Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 11

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ai..SmoeTillasno Edltwa Phom, f-21 Centennial Bail Brings Amazinig Outhits Out of Moth Bails The judges had a rough time selecting prize winners at New. were, (rom left to right, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose, Councillori «stle's costume Centennial Bal Iast Saturday evening because the; Mrs. Erie Foshay, Rev. and Mrs. M. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Breni were only a few of the many who had dug into the attics and came Rickard, Ivison Tamblyn; lower picture, Sierd de Jong, Miss Lyr lsp with ancient attire that dated back many decades. The winners Jeffery, Mrs. Jack Crago and Miss Jane Bennett. Newcaste-Saturday even- to represent Sir John A. Y~ ing wau a big one for bath the donald; Best Couple of pait and present as many Plapper Days, Mr. and b couples attended the New- Eric Foshay; Best Mod castle Centennial Bail ln the Cou ple, Rev. and Mrs. M. G Community Hall. Those who dard. Always a hit atà attended in costume spoke of costume party or dance the wonderful time they had the cornics, and the Cent, enjoyed bunting up the cost- niai Bail proved no except umnes and learning the stories1with Mrs. Mabel Goodee behind them. Those la 1967 Mr. Ivison Tamblyn of Or( attire were awed by the array dressed in oid tirne bathi of outfits worn in grand- suits, with Mr. Tamblyn en niother's day. Dresses were pietîng bis outfit with a co( worn that had belonged to skin coat. great-aunts and great-grand. Other awards were extez mothers, and the men were not ed ta Mr. and Mrs. Brent left out as they hunted up Rickard, Miss Jane Ben and wore top bats, spats and and Miss Lynda Jeffery. knee-lengtb dress coats wbich Severai spot prizes wE buttoned the full way down won during the evening. The the 'front. were kindly donated by Ui The Master af Ceremonies, Royal of Oshawa, Carnati Alex Hendry, welcomed the Flower Shop, Jackman's Fia, large crowd and thanked them er Shop, Canadian Tire a: for again sponsoring the Arti- the A & P Store, ail of Bo, ficiai Ice Dance. He gave mnanvilie; Honey Hoiiow Rej special tbanks to those who aurant, Newcastle; John Rie made tbe effort to abtain ard, and from Mrs. H. Lov period dress. kin and Miss Butler, for di The judges were gîven a ner at the 1867 Restaura: bard task, and they did their The door prize was won by j ob well. As a guide they had Th6nipson, Newcastle. books on the fashion of the by- Jue - befope Orxvel Sellici gone days. The judges for orchestra struck up the bon the evening'were Miss Cora waltz, it was announced th Butler, Mrs. Helen Lovekin plans were already under wi and Mrs. T. Fairbrother. for another dance. The ai The winners ai the costume nouncement created conside dresa were: Best Old Fashion- able appiause. ed Couple, Mr. and Mrs. A speciai feature ai t] Francis Jose; Best Old Fa- evening's decorations was shioned Lady, Mrs. Jack large Centenniai flag, bang Crago; Best Old Fashioned made by Mrs. Jahn Rickar Man, Sierd De Jang who was It adorned the back af tI drcssed complete with beardstage. EOBA Annual Meet Board Discusses Parking Problems Newcastle - The Newcastle StreetŽ at the school and alonj Public School Board held their one side on Robert Street run znonthly meeting in the school ning in front of the ichool. Thi on Monday evening, with two matter would be taken up witi znembers, George Chard and the Council. Mvrs. Pauline