Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1966, p. 10

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~ Te CnhianStaesanBowanlfl, Dc.28,196 andr Mrs. George Bittner and Helen Baker, Toronto, andi with Miss Pearl Leachi. NESTLETON wsone.. girls, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mc- Miss Mary Loux Flynn of Osh- Christa ustviiMcNsitn ...Te Crtia s osi -ScMs .Sep Sit Miand family of Oshawa, awa.j Ed. Wer- atir and M vc wscodandby~ Se. Mrs. . Sadlr;ce Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large, WeaWrnd M family . Were The DNet e mb ..W er meein JnsasiedbMr.ac-MsA.Wlim;Cre e ~ ~~~~~~~man andi girls, Zion, andw Mr. Janet and Robble, Bow m Dr.aan, s. G . ery nd Nte h stietonn as hel n, Mrs ila s ad y e. r. B esi: S T h efl w - N e w s Christmas Day guests with with' Mr. and Ieirs. WaltErnmerson, Bowmanville, ::dafer1nchnwith a fair attend- smcnf c53adMs SmCrwrevlewr hrsmsget fmlOhwa r ot cho nTedy urrdth omMs M ebteM 1;theirparents Mr. an Mrs. PrrLuker Mr8-20e A.miWiMon.ams,. Mrs.thG.aBonwers M r s . J a m e s E . R ic h a r d s , E d ito r i te ir re nt s r an d r . P r i d r r av e i , Z o .a c . pr s d n p n t i h an d M rs. Jo h n a e t e e i r i n M I w ~ , M s M r .fan da nt. Fcs tore doH eaan di pi lM a l c o M.r. rs. FsterSnow-and amilywereMonday anti famdly. Oshawa, were re- a reading "A Christmas Pray- with praye.RednsprPrsRpotM.G.Jha den, Brooklin, Mr. Isaac Har- Christmas guests wlth Mrs. T. cent visitors with Mr. andl er" anti also read "The Mean- taining to thswrgvebyUiLadsM.RSa1r Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson IMms. Orville Chatterton, Carol week over Christmas wlth Mr. dy andi Stanley were Christ- Flett of Columbus. Mrs. Wes Werry. ing of Christmas," following Mrs. Williamsat r.Sep r. lre r.G rs ret.urned home on Monday af- andi David were Christmas anti Mrs. Dean Hotigson, Ajax. mas Day guests with Mr. and Christmas Eve guests with Mr. andi Mrs. Donald TLay-, andi severalcaoser AuirsMs.N ter spendîng ten days over dinner guests on Saturday of Mr. anti Mrs. Elgin Heard, Mrs. Joe Snowtien and Bruce. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Broome 1cr anti family were Christ- lSolina Hall on Monday, Dec. throughout tesrie ed is .p ina Aritmatsontty annBonnier.and MNancy tBayl-orbitandaWy h M.ntiMr. Ken Knox, Kemptvilleandi family were Mr. anti Mrs. mas Sunday guests with Mr.126th. ings were aiegvnbM.L.acom ,Antiea o,B t terdo n ton n anya r Mp-Crstmark Marcwhnt and-Agriculture College, is spend- Ron Broome anti Kelly, Bow- anti Mm. A. F. Abernethy of Christmas guests anti visi- Nesbitt antiM.Sdtlr arlat h eei and. rwi rag ant r . tM. atiMr.Re. uto Myat Ma rove.an fm-ing Christmas holitiays with manville, anti Miss Lois Ash-.Manilla. tors with Mr. anti Mm. R. C.Th ui Mm ri rg n r. r n r.Rg utniya al rv.his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. ton. Recent visitors with Mn.'Fraser were Mr. Arthur Fra- 1h uiespriM olw lseitemeig IR."K. Squair of Bowmanville!were Christmas