_ .r Excellent Reports ~AnuaI Vesfry >A ,$t. John s Angii P;as heid o h vnn fym tew 4snar Sth ii eeng D lEnz H >pen d wlh a h 01 theaitonarto give i ~wayrs fr th peae ofti thé ~adirnalnstrat.c ~eld as w ef as fOr teWrk ciurci affalr. vfthe Parish, fferd by R~Agcn Wr ~.J. Framirton who cond cmnitte. reporedtDA 4d he eetng.had met several Urnesd Foliowing pr ay e rs the 19)66 and have selected o!etyear's nhual projeet. ln Uganda for n"e«'meeig aiwel *sport ln 1967. Yhose 0of a special Ves Th e newly formedf eeigheld last May for thCe ilmtfv ie se4 of electing a new uncitetfeUre eurF Waden mge thedyear, Its purpose ch arenwer radby to develop the pro >r.D. MacYLintosjh inithe urec ndeî ýOtnce of Mrs. L. DIng, the P of t r Pahandighu ý0guJwVetr Certhe season ieading fror Djuring his openIng address work of this goup wal Mr rampton thanked e.fl "Christian Jewish Dialc officers of the church and relirogsln November ~Parlsh organizations for their beeber. biard wark and continued sup. ebr c h 1 yotdrigtc y~ear, Guiid reported a happy <or t1 n erson ~wth snveraigifts reci Ieas Church Waden; algo during its course. Mn.C. Hennn for typlng 11 The Organlit, Mr. C. Xi Pereports. e called mem- reports the need of one or IeVattention to the various more aduits ln each sectio ~sIhand organizational r the choir, as weii as ai pors, ayng hatwesholdfor nine more boys ln ac noteoth e aniou o!Junior Choir. The Choi oe o tenounanof aiready preparlng to lntrc( saoney ~~ spentonorw Prs the congregation to Stair Wor cth e drwork ta setHyins in preparation for tnehch truot fthe oisnging of "The Crucifix ncthoot the ould b which we hope to havei truht t i chuhme ~musical climax ta a Lez es'attention throughout the ae pe l 1968oan apri ~oIg year. The rector also o a sPeh wil usb a csu -evening ta the fact that ai- I a eie this spring jbough St. John's was a strong u se ud cidedtus ea palsh numerlcaily iî was O- userthe Sund a chld lrtfgweli below Is o frig Oven achi bniaand eaU menibers s sd Choolth ro ug h"ve ndevou taimpovetusScholarshlp Fund". The gituation. He aima suggested spot this appeal was hat we should give smre good that we were able *lugtot havlng aur own provîde two scholarships Centennia1 Project within the $7000 each, one ta a nine-ye tear, alter flrst paylng off the aid boy, native of India,à «»t the ncw organ,bt the other ta a 13-year-old *Mt tifs could b. fsuse from Africa. Bath chiicl hmong the individual organiz- ar eotédly doing wel ations and would 'possibly the sech01. Other highliij liéed a special Vestry meetin*g ia the Sunday Schooi 3i ?0 go Into it further. were: the Sunday Schaolp Mr.Frapto ten eadthe i held at Geneva Pa tr.oFcrcto h n e ers o haWa, ln June, and - Bat of away rin g 1966, hChristmas Concert staged dà passed aa uig16,Decemnber ierxng prayers for themn and The Guild reported ti »_Ielr bereaved familles and major projecta in the pz gvIng thanks to God for the year, the renovation of ec fllOsing af their lives. boards and sink ln the veat -Reports from the varlous and carpets for the chu. dmnilttees and organizations aisies. TheY rais. maney1 caterlng, thc use cf Lent boxes, dues and birthi rnaney. Highiights ci the Guildett year wvere a Joint meetii with ladies of Trinity Uniti Church ta discues questionsr garding Church Union, flower show and dessert ti combination, wlth Mr. Ro Jackman demonstrating fia: S arrangements; a pre-Centei niai bazaar, and the Jew]E Dialogue. The Guildettes hoi this year ta help ln purchal ing R new set cf sllverwarei Z Me o ~ weil as supplylng mane ne, - em tokitchenware. "ébs nt-mnded Thc Afternoon W.A. ce]( brated its 775th anniversar dunlng the past year wlth driversgift of $75.00 for "Pair LIr - div rsen" for th. altar. Their Dic cesan piedge was met ti! 