Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 6

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* ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' LBSttimu EWantle u&1, TYu1 n oda. ...y W estern B s orealymklg s o I fl IMiRecent visitosi witti the ofayer OGo. Knox faglly were Mr.ofwarn. S t Msts.aReandEUn. Ktth -.Rowe andgedeBewt à&r an M. RyGreeods a ndMs. l u i C a iiiiiiii~~~jp w Irj.iv 7 . M e. a~n a . K en P a .o e, ~E V fWc n i t h l a t eide poelb= , e by aleteam ton. WhestlhtItWSaiwra flw: P r t Stas o ap mtaken tel p"=tan= e eand cooler byteocn.GB.R]dR. ow vitlowlaevle»lu M efdeonAnne and Dak to t ~d~e aoeoetur Tetewhieb was built to the entertanxn down- Miss Jin ec h e inîe9; . c r. id. Miller, Brougham, 8. MaiFhn o rt 6 excellentanid a&U enjoyed i6 he orutten. Mter boe ehan now bgnhrdte sa Tn4ln .. 1 The fer eay o geem fec 1alo iafl.value of ftnly soli- fore Uc nemy solMer enters. vlsited with the John Knox Willlia, v1sitihrn Maton to li,ininensely. hppn, we toured Calgary Nurses A]di eollHs oi milRR ,Co r e so., opol i y.Min Sancy Knox 4 St up millt andS hre- t a Iliree da=vPi I V a ueh places as Cal- pital in Bwinil.W 6 .E ertw R f r i e f r a c om m i n t y o r " I n p ro v e y o u r s rac a pea o arr w inv h ld1i n lteM r . ote < r nrae . I avp lF rtac er a,4 a l m bo fr g r c H r e m n s is e r t e e s f u c e s.O o n , 8 5 H r u e T t k é ven for on IdidelwerewSk set hi hstanbdaln la ouspense for fakmgîn ad Mma Ken Pas- Wflam iit wu nsc" back East. Vhie on the ferry Heu O a h Fish Hâteh- Mrs. L. MrielndMs ..Hapo,8;E .Gl ett ,,,p b l y13? e ,pl d ,lu I an ad- e b us nss or profession, be som ethin g i d c e fc e r u h n . kb e k e Us ade nj y d m f t e group liait the ey, and then the C algary Z oo B ob B rool s s e t W d e d y b n , R R o t r n a Beresa g ea ood relationhip w[th undergrond worik. turneaMr ad Mzs. Tom Baker, beVrone, thn on to Win- hon<r of meeting and speak. and Dînosaur Park onl St. ith Mrn.Mayuon..D.oroR. ,e'al of PedetRca C. .n, 'Or coetitoe. .Prom)te out tobeb.blank eeet forJmsndCteiesetane.Avr lamthu n Hon. George Pearkes, George'. Island. In thee ~ at aeCîy 11b had11ecxhne f sav 13 nrae smo o toffW asetHll.LkeBrandonIIIn rvdeLt-r'-o o rtlhCl-ig niprmtub Ledltund h abe o 2eA .B1nhmaR..i Il 11t ee ]nuncheon , m eeting of Ide m.. G ive counsel to oun g t e R t r e ,n T o B a r f mi y nj ed awt tP r y w s h l w hon n 1 lu t t Uc er an w loe S nd y b rb c e u prwth Regina. h e w e te lied b.. Pe ti on pe h i g a e m d .1 o b i s o n on 1 . Hav y Ja k o RR or ro o 8 ri, thhatav ll otr luoeo l.I on e yesithe G er holse n i i. B ry C wi g «11e V b t hy 1! i e B, c u j b > 1 e e. T e go p penteda se =a dMemorial Park whentothepenuthedcby linTie birthd&y of BIn Thleg Perforrn aignificant service. this enemy aoldier wu a k. end U. H. Paco any activities çlaannd for the lime where the rock side ofihad a good thine. while LitteBrtitndou 4,-burger 'vas ceèekated by his Be frendly and funther good- men*jer of a Rotary Club ln wlth Mr. and Mns. Jhn Le.