&ocial & Eersonal1 Phone 623-3303 Christmas with his par- Mr. anti Mn. R. Kerr. lng Officer Michael Led- Summersitie, P.E.I., spent ristnias witb bis parents. Mr.-anti Mr. R. McGill anti mroiti spent tht holiday with .anti Mis. M. Sleem4n, Dean Ave., Oshawa. Mus. H. S. Wintioven, Napa- nee, Is visiting hem tiaugbtem anti son-in-law, Mn. anti Mu. Barry Akey, Flett Street. Mns. Ttrry Price, Shaw's,j anti Miss Mary Honey of Markham are hohitaying ini San Francisco, California. Mrs. George Squire o! Lon- don, Ont., is a guest o! ber lter anti brother-in-law, Dr. andi Mmi. H. B. Runtile, Queen Etreet. Mr. and Mrs. R. Crombie, .Argyle St., spent Christmas wlth Mrs. Crombie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer, Eizabethville. Mr. and Mrs. James Pater- oon and children, Brampton, spent Christinas weekend with Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Gilbert, Concession Street. Mr. Robert S. James, Uni- versity of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C., is bolidaylng with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. James. Mis& Jane Meeks, New Col- lage, University of Toronto, spent Christmas with ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Meeks, East Beach. Mi-,and Mrs. Hugh Murphy and family, Southway Dr., were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and fanitly, Nestieton. Belated congratulations and best wishes to Mr. C. E. Reh- der, Beecb Ave., wbo celebrat- ed bis 76th birthday on Thursday, December 22nd. Mr. Douglas Nichols, Ham- Mlon Institute of Technology, Is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]Lloyd Nichols, Duke Street. Mr. Larry Hately, Ryerson Institute of Technology, Is homne for Christmas holidays wlth bits parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hately Southway Drive. Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Mason were Clbristmas Day guests of the former's brother and sis- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Bowmanville Pentecostal Church là Liberty St. S. Phone 6Z3-5100 tor: 1ev. A. Kudra, B.Th. CL-&-- 31 at 10:30 P.M. WATCH NIGHT SERVICE Sunday, January it 9:55 a.xn. SUNDAY SCHOOL il a.M. "ONE TIIING THAT GOD REQUIRES" 7 p.m. Ç%ETS GET 0F THE CAVE" Attend the week of Prayer Services at Trinlty United Church "Where the Word et G.d in Net Bound'" warti Mason ant inlY, Tor- onto. Mr. anti Mns. Frank Moore, Ontario St., spent Chistmas Day with their son anti tiu- ghtem-in-law, Mn. anti Mr». Haroldi Moore anti familyi Courtice. Christmas Day gutîts with Mn. anti Mu. Stanley Comtien were Mn. anti Mu. HarrY Couch anti Stephen, Courtice, anti Mn. anti Mus.ROY Comtien o! Blackstock. Miss Helen Vanâtone, Queen's University, Kingston, is spending the Christmas holiday in Bermuda witb Mn. anti Mrs. Bruce Murray o! New York City. Tuestiay visitons with Mn. anti Mm.. Walter Woolley, Prince St., were their son anti tiaugbter-in-law, Mn. anti Mrs. Ivan Wooiley, Mark anti Anne, Peterborough. Please let us have a lst o! your out-of-town holiday visi- tons, anti if you were away oven the festive season we would also appreciate this in- formation. Dial 3-3303. Mr. anti Mn. R. L. Mitchell, Centre St., have neturneti home after spentiing Christ- mas witb their tiaugter anti son-in-law, Dr. anti Mr. J. Vitue and family, Hamilton. Mn. anti Mms. R. Allin anti family, Sarnia, Mrs. A. Moses E nd Mns. M. Antinew, both z! shawa, w er e Christmas guests with Mn. anti Mns. H. R. Moses anti !amily, Prospect Street. Mrs. W. A. Edger, Welling- ton St., has returned home after spending Christmas weekend with ber son and family, Mr..and Mrs. W. R. Edger, Debbie and Randy, Peterborough. Monday