'u;ibsentnindedness lan't year by contributions. Tw 10 b:,d when it- leads only W.A. members, Mrs. Cella Tai . 1h minor miishape as and Mrs. C. Bettles wer ~%nning out of ga.But you honoured with Lufe Memnber an te into real trouble ships. Members aima remern i ôg easn-nne bered twa members wha cele b o'easetmne brated their 50th weddlng an labOut Car insurance. Be nivensary as weil as treatini ue y" have the right tie Little Helpers to a Christ 'J ndand enough of it. Mas party complet. wlth gift etter cal, us for a Car' and luncheon. ua wcek-up, The evening W.A. heldj sPrlng rumffiage sale as wel as visiting 62 "shut-ins" and senior members af the Parish ZÎNEY POITIER iSHELLEY WINJERS im ELIZBETH HARIMAN IN PANAVISIONO Saturdoy Matin.. OnIy "Zebra in the Kitchen" la ca«o - StmugD.m*jtit. mu= t Sunday tWoé esdybrujuy 9- 2 "WIi~DidY litlàIa V* 15, 1W? of Uît thrf -- Bowmanville's Sb re $281,438.25 gr reuilnded that hemior ithly __________________CW feetingides a4drr$: «Dura. Dist High Scluool Board Caads.Ti= op wuaa c-Spenmt Nearly $4 Millions in '66 t' can Church ".. uiTing t» oepned tyhe trepecmv In i lefad proewr aked h amnh. Admeistrator Informns Rotary an bath A Chancel raa"B l nwl Theu r:Zst Oshawa Group le. the IfWind" wms beld on Youth C ntee etraie h et five Bund~ay ln Mirci. foflowcd by t7>< IneeiI wenI U 6 the Durham Cut technlcal world wiil :re1t e hat short ct htP aieroo cnirece - were t=en a ahockey egame m itit11b Siolmr aly e sswho J seemexpedient do flot cretO of tcnded by 38 local guach at the Civic Auditorlum InHOrd ipntfe=ny$,000,WOOaefnla i dctdl i iaca azards. Thceas- af Tic inacwrt f l e Can-n h fnacalhurrea yo pe ople. dhent Cd appecat of theirfortsl l current and capital Costs, truc sense. tier siouid have a systeni so da] ag wsdatedtoSt. 1h. alndf ~ 5 m i one af liii manywa "The main role o! tic Dur- that h. là; able ta check re- o John s antdedzcated by thi rceswel xess cifty, M. A. ii 1 ar County District High ci of goods and services nu., ~ 2 Grs uxlayfra.$70.00. MacLeod naid ate FIylng Schel oar ilàta function as b. are certifylng to correct- a ,a1,wufre atfi oie ~ ~ Dtlra n usa. t,Ya p rny aking It ha. ness of an account.pppreo witiceway fols taofnerstan Sn aque.îta ob. held on Trlsuirr oftih giScioi l , wio are progressive hi aur payroil. Our best custam- Pai 1and waccfor gielsocatIo"tn asSaturday, February iti at the Board gave atasfication %le ~ta education. erfIs lie Recelver.General. as th _ andgaRatarytClub'vocatio- asaproaci talk aI tubilu- Teyacimi%nr tehe five Sec- wc nay iim $21.000 caci r adur Chitan women. Highlilht C----'18 Cap' m"ýcheon meeting. Schools lu ticcouuty. rnouth belng cf 1986 waa tieCcarol sigxng m ning ah 6M0 I>m. ahare last Year af costs for 6 "Mucih I uty onh.ao e pamby al hie girls at Maruwood ____ _ igi Scicol purposewa ' c more coud b. sud d"As businesi Adminustrar __________ _bads aout these appointments. and tic Sccretary relieves the c ilna Sunset Lodge. Tiiey aima $281,438.25 ouI tic teioad'ow tic schoois anc rwx. But members ai tie board froni !.t ilt Oi made fancy baskets filled with