Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1967, p. 9

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It1~ ~ r I F 1Tyke Hochet mInte tirst gamne played on Molnday, Jan. lSth, the In- dimna deféated. the Royals 3-0. The Indians goals were scor- Cd by Barry Shackelton withl tlée, whlle Deug Symnan and' DnChilds each coilected one Tnthe second game the lMmricans dcfeated the Hor- -hu4-1. The Americans were bJohn Conboy with two jaswhile Richard Harper and~ Gary Nemnisz collecte& one each. The assista went te Ràlph- Cryderman and Jocy Burns one each. In the third 'game the Bombers defeated the Blades 3-1. The Bombers goals were acored by Don Goyne one and Shant Byron with two goals and one assist. The Bladesl LC 0& was scored by Brian artin. Atoin League ln the tinst gaine the Rams deteated the Barons by a close 2 ta 1 score. The Rams goals were scored by Sandy Kemnp and Bob Strike, while Ron Strike and Bruce Syer each had onc assist. The Bar- ons goal was scored by Joe Bennett assistcd by John Wood. ilIn the second game the Bisons defeated the Giants 3-2. The Bisons goals were scored by Robbîc Brough with two, and Richard Howc with one goal and one assist, Tom f Pflanzcr cllcctcd two assists. *j The Giants goals wcre scored by Dennis Bamber with twa. Pee Wee Hockey In the game played on Fni- day, Jan. 2th, thc Rangers defeated the Bears 5-2. The. Rangers goals were sconed by Dale Cawle with two goalsý f and anc assist, while singles1 went ta Terry Baker, James Mann and Richard Nemisz, whlle the following each col- lected anc assist, Paul Hart,j Brian Cowan, Larry Little1 and Wayne Hicks. The Bears goals wertsesored by Roy Bon- burgh one gVal and two as- sista, and Ken King one goal. In the firat gie plûyéd en Saturdoy the Hawks defested 1the Leafs by 6-1. Thse Hawks goalweresçorCd by Richard Halwith two goals and one assist, Terry Rose wlth three goals, Steve Sylvester one goal, while the assista went 0te Don Bradley with two, - Steve Rowe one, Brian Tighe lon., and Bermie Pftanzer one.. The Leafs goal was scoréd by Dave Preston asslsted by Ken Ferris. In thé second game thé Atom Ail Stars defeated thé Bruina 3-2. The Stars goals ,wcré scored by Don Spicher, Gra.nt Luxton and Bill Lea- man, while Pèarce Wilcox picked up ofle assist and Rory Gibbs two assista. Thé Bruins goals werc scored by Max Johnson And Larry Brunt while Robert Turnéy plcked up ofle assist. In thé final Pée Wee gaine the Aces swamped the Wings 9-4. Thé Aces goals were scored by Erie Martin three goals and ane assist, Peter Nowlan two goals, Buteh $e- phens one, Bob Luxton one goal and anc assist, Byron Holmes anc goal, Steve Bul- lctt anc goal, while assists wcnt ta John Johnson two, Paul Martin one, Phil Harnes one, Doug Vivian two, Day. Oudshoorn anc. Thé Wings gaswere scored by Doug na'àgg two goals, Bryan Hel- lain anc goal and one assist, Fred Ryan anc goal and one assist, Grant Martin three assista. Bantain Hockey In thé fiit gaine thé Hus- kies défeated thé Flyers 7-3. Thé Huskies goals w@re scor- cd by Rick Morrison two goals, Bill Euwes two goals and anc assiat, Kén Roe three goals; thé assista went SPORTOPICS APPRECIATION This week, Bud Fanning