dinner guests Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Bryson John Knox. On Montiay Mr. anti Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Taylor werelser, Englehant, Mr. Pat Mc- eci With mntsat ons ue hita ui visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. W. Sj on Montiay of Mr. anti Mrs. anti daughters cf Bowman- Mr. anti Mrs. John Knox, Lloyd Broomne anti family at- Rev. anti Mrs. Robt. Sherwin Carthy of Barrie, Mr. ant iveoneceretanihnsnepayiwielucwssr Moffat last Thumtiay. Fred Dayes anti family at ville, Mrs. M. Sherwin were Ken Brian anti Nancy were tentiet the "Johns Family"' anti family of Durham. Mrs. Stan Long anti taugh- cieifrgtwi ats ~ h nti hreat Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Lane anti Nestleton. Christmas Day guests cf Mr. Christmas Eve guests with gathering in Trinit church Mr. anti Mrs. Robt. Martin, ters, Port Credit, Miss Lynepeo rt atingiacalr-M.Stientneei an son Paul have movedt t their Mrs. Evelyn Clemence Pow- andi Mrs. Ernest Bryson, Kir- Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Down, basement. Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Brcker, eniceenetheausuMr.social hour new house at Dean's Corner. ers, age 86, widow of the late b3T. Heather, Steven anti Allison, Christmýas Day guests with Martin, Eric anti Glenn cf 1 Glenn Fraser cf Camp Ber- th Crit Mrs. M. Chatterton, Mn. anti:Mn. Cecil L. Powers, passeti Mrs. Milton Gray cf Cati- cf Sundierlandi. Miss Pearl Leach were Mr. Prestonvale, anti Mr. Larryldten anti Mr. Allan Fraser of hedCrstmsche bxs.etig ____away suddenly at the Scar- mus, Mr. anti Mrs. Reg. Sut- Miss Donna Glover, Kedron, anti Mrs. Art Youngman anti Broomne w e re Christmas 1 Lontion. Nesbitt wenei hrec:ecMrh niTmyl borough General Hospital on ton spent Christmas Day with is spentiing a few tiays with family, Tyrone, Mrs. Etiith guests with Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. IMr. anti Mrs. Orville Lunn,' these. The roî ai"o et aFoiavcto r Saturday morning, Dec. 24th. Mr .andi Mm. Ken Gray andi Miss Nancy Knox. Leach, Mr. Donald Kellett, Ashton anti family. Ted, Karen anti Nancy of to eeb Now Avilable Funeral was from the Barlowý son J)aviti. Christmas Day guests with Bowmanville, anti Mn. anti Mn. anti Mrs. Hilton Tink, Peterbonough, Mr. anti Mrs. oreeme or ic-nt uda.Mr atiMs.Grn NwAalbe FnrlHome on Wetinestiay Mr. anti Mrs. Clifford Coop- Mr, anti Mrs. Tom Baker anti Mrs. Doug. Flett anti family. Ebenezen, were Christmas Lloyd Preston, Gary, Bob, su-n"wswl nwrt.0 ilb ncag afternoon, Dec. 28th. Inter- er entertaineti their f'amlly on family were Mr. Philip anti Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Tri- Suntiay guests with Mr. anti Kolleen anti Janet were Mrs. Bruce si prtiheHnntowilsvehecs W for ment in Orono Cemetery. Monday at thein home. Misses Elizabeth anti Hillary vett, Weston, Mms. Noa Fea-, Mrs. Harry Knox anti boys. Cristmas Monday guests with slate of officesfrtecm oesi h onr tr Mn7niMr.Ca Christmas Day dinner guests