The Orono Mrs. James E Richard, ~rny Dane Hareas, age weekend guesta af Mr. Un. Reid Hlarn (the and Carl of the Eighth Li nereorgina Welsh aoflirby. xsa), and dear aiter of ?4r. and iiI. A. M. Joi As thesUi result of a biî- st and Mr. and Mns. Arc Jgravcl truck accident Lunn are holidanying ewus leaving the Clarke Largo, Florida. Sehool on her way Mrs. Leo Hadder, Brn on June Zust, local pas- Michael and Michelle, a 'ay Haitaltoron' Cl- wee Michael Waily of!Sei iuJlra, Toroto, on borough vlsited her paren IMdy eruary 5hwl- Mr. and Mns. James E. M g.vrregaining consious- ltno rdy MWdrn d e ei îympa th os Mr. and Mrs. Everett St Haren fymauly ii tlea pleton spent a long.weekei ITfvement. Funeral wasPwzterniecoe, rs.nMuni L.Orono United Church < on rntereMr.oterMchian. r ali ternoon. Interment Man:d r.ChrarMles Joh 80rono Bowmanville vîsitedh m Albert Mitchell retunn- sister, Mrs. Charles Wood. hoe lait week irom the Miss Clara Page oi Toront =MsoIaiHospital, Bowman- Mr. and Mn. Ros Pagei Solina and Mr. Bnian Bradie àfrs. Geary visitcd her bro- of Queen's University, Kini or Mr. Wilbert Hmncçck and stan, recently called an Mr M..Ugneack at Peterborough. James E. Richards. Ir. Vera Million spent 'Mn. and Mrs. Pere Coope L'ua1 days mwith her son, ai Oshawa, Mr. and Mr N. Ë. Million, M.,,. Mill- Chas. WaIker and sons Bria i d daughters Ellen and and Bruce ai Scarboroug Iliy.visited Mr. and Mrs. Cha! fiand Mn. Robt. IaicklCooper on Sunday. i da;ughter Soraya' af l- Mrs. Ivan Farrow returne gtnMr. ndMii. Bruce home on Sunday ater visitinl le oiBowzmanville were-her cousin, Mm. Tom Pethic] MAPLE GROVE Ien't forget the Euchne M. ndMi. Roy' Toppini 1Crakin9le pmty, Saturdy and sans, Toronto, Mr. anÉ ming at 8 p.m. In thc C. E,1,Mn. Harold Stevens and iamn IL il, Mp rave, were Fnida3 wu choir rendered a won- dinner guests ai *their parents t1l anthem on Sunday; aur Mr .and Mns. Fred R. Stevens, loter' a good sermon on to honour ýMrs. Topping', xbelng a Christian - the birthday. 'Congratulations tWathiu]ncss." Next Sun- Doris". , i subject wiIl be "«On Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Run. 9. a Christan - Gentleness." dle, Oshawa, wcre visitors U-C,,Invites al wha are anc day last week with Mr. ,Tesed t seethenew and Mrs. Fred R. Stevéns. von >Operation BeaverM.adMs Rbr oes wm by Rev. H Mr Ralph Rogers, Bowman- ,5vice wrn strt er t -, -cou Oy uj.*eJr ni. gueits with the farmer's son Mr anM. muikMotoad wife, Mn..muid Mns. Ron ~~~fr.~~~ miMn.Jc MotnRogers amud immily. me rcturned home from e Mr. muid Mn.. Reg. Taylor, * weeks' vacatiopu et Treas- O0shmwe, were Mouidey visii a land, Flanida. - tors with ber sister, Mmi. AI. an mudMn.. Mcl Shiels lan Snowden. ei imîly, Oshawa, wcre Mr. muid Mmi. R. L. West- lam vistons with hem sis- away, Camemon, wcme woek. mu Wi 'ad husband Mr. muid Mi. end visitons wilh thein daugh- ad Wng ud !am!Iy, Baie ten, Mn..muid Mn.. Cedric Rui- me. sel anid- immiry. fr. mand Ms. Jack Morton Mn. James Crydermmn, Base il fanxfly, Base Une, Mn. Lino, Mr. Gary Je!fery, Meple 1 Mn.. S. S. Morton, Maple Grave, accompanied e num- ovc, wene Suuiday suppen ber ai Jr. Fanon tat Acton .sts wlth Mm. Jack Mon- an Sunday la visit Mn..muid 'M parents, Mr..muid Mm.. R. Mn.. Robert Kerr (nec Pet Moffat, Orono. Knxox, Saline), wben mili ad [r. and Mrs. S. S. Marton a very enjoyeble lime. re Mondmy visilon. with Mr. John