Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 7

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,ç~'taI fersonal Phone 623-3303 Mrs. D. F. Cameron, Belle- V* e, la visiting Mis. George ullen sud family. iand Mm. Rosa Stevens -t -MIr. ad Mis. Fred Stev- ens are speridirig titis week at thc Hutton cottage on Sauth Lake. -Mr. AI. Irvirie, daugiters 13etty sud Janet sud Miss Betty Chant enjoycal a crulse -o! thc Thoussud Islands on Tuesday. Mr*. Arthur Stephens, Gar- !iW, sud Mis. Wayne Stevens, Tenglito, recentiy visited their surit, Mis. N. Waodley, Wel- lington Street. Mr. andl Mis. E. J. Fairey, King St. East, bave returned borne aftem spending a week et tirir cottage, Twelve Mile Lake, Haliburton. Mrs. G. Symons andl Miss Joan Symons have îeturned bomne atter a tbrce-weck holi- day at Lake Louise, Alberta, and Victoria, B.C. Mr. and Mis. H. Gary Dill- ig, Dwigbt and Diane, Brampton, spent Civie Holi- day wcekend with bis pavents, Mi. and Mis. F. A. Dilling. Mr. and Mis. O. L. Metcalf, Toronto, were in town lest weekend. Mis. Metcalf's moti- ci, Mus. Wesley Knlght, ia quit. seriously 111 in bospital. Mis. Arthur Saunders, Wav- erly Rd., reports some un- usual growth. In ber ganden sic bas an Easter lily with two blooms on crie single stem. Mis. Lillian Hartley, David, Ted, Leurs andl Chris are ne- tifrnlng today to Uieir home in Ottawa e!tci a visit witi ber inother, Mis. S. Mitchell, Nel- son Street. n-r andl Mis. L. A. Mac- li ga, Messrs. Lowell sud GayMaDougal and Miss Mildîcal Wilson spent a week et Ralph Tiompsan's Lodge, Itenlowe, Ont. Mn. sud Mvi. Stan McMurter and daugiter Kathy bave ne- tunneal froni spending a few enjoyeble days wlth Mn. andl Mus. G. Schmidt andl family, Loîrairire, Que. 1 Mi. L. B. Nichais, Carlisle Ave., bas returneal home from a two-week visit with bis son ,j. and daugiter-in-iaw, Mr. and Mis. Douglas Nichais, Mc- SLeans Park, Kingston. Master David Syvret of Wat- 7endownr, Ont., wio is attend- In llthe Dick Gamble hockey secol, lu a gucît cf bis uncle and aunt, Mn. andalMis. A. Marjerison, Fleit Street. Mn. and Mis. Paul Chant, STeddy sud Betty, Collingwood, were tri town aven thc week- end. Betty nemained fer a Sweek's holiday witi Miss Janet Irvine, Flett Street. Mr. sud Mis. Ernest Ramni, SRexdele; Mr. and Mis. Dick 1Piokard, Carol, Bob .and,, Z Barbare, Cookavihle, s pcn t -Sunday witi Mr. anal Mis. M,Èdward Pickard, West Beach. f. anal Mis. Arthur Berry arid boys, Mis. J. Latre- inmouchle, Downsview, and Mn. S. and Mis. A. Cari, Waltiam- "stow, London, Engiand, wce krecent guesti with Mis. Agnes SCarter, town. .* Bruce Cuthbertson bas Jusi -returneal froni Centralia wheîe hz! was successful i quaiify- ing for tralnIng as a pilot in tic RCAF. He expects ta lebave for Esquimalt, B.C., i late Octaber. Tic Acres Restaurent ori 'Tauritan Eal liat bas been te operated for many years by :Royal Ishii bas been sold and will now be urider riew man- agMent. A blg apening wil bâPWld ln tic near future. REHBOTH Christian Rformd Church Scugot Street Mlinster: Rev. A. VandenBerg, Il a.n B.7:30 B..X . Mr. and Mns. Ray J.