= They saw as niuch of 1965 lied takenplace and had Nect day while travelling three pilces ayPe F i ell ew R o tarian . G u ests at w illl 9 WO iugh y o u r co n tacts G e rm an y . e , O h w .a h y o u d o r b r e w f h g w y o e i a t p e e m d a e a ho lhe luncieon meeting were with P eR91o8n iother parts T e above accou t was Mr.and M s. W alter Par- 01 t s he e y moern HYA r' Then te s wen onf h hwt betgeiin e a t, S w ife re mad e y ade a h m uyo e dl v n et '7AE lon Fraser, Toronto, fab- 0f on. s own country nd shown as a .flahaik to M us. nder vfllitd wth Mr. and buli g w s vr p~i g eiie H t w.t r - T cyman " clthanaedh La ,"rofCpai er rseawith tho.. you knowi Other triate an account ive by a Mn.. Archie Parrinder, Myr- Turnlng nortii next morn- Olvernight allPey.Nit Orn - he ren t ndMoo. etjraw.rom i"naz" adKna oo uit nes '~ c a;,nen*er of thc club, and Dr. sections of the wold. RtrItentoaFowtc. ing, Saskcatoon 'vas the next Ing many ettended ohuircli. .as Uic urne as UiceIbegi ' donated by3nn ea sae ho Th Progain oninitîcegent need f everyone doing W» attendng a party ln the ter and Staff of th. Bow nan- gift was Presented by thc Suamerland. hegrupc i e hd a having become acquainted, it n thein lyf a e wt and -'.Q.C., in hi, introduction t< of service to, is commnninly, ing were Rotary sponsored awards won In t e Betten who were -celebating thein Whvte" lid after h . e fIfiuly out u the tour by quit, a lag scr. G - Mn a d M s.R b tL.E n, te addess on ape, tld the ountry, and th. wold. Tuee students fromn India, Spai Neviepapers cohpetition. wedding anaiversary. W lile Bowmanvile. The dri ve many of t h. passcengers visit- don Langstaf nd A y D ns Cligw d ad fom îy o Ing club thal President Evans Je a place for everyone's con- Italy, Sotland, Australia and M. and Mrs. Everett Spires, ln Saskatoon the group at.- around Olanagasu Lake was d frends or relatives at arc ookingaerlimts10EslAvBo avîe Br gave this speech at thie yee's fri'bution. Eaeh rerso n bas a Brazil, es well as their A nfneni. -Mn a d Mr. ar y S ie le ed t e io c r ay fir i sI p tu e q , d aftn V li u so ov sid il e r and are getthpir signde the Piolur was among blie more thandnater da Rtr nentoa ovn kl rtln htcnb. cen Rotary hast. cnjoyed a trip hiIlie Thuou- which al! cnjayed. Sonne stay. crossing the lake a stop was agreed It would b. fun to get trim for nExtya.150etat nteNtoa daMtn nentoa ovn kl r tantttcnM lion on his élection to b i used for the benefit cf sne ]uring this typical Northi sand Islands. ed for the evening perform- miade at Kelowna at their together next year and go on Mr. AllenFteatnddMelAran Chpi. hihofc.on. clsc, he polnted out. Azneri<zan barbecue much in- - Mn. and'Mns. Harry Knox anoe on the gadtanwj, coin- beautiful park, then on ta another tour. Passengers onl the funerai udyolirsiswi eitrda aa T ~"The new Rotary Interna- "RotaHians should be ai- forniation is eiilertaingly ae- nd.boys spent lest weck at piete with chuckwagon races Revelstoke for the niglit. the bus were fr-omu Bownuan- uncle, Mnr.Da McihtaArSaioGeiw 1.Te ý- *1onal President is one of 1h. wuays neady ta help and b. on quired by those present ne- -ine Tre. Lodge, Pigeon and Dennis Day as the star of NexI point cl Interesit was ville, Oshawa, orono, Hamp- Scaîîand. eW thefgre nIieMro i at tb be of service. gaoeding thue populations, arch- Lake. -the show. Enroute ta, Ednxon- Lake Louise. It was quitecoltn ougGogtow q 1h. Mormon Choir on n.s tenrnational Foundation Fel- Life, problenus, hopes anid as- lin and fanully vlsîted wittl next two niglvts, a tour o! Elk the nieunjtains as il lied been driver wa Dn hopw 0fand son of yciug i-m rn ody uy2 i..,sv~eekly radio and television lowships contribute to under- pirations of vanous lands and Rev. and Mn. Robet Sherwin Island National Park was eli throuh the Rokies, then Bailebr, and th. tour wa gni, are vstn u otr bogiJl 1 'lrgnm Tia hir~~ standing and far reaching thein -inhabitants. ndM i>d s. lr 1 ofo so.h er. n _rgasThscorfe oadfaily, M.