..vomen si ,-ear Favc Vonate $. ~4The meeting af the Women' Iospital Auxiiary held i hBoard Room af Memoria Uospital recentiy was openeg *ith the Auxiliary Praye = in unison. The Presideni Wvr. W. M. Rudeli, presideg 1 hemeeting. TnTea"urer, Mrs. R. G ~owie, presented a satisfactor inancial stetement, and mov 1dits adoption. This was sec Wnded by Mns. E. R. Thamp ~Qn and carried. LMr s. Lawrence C. Mason,i fast pyesident, introducedi ew memben, Mns. Hugl ~'leing.President Rudel 'itroduced her mother-in-law Iwrs. M.. J. Rudell, Guelph, pIuest et the meeting. Mrs. George Vice, the cor 'eponding secretary, read ètter from Hospital Boarc '~hairman K e i t h Jackson tbanking the auxiliary on be half af the board for the ger, ~eous donation ai $2,500 foi ##~e haspital. i I 4 s j A letter wth the correct address Is dellvered rlght away - A letter with a wrong address takes longer on Its way. For postal information see your telephone book YeIIow Pages_ 5- g $ * t. g a * * I g i i Q. Hosp ital Ai orabIe Rep c 2,500 toJ luxiliary orfs Hospital ele- vin Lry. A. lat kso ies kiso any e- hai îof any ire ix- ing be led be igh ry igh ing led het be wvs tan ceh .nd .ry Jat go anr 's' Ia ber report Mmi. Vice said treasuner, be appointed del ia card ai sympethy had been gates to this convention fri [al sent ta Mns. Wesley Cawken, a the local hospital auxiliai d pat president. She steted This was secanded by Mrs. er that lettens had been sent to D. Jackson, and cannied. it, Miss Sally Witherly, who is President Rudeil and1 d now studying technology et St. Vice-President Ayne will al Joseph's Hospital, P e t e n- attend the Hospital Auxiliar' G. bonough, and ta Miss Christie Convention. Mrs.- Rudeli el ry Tighe. naw a student et unged the othen auxilia v- Queen's University, Kingston, membens ta go ta the coavE c- comrnendiag them ion thein tion. p- wonk in the Hospital Gift Shop Mns. Mason reported tù durng the summen. She also James Speers, ' Principal a reported on business carres- Courtice Secondany Schc a poadence duning September. has inionmed the auxilia h Mrs. Vice moved the adop- that three students thenea ül tion ai ber report. This was eligible ion the Hospital Au w, seconded by Mrs. Fred Stevens iiary's Bursany. The meeti: a and carried. discussed the bursares ta Mns. B. D. Tillcock preseat- ien this year, and decid r- ed the Finance Commîttee ne- that the policy ai $100 each a pr in the absence ai the Fin- given ta Bawmanville Hiý rdence Chairmen, Mrs. Jesse ShoCutc eod ri Van Nest. The report stated Schaol, and Clarke Hiý ethet the Venishîng Tees are Scbaol for the students fnc n- oin wel, ndarebeig hldeach schaol eaterng trainii or n gom eofd aeobepl e. d ionhospital careens. by nuber i peple.Presideat Rudell remind - The adoption ai this report the auxiliany membens th was moved by Mns. Tillcock. the date ai the next meetir This motion was seconded by November 4th, will elso Mrs. George Stephenson, New- the day ai the St. Andnev castle, and cannied. Pnesbyterian Church Baza Mns. R. C. Simpson, New- and Tee. She said that a huai cestle, neparted that neturas will not be served in the Boa from e Vaaishing Tee that she Room aiten that auxilia had held had emouinted ta $12. meeting as it is hoped th Mrs. C. G. Marris elso repart- the auxilieny membens willlj ed on a successiul Venishing ta the St. Aadnew's Baza Tee thet she hed given. and Tee as they have done Mns. A. L. Hooey, the Git previaus years. Sbop Chairma, reported thet la Septemben Git Shop sales had totalled $532, and thet the SOLINA expenses had been $603.1l.. She seid that only twa ai the TeEddTn nu Hospital Auxiliary Cook Boaks heing a papen aadop ba are stillinl stock. aigaperndopbt Mns. Hooey maved the adop drive on Saturdey, Oct. 29t tion ai ber repart. This was- Anyone wishiag ta have thE seconded by Mrs. Tillcock and papers picked up sbould ha, cannied. tbem in front ai thein homeE Mrs. J. O'Neill, ca-convenor We are aIl remiaded th ai the Marathon Bridge, ne- Sunday School will be et 10:, ported thet it stented ion this a.m. sterting