Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1967, p. 13

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To. anaianstatemman, Eowmanvlle, Mer. le 198, I ,Çecreatîon (Reviews lCdtEroei tfte anad Design Makint Leafs were led hi Ken Terris Connse with twô goals and one usslat, A claou ln pattern and de- Tom Conahan onc goal, and sign making pertaining toi Dive Preston one goal. For sewlng and dress making will the~ Rangers it was Gary b., sponhored by the Depart-1Ovenden one, Terry, Baker 1,âL4ent of flocreation, Bowmnan- one goal and one asuist, and &Mlle. This will be a ten-week David Cook one assist. ý"tunie covering ail phases of In thc second game thc Pattern deuigns for dresses.1 Hawks faiied ta keep thefr The cliii will start Mondmy, hopes alive by tieing the MaOch 2th, at the Lions Cen- lBears 2-ail. This tic was ail tre fromn 2:00 p.m. te 4:00 p.m. the Bears needed to assure -,The ca.m will be lixnited themn of a spot in Minor Hoc- to 30, key Day on March 18th. The *If there ia a great demand, Hawks opened the scoring et ..W1ther cuiss wiii be formed the 9:45 mark of the second totake place on Wednsda period on a goal by Don Brad- aftencos frrn :30 o 330 ey asisted by Bernie Pflan- p.m. The fee is $500 for 10 zer, and et the 14:00 minute afeks nf.:3to3 mark the Hawks went:ah:ad S2 to0onDrl can' Mrs.Garvck, ho i ingoal. The Beans finally made ues, will be the teacher. In- the score sheet et the 17:30 terested ladies mnay negister mark on a goal by Nick Wind by calliug 623-3114. assisted by Ken King and No Recraton ocy picked up a penalty at the this Sturday19:15 mark for two xnany men There wili be no eceto on the ice, and with only 10 Hockey on Sturday, March seconds remaining in the 4th, due te the Bowmanville game the Bears tied Uic score O....Juvenile Centennial an Ken King's goal with Mar- Tounnament which begins ntjtin Wind drawing the assist. 8:M0 .m. The Recreation Hoc-? In the final g mme cf the key League games wili be day for the Pce Wee league plydon Saturday, March the* Bruina shutout the Atom 'Ilth. This is for the Pee Wee, Ail Stars by a 3 ta 0 score. .Bantam and Midget leagues. The Bruina were led by Max Atom Hockey ! Johnson with two goals and In the firat game piayed on' one assist. Robent Turney Thursday, Feb. 23rd, the Rama1 picked up the other manken defeated the Giants by a 4 te1 while Keith Kelly and John 2 score. The Rams were led Tamblyn picked up one assist byJee His with thnee goals each. anmd an assist, while Sandy ~ Bantam League Kemp counted one goal and In the first contest the Pee Ren Strike two assists. The Wee Ail Stars defeated thei Giants goals were scored by Pirates by a 4 te 0 score. The Bin Pascoe and Dennis Stars goals were scored by Broome. Stephen Davey one goal, Paul During the Mother and Daughter banquet for Guides and Brownies at In the second game the Fersey one goal and one as- Ebenezer United Church Christian Education Centre on Feb. 2lst, a first was Bisons dcfeatcd the Barons sist, Guy Johnson one goal, recorded with the enroilment of two Guides as Cadets. Margaret Goyne, lef t, and by a 7 te 2 caunt. The Bisons Phiiip Romnenil one goal, Rolly Gail Walter were the two young ladies who will now continue their Cadet studies ne htw gols5Badlonenun assissit n Du a4dbynt by correspondence, while aise helpîng as leaders of the area Guides and Robbie Brough anc goal andsitsBowis anc asSatTom Pflnze,~ In the second game the 'J Deug Leddy, Mike Hobbs andj Huskies defeated the Panthers the Cubs dcfeated the Braves Feb. 24th the Lakers and the Bantams: Rck Leblanc with one goal by a 10 te 1 score. The Hus- by a 3 ta 1 score. The Cubs Stompers played to a 12-ail Lions 12 1 3 27 each, while assista went te kies were led by BillCoombes goals were scorcd by Gerry tie. The Lakers points wcre Flyers 10 5 1 21 Jeff Hodgson two, John Trirn- with four goals, Ken R.owe Snowden with two, Launie scored by Barry Draper with Huskies 8 4 4 20 I bic one. with two goals and one assiat, Gay wîth one goal and two eight points and Hans Riet- Pec Wees 8 6 2 18 Pc. Wce Hockey Bill Eeuwes one goal and two assists, while Mike Wood mulien