Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 14

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"W Canadlu i Steunari IIOWMMntiî, Teb. S, 196'! Births Articles for Sale Cards of Thanks Livestock For Sale ME=-RE-Don and Betty are RAWLEIGH Products Dealier. I wouid like ta thank the 10 ETGHT weeks nid piges. C a bjapy to nnounce the arrivai Phane 983-5570. 8-tf friends and neighbaurs whho Ernest Hockaday 263-2708. ojf adau.ghter, Karen Lynn, ofln AEhae wt alk sent flowers, carde and visit- 6-1 january 29, 1967, at Memarjai new. Phone 623-7695. 6-1 ed me during my stay in the sINRpg, nine months aid Hlospital, Bawmanvillie. A --- haspital. purebred Angus bull; quantit sister for Wendy and Nancy. WATER for sale and deivered, Ena Etcher. o~ f hay. Phone 623-2646. 6- L ~~~Cai l iff Pethick 263-2131 _____ SHANTZ-Merle and Heien 24" GENERAL Eiectric range My sincere thanks ta Dr.,LANDRACE bearu, 8 mont] Shantz (nee Heien Cawle) in excellent condition. Calil Anfossi, Dr. Hubbard, nurses aild, $75 each; aisa 12-week ame very happy ta annaunce 623-5068. 6-I an Medicai Floar, iMemarial aid pigs. Clarence Allun farn the birth af their daughter, CENot n aiysrwHaspital, Bowmanviiie, during Narth St., Newcastle. 5- Barbara Ellen, an Tuesday, for sale. Edwin Staube, R.R.ig yrcetins. -January 3lst, 1967, 8 Ibs. 5 ozs., 3, Newcastle, Ont.___ 5-3** Bernice Johnston. 6-1' _Cars -for Saàle ut Memorial Hospital, Baw _______ manville; a littie sister for WATER for sale and delivered, Many thanks to ail friends '56 CHEV. Phone 786-2490. Ted, Bob and Lynn. 6-1 24 baur service. Calil 623-5756. and relatives who sent cards! __ 6- 2,500 BALES hay, 45c baie, and made enqiries after my'5S2GMC ïéPickup, $150. Phar, 'T. O. P. S. CLUB-Bowman any quantity. Phone 70 r 14 accident. They were all very 983-5657. 6- ville Belles are praud ta an- Bethany. 2-6* much appreciated. '"57 FORD ranch wagan. Tele nounce the adoption of Do- 2-GALLON ail tank; 30-gai- Charles Gist, Peterborough. phone 623-7694 qfter 6 p.m. lorasa Lee, 5 year aid girl in 206-1' I6- Korea. 6-1* Ion hot water tank, bath corn'9LAK i VANBELEHaryan Aapiete. 623-52.6-11 Luther and May Hooperld 9 Avrdrive; rdo, ci VAN ELLEHarr andAdaGAS range, 4 burners,fuliy;ýwish to express their sincere]dr vrrve aigo with thanks ta God in their automatic aven, good condition.! thanks to friends and relativestirs Dendbeade hearts, are happy ta announce Telephone 623-2423. 6-1 for the lavely gifts, fiowers nomicai transportation. TeIe ..he birth of a daughter, Martha STUDEBAKER Service, nw:and cards receivcd b ~' the1phoe-2-74.6 Ann, 8 lbs., on February 2, and used parts. Graham'sîon their 6th Wedding Anni-ICAR INSURANCE DUE ? ? 1987, at Memorial Hospital, Garage, 416-263-2233. 41-tfIl'ersary.61 Join Largest Auto Insurer! Bowmanviile. Proud .grand--I-Sxmnhspeim n pa!rents are Mr. and Mrs. C. KEYS cut automaticaiiy, while 1Sincre thanks to ail rmy'Six m BI. and P.D. witl Molenaar, Richmond Hill, and yo)u wait, at McMuilen Hard- ýfiends and Trinitv' U.C.W. for'$Fnl] Compr.. and $100 Coi] -Mr. and Mrs. W. VanBle ae, 36 King St. E., Bowmai- aIl the cards and *flnwers sent'Fl op.ad$0 Cl. Bawmanville. A sister for Ine.