Storks absent. There is stiil a need foi In the principal's report, supply teachers. Ail othei read by Ronald Munro, it was problems were left in thý learned that there are 299 stu- hands of board member, Ir dents attending the school. McCullough, to be corrected. Several p r o b 1 e m s were The Grade Eight Awarc brought to thé board's atten- Night has been set for Tues. tion by Mr. Munro, one of the day, February 14th. With somt larger problems being with the of the members working thai 1arking space at the school. evening and one on holiday Itwas suggested to have the suggestions were made to havt road soutëi of the school kept others present the awards. free of snow in order that the CorresPondence read by sec- staff would have'somewhere to retary Ed Barchard deait witl park their cars. WithT the the Centennial Convention foi number of children attending Ontario School Trustees*to be aehool and the many cars held at the King Edward Hotel, coming to the school mornings, Toronto, in March. It was moon hours and at sehool clos- agreed by the Chairman anc ing, it was feared that the other members present that children were in danger of someone who was able to being hit, and suggestions should attend for the banquet were made to try and improve and speaker as there are the conditions. One suggestion usually many good thoughts was that "No Parking" be en- and suggestions given by the foroed along one side of Beaver speaker. E S1lewcastie Social Newcastle - Last Tuesday, the boys and leaders of lst Newcastle "B" Cub Pack met for the first time in the new Scout Meeting Room. With both Mrs. D. Nesbitt and Mrs. OFFICIAL RECEIPTS for donations recelved for Newcastle Artificial 1ce - uewb Wkd pa arc1 fkersonali P. Parker absent, Mrs. C. De-1 Jang was in charge ai the meeting, passing the boys an considerable tests. Working hard on the fivo-star system the boys are anxiausly await- ing award night. On Mnday cvcnlng, lot "A" Pack met la the Lions room and werc given an outllne an thc month's plans, whlch in- cludes Baden Powell weck and thc father and son banquet. The new point syslem was inlroduced and taped up for thc boys ta kep In ind. Assisting Uic leadrs iwas Mr. R. Rickard wha helpcd Uic boys with knots and explain-i cd Uic use ai themt; hc en- couraged tlrem to practice the. knots he had shown theim 80 that tb.y would b. preparedj for the followlng week wbeni YA would try, &long wfth )dr.. Sam Brereton, ta attend. the meeting, Award Night wi] be held next Monday wit] badges and stripes to be given out and sewn on the uniformn before the banquet. Hockey practice is now being held on g Monday nights, and the lead- o- rs encouraged the boys ta at- .e tend their practice as tbis th wàs another way of obtaininj team badges. If- they couic or corne into Cubs even thougi r late, they were invited ta d< ie so, but if the parents found it rv was too much on tbern, they ýwould be excused and marked rd present. s-The Hockey Mathers held ie their meeting on Monday evý at ening with an extra large y, attendance. The presideni re opened the meeting witb a warm weicome for the inter- - est shown by .the attendance ;h and expressed ber hope thatý )rthis would continue. The > sweater~s donated by Toms and 1Sons Ltd. had been received i and several offered ta take , sorne home to get the nurn- kt bers and name sewn onto the ;sweaters before Wednesday !t evening. A letter of thanks on ,behaîf af the association and Sthe Midgets is ta be sent