Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1966, p. 2

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If - 4. Tii Tlniy nltd hurliChoir are Robbie Hildltch, ~~da Sehol Prty cidDonna Hîlditch, Barry Shack- ednedajevcingwaselton, Cindy Ayrc, Wendy Ayre, ~4ret1y y a argeDonna Sylvester, David Sylves- ~audenc tht fllcd theter, David Anderson, Derek ~pcoshall to capacity. Ken Lobb, Anne Morris, Jane Mor- ~HCCn uperintendent of the ris, Murray Cook, Ken Cook, JntriiediteDepartment, was Klmberly Hart, Janet Bryson, 4Ahe MC. Linda Bryson, Susan Gatcheil, Pe1ev. George K. Ward gave Janet Locke, Cathy Locke, ,.,nlinspjring Christmas mes- Leanne Hockln, Steve Sylves- -_smg. lie urgcd all bis listen- ter, Roberta Mann, Jennifer '«rs to keep the Christmas Rehder, Scott Van Driel, Cindy ,spirit of loving klndncss alive Hart, Lyn Williams, Cheryl In their hearts ail year. Wiiliams, Carol White, Bobby The first portion of the Strlke, Diane Puk, Teddy Puk, .,program was devoted to a Diana Harris, Madellne Mcrk- ýbeaUtlfuIly arranged presenta- ley and Evangeline Merkley. ý-t1on by the Children's Choir The M.C., Mr. Hockln,- was ý, (composcd of young sons and the leader of the Carol Sing- :-daughters of Jack and Jili song; Miss Helen Nelies was Club members), of The Christ- the piano accompanist. For -rnas Story in Song and Verse, part of the carol singing Mr. . Devotional, directed by Mrs. Hockin caled on the Generai 'A. A. Merkley, assisted by Superintendent of the Sun- eUrs. Ken Suxnersford. day School, A. H. Strike, and iMrs. Robert W. Sheridan the foilowlng Interniediate De-i -was the Narrator. ably assist- partment teachers: A. A. ~ed by Cindy Hart as the Junior Merkley, Jack Munday, Ken ,,NXarrator. The singing of the Sumersford, Cecil Morrison, :fyoung soioists, Cindy Ayre Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne, Mrs. Pand Carol Wight, was also James G. Martin, Dr. Keith ýý'delightfu1. Mrs. Keith Bilcett Biilett, Mrs. Bernard Holden, 4,played the piano accompani- D. Austin, and a Senior De- màent. partment teacher, E. A. Wlth-, The inembers of the Junior erspoon. :Christmas Concert .HeId by St. John's S. Se The Christmas Concert beld tators was dceply impressed by St. John's Anglican Church by Uic Christmas Pageant, a Sunday School in the Parlsh musical presentation of the Mail rccenthy deligbtcd the Christmas Story, dlrected by large audience. Mrs. George Mrs. Charles Bettles, Superin- ,,parrdw, Superintendent of tendent of the Beginners Sec- teJunior Dcpartment, was tion, and ber assistant, Mrs. the gencral convenor for the Edgar Tomlinson. ,guccessful event. Mrs. Cinton Those in thc casi werc: 'Bcnnlng was Uic M.C. Rev. Mary, Debbic Dadson; Joseph,, j. K. Frampton, rector of the Douglas Smith; Three Sbep- church, welcomed the cbild- herds, John Carter, Boyd >4en, their parents, and friends. Knight, and Bradley Milner; ifNe also extended best wishes Three Rings, Ronald Mar- 4e them for bappiness during chant, Biliy Loçke,. and Bilhyi " the Christmas season and ini Leamatn; the Angel Gabrieh,, fflie coming. year. Christopher Temlinson; Little1 The opcning recitation was Angels, Julie Vivian, Gal e~n, Mrs. Henning led the Tomlinson, Barbara Hcnning, Lv1en binPaticsianingo fvandpr hndaacha nt, ear jorite carols. Mrs. Mark Mar- these llttle angeis, Mary Tom- pn lydthe piano ac- inson, sang a lovciy solo. -gomanientthroughout the After the pageant other ~rogram for the singing. Christmas Carols were sung 1Everyone ameng the spec- wlth Mis. Hennin g as the. lae.Then -an lnteresting recitation was presented by Elobbie Cooke. Mrs. V. Sni- Sder's class sang, "Away in a SManger." * * . ~. Cathy MacKintosh played a R. piano solo, and a piano solo ,~by Grady Robson was aise much enjo3Sd. Dennis Knapp gave an able recitation. Seven boys from Mis. J. T. MeDonald's class recited dra- t matic4 ly. The children of s Miss Beéyerly .Hcarlc's .class n aise did ~gl-rharecliation r and seng.