Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 2

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Th.- Cmmd!anStateman, Bowrmvlfe, Feb. =2, 196 ,egion Bombs Nichols 7 m 4 VTo Tie Series at C On 9=19 nlht, the Le- Nichais' crew did not skate gloe bobedNichais Mtorsor backchcck as well as usual M-4 =csecond game of theand their defence was not up Jr Men's Hockey Leaguetopr Their marksmcn were fari-final Playoffs ta evenMuP1ra Brown with two, Don thO »uie at ane gaine apiece. McMurter and Dave Green Bob Hellain was the big with anc each. »CO='r wlth Leion, cOuntlng Hellani, Baker and Camn- ýî tbree goals, while Terry Bp- cran were outtandlng for thc . kger came through wlth two. winners. Bob Cameron and Eric Fera- Third and final gaine wMf land complcted Uic Leglon's be played Sunday, Feb. 26th, ~. soring.startlng at 7:30 pa. Business Girls' S pie! Success fui E vent 16 Teams Competing In spite af bad weather, aur Marilyn McMullen, lead; Pet- Sgot under way shortly crborouh Curling Club. 9 a.m., followlng words ThirPrze - 3rd highest 2-1 'of welcome by President proie wlnner-Dorothy Brad-j Leulse Lyle. Two draws, ofi ey and her rmnk, Whitby Curi- two 10-end gaines werc hcld, lng Club. with 16 teams present fromn Fourth Prize - 1-gaine high Omemec, Avonlea C.' C., winner-Muriel Magahay and Xocronto; Hamilton Thistie rink, Peterborough Curling Club, Annandale C.C., Peter- Club. borough C.C., (with three Consolation Prize - Joan tem8);* Port Perry C.C., Boul- Bail, skip; Lorraine Hayes, etard C.C., Toronto; Terrace Vice; Dorothy Pocock, second; Club, Toronto; Whltby C.C., Diane Ormilaton, lead; Bow- Lakefleld C.C., and Bowman- manville Curling Club. flie (with four, teams). Score- Door prizes were won by9 rna*W, and referce for thc day the followlng: 1-Barb Gar- wast Paul Kowal, net, Omemee Curling Club; 2 Cupld and heart Valentine -Betty Whltmore, Peterbor- decoratlons made a most at- ough C.C.; 3-Sandy Camp- trautive. settlag for the day. bell, Avonlea C.C.; 4--Kay t Luchwa peprd and coin- Sampson, Bowmanv'ille C.C.;t pet*ntlysere from the 5-Leta Gardiner, Peterbor.: snack bar by the club mcm- ough C.C., 6-Malcolm, Black- r bers; tock <Port Pery C.C.); 7- ..out 7:30 p.m. all curlers, Rose Petschar, Terrace Club, tlradand huagry, enjayed a Toronto; 8-Mary Elson, Pet- <1lious buffet dianer serv.. erborough C.C.; 9-Agnes- An- d .4. .y "The Acres". derson, Peterborough C.C Thepries oaaed y Bes-Above prizes were donated E Tihe Ladies Wear ey resen'y Nichais' Motors, Rickaby's c IWsLadesWea wee ten Joan's Beauty Centre, and ti yrezented by Ulva Lathangue, Business Girls' Club. t. Vice-Presidenit. Aferpîctures of the wla- W*Inners were as 'follows: ners were talcen by Mr. James, E Pirat prize - Highest 2-game he made the draw for thcee Wlhner-Ingrad Toms, skip, «,M-50", lucky ticket holder. Ci andiber rlnk, Joyce Wittaker, jrhis was Mrs. Mabel Grahanm, s vice;4 Saady Jackson, second; ý2 A-Ibert St., Bowmanville s' 13éa Marchant, lead. Annon- who recelved $142.40. Con-' 0 étale Curling lub.