Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 13

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f 1fr. Mrend IMma.Robert GlanvMlhoCarletoe n d 30s a ry Zen * Il ~~~for awe1 venrNewYer'sBrough hel iOsw, at * I Miss. Isabel Robbins, Mn. which friends of bath the Don Gultard, Mr. and Mrs. bride and groom attended. The rono N ewSBru ce McArthur, JoAnn, Followmng the rehearsal the Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor M.adMs o ad n o h ro' aet r Th O o o 5~e s asialy.nBê aisaandMr.HaolzIbsn I Mad Mrs. Frank Clark,1 Wedding Annivensany. lMrs. Freeman Eddy and! Miss Mr oisn o ate Shiaand Steven of Logan, Mrs. Catherine Seal spentiM. James Bal are patients Bowmanville spent Dec. 30th US.A., have returned; New Year's with Mn. and MOs-in th emnil in ow sh TIM-e ften apending ten dayst Fred Barnes and family, O Bowmanville. Zio (H pe ownhip f Christmas and New! awa. Mn. and Mn.. Frank Whitel Mrs Keith Taylor af Bnamp- MrL. and Mrs. Chas. Baby ear's with Mrs. Clark's par-' New Yea's Day dinnenoa Trenton called on Mr. andi ton spent iast Thursday with maOtaned to Fenwick, Manday, ta, Mr. and Mn.. A. M.~et with Mrs. Hanry Bailey M-s Wm. Robinson on Sun- her mather, Mrs. M. Chatter- Dec. 26 ta attend the funeral ohimton, Mil Street No th. adMs yn alywr.day. iton. af Mrs. Baby'. uncie. MMr."Rbent rilM. and Mrs. R. P. Rickaby, Guests for New Year's din- Mn. nd Mrs. Rrdotrbert rls- Guests with Mns. Norman and son Rabbie, Division Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Webster, ner with Mr. and Mrs. Boy gen and son Billy are staying Gerow for the New Yean were Street, spent the New Year's Jan and Karen, af Bowman- Mercer, Park Street, were with Mr. Don Stephens and Mn. Don Mardan and sans, weekend with her parents,~ ville, Mr. and Mrs. Carl il- 1Mns. Cecil Holden, Mr. .T agtn, hl n t- r n n DnelMra Mn. and Mns. E. Kearns and! lings, Mn. Carl Kimmett, Mn.1 Hoiden, Mr. and Mn.. Don phens is in the Memonial Hos- and her aunt, Mr.. Russel af family at Coîborne. !and Mn.. Wayne Bailey. 1 Mercer and son Kevin af Ton- pital, Bowmanville. Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bowinsi Mm.. M. Birch, Mr. and Mrs.lI nta, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mr. and Mrs. Fnank S. Mr. and Mn.. Chas. Meneil- spent New Year's weekend Lavenne Pattensan, Mn. andjHaiden, Michael and Lesley Moore ai Tucson, Arizona, îey had New Year's dinner with her sisten, Mn.. Jae Mrs. Ken Bail, Bannie and ai Dawnsview, Miss Frances U.S.A., visited aven Christmas with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Baby. Agner t Hamlton.Susan, Mr. and Mn.. Jae Santo1 Kerai Oshawa, Mn. and Mn.. Hldy ihhrti itn Mn. and Mn.. M. Inwin have Congratulations ta Mn. andiand Margaret spent New David Mercer, Mrs. Mary Mis. Ray M. Dickson and Mn. neturned home fram Detroit Mn,. Vence Ailin, the former;Yea's Day with Mn. and Mn.. Luxon and her granddaughten Dickson. where they spent the New Jean Mercen, on thein 25th Len Pears, Lynda and Alan. Fern Zelland ai Kendal. Bannie, Michael and Venn Year. _____Mn. and Mns. Paul Snod- Hogg of Frasenville spentt a Mn. and Mrs. Eisworth Cas- 1 gras nd son ai fRoch- Mn. anf thein holiday. with well were happiiy surprised ta grass an son.Davd Mrs. Wm. Robinson. receive Christmas Gneetings ese,7Yreundhm Mrs. Bannie West retunned by telephone on Christmas Day lest week aiten spending th' home last week from the Me- tramn thein daughter Canal, New Yean's weekend with maniai Hospital, Bowmanvillc. who lives in Gypsum Ville, Mr.:and Mrs. Wm. Hoar and Mn. Grant Yeo ha. retunnedsiutd10mlsntha ~ Mn andMns.Jame E. id9ta the University at Sudbury Winnipeg. Mr n rs ae E i-aften spending bis hoiidays