Artificial Ice Plant Civen Great S.nd Off Although the weather was extremnely cold on M.P., Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Irwin CoIwill, who Saturday eyening, Newcastle's Arena held a large supervised the installation, and Aif Gray, Chairman cr9wd of enthusiastjc citizens who came out to wel- of the Committee. Eech m ace appropriate renmarks that corne the officiai installation of the artificial ice plant. were greeted by tremnendous applause, especially from S Reeve Earl Walton performed the ribbon-cutting cere- the group shown below who were caught by the Mony, flanked by-, from lef t to right, Russell C. Honey, camera as they showed their appreciation. * J now with Sheil 011, Canada. Lr wc B av s 'i After only sixmetei La rge Cr w r v s C / Canada hie finds aur winters ail very new, and undoubtedly very cold compared to the weather he is accustomed to. To Attend Ice Ceremony hor ice skates, he experienced y ýhockir eysck, o te whoe Newcastle - On Saturday hard work on the part af a which was bestowed te ocmaey ickrnh the back- evening, despite the frightfullgreat rnany people, this prob-'Reeve of the village. Followngimadeof!cehieldsn'thoe. Hek eviening of bitter cold windsflem to,has been salved. Hih cutting of the ribbon, seviused o the Slstickom ooeas- surudn rafie notewud lasrmme, as e t asea cutmband e teon, not to shoot at any goal Hlx -endry, oeo h: h nls er n ep1ville JnirAil Sast ktes ai hf is trousers part- roaiy Artificial Ice Committee given in completing part ai, their places on the ice with'ed and Mr. Colaco really ex- Meni»ers acted as M.C. takcing what they hae set out to da.lMr. Walton dropping the puck.prene th co4 inso his placee outront hce folg Nomwih the equipment in Mr. Honey and Mr. Caruter Ontario. lqwing teiirthckygm and wqrking, the next step faced off and the game -as Once again the Newcastle « f the evein. A game which1 was to iay a cernent floor. (The, underway. ~w he al~in ctin. heproceeds taken in at the doorl The game ended in a 6-31Cntp sben sdb Niewcastle girls played the we re te be used for this). victory for Newcastle. ipersan or persons as a play- Bowmanville girls and took a M.Hnyadeae i ak Floigti, h rw i5thing. This time however, it FoiowinteM. ndy to the younger generg4ion, ta1 made for the door prîze of a is more seriaus than the usueal IsoftoOgM. H arg fýe hoke players, and there 1beatiful1msica lr ok need for soap and water ta ficalwecoe t te i her h te appily ini by Master P au remove the scuff marks. This crowd that haed corne te the:rena. Hie admitted knowing Barchar.Ti riewsdn time it's braken lights, and ajrena, lie asked the officiais ta 'personally twa farnous hockey1 ated gnonymously. . fot just the ardinary prablem. - cornie out to the centre of th layers, one with the Leafs, The moccasin dance was The bulbs themselves haven't rink. Crassing the red cape;he other with Canadiens. ischeduled next to end out the'.been smashed in but instead were Alfred Gray, chaîrman["Some of you out there ipight. evening, however, it provedIthey are breaking them off ai the Artificial Ice Cammit-1 elb oe okysajs i too cold for that ýat the ground, and the entire t*e and Irwin Colwill, c hair- sorne dey. This is your ice, your l and at best on the ice, werý fixture is being completely re- man ni the Installation Com-Zaena. It was built for you. some of the younger boys that!moved irom the wiring. It's mittee, the Reeve ai New-'Use it well and remember thiscold neyer seems ta reach asý an