*DMing, Mr. and Mra. Forcit A. Dilling, Mr. and Mis. John M. Ford, Heatier Ann, Bannie and Lauvie Jane, town, atterided thc Dilling-Ginter weddingi AUl Saints Anglican Church, Whltby, recently. Many from ti ares took part in Uic vanious campe- 'titions et Oshawa Feur last week. W. would appreciate receiving ccmplete details cf their winnings If Uicy would write theni down and send themrialong for publication. No local winnrcs bave yet been annouriced itic Elmer Uic Safety Elephant Contcst bcing sponsored icre by thc Kinsmen Club, but youngstersi arc urged ta scnd In their cen- tries caîly and often and who knows, there may be a new bicycle winncr here next week. Mr. and Mis. Forcst A. DiII- lng, town, attended Uic wed- ding o! lier niece, Miss Ban- nie Wallace, daugiter cf Mr. and Mis. William J. Wallace, and Mr. David Edward Gel- lagier, son o! Mr. and Mis. B. Gallagher, al cf Wbitby, in Ail Saints Anglican Churci, Whitby, on Friday evcning. Severai weeks ega a pair o! spectacles tiat çppeai te be- long ta a yourig girl wcre turned in ta tic Bowmanville Police Station. Ticy have white rums, witb black decor-1 ations, and a black case and were pfuîciased froni0 King Optica in Oshawa. Owncî may dlaim sainie et Uic police stationi. On Friday, Auguat l9th, appnoxlmately 30 Scouts and their leaders will be In town. Tbey are from Anniston, Aie- berna and thisi.s thc 37tb bus trip they have taken aven tic years. It Is expectcd tbey will be camping out et the Lions Centre end tic local Scout Mothers' Auxiliamy will be poviding aupper for tiern. Agncw's Neigibonhood Store on Ontario St. is undcngoing extensive renovations t h at sbould make for cansiderable Iiprovement Goheen's Handy Store, King St. W, ileclosed this week and until August l9ti wben they will be re- turning froni a holiday ini Flonida. Jack' Smoke Siop is open again afteî two ýweeks' 1holiday. Thc Fltt sisters of Fictt- dale Faim, R.R. 2, Oshawa, and !ormcrly cf Bowmanvillc, had a veny iucccss!ul day et their 4-H Cal! Club Achieve- ment Day held et Oshawa Feir on Saturdey, August 6Ui. Ise- bell, a first yeaî member and 12 ycars old, obtaincd !inst 15-year-old Jane won finat prize with a senior cal! and aise had tic champion cal!. Visitais witb Mr. sud Mis. Ross Stevens tuis weck bave BETHANY Miss Evelyn McKinnon, who has been vIsiting with ber mother, Mis. James Me- Kinnon, for the past tiMre weeks, retu-imed ta ber home in Montreal on Sunday. Mr. end Mms Lewis Sander- son, Toronto, were weekeud guests witb Mr. end Mns. Harold Sanderson. Mr. and Mis. Donald Lowes, Dr. Norman Lowee, Mrs. Win- nifred Spencer and William Sheen attended thie funeral service for teir cousin, the 1ev. Chare Donald, in Oak- wood on Monday. Beatty Fee bas sold his res1dence ta Mr. and Mis. G'ordon Smith and on Wed-1 nésday held an auction sale ofl bis housetiold furniture. Miss Margaret Lowes, Sault Ste. Marie, is vlsiting with ber parents, Mr. and Mim. Donald Lowes. William Sheen spent the weekend wiit frends ini Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rey- nolds left on Saturday for a trip ta Gaspe, Que. Guests with MIrs. Ina Pal- mer througli the pat wcek were Morton Wake, Detroit,' Midi., Mr. and Mrs. John Wake and their five chldren, La Sale, Mich., Mis. Neta Farnsworth, Toronto, and George Wake, Ajax. Mrs. Mervin Smith bas pur- cbesed the bouse formerly owned by Mansel Wright and xnoved froen ber faim homie ta the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Frank Pic- cotti, Toronto, have purchas- ed tic residence of tihe late Mis. Byron Davis. j' christ of Moose Factory, 'Ont.1 fornierly of Leopoldviile, Con- go, Africa, and their three 'children, and Dr. Wm. and Dr. Margaret Arkinstal of Newmartet, Ont., who have just returned from vislting for two months their son, Dr. Wm. Arklnutall and his wife, ini the Congo, Africa, where they are United Church Mis- sionary Doctor and Nurse. In the July Wingfoot Clan published by Goodyear, there is an excellent photo of a former Bawmanville citizen, Bfi Kelly and bis wife, on the occasion of his 5th Anni- versary