-___-t ome during my recent iîîness i$3490eon s tand7,00pia Carl, Paul and Ruth. 6-1I'MAÂN'S dark brown fine wool in Memorial Hospital, Bow- anure us, less han8 700 ive aovercoat, size 38-40, aftert manville, also many thanks toe talo $80die Deaths new. Phone 263-2095 atrRev. aG. Wrd, Dr. Sylvester ok n vn750ml ____ _________ al]thenrsesfor their!Caili623-3621 for full informa. -ASHTON-At Memorial Hos-1- - kndes.tion. Car insurance sine( QUAKR spce heterwit11952. Dirk Brinkman, Scugoa pitai, Bowmanville, on Tues- ýfan and stove pipes. 25' nili Mrs. Florence Crook. -'. Bowmanville. 4. : day, February 7, 1967, Cyrusqn n 0 alntn .Ashton, Burketon, aged 84jie ad 0 aio ak ., . __________ :,years, dear father of Thomas,26372095'_ - - 1'rFor rient - Help Wanted aolon; Eva (Mrs. B. Power), ý3,400 POU1ND Dairy-CoolbukS-roe aatm t.teeEPRECD vitssn ..Cookstown; Annie (Mrs. Les. tank, good condition. Gardon bedrnoms. Phonb 623-74315. 1PRECDwirs n walr an RoBreo.Strong, Burketon. Telephone. 6 cook, neat appearance. AppIý Taylor) andtheorrisBuneton.640..6- H _Northway Restaurant, Higi- Restng t te Mrri Funral986420. 61 TREE - ROOM apartment,!wey 115 and 35, Orono. Teke Chapel, Bowmanville. Serv- ýSEAL out winter weather ground floor. Centrai. Appiy 'phone 983-5317. 5-il * ice in the Chapel on Friday at with Supreme windows and Statesrnan Office. 3-tfCA DIN mpia Bn *2 o'clock. Temporary inter-Idoors. Lorne Alun, telephon, CNDA meilBn : mnt othsda Ceetey 63-371.5i FOUR-roomed semî-detached [of Commerce, Bowmanviill ý'Vault. 6-1 - house for February ist. Cent-! has an opening for a young _______COMPLETE 54" beds wîth rai. Phone 623-3127. 5-2*'man with Grade 12 or 13 edu. THOPSNJenieE.- 1t attress. $8 each. Rainbow FUNSEomsprtato.1pytoM.Zn THM orial Hosil Bo. - Motel and Cabins. Telephone 6-NSHDrorspaae Mvie, rHsa, Fbrua2 -450.6-bedraom, private 2-pce bath-1623..3375.61 ville ThusdayFebrary 219874540.6-1,roomn. Phone 623-2972. 6-1 MARRIED-herdsmna-n-for-m-o-d 196, Jnni E.Lanstaf, e: UYIG o selin funitreONE, two and three-bedroom ern dairy farm. Must be ex- : boved wife of Burton Thomp- or appliances, cail Elmer, aatetfrihdadun eine n rvd o »at the Barlow Funeral oe!sinc 263-2695. 6-tf furnished, in Oshawa. Phoneicharacter references. Good son KndiOnara.RetedHaptn:buinss26-224- .723-2347t. 6-4 ,wages and accommodatior, 'Orano, Ont. Service was from BARGAIN Sale -Ail new - - --- Browview Farms, Newcastle i.~ag emnil hael Oanfurniture. stove, frig, deep- R98n adto romq7-4474. - Cenmetery. 6-*freeze with warranty, table, apartirnents, $80 and $90; -6- - availabie Merch lst. PhorieJYOUR Next Job! Wiil it pe: NFILLAN, Frederick F. Atchis Cali 623-.2 054.- 5-2' 623-5542. 6 -1 up ta $12,000 in a year? We ~emria Hspial Boman SELLD rîed corn, $65.00 --________ - have a fine offer for man over »viille, an Sunday, Feb. 5, 1967 j per torn F.O.B. Browview SVNro asgrg,:0wocnmk hr u 'Pred Willan' of 87 Liberty St' rFarns, Newcastle. Telephane newiy decorated, centrai; im- tris eoud Bwmnii ...N., in his 9th year, beiavedI 987-4474 ta arrange pick-upmeitpossonrfrncs Write President, Dept. AS, husband of Annie May Eng. or delivery. _ 6-tf,$110 monthîy. Phne73-0452 .-1PPO. Box 70, Station R, Toron- _______ - 'AYN high et Three!to 17, Ontario. 6-1 ish.