Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Feb 1967, p. 12

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Second Hollingshead Bonspiel an Exciting Event Launch Easter Seals Campaign WithInteresting Address on New (rippled (hildren's5 (entre il The BowmanvrnIe Rotary er crippied children corne to yourýgsters a health fui outdoor Club's annual Easter Seals'the centre after schoal for life, and rescues them from Capinwas officially start- trcatment. the ionelmness imposed on them . at te luncheon meeting of The speaker said that the by the unthinking unkindness 'N *' the club held at the Flying school at the centre has three of normal chiidren. Both a ]Dutchman Motor Hotei ofl sections, and there are onîy a Cub Pack and Brawnies have. Thnursday. President Bob Stev. small number of children in been drganized at the centre ens called on Deputy neeve each because they ail need in for the children, and are suc-.~ Wesley Fice to open this Pro- tensive teaching and training. ccssfui, she said. Jeet to raise funds for the She mentioned that due ta Chi]dren attending t h e F assistance to crippied chiidrcn. physical disabilities s om e centre include sme who have Steve Dolesch, Newcastle, the youngsters aïe unable to write. suffcred brain damage, otherS 1967 Timmy, was a special "We have one littie pupil naw with cerebral palsy, muscular fgiest at the luncheon meet- being taught to use a type- distrophy, heart conditions,................... .. in.Tom Cowan introduced writer by holding a stick in brain tumors, or uncontroiled the head table: President ber mouth ta press the keys. epilepsy, the speaker told the -". ~ . . Stevens, Ken Purdy, Chairman Aîtbaugh she bas normal in- club. of thc Easter Seals Committee; telligence her physical bandi- Mrs. Balfour tbanked the Steve Dolesch, Mrs. W. R. Bal- cap anly allows hier ta enunci- Rotarians for the assistance tour, Oshawa, the guest speak- ate ane syllable words, and SO they have given by praviding er; Merriil Brown, Chairman until she masters typewriting transportation for handicapped ofth Crippled Children'b ie way of communication is children from this area ta the Committee, and Don Murray. imited. centre in Oshawa, and also by In intraducing the guest "Each child is an individual providing arthapcdic appli-> speaker Mr. Purdy said that probîem and a challenge ta the ances for many of the centre's Mrs. Balfour, the chief physia- teachers. We also have a littie patients who otherwise therapist at the Crippled nursery school for littie ones would be unable ta afford Childrcn's School and Treat- of two ta five years of age. Its them. ment Centre, Oshawa, gradu- prirnary purpose is ta enable The guest speaker descrîbcd ated from the University Of the children ta become ne- the centre's new schciol build- Toronto in 1963. He spoke customed ta the staff and ta ing which will receive pupilsý highly of hier work at the be able ta relax while they thîs month. She invited thel Crippled Children's Centre require constant supervision Rotarians ta visit its three * ever since her graduation, and and extensive therapy. The classrooms, reading r o om, said that she is the co-ordin- nursery school is a good learn- nursery room and therapy de- ator of ahl the services there. ing experience for tbem and prmns *Mrs. Balfour paid tribute ta is helpful to us.BiTisureaieco the Bawmanville Rotary Club Mrs. Balfour also pointed ofteOtraScety for for the assistance it has given out that the nursery school is Crippled Chîldren, on behaif ta handicapped children, and particularly beneficial f o r of hîs fcllow Rotarians, thank- - for its help ta the Crippied children who bave dclayed cd Mrs. Balfour for ber inter- 1- Children's Centre, speech difficulties. It bas been esting address, and ber beart- '- . . -- She told tbe club that the found that when they arc with touching description of its .7~ Crippled Cbildrcn's School and other children they somehow work. President Stevens ex- Trcatment Centre in Oshawa make the