63 enir Ctizn sBig Brother - Little. Sister Enjoy Annual Picnic A4tSt.GeorgeSt.Home ~I~TIavIle Senior Citi- poiul supper, followed by ~ Z6aedvitheir picnic ton apprctative thanks by Mr.R. Tlf~yAugust 4th, at th Glbrt president of the clup, homne cf Mr. and Mrs. E. la Mr. and Mrs E. Brummell Brumm~ell, St. George St. for the use of their spacious Perfect weather conditions grounds and their wondex-ful!........ lreVailed and ail who attend-'hospitahity. ed immensely enjoyed the, Ater supper man gami s! eVe'nt. of bingo were played, with! Mrs. J. Morgan. Mrs. R. prizes eor the winners, too. Gilbert, Mrs. E. Clapp and numerous to mention.i MrS. M. Crook were in charge Many thanks to the Recrea- of tFaç games, and prizes were tion Director, Mr. Bud Fan-1 'n bF Mrs. R. Gilbert, Mr.; ning, for his kind assistance, E.Brummell, Mrs. E. B. in getting tables and chairs.,,,,! MIoses, Mr. E. Syer, Mrs. C. and Memorial Park for use of '~ Harris and Mrs. J. Abernethy. *the bingo ganie. We wish ta Euechre and crokinole seemed thank leveryone who helpedýý ta be enjoyed by ail1 present, in any way to niake thils pic- alter which 63 of our mem- nfic a day we shall always re- w" bers set down to a delicious member. T YR ON E ,;~ Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- with her grandmnother. dread, spent 10 days visiting Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hather- '.~ .. . her mother, Mrs. M. Gaskin ly and Karen, Toronto, Mr.r and other relatives at Monctonand Mrs. Wayne Hatherly, ý N.B. They also spent theiBarrie, Mrs. L. Fitze, Oshawa,' ~ .~... holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Symans, Bow- ... Mrs. David Alldread, Stoney, manville, visited Mrs. Anmie « î ... ... Lake, at a cottage. Hatherly. Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain-ý mTanville, spent the holiday ton attended their son, Doug-i weekend with Mr. and Mrs. las's graduation in Engineering, Lamne Phare. from the General Motors In-ý .Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor stitute, Flint, Michigan. Con-!' g and David, Toronto, visited gratulations, Dcuglas. her mother, Mrs. Percy McCoy. M.adMs aadSan Their daughter Valerie, return- ton, Wndsorsite MarolSaind ed home with ber parents Ms er titn afte speding two eeksMr. and Mrs. J. Holdstock' '. Bowmanville, visited bis sis-'......e ter Mrs. Annie Rivers. I LONG SAULT IMrs. W. Miller visited Mr. i. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- and Mrs. Clinton Englisb, et' eron and family spent a very their cottage. pleasea wek a the cottage' A number from this com-ý The handsome youngsters in the above photo are Lynn Ann and Bradley of ý nd Mrs. L. Adams at munity attended the Oshawa, James Cooke, children of Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Cooke (nee June Bickle) of Lake ..ushog. Mr. and Mrs, Fair. Sabruh hi ru rnprnsaeM.adMs hre .Bcçeo Clayton Brown and Linda Mr. and Mrs. Howard Won- caoogh Tei rod rnd retar Mr nd rs hresRBikef were Sunday supper guests of nacott and son Ross, Toronto,:, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Cooke ofScarborough__ ______ the Cameron's. :spent the holiday weekend __ __ The little Misses Ruth Annewith Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Vir-lBradley, Mrs. McLeod Sm., Cameron and Linda Brown,'tue. :Mr. Craig Mclntyre, ail oT e n Efa et vle U ie j were Sunday evening visitors Mrs. Percy McCoy attended Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- W a i lz b tvle U ie of Miss A. Aked