* Rested et the Narth- 26 BEATTY stanchions com-______ ...cutt and Smith Funeral Home. plete with water bowls, also rooms, stove, frig. heet, hydro, Funeral service was held at 2-unit DeLavai magnetic milk-i and cere for 9-year-old boy $9 WANTED-Male or Female:- o'ciock Tuesday afternoon,;ing machine, compiete. Tele - weekiy. Phone 623-7.330 afe o aetno oehu Jt oh' huc. epr-pon 2-52. -*6. 6_1 la week that you can use t iphae 62-512.15-' rmake extra money represent- -ery entombment, Lang Vauit, CB Cr,$0tn loHAE prmn,4rosigorfr nyu ra --bi___________ ____ 64-1 bet hy, 45e bale, deiiv-'adbt.Imdaepse-Ol requisite i htyub ered in 2-tan or 100 bales or so.ApîlySams Restaurant, jbondabie, willing ta work, and - eception 'more.J. A. Carscadden, tele-ý 14 Division Street, Bowmnan-lhave a car. No investment. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lead-iphane 983-5769. 3 - ville., 3-6' __ _.Contact Don Hill, giving sales - TWO bednoom heated apart- iexpprience, et 337 Colema~ t *-»>ater, Enniskillen, wiil be ONE 4 x 8 bo railer, w.reck- t. pleased ta receive their friends ing 1960 Vauxhali, ail parts,] ment. Possession immediately. I Belleville.____ -3 end relatives et their home on goad motor, transmission, xTlnth Phne Newonvli at Village of ".'aturdav, Febnuary 18, 1967, radia, tires; reasanabiy priced.unh hn etn'l Newcastle for full tîme ZfWom 2 te 4 and 7:30 ta 9:30, Phane 623-5526. 6-1' 786-2461. postioas_____ 1-trfCrn -*n the occasion of their 25th I-NSUIDTîON, -ôw-- SMALL ane-bedroom apart- munity Hall and grounds and ' Wedding Annivensary. 6-2' odNith o wol. Work: ment, frig and stove, pivate;i Municipal By-Lew Enforr- mari.ihip guaranteed. F r e e 1wntown. Suitabie for bus-Iment Officer. For more in- -~In MemoriCnn estimates, Harry L. Wade, mness couple an retiree, $80 per formation contact the Clenlk Phane Newtonvilie 786-2256.1 month. Phone 623-3434. 6-1,r t his office in Hall. Applica- "BAGNELL-In ioving memaryl 38-tfTHREE__ -o hous - dtions5 must be in writîng and :W a dear busband, father and'iHE ero os n arandfather, George T. Bag- USED washer parts, moo0.1 ~garage, central, Bowmanviiie.ireceived et the Clerk's Office z~el wh pased way ebr- Batty Thr en Crsi' Avaîlabie immediately. Write r by February 17, 1967. State Z:ry 9th, 1.966. appliences, natîonaliy adver- SAverser 6, P c/.oxndin;ar1r9ied - -,Dearer still as the years tised line af furniture. Paddy's "ta1esnian, P. O.KBox 190 depart, Market, Hampton, 263-2241. [ .__----__ BIG IERES OUR -KEY LTODAY "'le ives forever in aur bearts. ___________ 34-tf 1 SEVEN-roam brick house ini The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd, -Lovingly remembered by hisi T Y P E W R I T E R S, $9, Bowranviile, hot weter ail Dept. B-140-HY, 'ieMabel, son Ted andlmnyaw,$ kl d-heating, close ta Lord Elgin 40RieiuM teaPQ Yamily 6-1'ers, Cashiers, File Cab., new, Scal.rieAvrIser used, rentaIs, service, trades.ic/o Canadien Statesman, 70,. Gnlmn r neetdini -'-B YD-n lvin 'ar fBill Hamilton, Raglan (North Box 190, Bowmanville. 6-i1h ol aasRweg a dear wife and mother, of Oshawa). 42-tf __ . Line an a ....rlay oydwhopasedawa SED Pt PI ad - to) Pant-time Basis -,,rlayBod hopase aayNoice toCreditorsi FlitmeBai ý'Tebruary 6, 1965. ED Ptte-PEI n ultm ai ~wetmeaneswîî inerOntario faundatian stock: NTCE OCRDT S ) Please send me FREE1 -- forever; i.nteEtteo LZBT Cbbler, Kennebec, Sebago,i Cook Book and Catalog Time cannat change them,iGeme. For quotations Phone I h seeo ZBT, with full detaile. it's true; 1416-723-6660. Write o 2ISN -4»Years that may came cannatIR.R. 3, Bawmanvilie, Ontario. AIl persans heving dlaims Name .