with four points. The Braves 6 7 3 15 In the game played Friday, assista, Rick Morrîson and picked up -one assist. The Stompens points werc scored Pirates 6 10 0 12 Feb. 24, the Aces defeated the Tony Balson anc goal each, Braves lone manken was scor- by Danny Sturrock with ten Cubs 4 il 1 9 - .Wings by a 6 te 4 score. The while assista went te Walten ed by David Porter, points and David Passant with Panthers 1 12 3 5 Aces wcne led by Butch Ste- Wcneszczynsl<i one, Don Lor- Midget Hockey 'two points. Midget: vens with two geais and an usso two. The lone Panther In the first gamne the Can- Basketball - High School Maroons Il 2 3 25 assist, Donald Bennett one geai was scorad by Bernie ucks dcfeatcd the Onphans by In the first game the Dip- Bantams 10 2 2 22 ge;ai, Bob Luxton two geais, Johnson assisted by Rob a 7 te 1 count. The Canucks lomats defeated the BT.S. by Generals 9 3 4 22 .Eric Martin one goal and Da- Johnson.. goals were scorcd by Jerry 1a score of 24 te 18. Top men Canucks 7 8 1 15 vid Oudshoorn picked up anc In the third game the Lions Johnson with two, whilfor the Diplomats were Don Cornets 7 8 1 15 assist and John Johnson two. defeatcd the Flycna by a 3 singles went te Steve Sum-i Taylor with 17 pts, and Don Orphans 6 10 0 12 For the Wings the geais went te 1 mangin. The Liens goals meraford, Karl Kent, Jim Yourth with 7 pts. For the Mt. RayaIs 4 9 3 il te Bob Joncs, Deug Smith, were sconed by Steve Rey- Noble, Dave Willoughby one BT.S. it was Biasdeil with 12 B.T.S. 1 13 0 2 William 'Reid and Glen Mar- nolds. with two and Barry geai and one assist, Kim Rog- pts, Barber 4 pts, and -Lickers Tyke Hockey Played on -~tin with anc goal each, while McMahon one, while Allen ers anc geai and two assiats, wîth 2. Monday, Feb. 27th 'Michael Leblanc picked up1Myers coliected two assista. Glenn Finney four assists, In the second game the Cel- btefrtgm h mr qiO le sast.TheFlcragea ws aor d Bill Heliyar anc assist. tics defcated the Trotters by icans defeated the Indians by ithe firat game on Satur- by James Baker assiated by The Orphans lone goal was a 20 te 17 score. The top mena4ta2cu.ThAeian day the Leafs upset the Ran- Philip Broome. sconed by Randy Danoghuc for the Ccitics were Henry wer4 led 2 y ou.Te Burns t gen bya 4te cont he n te fnalBanam ameassisted by Dave Pingle and POkorsk ith 7 pts, George two goals and anc assist, whiie John MacDonald. Cannons with 5, Lee Lernon Ian Wilcax had onc goal and In the second game the wth 4 pts, Murray Hammond an assist, Richard Harper anc Maroons swamped the B.T.S. 2 pts, and Dan Lemon 2 pts. goal and anc assist, and Mark M URPHY OIL COM PANY Ltd.' ' a 10 to 2 margin. The The Trotters goals wcre scor- Parkson sitThIda5 78BOND ST. W., OSHAWA Harry Willoughby wîth threc Barry Krawchuck, B ru c ejXemp goals and Tam Carter withlWeish, George Saundens àai two goals and two assista, with 2 pts each, and Paul Mc- In the second game the 725 - 571Gar Bal to gals nd wo rthr 1pt.Blades defeated the Honnets 7 2 5 - 5 7 i a ry Bs, aIl t wo goal s a d to n thi p. r pisby a close 2 ta 1 score. The asita igaaHockey Tohe Blades goals werc scorcd by - Bnwn nc oalandancas-trophies flot yet bnought in. tin, whiie Peter Willoughby F U E ti.. 0 *IL sstCarie Cttan oneSgoal.Teser:e teî afew HockeyDae aye ndBinM - For te B.TS. th gHockeyrepicked up anc assiat. The theB.TS. he oal reLeague Mug Trophies, the Pee Hornets goal was scored by scored by McKay and W:il- Wee Mug trophy, and theGr rce. 'barns, wliile A. Kelly, Mat- Girls Championship traph.GrBu S T O V O ILthewandG. Klly achpick- Thcse trophies are nceded, s In the final game the Bom- cd u a nc assist. wu0tepopewohv bersiad Rayais fought to a In the third game the Ban- thcm picase bring them ta 2-ai tic. The Bombera goals 24 Ho r mege cy SevCe tam Ail Stars dcfcated the the Recreation Office. with bath, ad forlenc Raraisn 24 Nour Emergency Servi ~~~Cornets by a 4 ta 1 score. The Hce tnig so ihbtadfrteRyl Stars goals werc scorcd by Hoce Standigs th it was Neil Taylor and Don AUTO ATICDELIERYTom Simpson wîth three __________ AU OM TI ELVEYgoals, Kcith Mountjoy anc1 League Won Lest Tic Pts. Cwc goal, whilc Deug Parker pick-1 Tyke: n 0 0 ~ 2 LICENSED SERVICEMEN cd up twa assista, Randy Rog- Amenicans 51 4 12 1 ~ f BUDGET PAYMENT PLANcr two assista , Gary Preston Rndaas an asit.TM arneths geaiBlades 5 6 0 lOI Mn. and Mrs. Eddie COLI- PARTS INSURANCE PLAN wneas sor ed by rytRendali Bombera 3 6 2 81 roux,' Marie and Lynn spent wasiscod by G ay Bae. Hlornets 1 9 1 31 Sunday with Mr. andMsr asintefinyary gaerteayAtoni: Alvin Lowcs nt Petcrboouh NEW FURNACE INSTALLATIONS'Bisons I fin*,r.Y._d Ms.4JohnjarchukX IRIE SMC BREAD SAVE 20C J? HOMO 3c'-KRAFT SMOOTH- AL2% 5 c3-Qt. Peanut Butter SAVEII SAVE'! 