ÉaLake. mdUic e te areherd o«OtoBanfffo aleisurely Pand and Aleendae tylg ih h USdNvyI mtnga Deur a d s n tt e n c n fellowship and friendliness M . and M rs. Neil G ril o ! buffalo. A tour o !Ithe City visit. Then w . carried on ta Nnce Colm er nd lai td -sster cf 1.enPosterc n cui e y a. T e l t -Rotary International Conven- Iroughl the knowedge of M y trc .oi ~ ~ bdHamilton visited witli M . o! Edmonton and a visit ta C agr spend three days. day..nohî Nt n t" c ohen nations' people, us- oft Rotary undeta-king, soe and Mri. A. Brown recently. the animal fam were high- AÀgal tday and Uic evening Tr.assa Mn. Strike spoke oi Presi.. toms, end culture which is o! whioli started with the el- M idMKERI. rsrlihs radtn so tthDÀL ----Doad o i -thsismlnhi ddiatontodifeen lnd, ndsond u esfasyin i and Prcpie nd Trvelsgtnto Jspr heoniîî a hufly mntKtheisen pr t 'lUie ôulies of uis position. 13e club mebr ni eeiilreut o any Cochrane ameas. Mn.. C. V/il- cvenlng was spent seeing the at the street dance heldin Ms entpatote lm lhnodl neet rnlgf- Ilecan look forward <, a urged by Mr. Evans lobe people Uiousands of miles kins of South Porcupthougli i wannxtrning, aav-r ailtowagary i. Nc ay - avng a hUnierviuce onstpayrt ti is rnnohrrcn otns n1.Nv -great year lu Rotary," Mr. more aware <of Rotarys _apant. vstn hhrdughpm e s it w nid nextnong, ai- downltook- patiarth ext dk- ay Kndalnlcdhurch eric ar tayl ie t 1.ctae o cnriln ped e n e jStr1ke iredicted. tri-national aspects. H. asked lTh. film aiso illustaaed lsiliR. Frhaer adaudieglileJserekat basad udyScoldrigteatOee Inh.ade. u e n teuntbbe insular but tb the fact thatthue Rotary Four Miss. R. F rier mnd ational Parkand Ban!! Na- baon or Pancakes and coffe., nuonîli o!August. This is 1he day. Isnational res te In ml- caemad n e wil oteWy Test - 1. Is ic is LtheBieeno! Kit-. lionai Park, stopping ta see sligo u ubo tnigfinal lime il lias been ciosed M n n.Jc abt n adaon 4-tihiot reeta, amWo i- fo randlit aes. hot Trulli? 2. la Il Pair to Al ner wels e recent guc9t Ahbsa Falls and Sunwap- sttwiinhe watehing atandning IbMmr.seandhlidys . ~eter Wold 'Irougli Ro- In ciosing i-. Evans Para- Concerned? 3.Wîi I fiields lu Fnte-s ______T_3____________a_ alsan_ flythe te irgasen f arde, atrdy oo idl adwih fspa -tay."Indoig sot lie clani- hrased Robent Burns by say_ Good Wiil? 4. Will It Be fidalndshide squaednig pcldn-abrfshw hl akTumnG '-1ay"I n mth o aing po"ing heas longas 1he * e lne inpiation for sl frielda tin d au la ar e dancigeia an-a e hwmwuebc rmnGru Be-ffialtdAUmen erei? ]B sin ss D iriclo"" preventeri th. snow oi sig by full costumed Indians, along th. Eighth Concession Miss Chymnlotan a-scn n hr lc nce : ress to w ards th c great goal oneC lon ly pe son, on . hungry - i. a n n r t o o e -o t o h nd g n n lnie mninent. There th y lhd a real dow npou , ended he 0 h w d i g c i - ev n ii b w r e -*-of international peace adchild, or poverty anywhere vice s wl san'vcl c o ields.vaes a duckwagon puled by much of whicb an off. The bration o!finucead ut hpywul h rn ~ nudrtadniaanciclccoun tet a flr wl b gid.«I"C YIThe destinajtion for that a tbainof loflg-hained oxen, tobacco growers are lucky Iliat Mn. and Mns.OtCahmoniolCaponrcve 9eenn h epni '-'rRtm. T h e pictun.d charactens RAY J. DILLJNG nigibt 'as Reveistolce. Next and anotiier cukao in they have irrigation and are Sunday.peptachlngtrp . ,.iiiiso! Uic Raariens lun Vice-President AI Vitlien- stated that then. are more Climtered Accountant day a visit ta Kamîloops and Iielping to, fil al Uic classi- Spoon was thie projectionist than 100,000 Rotanians in 93 Churcli Street travelling dlown Uic Fraiser fications cf cacb on's boni. for the preentation o! an in- more than 8,000 pleace s 623-3861 canyon ta Vancouver to stay 'i mation of!rieur clubs in quai!