* gratulations, Mabel! ec Second prize - 2nd highest A very big "1thank you" ta CI 2.game wlnner-Ethei Stin- ail members who heiped ia Or son, skip; LI iDcvitt, Vice; any way ta make this day le, dignes Anderson, s ec on d;.such a huge success! se .bits and' £Aeces . Hughes XMI - Wlthin -the near future, the renavations lor Oke at Bawmanviile's Post Office will be completed. bcrt L. A major change has taken place, including the ta atter elinination of a large nuniber of mail boxes no af the pa Pali ;0 ~er needed, a compiete paint job, plus the tics ta 2L ýDtin of.,more room for the staff activities. March: Chnlstia: ]WOLY LAND 0 . J. Henderson, Sr., PastPresi- thankini dent of Toronto's Durhamr County Club, will be lights the speaker at their February meeting this Friday Street,i ifevcning, when lie will give a travelague on "The. on a Holy Land. Visitors from Durham are always ruts cwelcome. Meeting starts ét 8:15 p.m. alt the Counc Women's Art Association, 23 Prince Arthur Ave, cd by Ci t i. t t j. that cou EXEMPTION - Sam Manetta of Pontypool D1istic <bounced inito the office on Tuesday. He had just dian Rf received a telegram from Durhiam M.P. Russell hold a thatMarch1 >Honey advlsing ta the government had approvèd Crossf .the lifting of the 12%7 Sales Tax on netting used Town Hi (te, wrap -Christmas trees. Mr. Haney bas been ta, use1 wa)rkE*ng on this proect for saine turne. The news as cau wlll be welcomed by Christmas tree growers. Ah l fFRESH TRADE»INS OI DAILY DURING OUR - ALL PRICED FOR QUICK Si 1965 FALCON 2-DR. Ide. 174284 $1450 1964 EPIC DELUXE 2-DR. * Lic-$995 1963 RAMBLER STATION WAGON làe& X10234 $850 1M6 JAGUAR 4-DR. UxtrSpeal 1095 )n eAil Dirivers~ <PROM PAGEONEb IB and Ra nsport Ltd., Whitby: Willam Mullen, 13. Total, 54 years. Cab 500, Bowmanille: Lome Haynes, 16. Total, 33 Meýacýkl's Van and Storage Ltd., Oshawa: Rosa Mackle, 16; Donald Roberts, il. Total, 45 years. McLaughlin Coal and Sup- plies Ltd., Oshawa: C. Weeks, 14; J. Kolynko, 12. Total, '75 years. Stephen Fuels, Bownian- ville: HaroldKnight, 11. Glen Bac Dalry, Bowman- ville: Total, 36 yas Permanent Concreote Ltd., Cobourg: Elght years. Total, elght Years. Pion cey outlined hiii problems r. Uricgth provision of park- (r ing spaoe for twa and two J thbilding. per.apartinent ila a)n , he fetlt he-demn for 2 2/3 A n parkcing- places per apartmnatWisM was excessive, and Deputy Reeve Fiee agneed. Council- Carias Tamblyn, oi Tamis Ion Hughes added that as Fams, Orono, was present -Tqronto aaly requ nus 11/3 wlth a Master Breeder Shit parking space per apartinent at Uic Annual Meeting oft 1n tifis amount should be Holstein - Friesian Associai a"s adequate here. A mo>tion aif Canada held February il ta soa aind Uic Parking By- at Taranto. This ia Uic hil Law was passed.- est honour that a Halit Council concurred ta a re breeder caa win. Makingt qucat fain Sandwich Town- presentation was Prof. Gear ship to endorse 125 resalutian E. Raithby, former Head that Uic Treasurer af Ontario the Animal Husbaiulry Depi, * be asked ta exempt munii ment ai thre Ontario Agrici palities from saes tax on tuini College, Guelph. machinery and equipinent for Carias Tamblyn ha. shoç municipal purposes. at the Durham Caunty Bla Two By-Laws were passeci & White Day cvery year min by cauncil. one authorlzed he started i 1942, a reco the executbon ai an agreement that few linecocuntry cou with Donald W. Harvey the match. Ho wae won Pnemi subsldy ta be $9,600, and By.. Breeder honaursanad has ta *LaW