I. 'R TeCnainSaesman, Bowmanvlfle, Aug. 10, 19M6 Emanatan, winner of the A~ traste Baxter. *fliey strilce out hMmaspeyrcey.mrw maTrset fatet ea, scodsflt.in amoer and frustration. You Glad=t cno r Hrl 0 0a rTe A.hat, 3 ecnds iaet. ,rrnr -rr mcan send them ta jail fo-. Wilkins Io homeatralnupntSna xhM.~ T. A. Featinnlng, De toe r ra n g e S pwa W wia E - UW Era EU thie mostts or three years stay in OeawaHsia.AMs lnMcn ecreation thanked 1h. ~~~~~and 'wtat do you coenlish? speedy recovery ahmam. Vmtr uxgtewe canadiain Club Picnic sial guesta for assistlng with su s am M anagement in=z17oSu j ve Moladhacoes the Derby, aima the Police weDeDfoi e-etence re- M. n Mg weeka eor presen r.eand Ms.nA. W.aresoteirickt.Mrwand Mr. Mnt Mr .James of the Statesinan, Wllamernhfan 7 il lr nd ch F r e n i e b a n Tracy Osmond for him work -TeDurham and District farm safety programn were the farm layout, enterprises ver Street, pleaded guilty to Visitors durigtewekMrTontn Wdesa o withth Derby, Joe Xennett FarmnMngmnt Day for the Made by Mr rue Ealeson, and then turned the program cOausifg a disturibance by and Mrs. Ernie orPl-TusayM.adMs he The Bowmanvillîe Men's Ca- the program. and the Playground Staff for Port Hope District was held President afibter0Ontario Farm over t6 Mr. Robert Bell, Farm ui = e at a local rest homne. erston; Mr. and r.Vro hxM.LsDvs saa lZamaen l bedepited the wMoihs a oveî voî, sanaa jwe olere hankav te A. O. Dalryxnple of the Bow- The group consisting of Ottawa. Compenisons of the wen he was called hie advis- Mr. and Mrs.LwRha rckoIfrdnr;rs e bd aose njplasb eause aithe wbsev a lvelona , sang rpret^orandn ndfrmanville office of the Ontario about 80 people then proceed. Gray Farm enterprises ta the e rnoie h abe ihmnd Hilrlnd ~ Ms.Wbte n dhalee i n s ecae ft shed vaccompanin ang guitarentecopraiofoote arîc- eprten 0 Ariuluranddd te arenHii oner 165Prvicil veags asgonknhomeghme bt- oh Cruta adJoulanowanllevlitd esn Food, was In charge of the vatlon. area where a picmc donce, on a cost basis. Cî~J when lie returned a second Oshawa; Mr. adM.Hretdy evenings when there was nain, for his weekly Sunday radio There were il cars involv- registration, and a toÜr of the Aiter lunch Mn. Robert Mar- and alternative farxning oppor- forced ta lay the chiLrge, have just recetyntne eerae edn no It was held li the Maple Grave program, on CKLB, entertain- cd in this Derby that seemed Ray McHolm 'farni, Welcome, shall, Professor of Marketing tunities were considered. Conviction brought a fine home fnom a 7,00 ietpt esr nStnaAgs United Chunch Hall instead of ed with numbers played on ta prove popular with both the Ontario. After the tour Mr. et O.A.C. made a few cam- Special thanks go ta Mr. and of $15 anid seven dollars costs, Vancouver Islad t ii U.Cngauain abt <Ôn the lawn af the home o! different size harmonicas. He participants and tic spectators. Charles MacGregor, Farin ments an the marketing fore- Mrs. Roy McHalm and Mn. and or five days. friends and relivstehd fyu 'Wd H. past rswdn, the in anecdol iters A ndam s t sMaaneaget erment Speciallat froin casîs for vaniaus fanin prod- Mrs. Bey Gray for allowing AeardrAnderson, New- not seen for mareoime n n r.W ar jedate htpeidntei ncoesAs hs h eere *tDerby1he Brighton Office spoke ta ucts. Professor Marshalpre- us ta visit their fanm. Also WCte , A leade ult u- Sunday visitoslr.A-Bwavlc eeSna *el Pine octo.MuryCrr iegada In many y