Pritchard speuit sluler, Mr. and Mn.. Stan- the weekend with bis parents, Mackli, Cobourg. Mn..muid Mns. Otis Pritchard, aist Fmlday while Master brothens Peton,,muid Peul, ai: il Marlon, Base Lino, wes Manotick. tg with his schoal dais Mn..muid Mns. Rais Aluin,1 be%= b; heU nand.broke Moss Gladys, .Alir4,.Mastqrj OMila be,, which lu keep- Calvin Allun, Newcestle, wereI hlm out o! school this Sunday supper gueits withl -Mr.muid Mrs K G H ee qni _________________________ home at th c entrance Ia o a B w a vfc t n o~ M c o ad taOrono Park. - m a 80 Ja a*in p r t curmng Brue alfl nofl, R3 Mn. Mlten¶'aHbjynMPTa O N. after ta thc churcli ian garnes jTeun, Wse Hos-ai n. uidMrs Bo Clnuca ~. a Ui Duraniouny Slvi Kamer~aud hr CngrtulatIý onstaMn. Allan 1Fraser. Prntrsbadge wM NOe WHaHeptonWadi t Brett ad bUe king Necdewomnls Bdg S m wreand st Mui s rndby ratSrk$i NwMisHln adl.hsBa aeS da igtonbu Bt Tu SiIiig mensuadgsi we wre Ae wa h wliLrry Hopkins mand <hn been con aee'gatUchome the home ai Mr..mand Mrs. Bd United Cuc.Benesnu mudSli b ane UsStCayatr ai Miss Sde wnmtr Wight afilnukilflen. Studento ai M. J. ýHobba Katzer. Second Claii Badges lioia ax in Hampton. Cub Master 130b Shar cf Isi Editor recent surgery at thc Mcm- Mn..mand Mm. Bruce Steven- School wlfl ho writing themr were Presented ta Valenie UoiitdChurch'"A") Pack prcscnted Ldtja anial Hospital. son ai Detroit apent lait weck wxnter tenm exanxination be- Maiprize anid Elizabeth York. Condolences ta the family WolfbagstJO Wwu, and a Detoit Mchign. Mr uad Mru. Douglas Slmp- end vlaiting at Uic home af twecn Marci 2nd and March Home Nursing wus donc but mand friends ai William George Neil Mahafiey, Garth P~UMo, rian ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 nludMn e ra dsn Gary and Sharon viaited Mrn. Stevensoun% parents, Mr. 7th. as Uic badges arc nat yet out Gilbert wha passed mway last David Snowden and onMr.and MviiienGa n . nd Mrn. Gardon Suxnp- and Mr. Boy Metcalf af Pupils of M. J. Hobbs scored Uic naines ai tixose cr i-arningthi week Services wene held ion Elliott. Boys of Uiche'B âne, sonDa.d i*tedso, Bowmnville. H[aunptoui. Mis. Dîck Metealf a dlea swcep ai the finit thi'ee badge will appear in aur next him Iast Monday afternoon by'who rcceived thein e ton Gray, Mr. and Mim Jim Mr. sud Mns. Ban Masters, of! Bowmnauwife entertained &lace in Uic Legion Public ncws. Rev. Catta. Mn. Gilbert, wha Wolf irom CX. John K )h Gray and immily ai Cadmus Danlene, Gal Cindy mand Mr. and Mri. Metcalf and Mr. t C ling contest held last Three Guides are trymng for died in is 4f th year, was ian- ver werc Donald Tnegun chie on Sunday. Trent ai Bawnxmnvllle; Miss mand Mn. Stevenson ta dinnen Saturdmy in Bawmmnvillc. Nine their Senior Religion and lâi menly ai Hampton, although Alan Walker, Robert Ma- at Mr. muid Mns. Rene Clapdrop Ruby Virtue af Toronto; Mn. an Sturday evening. children altagether, competcd Enibîcins thanks ta o vCatto. lmtely had been reamding lnl Donald, Richard Di .u ai Bowmanvilllc, Mn..muid Mns. sud Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy Mr. mnd Mns. Boy Metcl in Uiecocntest which was won Most ai the girls working on Oshawa. He h survived byr his Richard Fraser muid 'Wa ian Julien De Pmepc, Mr. mand Mis. auid Laurie ai Enuiuîkillen; Mn..mand Mn. Boss Metemîf wcre by Linda Hazelton, with Don- their Finit CÇsshaé> ýssd arents Mn. sud Mns. George