and enjoyed'a gathering at the home of neth Crawells, Jamie and a glass of lemonade and some'her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ýDeanna, Newcastle, Mr. Fredi cookies with her. ýJim Woodward, Downsview. Smith, Miss Grace Smith, Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. M. Kellett and: Heather Southwell is visit- and Mrs. Lloyd Harmer, Ernie family, Janetville, were Sun- ing Miss Patti Russell, Osh- and Betb, Mr. John Harmer,l day supper guests of Mr. and awa. iMiss Esthe' Rosevear, Mr. and' Mrs. EarI Penwarden. Ricky Southwell is visitingIMrs. John Cook and Lori. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson bis grandmother, Mrs. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn! ,visited with his mother, Mrs.1,Heayn, Prince Albert. 'and family, have returned ' y- G. Bentley, Port Perry, on; A family gathering was from an enýoyable trip visit-ý Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S. held at the home of Mr. and ing brothers and sisters of' Goble, Bruce and StanleyýMrs. J. C. Cook in honor ofTony's in Transcona, Man.,Ii Gable, were Sunday eveninig Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard McClureand Chelan, Sask. While inl visitors of the Gibson's, Mrs.l.Bushnell, Florida. Those pres- [Saskatchewan friends and re-l N. Davis, Pontypool, had dn-cnt were Mr. and Mrs. Lornellatives gave Mr. and Mrs. Jan-ý ner with her parents, Mr. and' Watson, Orangeville, Mr. andiczyn a surprise party to cele-' .#'. Mrs. Gibson an Monday. M.Mrs. Ted McBride, Brampton,,brate their 20th wedding and Mrs. J. Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Harmer, anniversary. Z famîly, Courtice and Mr. Ed'Clarkson, Mrs. McDonald Sm.,, Gardon Janczyn has finish-i ThT fulfgiforuemlMs.JonAcongdiBiace hstratens n orna ............................................................4 Monday evening visitors of the and Jennifer, Mr. and Mms.:Hospital and has returned R. Gibson's. Douglas McLeod, Craig andbaktwm. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gody a nd family, Oshawa, were Satumday visitars of Mm. andi CLEARING ALL !Mrs. James Woodley. SPRING & SUMMER Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byai,I FABRIC Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue,j J attended the Old Tyme Fidd-1 lers' Contest at Shelbournel REMNANTS last Friday night. On Satur- RM AT day they attended the parade 1/ PRICE and also cailed on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barr of Bramptan.[ Mrs. Neil McNiven, Barrie,; Mms. John Robertson, Can- riCS ington, were this Tuesday i Goodbrand Fabrc guests of Mrs. Ronald Scatt.' 28 King StiW. Jamespast week Mrs.ý 28Kn t .Bowmanville Jae Woadley received a! __________________________________________ __ certificate of Merit for Tyroneý _____________________________________________Explorer Girls for the year, 1ud96 ee5ngclesf. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arthur Westheuser, shown, Mr. nd Mrs.E. A.irtue wlere.o in the above photo, were married in Elizabethville Watch ForG Mr. and Mrs. A. Evans, Mrs.' United Church on Saturday afternoon, July 23, 1966, at C. Shaw and Ralph, Missý 2:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Suzanne' GRAND OPENING Doreta Trew, Oshawa. Jane Thickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry' 4,' "THE ACRES" UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The New Proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond LeBtanc (nee Betty Berrili) request your continued patronage SUNDAY DINNERS A SPECIALTY BOOKINGS open for... Wedding and Anniversary Receptions, Birthday Celebrations, Etc. sloOO m $2qOOm -30 p ALL SUMMER MER(H to be cleared 2Ocyo-m3 O?