onhrecslplae ult opb p ne oain.MrayCr, iegadati odoubt next year'a should th. group o the planning ai dicted gond pnices fon 1he wish ta Uiank Professor Mar- lic intoxication July 101h. bert Tennant, HhsaèMn uprget lhM.at * Aflen the picnic baskets the Salvation Army Summer be blgger as Uic interest a farin Budget. Mr. MacGregor Dairy and Livestock Industries shall o! O.A.C. as, well a osable T. Davis said he or, Mn. Relph NioOhw1Ms .Hlod wee npckd nda ehciusCap ea Bllvile peaeddscusscd ho a partial bud- aven the next fcw years. He Charles MacGregor and Mn. answered a conwileînî fromn Mr. William HepilMn suppen was senved, President thc audience with trumpetblls gel could be used t give an ended the speech by lmplylng Robent Bell o! the Ontario Nelson Street about midnight Jack Robertson isDon Howard Bradley cordially solos. An excellent trumpet estimate of increases or de- that a bnighter future lay Departinent of Agriculture and and haler froni Memanial RS Robertson, Mrs.DotyRb 4 . .JI welcomed the members and duel playcd by Caplain IL creases te farin income, as- ahcad for th. Ontario fariner, fond. 'itlwhre h acse G3etsnan r dhi uce ts. He then Intro- Fraser, Bawmanvillc, and Mn: YEL VERT ON suming varlous changes li 1he Aller th. discussion on the The meeting was spnnsored piva in the ucse sed was me.eneson and Mi.Jh akw 1 . If >>lA due r rown as M.C. o Carn was gneatly enjoyed. business. A discussion o!fIlirce marketing situation, Mn. Alex thnough tl4e co-openation o! iigUcnWssabdlm . ne wit. an Ms.A ,,,fV A4CL4l Much applause wam ngO e- Rcynand the fox created alsoSuch alternatives was taken Carruthers, M.P.P., made a 1he Durham County Farmn The fine was $15 and costs, Pesot ceived by Captain Fraser for niodicum o!fxitmn te up, using 1he McHolm fanin as few bnifn.marks. Management Association, and or fuve days. Mrs Len PUae n cid l hssl ign.xieetithabaeforan ge.The prognain was mov.d ta the Ontario Dept. o! Agnicul- Thomas Marnien hlIdhsoosngg.oclamttis atwekabe cags., char.gdayn owav On ehîf f hosopaset hmest tobsrv t ed ek.a Following Mn. C. MacGre- the farniof Mn. Bey Gray. ture and Fond. Bowmanvill, with breaking and enterîng dRcv. Ted KrscyoiaLae Wesley Down, R.R. 4, Oshawa, making a caîl at Uic Ed Law. gor a few staleinents an 1h. Bey spake for a short lime on Office, is ex-wife's apentinent July was there for teweed IIl IC thanked the entertainens for sons barnyard where he ne- 301h, aind daimaging food by th. pleasure they had given ceived a hostile receplion by terandil rorng1h. n e a Mun. ayonthesOsa (FROM PAGE ONE) th. audience by thein penfor- thein Angus bovines. Next o n lo h a JScat, Mrs. M. Heenan, Mns. mances. Walton Pascoe, a Past h. took off up 1he noad le 1h. ESt S 1C f viyan elc.an sited undaevin it Joskovski, Mns. E. Rand, Mrs. president, moved a vate o! Jack Wilson's where again hi. NWUUU is r ts C ot ted trial by iaigistrate. H. Mn. and Mrs.RapBahr J. Nowlan pnnviding deiciaus thanks ta Mn. Brown for act- visited 1h. bannyard, creatlng was sent te re!ormatony for viie udyg tes and calice and cookies. ing as M.C an undue disturbance. Here 12 ninnths definite and Ibre. Mn. and Mrs.RoadWr, M.J. H. Davey, Blood agein the welcome matwaHed n Bo m vil months indeterminate on th. Kedron. Donor Chairman, was assisted a Pyanked from unden this un-fit h rean e six onrt.li ngeMn. en n H hdBisn by Mrs. W. R. Spry, Branch domesticaled canine's leet0Ucsco srncnceet