extra effort requir- pressed his personal apprecia- was started by the parents of cd ta make vocal communica- tion ta Mrs. Balfour. tome handicappcd children. tion. Dn Mra rsne All the benefits af its services Tbe Crippled Cbildren's gift certificate ta the 1967 for cripplcd childrcn is the Scbool and Trcatment Centre Timmy, Steve Dolesch, from lesuit of the courage and d- is supervised by a special the Rotarians, and the attract-> termination of these parents, board of directors appointed ive little boy brightly express- Who startcd tbis great project by the Oshawa Board of Edu- ed bis gratitude. mnd carried it an througb dif- cation, she said. On the ficult times. staff are fuily qualified pub- Guests present at the "In 1953 tbe Oshawa and lic schooi teachers, physio- luncheon meeting were Bob ]District Cerebrai Palsy Par- therapists and occupational- Richardson, Roy Barrand, Ken On Saturday, Bowmanville Golf & Curling Club well, second Walter Rutherford, lead Lyle Huckstable ents' Council wàs formed," therapists, and in the very Couiter, Ted Reed, ail of Osha- was the setting for the second annual R. M. Hollings- and Doug Sellers, Comptroller of Hligha h ?4rs. Balfour said. She ex- near future a speech therapist wa; Deputy Reeve Fiee and Hligha h piained that they realized the wifl be added, the speaker John M. James, Bowmanville, head Corp. sponsored bonspiel with14 rinks competing presentedthe prizes and appears in bath pictures; urgent need of their ebjîdren stated. and J. Adair, Waterloo, Iowa. Overaîl winner was CharlieBckesrn wih au btom pt, from right ta lef t, Mr. Kowal, vice for rcamen andeduatin. Se sokeaf te eercsesKowal's in second place. Top photo shows the top Vivian Cowan, second Bob Foster and lead Shirley .At ffrst the cauncil startcd a given for weak muscles, and Bff~7TC teamn, from right ta left, Mr. Bickle, vice Marg Cars- Robson. social program which pravid- those for the relaxing and flUYVIen brugt n he ho s ed Uic apportunity for their stretching of stiffcned musclesbe ruh i h os youngsters ta meet other Some children are sa scvercly Sorry ta bear that Mrs . same time ago by Mrs. Ken hanicapped cblidren. disabled that thcy cannot sit Garry Hooper is a patient in. Ashby and brought to the e seake said that with- up or even ril over by them- Osawa Gencral Hospital fol- B AYcurch n beaf of the U.C.W. a Compratively short time selves, she cxplained. iowing an emcrgency appen- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- etc. The Bowmanville Pipers A Concert is planned for gaury espans.bl for Fsobru- !Ouh money was raised ta In the physio-therapy depart- dectmy. We wish bier a strong of R.R. 1 Bethany cel- Band will head the parade the evening of May 22, withar.RvI.Mnosome birega teacher and part time ment cbîldren are alsa taugbt speedy rccovery. brated their twenty-fifth wed- and provide some entertain- Allan Beer,. Mrs. Thomas sermnon title was the basis for therapist, and a school treat- ta walk on crutches, and oth- A weicome is cxtended ta ding an ni v ers a ry in the ment throughaut the aftcr- Jennings, Waily Reid and serlous thought and hearty ment centre was started . Tbis ers bave gait problems cor- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sneed who township hall at Bethany on noon. Gardon Smith was ap- Mrs. Earl McQuaid in charge cangregationa1 and chair sing- work was carried on for some récted, Mrs. Balfour, said. She moved into the ncigbborbood Saturday night. Their sons painted ta head a, çommittee of arrangements. igpoie odsrie years in Simcoe Hall, a scttle- also pointed out fhat occ'& on Saturday. Lloyd and Donald and their ta arrange forý the variaus A further meeting is called At a short meeting foilowing nenithoiuse, she added. psinî- h .' -m ay red hruhu tesot eet o Mrhît the service, Secretary Mrs. was ot ntip1e6 tiat .c thdrn y Èhi.g 's ~Wcdnesday evening a m___________________________thespots_________fr__________h Wm. Ashby read letters stat- -u--rtimescool ntrea963tmet ti ssa bý t ÏiM- ~C!