Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 13

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Hos pifai Auxiliary Gives Money for Pote and Fiag As Cen tenniaI Pro ject * The President, Mrs. Lloyd and to buy a Canadian lag uxflI.ry member who Is 111, yre peaded at the meeting o it. This was carid thm or in hospital. 1 of the Womn' Hospital Aurx.1unanimouly. Preuident Ayre told the! Iliary held in the Board Roam The satisfactory report oftlauxiliary that William Wallis, Of -memorial Hospital oFr- the hospital's auditors, Hum-,Housekeeping Manager for day, Feli. 3rd, which was open-, page, Taylor, McDonald,. Pet- IMeinorial Hospital, la a patient ed with the Auxiliary Prayer erborough, on the auxiliary's in Toronto General Hospital said in unison. 'accounts for 1966 was read oy I where lie recently underwent The Immediate Past Presi- President Ayre. An excellenta heart operation. Mrs. dent, Mrs. W. M. Rudel, wasIfinanciai report was given byl Lawrence C. Mason, a past appomted general convenor of. Treasurer Cowie. president, suggested that a theCentennial Birthday Teal Mrs. Jnhn G. Nesbitt, the plant or flowers lie sent ta to be held by the auxiliary a t Corresponding Secretary, re- Mr. Wallis with the auxiliary's the Lions Community Centre, ported that three cards of best wlshes for bis speedy re- on Wednesday, March 29th. thanks were received during covery. She spake of Mr. This was moved by Mrs. E. the month, from Mrs. L. S. Wallis' co-operation and the IR. Thompson. seconded byMikios, Newcastle; Mrs. D. assistance lie gives the aux- Mirs. L. . McLaughlin. :Fleming and Mrs. Melbourne iliary in connection with its Mns. Rudeli turned over $54, Wight in appreciation of the Gift Shop Sale of Smith's a donation from Magistrate R: lauxilîary's kindness. 'Beverages. B. Baxter, ta the treasurer,i She also read an invitation! Mrs. Ayre asked that a let- Mrs. R. G. Cowie. This moncyi from the Port Hope Women's ter of thanks be sent ta Mrs. was the surplus collected from1 Hospital Auxiliary for the Stuart Crago for typing al friends of the Magistrate for members of the local auxiliary the recent news letters sent the purchase of a gift of a ta attend a Valentine TeEL in by the auxiliary. She did this watch presented ta hlm at a!Port Hope on February 8th.iwork free of charge, Mrs. recent dinner in bis honor. Mrs. Nesbitt moved the adop- IAyre said. President Ayre reported on tion of bier report. This was i Mrs. Thompson, Tray Fav- a recent meeting of the execu- seconded by Mrs. Tbompsonjors Chairman, reported that tive wben the auxiliary's Cen- and carried. the Group of the Canadian tennial project was discussed. Bath Mrs. Ayre and Mrs. Cancer Society bas decided Mrs. Rudell, seconded by Mrs. Rudeli offered ta take their that as their Centennial pro- Duncan Smith, moved that for cars and drive members ta the ject tbey will make favars for Its Centennial project the Part Hope Hospital Auxiliary patients' trays on ail special auxlliary donate up ta $275 ta Tea. President Ayre asked occasions durlng the year. tbe Hospital Board for thetanyone ta let Mrs. Nesbitt, the The first favors this year for purchase of a flag pale to belCorresponding Secretary know trays for patients in the bas- erected in the bospitai grounds1 if they sbould hear of any pital will lie provided by the Cunudin Wekly Newspapm Assoclution Aammuces Homemade Centennial Symbol Erected on School Pine Ridge Schol, farmeriy the Ontario Training School for Boys, is sparting a large Centennial symbol over the front entrance of the Administration Build- ing. It was built in their own warkshops under the director of Vocational teacher Wm. Ball, standing in the centre with two ofthe boys wha worked an the1 project. K. L. McQuiggan of the Centennial Planning Branch of the Dept. of Tourism and Information visited the school recently and extended congratulations ta!