ineTn ndGe pn P9esident, and Mns. Win. Law- h.e again took off. Unfortun- (FROM PAGE ONE) rence Gibbs and Walter Tic- weapons."1 By 4 p.ni. with the. thermo- Civic Holiday wecd a rie who aclcd as hnstess. Othen _ ately for hlm, when he went of license fan six montîs. khe, Junior, ecd $25 and Magistrat. R. B. Baxten ne- ineter et 85 degnees and the. Niagara Falls. volunteers at the registration te cross 7A Highway aI Yeh- Constable H. Cook's repart costs, or fîve days. In each marked that had a doct.or's humidex at 96 thc magistrale Mrs. Frank Sna n ~ desk and other clenical work B x vertan hie ailed ta stop et bbc was thet h.e found the accused case Constable H. R. Corneil, car or ambulance been usîng suggested that th. gentlemen Shirley, Blackwacwtvn were Mns. H. Pickard, Mns. A. "Stop" sign and h. came intoSitting alone in bis car in an OPP, stopped the vehiche on the road il would have had tae i court nemave their jackets. and Mns. Elmer ihb MatiMr. .Vice, Mrs. C. (FROM PAGE ONE) collision with a car whicb isnpeired condition. The vehi-, Taunton Rond June 22nd and get off on b. sbnuck. H.ein- They complied with alacnity. Mn. and Mns. EmnWlu Henning, Mrs. J. Living, Mrs. Semi-Finals contcsted his righl-of-way. cle was lI the ditch on thc di-ected iltae tb. Government posed a fine of $50 and costs, spent Sunday età igtn la. Hibben, Mrs. H. Saunders, Heat 1-Glen Edmonston This uxipredictable behaviour east side of the Danington Scale on 14ghway 401. on seven deys, in each case Mrs. T. S. Muto n Mliss Janet Living, Miss Denise Car 14, 23 sec.; Heat 2-A 9O! an unusualhy sly and shy Township lin. north of Taun- David Bryce Adams, 106 and suspended cdi icenseHA P O Mrs. Honey, 01aa set Wessells, Miss Linda Hibben, dnew Bergsma, Car 66, 28 sec. quadnuped causes one ta con- ton Rqad. Estknated damage Churcb Street, pheaded net for 60 days. T'M, careless driv- H M T N eypheasantwcke Miss Brenda Henning and Miss Heat 3, Bian Stoneburg, Ca»' jecture if he (an she) was in- ta a telephonie pole was $150, gui t acagso aeesin~g charges were witbdrawn. MnBniMsrhs.W~l c Msevcny esIi al Elizabeth Spny. Mn. M. Wise- 9, 37 sec. !c fcted with nabies or just ta a farmi fence and gale $40, dIvnte a~drig ofaers Grenville Wood, 6 Mounta- Mr adSO.RhaAPIDoc is Bvel drivienan ndcnMn. WaW.- J. JE. sOrmise*tonida proviaddMranspJ.Eorta t on mpohlFia crazy with the heat. and lathie vehicle $700. ley Road, June 4th. Sa did ian Avenue, Toronto, charged adJn pn h oia daying at Camp in-oLc A T thed tansortauinil.Champon - G nlen Emn- M.BueLwo ufrd Jerry' Edweard Barchard Murray Bnian Taylor, 95 June 18th with illegal passes- weckend with their parents, Madoc, for 10 das donrsreqirngit. Chmpon-le Emon- r.BrueMn. anuferd Mra nMs. Elmer Richard- Mn.' and Ms. aryLO DN ton, Can 14, 23 sec. cuts ta Uic head, necessitating was fined $50 and costs, or Queen Street. Adamns was ne- siOn o! liquon, was fined $10 son et Caledon and Mn. and Tham;pson spent1.wc Consolation Runner-up son.e stitches Ibis week when seven days, for failing te presented by E. C. Wihdxnan and costs, an five days. Con- Mrs. R. S. Wbeelock, Orange- with ber parentsM.adMs:P E IiO j j j Hat -Joc Kipatnckengagcd in an unusual phase show proof of insunance July and Taylor by E. R. Lovekin. stable K. Ruttan, OPP, stated ville. Tam LasbbrnnkPnyoud Ha -oy ilarco! animal busbandny. 