No. 67-6 authorizes the en the Grand Champions] *entering int an agreement for both maies and females. wih Darlington Township Te Grand Champion co and Newcastle for ambulance was Tamlane 'Pabat Dat (Vei service. Gooci) Who won the supren Councillor Oke moved that honaurs i 1961. Now 12 yea the Ontario Housing Authori- aid, she is stil i the bord ar ty be asked ta make a survcy bas a lifetime production tat ai the aeed ai Senior Citizens ai 127,845 lbs. milk testir accommodation. This w-ssc 3.95% with a Breed Class A, oaded by Councilior Prout erage rablng ai 143% for i and carried. and 154% for fat. In ber be Councillor Ken Nicks sc lactation sbe pnoduced 20,2, oaded by Counililor me, Ibs. ai 4.06% milk. movçd that Town' This is a high averagir donate $1,500 ta Uic Council bord witb last ycar's averae niai Fund. Cauncilior Hughes A said that he was ln favor ai ru n <PROM PAGE ONE)« that theTonla alreac nate Mondays startlng comileted a substantiai Cci February 27th. tennial project, the buidin Lgistrate Baxter asked for ai the ncw Publie Llbrarya cil'm approval and con- a cost ai $163,395. Hoe e to Uic use ai Uic Council Plaincd that council bad re Lber for the Courtrooni. ccîvcd a large amount c thls court wil be hcld monoy for it as a grant unde Ioffenses for bath the the 'Mechanicai Works Assis and he OP. his iltance Prograzn, $27,232. Th and the ongston o largest a-mount for it ini Cen ays, and la a better ar- teniai rnswudhv 3ment Uian trying ta been $14,60(). In addition . de two courts on anc O interest loan af $136,1g the letter stated. was receivod through th, ncillor Gi cn h olI n Municipal Warks Assistanc, «s, seconded by Cauncil- program. The motion wa Unie Oke, moved that carried. request be granted, and notion was carried. commnunication froin the r m to Ruddy Company, Limit- r m to ,garding the placement happy Centenniai mes- n the firm's poster pancl ed on King Street, west îgog Street, was recexv- id flcd on a motion by illor James Baurke, sec- by Dcputy Reeve Wcs- ice. icillor E. J. Rundie, cd by Councillor Prout, 1that a letter pertalning SAssociation ai Mayors ceeves be rcceivcd and This was carried. a motion by Councilior s, secondcd by Counicil- ke, Clerk-Controiicr Ro- . BYran was deiegated end the annual meeting SAssociation ai Munici- ice Governlng Authori. Sbe held In Toronto an .2nd. letter *rn Mgran± [n. Reformed (Churh ng council for ha ving erectcd on Scugog was recclved and filed motion by Cauncillor Donald> Samis secondcd 'by Councilior In a recent announcement, Donald Samis, forinerly af' icar Rumdlc, second- Enficld, was promatcd froin COuncilor Prout, moved PUlP miii maintenance fore- )ucii concur ta the re. man ta chîi design engineer ) the Bowmnaville and at the Alberni Pulp aad Pape Branh a UicCan- Division af Bloedcl and Ma c- Red Cross. -Society ta Millan Ca. Ltd., Port Alberni, IBlitz Campaign on Vancouver Island, B.C. Mn. IMt, ta have Uic Rcd Sanis joined the mill as design ýflanfown from the engineer i 1957 and Pnior ta [a d during Marcb, and bis present appaintmnt he the Council Chamber seirved as maintenance engin- Inpaign beadquartcrs. cer, senior design engincer and as canricd. maintenance foreman. ter fram John R. Sta- Bei are joîiag ic he ompany he was empeloyed bY