SSPORTopgics By Frank Mohtin 623-7234 THANKS AGAIN WreI, another year has gone by. although it hardiv seemns possible. and it is our pleasant dtt'v la attempita tohank many of the people wbo have belped us over the past season.. Without their wonclerftil assistance. the Statesman's sports: pages wouldnt be possible. Last time around we forgot one, o! aur top reporters. but we're going to have another trY. hoping flot Io miss anivone. Liberty St. N. Man Wins Kin Investment Draw- uo~ ~CJ Wli[il~ r qtit Soe tme.flot---------------. . ~ ~ . - ~Mr. Bert Bowers and friend; son, c., ri covering the Junior hockey and softball leagues, but ' ~~Cnsmswthbrpen, aiso always willing. whenever possible. to give us an.v addi- " Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weldon, tianal assistance. 0f course we can't torget AI 'Gnose' Osborne. AI, who il!~ ~Crsmshlia iios took over the managerial reigns ai Liberty Bowlibtis year, ý with Mr. ýand Mrs. Alan Wil- bas been writing about bowling since long before we were ý.. ~ ,.t son were Mrs. S. McQuade,1 even associated with the Statesman. Mrs. aveWisnNsteoM Peter StareY is another who ies a tremnendous amount' Scarborough, Mrs. Sid Lock<ý a! work in keeping the varions scores coming oir way. We're!' yer, Brookl, Miss Dorotbvi, glad tolspe Peter back on the scene again. after his tentirel i.t .i oar,.idaM and in hospital. o David (;oheen does a fine job of covering Bow.maniIleý e lin, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken! Hgh School sports. with Bill Cole, Harold Bennett, John . Pew and familv. Windham Stainton, Ted Fairev'. Terry Black, Bud Fanning and "Jake"' ete Brown also deserving a big thank voi. We would also like ta express ou appreciatiouu la Les. liains and family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Douig. Fa Iis and' Smale, Charbie Bickle, Ra *v Hart. Jim Shaw, Fred Whalley,~ family, Bownianvjlle. and Mr. Jim Bishop, Fred ReiIly (now wouking in Bermuda). Joe. and Mlýrs. Arnold Williams and Kennett, Btid Perfect. Howard Corden. 'Ferry Kelly, JohnI famil - , Nestleton, enjoyed aý Fowler, Bert Perfect. Jack Baker, Jim Crombie. Bob Ifurd, Christmas Day familv partv, Ted O'Connor. Jack Gatecliff, Don Masters, Don Gilhooly, Mrs. Clarke piarns. an Stan. Obodiac, Elmer Ferguson. L.ucien Desrochers, "Gene" Wriad lli Gants. om Dopp. Harry Oyler, Dr. Keith Siemon, Marg Stanlick, AI Mo er. aind Mrs. r aTomil- Skalfe, Harry ClaY. .im Frank, Arnold Etcher. Angel Sancbez1 Christmnas Eve. Those presenti m d Pa l An rus.w ere M r. and M rs. N eil Ba lev , There are othler reporters who send their stories directly ýMrs. Neil Werry, Carol andl to the office. We dont knw YOir lilamtes, buit believe me we 1 Larry, Blackstock. On Sun-, C( <ertainly are thankfui for YOLur efforts. Now -- if we missed'l day the Tbompsons spent the b thakin ayon t asquute nitenianl a b sue. Shortly before Christmas, Bowmanvi]le Kins Boqwmanville. Others in the photo from left to right, Mrs. James Naylor and Mr.! or This reporter oly hopes that we have been able ta provide I men Club held the final draw in their current m Mlurrav Cain, who sold the winning ticket, Dune Uley Robt. Johnstn. Peffer]aw,! ' an interesting 'oluumin ta go along with the sparts stories. ilnvestment