40 Cmnadian Sttsa, Eowmanvifle, Tèb: 15, 1M of hardshl ar1sing omg cf ie weekend at thefr respee. Otl certain apo ithe Com- U mun imL« lV. tive homes. mission, te requrenitof ad !71en r h onhc o u n ill ~ rx r it e the installation af ader treet cock and boys visited Mr. and'Jaay,17:3 C 1 Cmi t elights in new subdivisions and -j Ur n Mirs Bear tyd Beatt and the proper backfilling ad t and iii HarolamBeattySand compaction of excavated ma- lullil m Fl m afa y, Dnso, Sunday. I _______ 6 moe terial. o h Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, \.R u d1U CA1 One te irnplied duties Tillsonburg - The Ontario fund because i dludraGordoan and anUio, r.____ S n gc i a ofthe Comxittee was to in;- Fariner.' Unon will reccive charity classification. and Mrs. Wm. Maffy, GrantInetatns1 qur fteCmiso a-fnsfroeo t rjcsand Neil, Mr. and Mrs. Dave TtlVlea od aea xlnto oftefrthe first tume froni the type of donation-we alread guests oRrEnFr.Ro ____________v~to~ svn()prot G i v e s F i rs t R e p o it allégations mnade against Coun- Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacco support one agriculture group ofauhî MDr n and rs.ae ee Raoy it xli adian Statesman. At the This was the decision af the culture)." Mr. Aa sesieHml The Editor, mlOfne n w 2 meeting held on November30 members on Feb. Itin a9 It Director Ernest Duckett:"e Councillor Ken Nicks, Chair.-iAil of this was to determine items was the inepéaio 96 h Mngrai ae oe fe eae eaeta- n, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A.TeCnda mmn of the Special Comrnittee ýthe nature -o! what the study of the Public Utilities Act as that hie shcausothav otfo the mrtaihe FU bccfrnier tht rcofmcm-AcdntIvelgc shul othvewit n hemrisofte F. acofamrstatascstine, K i t c h e n e r, were Bawnanville, Otra oiedprmns n thc study ai the operationsshouid encompass and in the it applied ta the present 0Pten certain parts ai that letter, Te oacoBor vtd abesaite F Idn"eti k s.Dnd rey sand MrandiySir missonpkend guestsntrimneandouiMr.uniandltDeart suSix:terPasopeertyoitDamageou ______ng ot hs48 oiUi PbicUtliis om cs o ar otat it raias ith Cmmsian in but that he would write a letter donate $500 ta the OFU infor- that wc would be amîss in Nestltn 18 udadn repart gt the 'meting of Town idetermine the degree of con- ai surplus manies and the apalogy. To date the Coin- maion d other arghhghs au te $00" nr uess aaM. ad rs.taidoroincalPoleoavfFaalAccdets ______Y Council held in the Cauncil trol, how certain charges werc restaration ta their original Ite a atrcie n ohrhglgt i*h 501 e usso r nýMs ai rvn Chamnber on Monday, Feb. fth.1 levied, the relationship ai the condition, oi roads and side- apology ither verbally or meeting, the Tobacco Board: Mr. Sprau: "«How cau thi. en softiean aml hdtavestigFatth thts6 Reference thPassed ad reguheatian sta-ting marketing board support the M.*ndMr.Frank Haskin ceus ho A Committee was appoîntedimission with Cauncil and the 1966. tion bas been taken by any- muitin a w cn asetiv ne e m arinhpas and maOppoe Laihdtemsoruea bY Council on November 7, 'responsibilities of the Com- In the matter af surplus body ta reprimand -LMr Vante ssorun omrwe istefohh os, Kild- _____ 1966, upon the recommenda-,;msso with respect ta road manies, the Commission re- Bridger for bis action. year perîod ar the basic ta- lut boards?" break an ankie a week aga. so therefore, 1eeal pa-Vhce hce 3 tion of the Board obaccosiacreage.willsbed can fAndytSutchs o!eyR.uR.r3, Mr.candcrMrs. DonlPargaterAingSuthethieves.apeMrteacd M-sWaDoingsgaIssuedg__the___iev Commission ta study matters Meetings: had flot previously paid aver Since the formation o! the eld Pontypool, a committeeman and !amily, Part Perry, werc pîeteîy undetectd wlth regard ta the operations The Commnittee met iniorm- the excess ai receîpts aver ex- Special Committee, teCin- aned that,00 itas cahan for Dis ict,dnetaktingherun a h ssa!m. a Mr.Most persansci igmal HTA ~.