Crown Zelierbach Pulp and Paper Mill, Ocean Falla, for anc year and was with the Sidney Roof- ing Ca., Victoria, for a two- M year periad. Durng World I G 'IN War II he scrved as Flight Engineer la the R.C.A.F. wlth the ranlc ai Pilot Officer. Aiter the war 'he attendcd the Uaiversity af Toronto, gradu- ating as an engincer in 1954. Mr. Samnis is a son ai the late Mr. and Mrs. Milton Samis, Eaiield. He attended £ Eaiield Public Schaol and graduated fimBowmanville High Schooi in 1944. His wife is the former Alice Drugan af snMtnadCadnToronta and they have twa ;ALE - Samis, Oshawa, and nte TOPS Members Sponsor (hild Wc hear every day about diufement people daing saine- bhlng worthwhile for a Cen- tennial Project and aur Club, bbc Bawmaavllle Belles T.O. P.S. Club felt they would like ta do ometing boa. Aiben a discussion about this, we de- clded anc ai bbc mail worth- whill thinga we caulci do was ta ahane aur goad fortune wibh someneess fartunabe than aunacives. W. began ta thlak af, somne ai the childmea aven- ess, who bave no anc at ail ta hclp thein. W. wrote tote cCanadian Save thc Chlldren ?undi and aI aur next meeting, we haci a speaker came froin Torante ta tell us something about, tirir wonk. Mr. Bernard Kh3lthe Branch Fieldi .eltay was gooci eiough to, ta e hetùaeto eO=phit4us lb.~~ wokdn yer- organ- lzatioî, nd as aresut of Ibis Meeting, we auc happy ta, say omdw. bave la she was tbondohe ln. streetaandi ba~PJIvi ro L MacDONALD s SALES ~ ~.* e .1 oe couwtous mals. staff~ Feg& Rap Pbllp, Ray Lathaughu% Ver. Grady, W.ld.. Browa 8t~Lh~~~me K~Uin@ St. W.#,Oshawa t n-Hampton United Cburcb gaged ln research an mns ngWomen helci a very success- particuiarly bbc effect ai anti- at lui and. picamant Valentine ficial light used an theni. The X- Coffee Party on Valentine's effects ai bis expemiments re Day under tbc direction ai wene most lntcresting ta bis of Mri. Mac Short and Mrs. audience, many af wbo±n plan 'nr Voînia Luke who werc in on putting saine ai bis fiad- s. change ai the arrangements. ings ta wonk an their own h. The C. E. 'Wing oaitUichcurch, ranches. Local ranchers wbo L- wbere the afiain was beld, attended tbe rasI beef dia- 'e waa decorated in tbc tradi- non, wbicb wai sponsoned by Stional "hoarts andi flowcns"l Master Feeda, wcre Mn. and ,2 motif and featuned a Variety Mns. John Katzer, Mr. aad he Table run by Mns. Muriel Mmm. B. Scbweda, Mr. and ce Truli and Mrs. D. Wiibur, as Mns. 0. Jost and Mn. Avery aswell as refreshinents. Mmm. Mulien, ail ai Hampton. Evelyn Deweil was bbc lady Mr. Percy Prouty ai Coat responsibie for Uic de iclous Hilis cunrently visiting with cofice which was enjoyed by bis daugbber, Mns. N. Mofiat ladies froi n Eaiskibcn, Sa- of Hampton. lina and othen surrounding Mr. and Mrs. Luther Aluin districts, as wcli as local ai Hampton bad a full bouse Hamptanites. last Sunday when their borne Mr. and Mmm. M. Appleton was bbc scene ai a iamily and family ai Scugag Island gathcning. Gucats present aI visited wlth Mr. and Mns. R. the get-together werc Mr. and Ballard ai Hanmpton last Fmi- mr. Richard MacLean, Deb- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ballard bic and Heâther, Mr. and Mrs. visited witb Mns. Ballard's Cardon Wakely and Cathy, parents, Mr. aad Mns. Harry ail