Draw Series. The winner was Bill who was chairman of the draw and Kin President and Mr. and Mus. Russel F'ran- a '1 i t t cis, Beaverton. or ATTENTION FIIGH SCHOOLS Williams, second frorn right. of_ Liberty St. North) Ralph Whyte at far' right. .M.adMs omnMis r T H cke ot er wo tc anjd family attended the fifti- a ue.ecentlv received a letter tram .Jahn Barlow, topiowfl League H ckytank over. Colliins and tthwdinnivray if lineman of the Hamilton Ti-Cats who challenges the area bcin h cusheu parents. Mu. and Mus.! s itied for second an the Walter Keinp, Sundridge, on,' Shi high schools ta a gaine. No it isnt football, thank goodness.f'4f1f Y ? Istrength of 2-1 victanies overi Christmas DaY. o Several af the Ti-Cats have formed a basketball team; Tennant and Buttonshaw re- Mr'. and Mrs. Eh iVairs wer'e dei Jon staten islet t Tis inausgruo!o vehe rISY sed i i Dw n M cu i S ctively. Jl et Bkrholiday guests with their dau-; reg Joh sats n isIete, Ths hlaios rop f vesiedDanis Joli's 716 total tock ghter and Son-in-law, Mr. and! Reî beef and muscle bas beeil organized tar puovide high schools:l 1.t re i high triple boîîours, folJowed Mrs. Bud Virtue and -famil.v,j InOa ri, cho ihpaojethdorfhauity. I¶O S 0ffoS a S r J'by Marilyn Cale 649, June Bowmanville.1 th b..Èaie sIn Onar o jith a rmehdoraisinfnd fu w Rth LJ f '<J C r st lBaker and Cecile Bowersbath Mu. Mar-vin) Nesbitt was a ' Our opponients couid be the regular high schoocl team, with 6.17, Edith Mitchell 609, Christmias Day visitar ith of !aculty team or a combination or students and faculty. The' Olympia Restauirant scor'ed also splîunged for six goals.!'Ilu the opener,, Crystal led andd 0111e Patfield 600. [Mn. and Mus. George Fulk-. the ýsix times in the second peu'oidjthis time in the final per1od 4-3 alter two, befare-the roof,' Marilyn Cale led the way'fler and family, Oshawa. 1Pussv Cats' seasoni goes fuom Jantuaî'y b3th tintil Apnit bst. 'ta defeat McNtity's Sports bo upset Crystal Dairy 9-4.1caved in. Gary McCuIILlough n the single division with a Monday guests with Mr. and In addition ta Barrow, you might have the pivilege fi'8-6, tying the lasers fou top The resuit beft. the teamsi led the way with a hat-trick. 295 garie. Other big scores Mrs. George Boweus and Eanli tangling (perhaps that lsn't the best word) with a rather' sPOt in the Town Hockey Lea-1deadloLked, six points back of and two assists. Terry Bîa<'k were rolled by Helen Depew were Mr. and Mns. Lonnie \. large fellow by the tramneaof Angelo Mosca. No -- well how!guie Thursday nîght. Robson'slthe co-leaders. scoued once and set 'up five 295, Doris Joli a pair of 243s, Chapman and family, North more, while Bill Cuossey had . une Baker 239 and Onie Et- Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Wi]fordý about Bronko Naguirski, Bill Danvchujk or Herb Pattera. four points on one goal andi cher 238. j Vine and fainl.v, Mr. and Mus. Other members of' the teain include quamterbacks Joe' O OL N three assists. "~Mort" Richards.' Team Standings 'Arnold Williams and family.! Zuger and Frank Cosentino, Gai-ne'v fHenley, Willie Bethea. "Bvtch" Cale, Bill Lyle and Bowers .2 -d 'estleton, and Mu. and Mus.i Dave Viti, Don Stitherin and Dick Cohiec. Decembcr 16, 1966 B. Guiffin Sr'. 