<' A tap dance ini perfect tempo was danced' by LeahN Woodward. She was foliowed ~ by Patti LeGresley and four ' girls, Ani. a recitation. Gerahd ti SMcNtil sang "'Jesus Loves 13 Me", c ~ ToAilCitiènscf ."O itthe. Town cf Bethle- el Towmot Bwmanlfle hem" was sung by Marilyn t. -.King. and Christine Westover. a CarolYn Ring gave a recita- Pl Sea.3onris tsang MrJoliy o d 'S colas", O sagion Ms. MDonat. 's chlass 0 and Qrady Robson sang «'Jin- ný g le Bdils". ný Èéetings There was an excellent c.a] nionstrationcf Baton Twirhin.g tWlhes foir by Cathy Blake. This was fol- C t ~lowed by a recitation given Pl r CLgsEMTgNNIAL by Mrs. Phil Pattrick's class. tu NEW YEAR class told a Bcd Tume Story. a: ic, Then Santa Claus arrlved le Wes Fi, and distributed candy canes, P DEPUTY - REEVE. oranges, and gifts te ail the chblcren.m DeIoitte, Plender, Haskins & Souls wlth wviom are now mergeli F. Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Mentreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Toronto Retins George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., RI.A. Burt a. Waters, C_. Oubawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 Hospital Bd. 'Annual Meeting Wed. January 11 At the meetIng of the Boari of Directors heid last Wednes day evenlng it was decidei that the Annuai Meeting wil be held ln the Ontario Stree School. The date will b, Wednesday evening, Januar: o'ciock. Board Chairman Keith Jack~ son appointed Glenholi Hughes, the immediate Pas Board Chairman, and Harr, Jose, Newcastle, to be thi members of the Nominatini Committee for the Election o Officers for 1967. Dr. A. F. McKenzie in hi Medical Staff report state that the members had beer exceedingiy busy during thc month, and he said that tht chartlng had been excellent. He said that the Medica' Association electIon of officer! for the coming year bas beer held and the resuits for 196, are: President, Dr. Keith Slem. on; Vice-President, Dr. Allai B. Sylvester, and Secretary Dr. H. C. Anfossi. Boari Chairinan Jackson thanked thE 1966 President of the Medica' Association, Dr. McKenzie, fo: the fine work he had accomp- lished as a member of the Hfospital Board during this year. The resignation of R. J. Dilling, Hospital Board Secre- ;ary, was accepted with re. gret on a motion by Mr. Hughes, seconded by James Stutt, who is also a Past Board Chairman. The Annuai Meeting o! the Women's Hospitai Auxiliary wyll be held on Friday after- noon, January 6th the board vas informed by Mrs. W. M. RudelI, the President. Rex Walters, Finance Chair- man, moved that accounts Lmounting to, $15,909.37 be passed for payment. This wvas econded by Mrs. Rudeil and carried. Tom Cowan, Property Comn- riittee Chairman, reported that the renovation of the Maternity Wing bas been coin- pleted at a cost of $3,600.21. He., added that all the comn- mittee's projeots, which had àeen budgeted for this year, ave now been finished. I t I I ( N r N I il i p s c n t p E n b Counciml <PROM PAGE ONE) traffic in 1967 be deferred if suitable alternative arrange- nents cannot be made. A notion by Couneillor Rundie, setonded by Deputy Reeve Fice, to concur in this request wgs passed., A communication from the Township of Etobicoke stated that it bas made approximate- ly 200 amendments to, its Official Plan due to changing circumstances. It explained that