visitors witl1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munday, High St., were Mrs. Munday's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. High of Oshawa, and ber sister and brother-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. S. Shlelds of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McKen- zie, Malcolm and Martin, Nia- gara Falls, were Christmas weekend gutats with Mrs. Mc- Kenzie's sister and b'-ather- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Merkley andi family, Conces- sion Street. Mrs. D. W. McCormnick re- turned to ber home in Gait today (Wednesday) a f t e r spending Christmas with her daugbter, Mrs. Morley Van- stone, a n d granddaughter, Miss Barbara Vanstone, Beech Ave. Miss Sheila Th omp son, Queen's University, Kingston, is home for the holidays with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Thompson, Concession st. Mr. David Tbompson, Mon- REHOBOTH Christian Roformed Church Scugor Street Minuster: 1ev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 8.11. 7:30 pi. 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Back To Guid Heur CKLB Every Sundày, 9:15 pi. "Everymne Weleome" TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Coflison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. New Year's "CHOOSE Sunday - Il AM. YOU THIS DAY" WEEK 0F PRAYER SERVICESInls in Trinity United Church, Jan. 3rd to Sth, 1967 write up 8 P.M. each night, except Thursday 7 P.M. an error whereby SUNDAY SCHOOL Velma C It.30 &.m. - Junior, Intermediate and S«eir Mns. Vel 11:00 &mn. - Beginnmers apologies Christrr 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten Mr. and1 family, ' -were NM Byam, lM Park, Iv The Bowmanville Ministerial Association Bowers a invites you toi take part ogP Piggott,a in the annual Mr. and and son1 INIrE m C URCHvisited th M". WM INTER.MCHUS.HIR mas w WEEK IF PAYERJames, 'T weekend mers pi Janucary 3-4-.5-6 S.RJa S. R. Jai TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, FEIDAY AT 8 P.M. andi Mrs. nicrest, TRURSDAY----------AT 7i K Cooke,( Morrison Mrs. Bil 1» ail of Re Ed. Rob Orangevi >TRIUTY NUTI CHU CH ). K. M( TRINTY U ED C URCH Cooksvl Mr. an fatt, Vint GUEST SPEKE&* ough, Mr !att Kue Rev. Dr. Harry J. Faught, BA# M.T-h.a n md awa, Mr Moffatt, Brownie "'Packie" Awarded Ail Round( At the regular meeting of 3md Pack Brownies on included, froin left toi Monday, Dec. l9th, in Mepiorial Park Clubhouse, a Deputy Area Commission special ceremony was held to award 'Packie" Cathy McDonald, Miss Etcher ai Etcher lber Ail Round Guide Cord. Those taking part, Etcher. Enrolled in Guide Movement Guide Cord HAYDON Suntiay achool session at 1:45 p.m., church servce at 3 p.m. Sacrament wll be adi- ministereti en Sunday. Tht Christmnas church uer- -vice was wtll attended on Sunday rnorning. A Christmnas tret nicely decorateti, anti ligbts along with ativent can- dlts were plactd in tht win- dows by the Explorera. They matie tht church look qlulte Christmas-like. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Ashton, Mr. and Mns. Bert Ashton, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton, Peterborough, attend- ed a family gathering at Mn. and Mus. A. Read 's. Miss Lynda Potts, Toronto, Mliss Rena Graham were Christmas supper guesis of Mr. and Mrs. J. Potts andi Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Lindiu andi Janet, Knnisklfen, Mr. anti Mns.Boss Ashton and family were Christmas Day gutats o! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray. Mr. anti Mrs. C. W. Downey, Marie anti Marient, Bowman- :~ville, Mr. George Kersiake, Hampton, Mrs. D. Feat.her- ~stone-Haugh, Halifax, N.S., «:wene guests o! Mn. anti Mrs. Don Cameron. Miss Stella Blackburn, Bow- nianville, spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mns. W. Black- burn and iamily. Mr. anti Mu. Don Momison MrighGeorge.BW.tM.mand fain- er, Brown Owl Mrs. J. T. Markham, were Christmas nd her niother, Mrs. Arnold Montiay gutats of Mmi. M. Christmnas dinner guests o! Mn. anti Mrs. Boy Grahami anti on a tree at Christmas time. family were Mr. Tom Potts Mrs. Tripp playeti several and Mr. ant iis. Leslie Gra- Christmas songs witb bath ham. mothens anti Brownies joinxng Mn. anti Mmi. Russell Omi- in the singing. ton were Monday guests o! During Brownie meeting the Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton, Bnownies decorateti soap with Ronald and Ray. swans, ricknack anti spankie. Mr. and Mns. Raymondi Pat- These gifts were given to their ersoni and family, Oshawa, mothers at the party. Little wene Christmas dinner guests red boots containing combs of Mn. anti Mrs. Boy Paterson were given to the Brownies by anti !amily. the leaders. Gifts were ex- Mn. andi Mn. Arthur Trt- changed by tht Brownies. Fol- win, William anti Paul wtre lowing the Brownie closing tht guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. girls turned to face their moth- Lovenidge anti faniily, Tyront, ens, singing "We Wish You a Christmas Day. Merry Christmas". Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd Siemon, 1The Canadien Btateaum, BowrnanyMle, Dec. 28, 100 Susan and Fretdie spent Christmnas Day w1th Mr. and Mrs. Wibur Toms, Blackstock. Mr. Milton Sitinon was gutat of Miss Nancy Jehns andi Mrs. Wt White, Hamipton, on Mon day. Mn. andi Mn. Tom Smiith and Eleanor, Stouffville, were Christmas Day cinner guests o! Mr. and Mm. J. Jones andi faniily. Mr. andi Mr. Arthur Read and Lynne, Mr. andi Mrs. Gor- don Dudley were guests of Mr. and Mn. Clayton Read and boys, Bowmanville, on Christmas Day. Mr. andi Mrs. Morris Pollard~ andi family spent the weekend with Mr. andi Mu. Ernie Lyons, Proton. Mr. andi Mn. J. Jones and !aniily with Mr. Ray Degeer and Miss Cora Degeer for Christmas supper. Mrs. A. Thompson. was guest o! Mr. and Mrs. F. Os- mnond anti family, Bowman- ville, on Christmas Day. Miss Jean Bertrim was rg est o! Mr. and Mrs. John Urwmn, Markhaxn, on Christ- mas Day. Mrs. M. Bertrim, Birdie and John spent Christmas Day with Mn. and 3m. Don Mor- rison and farnily, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mu. Don Cameron spent Christmas evening with M.rs. Fnench anti Mr. Nivins, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mus. W. Blackburn, Deug, Dale, Neil, Wayne Blackburn, Miss Joan Falls, MIrs. K. Cowling, were guests o! Mr .andi Mrs. John King- horn, Taunton, on Christmas Montiay. Miss May Tabb, Orono, Mr. Russell Tabb, Mr. Jim Tabb, Mn. and Mrs. Stan Cowling, Salem, were Christmas dinner guests with Mrs. Tabb, Lily anti Shirley. Mn. andi Mrs. Leslie Graham hati a telephone cail from Valleyfield, from their son Jim anti bis family, extending Christmas greetings on Christ- mas morning. Mrs. J. Abbott and Stephen, anti Mrs. Holroyti and Donald, Burketon, vIsiteti Mm. A. Thonipson. Mrs. Arthur Trewin attend- eti the Graduation Exercises ln Toronto of ber niece, Mliss Barbara Anderson of Port -ils United Church on Auu Rd., Toronto. A group of y0ung ifro Haydon were around bt he homes singing Chrlstmm car* ols on Christmas UEvalueo a group of young toi ro Ennisklhlen. EMOIL OSP1TAL WEEKLY REPORT For the week of Decomber 19-25 Inclusive: Admissions -41 Births, 5 male, 2 female- 7 Discliarges 82 Major operations - 7 Minor operations ---14 Emergeney treatinents- 30 Vislting hours 