ai Scanbonaugb, Miss Elva AppletonaiWbWibby, lust Hoy ai Toronto, Mr. and Mmm. Sunday. Otto Pfifier and Susan ai The 500 Club met for thein Bowmanvillc, and Mr. and regular bridge gaine at the Mmm. Cynil Alla and Canal ai home ai Mn. and Mns. J. -Met- Hampton. calf iast Saburday evening. The date ion Contennas The club wulI meet next aI Nigbt aI M. J. Hobbs Senior tbc home ai Mmm. Marion Scbaol bas been changea froin Wiseman. Feb. 21 ta this coming Mon- Mn. and Mmm. Kefi Poolen, day evcning, Feb. 27bb. Fea- Janet and JiIi, all of Oshawa, tuned on the prograin will be visibeci last Sunday witb Mn. two chairs irom bbc achool and Mms. S. Kenscy aof}Hamp- unden the direction ai teacbh: ton.',ý . -ors Mr. McQuay andi Mn.t T& CI E.Wng 0 ithbb DewmIl as well as area munie8 Vialentha DaY ~ln1ast e Ow sla ~beaphysical Teda-y ewben bbc Little Fnl- education display w h ic h onds IMÉessengers held thein should prove most interesbingj VaIentine party. 'the childrea as tbc childnen wll be pen- enjaycd games, cookies and formiag may different folks candies under bbc direction ai dances. A namrator wil cx-]1 their leader, Mmm. D. Adcock, plain wbcre each dance origi. L Lsad ber bwd assistats Mmm. nabed andi how lb came ta I.bes Bernice Reston and Miss inbnoduccd into this country. a Vaicnie Malapnize, as wciî as This shouid give quibe a gaod a spending smre tume working cross section ai bbecocsino- si an their scrapbook. New gaine politan nature ai aur country a for bbc evenlng was "Guessasnd show la a amall way how a Whoa Has bbc Bell". Little bbc maay difiereat national!- h Fmicnds are remindeci not ta tics absonbed labo Canada c forget ta bning ln sny aid- bave ea&ch caabibubed Ibei - turne piclures or smial abjects ahane ta aur aion'm culture suitable fan use ln thein Cen- and prospcnity. tennial projecî. Sad ta say the beain of bea- H a m p t'a a Public Scboo] chers main Bowmanvillc High Parenb-Teacher Association is Scbooi deieated aur teain of holding a gaines nigbb this M. J. Hobbs School teachers Sauday evcnlng aI bbe by a score ai 48 ta 41 at las t school, witb difierent gaines F n i d a y night'm baîkoîbali ai cards as well as checkens gaine heId in M. J. Habbs and chess on bbc agenda. Ail school gymnasiurn. B c t t e r aduils and aider chiidmen in luck next tirne! bbc locsiby wll be mast weî- Many oi us ald-fashioaed carne, types wlll be nather sumprised Pupils ai Hampton public ta icarn bbat aur chiidren's School wiîî cnjoy a rosi treat tests anc now bcing checked Ibis Tuesday aiternoon. Ia- by computers! LasI Monday stead ai learniag thein lessons ail Grade 8 studeats at M. j. i las am Uiy will jaurncy ta Hobbs scbooi tricd standard- tbc Bowinanville Amena for ized tests set for ail ai Dam- an aitemnoon ai froc skating. liagton la mabbemaîics and Sevenal local miak manchons language. Next mnioab Grade abteaded a dianer held lut 7 students wiil be trying a wcek aI "'The Acres" Restau- set in reading. We presume rant witb wcll aven anc hua- Uiab hurnans made up bbc dred manchons la ail attend- tests and no daubt supenvised ing, from mrany different la- theni, but frain thnon anhbb calities. Fcatured guest speak- machines took aven Should en at tbc dinnen was Dr. R. E. be raîber intencsting ta see Bowacss af Toronto. Dr. wbetber