- opcned in a 'van devastatedîtat aIl are dcdicated ta the1 Chantered Accounlant o! Uic district including Stan- -ftied localities, Mr. Evans ne- area of France during Uic creation o! a bItter worn id rt St. S., Bowmanville ley Park 'vas enjoyed and jn.windedl Bownuanvllle Rotan- Germen occupation. Ilinougli the Rotairy pninciples Phn 63362nuy o! the gr'aup 'vent to a taso h, importance of! thc Il first showed e partisan of service befone self and the SUPPer club oailed Uic Cave wt f llotary's spmrit, pur- lookoul kceping guard, who Maxim tbat h. profite st WLO &BROS where Milzi Gaynor was the RrW, n erie spots an approading jack- who serves best. Ca rend Accountats star cd thfe show. Travelling Menben, should not just booted Genxlan officer, and Pe 323o teesPates dé s rsietBbS even Kng St. W., Oshiawa, Ont. by ferry ta VVancouver Island, be proud lo b. ar f oarhurnldlye.uters abuilding ta thanked Prognam uChairman anes:P. D. Wilson, C.A. Ite gouforiunchteuVu icti 19.liogl uirlar sr i derground 'voskers busy mak- formnative maid upiifting po G. Edmond Burnows, C.A. lat aftertnoon a trip toaa Ab eudeavorS to, b. of help nd ing their plans. gramn. He also thanked Vice -_shopping________________c 'service to albcrs. Be eoncern- Hastily, the partisans baing President Withei-spoan ' f rornr cartcflcGardens ilforyuped huet iNbyuh rblbsan i-ers and am.d slogans, lookîng aften tbe actuel show- __________________ ot drsae ho ansthe ,educallon. Inculcate respect then sa t a singsong just - ing ! Ui motion pictue. G.EDWN ANNoDc.ta ge shlon owUc adenhe f- or e la w i ny u n g p eople; D117111 11i m i] . . il in t o of he G r ns Ofc:Chinopractor To coMuPensate for nissing .* O I A15 Elgin St, cor. of Horsey St outoW nmob. ride The conusuunity 'vas &ad- ville, visied with bth. e Office B y ifa- no & ~dned Sunday mening to Yellowles family apps:By a PONT 1AUAl.Lr J , Guar o! Uic passlng o! one cf e fo' vrok our senior citizens, Mm. H. E. Mm,. L. C. SnowdenMr. MDe n j s 8 n hl ,4Tink. lier cefui grceting Bob Snowden , Maple Grave, Den__a_____________ it nid encoureg.ing spirit wlMi.Wlliam Jemes, Oaheiwa, Da . LU>LL >* dyolisiei. 0M1.&' ennethCuu ry a - 5 ir e doubl wli.ther our bal Ie r et ret mse yalwtgS. E Bwanni temcan stand pnosperity but v s'ynpatbyta Ui membes o!MMs Mary Watten and famul. 9am .dily they have woan four gaines th UiTnk an-d Dewell famnilles Mr. an-d Mm. Ray Cowling Ciosed Saturday and Sunday stagu, ot ag ' from v v 9." 1W et this finie. Whitby, Mm.. Dick Griffu- OfcePioe- 2-59 nBt aoneaclfroo ni Ceyav- ,~~~~~~~ ~~Enfield, visted with Mr. and les. Phone Newcastle 987-4261ani Mibro.Tyae 't' a former laresiden,s- M r ms t Skda ad 111. FC1ý 11TAN. DS.anow surdendi scndpac. Prices Effective:August 10, 11, 12, 13. __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ thein loved one,Mr Hea. Browes, / htby, M isses D iane Ofc e r: offensively. S ne o! th, fans -uJ .