3rd in lbe village of New- Constable T. Davis teslified Ihtph.nlaidtcharoeng efl r M.and Mns. A. L. Roden- Sympatby iscxedd lCA E d Car 10, 28 sec.; Heat 2, Dan cestle. Hie was granled 14 that b.e andi Constable L. Ri- sopn a rciga hauser, Barry and Cindy Sarv-reaisan findo!Ms Leaman, Car 13, 33 sec.; Final This community extende its dalasitas pnay. -Rady ihfrdCar8, 5 ~ deepest regrets ta Mn. and dJohn My. arkPuitr2 d te e asbeit h. west40 miles an bour on Highway is neturned home last week te Herbent E. TinkSlna'h The Mfr de-u eCara,2 Mis . MxJohteyadfanm nsMSrke oit, 29ury, a car wene obs ervg naf 35 anti fnund been open in bhc thein home in Tacoma, Wash- ps. wyo udy plonship Final was Andnew ily wha lost thein city home cud tet Sduy a nd of King Street when bbey ington via Air Canada aftcn Visitons and caheswt n Bengsnia and the Consolation by fine aften finst being ran- !ined $50 andi cosls, or seven received informalon te walch Mn. Wood comnplimented the spending three wecks with and Mrs. Cecii lmo:Ms Runcr-p ws ann Le- acked by thieves for valu- days, for speeding 90 miles for three westbound cars. Officer on the digni!ied way Mrs. Rodenbouser's parents, Ethel Payne, Pr oe n man. ables and mnney. Mn. an an boun on Higbway 401 Aug- Wlhen l'bey pasfsed the vantage in which h. handieti the mat- Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Cav- n r.Nra raig Prseains.oabl ereMsandbitney.dthi sxMThrf.crwa naontdh ficr oloe,1r- quite different froein ly, relatives and friends. Boan vile; n . ad ns made by Reeve Sid Little ta boys have spent a lange part stable G. Evans, OPP. poe'igws taot4 htw cdi an es Miss Bertha Armour held a John Robinson anz ii sa tbe winning car, Glen Edmon- o! thein summen vacation at Ovenweight loads oost Law- miles an hour. At Waverley papers. dinner party aI th. Genosha wa; Mns. Ed. Scne, sa *'Collision Repeins stan and Grant Luxton. Dep- thein faninhonme thnce miles Road thc two leati cars tu.mn- J. Walter Rogers, aged 16, Hotel in Oshawa for ententain- wa. Mrs. Slemn' ote ' Painting uty Reeve Fice presenled South anti east o! Yclvenlon P enn, cd left and the third went on 97 Ontaia Street, was fined ment and in honon o! Mrs. Mrs. Harny BroknPn IPIIDPOORPY * Gnerl .' ilfodadKnywee .cueo hi red west on Highway 2. 0 $50 and cosîs, or seven days, Rodenhauser. A family dinnen Hope, is spendingsm un utdo ntefl-atr.ig Fer BdyRp Roichlbwt hrpinso ad Gnd hîlncss ac in atriutsThe officers lurned lefItoo for cereless driving May Stb. parby was also held xi their with Mn. and Ms1 hmn arwndn emnIn Fre dyEst.aatesEddie Rob,,hinsnadrdp e - tîeyanehd iothe ttibutes, and obered lb. second car Cntble L. Rcd told honon ett1h. Flying Dutchian Miss Laura L.Snls itr one obeepsr s~iuia~esCui!ough rcceived pnizes lnorn regard by ail. Moxie and son r IWpull oven t theleftandtheth clb. a a 1p M o epýtueo 1heesot. e- Oshae, paell.we ihpeetin* iti ls Vic-Ceirano!lb.frin fshng xpditonin (FROM PAGE ONE) and on and off again. Then berd Rorspcein Later in th. evening ail werc Mis. James Smals MaD n l Fr ole ieChimnoftefomafsin xeito nnorth on Division Street in guests of Mn. end Mns. Bruce Ms hmnRgr a e efc o aein al n Sales ~Recreation Cornmittee, pre. the wilds o! NorthennOntario, West Beach and East Beach, lh. lwo cars starleti up side the souihbound Ian.e t a high Caveniy, Oshawa. Muissdho n esothl-we1n hts Sae etdprizes t fornnyLb. ot fCbat r ht'Thr tetadWavenly Rd. by side and accclenated to1751 rate of spced. Just nortb of M.ed .Roeh usnedinhameiton. man and Bnad Milnerfoth ney's grandinothen, a spry This ycan's theme is lis- miles an houn down te the Sarn's Restauxant the vebicle M and iîiînen s en hc e day Mnadmis.onil amrJ 1L V L BOWMAVILLE most Unusuai Car and Cpi. young lady o! 89, bas bentoieEvtsadilsoudBeLnenerctn.Wen wes brought ta a suddcn stop, o! their vacation with Mn. and w.nc guesîs onSudy ih *PHONE 623-2534 John, McGuey pnesented a spending e few days with the prove to b. yery colounful and the cruiser roof light and fefl- revenscd, backed about 65 Mis. J. A. Col.e t lb. cottage Mn. and Mis. RdyJmm, MTE - ,prize te the champion, Glen iamily et thein fanm hom.e t crowd pleasîng. der lglbt came on, tbc second feet at 35 miles an hour and an Little Hawk Lake, Halibur-Potenywasupidbr Bunker Hll. Al bopc tbc cul- Each playground will b. re- car dnolpped behindti h. first wheeied îmb lteMorris Fun-ton dsritP1 o vtciry pny a er2KngS.E. Bwanl pnits will be apprebended and sponsibi. for Dents, Been ailowlng the cruiser ta pull erel parking lot. Mntc. Ron Fowae visitedpo given their just desserts. It's Guessing, Penny Tnss, Weigbt alonigide thc first vehicle -Larry Francis Parker, Peler- Thunsday .vening wiîh Iris hnha.M.Atu a ______________ an unforbunate situation wben Guessing, Kissing Booth, lit wbich stoppeti. As tb. second borough, plcaded net guilty Metcaife, Orono. 'THE4 Csrespected citizens suifer great lb. Clown, Bingo, Sbooting car turneti left aet1h, claver- to speeding June 241h et 75 Mns. W. Holnayd, Jo-Anne, pensonel lossa et1h. hends ai Gallery, Housq o! larrons, leaf and pnoceeded wcst on mlles an boun on Highîway Judy and Ronald visited Mn. DlitPedr akn el no l onea, kh Po4 -f lLîwey 0, CosaleL hi.ws t con- and Mns. S. Faryna, West loss is estimat ed et $000.00. Tickets.;Will 1e so df? uk Ietnoted the malr'- *d vel> i'Bwiî4ltourtBah ame nedMs Thein daugbber, Miss Canal dnaw pnizes donated by bhe license flumber. as e result of! enial tigbway W. Talc and Mn. and Mns. Jo. ihwoer o egt CONFIDENCE! Whitney, bas been eltending a local mercharits. Owner andi driver o! the peInaI. Roy main Montncal on Wed-M ntihRehW er&C. summen course in Panis, Miss Penny Fair Qucen and first car, a Parisienne, was Constable MacCbenies, OPP, nesday.Mo CONYE N NC aFrance, specilizing in ian- Princess will be judged and DavidBi'yce ~Adamns. Fitteexi Downsview Detacbment, told On Setunday, Mrs. W. Hol- CO V N E C !guages. cnowned by Mayor Ivan Hobbs or twciitY minutes laten lbh Lm Worsbip that h. wa.s royd and children were vîsît-Chre dAconat Sympathy is extended ta of Bowmanvilie. second car-, a Beaumiont, was patrolling tb. highway by ing bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. COM FORT I Mns. Milton Gray and Mn. Most af the boothe and con- observeti in Bowmanville and airplane andti iming véhicies W. Lawric, Bawmenvill,, MontrealOswaTrneHmto and Mrs James Gnay and cessions wlll be made and run the Owncr and driver was with stop walcb between tb. whiie Bill wes in Toronto ta WindsorWinegegaClar entrai O t Trustfamily in bhe deebh o! Mrs. by lbe playgrounds pantici- Munray Brian Taylor, ageti 19. T.marks wbiab are anc quan- sec the Angonaut football EdmontonPrce eoe aour Central Ontaio Trus Grey's sister, Mns. Grae.May' pants unden tb. direction of Crown Attorney G. F. Bon- ter o! a mile, or 1320 feet gae. 1.COFDECE -knwîgIht o ae formenly a nesident o! Pont the supervisons. nycaste,, i