bbecebldren receive Bowaess, who is dinecbor ai bigbcm or iowem marks under Master Feeds fur research Ibis system! fais and very well knowa M. J. Hobbs Friday aigbt in Ibis field, is cumeaty n- dance tuned out ta h. a 1Carlos Tamblyn iYsfer' Breeder Awardi aCDbln 14,053 lb.. milk coatain nted in 46 lb,. fat for, a Ereeî ield Ca Average of 131% fai thc milk, aad 139% for fat. Thie Mlon io the third hlghest averagt S5th iDurhamn Couaty. Igh- Carias Tamblyn's son Bil it joincd hlm In thc operatian oi thc the farn after graduatai rge from Guelph in 1964. They aio have since added 100 acres ti *rt- Uic original 175. Another son, ul- Paul, is currentiy working an his Masters Degree in Bia- Dwn Chemistry at the University lck of Guelph, while a daughter ie Sharon la teachIng publie .rd schgol I Bowmanv.le. aild Mr. Tamblyn han been a nicr conscientiaus citizen. Since ik- 1955 he has acted as Secretary iip ai the Durham County Hol- s.stein Club, has been a member cow ai the Durhamn County District 'ry High School Board of whicli =e he was chaininan la 1962, and !rs has played in the Orano Band and since he was 10 yearu old. tai To qualiiy as a Master ing Ereeder, Caria. Tamblyn has Av- brcd in a herd averaglng und- ilk er 12 registrations per ycar, )st a total oi four Vcry Good buils, 252 anc Star Brood cow, il Very Good caws, and 23 Good Plus ing caws, the females meeting the age Master Breeder requirements. enpoying thernselves thon- oughiy. Only tbiag lacklng at the dance was parents. Bath studeats and teachers would appreciate lb vcny much if a iew more wauld tuma out ta Uic dances ta bhelp supervise, d Uic youngsters as weil as:en. r jay theinselves. Misa Debbit là Bout was in charge afithe 'e dance and dld an excelleni job ai arrnglng everythiai. I Decoratians wee i charge of ai Nacy Simmon. Bath folk 9 and round dancing were feat- y ured during Uic evening with 0 musie upplied by Uie "Stan;y 1Nights" af Oshawa. We havi Sil froinR very reliable source -a thaeUi young people whl Y' enjoyiag themselves thor- roughly were very well be. chaved. Winner ai the Darlington Townsbip Public School Board tnaphy ion public speaking was Miss Cynthia Ayre i the rGrade 6, 7 and 8 division. tRunncnm-up w e n e Manilyn 1Knox second, and Linda Haz- 1elton third. All Uiree girls are abudentsata M. J. Hobbs School and wil go on bo speali in the finals ta h. beld ini Triity United Cbunch, Baw. mianville. Marcb l4th la bbc date sel for atudents at M. J. Habbs rScbool ta neccive thein tuber. iculin tests. Hampton U.C.W. met last Tuesday eveaiag In Uic C. E W ongtaiebchcurch. A filai entied "lUpper Canada Vil- lage" waS shown during bbc meeting. A.O.T.S. Men'a Club meet- ing wbich was cbaduled for lait wcek was caaccibed due ta weatben conditions and was beld lait night instcad. Browaies and Guides wil attend the church service Ibis Sunday ia Hampton United Churcb. Service will be beld upstaims. Last Suaday's charge-wide Youbh Service bcld la Hamp- ton Unitedi Cbuncb was vcry, well atteaded wibh rnany ap- preciabive comments on thc excellence ai bbc speech made by Mr. Doug. Kilicas, Hi-C president, during tbc service, as well as the vcny goad job donc by other young peoplei taking part ia this special service. ENNISKILLEN A vcny pleasant 