tatal 1967 requisitlon of $1,- themi on at îtn efriga miye a rn tic Christmnas cookies, prcsenting 227,937.hguiuinbePweent ic aodmsin- pallowsrmin aeemly e n ks tie tiem ho patients lu tic homes. g________________________ Gueula atxce in heir age!i huc os gueue re- t he lunicheon tration of instructionan ad the priuiary fnto ipic andporcd ic eedforau nte- ~~ metig wrc awmnvlleadministration o! the business mnakîng. Business starts with Higi Schoolo ssis tPrincipg anL.o!tic oad.tic preparation ai the annuai esthte ee aaiit i priorm Mrs. Hilda Webb, Lu cas, Ed Starcy and Fak "h board has appointed budget. Tic expecled revenue aa ce w th th ir wc ki p og am 2 Si ro S rea n e y, bah. shawa , me -Administratr aunede Secre and expense for tic year are elved give yaung boys o! tic churci eawS, n T. Plum, Lindsay. Ti ayTesrrt uce i arcf ui etlaed. Whea it Is an activlty ta take part lu and On Januarytle first I wheri o!rt ic Hockd eorgegwel WierRe nd th ws î yPreparcdIls bi- van, an opportunlhy ta learn about wrote a letter la tie Town eeAtRbyadGog owi known ta you. I ted theti boarditby lie Fin- ýr two nature, firat aid, thc church, Council informing themn Vice. wauîd like ta pay tribute toanace cammittee. yteFn Dfl a! etc. Lest year tic boys weuî that we wanted tic refund On behali ai tic club, Mer- tic wonk doue by ui, and d need on a ike, attended tic C.B. that was pi'omiied to every- il Brown presenhed a gift ta confirni ta you Ihat it 'made i The board has thiciast say itic L. Diocesan Conclave, man c n who hmd paid for work Harry Van Belle for is in- MY work a lot casier to fin choppiug the Budget down ir is ai. boys went ta camp with donc on tie sewers on Town faut daugiten. The birtiday iow a man who wamsa dedl-t i z b t styear the mil] duce tic C.B.L. of Grace Churci, property sice 1956. A few ai Tom Cowan was celcbrated cated. - rate was ralsed close ta 10 .ner'm Markarni. das later I ieceivcd a let- by us feilow Rotarians. TesekrexpIalncd that mdebeuture casîs mto reasaf r the Special circusla n tic Junior ter aylng aur claimi would A. H. Stnike hItroduced Mn. bis duties could be dcscribed for Cur tic Sre stdafrf xlan" Auxlilary last year included b. given consideration and MacLeod who inu i frasn eea ersa h Se o oadiceSeodr as a attendlug thie "Chiidren's 1 would hear from them as tive talk nevlewed lie scopee executIve officer of thi .Ticeenu i ca osed lr uten World Day a! Prayer" service soon.as tiey had reacied a o! tie Durhamn County District poand, wiosc responsibil.lty Il eeu scmoe ýopri- ln Trlalty United Churci, a decision. Higi Sehool Board ln onden la t IniPiement Its poiles o 50 per cent provincial ncw preacutation ai Stripes and Six weeks have passed. ta give lie Rotariansa better and plans. grants and 50 per cent county alled Awards at a speciai ciunch A numnber ai weeks ago a pictune o!is duties. a'Thieboard expects tic Sec-tatin servceattedin theDea- hoeower tleponedme etary to issue canîy notice o! "After thie board approves serice atenln ti Dan-hoeowertelpinedme "Thc board was fonmcd Ilu meeting and ta prepare tic lie Budget-total, caci of the nr la ery J. A. Raily la Brghton ta ask if we iad recclved 1951 and nepnesculed e.1hi s uyhbr-egiouiipltes I n Mte ad hldnga "hie ift' urrefund. What he had se awr Odagena ti i uyt e ih uiiaiisI n a toen vice hontahe teiGls oux- ra nTeSaemnwsse owr nSecondary cord lie proceedîngs o!thie farmed o! tic percentage ne- I t sevic wth he irl' ux-rca luTi Shtesan asSciool Educahion fon Durham board and its various corn.