-------------- gainst the estate of Elizabeth 'Address -------- sever6- Wilson, late of the Town ofICity Our ioving remembrance of ONTARIOù grown foundation Bowmanville, in the County P Yeu.i seed potetoes, Sebago and 1 f Durham, Widcw, who dîedPrv.- --0----- - -vrrememhered by bus- Kennebec, $3*for 75 lb. bag, on or about the 20th day of:-__ _band and family. 6-1*' discount on large quantities;1 Januany, 1967, are bereby REAL ESTATE SALESMAN r!aiso discount with January1 notif ied ta send in ta Strike & We requ ire a salesmen ta -;IcKEE--In ioving memory of order. Phone 983-9119 Orono.!Strike, Solicitors for the Estate, represent us in the Bowman- dear buesband and father, _____4-4lBox "7, BowmanvilleOtaiviIIe-NewcastIe area. This is ý..SamueI McKee, wha passedl-FIRTHBROS.;on or befone the 15th day of an opportuni.ty ta become as-! ...,way February l2th, :1950. FIT R S March, 1967, full particulars'scae ihawl nw eeautiful m e m o r i e s are 47 King E. Phone 623-5081 'of their dlaim. :expanding company. We would tiçitesred eoven, I BRING VOU BEEF Im--- tely 9aftn the sam ;ý1er memary we ehtaîl alwaysr payment. Wie Avrîe ~' keep. by § 7,c/a The Canadien States-.tatn aar 7,0W e -Ever remembered yteMark, P-0 -Box 190,, Bowman- Satn aay$5MWe ,O*Mi1y. 6-1 ville. 6-2 at B E E F Education Grade 10 or equivalent; MEMORIALS GOtdSEIisr Bs. wltb excsu Vacation;,pnson sick benef its; DIgIft puti Dmutne»v. INII 57o JLM TMedical and Lif e Insurance. m 8I"St., . wm Ne. Omlage 72&M«"»M m«rboaApply to MANAGER STORE NO. 2U, M toc=163 CflRCH, STRJET WMAN ILLEONTARIO DEADLUNE 1 7E ft jj iuesday, 4:30 pm. )OMS for Rerit Notice to Creditors Rea Estate for Sale! Real Estate for Sale Real EsÉtate for 6-27.6f In the Estate of GEORGE Bawmnanvilie; r e a s nac h e.P.E ROSWISEMAN. omandBoard R(In the Estate of MINNIEI Realtor Phone 623-2184, evenings.- RA E L Available MARIONmWSEMAN.h1623-7461 61G A E L ,ý and- board evaîlaijie. 11gai nst the estates Minieog1Nrt End, 3-bedrooni brick Pefer Kowal, Jr.RelE t e 6.1 Ross Wiseman and Minebungalow with attached gar-RELO 28 Division St. non Wiemenbath ao!'ge, anly 2 yeans aid. Paved' lokwatdthe Town of Bowmenville, in drive, finished nec. naamn with !and GENERAL INSURANCE 6334 eNorkWate Cu thded Caunty of Durham, who ber. Asking $20,900. Ternis.!52 King St. W. Bowmanvllle 6334 Ëf ]ýuty ûsor idon the 4th day of Sep. Central, brick bungalow inI 623-2453 PROSPECT ST. 7 roami , reedy for freezer. tember, 1966 and the 25th day gaod state af repain. Asking j home on lot 66' x 140'. Newl3r Newcastle 987-4353. of Decemben, 1966, respective- 'onîy $11,500. iVineent Massey School: îdecoreted. Aeking $15,950. .1 gtl iy, are hereby notified ta send Nort n ag ulx We hv e oe etTrs htwl o fe' ENTER -- -- i~~~~~~~ n ta Stnike & Stnike, Solici -wthth Ed lag dulxhv5ne ho slfTrm.W twiloufer Ëlq7ÊÉ w-nr-k, rnov- trs or he staesBox7 wth7 extra lots, excellent in-inear this lovely schaal. Guar- ST. GEORGE ST. $1,500 onkrento o va as o heEtts, Bo 1~ vestment et anly $14,900. eanteed warkmenship. Spaciaus down, 5 roomn home with fene- 'erain nas te- Bawmanville, Ontanio, on or Potery3 dombu lots. Brick veneer danstruc-ied lot and garage. estimates. D. Meeks, before the iSth day a! March, Pr en,3bdombn tion. Ail 3 bednooms. Prieesi TIRED 0F G.M.C.? Be 623- -7496. 