C.G.I.'T. Members Present FIag' te Trinity Church j Sbcal & £ersonal' Phone 623-3303 SMr. and Mrs. Alvin Boyd land 'rs. E. Willatts, Ontro Iltft Sunday for a two-week Stet. Ron remained over ~acation in Florida. the weekend with his grand- ~Mr. N. R. White, Durham parents and visited his cous- Sreturned Iast Thursday iris, Randy and Larry Forsey. ma viuit with relatives in It's bard to say whether or !oronto. flot the old groundhog saw bis Miss Brenda Virtue, Toron-!shadow last week on February ý-'to,*spent the weekend witb 2nd. One thing.we do know, . ber aretsMr. and Mrs21isthat we usually get plenty RPeid (Bud) Virtue, Liberty of rougb weatber until the St. North. end of Marcb. So it really * Mis Croln Stcey Quen'doesn't matter if hie did get Mis Caoly Stcey Quen' 1frightened and retreat again University, Kingston, spentý into bis home. 'the weekend with hier parents, ýMr. and Mrs. Mansel Stacey, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morris Orchard View Blvd. ýspent the weekend in St. Miss Shirley Williams, Uni-iCatharines ta attend a winter versity of Toronto staff, spentiget-together of some of those the weekend with her par- who met last summer while ents Mr andMrs Fracisvacationing at Bayview Lodge, Williams, Prince Street. pro ae hs ted in g were tram Rochester, N.Y- *Mrs. Frank Mohun, Bill Orillia, Toronto and Bowman- ~ Leslie and Scott, Meadowviewvil MrMrisloated . Blvd., were weekend visitonsvlerr.Mri is ted with her parents, Mr. and Mrs ed the BaY ot Quinte Funeral WiliamHal, hebure. Directors meeting heid ati Sudn adrHavelock last Wednesday. -r" Murdoch, RCAF Station, Win- Noel L. Corbett of Toronto, nipeg, Man., spent the week- sonaf Mr. and Mrs. Robert end wlth bis parents, Mr. and Corbett, former residents of Mrs. P. Murdoch, Lamb's Lane. Bowman ville, grandson of Mr. Mr. end Mrs. Jack Welsh W. P. Corbett of Bowman- ville, has fulfilled ail require- snd family, Barbara St., were mnsfrtedge fdco *Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.mnsfrtedge fdco Wels'suce ndanM of philosaphy. He obtained Allrea aB.Aà and M.A. at the Uni- .and Mrs. George vlded ersitîY- of Toronto and has ..*:. Tyrone. been a lecturer there. Nex Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Foss terni he will be at York Uni-t and Mr. and Mrs. Don McCul- versity. His work bas centretemrdgsrieo 1na nTiiy acp$do eafo h esinb .F usi l1ough, ail of Brockville, were on medieval French. A h onn evc nSna nTiiyacpe nbhl ftessinb .F usl i.Monday evening visitors with Uie hrh h ogeainwtesdtei-Obre ermvdteRdEsg rmtera Mr. and Mrs. Keith White, Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Stacey Uie hrh h ogeainwtesdtel- r i'ng St. East. attended the opening of the pressive presentation of Canada's new Maple Leaf flag, of thecuc otaddae h eoilPau Mr.andMrs Bi WeberLyceum Club Painting and complete with standard, to the church by the members ttereo he church.Thdaemith e riaev.aGeog 14Sunset Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. ScLulr E ibition i heof te nd eisani ng TrathenleIt was presented K. Ward dedicated the new flag and Mr. Osborne 1 H. B. McGee, Oshawa, were tarium, Oshawa, Thursday ev-f o:h by ndpaedi weethWene a sod tweekend guests of Mrs. Ber- eig eray 2d h ýnice Holland and Susan, eîg eray 2d h triClee pn h "NagraFals Ot.exhibition, which continues cutualCllge pet h until idge W orks6ho p Hears eekend with the Glenn Lar- Mr. and Mrs. S. Slappendel, ally