< W. ir sorytareprtIlit lu9 am. la 6 par. daily sa ycd ong enougli to see an Rolle Claesrytorpr htosed Satunday and Sunday intenesting baxing bout on u ~'oo ablity* su us n. lu ic omuirla! Hoe i~l,~ 4mU T i DI W S S D. E. W . SISSON f ature).Sa e 1e H lz- 7 m M il wtm , m tg- Bo man ill , a d ai o, ISSD.D S. Sa e 1 e H inzKraft Casadian e 'U W I k , W A Loe l a aHarr i ento f F ir icOffice in his home the entie service at McC ac'sVTIl- a C Mabgel is opatent ite . trn S.5100 LICHoz ê bOutcnO Of oururjoMM P£0- Oshawa General Hospital. W. Phione 623-5604 Deconation Service et cerne-L I lur e #11 t4=" hua that cas mm suy unScrelY hope these ladies North Duiiuain Cal! Club Office Houri: lnro udy We did sec *ETUM N U you r Pa rg& WlyhM wllsoon b. feelIng mare heüd a meeting et thue fanm 9 sari. ta 6 p-m. dally muanY former citizens, includ- Crnto we ie on ig hw y 5 io cdW e n e d a -S a u r a y __ several a! the Fisk, Coronation Sw eet M on24-as.S 'When -Sj reic lie o o*0S ota l f Roy St_ __o_ _ _ _ __35_ _ _ _ _ dn sd y S tu da M sterI S fl andars C L 2 - Une hhnes or hi~ C~M . T. F iît, Colum bus, on Tuesd y, July 10h.les r J P e v y pia d-E dS Auto, Duorning, Wan PeterM MISKtorq y P A E lB Co Elle HIladth o r : o n o 87- 45 dly StU .12 Mr:. James Wilis o! this Vil-.rf 6, E F S E K T E r ; Mn. Re~~~~~~~pwa sd 1 .or merin Pho newcs.4735f ag e. RckSaavep c H lr A pI e-nKraftra sre 9 Bethany, daugliten o! the lateIAL chedrPuear John Staples and Mary Twgg. ODGINS & FLEMNG paenthar f Muc 60.BE W e h a e n t e a d ! u 2O1 w n e e u a iGJ r Fo wn ireua in H ugli E. Fleing q.C. change in the condition of Mr. M R C E w i 3 cnlesPr TIEA brýg, h tugt nth Briser oin Bgestn hthebsbentas ave 130 KeUogg.a Public chool e SAUSAGE .ale ubi fredtote ucho Wn numiben e! ycans, as 'v.îî 14 Fr'ank St. BowmanillInh Civie Hospital. le-ozuo~i Pg. as iiseS u1th. surround. TelephOne 233351 We made e 11111e visittinRN_______________________________ lug district.a " DR moiSTENE o sec Mr. Lou williamnson et I A B I G O H She 'vas amiember of Beth. BritrSolicitors bis home in th. village. This HARD ~~any United Churcli congrega. Notarles Public b3ya- itiznhsfle lion and its 'vamen's organiza.. W. R. StrUce, QC. abi recently but s1111 keepi FR -E50 IGA ]Book Matches with TCrno Rfe lions. She had been th. church A. A. IL tik B. everylhing clean anid neat as F E h. purchase of a 32-oz. size of TO atreasuner, taughtInluth, Sun- Edwand C. Wiidrnan, a pin. O ' D I dayseholnid'va avale]B.A LLB, L.OSBA. 1314 are holding EueiEI..I f MM asesrneber of eth anUy Worn- 40 King St. W. - Bowrnanvffe tFrane en al i EQIU U 4 CoVEoKEtbIA * MhIk tstes .a Institute. Talephwe 623-5791 teano ue l Penny Saleciand h e P"-She la survved by one -- n b inlu te eantuutni Broadcas ts9 OV grea , gmdaughter n . Ta ra. B e N £ _________ __inthe_________ _________________ (Ruth) of T r e a sn Ido ri g a e s for donations. Tisla as been son _ _____ _____« %_fer__an attraction ec year voth Rlalpli w la d cf C l ry 8 M» A MIT ON - OONO suPPorting. W . ase hear the IT DT UH EA G am&& %jycMM eldren, Ir.Phone 1 r 18 sMme iodge 'vil b. celebrat..->1 ** I A ~ VU IL N t ry a FlreCinan, TorN- u Ingaep ~lugthei 101h Annlversary VSTTEIA BOHA H of Md a deelos dky tO- and a brother, Jac* ratidenOs -taenis t sfail. SImpes 6le , Libnd, Walter unespropertie8 Mr. and M n.. M arris Ginla H cnliuJba d, W m~ ianid fam illY &ae speoi!n th ei Ç~P-! - lanc4 pnedecea ler on rin5 d u c t d t b e fu m a l s e ric e . R K A . S L I ! p.W e c o u ld fM I 1 a c o lu m u o ! GLEN WouIwEIAIRYespo localypeoplo w manville IGA F< d i e Khna "Ex. -Eowranvlei OMM y aoinmon days but lime.and space don'î White, rni Ws eDJoho-n le 10WMAàNt VILLE vzG OWM&Jmua taon Row CusWth- &-Tus -n.Mf aelnBgsb la tuh and hoas ove ho

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