Watson. an uPuliera mass atr d hmo nd Mrs. Reid Cochranxe ai Sundmy dinner .guests at the ald Drew coming li second and their map, cern ass anfradqlbr !Hiinada A number of proficiency ar- m funamasStra o Kinby were receuit Sundmy home ai Mn. and Mrs. W. S. Cindy Siblock third. These map rcadlng sand aur uiew girls uister Ethel agsweeai reetdt nts in inDetroit, Michigan, ion supper guests ai Mrs. Wm. Stevenson ai Oshawa. three wilî go on ta iurther that came in the fal! are well ebr of""ad'» fd- the late Private Richard Cochrane. Mr.muid Mrs. Vern Cato compétition later this month. ita their seodcas I esee1 Lawrence, nephcw ai Mns. Mn..mand Mis. George Mit- Toronto were hanerget Tnaiede h cho iegrs eond the em-1 KED uN leades, by thng ef r ep ;ta- Dredinnen guesta Thanki are dueltandthe lcroolOf ne girlsuhicpedathermeM- De aeewh ws ilcdinchilmdchldenaiNothlait Smîurciay at thehome a o sifeahe, Mn.MQuaY, bers ai thcMothers' Auxilimny Jim Rosnak; Toymaker. end action at Saigon an FcbruarY Oshawa spent Swiday with Mr. sud Mn.. Ted Chant ai who, aon his own time, arrang- a! Uie Finît Hilicreit Sea Highlight of the 2lst Osh- Wayne Qake Juni Romnak,' ray lflth. And aisa visited Mis. Mn..muid Mn.. Oscar Adam, Hampton. Lait Suuiday even- cd for the chlldnen ta enter Scouts with thein .Fathen sud awa Scout group's annual Bnan Miiey HaoI SnFlarant Saman at Simcoo, mIsa called an Mr. and. Mn. ingMi. anid Mns. Ted Chant the comipetition. Son Banquet. Yes the lister- Father muid Son banquet held Mauntjay, Ricky Melch, Midi- .sisten af Mr. J. De Paepc, muid Albert Mitchell mand iamlly. wene dinuier guests at the Congratulations af both pup- hood ai Guides muid brother- at Camp Samme counicil hall acl Pettes, Mark Pettes, Brlan hn who has passed away since. home ai Mr. mand Mrn. Arnold ils sud staff o! M. J. Habbs to hood ai Scouts can work ta- rcnl was the presentation , r Ats, Bly real his Mr..muid Mns. Reg Sutton Venner af Little Bnitain. Math. teacher Mn. Stewart gether even i! some people ofrecotadestlyi DviC a in z adt Blloran Lmit vstdM.adMs rdTYRONE Master Brie Chant ai Hamp- "Who Va5 iarried last Friday have thein daubts!mn membens ai the troop. ma e lrt; House Orderly, Brian it, Dayes at Nestîcton oui Sun- ton ls visiting this weck with evening ta Miss Sandra Meyers Last Sunday was the an AM George Pollitt md Canr, John Lepine, George o! day. Tyrane Home muid School his mothen, Mns. Paul Fanthing farmenly ai lnglehart. nual Brownic, Guide muid Sea the presenation of badges ta Mitchel, Peter Melch, Wayne ley Mn..muid Mns. Don Long, Mr. Association met Weduiesday, a! Oshawa. The Senior boys Golden Rovens church panade. Duringth aerofheecpnsOksFnkAg JmR- îg- muid Mns. Onville Cîxallice, Mn. Febnumny 22ud. Mn..muid Mns.Hampton Women's Institute Hawks a! M. J. Rabbi School this service we Uilnk ofi aîî l the ah ers ai d the orteipysnOak, Fuk Gi in i as Irs. and Mrs. Lamne Bowini, Mn. Clarence Tink of Hampton will meet this Tuesdmy li the played the Bawmmuiviîle l{igh Guides, Brawnies and Rayera wha inned .Them an thery'ua, uhGnn Fred Vmgg, Mns. Sami Brown showed beautiiul vivid colour C.E. Wig ai Hampton United School Bmutamns lait Tuesday ai the wonld muid remember aur une is ormi. The group eer adeeodc ani ýer were amang Uic group wha alides ai horticulture; mauiv Chunch with the North Gnoup muid in spite of excellent dnib- founden sud his wife, Lard