opened by Mayor Ernie i e ers. H'abr tset atwe-Mrs Painters were repre- r et Johnstan and end witb Mrs. Slappendel's sented tram the Bowmanville, - a~m !and Mrs. J. Dorsman and area. 0f speciai interest is a vf ri Ml V J5A. o flson E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hrsa..VA.cttBeivle 'family, Thamestord. large ail on canvas abstract f P a n s t h ne H Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- rMrs. L. A. King returned entithed "«Upthrust" by Alex- y * cher, Bowmanvilie, visited Mr. on Monday evening ta ber andra Lake. Mrs. Stacey bad Ppand Mrs. Wilbert Archer an ing the weekend witb bier of an old bouse, "Raby Head"liii Ilw' eritage H g w y Mr .and Mrs. Austin Ba sister-in-law, Mrs. R. P. farm, and an abstract called ock spent the week In Tor- ,,Rickaby, King St. West. "Wonderhand". Mr hn4 ne -, WekMnrguesshwih M0 persans con- partment's advertising prag- Hawke, a former president 0 t IldMs.A aleLiet nected with the tourist indus- ram fer the coming year was Cobourg Chamber of Com-~ Bowmanvilstd Mr. pet dBers Stndr. Authw ert bertuh- M PL RO E try, members et tourist associ- next an the day's schedule and merce and Dr. Hawke sge -MrswOmndeWriigtd Mr. and1 -t.r ndSont,-ee in r. and- M PL R ations and otherwise, attended a representatîve et the depart- ed amang ate things tat a Mrs. Leith Byers and Mr. and( -te~r.Leleso and son s, Gad t se sucra.oodnurnthe first 'warkshap' ta be held ment's advertising agency gave program be started ta inform Mrs. Carl Wright, Sunday. 1 Var eieodtoRabbie T ono. eu tose u ay. Oour str'in Cobourg by The Great Fine a presentation et advertising young people tram tbe area et Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McAr-, ",I)rrel an RobieTornto.outon Snda. Ou patorRidge Tourist Council recently, plans -complete with the ex- ail the attractions and histori- -.Mrs. Mavis Cable et Sacra- spoke on "Stewards" and their at the Baltimore Hatel in planatian et the resuits et 'test cal sites in order that they :nento, Calif., is now home obligations ta the cburch and Cobourg. marketing' done in different might act as gaod 'public. ý%with bier mother, Mrs. T. A. community, aise on "Steward- During the marning whicb' areas et the USA, this area's relations' people if they were ýGarton, where sbe is conval- ship." The following stewards had been set asîde as a 'beef' biggest source of tourist busi- asked about the district by -CýcIng atter spending two were installed: Chairman, H. sesin there were very texv ness. visitors. ..w;eeks In Memorial Hospital. J. Brooks; Secretary, H. Brad- complaints but the gathering "A share et the mmnd pre- E. R. Haynes, a p ast presi- Mrs. H. Gerow etf.Harcourt ley; Treasurer, C. Russell; et individuals witb similar cedes a share et the market" dent of the Fine Ridge Tourist '.las returned home atter spend- others, C. Mîlîs, J. G. Trewîn, problems sparked comment an was the theme et the advertis'- Cauncil and member of the Aing a week witb ber daughter P. McIntyre, S. Jefery, H . ther tepics such as supplies ing program aoutlined by Rab- Ontario Tourist Association, 'd'san-in-haw, Mr. and Mrs. Groen, J. Petrosky, Mrs. H. for tourist camps, restaurants erpry contsprieresented some et the new ,ýAllan Watson, Elgin St., con- Crydermnan. absent, A. Thomp- guarantees off ered by manu- who presented the program1promotionai material available - - .Valescing tram recent surgery. son, R. Dubeau. 