable ta date. lis d Mrs. Mcmriii Brown, Mr. ancial reports wcee beard! Malconia "Inmates" Cfnjoy.r d Mmm. Tom Cowan, Mn. fnom Treasunen Mns. D. cd the kind hospitality ai aur - 'alter DeGeer, Mr-. and Mmm. Vinkle and Mmm. F. Gilmen. It former nelgihaours, the Bert' i en Hockin, Mr. and Mmm. was reported that the kitchen Gibsons ai Blacktock, onl Pr eith Jacksn, Dr. and Mrs. aven needcd nepairs, and a Fridays evening. d Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Don motion was passed ta have àrmis, Mr. and Mrs. Tamn this taken cane af. The piano) Any resident of Manvens' hdem, Dr. and Mrs. Wnu. bas been repained and tunedt (prcierably maie) who migixt, deil, Dr. and Mmm. Howard ince last meeting. ibe interestcd in growlng a i andle, Dr. and Mrs. Keitix Bey. J. Ramjit wiIl be Oui- beard are invited ta entert eman, Mr. and Mmm. Jim Lister Thank-oifenîng service Janetville amea's Centennial enrs, Mr. and Mrs. AI. speaker, Fniday, March 24, Beard Growing contest stant- rike, Mr. Ross Stnike, Dr. and the President and Secre- iflg Marcix lot, with iudging id Mrs. AI. Sylvester, Mr. tary are left ta invite others ta take place on April 22nd. id Mrs. Bif Thiemburger, ta this service, as they sec fit. Just contact the chairman, rand Mmm. Gea. Vice, Mr. Our society has received an John Burns, prion ta Mancix ýd Mrm. Rex Walters, Mn. invitation ta join with New- lst. The mare the merrier(o ýd Mzi. AL. McLeod. icasti. U.C.W., on Wednesday, shouid tuat be "tehfier">. F rien dship Club 0f Trinity United March 7. Mrs Georg _Ward1 kincly invitcd the members aof The Fricndship, Club ai rhp.Hrtem a a theriendship Club ta a soc- Tnlnity United Churcix hcld New Ycar anc with thaughts iai hour at the manse, at 3:, its eguîar montixîy meeting on the Past, the Present and follawing Uic regular meeting i thc Sunday Scixool Hall onth Future. Mrm. Christina on May 26th. A mng-sang was Friday, Feb. 24th. In Uic ah- Dunn assistcd Mns. Woodley. enjoycd with Mmm. Ted Marris sence ai Mmm. C. Ives, who A short business session fol- as leader and M ns. Albert was unabie ta attend because owd.Cale at the piano. ai an injurcd foot, Mmm. M. X~ Mrs. Leask suggcsted a pro- Members present wha badi Lcask called the meeting ta Ject whereby used postage bithdays in January and Feb-i order at 2:30 p.m. She wcel- stamps would be collccted and ruary werc suitably necagrnz- comcd ail membens and visi- sent away and sold for Uic ed and were given aboqe tors, then called on Mmm. N. support ai. Lepers throughaut ai ilawcrs. Aima given i oe Woodlcy ta lead the apenînig the world. The mnembers ly bouquet were Mn. and Mrs. FIX-A-mPLA&TE Instant First-Aid for all Fasti Easy to use No experience necessa ry! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE FEEN-A-MINT LAXATIVE in chewing gum form 16"s - Sugg. Iist 59C CONTACC- '10 Continuous Action Capsules One capsule checks sneezes, sniffles, helps clear stuffy noses for up to 12 full hours. îO's - Sugg. List 1.49 *Reg. Can. T. M. off. TEGRIN 0Ointment forP*99si 2oz. - Sugg. lisi 3.27 2.99 MUSTEROLE Regular or Chiîdren's Sugg. CHOCKS MNT R THE CHEWABLE MULTIPLE VITAMIN,CHLRNLV OTK PEPSODDENT 0Oo's , Sugg. Sg.Is .9IDA ist 4.75J f7 for 1.04 SPECIAL89 The. Canadian Statemen, EownvlleM ar aKreed ta undertake thus, the Harvey a* l stapstobe.brought ta the bratn thefr j meetgsOor given ta Mrs. Ir. anniverayoni~ win Bragg. Te.mrhia The date for the March a period'o gd~ meeting was discussed and get-tagetuer afttW the date set was Friday, deiciuluh Low iliI U.C.W. * . For Oid A S T A TU8i C LA S S P Ibone 68 1 11 PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY MARCH t MODESI.. FEMININE NAPKINS;"ý î2's-S, BAND-A1,D1 _Plastic Strips 98c VALUE Manufacturer'i SpecIal 79'C I.D.A. NEWý DAWN.1 The HAIR COWOR MINI GII aid to appetite COnr! Sugg. lisi 2.25 SLIMi a modern 36's - Sugg. BEN GAYc Greaseless or Regular ;ugg. Iist .25 1.09 for 99c w Head & Shoulders Lotion Shampoo èugg. is 1.19 9 9 C IRESCRIPTIONS VAENE< PETROLEUM JELLY 16 or. - Sugg. I.D.A.Y Iist 1.29 SPECIAL 7C Reef Refresh irg Mou thwoth 6 oz. - Sugg. lisi 79c 67~ 1. D .RMDE ALEX M.cGREGOR e DRUGS e KING ST. W. For Chappdà' FOIR fÀO4M «ND FB A 623-5792 1 shawa OINTMENT - - PHONE This Week's Super JOHNSON & JOHNSON 1- 1 TWO 49c PKGS. I.D.A.,ý 1 1%-16 lie29 5 9c 11609 67ýco,

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