6-3 1967, full panticulare of their galow on lange lot. Ask,'ngj5st~arta 1,6.IHA.trsloronBos eea tr pe'Cenn-_?cam nymen ,0. Lw l down, *!and living quarters. Principal ing Ont? Cali me, 1 Immediately aften the qaid amnýod Eltin Sehool: land Intenest only $75.00 ike away discardables l5th day of March, 1967, the Bleckstock arca, 100 acre Avoid the spring ritsh).iassets of the testeton and teste- farm with 7 room home with] Beautiful 3-bedraom bun- monthly. 6. 4-tf tnix will be dîstnibuted Onew bathroom, large barn, 96,gaiow acnass fromn park. AUil nvestment praperties, me- INGandDecnetng-amongst the parties entitledacres workabie. Asking oniy modern features. 61/4% mort- janity unden lease, on King, woNkmni and meoatn- thereta, having regard only ta $26,500. gage. Asking $17,800. Terms 'Division an d Temperance guaranteed. For free dlaims of which the saîd solici- ýAfter fours Please Caîl - avibe. * * Stet tors for the Estates shahl then iW have huyers for the fal- es telephonie Lander Inie .Jorgrengen - .987 -4491 'Central School: ire, 623-5774. jtfýhave notice.1 lwntyeopretis DATED atBowmanville,this l Income plus home. Statel lwn yp !popris B A A R S 6th day of Fehruary, 1967. s, eorge Blyleven 2-storey dwelling on welljl 100 Acre farm - Substantiel IStnike & Strike, I Ireed lot. Modern nil funnace.1 down payment. Lbig &Heain Soicior fo Ih Etats <f'REALTOR ýGarage. Askiog $19,000 withi- Year-nound motel. ibng& e tig aerge Ross Wiseman and Phone 623-5300 r terms. Worth lookiog et. '- Small bungalow- will pay son St. Bowmanville Minie Marion Wiseman~ , Bowmanvillc: 1 / stoi'ev up ta $10,000 cash. I-tf deceased, !6 room brc1os, i o~Hampton: - Thnee bednoomn homes, MI P RF CT Bo 7Bwmnvll, ntri.veniences, on large lot. Ask-ý .3 Bedroom [rame bungalow, - Duplex. NIEPER ECT____ ing pnice $9,800. Give us anon ' acre lot on autskints OC-. Apple orchard. v!BING & HEATING - of fer. !Village. Oul heating and fullI Small holdings with build- Phn 2-50Tuition Well built and kept three basement. Priced right at ig -r Cat oos Phoe 63-540OT bedroom brick veneer bunga- 1$12,900. Terms. P.O. Box 1599 IGH.~t SCHOOJJ 0Ww 'ith extra roomn in base-! *1 *Patéria Wind - 987-4836 ýaria St., Bowmanville AT HOME iment. Large kitchen-dining- Sohina Road South !Frank Haekett - Manilla 1RZZ 1_froom and many other extras.! 30 Acrs )(J60 per acre.;COBOliRG-BO M VIL In Spare Time This honse must be scen to 1) e Wil s e t $6n1 cepres OMNI appreciated. AkWgp illsi ie0acepncl. 372-7407 623-3341 ;PTIC TANK Prepare for Ontario Diploma '1,0.After 9 p.m. Please Cali: 6-1 PUMPING Alhorg ad nterob e Four hedmoom brick home in A. L. Code - - 623-2645 'WASHING STABLES $8 onh Wrt centre of town on large treed !UT~ $8 Mnth Wrte îlot. New ail furnace. Asking D. A. MacGregor- 987-4267 W. .Frank Real .rsîale IT TOMPKINS Americain School lprice $11,900. Terms. P. Kowal Jr.- - 623-5868 Newtonvilie 786-2552 DEPT. 60, 624 PRINCESS ST. i Courtice - Well bui]t three -___ _6-1 21 ing tE.DBwanil Cail Colleet 41-tf KINGSTON, ONTARIO bedroom trame hou se with i21Kn StWBwm vl. 1-8 e xtra stool and shower in Jack 623-3393 IANK BRINK - waikout basement. Lange lotbr saa n isrc -uiç lurv'-'". - 'i n L .il £1 Real Estete Board Tr-h-nqpnice $15,900 - Terms. SPI. ren NK Refrigeration On Hîghway 2 east or New- Ld, i or Bwavle Hme INTLAINcastle, large treed building lot.I B w nvlePopc Street, -ero nStALL263-2270and Priced ta seil. Bw avle h oec t 6 10.Go apon26 -227 Appiance Service Orono - Large ravine build3203-e Orne. lt151x10'.