dicton, Mis. Bruce Tennant with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. and Mr. Edgar Middieton Bruce Yeo. ai visitcd thein uncle, Mn. Gea. Three months l Michael MORRISH Middleton, on hi. ioOth binth- George Cannegie ai Lindsay (Intended for last week) day Jan. 6th, 1967, et the ha. been staying with hi.s New Yean Wanship Service '4'Mercer Rest Home, Clanemont, grandipanents, Mr, and Mn.. was held in Monnish United' and neceived word that Mn. Ernest Bowen, whiie Mns. G.lChurch at 11:15 a.m., the Rev. Gea. Middleton had passed Carnegie was in the haspital. Ian Munna in change. There away on the following day. Dinnen guests an New Yean's was a veny small attendance. Saturday. Funenal was on Day af Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. s. There was no chair, we miss- Tuesday. Interment et Clare- Tamblyn were Mn. and Mrs. cd the usuel anthem, na child- mont Union Cemeteny. Bonden Knamp ai Kitchener, nen, 50 na childnen's stary. Mrs. George Jack and sons Mn. Tenny Graham ai King.- The theme ai the Rev. Ian George, Danny and Tommy, ton, Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Munra's sermon was Thenko- Miss Leisia af Mankham visit- Power, Mn. and Mrs. Carias giving - fiist, for the many ed Mn.. Jack's mothen, Mrs. C. Tamblyn, Miss Sharon Tamb- blessings given ta us during Seal, on Jan. 2nd. lyn. the past yean, and on this iinst Mn,. Albent Morton, Mrs. Unit 8 ai the U.C.W. held day ai anathen yean sincere W. A. Genry, Mn. and Mn.. thein meeting on Wednesday thanks ta God ion the chance Wm. Robinson wene New atennoon, Jan. llth, at the ta stant afnesh, neviewing aur Year's dinner guests on Jan.,home ai Mns. Eari Duvali Past mistakes and determina- 2nd ai Mn,. Cecil Robinson, Leskard, and seven Unit meet:Itian ta pnay for spiritual cour- L IE T E IFEA M DE LE DS Main Street South. o ings werc held on Tuesday, age ta avercome many faults LIE H LF A M DE EA SMr.n. W. CowanofOh Jan. 3nd. In the atron and strength t livea betten aaspent Wednesday ofiast Unit i et the home ai Mn,. Christian lufe. or look like you do. week with Mr n. Mn.. Chas. A. Fik, R.R. 2, New- The service closed with Brooks Cowan and calied on castle; Unit 2 and 3 held a hymn 307, "He Liveth Long The Vicki Jenkinson Modelling Agency shows you how ta be a Mn. and Mn.. Laurence Sher- joint meeting at the Main Who Liveth Well", and the prettier you. Leomn the exciting secrets of fomnous models from win and family and Mr. and Hall. In the evening, Unit 4 benediction. top Toronito instructors right here in Oshaowa - Walking, Mrs. Francis Cowan and dau- at the Main Hall; Unit 5 et Sunday Schaol was held es Posture, Make-up, Speech and Diction, Fashion, TV commer- ghtens. the home ai Mns. Orvilie usuel. Mn.. D. Haine,, super- ciels, and Photography. Mr. and Mn,. Borden Kramp Challice; Unit 6 at the home iiitendent, and ail teachens Whehe yu wnttabea gamou moelorjut lokk aio Kitchener were weekend of Mn.. Marvin Colvin; end wen pesntbu etedac Wheheryauwat t Sea lomrau mdelor us lok lke gucsts aven New Year's ai Mn. Unit 7 at the home ai Mns. wslw one, you'Il gain poise, self assrance and confidence. Get the and Mns. Carios Temblyn and Carl Billings. >asTherd ua Wdsociyl ec.n look - and the laoks - thot a Vicki Jenkinsori course gives iamily. Mn. and Mn.. Meivin Hart- wa h ero enean, the et Yeu. Dinner guests an Januany wig have neturned home fram 8h He aintee- 2nd wîth Mr. and Mrs. Carl attending the funerel ai ber tendance was law, the very New seif-improvemnent and mnodelWng classes are now fo mi iling s eeMadM, ahre iliels ek stonmy weether keeping meny for offernoons, evenings and Saturdoy. Rotes are reasonable sa Gea. Cale, Mn.. John Sherry, Showers for the