/o 5 0 MEN'S- WOMEN'S - CHILDREI MULDEI 2KING ST. E. "Thé Family Store*** lfliCKSOfl, izabetnville, arid the uriuegroomn is the il son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westheuser, Starkville. Rundie PicnicPhoto byUdvarhelyi Studioý ruiehtrICflICskies_______ Bra it sunnylsiestovr-iff.flowemed silk dress, beige ac-' head picie able nesledcessaries and corsage of yel-ý among the trees provided thCW', picturesque setting for the' vj» utt'itg low roses. 3l'st annuel Rundle picnic < , Followîng the receplion the held et Orono Park. 'happy couple left for a honey- The clan, a littie snallcr WE STHE USER - THICKSON mnoon in Washington,.DDC. For than usuel, set down ta a h mri-g fMisSz travelling tbe bride ware a tasty supper of home-cooked arie arr Tigeof Miss uz- r white lace dress witb tir- delicacies. While we were re-1an an1hckodagtrquaise siîk sasb placed et thel covering from an excess in fM. n-rs eryTik dropped wei.stline. turquoise' tak offoo, PesientLlod on, Elizabetbville, and Mr., bat and gloves, white shocsý tak o fodPrsidntLloiRiibert Arthur Westbeuserjadcraeo ikrss r Down conduceted .the businass-Iso fM. n . Edward' and corsagesofpineses l. m. bed in Orosino Parkon te' Westbeuser, Starkville, wes residing in Bawmenville, held n'Orno Pak ontheio(nmnîzed in Elizabethville h rd s colta ,rd Wednesday in Jul. Tbe i ted Church on SaturdaY Pebiei colta new executive is: Preside afternaan, July 23, 1966. at cher arid atteiided Elizabeth- Si Trewin; V.P., Dave ord-3 'eok ville Public Subool and Portý ingly: Sec't., Mary Rutb O' 3 'lc.Hope High School. The groom' borne; Treas., Glen Piekeil; Rev. J. R'miit officiated attended Bowmanville Hig-h Sports, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Os- and for ithe occasion theiSehool and i.s employed at borne, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Os- church wes prettily decorated General Motors. borne. with bouquets of peach gin-' Failowin g the business, dioli and white 'mums. Mrs. races were held for the Allan Foster played the wed- ELZ B T U Tt younger set and less energet.cý ding music and the soloist L"JIZABETHVILLE games obellenged tnie aduits.1 was Mr. Larry Hall.Cbr svie wre el Parents gathered up their, The bride, who was given at Garden Hill. Sunday school children, who were beginnîing 'in marriage by hem father, was held here as usuel. ta look similar ta chipmunksý: wore e floor-length A-line' with their cheeks full of cen-, gown of white shantasticr n Friday evening the coim- dy from tbe candy scamble,hibgteby rnblaet munity gathered ta bonor a an ai oobe ilnexti ihtbe y rnc ac trecent bridai couple, Mr. and and sid godby the empire wai.st and at the Mrs. Robert Westheuser et Mm. edgeof he hor sîeve. Aand Mrs. H. Thickson's home.' ebapel length train fell from:A pragrami of singing, playing; the empire waist, and ber and readings was given by the' bouffant veil was caught to.Walker girls, the Beatty girls, Ela cluster of pearlized lily-nf- Mrs. -C. Mcrcer. Andrew and D ~~ S a le ~~l he-valley. Hem cascade boit-Sb nPeckM. qet was of Johanna Hill Wbite read the address and se1 it hteseheaithe couple was presented with and featbered carnations. a bridge set. Lunch was serv- 1Miss Glenda Memcer was ed., maid of honor, Mrs. HoYwardi Mrs. Sam Moore, Donna and