while it is believed that Rgeneral statement of future programn and policy for a municipality is desirable, the pinion is held that the legal nature of the Official Plan Is neither necessary nor desir- Rble. The Etobicoke Township Council therefore resoived to etition the Ontario Legisia- ire and the Ontario Govern- Tient to enact such legisiation is necessary to remove the lgai significance of an Officiai Plan. Councillor Gienhoime Hughes noved that the Etobicoke let-t er be referred to the Bow- anville Planning Board for Srecommendation. This was econded by Councilior Rundle nd carried.s The resignation of Jamest layman from the Fire Depart-a nent, to be effective on De-a ember 31st, was received. V )eputy Reeve Fiee moved thats Ir. Haymnan's resignation ben ccepted with great regret.* t His knowledge bas been aluable, and he has beenh esponsible for keeping trucksC nd pumps in good working t ondition. I feci we have lost top fireman," Deputy Reeve ce said. The motion was econded by Councillor Rundie, nd carrled. The following letter was nei mi se( ans cer Mr ac( va] res an( cor a1 Fic sec an( TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE MUNICIPAL GARBAGE COLLECTION r THERE WILL BE NO GARBAGE COLLECTION MONDAY, JANUARY 2nd, 1967 GARBAGE WILL SE PICKED UP TUESDAY, JAN. 3rd 4 SPEIAL PUCKUP '0F XMASTRE NORTH SIDE- 0F IKINO ST. -JA$I. h rd !s- ed be y 'ht ry e g of ýd ?n le le al rs m 37 n, Orono Jr. Garcleners- Present Christmas Decorations Mem bers of Orono Junior Gardeners Club again this year made several dozen tray decorations for Christmas and distributed them to senior citizens of Orono and to Strathaven Nursing-Home in Bowman- ile. This picture shows Charmaine Newman, Donna ie aread: "The Bowmanville Kmn )r men Club have approved asi 3project, the building of tSenior Citizens Home. If thi i land behind the Rgsr Office becomes available w( 1wouid be willing to purchas( samne for the sum o! $3,50o or any other lands avajiabiE that would pass requiremeni. !for the building of this projct dWe are earnestiy looking foi land to build a Senior Citizene e Home" y Councilior Rundie said thal I he feit that sureiy the Kins- dmen had read in the paper that 1council had gone on record that it is willing to give the *appraisal value, $7,000, foi sthe land behind the Registry ýOffice. "I wish the Kinsmen s had decidcd on this projc h ast month when they wer supposeci te do so", he said. Councilior Nicks moved that the letter be received and filed. Councihlor Oke, second- ed the motion, and it was car- ried. Councillor Hughes movec that council join the Ontario Sehool Trustees and Muni. cipal Councillors' Association, and pay the membership fee of $25, which. includes a sub- seription to "The Canadian School Journal". He saici that he believed such a membership rmight be beneficiai to council in connection with school budgets. >Councillor Oke seconded this Motion, and it was carxtied. A hetter froni Walter Frankc of Frank Real Estate, Limited, stated that the Steinberg preperty with frcntagc on Division and Church Streets is now on the market at a price of $72,000. He suggest- cd it would be ideal for a smali, shopping plaza or park- ing lot, and saici he would be glad to receive offers. This letter was referred to the Finance Committee on a motion by Councillor Rundie, scconded by Councillor Nicks. On a motion by Councihlor Hughes, seconded by Council- 1er Oke, the Mayor and Cheik- Controller Robert L. Byron werc given authority to dcliv- er and discharge mortgages on the Third Street lots soid te Rita and Kurt Sloos. Councillor Prout asked if any work had been donc on the road in front of Mel Wise- mnan's driveway. D ep ut y Reeve Fiee said that Werks Superintendent T. K. Stewart1 stated that the United Coun-1 ties have taken this road over,( and it is now their project. Hei added that the work te be donc wouid hardly cost anything. Councihior Nicks said it is such a smali job that he noved that the United Coun- ies be asked for permission to have the town do this work. Councillor Rundie seconded he motion, and it was carried. 