ý the staff and boys for their initiative in being one of , the first schools in Ontario ta dispiay the symbol in' such a large size. 1 Sunsbine Group for St. Val- entine's Day, Tuesday, Feb. l4tb, she said. Mr.Thmsn oedteNE WTON VILLE adoption of ber repart. This r Mra L. Gilmer - Smith, whol Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wiilsherof an eiectric blanket and. wad carriedb Mrs. Rudeil has the distinction of being theland son, Oshawa, were Satur-'poie Iamp was made. Congra-ý anMcrr. ThmponasChiran living native of this vii-!day visitors at Mr. J. Martei's.'tulations from the community Mrs.Thopso as haimanlage, ceiebrated ber 98th birth-j Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samis' whcre they have lived al of the Buying Committee, re- day last Tuesday, Feb. 14 andiand Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skeld-ftheir lives. ported that the 1,000 letter- as usual, received severaliing were among those attend- Mr. and Mrs. Bey Hender-; heads and envelopes ordercd dozen cards of congratulations jîng the Safe-Driving Banquet. son and Elaine were visitorsý liy the auxiliary have been as well as floral and othr!and entertainment on Satur- Saturday evenîng at Mr. Fredl received. She moved Cae gifts. "Grandma Smith" orýday nigbt, in Oshawa Masonic Henderson's.1 adoption of her Buying Cm- "Aunt Louie", as she is famil- Temple.I Word was received here. mittee. report, and this was iariy known ta ber family Afmi inrpry nStra ftedaho r secoaded by rs. esly mebers weringa crsag Ifhonor of the 55th Wedding Ross Halioweii, Bowmanvil Ca w o Zn a re . S o a n to s e e v d h m c ie s Aniversary of M r. and M rs. in O shaw a Hospital, w here h Mr. .jýý o~,.Gf at Strathaven Rest Home, IWm Stapieton, was held Sat- underwent surgery a short reç ~ f~oigwher e s b as rs e, the past!urdýy evening i Bowmanvilieltime aga. Sympatby 15 extend- r pJevrnuyas.atth hm of Mr. and Mrs. ed at this time ta bis wi ow, Janur ~rnyrnduher Mrs. Bert Stapleton. Others present and son Jack, ail well-knownj eund, $5.48; Smih. am of Newcstl i 111 :ages, $45; Gift ,srp t tes te h i1 00 S e t 625,atotal of $941.51 e C ~ ie rs fo e o d ry s h 1 td xessw e re, magazines inége Kimbail, 1 $24.47, stamps $8.50, Oshawa a]511'tt and Mm. and i ____Times $3.98, Statesman $14.63,' Mrs. 1F'r Smith Beverages $26.23, Mon- Sunday sup i'et.wIth arch Cards,.$49.27, Mayinrds . r.-.And rW . .jonl-ast'. Candy $63.12, Haydon Mac- Iweek 'includerM.- ançl Mîi.. Donald $259.43, Sales Tax 1C. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. S.' $11.67, a total of $461.30. This 'Lancaster, Mrs. W. H. Jones, subtracted from the total IMr. and Mrs. C. Lane. Mrs.Hooy moed he aop-guess o Mrs C.Robinson, tin f erGftShT epry Oon, nWednesday. C' IThis was seconded by Mrs. Peter 'Campbell, son of Mm.' I I I YNesbitt and carried. Iand Mms. Ralph Campbell, suf- ES 2.Z I'.. NSIB131LIT Y M'~ rJ.ONilConven:Yfeed a "black-out"ofsm or of the Marathon Bridge, me- 1 kind at school on Wednesday. ported that $83 was realizedý and was found iying uncon-ý by hisproec inJanary Te 1sciuson the wash-raom floor.:; adoption of ber report was!Driven ta hi-, home by theý seconded by Mrs. E. V. Hoar, teacher his father sumnmosed: A S A ber Co-Convenor, and carried. ýhome from work, then drove! veno, i he reort tatdiwerehe was given a series': tha sh inend toaskthreeiof examinations, and ailowedi !neber t asis he insey-1toreturn home next day. igtaafter each monthly, Eight of aur local U.C.W.1 metn.The adoption of hem members w,ëre able ta attend' 0. N. Plummer, and camried. :Oshawa Presbytemial U.C.W.,j Mis. Rudeil, Chairman 0fiheld in the Oshawa North-I Volunteers, gave ber report minster Urlted Church hast.j an assistance given in Janu-lIWednesday. In the aftemnoon,l e amy. She said that volunteers Mrs. J. Caswell, Mrs. G.ý Attenion S conduy Sch ol Stdtb«S are urgently needed ta work Stapleton, Mrs. T. edro in the Gift Shop on Saturday .and Mrs. F. Henderson were OIevenings and on Tuesdavs. amon g those present. At the YOU CAN WIN CASH PRIES- The adoption o f Mrs. Rudell's 1 evenn session, 'aur graup -$25, $15,-$10 report was seconded hy Mis.!presented the worship peiod,ý 1~C. G. Morris, and carried..Ith president Mrs. G. Staffle- Every citizen of a nation bears a responsibility for the codcnd hwsanone ta h ton taking the meditation, Mrs. welfare of his country. next meeting of the Women's FT. Gilmer the prayer, Mrs. D. Thee i n mae mpotat gau tawhrn henatonshoidlisenHospital Auxiliaryv wiil bp. Vinkie and Mis. M. Jones a Thee i nomor iporantgrop o wornthenatonshold istnbeld in the Board Rooni oný vocal duet, Mrs. S. Lancaster than ta ifs youth. It is ber young people Who will decide what