Johnson, Mr. Lanry Welsh, therstone-Haugh cf Halifax,ý The "Vice family" Christ- the Roy anti Charles Lang- ing year, whcvr sfl niM.Wre orrwf Festive Season Cooper e dnrgus o were Mr. anti Mrs. Wmn. Mc- ir.W. Bryan, Bunketon, on Donald, Sandrna anti Kelly Monday, Dec. lth.. Marie cf Lindisay, Miss Gal Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Irwin Kapo omnil visited Mn. anti Mrs. . M. J.Knapp o! Bnofmanille, Miss Fagan anti family at Mankhar n Jdy FerenDo!gls KirbyMr recently. Keith anti Meni Lou of Orono. 'N OTO EHM I - PJ B Mrs. Tom McRoberts visiteti*AMr. anti Mrs.HoChas. with her family at TyroneMran s.Cs.V anti Oshawa over the Christ- Cooper returneti home on mas holitiays. Montiay after spending over Mns.Vioa Sithant MnChristmas Day with Mr. anti F.MB. W mit h an dom aMr.ns.Chas. V. Walker anti îtearre hoe lstfamily in thein new home at pital, Bowmanvîlle. Scronough. Mr.andMrs Aler Michel Rv.anti Mrs. Basil E. Long, Mr.W. Gr cf Onono, adfamily aespnAg r . Â Younghusbanti cf Adelicicus Picton during Christmas week. Long, Mns. Oda Laing, Mrs. Non-Alcoholie Drink! Christmas & Holiday Visitors L. Sinclair, of Toronto, Mr. Mr. anti Mrs. F. O. Cooper anti Mrs. Peter Laing of Mi- L ~ spent Christmas w e e k e n ti mico, were among the Christ- Quart 65aiC with Mn. anti Mrs. 0. M. j. mas Day guests o! Mr. anti Fagan, Michael anti Karen at Mrs. Philip Long anti sons M arham.Totit anti Chris, Oshawa. Gle R er. anti Mrs. Milton J. Mn. anti Mrs. Harry Mencer GieTamlyn wre Christmas Day spent Christmas Day with Mn.-1 dianner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. anti Mrs. H. Luxton anti chilti- GeogeCaker anti family, ren, Bowmanville. DaLiry GBo wma tn vij lle. Mrs. D. N. Myles anti son Mn Lwence Squair cf Mn. LeRoy Myles spent Christ- Phone 623-5444 Sale, Mn.i anti Mns. Aleck mas Day with Mn. anti Mrs. Moffat anti family spent Jack Davis anti daughters, 98 King st. W. Christmas Day with M. anti Bowmanville.SH P E R Y FRB SS L CTO Mrs. W. S. Moffat. Mn. anti Mrs. Reg. Sutton, HPER YFRB Mrs. D. G. Hoope spentthel Mn. anti Mrs. Ken Gray anti __Davidi were Christmas Eve YOU ARE NOT TOO LATE ... Mns. Milton GrayrM. andSA EIt th Ne gr Mrs. Jim Grayani family at r E M l iN u5aJ M N And Save On Home Fix-Up at Islington (fonmerly cf D-T M Sl Kingston) oven the Christmas W m Chrysier Barracuda Corne with us to holitiays. l those jobs you put off lintil after Bem d "Mn. Vernon Graham, Mn. Hurry on down to, Beaver for your entry form Chrrytms on done neaverafor the bes anti Mns. Cecil Gnaham'spent nothin tonhu. sleto c forbs. "Sunny Bermuda"' Christmas Day with Mn. andtihn oby elcino agis Mns. Lloyd Gaynon anti Susanj LSN AEJN 7 97-VSTO onat Fenelon Falls. _LSN AEJN ,97VSTO PHONE M A HGN Mn. anti Mns. Jack Bailey AW RL of Oshawa, Mn. Mel Bowins A 1DECRATV anti Mrs. Sam Brown cf Beth- DECORA TUS' A e5h any, Mn. Albert Bowins of IvaTural a og n WALLBOAR Pontypool, M . anti M s. Keth R n o , V g o v d e u n for about a dollar Tregunna, Nancy anti Ricky andogayplwodpVes of Onono wene dinnen gusts.AUU UAaA - -~ inthe uditoiunton Chrltas Day of Mn. antid ithauioimMrs. Lorne Bowlns. Ra2ék <t1 ling4 x 7"- E .39 Ayun of the ~~The OscarAdiams family BechStinGrd helti thei! hristmas Party at Bowanile ow Hllthe Roseneath Hallirecently.