te iittinciv hiCevl Bdley rucosdic erui ,. travelled ta Whitby ta hear lovely gardens o! their own, In change. The theme will be bling muid passing by the Gold- and Lady Baden Powell who af pnoficiency in scoutrng in servin sa ntutrwt ani Rev. Gea. Yonge ai Five Oaks pbi akec oeuia giutr udCnda en Hawks, they were defeated started this mavement so the troop, muid included Don- "A" pack for a pcnlod' ai gil spemk.,ng an Family Lufe, at panticular varieties ai flow- dustnues. Mn.,. Wilfned Smiale 32 ta 28 by the bantams in mn many years mgo. arcD le, DBuia sam, three nionthi. as. St. Mrk's United Chunch at ers, prize-wînning floral mn- will hoi charge a! the tapin. exciting basketbmlî game. Main Until next tume, good Guid- Bru elliDtandoularatson mscaeits of th .Whitby. rangements muid vanr y i n g Mn..muid Mns. S. Kersey ai paint-getter for the Golden ing t alal. BI lit udLr3 msn te ciiis a u ed Mr.muid Mmi. Win. Staple- shades ai gneeuiery wms cvi- Hampton were Sunday dinner Hawks wms Jerry Dettingen Hampton Parent Teacher Bill Snowden, chairman of group during Scoutiuig Weekc 1k to o Newtauiville, who ne- dence ai the îkill that bath guests at the home ai MrMn.ud who îcared 17 af the 28 points. Association fmmily night held the 2lst Group Committee, iuicludeil attendance by miem- cuty ter c- Mn. sud Mrs. Tik have de- Mn.. Harold Ashtoui ai Ennus- Excellent dibbling was dis- lait Sturday cvening li the acted as master ai ceremonies Cbcs th ter eadersth ding Anniversmny, were dix- veloped in their wark with killen lait Suuidmy. played by John Rogers, Boyd Hampton schaol tunned eut ta ion the dinner and the pre- at the Ceâtenuilal Ecunienical nonr guests o! Mrs. CecilRab- flowers. This presentation ai Miss Jo-Anuie Holroyd ai Jewcll muid Bob Carpenter be a moît successiul event sentations which !oilowed. Church Parade at Civie AUdi- bison an Weduiesday ai lait nature juat happened ta pro- Hampton ententained several with Larry McDonald plmying with 50 adults ttending sud The Honour Patrol plaque tonium. The tnaap astedin week. vide a framework ion the ne- af iher clasîmates at a birth- a solid game on guard. 79 childnen. was presented to Bruce Mac- the construction ai a gateway g9 Mrs. M. H. Staples sud Mn.. marks af Dr. F. M. Novotuiy day pmty in honan af ihen The teachers Golden Hawks Guide Elizabeth York remd Danald, patrol leader of the at the Rossland Plaza ai part id Chas. Wood spent several as hoe compared the "natural" seveuith birthdmy lait week. scored their firît victory af the the leison at last Sundmy's Panther Patrol. Skip Corneal af a centennial pnoject by the a- days et the home a! Mn..muid aspects O! country lie with Friends muid neighbiors hope seasan lait Thunsday night service in Hampton United prescnted the Campons Tro- troops which comprise the 'y Mns. A. A. Stnike at Bawman.. the "artificial" envirannient that Mn..muid Mns. Lionel Hic- aver the teachens o! Courtîce Chunch with Brownie Launie iphyita Bradley Roddick i central Oshawa District. 