____15 o! the Public Utilities Com- ally in the Town Hall on Oc- penditures, but they agreed mission has, ceased making er peai $34, spt e hghboUar s agir marketing rba. in the rural aesaeqiePrasCagdWt mission. The Committee was tober 27, 1966, ta discuss pro- that the Act made it manda- charges for repairs ta utiiyrapaincst.brd orm keng ln. Sunday guests o! Mr, and famuliar withth tie he IprdDrvn2 empowered ta interview the cedure and isolate those items tory. sysemsan ubic raprt charge af "ineiiic- ."I bave attended inany ai Mrs. Roy Taylor were Mr. rural mnailmanowma a-PrnsCrgd it Commission anid anyone else which were o! mast concern In the matter o! reportint and bs onturn e oer t h iency and the employment ai the union's conferences and an Mrs.Grnt ura adrieattirptcuamil DukDivgi In the course oi their study!ta Council with regard ta theita Counil before any ex- Corporation the available sur- mare than necesary persan- regular meetings and I am a girls, Cresswell, Mrs. J. For- box. It is theeoersct Whl cmpin these and prepare a report cantain-!aperatians a! utility systems tensions, additions, alterations, plus o! the waterworks sys- nlar teou s I havc em e ta harthe un fion drPr er, r n r.ful eu ell" ato athoue.Tilsnbrgau vebe and I arthrounioitEdr Porne, Osar. adMs ul euse hti re iue o h ulc tms Th se mfc eomer do! t om- Comr hmisnaTemrept oh1en ta or o! thesorksundvetaen, rteturNtce ma dersanshe Heard about a tentative was against marketing pas" rHrOhw.ta reduce the nme !tee entdtaisvrla b Mittee are Cauncillors Nicksititled "The Public Utilitieslthe Commission quoted Sec- terdpstpi necs fmeigwt eodr col M.Srumvdtetta e and Hughes, Deputy Reeve Commission ai Bowmanville", tia)n 41 subsection 1 aofttheherdpstpadirxcs ing ihs cand ryscbord Mr. Spauto ed aemoutintheits, threciinsrtiv ciet netgtd nov a two-year period from the cprncipals and cbooboardthato adcon b e takenmuntil FIteisfo m tas ir mail bxsasemayiau ow lcl Fice and ex-officia, Mayor 'dated Octaber 25, 1966, wrît- lP.UC Act and also stated that date o! payment ta the Com- chiie a oac goigte or oudrcie oeLI Hobbs. The Clerk-Cantraîîerl ten by Clerk-Contraller Robert as theý Mayor is ex-officia, was mission. rauP.j If atesei ifrmtonaou FUpliy tary apithedComita ee. fL yondetrig the s ffer- ca pete CuciTheCom - ni Althat remains ta be done Nthed lu earves aor fae To h Mion adi- perine was a otluck aytmesueiceop.hî !th oain ulc tNamedtdelegatesmandtmade to 5dwithmMr.nSprausandiDi-rpera n the church basementn-ers thisprbservedoncting rnparouraaccidentpratencan besre Ihterviews: ences and frequent référence mittee does not feel it is the thprario o!aeat a donation for farm confer- rectars Vic VanElslander, Tony Wednesday night, the usual. suspîciaus mannr eradcd eebrteesit The hairan i th Co- was made ta appropriate On- function af the Mayor ta re- mions ae pcrommeda- ences scheduled for February PIeli, George Demeyere