226, 212, S. Mil-. Sain Thampson noîched tbc Collins 2,5 a ph Boweus and [an. Ty-1 ThePusy Cls ee s 5 pu cnt f te gossticetTeam Standing ley 223. E. Prout 205, R. Bu-ock: ather-s. Etcher .95rane. Th us asfei 0prcn ftegostceSnowden 76 41.777i252, 2.52, G. Prout 244, 205, Don Prout counted lwice for' Perris . 5 Holiday visitors with Mr. revenue witb a suggested ticket price of' $1.00 per person.< Dakin --- 64 39,342 208. J. McKnighl 209. the lasers and set up anotlher1 Tennanit. 24 Norman« Samneils were Mr. i are. y envy of oui' high schools -Bowmaniville. Courtice ou Clarkej Bond -*----- 61 38,376 Averages pair by "Hiank" Lane. i Patfield 22 Willis. Port Perny. Mn. Alfned bef( ,4re iterested, the address is Delpua Associates, Impeui Westlake . 60 38.184 R. Brock 221, After playing ta a I-I first'Jal ----2I Samelîs, Bowmanville, Mr.' 'I q% k-om514, 25 Hughson South. Hamilton, Sounds l l acnab. 54 40,199 J. Bond 218 period tic in the r gia.M artyn . 2 Lou Hainstra, Whitby. and[ It eouîld ----n---. 53 37,419 H. Snowden - -htcao.j Buock - ii!-98 Impý piedin a7-; krMu. John lHamstra, Gndenich. . he Prout - --. 51 .17,601 'R. Westlakc 200 lead in the second and wiIfi-ýButtonshaw .----- 20 Mu. and Mrs. Richard Davi-: Osg, t + f Woodward . 41 37,173, G. Prut ------. 199 stood a laie rallv by MeNul- Donaghue. 20 son called on Mus. Davison's' J R . A L - S T R s P L Y P ' I E R B R O G HM a î h a l 2 3 . 7 1 . . r i f i n S u . 1 9 7 1 t y *s t a p e s e r v e t e w i il B i c k e l l 1 9 p a r e n t s , M . a n d M s . C h a l e s JR L-TR LYPTROOiHNolanl 32 36888 F. Sturbbert .. 1941 Joe Balson was the w'iu-i J. Baker' 239, D. Joli 230- Gîst, Peterborough, Christ-I1 pere Last week we mentioned that an al1-Star' aggî'egation, Men"s fHigh Single- Ha riry D. Bond 192 niers'biggu,9a ini fe 243-243, M. Cale 295, O. Et- mais evening. Friends will bel Said from the Bowinanville Junior Town Leaguie wortd play t Snowden 331, Milt Dakin 265.1J. Macnab.......191. goals ýand assisting ou1 anothEir, 'cher 238. E. Mitchell 224, H. sorry to hear that Mr. Gisti tej Jack Bond 257. G asrh 186 with Lloyd Hamilton garner-j Depew 249, M. King 222. H-. feli last week and broke a1 l1r. "B" Peterborouîgh Don Byes in an exhibitian gaine at, Men's High Triple-Harry J. McKnight...........861 ing fiv'e assists. Bili FosteuiDonaghtie 226, N. Gould 233. banc in bis ankle. He has a[ the Memnonial Arena. l'his is just a neminder thàt the contest!Snowden 722, Milt Dakin 690,iB. Allen 1851picked Lip onega swl sC ges nera a tRoonckouNw eî's a. a Boc 716.7cLa1.- bin Nn.oa a e] sC Bwr' 37 D on 34 cs o utdi otbvet S ndrwv l,1voo'iok n e185rs av a n three others.1 E. Whitehead 234, . O tieldr ernain in bospital. Ail- Stars'include I.ari'y Nemis anrd Pat Murph- ga Ladies' High Single - Dia re B. Westlake - . 185 -Brian Hughes and Bob Fiuv22.IM.ndMsCalEio, fnrwardF - Don MeMre tv Wlof tReelis'250, Sharon Millley M. Dakin 84~ were the reniaining ma rks- .'%veragesDaid ndK enoe a Murray Brown. Dean Rogeusori. B nrny Hhs, Warner Bath: 2923, Dot Bond 209. D. Nolar, . 182 mnen. D. Joli - -1361 tamii reunion ai bis uncle'~ 'BcyHghMieLadies' Il-igh Triple - Dot B. Patter 1 9 ae Wpr-_________th__iet,_S__________2__.