is paying his tribut. to the coaches, managers and other officiais of the miner league hockey organization ln town who each week make à great contribution ta the community. They are on the job, looking after the youngsters bath on and off the ice and deserve a real vote of thanks. We also tip our hats to themn for their unselfish efforts. Without them there could b. no hockey teams. Decreat ion cRevewsi M#11h Triple - H. Michelson Bvue ag r Gitss _____ 758; loy, Single-A. Sharp 86; Rm Low Triple-A. Sharp 415, K. Ernie Perfect was high man Bamrons ________ 1 Shickléton 415. for the night with a nice 322Baos__________1 Avorages Ovér 180 single and 806 triple. Averages - 200 and Over PEE WEE LEKAGUE won GainsPtI. E. Perfect ____-258 Aces ___________8 Dave Reynolds- 9 226 D. ReynoI.is 250 -__________ H. McLaughlln- 9 221 M. Annaent _____ 244 Bi-uins 5________ Cee Mils ____ 9 219 B. Buday- 239 Atoms ___________1 J. Slemon____ 9 216 R. Maynand 225 Red Wings - 2 D. Woods ____ 9 215 K. Bickel-_____ 221 R. ULrd -___ 9 215 R. Hallman _____ 218 B. McDonald 8 211 F. Thomnson ____ 216 PEE WEE MINOR Won H. Michelson 9 209 D. Joli ______ 216 Rangers -6 B. Mills ____ 9 206l D. Wright 214 Bears --- ________6 D. Tennant ___ 9 205 G. Bebee 2 Hawks __________2 B. Dickey ____ 6 2o5 F. Hill .-- _____ 210 C..- Brunt____ 9 204 H. Ballantiné _____ 210 Leafs______1 B. Bothwell ___ 6 202 S. Bîckell ___ 208 A. Wctakc __ 9 201 Albert Saman-_ _ 207 BANTAM LEAGUE Won C. Russell 9 200 J. Houck _____201 Lions ___7 A. Martin -__ 9 199 R. Wright 201 D. Taylor 9 198EB. Brown---------------- 200 Flycrs 7___ K. McGili 9 197 Team Standing Huskies ________6 ~ Ray Davey ----- 9 196 CoIwell ---- -- ---- Braves _ _ _ __ _ _ 6 Dug Reynolds 9 195 Coole 4_______ 4 A. Wilson 9 194 Buday 4 ~ es ___ F. Beckett ___ 9 194 Joli _____ 4 Pirates 3 B. Konopacki---- 9 193 Wright- 3 Cubs ---- ._______2 R. Coombea 9 193 Bickel____--- 3 Panthers ____-1 Ralph Davey - 9 192 Annaert -3 T. Pleasancé ___ 9 192 Sutcliffe -____- 3 C. CArsweli 6 190' Dunn ----- - ____ 2 MIDGET LEAGUE Won Jim Coombés ___ 9 190 Buttonshaw-____ 2 Maroons ____8 F. Wotten __ 9 189 Patfield ___ 2 Generals _________6 J. Pleasance - - 9 188 Haynes -----1 D. Cryderman - 6 188 High Single-E. PerfÏect 22 atm _________ P. Wéstlakc 9 187 High Triple-E. Perfect 806 CanUcks ________-5 J. Moshe r -__ 9 187 High Average-E. Perfect 258 Cornets --- _________5 L. Wcarn-____ 9 185 -AUl bowlers bowling in the Mt Rayais4 L. Tennant 8 185 Bermuda Tournament wîî _________ John Coombes - 9 184 bowl an Sunday, January 29th Orpha1n-__________4 D. Ferguson ---- - 9 180 at 3 p.m. B.T.S. ____0 Featured in Ice..Fouieý Ride into the NewYear with that Sure.-feeling LITTLE N.H.L. YOUNG CANADA To bave second thoughts after a major purchasé la a very huani trait. Thé joy of owning a Chevrolét la the good, Meue, sure feeling that you made thé right décision. Thé feeling starts tise day you pick up your Chevrolét at your dealer's. It gleains and sparkles. That's becausé it bas the durable MagWc-Mirror finish. You'Il hé pleased ut the way it ridés. An iunproved suspension systéinm, ates Yen frein bumps and noise and t bas a nie, fim, secure feel on