~2 - 2/8 x 6/8 - 1 3/8"..10.957fPRFNHD D OwmN 'i l T oISSH a llM ran d , Mn iMrs. W mI jr - 2 2 x 1 8 - 3/ " . . . .. 9 ey, Linda anti Maie o! Bow- P /x/..38 025T a td1a o a Hoan spent Montiay as Christ'I 0. m as g u ests o f M n. an ti M2 6 x 6/rs1 / " . . .. . 1 .2 o BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB Glenn alntant i a 24d / -i38"...-5_EIVREXCEPTIOA JPf TRAVELGUE enentati their hami. c ALL SLAB DOORS Pacifie mahogany plywood panels 32" x 84" sanded gendon Vrovd tmta,* Chistmas Day dinnen uests satin smootb, ready to finish. ANY QUANTITY. 3-coat, satin m ih EIEE o! Mn. anti Mns.Albert Mit- 1x7 .9AyQatt chell, Barbana anti StevenCLER"PIE RE wene Mn. anti Mns. Wm. Em-CER PN oney of Whitby, Mn. anti Mrs. TL iBalelf aptn LOUVRED PANELS ARMSTRONG VINYL Mn. anti Mrs. Oscar Atiams of ..~ ~Orono. APSTSTLEV 1jU spent Christmas Day with 'MnASBESTO FLOOR Ira R S A R N a rlsh oald Graham anti /" 7" ............59 / y R43/AURAN77"..........5w95 NEW EMBOSSED DESIGN Dr n r.John H. Leslie -17/4x". .....6 2 CHICKEN SALAD Tyrone, were Satuntiay guests 2 /I I-6 RVIR HIE 19 PANELLING Or -Y with Mn. anti Mns. Wes. HuIs only A.5cFmtrn COLD SLICED TURKEY anti family. SATINCOTE _______ __ lefa T WITH POTATO SALAD Mr. Cehals Allin, Bow- VNY.FO.N .L II.t IL CHOICE 0F DESSERT Toronto,' wene Sunday tea (IIU u guests with Mn. anti Mns. Wes. C~ EILING IL OR TEA COFFEE MILK! Yellowlees. 32" x 80" Imm1 jMn. anti Mrs. Harvey Yel- 12" x 24" TUFTONE 1" 2"1" 3 ADULTS $2.50 CHILDREN $100lowees anti family aenjytr4 Q-T lwee"LanmdrFamîly" ten- ' 6fQ.F. a 98 ing helt iat Mr. anti Mrs. Glen c____ ______ o '2 c it, F0OR R ES ER V ATI10NS Lanmen's, Blackstock, on Sat- Per____ - ea. perly1 urday evening. e t M R C ___________ PH ONE 263-8421 famiîy were Christmas guests .UEYR2"x" wihM. an Mrs. TWes sati-.6 AINTHDE0CE/T2ox4 DURIG WNTE SESONlake anti famlly, Peterbor- ....*.. .. ..e2O 7 ABAVRUMER SUD IG TDDN Mn. anti Mm. Geo. Knox a o ea41/ w il b l s danti fam lly were guests B dgtiPan wilb lsdMn. anti Mrs. Howardi Farrow 4 ONtPla. I CARTONS 12" x 12" PAL-0-PAC_____________ MONDAYS THROUGH THURSDAYS o! Starkviile, on Chistmas 4MICROCARTOS 12" 12" AO-PA Day. OPEN: FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Mr. anti Mr. Wes. Yellow- DAMAGED'PERF.MIRPEF Chitat get-togethen at NGILET L E1.5 per bag We take this opportunity coe f Mr. anti Mm. John CEILING T L 64 Sq. Ft. _________ Marks, at Scarborough.PECATNMAFI to wish one and ail a Mrsi. Alma Rudle, Miss JeanPECATNMAFI dRuntie, Bowmanvifle, Mn. anti4 95L INSULATION Mis. Jackson Wa, Mxn aDebora, Oshawa, were e. erO as:j.m. anti Mrs. RosaCryderman at San. 9 e bg TI93 10 ingSLUE.B ER SORE N ew Ya r IMr, andi Mrs. John Leger M anti r.and r.le

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