'tacturers and suppliers. and and slides. J this year in a short addressi *Sunday guests with Mr. and Youth service next Sunday the best methads et buying for The Centennial Year and lt nteatron *Mr. W. WhiehedLibrtyat9:45 a.m. Hi-C will be in the entire sunimer seasan. Expo 67 were nated b3? Mr. ý Am ngthe atenwie o r th ~wr r ht-charge. Pastor Rev. J. Rom- dis-sIhetw m mna s rotliëË, Mr . J. W hite- eril's theme will be "On being s. no1 t he7 s pyit ofor Gray aes -the ta- mQstcol, wi d tik 14read, and is sister and broth- a Christian - bow to be gaad cussion was ohefuipyin etpnt 'erts ntb "PRIaCES Eea FFECI me- ram andesmuch etutheopublicityaers and bumper stickers. InIPR E .er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. the easy way." lt revrcshosw ihand advertisiîng is geared in answer ta an inquiry as te wby Wasalo oot.Warld's Day otf rayer on are mandatory on a one-per- this direction wbich would en- teifrainpronlsn- Wasale aat.Friday, Feb. lth at 2 p.m. in persan basis in ail boats oper- rthsimdaeraoft henomtonpsneled Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson, Ebenezer Churcb. Mrs. D. Ars- ating in Ontarieo waters. Most Sureehispmmedate reaet40itsr.Hay Clarke Township, eave this catt will be guest speaker. operators faund that ail cush- share of the business tro a eoleta te 401 Mr.ayne Friday with the New York A bus ioad of Girl Guides ions marked 'approved' are visiters. ofcisaidthat t a s usualonelyit ýStae Hrticltual Asoca- nt ncessril appove by Wiltred Haddad, a t a noiia s eed utvel tra one ý E Stae aricitualAsoca-and some Brownies accampan-ntneesaiy proeh x~j~the Department ot Tour- eteaoter but hisasn the N E tien for a tour et the fruit ied by their captain Mrs. R. the RCMP who decide which manIto atnsoktaHiag Hgwy prra «rowing centres in Austrahia K Whitney, Lieutenant M. E. are actuaîîy goad enough fer thi ga and gaverm a t apke o wouid gi-,e teurist information and New Zeahand. They wiII Càofe the Guides and several the purpese. pln o.Jha ,whe epem oe t i f Ib Àtlso visit Hawaii during the mothers attended the Ice Fol-. Operatars attending the semn- wpln s ighay 2 a whertcehe loerac d mre t r by 31-day trp. ies last Saturday evening in inar also tound that customers Hwîl b esgatd i.eit s f goesthe Hslawand marepictur .Congratulations ta George Toronto. They report a very otten abused the equîpment mHihwsand isorewithe s fcx- esqe daHi rghw a 2.Pann- _ýhite, Ontario St., who re- enjoyable time. and quite otten lost the lite pmunites nd hKinstn si ge-cTe dabysr.odrm was o-1n qul ,.ently qualified ta attend the Quite a number tram this preservers while out on the ain Te tr andstota Ni a lued bvyonMr. W o ha ' Business Canterence of the community attended the fire- water and although no firm ara. Te aap and pfrogra cm othaedaeveresn forcmingTeJFrs Prudential Insurance Cern- side service held at Ebenezer solution to the prabiem was wl eaalbefrth o-t h i-a esinwihh h îi pany et America te be beid in church last Sunday evening. tound the graup learned they ing tourist season. remarked, turned out ta be oneý Vitamin Hair Tonle Washington, D.C., next June. Quite a number efthte Hi-C ail had the samne problem ather speake r.d iThe. ot tel be s atingept.therchr The trip is an award for also attended and heard Rev. which might in the end efect atronw sD .T .cuclsn eisicpin o ihr volume insurance sales. N. Gigna speak an Roman the charges for use et boating