easy thing ta snap thern off castle, Mr. Earl Waltdn, Mr.iday always. It's your night." ithey raced up and down andlin this weather, but why any- Russil -[aeyM.P an Mr Mr. Carruthers offered ex-,had a real bail. It was indeed oenest e htcoet Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. ýtreme congratt4lations ta thie a big night, and a proud nighi' a light is what gaes unanswer- Foilowing the playing of Oi village and it's people i hav-, frail, with a bigger and better: ed. There's no proof es ta Canada, Mr. Gray was cailedf ing accompiisbed this praject. ice arrangement planned from 'who might be daîng the dam- on ta speak. Hie referred back! Tt was now time ta eut theihere on. If you haven't benae but they cari be assured le years almost ta the very1ribbon. a bright green ribbon down ta see the difference of that several are now watching ffight, that the Newcastle that was strung clear acrossan arena in use, then do so aind wae betide the guilty ones Memorial Arena was built and'!the width of the area, an honor now. when th~ey are caught. dedicated. Il was a big nighti __________________________ Our friends and neighbours *then, he recalled, but sinceý in hospital this week are: Hilda then was the neyer encing a Brown, Mr. George Colline, protblem of water and slush f ;>1Mr. John Davis, Mr. Jacob De tatoo many times flled the, iew as eJong, Mrs. Patricia Denriy, arena in p ofc a ice, and: 'Master Tracey Embley, Mrm ~,,,,,y, wth co-peration and lElsie Fisk, Mrs. Clarence Hale, .1 / 7 ~ I Mr. William Harrison, Mrs, Audrey Hennessy, Mr. Tam S (lJtL . Lennard, Mrs. Marjorie. Sib- lock, Mrs. Dora Smith, Mrs. Newcastle--Mr. and Mrs.ithrough Puerto Rico, St. Staplaetn t, Mr. ' CSel Carl Gould have again re- Thomas, just off the Virgin and Mr. Henry Tebble. turned ta the village fallowing1 Islands, Aruba, a Dutch Island Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell, awonderfui winter vacation 'off the coast of Vnzea DreeadFod r n ýwith warm sunshine and Dorreneaic and Fat.Wt h'r.Rse loydelM and n beaches cavered in pure whitelpictures recently taken by alli y r nd Mrs. Ronald Pow- sand, a great deal differentour friends who have enjoyedi eî 'from aur white beaches these winter weather outside thelers a a Mri . Garhore,r past few manths. Leaving thecald Ontaria area, there sol Mrs. ak C Gragho ere village on January 21st. they be enough ta make up a wond- adMs akCaowr vient by train ta Halifax anderful travelogue. The youngergtests dnatt Shrmn - Coul from there baarded the ship. ,generations in the Storks and'tehr ding a Dowsv8e "Sun Princess". During this Gould families are anxiouslyUntdCucFray18 tour they visited such beauti-i1awaiting the films te lbe re- fui places as Bermuda, Gran-!turned te see for themnselves C ASILEand Dorninica. They reached 'have been hearing about. CAST E Prt i SpinTriidad juti'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cooper intirne for their annual carni. recently returned ta the vil-Bo ln -INSURANCE 'val which làsted three days lage folowing their trip ta and nights. Stopping there Flarida and we understand i YoUr home is your ca.stle. It for five days they were abie they again enjoyed the trip! Ladies - 200 and over - probably represents the te enjoy the entire carnivalj verymruch. Mr. and Mr&. Penny Meadows 250, Lillian '-~ st ivesrnen yQuII estivities, somTething which !Frank Hoar are now excitedly Farrow 248, Nancy Williams Eigges neten 'lo utdoes the famous Mardilin the midst ai packing forý 