4.Yr.-OId Dies (PROM PAGE ONE) receiving emergency treat- ment in a rcspiratMr ma- chine, wbich ber father, an inhalator thcrapy tcchnician, bad set up early on Saturday, She had a cardiac arrest. Both the dcad girl and her sister are bcieved te have been in the back seat of their parents' car, which was soutb- bound on Park Road North, while thc other car driven by Henry Sawyer, age 43, 355à Annapolis Avenue, Oshawa, was northbound. Rauipb Vanderkooi and his ýwlfc Anne, werc hurlcd from the car by Uic impact ef the crash. Mr. Sawycr was not inured. 'ýhe Vanderkooi car had the rlght side and rearà end Smashed, and damage te It amounted to about, $1,000. Damage te Uic Sawiyer car W83 eatimated ta bu apprezi.. niately $750 wlth Its front completely crushed, FPumeral sevite fer Heather wus hellnthe Morris l'un qu cbapl,1 4 Divioft Street. 40,1i 4ý Il. m.àl- orZiona is. a a ae ry se 0t le )r t e- it ie )r 'y Challice and Wayne Couvier at right, with their tray of decorations and sev'eral of the Strathaven residents. Unfortunately, due to iii health, Director Mrs. Thomas Fairbrother was unable to accoxnpany her proteges. G3enerator Panel Man n Kecping an eye on the ship's generater panel is t Petty Officer H. W. Overy, son of Mr. and Mrs. James POvery, 9 Nelson St., Bowmanville, Ontario. He's an electrical technician on board the helicopter-destroyer St. Laurent based in Halifax. s (Canadian Forces Photo) ~v-~ (~ d promotion which he explain- O n - I d was comparable to that of the State of Washington, con- sidered to be about the best in the world. .~. ....... Another speaker who ad- .dresseci the meeting bricfhy was Graham Cmh h spoke on the need for increas- cd mechanîzation in the harv- .~ ...~.. esting of apples te combat the constant labour shortage fac- .' îng growers in harvest season. ..~ .~ A major portion of the day's 4. busîness was the ehection of officers for the ceming year. . Elected te the presidency of j. .~ ~the association was Harvey - ~ * ~.Brooks ef R.R. 3, Bowman- ville; Berton Morton of Harold, Svce-president; Morley Webs- te fBrighton, sccretary; Harold Bonter of Carrying ......' Place will be past president. Association directors for the coming year wili be Harold Watson, Bowmanville, Deug Little Gary Adair shown in Kemp, Bri gh to n, James the above photo celebratcd bis Wright, Newcastle; Ralph Hilîs, first birthday on December Ennmskilhen; Gordon Flynn 6th, 1966. Hc is the son cf Mr. Jr. Trenton; Cecil Morgan, and Mrs. Harold Adair, Kirby, Trenton; D e u g Hendricks, Ontario. Trenton; James Knight, Graf- ton, and Eari Chatten, Bright- * on. P rofe soli Representatives in the appie seciontO eprSSO th as secition t represntnias Hughes1 ' FROM PAGE ONE) fesser Hughes' story was pick- cd unanimoushy by the panel et judges from ever 500 Eng- lish and French entries. The judges were Arnold- Edinborough, Chairman; M.1t Rager Lemelin, Quebec City,ý creator of The Plouffe Family. television series, and Margaret Laurence, whosc fifth novel, J "A Jcst of God", is now on the. best seller lists. Professerl Hughes' Belmont prize win- ning story is published in this, rnonth's Issue ef Saturday! Night. Professer Hughes is a Pro- fessor et Mechanicai