- quired. This perceutage was scas Mlary and CBL. aimoatîtend- lie large notice Mr. Wil- Counlty. It brougit together milIces each af wîîcîh le 1s revlsed sligitly lait ycar by ne- Ing. Tic girls aima have frid Carruthers aud Mn. severai amali unlîs of admin- also Secrctary. Write min-utes tie Ontario Municipal Board go5 speclal party nigits, physicai George Van Bridger iad put istration mb non large unit o! caci comniittee meeting aiter a Public Hearing lu Port eta intuton, and study books lu tie paper ln whIci thcy scrving tic county witî lie and from tîemn prepare a ne.: Hope. iah as wel au dolng sanie churci said "That la lie best ai exception af Cartwright wiicli Part for preseutation by tie "Tic percentage reflects ,car- work. thiir kuowledge ail manies operates its owu board. Cmihc hima hti oa and Little Heipens neported be- covering repaira ta waher Cm teCara ttelclassessment, provincial t girl ing able 10 niake a donation and sewer connections siuc. "Elgit municipalities sup- ncxt board meeting. equaiized assessment popula- J Lren ta tic "Organ Fund" tuis year. June 1956 have now been port the board. Thc citîzens "Tic Secnetary receives and tion, and pupils. Capital de- t l lnHiglighs o ther yar wre efuned.are rcprescuted by l8 mcm- scnds aut ail communications. beutures are adminlstered h luHîilgis i em yer cr rfude.bers as follaws: Bowmanvile, Tiose hie neceives, whici are tirougihie Counties Asses- t( ghts a churci service la June wien Was luis ta mislead tie Alex McGregor, L. A. Parker, in uis competeuce, he deals sar's office using tic sanie year tiec cildren prescutcd themr homeawucrs af Bowman- A. H. Stnike; Cavan Town- witi. Toeivligplc ecnaebtcagd l arpic i mt ox tes" folio w avile? I eel urnwer onsiip, Reg Fallis; Clarke Town- are brougit ta the board. Tic education.fi îr!~~~~~~~~~~~.~s çinc nhicucian.ke treimoneso siP' CarlosTabl, W. H. board expects lic Secretary ta "Last year tic board adapt- lieye aise iad themr own Brown Street iad net ne- Canman; Darlington Township, hveagaod memorandum cd a policy wiereby ail pur- in Christmas party. ccived licir refund. Wc pa Clares Allia, Garnet Tubb, syshcm so liaI a matten men- ciases are made tiroughitis This Vcstry approved bath taxes, water rates, sewcr Forbes Heyland; Hope Town- tioned for future discussion office. Quolations and tenders wo tic Treasurer's Report for rentai and naw you are ship, Carrall NichaIs; Mill- may appear on lie agenda are called an items wiere iast 1966 and Budget for 1967. Tic saying sanie oathic home- brook, Dr. J. W. Wright; New- mentis later withauî furtier savlng can be obtained by ýup- Outreaci Target ai $3,000 ownens must pay for sewcr castie, James R. Wright, Part conceru ai tic board. buying in quantihy, and pre- 5ty unden lie new voluntary sys- repair on Town praperty. Hope, W. E. Trimmer, W. "Tic Secretany is aiso tic ference is given ta local finms iri hem Instituted by Bisiop Snel 1 do flot tiink tiere lu a Keycs, and Dr. John Mc- Treasurer. As such tic board wien possible. by and lie Synod, was appraved. 