Staats bridesmaid, and Miss'Patsy, Toronto, retumned home Nanc.y Fowler junior brides- ,on Wednesday after spending maid. They were ettired inýa holiday at Tbicksan's. AND1Efloor-length A-lune gowns of' Mm. and Mrs. R. Wshue IA N D S E oange ice shantastie with and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Man- white lac~e adomning the em- ders, spent Sundey at Pres- pire waists. They wore bowiqu'ile Point. ait headpieces of matching fabmic Mm. and Mrs. Don Wbitbred and ca-ied cascade bouquetsiand'grsOha , pnte of hit shstadaiiesandweekend with Mr. and Mrs. peach gladioli. ýL. Muldmew. OF F Mr. David Foster was best Mr. and Mrs. H. Gardon, man anid tme ushers were;Port Hope. were w4tb Mrs. A. N'S WEAMessrs. Larry Manders and:Waltem's recently. 'NSW A ohn Quantrill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson A eceptian was held in tifeispent Tbursday eveoing with I hurch hall wheme the bride's Mms. F. Lockwood and visited mto-piece ie wearin« a'with liem daughtem, Mrs. N.! topeedmess af green silkiSmith, ber husband Nomm and' iantungz with beige acces- fivýe children who motoredý BOWMAN ILLE ,"ries anid corsage of pink fmom Biggar, Sask., and arriv- The gor' mother assisted, A few tobacco farmers have: to receive and wore a greeni'started their harvest1 e Canadian Statesman, Bowmanille. Aug. 10,1988lRf '4>,O meo o.. e i J~ AINA.IWMi..... WIN ,PCIC IN ITHE Because Topsy or Shantz Brand Grade A - 5-10-lb. Average TrURKEYS 3 c9l Fresh Chicken Cuts p l Dominion's Own Famnous A O c LEGS orBREAISTS597I CORNED BEEF 4"9 l Economical Ideal For Meat Loaf Freh BLADE GROUND BEEF531l STE KSlb Copaco Brand Pure lb. Pkg. STEAK*S 3 cPork SausageS5 Only At Dominion DOMINO WIENERS 1-lb. 9 Pkg. 59 Fresh Produce Features Thrist Quenching 18-19-1b. Average WATERMELONS 99 ± Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade CORN ON COB 49 d Ontario No. 1 Grade 3-1b. Poly Bag Washington Grown No. 1 Gr. Qt. Box (ARJUROI-S 25c Prune Plums 49c "I//l':' - BEST BUYS - GodSeal Sockeye 8-oz. Tin SALMON 59C Kounty Kist Std. 15-oz. Tins Wax Beans 8 -$1.00 Breakfast Club Assarted 9-ai. lare JAMS 5 for 99c 3 Varieties Coronation 12-ai. Jars RELISHES 4 for $1.00 Poivdered Giant Pkg. TIDE Detergent 99c 12e Off Ivory Liquid King Size General Milîs 5 Varieties 12-ai. Pkg. CEREALS 17c POTATO CHIPS 69c Reynolds Foil Wrap 2 pkgs. 69c Seven Up 6 Bottie Ctn. King Suze BEVERAG ESe osi49c MRS. CHARLES PIPER il Victoria St. Bowmanville aus MIlS. C. GIBSON 118 Elgin Street BOWMANVILLE WINS $25.00 J. VERMEULEN Bowmanville - BISCUIT FEATURE - 5 Varieties Hill Top 1-lb. Pkg. BISCUITS 3 for$1.OO BAKERY FEATURE MES. JOHN HENDERSON 190 Mearns Ave. Bowmanville - REAL VALUE ,Iiuntry Girl 2CUoz, Ize Braeside No. 1 Small RAISIN PIE EGG.S 39C FROZEN 3doz. $1.00 FOOD FEATURE, v Richniello Orange 16-na. Sfiz French Fried 9-oz. Pkgs. BUYA SET CHIFFON CAKE Domino Potatoes 7for$1.OO 4 93U Wl . &Y tsrreCrdTdy KING ST. Al nerchandis. is guarmnteed t. give 100% satisfaction. Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Aug. 13, '66 in Bownianville WE 19ESERLVE THE RIGHT TO LUT QUANTITIE.S. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights, "tii pm ANDSIMSON AVENUE (Nighwoy, No. 2. bcst), SHOP WMTHCONFIDENCEI AI mm @W Md u mim »MId w*io., wkhutoù FfsFrein rwrhuma or@ riOVERNMENT-lNSPE1DI1 e i eïoQUALITY BLENDED *D~o o n tnt~~ I EXTRA SPECIAL 99C rat- SPECIAL FEATURE - 190 King St. WNest KatMiracle Wbip 32-oz. Jar Salad Dressing 59c WINS $2500 ýJ5. -, ýOUV 1 % 1 9db-.- QI..