as an employee of Goodyear. He wau the sixth employee ta reach the haif- century mark and reteived the goid pin symbolizing the anniversary. Bill was a pop- ular figure around this town and will be remembered by rnany of the Goodyear old- timers as quite an athîste. Miss Agnes Haddy and her brother Mr. Charles H. Haddy, Toronto, forwarded a clipping from the Dofasco News show- ing a photo of A. G. Wrlghýt, Dofasco's Vce-Chirman, Fin- ance, and his two sons, Tom and George. The occasion was a quarter century club watch presentation to son Tom. Total service of the three mea with Dofasco is 105 yèars. Mr. Wright Sr. married Jean Tod of Bowmanviile. Their twa sons spent their holidays in .Bowmanville many years ago. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Ashton, Guelph, visited at the home of Mr. and Mis. H. J. Bab- cock, Ontario St., for a few days last week. Early Thurs- day morning Dr. Ashton had the drive shaft of his car, wbicb was parked in the dîiveway of the Babcock home, stolen. On Friday after- noon, Mr. and Mns. Babcock accompanied by Mrs. Ashton, motored to Stouffville to visit their cousin, Mrs. Evelyn Powers, formerly of Orono, and staying at Parkview Lodge, a lovely lodge just buit ast -year. Music 1An interesting account of the method of teaching mnusia, and tie nianner in wbicb the enjoymTent of music is giver througi appreciation instruca' tion in local public àchoola, was presen'ted by Rudol!f Hey- dens recently. Mr. Heydens, tihe Super1iof music for Bowmnvile Pblic Scbods, gave his classification talk at a luncicon meeting of thei Bowmanviile Rotairy Club at the Flying Dutictian Moto Hotel. W Vice-President AI Wlther- spoon,, wto -poeekdeé-im the absence cf Presidenit Bob Ste- yens, called on Tom Cowar ta introduce tic speaker. "Mr. Heydens was- bain in Schie- dam, Holland, in 1934. He moved witii bis famiily ta Rot- terdam, in 1940 just i time Lfor the hîstoric bonibardnienl of that city," Mr. Cowen snid. "He and bis famiily came tc Canada in 1051. Mr. Heydens' father joined the Canadian Civil Service and la now the Chief Engineer et Rockcdiffe A-irbase, Ottawa. Mnr. Cowan said that Mr. Heydens' clemterMy and high scoool education was complet- cd in tic Netherlands. Since co«ning te, Canada in addition ta bis musical ca-ener nd sSne business expe ri en cec Ohief Acoountantt for Joyce Motois, Aurore, 1953-57, he con tinued hïs aoademic as well as bis miusical education. He is presently bal wey ta. wards a B.A. degîce froni Waterloo University, ni&jor inig in economics aud geo- graiphy. "'He startcd bis musical training in the Netherlands. He became an organist et the age of 15. He paesed the ex- aminations for the Dutch College cf Organists, and re- ceived a degîe af N.O.V. He bas also, received an R.M.T. In Canada he studied with Adelmo Melecci et the Royal Conservatory cf Music, Tor- ento, and with Dr. Charls Peaker. Mr eydens hesu: Super- Music in Elementery Sehools and also a Vocal Musie Teach- ing Certif icate for Secondary Sobools. He was the organ-iz- er, and was tie conductor for five yeare of the noted Jubile Chorale in Ovle whicb had success>ful teilevision and ra- dio progreni as well as other presentations. "'He was also ca-organizer of the Orillia Kiwanis Music Festival o! Music, is past pre- sident of thc Orillie brandies of the Ontario Registered Mu. sic Teecheis Association and the Royal Canadian College of Origanists, andl wes a mcm- ber cf the Orillila Rotary Club for five yeers. "Before conuing te, Bow- ST. PAUL yS Il UNITED CHURCH Ministr: 11ev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Service