242, Rosemary Kelly 248, ever mnake. And youll be Gras, se it was learned. With their first trip ta Florida. They , Mary Foster 239, Doreeii Neal smarttoprotectthatinVeSt- ail god thing4 coming ta an will motar down, beginning on, 236, Marie Rowe 230, Jean mient with a State Farm endl,. Carl and Anne returned Thursday. Perhaps while there Jones 224, Teresa Langstaf f Homeowners Policy. This ta th? village on February 2lst they just mîght happen ta 220, Eleanor Perrin 218, Betty Iow-ostpacageof rotc- till able to> keep warm In the bump into sorne ai their neigh- Major 212, Vlcki Blight 210, tion spaade froec-er-i..ow zero weather we have bours as Mr. and Mrs. Ross Joane Hutton 208, Mary lien- tionproide brade coer-been gettîng used te with the Cobbledick motored down onI derson 208, Joan Ard 203, age for your home and be- thoughts ai their plans for re- Saturday morning. Velma Watson 201. longings and foryou, in case turning ta the warmner clim- Mr. and Mrs, Sherman Men - 225 and over - Ron -f awuis ate again in twa years. ýShields and faniily entertain-'Good 327, Jack Chard 303, f asut .. It&,%*m$#e Mr. and Mrs. William Storks ed and were entertajned by Lloyd Taylor 299, Don Good iz4e ss c ost th a n have also been basking in Sun- two exciting visitors when an 256, Earl Taylor 256, Bill a ny s im il ar & shine as anyone would realizeïaId Air Farce buddy who Williams 245, Gary Farget .-' polcies- C il eimmsmacuI ran their beautiful fan. Theirifought in the Korean war with,237, Ross Montgomery 235, for thesdetalls!.m..trip began on the 4th ai Feb- 'Sherman dropped ini on Tues- Wayne Denney 231, Brumni1 for he etals"Ge ruary when they mnotored te. dey evening for a visit, Martin 230. New York and boarded thelCharles Sloat, formerly ai Newtonville Ladies - 1751 ",Empress ci -Canada". Theyi Fredricton, N.B., and now and over - Liz Willems 248,l Dirk Bria Mkuu a be many wonderful mrem- rnaking bis home in 'Port Jea HU233, Angela Halleni orie of he, rip hey ook Creit.H s with Sheil Oil 213, Hilda Willems 188, Marie ,. - SCUGOG ST. through fiIslands. Unlike el Canada and working i theJ Weilandt 178. BOWMAN VILLE iMr. aund Mns. Gould, they only Toronto area. With him wasý Thursday Mixed - 200 andi 623-3621 Just miased the carnival belng Jason Colaco tram Bombay, over - George McNair 233, 'held et one ai the islands. India. Mr. Colaco was with Harold Hughes 2314, Ken 225, Marge Ibotson 224, Art H Sow ta attend and cheer these The Canadian Statemuan, E!owrmvme, Mar. 1, 107 1 Dulpau 2Z3, <Qeorge Glj»ville J « y rI$ Young iellows on. - -- a, keylThe Junior "D" play-ofisI univ reger Pauline have begun. Have you seen KEXIDÂL W~a h4ga -FNar 202, Marilyn Couch Newcastle-Hockey la stili your teai in action?) They'o mornlng and to»M cam9,_ te.- .0 ni onstrang sad we un oe»Zy n,A4h1den Sa&UV*yven-&0b;, fý'iy M an !0 1 Wainte the poga r W A* Noe csdte ace, w lt gt-r) Wgbj.e<!win was >g c.They Wei# *vm11P . r n~ ~beys, but 04try and make it? Watch or~arr fe Ipaa a4~a~sçinerS ~ iGoo » 3g2, luni H»z1on"ak"w ~ It the £ffls. t1 posters giving the trne. week suffering tram a touch got a view of the. bauk* 8, noth- 243, GQads i11 tao U131y g£ms ~lp-WlSatugýay night's gemçlie- of pne,moi. lis mother turn n"O rud d Ul. ~4,JUp. rmr~ tournamnets thseboy& Urovei w eth Jnor ad bor e. Rgith IIrwn ub egiý gWu r ouiW #y ~ , m cibock and iorth With yery tfew miwvilleA Ml-Stars was a vie.