bride-to-be,aay dont deloy. Cal! us today. Mn.JcrMs n. M. J. Osborne and Mrs. Miss Lois Sherry,MrJak is Lynda T yrreil,. previaus D. Haines ententeined for din- 72-011Archer ai Part Hope, Miss ta the wcdding, wene a kit- ner an Thursday Mn. and Mn.. 723-0311Audrey Billings, Mr. Bill Me- chen shawer in Toronto; pre- Harvey Osborne of Weicome Neul ai Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. sentation ai a gift et a lun- and Mn. Cecil William, af Alex Watson, Mrs. Neil Par- cheon in the Blue Flame Part Hope. I i (' ~te, Mrs. H. Beiiey, Miss Lynn Room at Consumer'. Gas Mn.. M. J. Osbone and VI K I J EN K INSO~N Bailey, Mn. Carl Kimrnett, Company; e linen showen giv- Mn.. Haines wene New Ya Mr. and Mn.. Wayne Bailey. en by Mr.. Manvin Lunn and guests for dinner wîth Mr. and tv4t4% > ~I~ AMn. and Mrs. Ras. Taylor Mrs. Douglas Powell et the Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Wel- ModeleiIg A-gency and chiidnen ai Scenbonough home ai Mn.. Lunn; e miscel- came. visited hi. father, Mn. Chas. laneous showen given by Mns. William McHalmn was Taylor, on Sunday. . friends ai the bride'. mothen dinner guest ai Mn. and Mn.. 73 tton lzOshawa. Dr. and Mn.. John Laveny, in the Uppen Christian Educa- Elmo Sîemran on New Year', Louise and Robent, ai Mon- tion Building ai Onano United Day. ui treal, formerly ai Toronto, Church and a Jack and Jili Mn. and Mn,. Hanny Beckett visited Mn.. Laveny's parents shower given by Mn,. CathY heid a famiiy gatherng far duiknen- and supper -of New Yean's Day. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW (ANADA'S PRIME MINISTERS? ONTPOO (Intended far lest week) I Due ta being ta the big city enjaying New Yea' festivi-' news for lest week. As T am IF IT'S Glen Rue i IT'S GOOD We Guarantee Our Products For Life PRESTON TRANSPORT D LTD. AGENT FOR ALLIED VAN UINES VAN MOVING AND STORAGE 623-2491 AUl Loads FuIIy Insured MATTRESS SALE Clearing as low asN $34-95 WHYTE BROS FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTERING 55 King E. 623-5252 JURY&LOVELL Prescription Chernists Ail your drug store needs CAMERAS N COSMETICS PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY 2 King E. 623-3361 *svig s a.* t uraym orningLI1 to attend my former brides- maid's wedding in Toronto, I will miss more news. In about 10 days I arn leaving for Clearwater, Florida (near Tam pa) for a few week's holiday. This trip was a must accarding ta my doctor but hope ta be back with you sometime in late February, ready ta canduct auctions and play my role as a good citizen. They say that the green benches along the Gulf -af Mexico are adorned by rich widows and spinsters. I arn hoping ta resist their charms. Editor's note: Keep us pasted an develapments and check those widows out carefuliy. They may be looking for rich husbands. Our second oldest citizen (middle nineties), Mn. *Lou Williamson is currentiy in Civie Hospital, Peterborough. We understand that he la res- ponding favorably ta treat- ment. I was pleased ta receive a Christmas card tram Mr. and Mrs. Percy Berry af Vancou- ver, B.C. The' Berry's were farmer citizens in this anea. They paid me a short visit iast summer. Mr. and Mns. Harry Van Wieringen,* Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Lethangue and Mr. and Mns. Tammy Badluk are spending a few weeks' holiday in Fiarida. We hear that the dance spansored by L.O.B.A. and L.O.L. on New Year's Eve was weil attended here. A similar Christmas Eve Dance was also a huge success. Manvers District L.O.L. and L.OL. 82, Pontypool, werel both heid in the Orange Hall on Wednesday evening and wene well attended. War. Bro. George Neais, District Master and his 1966 siate of officers were ail re-elected. The