Oct. 30th, ai seeson et the begînaiag af church et 12 noon et Eldad. October with thnee ladies' The W. I. bus is goiag groups and e gnoup oi 14 mix- Toronto ion the Conventioni ed couples. She moved the Thunsdey, Nov. 3nd. Anyai adoption ai ber report. This wishing ta go should conta was seconded by Mns. E.' V 'Mns. Fred Watson, 263-2053. Hoar, Marathon Bridge Ca- Mn. andi Mrs. O. CroziE Convenor, and carried. Suarimerville, Sask., Miss Ii Mns. E. R. Thompsoa, Tray Araatt, Mrs. Jessie Cheste: Favons Convenan, reported Mns. Melville Morton, Oshaw that it had been impossible ta visîted with Mrs. N. Watt( obtein tnay favors ion Thenks- and family. giving. She said that she is Mn. and Mrns. Geo. Harpe tryiag ta arrange thet an arg- Utica, visited with Mn. ai anizatian wiîl provide trey Mrs. Russell Vice and Mv fevons ion the hospital patients Evenett Vice an Sunday. et Christmas, and that enother Mn. and Mns. Joe SnowdE group will make them fon and Bruce, Mr. and Mns. Dot New Yeer's Day. Mrs. Thomp- Flett and Linde, visited son, secoaded by Mrs. H-.oan, Rod Oxiord's, Bobcaygec maved the adoption ai ber ne: recentiy. part, and this motion was car- Mn. Elgin Taylor, Mn. ar ried. Mns. Bruce Taylor and famil Mns. W. Wallis, Library Cent wene Sunday guests aiflM Co-Chairma, reponted that and Mns. Donald Taylor ai books had been doneted la iamiiy on the occasion aiflM September by Mrs. Clarence E. Taylon's bintbdey. Hall and Mmi Martin MoIly. Mns. Donald Taylor, Ambq She also expnessed epprecia- and- Gayia NVsitee ' Técéft tion ai the assistance given by with Mn. and Mrs. Sené volunteers who had helped la Abernethy, Manille. teking the Librany Cart on its Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Pasco rounds ta patients la Septem- Oshawa, were recent ti ber. The voluateens wene guests with Mn.ad Mns. Rc Mrs. John G. Nesbîtt, Mns. Lengmeid. George Stephenson, Mns. R. C. Mn. and Mrs. Onville Lui Simpson, bath ai Newcastle; ad amily, ai Peterbonougi Mrs. Martin Mollay and Mns. were weekend guests ai t] C. G. Marris. Roy and Chas. Langmaic Mns. Wallis moved the adop. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Presto tion ai ber report. This wes and f e mii1 y, Bowmenvifl seconded by Mns. Stephenson were aiso Sundey guests. and cannied. Mn. and Mns. Gea. Giln Presîdent Rudeli announced andi famihy visited recent] that the annuel convention ai with Mn. and Mns. Chas. Lený the Ontario Women's Hospital maid. Auxilianies Association will be Mn. andi Mns. Barry Cowlir helti et the Rayai York Hotel, and John oi Salem were Sur Toronto, on Octoben 24th, 25th day dinnen guests with Mv and 26th. ad Mrs. Tom Baker ad fanr Mrs. Lloyd Ayne, hst vice- ily. Miss Helen Baker, Toi presideat, moved that Mrs. onto, spent the weekend wlî Duncan Smith, the 2nd Vice-. the Tom Baken's. Mn. an Presideat, andi Mrs. Cowie, the Mns. Tom Baker, Miss Heier OUSEFUL SERVANT OR DANGEROUS FIRE HAZARD? Electricity can be-a boon to modern living-or a dangerous fire hazard. Last year in Ontario, careless use of electricity caused 2,975 fires. Many lives were lost. Property damage was more than $41/2 million. Check pur home today-to safeguard the I ives of your famnily and protect your property. ARE THERE ANY OF THESE FIRE HAZARDS IN YOUR HOME? DAMAGED WIRING FAULTY APPLIANCES OVERLOADED CIRCUITS U NÇROUNDED POWER TOOLS MISFIT FUSES1 OCTOPUS PLUGS J2 Tle Canadian Statesman, EowmanvMfe.- OctL 28, 1966 A new right oi court action wilh go into effect Janary 1, 1967, for passengens ia maton vehicles la Ontario. A guest passenger wîll have the right ta dlaim damages inom the driver and/or awaen ai the car la which he is nid- ing, if he is injured la an -acci- dent caused by the driven's grass negligence. At present a guest passengen -that is, ane who is nat pay- ing a fere-hes no dlaim egeiast the driver or ownen inl such cincumstances. (A Ifare-paving nassenger docs Baker vlslted Mn. and Mrs. Jack Smth, Bobcaygeon. Mr .and Mns. Win. Jewell, Boyd and Bill, Tyrone, were Sunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman and family. Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Davis attended the Thankoffering1 church service et Canningtoni and wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Grills. Mr. and Mns. Wesley Yel-1 iowiees had as necent visitons Mn. and Mrs. Jack Marks, Scarbonough, and Miss Nan Allin, Toronto. On Sunday Mn. and Mns. R.1 C. Fraser were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Long aad fem- ily, Pont Credit, and enjoyed a visit whiie there with Mns. Donald Fraser, Eagelhart, and Miss Joan Frasen, Onillia. Recent visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fraser wene Mn. end Mns. Fred Smith and Colleen of Englehant, Mn. and Mns. John Menneil, Toronto. Passengers. WiII Have Right to Claim i =ae the rightofaction, how and girls of Orono were ever, and this right will con- Thursday supper guests with re tinue.) Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bou- tle The change resuits from an ghen, celebrating their lOth th. amendment ta the Highway weddîng anniversary. eir Traffic Act that was passed at Mr. Arnold Wade attended Ive the last session of the Legis- the Ontario Insurance Agents s. lature. Association Convention in iat In announcing the effective Toronto at the Royal York 45 date of January i for the ne Hotel, Thursday and Friday. tnd provisions, the Department of Mrs. Bourgerie went to Transport pointed out its sig- Oshawa for the weekend with ta nificance for drivers and own- Mr. and Mrs. A. Meadows and on ers as weli as passengers. family. )ne The insurance industry ad- Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle act vises that almost ail automo- were supper guests, Saturday, .bile liability insurance policies with Mr. and Mrs. Harold er, now ln effect include coverage Best and family. Ida against this new risk. How- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moase ýr, ever, ail car owners are urged of Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. va, ta check their palicies ta make Fulton Chidley of Little Bri- ýen sure that the policy includes tain were visitors here last passenger hazard coverage and week with Mrs. G. W. Jones er, where there 15 any doubt you and Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones. nid should check with your auto- Visitons at the Manse dur- gr. mobile insurance agent. ing the week were Mn. Keith Wood of Kendal, Mr. Bart Ton en of Lakefield. ugTP Most of the local teachers at SALEMwent ta Belleville, Friday, ma,B where the Annuel Teachers' Besure ta attend aur Harv- Convention wes in progress. nd est Home service next Sun- The second card party of 1ly day. Perticulars in coming the seeson was held in the gr. events. Community Hall Fridey even- nd Salem U.C.W. wilI. meet this ing, with 10 tables in play. Ir. Thursday, Oct. 27 at the Winners as foiiows: Ladies' church. Mn. W. Laird, Mapie high, B e r n i c e Henderson; )er Grave, will show pictures. gents' high, John Campbell; wiy DoW'b-forget .Your shovaer_.gif ts draws, Lanison iilson, Tom dfor the bale! Horsburgh, Judy Brown. A numben from hene attend- Mrs. A. Wade accompanied e, ed Harvest Home services at Mrs. S. Lancaster ta Belleville ýea Tyrone on Sunday when a Thursday, on a business trip. oformer paston, Rev. A. E. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Conbett Cresswell was guest speaker. and two boys, of Seaforth, nn Sevenal Junior Fermer mem- spent the weekend with Mr. 'h bers went an the bus trip toaend Mrs. Ross Brown and ;e Toranto on Saturday night to ami is. see "The Sound of Music"l. faily atroo on Mn. and Mrs. Willard Lock- mSmerdayof teron a fewni lhart, Niagera Falls, New York, smembofersandtwo U.C..nits a ewere recent visitons with M. Mr.soldcffed odougust ,yand Mrs. Sam Buttery. M.WlrdWo' ae h Dr. and Mrs. Ken Miller net proceeds helping ta swell g and famiiy, Swift Current, teseilwsro ud Saskatchewan, are visiting Mrs. Art Boanett and child- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ren of Port Credit were week- ng Craig and othen relatives. edget iMs ab Mn. and