-Termd 24-tfcilan Dmste ing lot with never-failing wmdel 62-2Prospect Stom et ,700-erom _____ IComercal d Dmesie ree. Twn ate avilale.BRRRR! Ibrick bungalow Ioaded with A N R Q i R e ri era io - M ilk C oolers A sk ing p ice $2,900. 1oî ' x r s 2 c r g r g , f n e e Painters Phone BERT SYER Wuln'ta large finishedrectraiaroam roadfi om.e dDecorators Daye 623-5774 John F. DeWith ec. rom 90gongad now? Trea e 200 r eato arm. Bodo Nights 623-3177 ~the familY ta a look through ý$600-Trs il Sh- --Bw623-3177 REAL ESTATE LTD. thîs cosy .3-bedroomn brick bun- Queen Street, 2-etorey, 7- Lander ardware14 Frank Street, Bowman ville;.gal ow. They wiii find many room brick home with double .o 6-307BadwmanvllPhne623390features to mke life mre en- garage. Lot 75' x 1001. Many one ~ 3-t 62-05 Lne1adw r hn 2-90Jayable. $16,900 with $5sOoo extras. S18,900 - Terme. __________ ~~~180) ACRE FARM. Good, down. INwate-7ro oea cel'et befan grinfarm.1 WoldYe Belee 13,00 ilot 130' x 150'. Nice léan rRKR B UR ES esnlbidns lresra.E-Wud o eiv 1,0'ihome with manY extres. cehen bef nd ran frmiO'dell St., not fan ram 1,0 - Tenms. RNES FUNAESHYGENIC Supplies~ <Rubber Asking $30,000. Terms. CntalScoroWe m ep 1$T1 nonRodas0-1,0 CLEANED goae) mailed pstpeid iii55 ACRE FARM, near Bow- bedroomn brick home. Treeduqfbrcrahbnglw JMBG EPIRS plinsealed envelape with manvilie. Modernized naturel1 lot. $3,000 down.. fpl. 1rAck rian b igahow [ONE HAMPTON pîele.Sxsmls25e, stone hanse. Barn. Streara' Irear b " $21 ,500nwit 24 samples 11.00. Mai] Orden nad,..ponci. -Eacin.g twa -pea0r Liberty St. North acre rsperre&..$1,0 263-2151 Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca. raads. Cal: George VanDyk iIfyupefrtenthndTins Box91rHmilon Ot.15 623-7437. don't buy until you see this Oshawa, Whitman Creseent dres-e: wanile SCUGOG ISLAND. 76 acre 3 bedroom storey and a hal!. Brick home with epartment ini x 53 Bwmavile For Sale or Rent fn.Go ulig.Bik Separate DINING room. Gar- besement. Ecletvlee ýfarm.Good uildigs. 13Excylen21,500.a CKERMAN TOBACCO farmSo-0acre home, ail heated. 4-pc. bath. ege. $16,500 - Terme. ny$150 Bar ,pod CalI: Tom Don- $3.000 Down Oshawa, Harmany Raad 'CAVATING t5Korsaule. Phone 983-5756 nelly 987-7264. l wiîî give You the keyta this 3-bedroorn 8-year-old bunga. IG - TRECIG Orano. 6-2 100 ACRE FARM. Only 10 14 bedroom, 2 bethroanî, brick $14,900 - Terme. Gravel, Top Sali and minutes from Oshawa. Brick;homne on Ontario St. Y acre OhwOieWlo ra F111 Dellvered A"ct-"" Sales home, good bann. Stream.;lot. $1,9,500.shabuaOielsoLngAe i. tue fLewsoL ot./ 3, ce tisn. $5.0mIngra nd kitchen; 3 bed. r WAER ERVCE armmaehner an funi-21 BUILDING LOTS, f Easy walking distance tai ronon. Paved drive. Close ta easnaleRats ur o!LeisWoo, ot3,Bawmanvillc. To he sold et Liberty - King anea fram this sebools, churehes and bue. -BOWMANVILLE 'Con. 1, Dariington Township, once. Caîl: George VanDyk, fine bungalow on 501 x 175 ,50-ems NES &BYAM selling Satunday, Apnil 8. 