at 1l mn. TrlaIty adSt. Paill eongrogatons wershlg together Il, I His First Birthday Ian Ralph Bowers, son of Mr. and Mis. ]Raipli Boweîs, Tyrone, celebrated his fiîst biîthday on Wed- nesday, July 27th. Gîandpaîents are Mr. and Mis. Walter Park, Tyrone and Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers, Nestieton. Mr. F. L. Byam of Tyrone is his gîcat- grandfather. Teaching Methods maiville last Septemrber, Mr. Oildien ln Grade Three Heydens was Superviser of are forrnaily intioduceal ta Music for the Orillia Town- sîgbi reading, anal they are shp Scbool Arcs Board (four impressed tiat it la crie o! ycars), andl for-tic Sepanate the mostIimportant parts of Scicol Board there. Super- ibeir musical studies. As their visor o! Music for the Bow- musical ability advanoes sa manvilie Board o! Education dees their knowledge o! tic since iast autunin, Mr. Hcy- fiieory cf music. In Grade dens is aise tic organist anal Four they are taugit twa-part master of choristers at Christ singing. Memonial Churcb, Oshawa, Shaips and Fiais anal is a choral adjudicatar. Thcy are introduccal ta He aIsa gives private origan, sharps andl flats i Grades piano, andl singinig iesons, Five anal Six, and their cdu- Mn. Co'wan tolal the club. cation in. part singing ad- Whaç, mnuoic is & spUi4lual vanes. -Jusi as their ordlnary enterise, mental and phy reig i-tyi ncesn cal discipline are iriculceted îeadng ait ise rc&ehsîn by is study ln pupils, Mr. d'00tee ai aho Meydcns pointed oui. He cx- yeans, sa does their sigit plaincdaliit tiecuriculumn reading. By Grade 7 anal 8 of. music la prcacribed, but tic pupils no longer learri ly rote Superviser of Music for local but arc able ta eestly read shocha bas thc neaponsibility tic notes of! ticir sangs. o! Mr. Heydens aise discusseal ofadapting anal expandig It.tue mUsic aippreciation pro- Anypne Cen Sitg grami offeical lu t.ePublic During Uic sebool year ln Schools, and thce upervised clementary scbools, cftc heur iistening prognain. Thiougi- anal 10 minutes a week arc oui the differerit elementary devoteal ta music. It ia a com- school grades tic Supervison ,pulsory subjeot. Arye.cen o! Music gives model lessans, sing if Uiey recelve pioper and tic other lessons by the instruction, sud Grade I pu- ciassioni teaciers as-c given pils are et thre besi ege ta under býis guidance. siart leas-ning, the speaker In bis informative sud declared. witty adalvess Mi. Heydens' Cildren receive an Inta- interest andl enthusiasnr for duction ta music lu Grade bis work coulal be seen. He conc, anal Uic class teachers also spoke of bis great inter- instnucitich puplils bow ta est un music festivals, andl o! sing ln unre. A selection is ther value bot ta partlici- taught note by note anal Uine pans anal audiences. He cx- by lime. Tic pupils learn by pressed tic hope tuai possibiy rote tiroughi mitation anal with thie assistance cf a ser- repetition. vice club a Festival o! Music In Gradé Two, pupils are couIdi 1 esiabishinl Bow- taught tic moveble note sys- manvilile. tcm and the scale, aiso musi- A vote of tianks ta Mr. cal syrrbols, the speaker said. Hcydens foi bis excellent ad- Iu fhia ycas- tusy are sbown arscs was- moveal by Marty tiai quality riot volume, or Martin. Vice-President Witi- ioudness, siaulal 1w the goal, erspoon aise expresseal bis and they learu ta sing soitly, pemionai appreciation ta thc not raueousiy. speaker. Orono Couple Visit Atomic Energy Museum1 1Mr. anal Mis. Laine Per- describirig cliain reaction. srauhi, Division Si. o! Omano, Most Museumi visitors bring. recently