Engineer- :ng at the University cf Toron- o, but is aise weli known as a writer cf fiction. His stories have been widely pub]ished in periodicals and books here, in he United States and in Eng. and. 1n 1954 he won the University et Western On- ;ario's President's Medal for a short story. HEu itera% gent is his only brother, Glenholme Hughes. i i t i I Apple Growes <PFROM PAGE ONE) stores. Mi ogrecomxnended the om=lZls be muade up of ch s tore representatives, pÎoeaor and con- Fruit and Vegetable Growcrsl' Association were Harold Bax- ter of Carrylng Place, Dr. David Zimmerman of Trenton, Harold Gibson of Newcastle and Doug Kemp of Bowman- ville. The meeting concluded late Tuesday afternoon after the business of the past year and plans for the comlng year had been presented. Family Twosome Tournament Bantam Section was hcld Dcc. 24th with 58 Bantams and their parents particlpating. Top scores were roiied by: IDebbie Mutton and father 981. e Mcidy Musterai and sister béMu. ;Debbie Bromeil and father Howard, 928; Tom Woodward and tath- er Walter, 905; Garth Jensen and father Chester, 8m6; jhn Niekerson and mother Anita, 885; Dale Tcrry and mother Gladys, 861; Sandra Kniqht and father Jack, 856, Sandra Bond and mother Dorothy, 856. Tournanient for Junior and Senior wil be held Saturday, Dec. 3lst, 1 o'clock. OBITUARY W. PAUL WILSON Following an illness of one month, Uic death of W. Paul Wilson, agcd 80 years, occur- rcd on Monday, December 5th, 1966, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. Son of the late James and Susan Wilson, he was bain at Lucknow, Ont., and rccived his education at Kincardine, Ont. On September 15, 1914, GIGANTI( STARTS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29 -10 BIG DAYS - SAVINGS & BARGAINS #ALORE ' JURY & LOYELL LIMITED i him. A reudt et BIwmanvlle for 46 yeara, th meaued liv. i d lin Brantfoed betore mov- Ing here. Ife ýwmu a book- keeper, retiring ýO years ago Mr. Wilson wuaà a mbeL*r ofi iSt. Andrew'a ?-ibyteian Church and wus also a mern- ber of Gore Lodge No. &4 I.O.O.F. Mr. Wilson Is survivcd b>N flve daughters and two sons,Iý Mms D. Lytie (PatrIila), Mis. H. E. Buckland (Louise), Mrs. J. C. Antlll (Laura), Sheila, Mildrcd, Leonard and Kcith.L The funeral service was hcld from the Northcutt and Smith Funcrai Homne, Bow- manville, on Wcdncsday, De- cember 7th, and was conduct- cd by Rev. Jas. Gilchrlst or St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church. Interment was in Paris Cemetery, Paris, Ont. Pallbearcis were Messrs. J. C. Antill, H. E. Buekland, N. K. Cavan, L. D. MacDougalb P. K. Wilson and M. P. WIl. 2 KING ST. E. Town of Bowmanville PREPAYMENj' 0F TAXES Prepayment of 1967 Taxes will b. received up to 90 percent of 1966 Taxes. A discount of 4% will be allowed on payments made in January.. Payments made during the period F.b- ruary Ist to February 28th, 1967. inclusive will b. allowed a 3% discount No discount will be allowed after February 28th, 1967. R. L BYRON, Tax Collector. Situat.d at Liberty St. S. and Hlghway 401 Bowmanville .N.%..~t~ . 6..16ftMAl fromn Management and Staff We are now taking reservations for. . . New Year's Dinner m Phone 623-3373 Due to extensive interior renovations our restaurant facilities will be closed January 2nd for the entire month .We expect to re-open approximately February lst, full details will be published at a later date SUKSIDI OF KING ST. J. $1k -4 MOTEL WILL DE OPEN FPR BUSINESS AS USUAL.1 p Tii. anadli Stteuna, Bo Mavf e e. 21, 198 'rinity Sunday School ld Christmas Concert BO1 WAN VLLE MOTOR HOTEL RESTAURANT 1 1 l

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