3, ville, ai city lufe. Efiecti ai these key will ho happy i tueur new High School with a score o! Chant leadiuig in prayers. behaif o! the boys who had 1_------------------------- S, ansi nwsmii ayopal a home in Bowmmuiville. The 39 ta 27. However a îew li- Guides muid Brownies were ail emruied this trophy during y it Mis. J.rrDs. Brow yn dxscus o edoespe l wne Hickey'a former Hampton rosi- juries ta M. .1. Hobbs' teachens presont at the service in full week o! camping at the Ad- GtT u r Mn..muid Mns. Gardon Lea- change imde rom anceoui- dents moved ta Bowmmnvilie were misa a direct result ai this unionn. Two selections sung venture Baie in Haliburtoii'.et jrPrc mon Scrhoa~,h ct. wee vnoumet t th oten.Drlait week. Beit wishes misa ta gamne wîth Physical Education by the junior chair ai St. Paul's, These wore Brad, Bruce G Fr ou dinmne cbr ugue Jtrda < Nviot, ho a eoolDpsyMn..muid Mns. Emie Battrell, teacher Mr. Webster suffering Chunch in Bowrnanville under Donald, Deuinis Werry, MryFrY u ietc Mui d isited .th0r elatiernvt scooypatcsi former home in Hamptan lait muid art teacher Mr. Moffat a cal! wero very much enjayodLiel k Mn midMn F . ooper haois mi msahs ni wamoeditoth ice'sa asilesoudr opntin h dretono M. oiSet cinouid Fstran WSot. :hwou terrltvsi that the change !nam city ta Monday amidît ail thet snaw sprmined toc. We hope they are by ail preseuit. The children or Wmtagerrof 8 T A T E 8 M A N Mrn. i n a e oan onnylei h mr i ud bitter winds. bath soon recovored !rom their sang "Have Yau Been In,,the presented the Greo tg ! C L A 8 S1IPF1I3 D 8 _M.adMs on o scoun it.Cmens nthe hore l f-Mn..muid Mmi. F. Holroyd oainbjuries. Garden With Josus?"19muid "Althe First Aidens badge ta Phone 623-3303 Bowmenville visited Mr. aud Grade 9 girls !romn Courtice Night, All Day."Rihr DimnRobert rchiid inlerested rapt audi- r.FHoNh colaepangte TeC tnilAuinad n MnIFrHloyd o! HamptonHih choarpayugte ToC teilAutomud___________________________ UflITUARY once. An especimlly nice social lait Saturdey evening. grso .J o colBk aeCmiteo ap MISS MABEL MITCHEL lu n m ctho H oemud Hampton U.C.W. spansared toniglîtili whatsuld prv on Church met lait Sunday InS ach soti omil e abstpt t aitigtotabe an exciting gameofa! atennoon at 1:30 p.m. Repre-ý . In !ailing hcaltb ion the paît held li Haydon school. tarontsof Hampton Public FIRST HAMPTON GUIDE CO. !ruswrom esntail chh N N AL ycan,' Miss Mabel Mitchell died Although Friday nigh t was School children will no doubt Since we last wrote news eigrop iee prsent mt the LAT W E' iN R Nusn HmBomnilenrbe fpepeateddtheir childnen's ichool during Meny thanks are due ta aur Steve Antym auid Mn. Maurice L~ P A ft JDE Miss Mitchell, who îornenîy the Euchre Party et the Comn- Open House this caming week. badge testers without whom Bradley. Objective of the cani- M .A D E E R ' livod with hierneic Miss munity Hall. This tume there The schaol's Centennial Pro- this wouidu't have been pos- mittoe is ta raise $2,000 for 44 Duke St. omnil "Hazel VanDyke, 531 Mary st., were 14 tables a! progressive ject, a sonies a! the shields ai siblo. Girls who have passed repeins ta the church as wellBom nle Oshawa, wesinluiber 87th yoar. ouchre. Pnizes were as fol- each covince muid tennitory in tueur Hostoîs Badge are: Benb- as ta instaîl a new cerpot in WILL RECEIVE A $10.00 GIFT *The lait iunviving member laws:' Mesrs. FP. L. Byam, Tom Cana a will by thon be finish- ana Borek, Elizabeth York, the church. The auction muid CERTIFICATE FROM ai hon immly, the deceesed was Million, Mns. Clarence Brad- cd muid huuig in the ichool hall. Debbie Nolan, Marion Mona- bake sale are ta tako place a, deughler o! the lete Anthony loy, Messrs. EmnI Proscaît, These siiieîds as weîî as the han, 'Valenie Mainprize, Mary somo