Elc- tion and Installation was con- ducted by Wor. Bra. E. Bruno, County Master, Wor. Bro. George Neals took charge of the Electian and Installation of officers for L.O.L. 82 with the following resuits: War. Master, Wor. Bro. Howard Brown; Deputy Master, Bro. Clifford Curtis; Chaplain, Wor. Bro. Delbert Bawlns; Secre- tary, Wor. Bra. R. John Pye Treasurer, War. Ena Loy Brown; Marshall, Wor. Bro. Bill Manison; Lecturers, Wor. Bras. M. Bradley and L. Clark; lst Com., Bro. Fred Grahamn; Trustees, Wor. Bro. Percy Beggs, Bras. J. Strong and Fred Graham. We extend aur sincere syro- pathy to Mns. Don McGregor and family. For over 10 years Don McGregor bas worked here for the Department af Highways. Deceased passed away suddenly from a heart i attacit causales Uta suinm. uowuieuvli», Jeu. 11, 1iU? vomi r-' I I ,SMIA.u,, Ie[miLD UM ~be m du6pkmq Md m d *Ual tp~oe~dE..d 'ps h dden'7 jsha aoahW b w la , * s5ew. e WIun. MW hum MbMWame w *Mww Domua m q u« se b. w spsam W adUuo* . I bu pta» Sudtffl.du ha. i.staha#0 m ono sa sép- la . ai t imeauwh 4à ntc w~pU OOoaàiI.11 PIN&&u aimi z, It ps MainlyBecause of the Meut FRESH WHOLE OR HAL PORK SHOULDER ROASI 4, FULL CUT PORK Bull ROASI IMPORTED YOUNG LAMB RIB LAMB, CHOPS THREE MEAL VARIETY - ROAST - CHOPS - STE LAMB, IN,&A BASKET ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO WIENERS 1 lb. pkg. Economical BEEF STEAKETTES IL. 59c *SUOP Wfl CONFIDENI Money Saving Features 51 Pwesswood's CompauesDrand R BREAKFAST BAC 11-.2 Fresh Produce Features. 27a Off Powdered - King Size Pkg. SAVE 170 Florida Grown Temple - Size 125 Tide Detergent $1,39 OR A N GES 3 doz l Lynn Valley Standard 14-oz. Tins SAVE 16o lrd ronTne Green Peas 8 for $1.00 FodaGwnTde Del Mante Slicecl on Halves 19-oz. Tins SAVE 5a GREEN BEANS LY Fancy Peaches 3 for $1000. Grown In Mexico - Cherry Hein. In Tomato Sauce SAVE 4o ~ R ~ P Heaplug wt hee- 14-oz. Tins *UU MU' Pint SPAGHETTI 3 for 55c II U hh o Libby's Deep Bnowned 14-oz. Tins SAVE Se Bea ns with Pork 4 for 89C Health and Beauty Features 4 Colouns - 2 Rail Pkg. SAVE 60 Moderne - Save 12e T!.... 2 aBoe SCOTT TOWELS 49c Faicial TissuesLarge Monarch In Panchment - 1-lb. Pkg. SAVE 4c MARGARINE 29c Brylcreem Sve 20c -z Hai r Dressing Tube ALL ADVER1TISE ITE1'lMS IN OSHAWA TIMES and TORONTO DAILY PAPERS ON SALE IN BOWMANVILLE johnson's - Sae 14e Baby Powder Save On Dominion's Domina Fancy - 19-oz. Tins SAVE Se TOMATO JUICE 6 for $1.00 Cinnamon - Pkgs. af 12's Country Girl - 20-oz. Size APPLE PIE SAVE 90 2 for 49c SAVE 40ô 3 for 95c Size 59c, Own Brands Dominion's Fresh ORANGE JUICE Fresh Gronnd Richmello COFFE E BEAN 32-62. fottie 39c. 194-osi. Bottie75 1-1b. Pkg. 2.lb. Pkt. CAR NAT ION Evaporated MIL~2Tins 31( An Mercdse la Guarante.d Te Givo'M1W Stisfaction, Values Effective Until Cloulngy, Uat, J85 14, 1H?, la B.wmaavWi Wl RESERVE TRE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIIS. Op.n Thurs. ad Fri. Nights 'tI *9pr w .1 I IF For the Best ln Dining endi Entertainment THE A FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Hwy. 401 623-3373 AQUARIUM SPECIAL Reg. $58.25 Now $49-50 SHOE REPAIR AND PET SHOP 80 King St. W. m $10.00 WINNER WEEKLY Just read through each advertisement, find the letters and put them together te farm the name of a Prime Minlater. You could win a $10 merchandise voucher frein any ane of the particlpating merchants. Entries should be postmarked no later than Sunday midnlght and mailed to The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. * SHELF ANDS 9DID HEAVY HARDWARE S cREO * ROOFING E * FLOORINGDE Hardware * POWER TOOLS 95E King W. 623-5211 55c 59ci COMPARE' 79e:ý King St. and -Sipso Avn 7-77,1(li

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