6-1* 623-7437,o. e. $m1S6vdre ,50rono- eau flfîis. [BING& HEAING WEKLY248 ACRE FARM, with 3 r dge, TV acniai, etc., includ-1'brc home byOCHOiNisKi BING & EAIG KLroomcd home, 2 berne and 3 ed. bckoNSTRUCTIO osK' LES& ERVCE LIVESTOCK SALES r arm ponds. Asking $25,000. 1,0Cul re Oo'.STRU0CT eme. at 5 24-HOUR at Durham CountY Sales Arena 'Terme. $00Fl rc 0' 1,0 em.Cl urner Service1 Orono - Every Thune., 7:-30 p.m. DAIRY FARM, 248 acres asi 3~ Bedroom home on 401 x for appaintment at once ta in- Seiling Horses, Cattie, Swlne, a gong concern with 70 head 12r1nolotSummestvieace.Drive. TIC TANKS AND Calves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid Of punebred Holstein cattle Queen and Ontario Ste. 3Bdam buglwa o THNE S&SoSlsMngr.2tfFluno!acieyLrge1 Excellent inveetment prop- 100, x 110'. 4 pce. bath, oui PHOE __________ - -----miik quota. Cal: Lyle Mason 'ertv. Large two-storey home fumnace. Pnivate drive. $12,900. FR<PON 263-2288 Business 3296.with two apertmnente. $15,000. RONE 263-2650 ~~~NEWCASTLE. Aimost ncw, Il i oe-Frelc aie O..pportuniy veny weil k .5 Roomed i STw l o me-Fiece p rt. 12Aresokfam:a IOLSTERING -brickbungklpw. Hly d Tobedroams, carport 1 cesokfrnna brr!Hv yu hs FRRN ick ngalowl HlywodLBethany. 2-storey 9 rooml [lare! ave you cheet-FOR REN kitche. Wallta wall flooriaew lot. $8,900.hmelaghmso.Ecl nd chairs re-upholet- OLD GRIST MILL covering. Clean as a pin. Chureh St. hmlentgsou. ar2,50 -$8il owcel r.. estimates, samples (Near Port Hope) Large lot, low taxes. 13,0 eei rl aiy oe 0 ents with2,500-t$8, trean. hom. Ued ontnuoslyforman don.4 Bedroome. Separate dining neen Bethany. Excellent 12. et Terme Arrangcd years, present tenant moving ONLY $3,000 DOWN. New room. 65' x 175' lot. $ 14,900. room brick home. Large IT R S to consolidate hie operatians. 5 roamned brick bungalow. Oshawa painted barne. Three gond EYT BR S. This milî generates its awn AIl moad ernn canveniences.1 road frontages. Our best farmn ýRNITURE AND power and could be needjiy Large lot. Low taxes. 1 Thnee hedroom brick bun- 'velue et onîy 155,000 - Terme. JPHOLSTERY canvertcd ta a email wood INCOME HOME. Part l Igalaw with attached-garage. NJew Location iworking plant or for otherlrented. Large lot with stream IKingswa y Callege area. Ask- 104 Acres, Port Hope. Barn, lint and Divisqion Ste. purposes where cheap power Close ta shopping enea. Onîy ing $20,900. chieken bouse. 2-storey 3- 'hone 623-5252 lwould be an asset. Five year $3,000 down. ' Electrie Beating breromfad ome; garage. 17-tf lease ta a respansible tenant FAMILY HOME, 4 bcd- This ultra modern 1,40 sq.lTCree nd od.18,0 would be considened et a roome .AIl m o d e r n con- ft. home is a muet ta see if Nestîeton - 10 acre lots, some :SURE 0F rentai o! $150 per month. Fan veniernces. Recreation noam. you are shopping for a new wooded. $3,700 - $1,000 down. funthen information contact - Double lot. Double garage. home. Large, raomy living CK STARTS NATIONAL TRUST Pnice only $13,500. noomn - dining raom witb stone Business: ESE MORNINGS COMPANY LIMITED 7 ROOMED HOME, in Bow- fireplace. Braadloom. Large Owner returning ta U.S.A. Your Car In for Real Estate Departinent manvilie, ail heated, with 4.. Hollywood kitchen. $19,90)0. wili cdll this praperty baving an 21 King St. E. Toronto! pce. bath. Beautiful family Terme. arca o! aven two acres with -UP and TUNE-UP 364-9141 iroom with