- ng a8n nPogt N" ope iI, Tu .sk p, MLe ry 228, TLanG, if y0u C4fl ITke it ta tory for Newcastle. Ina score tal siice the first ai the year. and walked av =teakX' n~ ~ ~jt one gine, yu wQn'tW9»t f 6 ta 3 the goals were cred- Mr- andI à4'6- Jerry*u'gX tt u. >-c ~ Ua *, v 'a4 -iWte -;ç%the iiext. î#.d ta Steve'Burns, two for tednnrget $na ksee~gam T 144, Ltt201LatW4nsa iz~u eeMcCullough, rave Rager- eenîngwith -r. and Mns. plows s.ffli , ytethe 1Newgstke enzeio. son, Ved Al edandiStan Fonk. thep aftrn< and~ 207,i<dl 0, t elocl* b Cobbledick. Scornn for Bow- isMa7nMK-ây .. ho he~rfa p203,'$4A, AL- the lý,oys from Pickering îý a manvili. were D. WilIkin, D was home *wth her brother, of tiher.n 'erje claini.d ____________ gme thaete pn ewcateKr n W atri.Jack McKelvey, for the waek- six %eet 4eep. in'a losinâg btUof etG-Q. The The girls' tean' were also in;end. Trem~In ' iu. very next gth Nwco.stie pction on Saturday night, with agt h Mn. anti Mm. McKnigà ht e en fom 170« r atms went to Broçkliln t the winners being the team i mnoved Sunday from tthe 'Tom wl e e#xoA a Buttons Irom ~~play their econ4 gprne agaist froin Bowmanviile by a score Hoy' lhýouse ta an apartaient dw asetersa~ the Pickering ntm, o feo!3-. in Bowmanville. As there cottage s£s fhrg~ ,Jbtefr -were such drifts the truct aie he p G ay f4jjfltî» 5 again as heorlle for O could not get near the bouse @ve it A WyW __On S4turday #4M- me ieboys! and thngs lhed te be carnied tirng tiie tre.At LJ etthie vii;qp ,»ifý ggr;y l> c:oss R. SLeep's lot to te g t he W tire %blswj Up VWU ' play inthe tauir»fwnt,- inmainstreet. crwe tePIit04 1~ecsl h eraOakwood. Their flrst gaine i Mrs. Alva Swanbnick is crwe h wind and'~ & Newcasttn.e:evThe'C. Whie was inwere at their worst. M"fitîn oa the Pioneer ýBYt- was against 0a1<wood. with' .__ home after having her opera- 'ieWmnsIaist tn lub was helti at thewast1g the victors, winningtasehrftnchchS-teimeigWdaa~ W 5-eî21 their second' gme' was In last week's issue of The t e e fe hrhSn hi etn e e1î, Iome o cf Mr Q. l, )h-lagainst Cannington wiieré the.y Statesnian, copy supplieti by dy ening e hehme t awa, n ~aday fter oon4t 4.2. the wniter was used i n Kendal chiltiren weroe gret ddeCurouxwthlma- There were eight prgsent from!ra. dl owtI1 im ?Iwcsle ~wavil ati Ta am laeM n ue- speaking ai aur ffelnng ly enthused aven the sleigh bers present. The r»1l cail ceremonies at the arena ta ride given them by Arthur was ta be answered by àstgiUnç 9O>hgwp@. day evening between the New- be helti Saturday evening. Thompson when he had the your Owfl personal centea It was decided ta invite castle Pee Wees and the team ema Miss Janet Halmes, Research tram RougelIfutar Qituntnnayhe team andti seighs cdown ta project; getting a new i 4ssistant et .the Royal, On-jbays an the b.ottom aio the implication was left that aur Kendal. anngtenhmI$g tarin ueupn; Toronto, ta, theipile, with the score 11-0. Their activities hati been confined Ms.L eMatelanwW~t er fO March meeting an rsnscn aewudhv ait ecsl ic ii~tMrs. Bob Brooks brought Mrs. i4eas; saine ha 'i n "t'0d ,and'pmsetjsecnd 'ame wuldMary aLuronanddiotectTunesday on a speclal pla yt. ni ta hen the club s CentenniaL them travelling ta Staufiville. writeMa"anti district" n my d Project. With two exarns a day ta study co py. Thjs was indeeti un- f rom staying with Irene while P!