kind of Friday afternoon, March 3rd. land Mrs. D. Vinkie assisting country this Canada of ours wil ein the yearsta came. iwith the offering. As aprainet satemantoldthepeole ot ongago:"Ascitzen LO G S ULTThe Officiai Board of this charge met in the Sundav of this democracy, you are the rulers and the ruled, the law-givers a nd kacrioe Hall on rhursda even- C the Iaw-abiding, the beginning and the enid." Mrs. Walter Vaneykarie ngahihtu(eJ .C h omne by plane Thursday ev- Whlite' tendered bis officiai Because of your importance ta the nation's future, we feel if is ap- ening from Holland where she resignation to become effective propriate in this centennal year, that you have the apportunity ta express en.jaoed an eleven week holi: -urce 30. A committee was ap- vew onwht yu tin yor espnsiiltie ae t yo cunty. day with ber relativeq. poiflted ta take the necessary your veso htyutikyu epniiiisaet orcuty Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Har- steps ta secure a replacement i4bd50,à isw*hpimu wqannoncemer and Ted, Erindale, Mr. if passible. And$0,~ PlSW' aw~aoeand Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, Em- Mis. Narman Scott bas re- nie and Beth were Sndyturned home after a week in' supper guest, of the Smith,,.!Hamilton witb ber daugliter, Mm. and Mrs. Cari Pcacock, Mrs. Ken Newton and family. i ni ~ it~ m rnBancroft, spent the weekendý Miss Dorothy Elliott was' witb Mr. and Mms. G. Baker. home from Waterloo over the Mr. nd Ms. . Vaeykweekend. Mm. nd Ms. . Vaeyk Mr. and Mis. Frank Reader, centennial *ssay contest attended a family party nt thpisaa wr'upe uss borne of their daughter, MrlSaura, wer tper. aueMss frscna schl ish.deols and Mrs. H. DeMille, B SatuC. ao.wih m.adMs manville. 1Bow- c ardr a hldI Sa stent tot write yoer essay om Mr. and Mis. Harold Mur-1 adprywsbl n pby, Margo and Trevor visit- Camrunity Hall on Fidayl AS ACANDIA" c Mm andMis W.Murhy'evening under the auspicesof "MY RESPONSlBILUYA ANDA "edM.adVr.W Mrhlthe Wamen's Institute. Thereî Thepeole ho mn illwrie bcaue tey avesom idas an d family. Newcastle. were 12 tables in play, the Thepeole ho in illwrie bcaue tey avesom idas nd!Mis. Sophie Kayacs rettumn- winners as foliows: High lady,I want to express them. But forthr motivation, tiiere are cdhoe ron shwaHopl-IDot Mercer; High gent - Bob: 81500,thelocl lvel przescf ai Sunday following an oo- 'Stapleton; Door prîze- Joyceý $25.00, $58o 10.00 etthloa w; more prizes ieration on eacb of hem eyes. !Stacey; Lucky draws- Dora' if you win the Provincial competition and a trip ta Ottawa plus more pizs Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphyj MacDonaid, Gardon Robinson for *m ationalwlZêSr and family visited the Koaasland Helen Coumoux. me atinalWtfflO'.Saturday evening. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Aif Grabamn, Well prmnt thebet esas.Mm, and Mis. Roht. Cameran Newcastle, spent Friday even-ý and family visited with Mm. îng with Mr. and Mrs. F.ý and Mrs. L. Puilen on Satur- Gilmer. Jud es eciion Ar Fialday evening. Among those attending the Judg s D e isio s A r Fin l Ms. Penwarden and Mis. official apening and banquet ofý Kelly, Orono, and Mr. and Nighitingale Centennial Templeý Mrs. Clayton Brown and Lin- in Bowmanville, Saturay, Here are he R les:da weme Sunday suppem guests evening weme Mr. and Mm.. of Mm. and Mrs. Robert Cam- Harvey Wade, Mr. and Mmm. 1.Yur is e attanding a liigh school in Durham County at the eroc. Wallace Baugben, Mr. and Mrs. Urnethee.ay i sumited.visited on Friday evening Wood, Mm. and Mrs. Bill Wade, 2. You may flot b. a member of the immediate family of an witb Mm. and Mis. J. R. Par- Mn. and Mis. S. Lancaster. emplyeeof our ewflpe. kisonandfamily, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe were empoye cfyou nespaer.