___ wel. ohnMaheu ad ob amranOndeenc wIl . ooward 7 aals for the" Sparts. GrtHrrI'B*.Buttonshaw .- 971 wel. ohn eru.athî Aand BoPeter cCillOngh, eery wlbe[ Bond 620, Diane MeReelis' C. Woobertsgein pi ad DýeKrJh dm.PtrMCiltgKrvDickens'561' Veina Luke 501. CRoet lintofI' tiggrngaparan . Patfield .1t96' nd Gene BalsonOver 200 Gaines E. Roberts MW7. AI Cale the single.O îl~ 9 + J Bnd25, 24 D Nla '. esa . 173, Team Standings J. Baker 190, 204, 235, C. Roberts 207, M.j iVay Alldread l 70ý W. L. Pts. Il. Martyn 1190 I A HAPPY NEW YEAR! iDakin 265, 244, B. Griffîn i Jî..M. Sedman. 1701 McNly's Sports 1 4 14 C. Boweus 189 * I IAllen 233, M. Alldread 201,: D. McReelis ..168i Crystal Dair 'v 4 7 8 D. Preston l86ý N. Woodcack 213, R. Westlake ýB. Griffin Jr. . 166, Robson Motors 4 7 8 Il. Ha7elden 14 122, .Snowded 20, I.:D. en . 66M. Cale 1834 tý M aK SeheF182 21P.Buria 21, .M arhal;FrAlen64180 21D.Bond29 214, D. Me- B. Bumna 163, LGUlf D. Harrison.18 Reli 250, C. Schwarz 205, G. Dennis 162 D. Bond. 180 Bawers swepi iroasale pas- B. 'ev'îy 1801 CA LO O O 9354 session of first place lu the H. Donaghre 17ý1 M eL aj r{adies Major Bowlinig leagi.e. M kjg17 Lea U e: st Mondav uight. leavîrrgJ Hres7 en s M a* r Le g el hee teainsdeadlocked for- L, Crossev 756 m a m ~ . .the runrier-Lip spot iwo poinltsîE. Mitchell', 175 Tire MUK R Lil*s aMatar I eague HariwAkey4 0beh id. Withl ime running S. Davis l onplcted the first sclied le'Maur ce Rchards 48 207o1' l h frt cerre HB~ .H Piper 14 ' to h flo g ts t B bmrlans4 0 et-s ipped M artyn 2-1 . while H. Depew A ~~Lmoe Millton & Gould Sheil tearnlNorm lenning 45 205 Prifelotofaicoute lvi Peuris17 EU ~ N U finished first with the KensDiu Wisemnan 45 h'lad.bsoi'birg a 3-o pstnPg J Ale.xai)der 19 A R N Men's Wear Clothing terin John Carter 48 25 yPtil.D. Ad anms .168 ~& < winng the runnri-p spot. Rau Mavnaid 48 205 At the opposite end tif the1 E Whiteea 671 ý ~ BOWMANVJLLEAI shnewnhg a-Ba Rni4 0I standings Donaehiie clar dM ei I- ' Teehn 2-78erage. having 247 for 48 ganieç. ',tac(k Parkr 4 fi the ni ht's other S lLihuo't, ý JA1nînnd161 Brian Martyn in bis fir-st year Fred Thonmson 48 204 S.n r ucel'-) av-~ Bunwu i . n the lcague tan second ât George Piper 48 204 16-ticilr steosrsw "esit.~' q233. Pd Leslie finished thirt BýBuie Milne 48 203F. Bruce tIl PU L Cwîth 230. Georige Bebee 48 203 A HAPPY S. Stainîon P U B LICM Dogailivon high 'George Stephien 42 2) N R SEO S A. Hadgsan siîle for !lie schcldrrie. 369.1 Bah Richards 45 202 N. Gould Big Mike Murphy tapped aIl pBL1dfileuning 48 202 NKW YEAR K -1ay9 SK T I Ghowlei's for' hlr g i tr'iple. 'Lau McFeeters 48 201 iTO AL !T. 'oîr'ester Murin'ph iaGr9il ste et o Gavle 4 2% hours eath and cosis only S10.00. Thë-îirat LueneLesmen 1 1 Vrey -27~2>~2~ iwbh ~te U'ank thoMC C : aniet ~ -1231 g~g wii ommnceealy 0 Jnury , Lauren ce sn 458 2134Peiail a ..27 3210%27% i bU the opportunity of aerv- B.Mra - 'a fors aplyto:Karl Piper - . 48 211 Jury & Lovell 25 23 25 100U8t 1$ a real piiIete. G._____ 12 - ' e p p l e a i o f o o e s a p l yD o n 1 14 8 2 1 1 a n d e r H d w .- -2G4L ux23 1/j_ _ _-21 2 le" e. a &»"n" o M.Barr M c regor F Notor League - Peterborough Club,-- 45 210 Whyte Bros.-.