1a ,,enji wss speat reccatly aI bbcborne ai Mmm. G. Beecb, Bowman- ville by sppnaximately 30 ladies ai Enniskillcn U.C.W. Euchme and Lost Hein wce enjoyeci unden bbc direction ai Mesdames K. McGill, A. Wcmny andi R. Sharp. Pnizes wcne won fan carda by Mesdames A. Sharp, R. Ormiston, H. McGill and R. Vintue and Mmm. L. Stainbon for iucky cup and saucer. Navelby pnizes were won by Mmm. O. C. Ashton and Mmm. S. Lamb. A doliciaus lunch wam senved by bbc bau- boss and a social boum wam spent. AUl enjoyeci a visit witb a very graclous lady la the person af Mmi. E. C. Ashton. M4iss Elva Onchard maved a vate ai thanka ta Mmm. Beech. Mn. W. Mibhler chose as his sermon subjcl "The Lord's Erayen" at tbc Sunday io t_ ing service. Him expIanatin ;erved ta shed new iighb on >ur prayen life. Ho referred la ther man-made prayers andi said bbc Lord's prayen la set apart fain aillothen p rayera as lb la Jesus' wands. Frayer, he deflned, is a two-way street if comncainwibGd I Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selle I I Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. I Chirtered Accountants Montreal Windsor Gordon W. RIehl, C.A., LLA. Bart R. Waters, CA. Ouhawa Oshawa shopping Centre 728-7527 Oshawa Winnipeg Torntol Regina Esmiten FI IWwww w w JURY & LOVELL Ltd.< 2 KING ST. E. FREE DELIVERY 'COMPARE SA VE< i PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 23 TO MARCH 1 PHONE COSMETIS *623-3361 D p REXALL BRAND Ail Day -Ail Night KIeenz Compare Lavoris Mouth Wash, i 2-oz. . 63c With Mouth Wash, 8-oz.... 70c I-311 Compare ListerineE Mouth Wash, 12-oz. .. 79c With Mouth Wash, 14-oz. .. $.09 I Table1 0s .. . .9 Compare BayerE r I m 61 NATIONAL BRAND Compare -Ornai Compare Cruetq Rexaîl Fluoridated Tooth Pacte . 2/87c With Tooth Pacte........69c Aga Buffmrd Compare Buffermn A-S-A ................69c Wlth Price .................98c PRedi-Spray Compare Lady Price .................69c With Patricla ..............99c Rexail Dandruff Compare RtesdanE Remover 8z. ...... JJ '::h 6<M ................. $ E5 Compare Agaro KLEENEX 20s, Reg. 22c .........................Spcial 15c ! PREXALL MAKES SENS! .-.-.0 AND CENTS MAKE DOLLARSI- ý- l' 1964 HILLMAN STATION WAGON Mic. 17696X $995 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP Lic. 324821 1595 1963 CHEV. %.TON PICKUP Lic. 13963B 1961 CHEV. %-TON PICKUP Lic. 1879ME W. cannot take ft for graatcd 1 SataidaY oeflei iat R. GYlflu' that aur rÎeuas wl]! sup. Mr. andi Mrs. Laurie Staple plieci but :f:weask we al ton and Beverley, a were recelve i abumdant mSure.Sunday tea questa ofMý. and ,Althauqh th. choir wa light- IMma C. Stainton. ly depeteci a deflghtful olci mn. J. McKinney and Mm& favorite "'My Tage' waa suag o. Beaumont, Toroato, werc by a male quartette, Memrs.wcckead gests of their sister, E. Wright, Ross Ashton, Ray Mr. and MI= A. Leacibeaten. -Ashton ad Glea Ashtan under Mr andi Mn. N. E. Wright- Uich direction ai organist and la haidais« with their daugh- ce choir leader M rs. Cham bem rs Ms &a g ent Wrg , t te Next Sunday wil]! h a speclal Catherines. t Young people'a service.. Mr. andi Mns. Davidi Staintoi 9- Please remember choir prac. and Deaa.Bdeville ;pn le ice at 8:15 Thunsday evenlag. Uiceweekend wli thekpan- kMn. andi Mn. Guy Marhall enta, Uic