v Fjr e Damages Darlington -1k ~. ,- à VOLUffE 112 brn~îbnr 10 Page.s BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBE1t 28, 1966 15eb Per Çopy NUMBER 52 "Breathalizer" Arrives in Time For New Year's Eve CCCe -. ~-r*** . Preparing ...~ 'Su nday' The CBC "Sunday" cre% terial locally to be presentec ~ program next Sunday New regular 10 p.m. showing. Larry Zoif, the ""Sunda, his staff, are staying at The Motor Hotel, and will be in evening. Scenes wilI be film& ville Senate Club, an Eastern also skaters at Vanstone's Mi Ian Tyson of the popular tan and Sylvia will be host Producer Zolf interviewed tain of Don Messer's Jubilee Ranch, Concession 4, Clarke day. He also filmed and tapec this ranch with Professor Geci of Lament for Nation, on th adian nationalism. On Thursday he wiIl int * of State Judy LaMarsh at th also interview Mrs. Minnie1 Statesman's Morrish correspci old poetess, and also Mrs. Ce Bowman' le Detachment of the Ontario Provin- th a rnti l ,ýrso jU etqvf. 2i iWg.4 a ~tlIiz1Ç1r àtýn'iljIý er s . e hî.Te Sunday" crei* thtregisters the amopnt of àcohol, ether or paralde- should provide a real test for the apparatus because at the Newtonville United Chi / hyde a person has ionsumed. Police stress that it the three trained O.P.P. operators will be on duty to ________________ will not only proVide t hem' with, corroborative evi- do the testing round the dlock and their services will N MAIONMNA dence, but will also protect a person who is genuinely be available to other area police. This Photo shows, Post Office houri for the f ili but appears to be "under the influence". The from left to right, O.P.P. Constable L. James, Cpi. j. holiday wiii be the saute as r( machne illsho qute ccuatel tht acohl o Clss nd gt A Barer nspctig teirnewfor Cltristmas. No mail will machie wil sho quie acuratey tht alohol r Clss ad Sgt A. arke inspbeindthli nered donve Mondayondyand the other two substances have not been> used and machine. Incidentally, the test is voluntary. 1thae office wiil be closed. Aà Apple Mai Eîndorsed a PROF. B. HUGHES WINS STORY PRIZE The first prize in the annual Belmont Contest has been1 awarded to Professor Philip B.1 Hughes, University of Toron-i to, a brother of Glenholme Hughes, Bowmanvilie. Pro- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) 1 à- rketing Commission 3t AnInual Meetingt More than 75 apple growers, Ontario, chairman of the Apple members of the Northumber- Producers Marketing Board, land and Durham Apple Grow- who presented a plan for the ers Association, gathered fpr formation of an Apple Market- their 56th annual meeting at ing Commission to estabiish the Department of Agricul- base prices throughout the ture's service centre in Bright- season for the purpose of meet- on an Tuesday, Dec. l3th for ing competition from outside an ail-day pragram. the province as well as regu- Principal 'speaker oi the day iating prices ta major chain was Jerry Long of London, (TU RN TO PAGE TWO) Win.s Colored Television Set Ç13ts andi CENTENNIAL - It won't be long now until Canada starts its Centennial Year with celebra- tions going on throughout the 12-month period. We haven't heard if the factory whistles will be blowing to welcome the new year '3.nidnight on Saturday or if fires will be burningeon the hili- tops. Probably there won't be too much doing along that line other than at the several dances and parties that will be taking place. The other festivities will corne later. but, Happy Centennial- Year anyway! Incidentally, Garnet Rickard of Shaw's has an interesting arrangement of Christ- mas lights on one - f ence that is the same es the Centennial symbol. SURPRISE - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johns, Man- vers Road, sustained quite a shock on Monday evening when the large thermopane window of their living room went crash. It wouldn't happen again in a hundred years, but, believe it or not, a car driving by lost its crankshaft balancer. It must have spun across their front lawn and bounced up, right through the window, taking f rame and plaster with it. Driver of the car was James W. Snowden, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, who was located at a town service station where he had stopped. Constable Les Ricard investigated. i. t ti - t i. Here for sho-w ?w is shooting ma- edon this exciting Year's Day, at the ay"" producer, and Flying Dutchman town until Friday ed at the Bowman- ri Star meeting and Iiii Pond. ýfolk singing duo, tof this program. Charlie Chamber - ýe at Mr. Tyson's eTownship, Tues. Dd an interview at orge Grant, author îe defeat of Can- iterview Secretary îe ranch. He wiII E. McHolm, (the ondent), a 92-year. .ecil Burley, New- listory- of.,Clarke w filmed a service iurch, s'vince - mpproves ]roject Alex Carruthers, M.P. for Durham announced th week