visiteal the American home a souvenir aime thcy rMuseum o! Atomic Energy, placeal in a device wbicb Oak Ridlge, Terri., wiich feat- briefly exposes ibeir coin tc ures demonsirations anal dis- neutrons. Tic dume, wiai al- >plays cri peaceful uses of tic mostI inmediateiy laies al atom. measurebie iadioactivily, lu Tic Museum, operateal fci phaceal in a plastic case. tlie U.S. Alomia Energy Com- mission by Oak Ridge Asso- rciateal Univensities, Is lie cniy O IU R institution devaleal exclusive- O IU R ly ta nualear science. Especial- Da. J. A. MOART3U i y trainea liecture-demonstîai- ons show bow tic power cf Dr. John Alexander Me. Uic atomn is utilizeal in mcedi- Arthur passeal away July 25, cine, industry anal agriculture. 1966, in Port Perry Commun- A lecture in the Museum'ns Ity Hospital. He was 77 years "Medical Raom' Illustrates o! age. how nadioisolopes or "'tracer Alibougi in !aillng bealli atoms" arc usealtI diagriosis for several years, death camne and tîcatment cf thyralal dis- suddenly, due ta a ilioke. tuibances anal cancer. Mecha- Du. McAxUiur was bain ai nicai banals o! tic type useal Greenbýark, Ontario, a sari o! in Oak Ridlge labaratories anal thc laie Neil anal Mary Wat- operateal by tic tour guide son McArthur. He recelveal show visitais bow radioactive ils education i Greenbank materials may be bandîcal Public Sahool, Port Perry safely. A buge realai model Higi School and University o! is useal in sîil suother aiea Western O n t a rni a Medical te describe the waîkings and Schcol. H. graduateal lu 1914. purposes o! thre various types Re was i Canadin Army cf of nuclear reactara. Wcnld War I but because a! Dons cf otier exhibits ricunratia foyer was unable to and electionta devices, znariy do active service overseas. opeisteal by tic spectator, are He inlerneal I Toronto avallable ta Museum visitais. Western Hospital, servedas a They include a cutaway model thceanly doctor ai Burwasb o! tic nuclear cariga ship Reformatory, and later at the "Savanah," a cloual chamber Ontario Hospital tI New Illustrating tic use i physici Toronita, befone eritering ito researci cf vapor trails suai p rivate pactice wi hu# as those Ieft by jet planes, a brother, DrA. D. McArthur hall o!flame foi sciontlt, i 1918. In 1925 bu took over visiteir operatcal tests c mat- the wbole piactIce when bis terials for iadioactivity, the broîhen maveal ta Toronto. In workings cf a uranium "i me, 11932 h. marica Lornrza anal devices equippeal with cmv Dempsey. Ho bas been a resi- phonos md tapa necodù laSot o Blmclctock Jo,4A, e rsand a Medical do dor for 52 years. X. was seui- n(etiied the lait few years. As a youth he was a mem- ber cf Greenbank Presby- tmiari Church; since marriage ho bed attended thc Angli- can iBlackstock.- Dr. McArthur was Medical Officer cf Health o! Cart- wright Township until tic formation of Durbam-Noith- umberland Health Unit, 1945. Coroner until bis death and doctor for Uic C.P.R. until bis death. He was one cf the last o! Uic doctors whe remember doing cmergency operations In tie homes and travelling by boise and cutter to patients lu the winter especially during the flu epidemic ini 1919. His main recreational inter- cats were bis hobby cf garden- ing and hi, spectator interest rIn sports. Earliei be bad pleasure imaneging and coaching local bail tegms He was a member cf Fidel- fty Lcdge No. 428, AF. & A. M., Port Perry; Loyal Orange Lodge No. 133, Bleckstock, and thc Royal Black Preoeptoiy, Blackstock. Surviving are bis wife, Uic f o r m e r Lorenzo Dempsey, daughters, Jessie (Mis. Non- man Dysaît), Metz, France, and