out. eThe bake. sale was discussed and ail members are aÏsked ta take two items of baklng ta the sale. The schedule for the booth was drawn up ard discussion made as to the officiai openîng af the arena, set for Saturday, Pebruary 25th. The meeting was then adjourned. Another wonderful evening of fun and froic is planned for Saturday evening when the Glanvilles open their cot- tage and offer another of their 1much iooked forward ta Skidoo "and skating -parties. Last year, isa successful was the first party there bad to be a second onc. Oniy 50 tickets are avail-1 able this trne, and they're be- ing quickly picked up. Sa tast fast and get your order ini today. As in the past twoj Lparties, the proceeds will gog ta the Artificial te Tund. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallnga and1 Marg of Georgetown, werec visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter De Jong and famlly on Sunday. During the atler-j naon, they accompanied Mrs.j Jacob De Jang ta visit berI huaband la hospilal.i Our- friands and nelghbours1 in Memorlal Hospital thîs1 week are, Mrs. Lillian Aiken,à _1s. Hmnna Albin, Mr. George. HeId in Belleville -Newcastle-On February 4, mustoeili the gamne of base Cbairman af the Newcastle bail. We caver a large arei hRecreation Comnmittee, Mr. and with efforts af ail, inclut nSamn Brereton and Mr. Ceciil ng aur present clubs, wi 'Carveth attended the annuai should be able ta reach place y meeting of the Eastern On- sucb as Lindsay, Haveloc] n tario Basebali Association beld Campbeiiford, Hastings, Ma in Belleville. Tbey Were doc, Marmora, K in gs to n ,among 50 representatives of Brighton, Trenton, Pictai 8 the basebaîl clubs.- Wellington, Tweed and manj At 10:30 a.m. a meeting af others, even Minden, Halibur. Sthe directors was held. A tan, Bancroft, Fenelon PaIli 0 leIter was received from the Bobcaygeon and Coboconk ýNewcastle Récreation Associa- Let's make basebaîl our 196d l ion giving' suggestions for Centennial Program". a mproving playing conditions stressing the inanner i which ( the schedule for the playaffs o m nt *was enforced. This letter is to be taken aiong with othersR tfrom Orono, Cobourg and Pet-Bo ln Basebaîl Convention in Ham- Ladies - 200 and over ilton, Marcb l7th and 18th. Marion MeMackin 271, Mabel *The treasurer's report was Goode 261, Elaine Dost 234. 1accepted, showing a balance af Kathy Arrnstrong 230, Helen $209,20. Couroux 228, Mary Foster 227, A number ai amendments Carol Baiiey 218, Diane Lang- werc passed ta maire changes staff 215, Ruth Irwin 215, to the constitution of the On- Jean Jones 213, Rosemary taria Basebaîl Association. Kelly 213, Lii Farrow 209, *The election of officers was Dorothy Turansky 206, Betty as follows: Past President, R. Taylor 205, Mary Hendersai Ellîs, Belleville; President, 202, Theresa Langstaff 202, Jim Gilmer, Port Hope; ist Grace Couch 202. Vice-President, Arnold Wade, Mon - 225 and over - Larry Newtonvile; 2nd Vice-Presi- Pearco 309, Ron Goad 271, dent, Jim Luttan, Oshawa. George Kîmbali 265, Earl Secy-Tea., pie Aal, Pt-Taylor 261, Brian Marty 248, erborough. Jack Chard 231, Jîm Burton The Diroctors: P. J. M'Gar. 227, Ken Whitney 225. rety, Oshawa, J. Duncan, Pet. Newtonville Ladies - 175 erborough, and Ployd Bell, and over - Jean Hall 277, Belleville. Representatives ta Maria Hollen 233, Maria Vo- thc meeting in Hamilton, gels 221, May Smith 212, Ann Messrs. Wade, Duncan and Vogeis 196, Myrtle Harris 187, Lutton. Madeline Janes 