b ealthler-lookîng haîr Mrs. R. Massey, daughter Cathalicism today. The Hi-C equiprnent. mrngdi--A- - - - - * Karen and son Ron, Caurtice, held a short meeting atter in FloigteI . Jt were Saturday visitors witb the basement et Ebezener cussions unden the chairman- Mrs. Massey's parents, Mr. cburch. A social time was ship of W. G. Wood et Hastingsý The 30 music pupils et Mrs. pete in Durham County semi-;i list 1.50 Senioyed by ahh. the graup adjounned for a Gladys Thompson presented a finals Feb. 2lst, at Bowman,-' SInstitute meeting Monday light lunch and began the very pleasing evening in the ville Lions Centre at 8 p.m. 1IJÀb -ment a tewhdsvwithisweee choir 7 P.M. 10 a.ni.wihMsRo Va Camp, oîe osWntn h hi f the United, lBase Line. Congratulations ta Mr. andi Church spent a couple etf "HOW TO BE A7:30 p.m. S lt eb al arprIMrs. Brian Staniland (Glennaj heurs pnactising Suntiay after- "HOW TO BE Mr.olairti h bl omepfrom McLed) whe were marriedýnoon, then their husbands and, VICTORIOUS 11:15 a.ni. Sunday School bosýpitaI,'back at school last'i in St. John's Church Fnitiay wives anti Rev. anti Mrs. Ro-i9 9 week. evening. mnenil joineti them and ail en- WCdReSTAN"73 Bc oGo or Mn. anti Mrs. Ray Snawtien, The Public Speaking Con- joyeti a pet luck supper in te Wednsda: 730 ackTo od our Islington, were recent visitons itest for Grades 6, 7 and 8 was C. E. raom. RR' d in Cartwright Centrai Miss Idia Dempsey spent a- Famiiy Night Service SKBwther mteranMrhsbadýuc.I Stvn, itr n usat Pbi Scbool February 3nd .ifew days over tbe weekend-- e Eer Suda, :15p.. n. nt Ms. . . raot~'*Faliewing are list of campeti-i in Strattord. A TR EL F "Wbere the ord of GodMr. and Mns. H. G. Free- tons and winners antiterdn at r.Sa Rahmn la Not Round" "«Everyone Welcome» man, were Friday last dinner1subiects: First pnize, Janeti anti Paul visiteti Mr. and Mrs. CO IDSR(D guests with thein cousins, Mn Turner (Uppei' Canada Vil J Cameron Ponter, Orono, Sun- I forBLITER anti Mrs. Ross Lee, Kern lg) second pnize, Heatherday. IDY, CHAPPEO ______________________________________ n. ntiMrs Larene~Dorrell (My Heritage); thinti1 Rev. anti Mrs. C. H. Ferg CEACKED LIPS R ýprie, arr Macolm (Ex o, on, Don Mill , vsitd M s.ýMost !nghly md. Betbany, Miss Canal Stacy. 67); fourtb place, Lintia Mc- Cecil Hill, Mn. Roy Fenguson,I et t dItp balm.* TRIN TY U ITED (HUR H Stples Mn.Davii Stples' PizeBarr Malolm ExposonDon ilîs vistetiMnS Yelverton, Mn. anti Mrs. Paul Laughlin (What tbe Indians Mn. anti Mns. Bill Ferguson Icmbatinecti.n, clntyne, tiaugEten Brenda ontnibutedti tethe Histony of anti boys, Sunday. .INtl Mistw. rate*: di Mmise -Rv.GoreK.Wrd .AB.. Miss Virginia Smith. Mn. and Canada), fiftt place, Kenneth Mn. anti Mrs. John Vennîngi li cs.C Miniter Rev Geoge . Wad, BA., .D. Mrs. Barry Stapies, al et Crawford (The Wonders et anti Mrs. Joan Matt, Wbitby, I1 g st - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. Osbawa, were Friday evening Wood); sixth place, Herb Vine visiteti at the Truil Funenal! dinnen guests et Mn. anti Mrs (The Heney Bee). Othens Home, Toronto, on Montiay' sUNDAY, FEBRUARY lZth, 1967 Ted Foley anti Mn. Don Foley;,cmeig LPRJack o hr h at n lui Mrs. Lou Hockin. (Dr. Vital of Brazil);, Davidi Hillman is resting. Mn. Hill- 11:00 a.m. Mn. anti Mns. C. P. SwalIow1 Adams (Tîght Rope Walker); man was a former Cartwright "THE'I A 'S'0F JHN' GOSEL" wene Suntiay cahiers an Mn.f Jackie Goul (Florence Night- resident anti is ta be entomb- "TH A "S'OFJO N'SGOPE"" andi Mrs. H. Richartison, Mn.' ingahe); Karen Th arnp son eti in the Union Cemeteny! (3) TheGood Sepherd'anti Mns.J. Ashton, Mn. anti (Cnossing the Atlantic in ai vault on Tuestiay, Feb. 7th.1 (3) he ood heperdMns. M. *A.