3-8 P.m. dally. Now Availagble for F«e,.So= A Àlieiewm Non-Altoholie D"in! Quart 65 c Glen Rae Dairy phone 823-M"4 U8 BIng St W. j' Mrs. Wm. Luxton and Mrs. Clint H-enning were officially enrolled on Mon- day, Dec. 19, into Guides by Mrs. W. M. Rudeli, Deputy Area Comniissioner. The ceremnony took place during a meeting of 3rd Pack Brownies at Meniorial Park Clubhou se. __ lI i shome for Christmas f i . L I parents. orownle Pack Hid id Mrs. George Gra- ogeann anti Susanne, h i t a a t tet, were Chist mas son-in-law a n d Tit m s P r ýsMr.andMrs Go- TirdPack Bnownies helti badge, Debbie White tht nphy, Jimmy and thein Christmas Party at the Weaven's badge anti tht Toy- Vintison, Ont. Memorial Park Clubhouse on maker badge was presenteti to .as weekenti guests Monday, Dec. 19, 1966. Fol- Susan Junkin. Tht prognani ranti Mrs. Donald lowing the opening cent- began with a welcome poem yand family, Simp-, monies Mrs. W. Rudeil, Deputy tielivered by seven Tweenies, were Mn. and Mrs. Area Commissioner enrolleti each holding a carti with tht: of Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Luxton, Tawny Owl, seven cards forming the word1 %cManus, Town, were and Mrs. C. Henning, Grey "Welcome". Karen Sarginson ts Day dinner guests OwI. neciteti a poem calleti "Long, nd Mrs. Mountjoy. Cathy Etcher, Packie o! the Long Ago". "Santa's Sur. on Montiay with Mr. 3rd Pack, was presented with prise", a short play, was act- rs. Leslie Jackson, hen Ail Round Cord by Mr$. eti out by the Tweenies andi t., were thein nephew Rudiel]. Brown Owl presenteti enjoyed by ail. eMr. anti Mrs. Glenii Colletor badges to Susan Next followeti a poem by anti son David St Junkin,- Debbie White and Barbara Henning entitîtti ~s, nd ns. ack Barbara Henning. Karen Sang- "Santa Claus". "Away in a le, adMn. G. re- so received bier Skater's Manger" was sung by Karen )teMr . . Free Ma- Sarginson, Bannie Lou Carlson, 7e. mas with Mr. anti Mns. Lionel anti Nancy Wright. "Jolly Olti id Mrs. Mac Moore, Tennant, Mark anti Lynn, St. Nicholas" was playeti on St., were Christmas Sunset Road. the piano by Vinginia Tripp visitons wîth their Mr. anti Mrs. Narval Cutier, followeti by a recitation anti son-in-law , D. Os.hawa, were Christm-as Day "Christmnas Town" by Karen sT. R., DeGeer' and visitons with Mns. Cutlen's Piper. A piano solo "Deck ~ 'oronto. Montiay visi- brother andi sister-in-law Mn. tht Halls" anti "What Chilti iMn. anti Mrs. Moore anti Mrs. Ted Millen, Prince is This" was playeti by Cathy andi Mns. R. F. Mc- Street. Mr. anti Mr. Miller's Tigbt. son John was also home for "Christmas Tret", play per- - Fenelon Falls. Christmas for the fjrst time fonmed by the Golden Ban antid week's edition in the in six years. John was a Golden Hanti Brownies con-I pconcerning the re- member of tht Canadian arm- cludeti the pnognam. Tht tern Stan Installation, eti fonces until last August. Brownies, standing on bench- of names was made es anti kneeling formeti a it neati that Miss Eighteen - year - old R i ck decorateti Christmas tnee, each Gay was Instauîng Smith, son o! Mr. anti Mrs. K. Brownie repeating a verse anti 1It should have neatiA. Smith (net Jean Rice), holding a bell, trumpet, wreath Ima Sutton. Sincere Kingston, now in bis second anti othen tiecorations foun-d sto tht two Velmas. ytar with tht Hamilton Reti nasDayguets ithWings Junior hockey team, masDayàuets ithwill be a member o! tht Ail Mn. . MudochantiStars team. playing an exhibi- otr Liberty St. North, tion game against tht Czech Itr. anti Mns. F .ta in Mapît itaf Gardein,Lun h Mr.an Ms.Walter Toronto, on~ December 28thLun eown ai 4r, anti Mns. Ralph (tonight). Rick's