and belt-stretching affair. Atrrrlmibx laeoti is oNtTigt;Oe inittee, Councillar Nicks, met taria Statutes during the port ta Counicil an matters tions basned upan t h as and Mar h éais r h eu igesvtn i a-sper sr. Post and as mnany particlr sps i in u iniadfn o!Witbyh and Sf tecrTwa rysTeoUtieitiscomssion ffcinthe mate airetorngmonths. This final repart Director John Sprau pro- Directors Joseph Csubak, sented two films, "This Land ment wîthout iay eaeDieYu a eoeCcr ofWitructed telehoetandSecUilieCommitte setin I'od nd e alks ta ethir wîllattempt ta caver every tested gîving the Ontario Rene Strobbe, Henry Brunett o! Ours" and "Nuclear Power sure, tatwithtecniudig Yor Wdsed su Clers itetowtlpoeteadnsca on aimt Paasadsdwak oterapc o h rsn yte no oain o n ee eel e b eeomnt olwdbCekso h o fPrt the Bowmanville Public Lib- original condition, there was aspect o! te apr eent system er apeaio Hoape and Cobourg. Members rary an November 30, 1966. considerable discussion. The that exist. atsducation and information sent-Simcae Reformer, short talk with more informa-. nany theits willb vie.OhrOsrein of the Committee spoke with The agenda covered 14 items Commission suggested that _________ tion. The young people's variaus town residents and witb two additional items add- p e rba ps the CorporationTU YB L AK S T o c K choir sang two numbers be- discussions were carried on ed during the course o! the sbould assume respansibiiity OBIKTC Ktwe films. The evening was with town officiais, discussion. Chie! amongthese for the outside work. One O IU Yhîghly pleasing to ail. aneofficrewcoldore icienut-o CARL <PETE) SHORTT Cangrégations w e r e notl leaders o! the Hi-C enjoyed Sunday, Feb. Sth, Mr. Wal- one oquite as largeeffiiast-sual Sun- a toboggan party an Larmer's ter Mittler talkedonw t TH A M R 'U INly and economîcally provide In failîng bealth for some day morning due ta the very bil, first concession af Cart- bie called a "ticklisb subject" THE FA MERS'UNION MUTUAL for the digging up and repair- time , Carl (Peté) Sbortt, 745 cold weatber, several cars re- wright, Sunday aiternoon. wben hie very tactfully pre- FIRE INSURA CE COMPANYing o! roads and sidewalks Stevenson Road North, Osh- fused ta work, but fi1 sr Linda Mountjoy and Denssne hsveso ait FIR ISU ANC C MP NYbetter than under the present awa, died February 6, 1967, vices were held. In thUnt McLaugblin won the prize for healing. He stressed the need SE E T -FR TAN U Lsysteni. The suggestion was at the Oshawa Generai Hos- ed at 10 a.m. Rev. P. Romeril highest jump. AIl gathered in af Divine power ta work SEVE TY-IRS AN UALalso considered wbereby there pital. He was in bis 59th year. spoke on this first Sunday aof the Christian Education raom hand-în-hand with the médical GENERAL MEETING iwud eaniteatinswitP Born Nov. 2, 1908, in Dar: Lent on Service ta God and for wieners, beans, cup cakes skill and knawledge o! today; Wotcela erby ivn tattheAnualGeera Itee wobidne jintîy, thlîngton Townsbip, tedecea-Service ta Man, empbasizigand hot chacolate. Nancy each alone was not enough. Neetigcf tshe Frers'in tha h ual i e nral bthewr eah deprt e ontlpas-ed was a son o! the late Mr. the Power o! the Great E-Dorreli convened tbe pragram Recent visitars at J. W. Coman wiI e hldla heCouci Chmbr, u blefo if on aeao! ntr-and Mrs. James Shortt. A ample. The choir sang an an- for the meeting which !ollow- Bowman's were: Miss Myrtle tcTw HalLndaaes.resîdent