1mw ln this country tiat Creery. expecîs hlm hao receive ail Mn. LacLeod adttth ten This covers: $1,000 lnthi. Dia- would enfonce tuis.sadttli day ese ncluing ew Curch 1 amstil waiing ome Mn. MacLeod saidti at there manies, make ail disburse- Sccrelary is in charge ai lie s Iaycee lcidin Nw Curh Iar sIIlwaiin moneare thre chier members of ments, and keep books o! mc- cane, maintenance, and m Sites Fund, Part Perry-Black- word frai lie Commitee tic board- Wilfned Brown ap- caunit Care soud be taken prvenent oi buildings and les stock Pariai Ministry, Down- looking inta li malter. pitd b i alnln.............. mi town Ciurch Warkers; $1,000 Sincerely, Township Sciool Anca Board,_7 tem lu Canada lncluding Indian,11dmW b. .M.CegonPrtHp,: re- Eskimno Residential Scicols, ______Wbb._E__.___________FotHope a Prairie Canference for AdultcSprl colapit. ~ BuiesiDieclry anldMurray Paterson, appofifft - irlOvèrseas Inciudlng 11ev. F. Mn. MacLeod said liaI n- Peler Agricultural - PastoraliÀ c c 0u n ftca n C Y Sehoal Boards operate undee lsi Minltry lu Pakistan, Miss permissive iO aûtioritaîive )pe Nga VjiVllage Uplift and BAT J. DILLING legislation pertaining ta tic 1s Evaaellsm la gad. iatred Accountant admiastraton af education lu as M eim.hP0fheAv- 93 Churci Street Ontaio. Ths Includes the ow ry Bnardr wasirasdfrm623-3861 Departmeut af Education Act, 12 ta 2 1. Ww. ..H. COGGINS Public Sciool Act, Schools e- Il was decided te dedicate Chartcrcd Accounlant Administration Act, Second- Sy thie new orgin as a war me. 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville ary Sciools and Board ai Edu- . . a marial and ta have an organ Phane 623-3612 cation Act, and thie Separate a- Installation superviser lu lie WILLIAM C, HALL ScoI ard r o x a- persan of Mr. C. Evans. Tic B.Conin. Sempt ord ren is$ Vestnyaimôautionlzéd thce atne contn mtfrai legislation uppli- ~. 90 incablc otahie operatidn ai most ~ 9e ofrigÔ tiec mass ceom- 36% King St. E., Oshawa businesses and nmust observe Ril munion rail and thie addition Telephone 7263suiatasicUepo, . ýre af a sldiug bar ta il If pas- a h nmly r- miiwt iaBeal u- URROWS, SELBY & CO. ment Insurance Act, tie Bank n- ject ta Advimory Board ap- Ciarlcned Accountants Act, Vacation with Pay Act, eprovil. Ofcr ice n 323 King Street West Workmeu's Compensation Act. n- Church iceseetdad Oshawa, Ontariothie Factory Act, Teachers' 1g appôinted as failows: Récton's 725-6451 - 728-7554 Superannuation Act, lie Iun- t- Wanden, Mn. W. Maindonald- William A. D. Sclby, C.A. came Tax ct, Teaching Pro- ts Peopie's Wandcn, Mn. C. Heu: G Edmiond Burrows, C.A. fessian Act, Hospital Services ning; Deputy Wardeu, Mn. Commission Act, Excise and a jas. Lunu; Stand-ifer Sun- C h i r 0 p r a c iC Sales Tax Act, Labor Relu. il day Duhy, Mn. John Living Jr;. t____________ ions Act, lie Municipal Act, ~ id Treasurer, Mn. C. Carter; 0. EDWIN MANN, D.C. and chers. .~ h Auditars, Mn. E. DadsqnanédClorco AScoiBadhsaIe Clasei Wcnesdy - aturi u onCnitr Tcspeaker sald tUal J. A. KEDRON Insnrance Spragýge, Directon of!coo s u a nc e mic Welfarc ln B.C., has said that education siould fiat be Bakey Dept. (Tutén4eul for lait wèek) DONALD A. MueGREGOR9 vlewed prinianly as an ln-. MY ny luègaèd Iparéntsaut- Lite, Auto, Homne vestîcunt la materai pnoduc- - tdcd etôcontie held ut Insurance ivity and liat Il would be a 3e Kèdrn c u cool on Mon- St Klagý St. W., flowmanvile national tragedy if the idea f i day evènlng. Usuaiyheld Phon 623-5962 aiedcalo asaninel before Christmas, hie open sel! 18 even aiandoned.W ~ ereara c ~ LSnuSurveying lmrMacLeod tld thie Re. romm 2OU ad tiot the sehool. TheliI1Mn. Oragg centenfalthierne was muai lu MEREJL D- DROWN laid Uhal