grantimothen and Ian, Mr. anti Mrs. is Mrs. Chas. Rice. ark ant ilssJen pMntr.s.IBoys' School nlrk an !Missy ea, CpM n. M . C.Mat- alo! Tyrone. thews, R.ick anti Joanne, Wel- Thte.Bowmanville Rotary ti M.. ormn Jmeslington, are Christmas holiday Club'. luncheon meeting was Bodali, omnoJaOnt. visitons with Mrs. Matthtws' belti at tht Ontario Training Leir parents Mnrat atM. antis Iio School for Boys lait Thursday. i. Alin MnantiMunday, Scugog Street. To- A ielicious Yuletide turkey B. James oand Christ- agethitb rs. ayMr.uniaynnmer with iii tht trimmingi avenant chitirn, nti m. ntiandi plum pudding was serveti tekenti. Mr. Doug Mn$. Jack MundaY anti fam- intht dinlng ball. Presitient Toronto, anti Mis JO ily, Town, ail were Christmas Bob Stevens presiieti, andi ragan, ThornhiI, were Day visitons w1th Mr. anti 1 gustsw1ththefor-Mrsmeiers o! Rotarlan H. Hoop- guesi wth ht In- m..Michael Kîrkton anti er's Training School staff, wbo menti, Mn. and Mrs. famiiy, Scugog Street. i s the Supexintentient lnelud- [mts. Mn. anti Mrs. Leslie!ing thmee nurses anti two ,as guests with Mr. Coombes, Liberty St. North, seainutresses, anti the 39 boys g. F. J. Monnison, Sun- wene hosts for the Coombes menaining in ichool for ChrWst were Mn. George FamiIy Christmas - Party belti mas, wer gesta. Omangevifle, M. .o uta feno nttAfterwartistht Toronto Ro- n anti Peggy, Mn. anti Hall at Tyrone. Those attend- tary Club, whlch has eter- 1 Tanton anti faxnîly, lng weme Mr. and Mrs. Row- taineti et tht achool anti given extiale, Mr. anti Mrs. landi Coombes anti faxnily, Mr. gifts to tht boys there during )bentson and fami y. anti Mm. John Coomnbes anti the Yuletide hplldays, present- it, anti Mn. anti Mrs. !amily, Mr. anti Mr. Jini et an enjoybems pgri lornison anti famuly of Coombes anti family, Mr. o! entraiient. Therç wua lie. Bruce CoornbeS, Misa Lainda a clever magi n, andi several ati Mmi. Russell Mo!- Mutton, ail of Bowmnanville muuical numbezugl. Tb=i Worth- nte anti Gail, Scarbor- Mn. Robent Coombes ami wbile gifta wre uceamu tot Ir. anti Mn. Bon Mof- chiltiren, Oshawa, 'Mn. andi tht boys by the Toruet. U- ,vin andi Chris, Mr. Mrs. Peter Auch, Belle River, tarians. Ion 9et a Tosonto s. Leon Moffatt, Ste- andi Mr. Cynil Cooenbes cf Rotartan, wbo, W l Teot 01 o 1Leni Am, ail o! Osh- Whltby. Mmi. R. M. Cale, thet o Lr. and Mrs. Allen E. Town, anti er. Robent Cale of Couad =I u ro Town, spent Christ-I Whitby werW unable to *tattP. 5m ai awn t: PRICES EFFECTV / ~DEC. 28 29, 30, 31 "1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT 'QUANTITIES Save 26e Party Tynie Cocktail Mixes Bave 100 Dejaa»smala Bave 140 Jachas CHEESE TWISTS gave 100 Hoesa Euet. 49e Pkgr. POTATO CHIPS gave 14o Chase & Sanbern BtL 9 9C Tin 59C ;'a' 45C 0f59C 1'b79c 011 Seuth Froxen ORANGE JUICE 5 "M $1 IGA OVEN FEESH LEMON PI MERINGUEPI Wamlly- si» 55 Kraft32 et $11 CHEES WHIZ 32eJar . SAVE 28e TOMATO JUICE SAVE 40e LEAF PEAR CANNEU HAMS SAVE 2le ýGA PLAJN OR GAPUC DILL PICKLES 2- 4 9 SAVE loe ý GA CANNED SOFT DRINKs 12,--85 Sweet & Juicy Sunkist Navel Produce f U.S.A. Ca». No. 1 Grae 14 ex' CELLO TOMATOES Tube 29c ORANGES 'roduce cf U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Grade CELERY STALKS Produce of U.S.A. Cam. Ne. 1 Grade GREEN CABBAGE stalk 25C 25cl SIZE 8811, DOZ. GRADE "A" READV FOR THE OVIN TABLERITE GRADE 'A' BRADY FOR THE OVETi FROZEN CRYOVAC YOUNG TURKEYS Young TosLU.~b~ , TOMS 20 LBS. & UP MENS 6-14 LB, AVG. lukeHN 9 > OC ArC SKINLESS SHORT SHANK 7 RD SMOEDT HL RAS J39 45Jlb SEAD A HOEOR 69 T T R CANADAS FINEST QUALITY ED OR LUE BRAND» HEEF1 STANDING R11B ROAST SHORT CUT 890w1 ow.alnvu'lle IGA Fi 10 WMAN VILLE p l' e,ýÀ .li