7 C Large 79 Jar .......SAVE 16e - FRESH - CRISP CELERY 2Iforl27c SHIRRIFF'S COC Pudding Powdors 3 pkgs. 29c UKS Vaila Coclae- Caramel - Butterscotch ORANGES SAVE 12C 2do.z. Gay Uiquid DotorgeftBtlt 73 C 69C SAVE 25c W. Roserve the Right t. Limit Quantiti« D YK S TRA'S,<'ýv' FOOD MARKET ipe PHONE 623-3541 sý Réent-iiL 81 ut, LIt iIuilit of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cawker were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cawker and sonl of Scarbor- ough, Mr. and Mrs. Grantm Cawker and sons Chris andm Curtis of Oshawa, Mr. Ralphm Cawker, Miss Sylvia Schaaf - and Mrs. Amy Thornton of Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Tan Scott, Corbyville, and Miss Janice Saddler, Oshawa, were week- end visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ap Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp son visited during the week with his mother, Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Fairview Lodge,m Whitby. Mr. Mai-vin Nesbitt was a dinner guest on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Faulk- ner, Oshawa.* Mr. and Mrs. George Bew ers spent the weekend wit their daughter and son-in 1mw, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Chapman and tamily, North x Bay. Mr..and Mr.. Wiiton Creed,* Barrie, were Tuesday - Thuraday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. on- Saturday their jranddiildren~ Ian, Chrisanmd reg merson, Toronto, vlsited them. Friends wIUl be pleased ta know that 1frs. Lwart Bligh ln progressing favorably mitr major surgery ln Oshawa Hospital. Sorry to rert rs. George HoapitaL.i Nestieton friends e shocked to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Chari« Gist lii Civic Hospital, Peterborough IThc community extends É- ,cere sympathY to hiswUueand i V âeT ~Canada Grade No. 1 New Brunswick Grown - Table POTATrOESA 25-lb. Bag E. D. Smith Pure il-o.. BtI. Save 8c TOMATO KETCHUP 5 for$ Heinz Veqet. 14-ox. Tin Save 12C 2MX PORK and BEANS 5 for Scoticin GoId Fncy. 19-o:. Save 7c ilAPPLE SAUCE 5 for Wothoy a Marmalade or 8-08. joie > ~ ASSORTED JAMS 5 for àBICKS RELISHES 4 for$ O ak Leal - lOocz. Tin Save Sc Mandarin ORANGES 4 for Carleton Choie* Nl.. 20-cg. Tin SDESSERT PEARS 4 for Oak Leat Choie* - 28-oc: Tini .. I TOMATOES4fo IT'S MAINLY BECAU -J Shantz- Topsy Brancis Gradie A Eviscerated - 5 - V .ff IMPORTED YOI Whole or Haif TI gLAMB LEGS 49 MAPLE LEAF W I E N E R S licedm n IEERSCooked Ham 1lb Wb@" Bakery Features R chmello Pkt. of 12's C ic fAl .lchmel 2 7 pkg. of 6,8P 13. HotCross Buns IHousehold Needs ' ,Pk.of 24 Save 2e Pepsodent, Family Size Save 21c ( JEI ~Toothpaste 83c Bon É Analgeslc Tablets Bottie of 36ou Save 16o ~BUFFERIN 63C 1-1b BoxSave 10o ~Moth BcuIIs 39c Ail Merchandise L Values Effective Until( Frozen Food Features DomnIton's Own Brand 22oz.Ti=s ORANGÉ JWICE, 3 for $I.OO Blue Waier Cod 8-os.Pku SFISH KRISPS 3 for $10O ONLY AT DOMINION! N4Ew-W W, LOW PRICES RICHMIELLO COFFEE 1-LB. BAG -2-LB. BAG ~ 83c 16 ISE 0F THE MEAT 10 lb. Avg. U NG LAMB rhree Meal Variety toasts - Chops - Stew Lamb in a Basket 23 Devon Brand - Rindieu. BREAKFAST BACON 143b floevoiars 3B-oi. Pkg.Save ic ..LLY POWDERS lOfor oi. - 15.0.. Ti" &cive Sc CG FOOD lOfor Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Eiosing, Saturday, Mmrch 4, '67, ini Bowmanville rHE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m.l je (I4ighway 14 2. Eat) Ili BRANDS fl Wfl'HCONFIDENCI rub Rock tamw bmu" or ----I m -look de 1 ýýNt

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