Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1967, p. 13

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B. H.eS. NEWS Tlya'IlHot-Nite is the popular dernand wua piaye r.IOfbOI.TIteever t be again. See yau at Hoot-Nite d "atItSeHt la 1967 thc fellows. itert of Canada's second cen- There was lots of action in tauy, B.HS. thought it fitting ioys' baïketball this week. On t PrOduC a Lant Centenniai Wedneday the l8th, the RotNt .3 year under juios ndbataiswere the tudent leadership of AI- lhosts tePickering. The seniors ue'erekes the 1sh0Ww wi did flot play as Pickering does dup of individuai acta, fnot have a senior team. The elong plays. Acta are atm pndof lybu g nandHo-it lsoon found themselves bcbind h great show in store for1 under the tierce attack by CflCC.:Pickering. Hard times pre- Gultars seem ta be top on!vailcd with the bantamas the list as far as entertain-,finaiiy losing. The juniors, melit goea. The guitar club playing next, had much better formied last term bas gatten iuck. Tbey soon built up a together again in the bopesj lead and went on te win their qi putting on an acoustic second in a row. gultar display. Again, on the Monday the 23rd marked the guitrs, amal prfessonalstart af the Senior Boys' Intra- group that has been hiding out mural Basketball League witb at the school bas alsa agreed team No. 1paigtetah to play. The members ai the ers. i pieareigxhteach a- group are M. Oke, L. VanDriel toehereandaetixntromseas and R. Allun, guiarists; S. toetehrdand fat pisews Living, drummer, and L. Con-tabbrdndasasiwa nors, singer. Incidentally, if in voileyball. Tbe Junior you were lucky enaugh ta be League started on Tuesday. wandering around the school During the second period on peut the music rooni after 5 Friday an event bappened o'ciock, you could bave heard wbicb only a Iucky few knew thia group. The graup as- about. Severai English class- mmrbled in the music raom es gathered in the iibrary and naturally an audience wherc a few select members gathered around them. I'm ai 12B put on a scene from sure that everybady's favorite Hamiet. Tbe play was very was "Wipeout" wbich by interesting and very wel done, even tbe teachers were surprised since it was ail donc OBITUARY in one weck. The Pc crer werc Jill Nichais, the best RECTOR WILFRED FALMERt bawler in the world; Larry Andersan, B.H.S.'s mcmory Following a prolonged sick- bank; Mary Joe B ur ke, ness. tbc death occurred Jan.1jscreaming pain and ail, and 14,> 1967, at the Oshawa Gen- Rick Dolan who hasn't got a eral Hospital, of Hector Wii- ghast ai a chance in theatre. fred Palmer, 310 Chestnut- The biggcst dance in Bow- Street East, Whîtby. He was avleshtoywlb ed in hi 61s yea. 1an January 27 in the audi- Born at Port Hope, Mr. i torium. The Last Words, yes, ]Palmer was a son ai Hughi that's right, the Last Words and the late Edith Palmer. wiii be providing the enter- He was married April 3, 1925, tainment. The dance starts at in Xlng Street United Church,I 8:00 and ends at 11:30, so that Oshawa. means there wiil be tbree and A resident ai Whitby for a bal! bours ai fun. Be sure th1e last 30 years, the deceased not ta miss it, yau'll be sorry. had prevîously lived in Brock- Albert Kerekes and ville, Cornwall, Oshawa, and Barry Krawchuk. Dunbarton. An auto mechanic by trade, hie was an adberent! Mr. Palmer is survived by H c e oh r b is wife. the farmer Giadys Helen Kinton; a