()gramn was in charga pf Buttons for displa3' for!for, and the first game a fortunete since* it is welî she was recuperating. lions. Helen Henderson Wi. Felbruary wre Çay Ninetiesisaughter, it was thought bestkonthtmn ndvdas M. anti Mrs. larry Mecer had mie a loely tree-J&~ gnd gl;s-s set in metai. TheitO fanfeit it. i n the area surrounding calledti t sec Mrs. W. Mercer cake with red centernIa GaYXintie ar a erylarel he tom plyedon omeNewcastle have helpetius anti Mrs. Luxan, Suntiay. trimming anti the small Sup GayNintie ar a erylare~ he tnrs payei o hoe i rnny ayswit a ignfi- Saturday was the coldest, cakes ta match. It was de~di motal button with a large ice Monday night against theinm y aswtasgnf i pcfl4 l or ë colored stone in the centre o omnil tmadto cant amaunt af vlunteer widiest day we have hai for ed ta ucoa igi the icl omnte de ofej h gwarnve by a sre d of ta0labor and financial assist- a number ai years. The highpark. The Penny 641jkla ta Ibe nimn. The smaller glass oneslThe very happy goali ance. northwest wind whini e~ sa h second Saturda3i" îe wînng snow which was afready on in May. The ladies are ta cuX' set ina metal are quite tiaintyýthis shutout wias Robbie Fo-1 To these people who were thegoni ot huge drifts, out anti sew bloclçs iQ .1it With everY colon of the nain- shay. oveniooked' last week, we hrdnuhetawak o. t ulî aiMrn o osre bo hon On Friday night the Leafs offenaurangis fr an times the whiriing snow wgs Thunsday. A tasty lunch wgr At the next meeting thereiand Canadiens tied their game spersonalneapologies for havingyed wilbeacotnudsud fl-l] hlete tm i-omitteti mention ai their s hc n ol ~dysce~yd wlbut~tin et is tudy o! 13-iarsl, wh4-2le the'At9m i.l- across the street. The rmail Ray Couroux was one glas buton. I ista b hoetiStas ist -2 t th Srins hep. ram George Ciark's ta the about 60 young n'en who-got, tht weatherý conditions will IThe Atom Ail-;Stars have a A. Hentiry, Secretary, Seventh was impassable as thein flying wings at Oshawa be more favourable, aliowing1tournaîment caming up in Newcastle Artificial Ice was also the road frgM the February lSth. lie trainç4 more members to be present. March in Peterborough. P1en Association. church te Geaches. through the Oshawa graup. -~ .1 We cure Who SIops at A&P? People who baye discovered there is more ta a Food Store than meets "Meoye. People wlio have discovered the advantage cf' thôp*4 ôt, a Store that is fair, honest, and dependable. People who have learned how nice it s ta be cared about. People who want a store that stands beltind everything they sell, no motter who mqkes it. People wbo wont ta be sure f heyUl never miss out on an advertised special. People who are concarned about their total food bil. Shouldn't A&U b. your store? Cark'Fa Fpkncy qiaality TOMATO JUICE' Chmere TOILET TISSUE AP Brand ASPARAGUS TIP AP Brand BEANS WITH POK Liquid (A4P's Own Psred) SAIL DETERGENT Jane Parker "Suer RBRC EADsYu etE'u! Rue. Prie tin 37r, - BAVE11 3 ~ 1 1OO0-1 FEATURE PRICiE pligof4t.43 12-"f 1in 14-ffoz tins 3 c Jn* Parker (PEACH PIE ~ funl 80 z24-oz3 Reg. Prigo 490o AV 0 s Rt". ProW âge 8 - BAVE m 32"-z les6 e %q *~..*1 ROCK GCANADA v"A"i CORNIS GA M E18 OU NCE CHICKENS SV 0 6 for $4.59 PORK SAUSAG.E C.OOKED BEEF LU VER HAM pkg UALR4IT LAv - UELRGHf -5 SUC!D 5 SEACH WLXURY UATING AT A&P LOW PRICIS MAPLE LEAF PURE TRAY PACKC SX BRAND VAC PAC BURNS" WIENERS Mexican, Firm, Red, Ripe, Nb. I Grade TOMATOES 23c 4 12-oz 99.1 2.-lb bag99i AL.L PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD QUARANTE THROUGH SATURDAY, MAICH 4, 1967. Jane Parker Large Site ANGEL CAKE ÉAH39C Reg- ilrie5o-SV 0 Fruits on'd Vegetubles! IUY six, SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 1 5c 244g plastic bti 6 for $4.5 9 H A M.