Mrs. Farewýell Mrs. S. J. Lancaster wasý r. Blackburn were Seturday visi- emong those attending the tea ntons with Mr. and Mns. Len et the Golden Plough Lodge, r- Brock, Hamilton. Cobourg, on Saturday after-ý td Mr. and Mrs. Fred Twist, noon. ad Whitby, were Sunday suppen Interested friends and rela- Sguests of Mn. and Mns. E. tives edded ta the size af the Twist. regular cangregetion, Sunday Mr. Glen Blackburnnetura- monning, when a memoriai ta ed ta Richmond an Monday the late Mrs. Milton Kimbal after spendiag two weeks holi- was preseated by members of day at home. her femîly. Furnishings for the ______________ communion table, compnised of a solid brass Altar Cross and a gilt-edged Bible, an a ENFIELDsuitable book-rest, were un- veiled by the youngest grand- Our Thankoffering service daughten, June Kimbail, ne- Sunday afternoon was con- ceived an behaîf af the Ses- ducted by a former pastar, the sion by Rev. R. C. White end Rev. R. B. Green, B.A., B.D., dedicated. The appropriate Th.D., of Kingston. The evi- solo, "Beyond the Sunset", by dence af his populerity wes Mns. R. C. White, closed this attested by the church filled part af the service. with aid friends af this Sunday dînnen guests at Mn. charge. The chair sang two Jack Kimball's wene Mr. and anthems. After the service the Mrs. Arthur Redknap, Mrs. H. ladies served tea ini the base- Bradley, Mrs. L. Chester, Mr. ment while Dr. and Mrs. end Mrs. Don Bright, ail of Green end Gwynneth mingled Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Bill and chatted wth acquaint- Kimbel af Port Hope. ances. Mr. and Mns.' Harry Wade The U.C.W. held a success- were in Toronto, Sunday, din-ý fui gazear in the basement ner guests with Mn. and Mrs. Friday night. Visitors re- Wm. Brown and Karen ai marked at the very reesonable Scenbanough. price on many articles which Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gardon is a welcome sound during the and bpys, Oshawa, were Sun- high price clamor. day suppen guests with Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartman, anti Mrs. Wellace Boughen. Enterpnise, w e r e weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and visitons at Mr. Allan Taylor's. Paul of Orono were Sundey Mrs. Taylor, David and Mari- visitons et Mn. C. H. Lane's. lyn neturned ta Enterprise Mrs. R. Farrow and Mr. with her parents for a few Reg. Falls were Sunay visi- days' visit. tors with Mr. and Mrs. Orville The Rev, R. B. and Mrs. Falls in Peterborough. Green and Gwynaeth, King- At Mn. F. Gilmer's Sunday ston, were overnight guests ai visitons included Mrs. Gilmen- the J. W. Bowman's. Smith ai Bowmanville, Mr. Rev. M. A. Daugherty was and Mrs. George Kimbali and a Sunday tea guest at the Joan, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Gra- Prescott home. ham and Janet af Newcastle, Mr. and Mns. Elmen Lee Mn. Fred Graham of Toronto, visited relatives at Almonte. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gilmer, Mr. Fred Henron, Oshawa, Karen, Jeff and Lynn, of Port visited at Mn. Gordon Taylor's. Hope. Sunday guests of the J. W. Mr. aad Mrs. Sîd Browvn Bownian's were: Mr. and Mns. and girls visited Mrs. V. Wagg Oie Rasmnusson and famnily, at Stouffville Rest Home, on Mapie, Miss Shirley Avery, Sunday. Ennhill en, Messrs. Murray Mn. and Mns. Tony Ton and Marshall and Lloyd Avery, childnen, Newcastle, Mr. and Bowmanville. Mns. John Ton and boys, Port Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Taylor Ho pe, with Mn. Bart Ton af attended a faneweil party et Lakefield were ail Sunday thea home 0 f M.dMr s.MRo1 sppen3g-1s1with..and- i The death af Mns. Alfred H. I~1 ! I L EThomas, 70 years,aoccurred on 1966, et Memoriel Hospital, SMn. and Mns. C. Gilmer and Bowmenville. She had been ie fmily, Lindsay, wene suppen 111 for three months, and wes guests on Saturdey with Mns. hospitalized the lest thnee C. Burley. weeks ai her illness. .