curves. YoUl1ke thé way it bandies Improved NIGHT uteoefng Jets you ftom wih up to 10 per cet Jlm eftt AM there are the ets. . . extr utproolngextra uoR- proofim ~extra fouicai(fourimer Cnes),etra a"d to déta iUke a bail béarng ash f ry tbat glides ins tes i arpe&.lI t M'Y Wonder ChevirJets bave a repeRdoin fer bedngIl i Worth mor wben y frade thm ln? Ites aul purt et ulmt Jmmpy Oenw a muu [ ftH tbat SWe Feeling THURS. JAN. I6th MEMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE FIRST GAME 6:00 P.M. Newcastle Girls vs. Bowmanville Girls Second Game - Novices Third Game - Pee Wees Fourth Game - Bantams Guest of Honor: BRITI SELBY Remçmber: "Don't send your boy, tako him to thé Arenua" ADMISSION. 75e - 50C - 25e Town of Bowmanville PREPAYMI 0F TAXI Pre,,avment cf 1987 Taxes will b. ne percent of 1966 Taxes. A discount of 4% will b. allowed on ln Januar. Paymenits made durngn ruary lst ta February 28th, 1967. la allowed a 3% discount. %.discount will b. allow.d after F.>, L. L. iYiOI Tcâx CoII.c Yvonne Anonichuk from Bowmanville is naw one of the famnous Ice Folli- ettes. Here she is costumed for another number in which she appears, "Vision in Blue" in the Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies of 1967 at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto Tuesday, January 3lst through Sunday, February 5th. ta Walter Wereszczynski one, Smith each had anc assist. Johnson, Bruce Simpson, Jim Laurie McDonald two, Brian In the third gaine the Cubs Noble, Dave Willoughby ane. Brown one and Tony Balson deféated thé Pirates by 3-2. Thé Mt. Rayais goal was by one. Thé Flyera goals were Thé Cubs goals wene scored Don McMullen, assisted by ucored by David Ormiston, by Gerry Snowden with two, Steve Morrison. whiie the assista went ta Mike Wood one, while Launié Pleasé note, thére will hé Bruce Walters anc and Philip Gay, Dan Robinson and Mau- no Atom Hockey on Thurs- Broomé one. inice McDonald each had anc day, January 26th, due ta lu héseondgae héassist. Thé Pirates goals wéré Young Canada Night at thé Bravés defeated thé Pee Wéc sconed by Lance Livingstone Mémnorial Aréna. AilStas 53.ThéBraesand Reg Bail, whilé Murray Thé Departmént of Recréa- oalswer scredby eanOrmiston and Paul McKnight tian wish ta také thispp- pa had anc assist each. tunity ta thank all thé volun- nost Stw aroals neancas In thé firial Bantam gamée teer coaches and thé referée- aon sit, Stv areryanc oalr théeiÀons shut out thé Pan- ing staff for thé excellent job sads aneass, DarylPoamer thers 3-0. Thé Lions goals which théy have done this onsc .al andgonal, av Pterndwenc scoréd hy Rick Shackél- séasan. They are: Keith Bob Spiche?- anc assiat. Thé ton, Steve Reynolds and Térry Shackéîton, Roy Stoneburg, Pée Wee goals were scored by Russel; thé assists wént ta Bnian Purdy, Duké Brunt, Guy Johnson with thnee, Barry McMahon, Allen Myers Bob Jackman, Pat Corneli, while Dan Catto and Don and Neil Robinson. Bun Wélsh, George Hannah, Mldget League Gord Wallace, Ralph Calé, ii 'In thé first game thé Ban- Doug Brough, Rau Shackel- tam Ail Stars swamped thé ton, Doug Fernis, Dave Trim- Maroons 11-5. Thé Stars goals blé, Dave Snowdén, Keith wére scoréd by Mike