- ing 'was hcid at the home of community presented them igta iitr h a el ieshoan ramnstht ssitte,*ê.e 4r. and Mrs. Harold Hughes with a chesterfield and match- tAI n th at minîstr who ha was estabiished, Mrs. Bafour requ.ire exercise. S p eè e Ch coming Father and Son Ban- tra furnished the music for E S L 'Y V L Ea ndaohed r a nni-er told the Rotarians. When she thcrapy bclps muscles of the~ quet for Brown's lst Cub and dancing. . Wednesday evening's ice, Ladies were quiltIng at Mrs. sbitd 3oined, the staff in September tangue and lips, she addcd. Scout organizations. Th ehn rwne n a ndltreeti samH ak'sfo ody' itd 1963 there were only 12 child- Mrs. Balfour told the club Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hugbesl The l ayosadesnr.daly Rci upset terlans of several Hu Dresy hn ae qult Sunday School was in charge ren in -the school, but now the of the Summer Day Camp run and boys wîth Mr. Hughes'and Mrs. Earl McQuaid at- people and lcft a coating of was finished. of Mr. George Tufford, with pupls umbr 5, nd 0 oh-by he ente hic gies hefather, Oshaa, n S - ic tnaea a "Thinking Service" ice everywhere. Cars which Garfield Payne returned teachers present for aIl class- at the United Cburch, Mlill- stood outside had remains of home from Part Hope Has- es. Rae Tufford and Wesley brok, n undy.the ice until the weekend and ptalonFriayan 3i quite Best received the offering and although sand impraved the1well ut Ill not be able ta Marilyn Nichols, regular arg- Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, main roads, side-roads and return ta school for another anist, provided the music and Trenton, spent the weekend paths lcading ta buildings re- week. the junior class led in the with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ry- maincd dangerous during the Mrs. Win. Tufford, Mrs. A. ciosing prayer. ley. weckend. Austin and Mr. S. Talla are Miss Nola Holdaway of Clifford Carr, Rose v i le, Members of the East Dur- still in Port Hope Hospital for Toronto spent the weekend Mich., visited with Mr. and haro Historical Society were furthcr treatment. with bier mother here. Mrs. Ross Carr during the disappointed in nat being able There, was a spring-time Mr. and Mrs. H~ector Darke past wlveck.ta bear Dr. O. B. Dickinson of look at church service on Sun- were in Bawmanvilie for thel MMr. and Mrs. Ralph Mulli- Toronto speak in Hewson Hall, day marning when two weckend, where they attended gaChippwa, have been Part Hope, on the Durham bouquetsq f forsythia brigbt- the wedding of Mrs. Darke'si m ugucsts wi1th' Mr. and Mrs. Club, of which he is president. ened the %urch. These hadinephew, Allan Brock. N O TICE FGervin Mulligan. PPLICTIO NMiss Margaret Lowes, Tor- ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. BY The Bethany Debbonaire's B Y 4-H Girls Club met at the home of Mrs. John Neals on Members of the Centennial 2: Application wilI be made to The Ontario Municipal Board for assitewît pla ns theVc Comitwtcplnswr e hae-taTHREE FLOORS 0F QUAL11 an order te dispense with the assent of the electors to the undertaking toria Day weekcnd and which of the said works. Any ratepayer may, within twenty-one days alter the will be a real cammunity- first publication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the clerk of the efforte. ndwllbgi nB udget *errns or Town of Bowananville, at the address given below, a notice i writing May 19th with tentative plans stating bis objection to such approval and the grounds of such objection. made for a "Family Fun Nite" O E H R D Y A D F I A V to be held at the Athietic O E H R D Y A D F I A V Park, with a wiener roast andAi 3: The. Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant te the display of fireworks. Ar-ClsdD y W d E statut. that the. aiment of the electors diail net b. required and may rangements for this was left Coe i o e n in the hands of Alian Beer, Mmd place for a public hearlng when any objections will b. considered. mittee. Tentative plans were aiso r ite made ta bald a street dance DATED at the. Tewn ofi Dowmanville it. 5th day ofi February, on Saturday, May 2t. Fur- RL AL lU.forthcomlng regarding this. FREE DELIVERY TO BOWMANVILLI ~ L. A Beard Growing ContedIol Roet D yron, qlso pianned. 