daughtcr, Paning D a Mrs. R. Pascoe (Betty-Marie), and twa sons, William How-run ng D a ard and Robert Hugh, al aiofl Whitby.To Kalse rfuS Alsa surviving are bis fa- 111r; tbree sisters, Mrs. Eve- Hockey Mthers met at the lyn .Barrett ai Peterborough, Lions Centre with eight mem- Mr$. J. Watters (Ann) ai Tor- bers present for a special onta, and Mrs. H. Symonsi meeting. Pres. Anna thanked (Babe) af Weicome; twa bro-1 everyone wha helped make- thers, Thomas and Harvie aur November bake sale a (Hap), bath of* Bowmanviile, success. We had a discussion âand seven grandchiidren. on aur Hockey Mothers draw. Hewspeeesdb Convenors will be Bannie lpauHerwa rcdeF.csed by aCawle and Rita Junkin. Ah Vi- dauher, Mrs. F. ortneow-mothers are asked ta heip seli Bti (Hle)andaboter aw ur tickets, for in tbe past it Mr ard.has helped us ta buy a Hockey din The funeral service was Crest for cvery boy playing fan hcld at the W. C. Town Fun- in Minor Hockey. It was mav- I eral Chapel, Wbitby, at 3:3OIed by Mary Cawker and Mr. p.m., Jan. l7th. Interment Marion Henning that we have Mn was In Mount Lawn Cemetery.1 money for aur prizes, which Mr. Rev. John Smith, mînister of will be three prizes ai $25.00 fer] St. Mark's Churcb, conducted each. Hockey Mothers will 1esevc.seli badges and banners coe The palîbearers were Rich- Young Canada Night. Pres. ard Maudsley, Sandy McPher- Anna will cali a work meet- P son, Neil Spencer, Duncan B. ing if more are ta be made. McInbyre, Roland Kinton and Bantam socks were darned spe, "'Bud" Heard. durnig the meeting. last To keep Pace wibh the growing deniand for goods and services, Inany Canadian businesses have en- larged or up-dated bheir faciliiies with bhe aid afi DB boans. If you are thinking about modernizing or ex- pandmng your business, or starting a new enterprise, and need financial assistance, perhaps an lDB loan can help you. MRINDUS TRIAL D EVELO6PMENT BANK TERM RINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES TORON TO, ONT.: 250 UJnversity Avenue - Telephone: 3681145 AERO® BRA FERTILIZER ARE YOU READY FOR Now is the tirne to plan your fertilizer and ec We can CUSTOM BLEND fertiizer te, suit your Available either ini handy 50 lb. bags or as di We specialize in Bulk Spreading and Early delivery prices and cash discounts a SCorne in and talk, over your soil and crop requi J - fertiliser -herbicides - aler twine CERESDALE FERTILII 987.411 NWCASTLE, ONT. (R) T. M.Rg' Sjýene, from 'Dod-or, in the Houilse>% Standing, lef b to right, Marj orie Cou ch, John Amesbury, Ingeborg :Rietmuller -arrole Orme, Mary Kerr; kneeling, Ken Dennis, Lloyd Johnston, David McKin- ly; corpse, Ray Gray. Play Director Wynne Wonnacott ENFIELD Mrs. Peggy McMahan, Mrs. vian Hetheringtan, Mr. Paul erwick, Mr. John Kelly and r. Perry Wbitehcd were iner guests af tbe F. Samis inily. Mrs. R. Griffin, Mr. and rs. Fred Samis, Mr. and rs. Fred Griffin visited at r. Vincent Redding's, Pcf- iaw. MIr. and Mrs. 