lime in May. Any dona- E/ ~ E REP muid Henneh Mitchell.B o n n Relph Davey muid Mns. Raîpli Canadien Coat ai Arms, have Lawrnuce, Ilenietta Katzer tions will ho grateiully accep- O S SH E R P I 1JulY 15, 1880, in Dmlingtoui Davey; 50-50 draw Went tOaell been dmmwn by the cblldmc nmud Bannie Chant. ted. Township, she spont 60 yoars Mr.. Walter Park; special muid are well wanlhy ai the at- The foliowing week the Twelve Sundmy achool teadi- [a rssmakerin B0oondrra oMr.ohnBoore. îteton.girstions ont a ns atnded aSunday School & PET S HO P in ~ ~ Pedl, Februmny 2lst, Mr. Ayme muid Mrlyn Kniox ai M. these wone: Barbera Borek, evening. The teechens discussed 8 ugS.W MisMitchell iormerly at- P1ulVeneyk wms appointed j. Hobbis Senior Elementany Kethy Van De Beit, Debbie their wark and future plans. PIEMNSE tended the Chumch ai Englend cheirman o! the Board Oi School who weme second muid Nolrn, Marion Monahen, Hon- This Saturday evouiing, Mer. PIEMNSE in Boston. Stewards, Mn. H. Van Dorp îourtlx nespectively li the West nette Ketzor, Mary Lawrence, 4th, the Hampton Honeyumaon- SIR JOHN ABBOTT The momanrial service was was ppited ta the Manse Durham Public Spemking Con-Sylvie Ketzen, Beverley Gucat ors wlll meet et the chumch et held et the Armstrong Funerel Board ai the Boarmd .o!Slow- test held lait weok liin ityand Bannie Chant. m:30p.x.Fomthere they will Jtomc, ai. ..,Muçay, Fqb.ands, Ued C ,Ipr~~~wmanville. _______ 27. Creniation foilloed the 1aMn. sud y3in'lude Teeognuwffo c~n service. Interment wai ln Zion mteuided the Golden Wedding Cemetey. Arxnivesary fr Mn.. Rundle's m.rens, Mn..muid Mn. Stewart MA# P I E ld -e urday, Februmry 18th. Miss Lonie Sosnawski, Osh- awa, spent a weekend with Miss Gail Runde. On Sundmy P A'h ( n e n*i G m lmo C ud' 1! ski, Oshawa, were guets a .-Y'teC nenalGmoYufol i I U ~ ~~~~i T 9 Mr n d M s . To hn R undleI .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -n.-mid M..aPelton Sosnow- Mn. 4nd Mns. Lloyd Hoar muid family, Toronto, nocontly visited bis mothor, Mmi. S. T. Hoar. Mn. sud Mm.. Harvey Hardy, Bowmnanville, Mn. R usse ll Hardy, Toronto, Mn..muid Mrs. Arthur Thampion, Danleno muid Donald, Oshawa, were Seturday eveuiing d in ne r gucîts ai Mn..muid Mrs. George Alldreed. Mr..muid Mn.. George All- dread Were Suuiday supper guests ai Mns.. mono Murray, Orono. Mr..maid Mm,. Walter Mur- phy, Glenn sud Jamie, New- castle, were supper guesti ai Mns. Edth Murphy. Sorry littho Tonry Rahm is un Bowmmnville Vemorial Haspitel witb pneumonie. .Miss Alilson Rehm, Ajax, visited hon grandparens, Mr. muid Mmi. W. Rmhm, Sunday. Visitors aven the weekeuid wlih Mn..muid Mmi. Aldin Hoan were Mrs. Porcy Werry muid !amlily, Onono, Mns. Frank Wenry, Bawmmnvile, Mr. muid Mmi. Ken McQueid, Oshawa, Misses Marie Draper, Ennis- killen, muid Linde Smith, Pet- erboroughi, John Hoar, Ton- enta,,muid John Harmer. Allen Yaungman roturned beck te Queen's University,' Kingston, oui Sunday miten spondiiig a week et bis home. Mn..muid Mrs. A. Youngmaui, Allen, Roy&muid Betty were suppor gucîts a! Mn..muid Mns. Herb Powell, Bawmepville. M.1Tom Phillipi retumuied home lait week mter spond- ing same tirne with hon dau- ghten, Mn..muid Mmi. Gene Ro- borts and baby, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Flowers li the church Sun- day moianing were li memory o! the late Mn. Henry Hill who pmssed awmy Weduiesdey mamning, Fcb. 22nd. Funeral service was held on Sturdey froni the Norllicutmuid Smith Funenal Home. Sympethy us extended ta the bercaved iamhly.. Mn..mand Mms. Lamne Phare were dinuier guests Suuidey ai Mn. muid Mr$. Dan AlluIen sud son, Oshawa. Mn. sud Mis. Leslie Huuit and faulIxiY, Mr. muid Mis. Bon Kici, Niuius muid Bryme, Hampon, lslted Mn..muid Mýn. ROY Mayrurad, it beiuig ».o7'8 bfrthday. Congratula- tions! 