if Cï,na=s are ta oi. ed evidence lu the art work on P.ENG., O.L.B. attain mature stature as a aLte.VS<lhlU mUui9uSEM dlspiay lu oaci roomn. Girls ai 121 Quecu St. - BowmanviUle nation thiy must came ta re- $ the senior naonm atd as Bus. and Res. Telepione gard Iearning as an actlvity n guides aud ciishnlbuted nam. 623-7251 ta b. pursucd for thie lntrnaielcgREE N GIANT2m tato ensan arrivai jay tiat la lu Il. Mn. Spragge t. caenéh hr nwlas deciarcd Ual thie thinast a~, ~ Dl~ u ý&ppIntd m DgWoeroh l o r fg a g B for îearning la tic grealcat ?poLtduchue asi eS jZ-gift Parents eau give ta thi to bifr geoo buSAlEHAInT -15ONO Children, Mn. MacLead addeid Phonttge 83-115 1e spake o! the distnto fr finit Mo-tarFmi belween educationad train- p b W beBusnes eflrtes f c!aund manJawer Planning paye" l~~~esnot disputed. Thc need far BWA NI L Oý mp to mei1rVy extensive training and ne 'training Prorms bused on c IMM gu a. U14T1. .. uci planning lo recognlzed. _YM "*né,"Educatio Io thie task oaiM m .,sp M t sandosne-ndO DLIffNtrEiR Ifiltwhleh Dfopie must MOUMdm, and a"s.dftetsIbou uretakers and ouhaide trades. men brought lu for specific obs. "In~ 1964 the Miniter cf Cducation ha d permissive egialation pa.sd ta encoun- te the formation o! langer Inlla ai administration. Coun- yCounIcils werc asked ta ap- oint Consultative Comît- ees ha study imaltera pentain- 119 ta public scicels. lunmay aies Township School Ancain vere formed suci as lu Dan. Igton. "It ia known tiat Uic De- artmeutm ai Education wants go9 furtier and fanm Boards fEducatien whce he boun. mries ai tic Public and Sec- ndary Sehocla are co-terni- us. It is bclieved tiat suci unit O aii nistratlan wouid aOvide tic cconomlc streagh )give equal educational enefits ta rural anmd urban upila alike, thua rernoving ie educationally deprived 'Mi our province,", Mn. Mac. eod nid. Dr. H. B. Rundie niaved a1 te ai lhanks ta Mr. Mac- Liai for Mus e it ad* dresa. P"Èsdent Bob SteVeu alse expreedbids - appreclation for thize s ttak'tut had be.. gij81 DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERY 102 King Sh. W. Bowmanvmie Phone 628-7141 Free EsImtes DON'T MISS BOWMANILLE ROTARY CLUB "%'HIGHLIGHTS 0F ETHIOPIA"i featuring JOE ADAIR "HIGHLIGHTS OF ETHIOPIA" fi a fascinatlug vlew ci an ancet ladthirough young cycu. Toe Adair Is one of America'. Jouageat travelogue lec- turer.. Re bas travclliinlu28 couatries and spent hwo years luthe Peace Corps lu Ethiopia. Ethiopie Ja Aieacs oldest Independent nation, W. wili visit the remankable people of Ethiopia . . . people who have lnherlhed a unique pattern cf culture and cus- toms, Ideals and traditions, beilefs and legends. We will viait th. capital elty o! Addis Ababa and Halle Selassie, Lieu e! Judai. Don't miss thie wonderiul flm. THURS> FEB. l6th 8:00 p.in. SINGLE ADMISSION - - - .- - *$1.25 "TJABLERITE FRESH GRAOEIIA" lu k MeY éhlOLWrsp. :SMOKED RN C3 SPICNICS 53. M m* acxgiu.p= PBoJ& lyM.oeIA ,L.O ~; OOEOMaTS HL FSH CAKES-59 IURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY "Lucas Anthurs"' Demonstration Free Samples Plus Money Savlng values USAGE " " lb. 5 9C :ed Side Bacon lb.79c IENERS m 21bs.99c AT BOWMANVILLE I.G.A. ONLY PUl caNal SA LMON ,àcoeomu 1uca KLEENEX Ï nORUDA MARSH URDLESS - WHITU 'roduct of USA Florlda Jl. )RANGES sise.1W 1 MUoe of U.S.ACam No1Grde c :RISP (ELERY Biz, 2 s25. m Pm An u nU a m s Fm WNL1% x1UlW Ix WS isaVUTIU IIWWTO UNIT OIJAJTITIUS. DON'T MISS