o! Oshawa and dis- tbem, Praise MyLodth . Smith and Miss Myrtle Tamb- wý SATU DAY FEB UAR 25t, 167,In the mnatter o! bydrant trc h i ub a ar fgo evn od Glad ta report Messrs. Mil- lyn, Toronto; Mr. and Mvrs S UR At 2:00 'clock p.m , 167 rentaI, if was the opinion o! ried June 15, 1933, at Clp- A 11 nS.Jh',Rv ton Fisher, Orr Venning and Evertan White, Tyrone; Mr«~ the Commission that consider- bs R. C. Rose conducted the ser- DaltnEgibrtre aand r.J R rit n- Reo rcleteFnnliSaeetateAdt s afion would be' given ta re- Mr. Shortt had been an cm- vice. Lessans were read by terhmsfoihsiasnsiln r and Mrs. Lloyd tRreepeor cFtanlaISatmet udth udtothucngthupesttamu loyoyée !Geerloftrsfo M. awene cLugli.ths as wek AhtnoMrrRnadrs.o te eleet Directors sud Auditars ýpaid if Council sa wîshed. In 33 years. Rev. W. E. Askew, Toronto, Prize winners at the Insti- and Mr. Ray Ashton, Haydon. te. onsderproose amndmets e, he ompny the second meeting, nô such Predeceased March 2. 1952, spoke on The Anglican World tute eucre Wednesday nigbf Mr. Edgar Prescott is in to cosidas praowsedaedenst icCma considration was given Dy by is wife, the former Norma Mission and its meaning. The were Mrs. Harry Van Camp Mémorial Hospital. We al 8yLwsaioloa the Commission. Jean Wade,-, Mr. Shortt is sur- projects for Blackstock Par- and Mr. Gardon Strong. hope lie is soon up and around 1. Resalution af the Board ai Direetors to amend In the matter af the sewagc vived by a daugbter, Mrs. ish are: Old Crow Mission n Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil- agaîn. Comnpaniy By-Law Number 33, ta Increase the per system, if was apprcciated Eric Hughes (Dorothy) ai Yukon; Sf. John's House, Tor- ton spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor die= allowanee ai Directors froun fiteen dollars that the Corporation subsidiz- Windsor; fwo sisers, Mrs. Wil- ont o; and Dr. Robin Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Warne and family, Janetville, visif cd ta twenty dollars. ed a considerable portion ai son Clewell (lia) Of Buffalo in Afrîca. and famiîy, Kingston. at Mr. Gardon Taylor's. ALLAN BER ANVENC SO IL Resolution ai the Board o! Directors ta apply the annual cost o! this depart- and Mrs. Lorne MacNamara The complété executive a! Mr. and Mrs- Stanford Van Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman spent 9Laret.PtPrr30DvionS. Ohw ta the Provincial Goverument for Supplemeutary 1 ment. If was painted ouf by (Agnes) o! Californila, and teUCW a eypes apwr udydne the weeknd lMiith Miss Myrf e 985-725r723-978 Lettêrs Patent ta change the Company namne ta Ithe Commission thaf if the three grandcbildren, Norma, ant and informative fineieni guests af ber niece, Mr. andTabyorno Farinera' M ta Fire Insurance Company, and Town did nat assume the re- Lindsay and Todd Hughes. teC. E. Cete edsayMs C.SeatBokî Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Taylorý te transact any ather business that may praperîy ispansibility for this départ- The memorial service wa5s they1ý discussed the dut- . ad s ihr a and family visted at Mr. Wal- SALSRPESNAIE 9ta e M.adMr.Rcfr a er Bridgett's, Bawmanville. corne before the Meeting.met that a new building held at 2 p.m. Feb. 9es o! eah officer. BYODR0 HEBAD0 wouId onb eurdtthArsrn ueaHm' Camp and family attended a Dale Taylor~ spent a !ew have recently be pone yGieRat t, DYODRO H OR FDIRECTORS, as eae!tig.Ohw.Itretwsi Ash Wednesday service was