that the Ministeri Municipal Affaîrs has i formed hlm that Darlingti Township's Centennial pn Jeot bas been approved1 the province and has no been forwarded te the CEi teanial Commission ln 0 taiva. The project is the crem tion of a pioneer homesteai the original log home af! V Canant family. The net el timated cost is $30,00, pr( vided as follows: $11.280 b the Township of Darlingtoi $9,360 by the Province an $9,360 by the Governmer of Canada. Car Crash( ?.P. his of in- lon oro- by en- ea- Ld, the 'o- by ent Early Tuesday niorning f ire of undetermnined origin caused several thous*- and dollars damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodcock and family, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. The blaze apparently started in the cellar and was dià;é covered when the two boys went downstairs. Their parents were stili sleeping. It spread rapidly ta the upper floors when a cold air pipe ta the furnace broke and fell. When Bowmanville firemen arrived, flames were shooting out tiý basement windows and the house was f illed with dense smoke They were~ the scene for over two hours before It could be brought under conlttol. Mi Woodcock is pictured at right. Re-appoint Councillors to Recreation Council Accepts With Regret, ireman Hayman's Reignatiotr 1 Councillor Ken Nicks and had been recevdy council. given by coundlSý Councillor James Bourke were from >the Recreatior~Commit- to, stop UP O]Deëll Co -nt e o . 19 7 n h e t a d l uU " Ï l ef ri t a e ;bire-appointed to the Recreation tee asking for their. te appoint- street w ll it beý » meeting of Town Council -held and interest le~ thé recreation' Elgin Street 'wfll b' in the Council Chamber on program. as tho atart to, the 0 Monday evenîng. This wýas Ris Worship, Mvayor Ivan Street bridge oveit ti. -moved by Councillor Maurice Hobbs was re-appointed ta, the, tracks will be highër, * Prout, seconded by Deputy Central Ontario Joint Plan. O'Dell Street. Reeve Wesley Fice. ning Board for the year Jan- Council also gave Councillor E. J. Rundie on uary lst ta December 31st, readings and passed a by- behaif of ail the members of 1967, and A. J. Cole was re- to establish and lay ou council congratulated b o t h appointed ta this board for a municipal parking 'lot oz Councillors Nicks and Bourke terni extending fromn January in Lot 159 fronting on C for the good work they have Ist, 1967, to December 31st, Street as per the agr done on this committee during 1969. made with theTu the last 12 months. A letter, Third and final reading was Trinity United Chuxh htmajor road Four-Yr.-Old Girl Diestthat eoud i Following Accident Many, Parle On Christmas Eve Planned for Four year aid Heather Van- General Hospital where they derkooi, a randdgtero are making satisfactory pro- e 'Y arsE Mr.an Ms.Joh Vndrkoigress towards recovery. New e rsE Sr., R.R. 4, Bowmanville, died Their other daughter, Anne, Plans have been complot4. on Christmas morning at 1:45 age six years, underwent an cd for many celebrations tý o'clock in the Oshawa Gen- operation for the removal af welcome in the New Yew, eral Hospital, seven hours af- her spleen at the Oshawa here. There will be sevein ter she was injured in a two General Hospital. She is a91SO or eight dances held lu tb.. car collision on Park Road receiving treatment for ab- town and district on 1e* North, Oshawa. dominalI njuries and fractur- Year's Eve. Bach bas arq Rer parents, Mr. and Mrs. ed ribs. ranged for a speclal orot Raulph Vanderkooi, 300 Gre- Heather Vanderkooi, whoesrblosxoem fell Street, Oshawa, who were sustained a broken neck, is Party hats and fayors. also injured in the accident, reported ta have died whiie ici suppers wili uo are patients in the Oshawa (TLJRN TO PAGE TWO) served. ies Head On Into Hydro Pole a t Courtice WINNERS - Toms and Sons Ltd. 'of Newcastle were the winners of a contest conducted recently for IdA 'stores. They came up with the best sug- gestion for a Centennial project. It was for each store ta adopt one child under the "Save a Child" program. Congratulations! i. t -1 t t INAUGURAL - Dowxn Cobourg way, they really are taking thi's Centennial year seriously. The inaugural council meeting will be held Jan. 9th, with ail members dressed in authentic 1867 cos- tumes. Minutes jif the Jan. 1867 council meeting will be read #97the affair that will be held ini Victoria FIals deep welI court room, ingiead,.ot theý regUlar- council chamber and a locl1 prhing firm'- wilr -reproduce a July 1867- composite eât'oue of the Cobourg World and Sentinel. MMEVSION- CBC televisionce'ih woking like beavers all this Weqk district preparig an unusual ruai .showing <bis tSuiday eveningîati1 have ;been ',makkag. their head!it Tl1ying Dutchlnan. t f: týthe. Pull& Mt'e aeoends Kim b.ld before w. f " 4è <i/ 4 1 . 1 a 1% Bou Bd Ao% IR a 10% lm 9)ieces