L. Staiiitoa' d t- andi faxnlly, Bowmanvifle, M. Nlelsea's. 4 h Joe Rekker, Maple Grove, Mn. Melville Griffa, Black- 'y were Sunday evcalag chiner stoc, was a Saturday evening ,e gucats at C . A very s. e . G if n a Mna. Grace Bartindale haci 'aller a .GlTaa Uic leaune i ghig lUiOn Saturday afternoon, Mrs. - iiencis froin Whitby ta Chan. uray Axord waa hostes - nl 9taacebbctaingai icand Miss Lois Ashton, ca-boa- shl9 ow aiseMh. an ofthetesa taformer C.G.I.T. men- n shownof "Mnd . bers and friends wbo gathereci Mr Lois 0 C Ashton, at Uic Edgar Wright home ta d osandi Charles, atteadeci Uic bonar Miss Cheryl Rowan, 9Burns - Jahastan wedding i bride-to-be, with a linen abowq e Toronto when their cousin er. I-Miss Ainsice Jahaston was Uic r adMs.D achm n bride ai Mn. Bon Busina M.acM.D.acam -cercmony perianieci t Clnege Bowmanvilie, were Sunday St. Unitedi Church. dinner guests ai Mr. andi Mn. s Mns. E. C. Ashton waa a John __________ kSunday visibor at ber home 1'with Mr. andi Mrs. O. C. Ashton. SALEM- Mr. and Mna. Russell Ormis- ton haci Sunday dinnon with Mmm. Sam Butteny Mrs. E. 0 Mn. andi Mrs. Milton Tamblyn, Twist and Mra. Geraid Shack- Orono, and evening tea wi leton attendeci Uic Oshawa Mns. J. D. Brown, Orona. Prcsbytory U.C.W. meeting at tMn. and Mrs. Ed Coambi and Nortbminster Unitedi Church family, Miss Clara Page, Tam- lait Wednesday. onto, were guesta ai their Mn. Glen Blackburn, Kempt- mother Mns. E. Page. Mra. H. villeMies Jean Willett, Tan- Bradley, Ma ple Grave, Mr. and onto, were necent weekend Mrs. Ross Page, Solina, wcre visitons with Mr. and Mrs. callers. Farewell Blackburn. Congratulations b Mn. andi Mr. andiMn. Bon Welîh, Mns. A. Leadbeater on cele- Foxbora, were weekend viii- brating* their 25th wedding tors with Mn. and Mrs. L. anniversary on Saturday. Welsh. Mr. and Mmm. Jae Lake, Miss Margaret Shackleton spent the weekend with Ibeir and Mn. Bruce Stainton at. parents Mn. and Mns. .Archle tondeci cbuncb service at Ked- Llew ellyn, London. r n o .S n a h n B i n Mn. and Mns. Dick Metealie, non on Su. nd Mn.wenlrsa, Bowmanvilie, Mr. andi Mni. S. Chamberlain, waî christeneci. R. Turner, Oshawa, wcne Sun- Tbcy visiteci wibh Mr. and day visitons at Mr. and Mns. Mns. Chamberlain aiter the F. Dorland's. service. Mrs. T. M. Slernon wa5 a Mn. and Mms. E. Twist and necent visiton with ber micc iamiîy wene necent suppen Mrs. Curie, W illowdale. g eî i M i o a d F ly Dr. and Mrs. Clark Wenry, Maple Grave. John, Elizabeth, and Peter, David Kinghomn, ZMon, ln Etobicoke, were Suaday aup- spending this week wlth bis per guesîs at Mn. andi Mmm. A. rnpetsM.adMs P J. Wenry's. Mr. and Mmm. E. A. Brnacbrena n n m.F Werry, Miss Betty Jane Werry Bakun were Sunday cvcning cailens. Mn. and Mrs. S. Lamb and iamuly, wcne Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mns. L. Lamb's. Mn. and Mns. K. McGill, 6 3 Dale and Bnian bad Sunday 62 -3 0 dinnen witb Mr. and Mns. M. Stainton.fe Mn. and Mmm. John Belle, Philip and Karen, Oshawa wene Sunday gueitsaifMr. and Mns. R. Griffan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton and girls wcne Saturday even- ing cailens at Mr. and Mn.. Elwyn Dlckey's, Bowmnanville. m 0 1. .~'4 PRESCRIPTIONS * CAMERAS * r q $1.59 d i

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