Doua- Smith, Ken Tabb, Doug Par- ghue two goals and two as- kér, Don Wilcox, John Fawl- sists, Kéith Mountjoy two er, Jan Oudshoorn, John goals and twa assists, Doug Westover, Larry Dévitt, Tom Parker two goals and two as- Wilson, John Milner, Dunc sists, Doug Crough two goals Uliéy, Justin Murray, Steve and two assists, Mark John- Morrison, Ron Carter, Siebié son one goal and one assist, Luchies, H a rv ey Webster, Tam Simpson two goals, Gary Harry Oyier, Jim Coyle Jr., Preston two assists, Larry Ai- Gene flalson, Terry Black, ý jb, ~lin anc assist, and Steve For- Barry Johnson, Keith Bal E N T sey anc assist. Thé. Maroons Carl Devitt, Ted Hutton, Jack goals were scored by Charlie Baker, Howard Corden, Larry Cattran anc goal and anc as- Perris, Bob McManus, Bruce sist, Ken Tamblyn two goals Smith, George Cawker, Fred u sand two assista, Harold Leach (Buck) Cowlé, Ray Martin, anc goal and two assists, Gary Ai Guérnséy, Tom Wilson, Bail ane goal, and Sandy Ken Summensford, Fred Shee- Brown one assiat. han, Mike Wood, Al Stnîke, In the secod aetéBob CalweU]. c.Ived up to 90 Cornets defeated the B.T.S. Staff: Bud Perfect, Térry 5-1. Thé Carnets goals vvere Baker, Vince Vanstane, Deug scored by Gary Baker with Pankin, Kim Rogers, Fred two goals, Gregg Condén two Brown, Jack Vandenberg, Jîm and Gary Wilson anc, whiée MacDonald, Guy Parka, Pat Tom Kinsman and Clair Syér Carneli, Ken Ruttan, Reg each collectd onue assist. Thé Willatts, Danny Nawlan, Gary payments made BT.S. goal was scored by A. Wilson, Frank Mohun, Joe Kelly assisted by McKay and1 Kennett. the p.rlod Fe]> Matthews. Thé Départinent would like In thé third gamé thé Gén- ta give a spécial thanks to erals deféatcd the Orphans Mn. Roy Néadsansd Mr. Den- sclusive will b. 7-1. Thé Gênerais goals wéré nie Densern and thé Arena scored by Dave Colwéll two Staff for théir ca-opération goals and anc assist, Don and bard work toward Minor Hutton anc goal, Larry Devitt Hockey. o ne goal and anc assist, Han- veY Wllilams one goal, Grave Rua Bennett two goals, Riék Wool- menry 2th, 1M6. nrtwo assitaand Brian R rl Bowlin phans goal was scored byl- Jan. 17, 1907 John MacDonald, assis ted by Pta. Pins John Hamsiton. Mapié Grove ____7 9801 In thé final gaine cf thé Solina ____ 7 9043 day thé Canucks defcatéd thé Enniskhllen Srs. a 9339 Mt. ROyals 5-1. Thé Canuekas Tyrone _____ 4 8928 torgals were led by Dave Hi C'a 4 8830 ShackeltOn two, Kim Rogers Salem ______ 4 8439 1967 CHEVROLET'S COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY... 0 24 months/24,OOO miles warrantyonomme.dreoar. 05 year5O,OOO miles warmwtosiepmwain. *5 yenr/50OOO0 miles »Mryo wkfo mrflwc m*e" ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITES BOWMANVMLLERCRATION DEPi MINOR HOCKEy SrANDING AS 0F SATIJIAY, JANUARY TYKE LEAGUEC Won Losti Americans ________4 0 Bombers_____ ___ 3 2 Blades _______ __ 3 2 Royals 2 2 Indians 1________ i 4 Horneta _______ 1 4 Tled Ti Tied 2 0 Tied 2 0 2 2 Tied 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 4 6 6 7 Lest 3 5 8 Lest 2 3 2 3 5 8 7 10 O" 14, à' 61 o I { ) f. 1* 4 eama~Iau Stat.sman, Eo*maavfllé, 3~an. 35, IN, 1 AJO51 A k

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