- 22 $0if29 emIai .M re. -- M28Water St, ,S~!i45 20Dykstra's -21 2 - ear C Ome117 N*eb.oug, ntajo Lw1MUaDOUIX] 48210 Hels Osborne 212 . . M. Williamns -114Ho Nie""th 8 09M. Ballard - . .114 bdd in, 114w;.b <u i ~o ~TOS S.Patfield .. 112 KN ~ r re l H. Mutton 76 ________________ IMr. and Mrs. Rosit Harrison, drew Visser. There W&S lu Leaskdale, when fortY mern- sang service of Christmas bers of the family were pre- Carols and Mrs. Visser sang t isent. two solos, IlLullaby Little Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal-, Chi1d,ý a Chinese lullaby, and i coirn and family were Christ,-' Westminster Carol. mas guests wit h Mrs. S.1 In the United ChurchSn- Brooks, Bowmanville. day morning there was a carolç Holiday visitors with the'service. Reverend Philip Ro- BruceWHeaslips were Mr. andi merit delivered a short ad, ' M.Weylie McKeown, Mono jdress ertiigoCrigjy s Road, Mr. and Mrs. Norman!and the choir sang the an Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ir- Your correspondent extei vine, Jarlet and Bill , Miss best New Year's gting ShileyIrvne nd r.Larry. the editor and the staff o Jamieson, Bowmanville. Statesman and toa al 0h'ra In the Presbyterian Chu rch ers or this column. A sincere -Sunday morning the Christ - "thank youl" is also extended mas Story was read by Rev- to ail who sent In nws ake Saneron.Mr litira fl,. Pt(I youir news iteist Sidney Visser andAn-I.q86-43o~. M f NOTICE "IN THE MATTER 0F The. Public Schools Act, being R.S.0. 1960, Chapter 330 as amended by The Public Schools Amendment Act, 1964, Chapter 95, section 2; "AND IN THE MATTER 0F the application of the Public School Board of the Township of Darling- ton, in the County of Durham; "AND IN THE MAlTER 0F titi. to part of Lot 32, Concession 8, Township of Darlington. County of Durham. "Pursuani bo an Order of the Supremcý ,urt of Ontario made in thei above Matter, earing date the 28th day of Noveniber, 1966, e persons claiming to be the heirs-at-Iaw rthe persons claiming to be the next-of-kin. cordirig to 'The Devolution of Estates Act", r th persons claiming to be the legal personal ýpresentatives of sucb of the said next-cf-kin are now dead, of THOMAS HODGSON and ATSON HODGSON, both late of the Town- ip of Whitby, in the County and Province 'Ontario, Yeomen, the Grantors of a certain cd dated the 5th day of Fehruary, 1868, ýistered the 61h day of Febritary, 1868 in the 'gistry Office for the County ni Durhiam, tb iTrustees of School. Section Number Fifteen the Township of Darlington, in the County Durham as Grantees, wbich dced conveyed efoilowing lands: 'ail that parcel nf land congaining h v admcasuremen one half an acre heing coinposed ni thc North East Corner of Lot Nisniher Thirty-Two in the eighth Concession of the Town-. ship ni Darlington aioresaid and ex- tending Westerly fromn the North East angle ni said Lot ciglit rods and soufb- envY ten rods ai night angles' personally or by their solicilovs, on or frc the l7th day of Jantiary, .1967, at 10:30 lock in the forenoon, to corne ini and prove ir dlaims at my Chambers, Rnnm 131 at goode aI,' Toronto. Ontario: "'Or, in default. thereoi. they wiiJ ho -mptoriIy excluded from the benefit of the 1Order. "Dated this ti day oif Derember, 1966. "D. W. Rose" MASTER" 1 0 -1 lE TO SAY- r Continue To -" The ComIng Yearl AND STAFF 0 NESTLETON ïardware Ltd-, r.'w. BOWMANVILLE