fireplace. Pictune 12,000 Down frontages o! aven 359 ft. on ,k donc by lcensed Akfr n1ade window. Caîl: George Van- Bane bik ug lwtwa main business streets. meehorar.iads .Dyk - 623-7437. n-withahidthew usuel bunalowPresent business o! renting COUNTRY HOME. New veniences. Asking $15,ý900. rooms and apartmcnts grosses V ntdbrick bungalow with garage. u o$0 otl.Ti p ___________________Oil heated, 4-pcc. bath, on yý Triplex partunity existe in a napidly 15 minutes fnom Oshawa. Call:IwHene is a gond incarnebhome expanding enea epprax. 12 St. W. Bowmanville Cash on the Spot George VanDyk 623-7437., I ith a mîrimum af upkcep. miles East o! Toronto and il hn62314 for edoCrpe Fr Aluminum siding. Oil furn- ideally situated cea aat 1-tf Stock. Plcked up promptly ROAD, 4 bedroom brick by ace, etc. $15,800. menedhoep ite. Pl le-t Teepon cilet26-221lvel with waik-in basement. Ten Acre Lots sdIeat $60,000 wlth terms. nted to Buy__IYargwill Fur FarM Fnihed nec. roomn with lange Manvene Raad, South o! theCli6333 hoe. elpone TRN fireplace. Two becd-, th. Asking $7,500 e. 11,500Cai6339 oeroome. Leundny naam, etc. dawn. AiIipm 6-1 Licence No. 4-C-66 Priccd ta sel]. tr9pns ulradfather -- We Honor-An _BonusCard- BUNGALOW, with ali mod- 1 WANTED - FARMS Pat Yeo- s 623-3077 Fiatt, R.R. 1. Beth- . ern canveniences, on 2 acres. Farm listings are required Ken Rochin- 623-5055 De7 r 13 colleet. D adt êj ervice Double garage. Paved drive- for. the usuel incremme of 28-tf lfihiheet Cash Prîces for Dead way. Priced ta ccli. spring buyers. If you are Clare McCuliongh 723-7848 kgIlkids idiid- and Cippled Faim Stock OSHAWA. 6 Raomcd home thinking of placing your farm .10. Barneeki - 723-5787 eailkneniiu BURRETT FUR FARM wt -c.btalhae for sale, caîl us, we will be leod Kruger - 723-700 cee for eech anc. Re- ih4pebah i etd'pesdt i wtvrgu-Bo h references. Tele- Phone Long Distance iNîeely decorated. A sk i n g pesdt iewhvrg-BbJohnston 725-6788 523-157.Aek or IZenith 66550 (no charge te you) $16,400. Terme.aceyu ayrqi, 6-1 JDept. Agic. Lic. No. 63-C-67 4 BEDROOM brick bunga- Cal aur office nt Bowman-AM Kes* 2-18 low n 4 acres. Oil heated, 4. ville, 623-2503 or cli any o! £oy lester- Oron. 9U-581 pce. bath. Naturel stone fine- the failowing sales personnel. Howard Forder - H A Y O R S T R A lace in living naam. Nicely Mhiord MeDonald - 623-3911 Brookhla655-8I focatd. Asking $22.500. Geerg o eBatII - J: WAN"-TED IM.1MEDIATELY Wio ea e0r» 831574Port Perry 8854Q for use as a mulch. W. List Photo M.L.S. Howard Wight 0 63-2524 __ mse quote on any quantity up ta Atter Hourmi Cali: Garnet Ricard s 693-7397 50 bae.Donald Monntjoy - 623-8614 Harold Peck s BIek"k Cet. Cash Today Write or Phone Tho i:ma onelly 99-7264 Fer OId Appliaucos Lyls Mason - - 392-3964 Notices- hog RADO MINING AND REFINING Boss Davîdeon - flethaiîy 30r2 - -- ---- LT . O THOPE Weusy Anderson -340-2669 EftvJn 75îîl STATESMAN JJ.L>., ORTno longer b. responsibie for George V&aDyk -622-74371debts încurred In my nae: C L A 8 8 1 Y 13I9 8 88-411Hald Coutte * 725-26491 Harlarid Elliot, rhul « I - i * . j , ~6 - 1R e . 2 , N e w c a t l , é-u e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BROOCDE: 623-5742. LI-JE pi ticke. M. any. Pho OLD coin! a, top pni haible wil phone 6 Murray. J. c ELDO:

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