8a uorny your day had tO e hospth by a fine li Uic evening wbicb stanted in Uic trUit .çeIlar. Mrs. Maynard's ptcm, X enuged ta get eut 0 WWsdOWP bt Uic athen two auMothezd. A Pet lmb she lid nX & Unlvcd. Bvery- th bose la amnked, *f pqt !water lI Uie oeiln, ut b.yare thmnkiul t~~uey V W aetheir hotu sud re * i t ay thene. SKIP!REiTIE 83 LIBERTY ST. S. OPEN DAILY UNTIL 10:00 P.M. INCLUDING SUNDAYS - featuring - Ideal Dairy Products "QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON" - J U.G.,M.1L K GUERNSEY GOLD 2/oHOMO' 58*6 'B I Suv' ÔNE Il3d SUNBEAM, LIG HT ,BULBS READ40-60- 100 WATT 241.oL 5 LBS G ONE FRE~ WITK ERACH 'PURCHASE 0'F 4 BULBS WE RESERVE THÉ RIGHT TêkUI! ANTITIES KRAFT LRS mu~,utpav WE WANT TO BE VOUR EGG MAN TOOI R Glen Rae DAIRY We Guarantee Our Products For Life PRESTON TRANSPORTI LTD. AGENT FOR ALLIED VAN LUNES VAN MOVING AND STORAGE 623 -2493 Ail Loads FulIy Insured 24-HOUR TOWING Complete Service and Repair toalal Makes and Models - Licensed Meclxanic - Mutton & Gould Service Station 72% Sugog St. 623-7451 WRITE SLICED N BREAD 5 for 95c JUG MILK 2% Homo 58C 63c - Plus Deposit- BRYSON'S SMOKE 500F 31 King W. 623-5626. For the Best ln Dining and Entertainment THE FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Hwy. 401 623-3373 SELLING OUT I of ali N Winter Footwear Save 25% to 35% JO0E'#S SHOE REPAIR AND PET SHOP $1O.OO WINNER WEEKLY Jusi read through each advcrtisement, find the letters and put them together ta form the name of a Prime Minister. You could wln a $10 merchandise voucher from any anc of the partlcipatlng merchants. Entries should be postmarkcd no later than Sunday mldnight and mailcd to The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. " SHELF AND HIEAVY HARDWARE, S, MCGKRAiW< " ROOFING E'Hardware * FLOORING1E 95KnW.6321 " POWER TOOLS 'E~ Kn .6351 FOR THE BEST IN UPHOLSTERING AND REFINISHING1 IE Darlington Upholstering 102 King St. W. 623-7341 IWBL ...AT Eastway Lanes Highway No. 2 Open Bowling Every Dai Exempt Wedn.aday Enquire 3-DAY HOLIDAY IN MONTREAL ON PUBRHSE OF NEW OR USED CAR Corne in and Enquire! PORK CHOPS Reg. 95c lb. Nom, Only * 89c IL FRESH EGGS Grade A Large 49c doz. LLOYD'S General Store One mile cnst of Oshawa Town Lino on Highway 2 Open weekdays A 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sanday Il a.m. - 10 p.m. Compliments wcIlike * . constructive critfcism too, . .. help us to continue For Appointment Phone Now NIK I'S BEAUTY SALON 49 Kiug St. E. 623-7541 WHYTE i UPHOLSTERY 55 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-5252 Attention Subsonlbers: * BLUE CROSS *GREEN SHIELD PSI DRUGS accept cdaims for your drug plans. 623-3361 F Phone or sec us about setting up your file NOW. Be ready f0 move. 1H DeWITH Reoltor 14 Frank St. 623-3950 10" PORTABLE TELE VISION * Pre-Set fine Tuinxq 0 Autoaxtc Circuit * Mono-Pole Antenna Sug . List $ I» » 5 iQ New Oùniy .. EQUIPMENTCO 134 ~fog L I<'WU8S~U8. I. i i WRYH '11; a a XMh VSHIII When you list 1 with us- . 1