40 Tenipeamce Stroet, On Monday. May 22, the 96 KING ST. EAST 723 -7928 Bowmanffll., Ontario. rsu& a -i Day wiil be held, begir with at parade te I hture CentenCtial stme MMTb Canadin StatesMan, Eownife, Feb. 22, MI1 Inroduce 67 Timmy Choose a flve year savings goal. It could be as littie os $600, or as much os $5,000. (Your convenient monthly deposit con range from $10 to $83.33.) Whotever sovings goal you set for yourseff, thot's the omount of Life Insuronce protection you have, for rive yeors, from the minute you make your fi rst deposit. This is in addition toalal deposits mode, plus the bonus your sovings have earned. Whether you're soving for your children's educotion, for the down poyment on o new home, for a refirement nest egg . .. or even if you don't have a special objective in mind, osk your Toronto-Dominion Manager about the Go-Ahead woy of.soving . .. Toronto- Dominion's Assured Sovings Plan. SGreat Go-Ahead idea From TORONTO- DOMINION The Bank whcrc people make the difference. R. G. LAWTON, Manager 39 Temperance St. Bowmanvihle, Ont I I kNDISE! e cleared! fused!1 wýNOW! Rway Plan rY FURNITURE Cash * ENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. esday InIteriors .E AREA DOWNTOWN OSHA4WA~ PI v Entertain Ladies at 'Annual Dinner Dance On Saturday, February Ilth Mrs. Sutton, Wor. Bro. k. at Uic Lions Community Lobb and Mrs. Lobb; Rt. Wor. Centre, Jerusalem Lodge No. Bro. J. EnMmerson and Mrm 31, A.F. & A.M., held their Emmerson,'Very Wor. Bro. P. annual Ladies' Night. R. Cowling and Mrs. Cowling, About 25 guests were re- Br. C. Trewin and Mrs. Trew. eived by Worshipful Master in; (right side), Bro. F. Os. Brother Ian Hvy and Mrs. mond and Mrs. Osmond, Bro. Hovey, Sr. Warden Bro. Barry B. Guthrie and Mrs. Guthrie, Cowlng and Mrs. Cowling, Bro. H. Locke and Mrs. Locke Jr. Warden Bro. Doug. White and Bra. L. Welsh and Mrs. and Mrs. White. Welsh. 'i, The head table was centred Wor. Bro. W. Goode propos- with an arrangement of red cd a toast ta Grand Todge, Rt. and white carnations and Wor. Brè' W. Baker replied. iighted by tali blue tapers. Wor. Bro. K. Billett proposed The other tables were dcc- the toast ta the ladies, toi orated with the Masanic colors which Mrs. Ian Ho ve y of blue candles and golden graciously responded on behaif daffodils. The Rebekah Lodge of ahl the ladies. catered for the deliciaus tur- Bro. D. White prcscntcd key dinner. Wor. Bro. Havey Mrs. Hovey with a bouquet of presided. The gusts sang red and white carnations. Bro. grace; Wor. Bro. Hovey pro- F. Osmond conducted a draw'r posed the Toast ta The Queen. for thc ladies. The wlnners Following dinner Wor. Bro. were: Mrs. Bob Hendry, Mrs. Hovey welcomed the guests Joe Barton, Mrs. Harry Sut. and called on Bro. C. Trewin ton, Mrs. Pat Madden, Mrs. ta intraduce the head table Helen Metcalf and Mrs. Bruce guests. Tho.5c at the head Ormiston. table: Wor. Master I. Hovey Mrs. Alan Lobb won the gift and Mrs. HovcY, Immediate donated by Marr's Jewellery. Past Master Wor. Bro. W. A wcil known M.C. and Goode and Mrs. Goode, Wor. comic magician, Mr. Ron Leon. Bro. K. Billett and Mrs. Bil-l*ard baffled and amused the Iett, Jr. Warden Bro. Doug. audience. Mr. Leonard in- White and Mrs. White, District troduced Miss Kathy McBain, Deputy Rt. Wor. Bro. W. Bak- a lovcly young singer who er and Mrs. Baker, Sr. Ward-1 rendered many Broadway fav. en Bro. B. Cawling and Mrs. orites. She also sang a selc- Cow]ing. Head table guestslion of Scottish sangs with the on bath sides of the hall werelable assistance of Mr. Lloyd (left side) Bro. H. Suttan and'Ayre. When you save the Go-Ahead way you gef Life Insurance toc! il 139 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ont,

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