Betty, Toronto; cone son, Ardis John cf Toronto. He was predcccascd by thîe brothers, Dr. A. D., Dr. E. C., and Donald and one sister Elizabeth (Mis. A. B. Mani- son). Funerel service was held Frldey, July 29ti, 1966, in Mc- Dcrmott - Panebaker Chapel, Port Perry, and was conduct- cd by 11ev. Stanley J. Arm- strong o! AIl Saints Churci, Whitby, assisted by Canon H. E. Ashmcre, former Rector cf St. John's, Blackstock. Palîbeerers wene five ne- p ews: George McArtbur, Alex Manson Jr., Ardis Dempsey, Robert Dempscy and Clinton Blair and son-in-law Nanann Dysaît. Interment was itic femuly plot, Bethel Cemetery, Greenbank. A Masonic service was hcld et tie funeral ciapel on Thursday evening et 7:30 and an Orange service et 8:30 tic sanie evening. Among tic many floral tok- ens were tiose froni St. John's Anglican Churci, Meds. Ciass 1914, U.W.O., Caesarea Coni- munity, L.O.L. 133, Fidelity Lodge No. 428, A.F & A.M.; Ge o rg e Harvey Secandary Scicol Staff, Toronto; Air Ter- minal Transport Co. execu- tives, Teenisters Union, Local 352. Blackstock neigiboîs and friends In lieu cf flowers gave a donation te Port Peiiy 1/201Z. TUBE $1.54 10,S.-$1.50 OBITUARY THODAS L GAEOW ME Thre deetl of lThomas John Gariow Jr., aged two years, ocuaTed et the Sick CbIl- ren's Hoopital, Toronito, on Tuesdey, AV-gust 2, 1966. He hâd been ill since October, 1965. Son o! Mr. and 3Mis. Thomaes J. Garrow gr., he was berr in Quebec and bcd lived withi bis parents at R.. 3, Dow- meriville, for crie year, mov- ing there with bis parents frosn.1". 2, Bownanville. He wee a meber ouf St. Jos- ephs' Romnan Catholie Churdi and received confirmation on Mmy 9, 1966 by Bishcp Web- uter o! Peterboroughr. Suirvlvirig, besiu ide ipar- ents, *re bis grandparents, Mr. andl Mai. D. Gerrow and Mi. and Mis. A. Patry; uncles anid aurite, Mr. and Mun. C. Brennen, Mr. and Mis. R. Gauthier, Mr. andl Mis. J. Petry, MT. A. Patiy anid Mi. P. Patry; and cousins, Rox- une andl Roseary, Conne aud Wendy. Tommy iested st the Mor- ris Nuneral aispel, Bowman- ville, andl tic funeral mau wau sid b~y 1ev. F. K. Malarie In St. Joseph's Roman Cathra lic Churdi on Friday mnom- ing, August 5tb, et 10 o'clock. Inteninenit was In Bowinan- ville Cemetery. Button Club Holds Meeting At Wellington~ The July meeting of the Ruttan Club was beld at the sunuiir ihome of Mis. Prux- dence Crawlfovd, et Welling- ton. Sixteen memrbers and two visitors arrivcd lu time for ricon luncheon, alter whidi Mis. Betty Reese con- ducted Uic business part of thc meeting. It wes !inally dccided to have an entire Club Projeet for a Centennial display at Uic Toronto Mu- seumi andl a comnittee was appinted ta make plans foi it. Baci meinher was askcd te ineke a Centenriiel card toc for show In Uic local districts. Mrs. Frank Grosien of Wooler gave a talk on Cana- diari button factiea, onc o! Special HALO SHAMPOO FOR NORMAL OR DRY HAIR $1.19 VALUE FOR 87C UPSET STOMACH? KKOVAH HEALIN SALIS FOR REUIF 41/2 0L67c71/2 OL 99c %Ww mqPRESCRIPTIONS ALEX 5 - ING ST. W. 7 frhe Canaltan Statesman, Eowmmnvlfle, Aug. 10, 1000 1h. Orono Ne*usi qft. and Mrs. Bonald Steph- Mrs. Percy W:7r, l'Oed enson of Middlesborough, Joyce and John ehojal Yorkshire, England, are visit- in Barrie. lng her brother Mr. Henlry Julie and CIndy Lx Cantreil and famlly. Bowmanville, spentte u4 Mr. and Mrs. John Shetier end with thuir ga-dueW and daughters are et a cottage Mr. and Mns. HrrB er at Canal Lake this week. Mr. and Uin. Cecil JOua Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hird atene the funeral uf b arevistig wthhergrnd-lae MssHelen Leone