195, Hilda Before the election ai oufi- Willems 186, Janie Whitney cers each convenar gave a re- 180, Liz Willems 179, Jase part aiflithecams in bis classi. Welter 178. ficatian, aima namlig Uhe wîn- Thursday Mixed - 200 and ners o! the seasan play. Three aven - George McNair 248, Provincial Trophies and three Marge Ibbotson 238, Harold runners-up were won by the Hughes 223, Horace Pitt 222, learns of the association. Art Dubeau 212, Mary Me- In the presentalion ai the Gregor 209, George Glanville annual repart wrilten by S. 206, Mabel Lewis 206, Alice Annis, Uic Secretary-Treasur- Kupery 206. er, he strcssed thc nced for FnIday Mixed - 200 and hclp from aIl members ai thc over - Ted Hoar 278, June E.O.B.A. "if wc arec b in- Kramcr 291, Kay Powell 278, crease ur ries, everyone Larry Pearce 267 Ron Good M6, lBon Haogkamp 263, Ruth Coffins, Mr. John Davis, Mrs. Couch 251, George Zwler 245, Annie De Bruin, Mr. Jacob De Tracy Embley 238, Stan Pow- Jang, Mr. Clarence Hale, Mr. cli 228, Jean Hoimes 222, Bill Lloyd Henry, Miss Sandra Call 220, Ruth Bonathan 218, Jessup, Mr. Frank Miller, Mms. MYrtle Pearce 215, Albert Maureen Powell, Mr. WMflam Pearce 214, Mazel M. Muni-o Reitoma, Mr. Ai-chie Storrey. 208, Marilyn Couch 205, Gord Mr-. Henry Tebble and Mrs. Dancey 2W, Laura Hazelden Elsie Wallon. -2n3,Wallace Couch 202. ite Canadiasn Sta, Eowmmmvle, Did You Ever Wonlde W»Y Dominion Sels Om't bé mislad bv ti M admqnI hra e "s conorny bed;» ,-budget ba f e nfd wsagsrn h ," baby basf," me.è OffIc* L.. tAku ; t »M mmcfv a,âpMI Th. only officiel gradesof b@s ar,«#t@b#osId by th@ aes 09n OntofAgricuture, ara e no<da, RED Brend, BLUE Brand, STANDARD Brand and COMMERCIAL Brand.ai DOMINION bff l Y lb Pick of RED .and CUE ha.vd bef L ST UI fmYoung s«»m, that hW@a be.fi IndFMualty graded by pomsm. MMgredwa ,end Inop$CWadby th* HHsah of Aumaî. BranchWIIIIEI thet la.énalattener, juicY and ful cdfIflvour. And you psy SFLORIDA GROWN TENDER j ýG R E EN BEAN S25 seMexican Grown Tasty Cherry California Garden Freuh Green Top :Â TOM ATOE S Box2 5c CARROTS2bncs.35c" Ion Deep Cut Features Buy Dominion's Own Brands I nda Cioverleaf Solid - 7-o.. Tins SAVE Oc Country Girl - 24-os. Size BAVE 400 na.WHITE TUNA 2 for 89c APPLE PIES. 3for9îac the Instant or - 3-lb. Box SAVE 6o Rlchmneilo - Pkg. of 12'sBAVE te' era- QUI(K QUAKER OATS 49c SCONE ROLLS 27c: dare Kut Kist Stdad- 14-oz. Tin COMPARE Domino Faney Frozen Ruttered- 20-ou. Pkg. BAVE lie ion CEM STYLE CORNK 11cCORN KRNEILS 9ci and ono Habitant Vegetabie or - 28-oz. Tins SAVE Se Pre-Ground - 1-lb. Pkt.COP E « mPEA SOUP 3 for 69c RICHMELLO COFFEE. 79c~ ýn- Lynn Valley Standard 14-o.. Tins Domino Soda Water or - 30-o.. Bottles COMPAREl let RavePeadies or BartlttPêars 5for$l GINGER ALE:Plus Deposit 8 for 99c 1 ,ee Aln hie-48-oz. TinsSV 7 Domino Biue-41bBo COMPABE l APPLE JUICE 3 for $1000 Powdered Detergent s.9 ?St-k- noîce Imported Yo n Lamb. ýi- MEATY WHOLE OR HALF ,ij*LAM B, L EG"4 i- TENDER TASTY a M rIB LAMB CHOPS 49? de THREE MEAL VARIETY (ROAST - CHOPS - STEW) ~LAM B IN A BASKET 232 FRESH WHOLE OR HALF ie ;smL EG QFPORKoy a- Maple Leaf Brand Pure Pork Skiliess MpeLs ru SAUAGE SHOP WTCONFID!NCEI wlNR SEVAPLSLAF ABE REDY OOK MAT 5 ome 591arbmenti-lb Pkg SMARARIN&CE o9C Hea Lth Bauy id Super Stu & BAVE 2 2 4, MohI archet11.P 7,oeaih*&Eeaty AVE î M AN RAR I.or Ail Merchandi"e-- -Guarante.d.T..G-v- 100 a- ifcto KigS.adSimpson Avenue 'i4hwy . , a* i-.Di

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