'Wallace Pas- >e visitcd Mr. and. Mrs. J. H. ascac, Taunton. M~r. and, Mrs. A. A. Emmetb )nt a few days in Montreal st wcck. M'r. L. Bisscbop, Courtice, On the final page of last act we have anof.her nursi week's Statesman, the Bow- Mary Kerr. This sounds harn inanville Drama Workshop less enough, but wait until yc advertised "Doctor in the see it; she gets themn into th House" with a sketch of the tightest spot of ail. true-blue noble man himself.. Wynne Wonnacott is direci Don't let that picture keep you ing the play. Her first appeai away from the play next week. ance with the B.D.W. was i: The doctor had his picture "The Hungerers." Then slh taken for the ad just iast week, played "Beer" in "George an but in the play he reminisces Margaret." She aiso starred i: about the times during bis "The Sandbax" and "Th~ student days when he was' Curious Savage." Her moç very definitely off-duty. recent raie was that of Mis There are three student Meacham in "Separate Tables. doctors, played by Lloyd John- She has directed twn one-ne ston, David McKinley and Ken plays, "The Invisible Worm Dennis. Their cook, seamstress, and "A Resounding Tinkle, disciplinarian etc. is played by which won the best play awari Ingeborg Rietmuller. Theré is in the 1964 Peterborough Fes also a hospital porter, Ray Gray tivai. and a nurse, Carroie Orme. The Please see this week's dis situations that these six man-1 play ad -on page six for furthe age to get into are beyondiparticulars about "Doctor ii your imagination. Then, o! the House." To thase whi course, there is the Matron, wonder whether or not thi Marjorie Caucb, and the chief 1play is aduit entertainment, thi surgeon, John Amesbury, both worksbop suggests they borrov tryîng, in vain, to inject a note a copy from themn and reac of sanity. And then in the lastlit. Over 60 Sr. Citizens Attend Jan. Meeting The January meeting of the' Mr. R. Gilbert, Presideni Bowmanviiie Senior Citizenis of Senior Citizens, conducted was beld on Tuesday, January a short business meeting. 10 at the Lions Centre. Cards games were then en. Mrs. R. McIntyre welcomed joyed in the auditorium. ail present. The meeting The meeting closed witha opened with God Save the delicious lunch served by Queen. Club 15 members. TYROM Congratulations and best were guests of Mr. and Mrs. wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Luther Ace Abbott, Oshawa, on Sun- Hooper who will celebrate day. their 60th Wedding Anniver- r n r.EmrFrel sary on Monday, January ' Mr. and Mrs. Jaklme Far- at te hme f teirdauhteonto, were Sunday callers o: and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. Miller. ,Arthur Richards. viOL LVU at . Le..Csie ut, rane's. World Day o! Prayer ser-1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Perry Mr.andMrs Eler eevice wîll be held in Tyrone and cbiidrcn, Part Pcrry, Mn. fandmiyertanled re United Cburch at 2 o'clock, were Sunday guests af Mr. andMr. on e' ad eith Feb. loth. and Mrs. K. Hardy. on the occasion af their fit th Mrs. J. W. Herod, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mur- wedding anniversary. Aiso Mrs. G. Bradley, Caliander, pyNewcastle, were Satur- present .were Mr. and Mrs Mrs. John Griffîn and Miss day evening guests ai Mr. and Wilfrid Fowler and Judy Laura Griffin, Oshawa, caiied Mrs. W. Park. On Sunday Mr. Anne, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. last Friday cvcning on Mr. and Mrs. J. Piggott and fam- Bill White, Lawrence and and Mrs. Walter Rahm iy were dinner gucsts af the Lorraine, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Cook IW. Park family. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tay- visited bis mother, Mrs. j. C i Mr. Arthur Smith, Colum. lor and iamily visitcd with Cook Sr., at Peel Memorial bus, caiicd on Mrs. R. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Roland Tbamp- Hospital, Brampton,. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hills son, Hampton, aiso visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shawi hast week. Mr. Ray Tayior's, Oshawa, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ail- and Mr. Keitb Taylor's, Jan- Byam, Mrs. Annie Rivers dread and Maxine, Mr. and etviiie. werc Saturday evcning din- Mrs. G. Alldrcad and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Beatan, ner guests o! Mr. and Mrs. E. Harvey Strong wcre supper Heather and Andy, Oshawa, A. Virtue. guests af Mi%. and Mrs. Cccil visited at G. Bowman's. Little Debbie Roy spent a, Alldread, Bowmanviiic. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pres- icw days with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Holdstock, cott had dinner iast wcek Peter de Jong and îamily.j Bowmanville, were supper witb Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Newcastle, while ber motber, guests af Mrs. Annie Rivers. Smith, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Roy bad ber tonsîls Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rabm Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reid and rcmoved in Bowmanvile Me- wcre Sunday aternoon and iamily of Trenton wcrc visi- mariai Hospital. Glad ta evening guests ai Mr. and tors at Mr. Herb. Owcn's. know h is now at borne re-MsGere ah, ren Mr n r.ReCwigcuperating. bank. Mr. nd Mrs. Rae Cowling1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Van' On Tuesday evening, Jan. vistedMrs R.Grifin IDusen and Kevin, Oshawa,! l7th, two car loads af people Mr .and Mrs. Walter Brid- Mr. Barry Crain, Hampton, i made a visit ta McLaughlin's gctt and Lanny, Bowmanvile, were Saturday evening vîsi-ý Public Library in Oshawa. visited at Mr. Gardon Tayior's. tors, and weckend visitors of1 The guided tour took us Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samîs,lMr. and Mrs. Carl Clark were through many beautîful rooms Stuart and Albert, werc guests Mr. and Mrs. Eugcne Kra mprilinclud ing the R. S. McLaugh- ai Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Aber- and iamiiy, Part Coiborne. 1 lin Collection and Reading nethy, Manilla.. M r. and Mrs. C. Staîker:Roorn. The mnusic room fea- Mr. and Mirs. W. C. Parsons,! and children, Bowmaîiville,ý tures a display ai antique Bowmanviile, were dinnerlwerc Monday supper guests music boxes, some in workirîg guests af Mr. and Mrs. Morley aio Mr. and Mrs. A. McQuinn. order which we heard. Here Gilroy hast week. Mr.and Mrs. Bob Wood,! also are earphone, individuai Mr. and Mrs. Lea Baliski Oshawa, reccntly visited Mr.1iistening facilities and a lis- and iamily visited Mr. and and Mrs. Roy Maynard. j tening baoth. W w e n t Mrs. N. Pihich, Toronto. Club 49 is quilting at the[througb the film library, the Mr. Ed Pugh bas returned home ai Mrs. R. Scot. aduits' iibrary, thbchcildrcn's irom a visit with bis son, There were 10 tables fori library, reicrence raam, and cards an Friday evening. Win-1 youths' raom wherc students ners were Mrs. R. Cameron,j do homework. The work Mrs. W. Vivian, Mr. Jackl rooms and mctbads and equip- Falkner, Mrs. F. L. Byam and ment such as a Xerox ma- Mrs. J. C. Cook. ,chine proved just as fascinat-1 hIN D ton, Miss Lynne Staînton at- lion, the Baakmobile wbich tended a iamlly gathering at serves the Oshawa communi- 1 the home af Mr. and Mrs. Erie ty, the storage af aid, aid *S Stainton, Bowmanvilie, on ncwspapers and bbc Theatre Sunday evcning. where a painting exhibil pre- Mr. and Mrs. George Shaw, sently brings bbc walls ta lufe. ,SPRING? Oshawa,~ were guests on Sun-j Wc icarned that the cost af day o r and Ms E. A.! cataloguing, labefling,, etc. af Virbue. 