(Irtended for lait week) supper guests on Saturday witb à. YoUr essay shouldn't b. more than 750 words long. It would Mr. and Mis. Relit. Cameron Mr. and Mmm. Denton Messie, b. helpful if it weme typed or nt leaut written leglbly. and Ruth-Anne weme Satur- TorontQ. day dinner gueula of Mr. and Karen, Jeffny and Lynn Gil- 4. Eazays must b. reoeived by The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowmàan- mer, of Port Hope weme aver- 190 Bownsanville, flot liter than March 31, 1967. ville. Alan Vivian, Tymone, niglit guests of their grand- ___________________________________________________________ ; viited on Sunday with Ray- parents, Mn. and Ifna. C. mond anieon, rown. besiaes the guests oai nor, , in unis area, where they lived inciuded Mm. and Mrs. Don1 until a few years ago, Mrs. Stapleton and famiiy, Mr. andlHallowell having been churcb Mrs. Bruce Donneiiy and Dar-' omganist heme. mreli, of Port Hope, Mr. and Flowems at the church altar Mrs. Dave Green. After alSunday, were Ini mernory î- turkey dinner, the presentation1 the late Mrs. W. Winn, The Canadiman Statenaan, owmanvlfle, Teb. 2% l IM o KENDAL (Intended for Iast week) 1 Many folks took advantage of gettmng the. free needies for their pets at N~ewcastle, Orono or Newtonville as there has1 been so much talk of rabiesi around i some localities. 1 Mr. Melvin White of Lind- say vlsited his cousin, Mrs. Wm. Mereer one afternoon last week.< Mrs. Helen Couroux was hostess Thursday evenlng for some of the sewing group,1 namely Teresa L atir,' Kthy Mercer, Dora ald and Jud Prestoni. There were flot mniy O ta church Sunday oni due to a -22 degres sPo¶ ture. The hlghest forte was about -4 degrees. The pupils of Kendal Publifi Scbool held a Penny Sale FPr1.*, day to belp raise funds their trip later in the 'aea&czs.ý Mrs. Eddie Couroux hia hacfm 'the misfortune to fail and Kendal, wbose funeral Rev. R. aboetewit C. White conducted at the Three bouses bave been left Morris Chapel on Wednesday, vacant by the pazsing of thefr going on ta St. John's Cerne- awiiers, Wesley Tebble, MM tery, Toronto, for interment. Neva Little and Bert Holland4 Mr. and Mms. Murray Porter Another group are only i use and Frankie, of Detroit, were in the summer time. Sunday dinner guests wîth Mr. Miss Shirley Mercer and and Mrs. Hugli Stapleton and Brian Foster visited Sunday family. evening with Mr. and M& Mr. and Mms. Clinton Brown Richard Foster i Port Hope4 weme 'dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carruth- with Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Gilmer ers and Russell have returned and family, Port Hope. from spending a couple of Mr., and Mrs. Norman Lee weeks in Florida wbich tliey and bariene Bowen, Of Cam- enjayed very much. bmay, had dinner Sunday with They took wee Jo Ann, who Mr. and Mrs. C. Farrow and stayed with Mr. and Mrs. HL Glen. Foster, home with tbem aga"n Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton Mrs. MarIatt la home agair, and family visited ber inother, after visiting ber relatives near Mrs. L. Todd at the home of Simcoe. Mrs. John McKnight, Mili- Mrs. Alva Swarbrlck bad a brook, on Sunday. minar operation on lier foot Mr. and Mms. Fred Hender- and is staying for a while witli son and family and Mm. Jack ber son and bis wife, Mr. and Chard, Newcastle, were suP- Mrs. W. Roughley in Oshawa. per guests, Sunday, at Mm. S. Minus degrees of tempera«. Lancaster's. ture and snaw seem ta lie the Mr. and Mrs. George Kim- mule this past week. bail and Joan, Newcastle, were _________ Sunday supper guests at Mr. H. Wade's. A f lick of the switch and With Mr. and Mrs. J. Martell invisible, reliable electrie en- on Sunday, dinner guests were ergy peforms a multitude of Mm. and Mrs. W. Henry, San- labom-saving chares, efficiently. dra and David, of Toronto. and economicaliy. SENIOR ST. JOHN AMBULANCE FIRSI AID COURSE. wilI b. utarting Wednesday, March lit 1967 at 8:00 p.m. IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL This course la open te public as well as industry. For information plhons .*.* .MR. BUD FANNING- 623-3114 oufaine >OuryelloYwpagecs k *~Our town's got everything ... fine shops, handy services, heipful peopie. And the one place to find them ail is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to do with building. Your Yelow Pages can help you find the builder, the lumber dealer or brickwork or masonry contractor you might need. Whatever you're looking for, your Yellow Pages can help you find it quickly and easily ... whether you're building a factory or just decorating your patio with some ornamental concrete blocks like the one illustrated. Yes, it's good to get in the YelIow Pages habit ... everything's here in town. e~yd~ heoe intowa I I IJ~ EUt w '4' 1 centenni ,.contest

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