È Newtonvllle W. 1. Bornaet Kings Lyna, Non- ;t Mrs. C. Bunley was hostess folk, England, the formerý ion the W. I. on Wednesday Gledys Meude Pimbley a eaftennoon, Oct. 2Oth. Presi- the daughter af the late Johni dent Mns. M. Semis opened the J. and Hanniet Pimbley. Sheý emeeting with the W. 1. Ode neceived hon education in and Mary Stewart Collect. England. On June 4, 1918 she1 e She then welcomed those pre- mannied Alfred H. Thomas y sent, among them Mns. L.j who survives. yHughes, aur Board Member Mrs. Thomas had nesided at~ dfor Central Ontario. We were R.R. 6, Bowmanville, ion eightý -also pleased ta welcome back yeens. Befone coming ta thisl Mrs. Sowden, aiter hen longenea she hed lived la Ton- stay in hospitel. Thene were onto, moving thene in 1912. 22 members and thnee visitons A housewiie, her intenests ppresent. centned around her home and The secretary-treasuren, Mrs. family. She was an edhenent T. Hendenson need the min- ai Maple Grave United Chunch utes, financial report and coi- and was e member ai the àrespondence. Mns. G iim e r Ladies Auxiliery ta Branch gave the finencial result oi 178 ai the Royal Canadien the bus trip ta see "Show Legion. Boat." Surviving, besides ber hus- We are planning ta enter- band, are one son, Frank L. stain the Saline, Bowmenville, Thomas, and two brothens, .Meple Grave and Kendal W.l. Gardon Pimbley ai Peterbor- Ibranches an Nov. h6th in aur ough and Stanley Pimbley oi Suaday school naam et 2 p.m. Englend. DOur December meeting wili The funenal service was be et Mns. Ferguson's home in held fnom the Morris Funeral Newcastle. There will be a Chapel, Bowmanville, on Set- giit excbange, and also eech undey, Octoben lst, and was sbould brîng a gift ion the conducted by Rev. J. Romenil. Golden Plough Lodge. The Interment was la Bowmen- Armistice Day service will be ville Cemetery. Sunday aiternoon, Nov. 6th. Palibeaers were Messrs. A card party is also plenned Ken Kuhake, Don Gibson, for late Novemben. Albert Franklin, Gary Groe- The raIl caîl was "What do neveld, Neal Seed and Henk we mean by a good citizen?" Kobes. tMns. R. Farrow, Citizeasbip Beautiful floral tributes et- canvenon, was la charge ai the tested ta the esteem la which pnagnam. The motta, "Bad the deceased wes held, among officiels are elected by citi- wbich were those fnom Maple zens who do not vote," was Grave Church, Chair Mem- teken by Mns. Burley. bers, Brànch 178 Royal Cana- The guest speaker was Mns. dian Legion, Ladies Auxiliary E. Bernowclougfi end her sub- ta Branch 178 Royal Cana- ject "Citizenship." She said dian Legian, and Prasthetic that the duties ai a citizen ta Services, Sunnybnaok Hospi- bis stete may be either valua- tal, Toronto., This is LONG SAULT Mn. and Mns. M. Keliett and famiiy, Janetville, wene Setur- day eveniag guests of Mn. and Mns. Robt. Camenon, in honon of Mn. Camenon's birthday. Mrs. Nonm Davis and chiid-i ren spent Tuesdey with heni earents, Mn. and Mns. Ryej Gibson. Mr. and Mns. Rye Gibson were Friday eveaing visitons' ai Mn. and Mns. J. R. Parkia- son, Courtice, and Sunday evening visitons wîth bis moth-ý er, Mns. G. D. Bentley, Port1 iPenny. g tary or eompuisory. The Ra- Loca Ho pit l A minitraor ansconsidereti citizenship a Loc l uiosp iai ~ MIIIIIIO~I priviege, andi cstszens hadex Mem ber of Convention Panel 'tra nigs Ory diferit fram that of the pianeens. Then, Bernard Hoiden, adnisLtra- Coiiingwaod Hospital Tnustee may things were' done by ton ai Bawmanviile Memonial Mii. Dudley Inwin - attempteti statute labour, whicb are aow Hospital, filleti one ai the key ta fiad answers ion the emen- done by paid wankers. The noies et the Ontario Hospital geacy explosion by question-. Canada Citizens Act was pas- Association's 42nd annuel con- iag an opposite panel ai four, set inl 1947, meking us citi- vention, this pat week et the composeoi af enother hospitai zens ai Canada, nather than Rayal York Hotel in Toronto. admninistraton, a genenal prec- the country ai our ancestors. Mn. Holden wes one of e titionen, an emengency depant- The pnivileges which we -en- three-memben panel dealing ment heati nurse andi aprovin-1 joy bring nesponsibilities. We with the cantroversial subject: ciel Police inspector. should