'each book before il is put on op needs for 1967. Mr. and Mrs. E. Prscott I the sheli is about four dol- soil and crop needs.1 lars.. Our guide was very ýollar saving bulk. Ross Pugb aI bbe R.C.A.F.1 graciaus and patient and thor- Station, North Bay. a ugb with bis explanations., Service. The U.C.W. behd their Jan-! The group had lunch at tbc are available. uary meeting in the cburcb; home o! Mrs. G. Yeo, Hamp- basement with a gond attend- -tan. Thanks ta Uic driverzj irernents for 1967. ance. Mrs. Tom Beckim and and ta Mrs. A. Knowlton who 1 Mrs. Herb Owens conducted arranged th1e viai. Uic devolional. Mrs. Rod Simpson intraduced the new study book deailng wlth Uhi s growth af Uic United Churcb etCash Tsuy ~~E R~~ Ltd. Caadauandconducted :a rG Apiie tiand Canadian Hlstory. tlirough Milr. Walter Mitlier ai Osh- 623.7150awa is ably filling aur pulpit S T AT E SMA N until aur pastor th1e Bey. M. C LA 9 1 1ED a A. Dotuqherty is able ta take 11mw 12s3331 I 4 a,. y Stock OP vw SIMo agood old.fsaad ngc mings Domiios axcmigJaurySl...1.ane values beow end plan to mm.yatw fanml h kind of noudahlngusaIs tdm go wilh the cold weathor wesm DOW*"'es Dmhseludlaig te.u ha euM on iclt I niake Wthe MMamoat maving am dm tavalues edvuuised hem... hwy to Donila fornmany more »alà valesi l;s apu iet grst* ock n P... an especiufly pon lima IwoOn Youfood biR, , initou cing b"cc ruse of thej Meat >SED GRADE "A", 5 TO 'r [ETTES5 BEEF UTCH LOAF LOAF SE LOAF ml CONFIDENCEI ft p- ftud 'archment garine ,. 99c 6-OZ. PKG. 491c 215 Presswood's or Lucas Rindlesit Breakfast BACON 1-lb. Pkg. J . C- White Granulated S U GA-R, 5-lb. Bag 3.5 c i vw,,,,iy oec e,SHANTZ or TOPSY BRANDS PRE-DRES! T UKE inHICKEN LOAF - id- AT - PICKLE & PIENT GSGTAE Mr Plus DNEpoi FLRAARONISEDLES HEE PresDoo s Owna Brand sa FritCokti 4 for $ D omino -Sod. a Wr o osAInVP I CHEEE SREA19i iitop Back 9 9kg.ai100. A GLRD REEN SBES 4IT eRAGSRNPE 35 MeRicalo. 1-oGrLaesViSAVEipe DRaiin Bread Ir45d r Doioerin e - e ins SAVE 12 FOruit CoNtiPTIfos1 Secret 8-0Supe r ry SzSzAVE 1S SEET EODRANT271 Hilt-oz ieBe- k.o 10sSAVE 18 ! iHe&-S6hlouldr s haSAVE10 ICE CREA WE RGALER9 Doin roenFnc Ct- -1.pkg En Th I RE EN 9 Kiteing StLarge Simp SoAE3 jO le c Deep Cut Features Ayimcer Fancy - 10-oz. Tins TOMATO SOUP SAVE 120 4 for 49c Aylmer Boston Brown - 14-oz. Tins SAVE 7a c Monarch Pouch Pack - 10 Varleties SAVE 17o ý CAKE MIXES 6for$1,0OO ýC Budget - 4 Roil Pkg SAVE 4o Me BATHRO-OM TISSUE 39c c Rite - 100 Ft. Roil SAVE te ýc WAX PAPER REFILLS 29C 3 Soit Rite 4 Colours - 2 Rol Pkgs. SAVE 9e c BATHROOM TISSUE 2 for, 49c Oc Bc ic ýc HQUSEHQLD NEEDS English Pottery - Ausorted Colours CUP & SAUCERS 29c Terry - 22 x 44 Size BATH TOWELS HAND TOWELS FACE CLOTHS $129 79c 39c, dise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfacetion Until Closing, Saturday, Jan. 28,1'67 ini Bowrnvllle f E THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. urs. and !ri. Nlghts 'til 9 P.me rnn. (igwayNo.2u!. flI 4 -'w, ~4gA 1 "ép bate Centennal eraWI ni~ dom 1 luce Feafures tUIT POLYJ BAG Canada No. 1 Grade Hot House iRHUBARB 29, I.iqýi m

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