famuly gathering and dinner days in hospifal last week 16 Simcoe St.SOsaaBthAln ndVrae Lindsay, Ontario. H. H. McFadden, IOther matters deaif wif h the Mount Lawn Cemnetery. Rev hldi S.Jons huc o t h Dth il nn re-wih l cmliaios February 1, 1967. Seeretary. payment ai deposîf s, material W. Bowler of Perth Ont., con- Wednesday evenîng. Rev. R. tan, Sunday noon, in honour Sub-zero weafher and drift-. eilzn n itn n elig Sbra n Iused for sewers, the possibility ductcd theervice. . C. Rose s' ke 'briefly on. Lent. o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow's ing snow discourage visiting. Rural Properties îlstered. " amin. Sth wedding anniversary. A lanely figure was seen Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmèr trudging along behind the*HO SS*CTA E At the World Day o! Prayer and b oys visited relatives in school bus ane cold evening * FARMS*LT service held in fthc United St Mry's aver the weckend. last week. Cauid be he was Churcli Friday, members fronim r.adMs ap ie repeafing: "I must flot higlit Part view beach,patyurihd5ro atrfntctg. ail the churches o!f tc town-1 andriamilywerc Sunday din- firecrackers on the bus." . Spring water. Bafsdmtr ship took parts. Mrs. Lett, ner guesfs o! Mr. and Mrs. * Port Perry, gave a very in- Eber Sodn al teresfing and impressive ad- 20oadrns MapleuGt] dress an fthc theme "And of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D.' Fer- e oil opt loo20 acres o!clivaal ad re uteprmtr v guson, Oshawa, visited Mrs. J.lokgabaonLe uog ~~ ~ ~ A. Johînston,Tbrdy Weekly Report sang The Centennial Hymn. Mr. aplWodBbc- Duplex older ho, inudg axlibieswtha Ail rade o! he Pblicgeon, and Mrs. Crawford, Part Week af Feb. 6-12 inclusive uullrnlted potential All rads o th PulicCredif, visited Mr. and Mrs. Scbool had a vahentine and Orr Venning, Saturday. Admissions --------- 7 ....skating party in the arena at Messrs. Elmer and Jim Ar- Births--3 maie, 2 femahe 5 nwtre ero rckbnaos diferet burson rîdy. cher, Whifby, spent Saturday Discbarges------------ 79 Ail wcre very sorry ta bear aiternoon wîfh Mr. and Mrs. Majoroprtns1 that the churcli et Ashburn Wilbert Archer.oerias1 was demoiishcd by fire Sun- Mrs. Joan Mott, Whitby, Minar opérations -..------ 28 Living quartera,SnkBaGs ttino 'A lgwy day inorning. MisLnaKtG pM. Emnergcncy freatments_ 42 west ai Nestîcton. Thirfy-eight members and' Ray Muntjoy, Waterloo, spentVisting hours 3-8 .m. daily i____________________________ BUY NOW! SAVE NOW! Il No Interest or Storage Charges on our Lay.away Plan eo w e # 11 1 Everythlng Must Be Clearedt All Sales Flnalt No ehn OresAcetd r'~ fOur town's got everything.. fine shops, handy services, helpful people. And the * No PhotnOd e s, Acces A Medld o. ne place to find them ail is in your Yellow Pages. Take, for instance, ail the things to do *AlDsotne tmPie sMre with cars. Vour Yellow Pages can help you buy or rent a new car, or repair or service ~U U~ ~ EILIID Syour present one. Whatever you need, your Yellow Pages can help you find it quicklyi THREE FLO R0 F 4UALITY FU ,w and easiy ... whether it be a fleet of luxury cars or a simple tire valvecap like the one Bu gt1r sC s illustrated. Yes, if's good ta get in the YeIIow Pages habit... everything's here in town 1 BuSet Ter s or Cs OPEN THURSDAY AND FR1 DAY IVENINGS TL9PM Closed Ail Day Wednesdcay R-ELIABLE Furniture Inteior là orFREE DELIVERY TO BOWMANVILLE AREA 96 KING ST. EAST 723 -7928 DOWNO N QHW