know the histony and "'Emergencies - How Do We Mn. Holden wes one ai mare pnoblems oi aur country. A Cape?" an the convention's than 5,550 delegetes etteading good citizen is an iaiormed opening day. the OHA convention, the larg- one, andi we are neyer too aid Hospital authorities la the est annuel gathering ai hospi- ta lern. province have become greatly tel people in Canada ad the The meeting closedi with coacerned about the emergen- second - langest la North the benediction, aiten which a cy pîcture since it was dis- Amenica. social time was enjoyeti while closed recently that Ontario's The Association, formed inlaMns. Farrow andi ber graup hospital emergeacy depart- 1924 with headquerters la served lunch. meats are now carrying a Toronto, is a voluntary argani- workload 140% higher than zatian ai ail public, general,', they wene six yeens ega. Mn. Red Cross, chroaic andi conva-! OBI TUTA DV Holden and two other panelists lesceat hospitals plus nursingi L.fJL - Toronto Globe and Mail Re- homes, sanitania and othen i porter Joan Hoilobon and allieti institutions in Ontario. MRS. ALFRED H. THOMAS e n e h a el P, DATED this l4th day of October, 1966. Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE TO RESIDtt4TS AND REGULAR VISIIORS TO BOWMANVILLE Numerous complaints have been received regarding the untidy condition of our main thoroughfare YOUR CO-OPERATION US SOUGHT TO ,PREVENT THE CHERRY PIES, ......43c LITT d4fo » Ihnel k.o RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE1 WITH YOUR HELP ', 0F KING STREET I79 DRINK B0TTLES. BR0KE TO MOTORISTS AND P, s THE "IMAGE"' 0F OUR tcTLLE THE APPEARANCE O FI~1 MTES. SPECIAL - SAVE1e Rlchmello Orange iS-oz. si" CHIFFO N CAKE . ...49e WATCN TV EVERY THURSDAY! 7.30 TO fr~ S.00m CW CMCHTV aPLEA for LP.M. support... as w e rgtothewlee. measures to enforce 1ourFree CaToday Corporation of The Township of Darlington NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the proposed closing of the original Road Allowances between Lots 12 and 13 and between Lots 14 and 15 in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington lying south- erly of the lands owned by The Canadian National Railway and pro- viding for the sale thereof to the abutting owners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Derlington at its regular Council meeting to be held on Thursday, the l7tb day of November, 1966 at the Council Chambers in the Township Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime there- aft-'r will consider passing a by-law to stop up and close those parts of the original Road Allow- ances in the Broken Front Concession of the Township of Darlington lying southerly of the lands of The Canadian National Railways as follows: (a) The original Road Allowance bctween lots 12 and 13 being the extension southerly of the Scugog Street road allowance.« (b> The original Road allowance between lots 14 and 15 known as Martin Road. NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Darlington proposes at the same meeting by the aforesaid by-law to authorize the sale of the said stopped up parts of the original road allow- ances to the abutting owners. The proposed by-law and plan showing the lands affected may be seen in my offices in the Township Hall. The Council will hear in person, or by his or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who dlaims that bis or her lands will be prejudicially affected by tbe said by-law and who applies to be heard. NEWTO Clerke Township Teachers held thein monthly meeting ai Newtonville School, lest Mon- day. Mn. Herb Heard af Pari Hope wes a dinnen guest lest Sunday with Mn. and Mns. C. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones were in Toronto attendiag the Canadien Indepeadeat Tele- phone Convention held ln the Royal York Hotel, Wednesday through Frîday. On Thursday eveniag. Mn. and Mns. Fred Henderson and Mn. and Mrs. Earl Welkey attended the an- nuel banquet. Mrs. Clifton Robb came up iromn Westmount, lest Wedaes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gardon