* Densem, Scarbor-1 Rowboat); Steve Tomcbishin 1 Sympathy is extendeti the ne- SUDA SHOLough, suppen guests with ber <Pny Epes); George Keu- i latives. 1 SUNAYSCHOLsisten, Mrs. Amy Nitidrie, Tonr-i(M np ta Hollanti) ; Sympathy et this commun!-' 9:3 am.- unirIneredat.an Snir nte. .Ri ari une (My Tniplty is extenieti Mrs. Fred Wil- I 9:30JunorIntrmeiat an SeiorLittle Miss Diana Brownell, arounti Ontario); Don John- ]an, Bowmanville, on the! 11:-00 a.m. - Begianers Base Line celebrateti ber thh-d stan (Sichiro Honda); Kath- death et Mn. Willan (Cant- I 11:20 a.m. - Prlmary and Kindergarten blrthday witb a party on Sun-! enin Thompson (F loôr en c e' wigh t resitients for many' day, with a number ef littie Nightingale). Finut anti sec-4 years).i __________________________ cusis and friends, tond'prize speakers wîl cai-ý Mr. Bob Boas, Guelph Agni- ithur and Mus Betty MeAr-' The Canadian Statestn, Eowmanvife, Feb. 8. 190? hUr, Tenante, Mn. Genalti Assestine, Ottawa, Mn. Paul Rabin, Peterborough, spent the weekenti at their' respec- tive homes. United Church Women Sonry toreort Mn. Orr Venning is Sr Bowmanviile' Hospital. Mn. Leith Byens ne D I, Mn. Milton Fisher expects ta t A n a M e get home today <Monday).__ Mrs. Anme Taylor, Part i t Ferryvisiteti Mr. anti MrslnsO ha a '5 1 aven the weekend. Northminsten Uniteti Cburch, diate Secretary of the EOU4 Mns. ,Wm. Cobbhedick Or- Oshawa, bas been chasen fan et Wonld Mission, wiUl#V1 ena, anti Lisa Calacicca, Osh- the Fifth Annual Meeting etteoinafr awa, wee, wekend guests et Oshawa Pesbyteial Unitedtheman dde t bthe Mns. Lorme Tbompson. Chunch Women, on Wetines- tennoon anti evenlng meetlngt.% ' day, Februany l5tb. Registra- Miss Thomas spent a numbet Messrs. Kenn, Robent anti tin begins at 1:30 in the af- et years as an eductoa Davidi Motton anti Don Ram- ter noon fr the tinst session. missiemary In Japonbfr say, ail et Wiilowtiale, Don Following the dinner, the beimg appointeti Executiv* Beacock, 'Prince Albert, anti venmng session wili begin at Sccnetary et Overseas Mis. Miss Marilyn Rotit, Green- 7:15 ta canclutie this annual sians for the Women'u is bank, wene Sunday guests etfevnt. saay Society et the United Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd Beacack Teýehe retiing presitient, Mns. 'C9huncb. She is presently're. anti boys. Alan Down wiil contiuct these spansible for adinistrativ Miss Margaret Fligg, Mark- sessions, anti at the close et work connecteti with UnimsG ham, was weedgete the attermoan meeting a new Chunch rehationsbips to ibm1 Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Rahm., president anti ber assisting church anti Christian Insitu-.. otticers will be electeti anti tions in India andtInh that Mn. anti Mrs. Earl Brati- installeti by the Chairman et capacity bas spent consider. burri, Donald anti Ivan visîted1 Oshawa Presbytery, Rev. B.I able time gatbening first-had. Mn. Fred Bratibunn in Linti-'E. Long. Orono. information of Christian ac*- say Hospital, also Mn. anti Miss Wilma Thomas, Asso-itivity n that country. Mns. Melville Lathengue, Omemee, Suntiay. - Mn. anti Mns. Marwood Mc-.11 guests et Mn. anti Mrs. Eti. Lawsen anti Bruce, Yeleto ,édE~D Sunday. Bleto, ~ill b i-ctabistah Miss Joyce Mabatty, Tan- ent, spent the weekenti with S AI 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bill M ITI7frsc andi boys. ahaflrCitvvs eeç Miss Mable Van Camp at-! tentiet the Ontario Bar Asso-1 bill establishing Senior anti tor the ageti In cornu ciation convention in Ottawa' Citizens Week - 1967 was in- mumities throughout On. durngth pat ee. troduceti in the Ontario Legis- tario anti, duigth at ek lature this week by Mn. Alex (ti) The stimulatino e- Over 300 dogs anti cats re- 'Canruthers, M.P.P. Durham. enalintret nandet gend ceiveti inneculatians at te Te ilMn. Carruthens letige et aging anti the rabies clinic bere Fritiay fore- stateti calîs for the observation ageti. Anti the Saturday faon, et the week cammemcimg with culminating Senir Citiew the third Suntiay in June et zens Week shall be observ4 each year as Senior Citizens cd as Senior Citizens Day LONG SAULT week anti in the yean 1967 the tan such purpose. Satunday cuiminating Senior T e ofc f ai g o h Mn. Hiliard G a 11a g h erCitizens Week shalbe dc Tete officee etal e b Waraw vsittiwih is_ ntedSenior Citizens Cen~ e psantmhaet ePubli Wefor W a s w, vste ih i nia1 Day 1867-1967. sa a e n s o sblt o ten anti tamily on Sunday,[ pramotimg anti encouragfin Mn. anti Mrs. G. Bernarti. The Bill is designedti t observance et this Act and-aU Mns W Pewatie atiencou.rage: Depantments, Commissions p Mrs W.Pewaren nd(a) The recgnition et contri otber Agencies et the GovK Mns. Kelly, Orono, wene Sat- butions matie aven the ment et Ontario shall co.6,,. urday supper guests et Mn. years by ageti men anti ate in every way possible. anti Mns. Eanl Penwandem. wamen ta the lite et Mn. anti Mrs. Robent Cam-' Ontario. ECAHT AI cran anti Ruth-Anne wene (b) The appreciation et past GTCS OA Satunday suppen guests et Mn. anti present services ren- FOR OLD APPLIANCES anti Mrs. Jack Connish, Pont dereti by outstantiing* ageti througb Hope. On Sumday the Camn- pensons cither intiivitiually CLASSIFIDS cran farnîly enjoyeti a visit ta or in association. STATESMAN the Ice Failies at Maple Leat (c) The develepment et special Phone 628-3803 Gandens, Toronto. programs andi nmoiects; hv IîVE UNTIL SAT. FEB. llth 1. sîze - pus 39 MUSTE ROLE Rub on NEW Modern Formula MUSTEROLE for relief of cold's aches, muscle pain. PROPORTIONED FEMMNTE NAPKINS (12's, REGULAR) SUDDEN BEAUTN HAIR SPRAI by Nesti. EXTRA HOLD WITHOUT STIFFNESI For -a natural-lookmn1 hiair.do. 16oz. - Sugg. list 1.49 1.19 NEUTROGENA BUFFERIN Musterole Regular PENATEN (REAM A. weII-known iniported nedication against diaper rash andý common skin irritation; for both infants and aduits. A valuable healing agent for the treat- nent of eczema, burns, scalds and dermatitis.AlaIML 2 oz. - Sugg. RICHI GUARD Spray Deodorant by GILLETTE 3 oz. - Sugg. list 89C6 9 temember VALENTINE'S DAY - TUES., FEB. 14th. You'lf find a variety of gift items on isplay et your l.D.A. DRUG STORE.- ZESCRIPTIONS 1 . D. A REMEDIES- ALEX McG.REGOR a DRUGS. KING ST. W. - PHONE 6234579? i r r s NEUTROGENA is unlike any other soap you've ever used! Many womeu with dry skins just won't use soap. They've learu- ed froni experience that some soaps dry their skin -removing the natra olsas they clean. But NE UTRO GENA'g glycerine formula does not de-fat the "ki, NEUTROGENA la non- aikaline, mild, and mo pEur GN imotrnpaets NoEhTROENmorebt what it does is pricelems sugg. 89 LV 63C 99C