oo aore viuitiGeoitrge rto5fd n. Bowmanvllle lest ThursAy mothr, Ms. GorgeKirby United Chu r t Mr. and Mis. Francis COW- Women enjoyed e bus tour tm an, Melanle and Nancy, spent Collingwoocd district oncm q the weekend with Mr. end day. T« Mns. Henry Cornish who are Miss AIma Cutteli vwstï holldaylng In the Ompah dis- ber cousins Mr. and hMr trict. Henry Junker et Preston. r Mrs. Charles B. Tyrrell has Valerie Farewell was moved to Main Street South- flower girl and Shayne Fut*2 Mrs. Agnes Darlington of well was a ring buazer at h St. Marys is visiting her cous- St. John - Bernes weddliag lm in, Mis. R. R. Waddel.. Northminster UnitedCud Mis. Marshall Chatterton Oshawa. and Miss Sadie Brown are Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Woo4& patients ini the Memoriel Hos- Mr. anxd Mrs. Laurence Sheri pital, Bowmanville. wxn, Mr. and Mis. Ken Adami Mr. and Mrs. Raymond were on the London ta Briht Clap ofHampton; Mr. iand on Tour of Antique Ca r r MrlaDanpiigsn cfAaxcently. Mis.te DeanD G Higo cfAjax Mr. and Mis. Bruce Mèec, visied rs. . G Hooer. Bruce Jr. and Velerie are il Miss Sandra Mercer cf Pet- a cottage this week, nuit erborough spent the past two Fenelon Falls. weeks with ber parents, Mr. Services for Auguat wl be and Mis. Ross Mercer. held in Orono United Church, Mrs. Orley Chapman is con- Newcastle United Church fiU valescimg witb Mr. and Mrs. join with Orono. Roy Cornish at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Orvifle Chate Congratulations ta M r. terton, Carol and David., r.. Harry Rowe, Mr. Wm. Rab- turned home Sunday aftur 10 fInson and Mr. <«ilton Taniblyn days at tlieiî cottage. Mi. and ,on their birthdays this mont h, Mrs. Marvin KennedY 0f SaUle Ste. Marie, Mr. and Mmims ~an ri~< ruii'p ~<~.cidr-Broome,_Toronto, wure among able research work anal aie had sanie buttons frocin dif- Oerent localities te illustiate her telk. Juiy dlsplay cards were whistle buttons. These have one hoil. on tic top cf tic button ieading ta two bos on the underside. Tics. are made o! pearl, glass, vege- table ivo'ry, nietal, composi- tion sud wood. At lunch time, the memiber-s tounal a gift faver et thein places, two pictua-e buttons suai as Ttc Goose that laid tie Golden Egg, Little Bey Blue, Thc Lairnplgter, Clea- patra, William Tel]., etc. Tic bostess aise allowed the la- dies te, choose buttons whicdh tlrey likeal lion a couple of platters o! buttons, soecd lady went borne the preud possessor ci a dozen differenit buttons te add te ber colec-1 DARINGTON UPHOLSTERY 102 Ring et. W. BwmW Plhons 623-731Fie Emmal A .Prices Good Until August l3th SUPER SPECIAL!I LISTERINE MOUTHWASH ANTISEPTIC 14 OZ. SUGG. LIST - 98c 77c LANACANE OUNTMENT BREAKS ""ITCH CYCLE" SIJGG. LIST - $1.35.1 FLUSH-A-BYES - CONFI HYGIENIC DISPOSABLE DIAPERS THE SANITAI Newborn, Medium or Toddlers s2.09 12#s SUGG. LIST - 53c SU( IDETI kRY NAPKII s N 49c1 BAYER ASPIRINI (CHILDREN'S 36'S) GG. LIST - 45c 33C (OLGATE Dental Cream SUPER SIZE - $1.49 FOR $ 1 SOFTIQUE BEAUTY BATH OIL 7-01. s2.8 7 For Fast Pain Reilief 100 TABLETS $1.39 VALUE $l.19 McG AREOI sDRUGS* - - PHONE 623-5792 I - ~ m à m J In Local Public S chools Described ai Rotary Club VU 1IKUUol FIRST.AID ANTISEPTIC PERSONNA STAINLESS STEEL BLADES You are invlted to VACATION ,- BIBLE S(HOOL Bowmanville Baptist Church Nelson St. near Liberty 9 a.m. - 11:30 m.m. dm117 Monday, August lSth - Friday, Ayuut l9th You may fil!l ln1h. folowlug form mand brlng it Naine Parents' Names Address Age - Sunday School Attended "The Chuwà hiat Caras" Il

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