r.comniending &part. Then be relayeti the So sorry te hean Mn. Sid 1.CNIEC nwn htyuae Hope. The Bowinanville Majorettes stiff fines,' observeti that de- information ta an officen on Kersey was leken ta Memorial Gardon W. BlCARL.Dr .WtrCA mreciigtbs ae often.st-pi M.ad r.At oa' panade. The parade route is Wavcniey Road was a rural was Constable D. Stuart, OPP. Thursday. Was feeling e litle Ohw moreoftn.necent guests ixicluded thein froin Lions Cine down tearaea anti it was se laIe aI Mr. Parker explained thal brigbler on Sunday. W. wisb 2. ONENENE lngr avnghors daugbten Linda and a lniend, Division Street, along King n1gIbI when there was little b, was driving bis sister's car 2. CNVEIENE -loner avig hurs Miss Lynda Pitt o! Belleville, Street bo Temperance and lxkelîhood o! ref! ic. for the second lime and did daiy ndal dy atrdy.nunses-in-training et Peler- back la the Lions Centre. "This îs exaclly the situa- not nealize he wascxceeding daiy ndai dy atrdy.borough Hospital. Be sure la mark your cal- lion Ihat youths choase for the sipecd lunit. When he had 3. COMFORT - dealing with friendly people Word bas been received entier for Tuesdey, August 16, thein funi and games," said b., tb. speedameten checketi afler kI F -with a conxmunity Trust Company. Ihal Frank Glasbergen Jr. bas Bowmenville's Annuel Penny "anti their high-powened, hale- lic founti il was regisîering 10,M M ~ arniveti in Holend and is Fair, Lions Centre, 6:30 p.m. model cars become lethal miles too slow.,lHe pnoduced E M M .. 4~. SAVE WITH . . . stubbing bis tocs on tb. sinaîl- th. police radar chcck tai W T' W M ness o! cvenylbing as camper- . . .~ .. . prove bis point. le said that CENTAL NTA IO d with Caneda's wide open Mu fi Iy ~ m u ~ Mi n bis work in the funcrai CENTALces.R10businessn ha t -. drve adile1 increases in sick realiing new.s unable 04 :0 osadRad1:0 52 p.remium, also nraeinsc bene- tocope witih tetomn 04 :0Rsln ?tf celleti for belp froin Constable 10:45 1:45 ThicksonRod1:5:5 G A M E ~~ ~ ltsfrm 3 to $4 per week. Pasrker.T toak ChamberslcdaySuaynd100:0 G M EThecontract language has also lion whcre bath wenc placeci wiIIfeaureproved, according to Inter- In thc celis. Constable Ricard AU trips aperate dHolidayse national Representative Grant Taylor , ds ndtheontune's o Cond-f Connections at Oshawa.for TrnoadPr er BO MAVILELINSwho assisted the Bargaining Commit- snabePrker's wi!e anti tee and expressed his satis f a c t i o n 'hChanbers' wbeneabouts is, with the new agreement. Unertin.at the esent lime. COMo J MGuy taedORONO TO W UB O fficials of the com pany includ- tuat Ihia on pebrol July 9th _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at ini C. E. Rehder and his son Tom Paced to the- West Beach AM M et ~ehder said they were pleased tOo ra dninicingh were nc- M M R LPAKhave the. agreement ratified so pro- Jng Ie bsrvd orne t 10:30 Orono :1 duction could be continued without tles o! becs-. At the lime b.104eNwal Liberty St, S., Bowmauvil. was S a1c,,, curfcw. 11:00 Bowmanvil 50 interruption. The lant has been ex- Crown Attorniey G. F. Bon~. 11:30 Oshawa43 SAUJ Yceptionally buse during the past year« i fmaYher t avs no11:45 Whltby:1 $ATIRDAYand jiri spite o7price mncreases that wonder Taronto Mebro police *Depanbnient wes having aCnetosatOhw o wHIlb. necessary because of the new jjobem recruiting officens.jCnetostOhaafrTotondPtPry à4 G 7hcontract, the RÈehders feel quite con- moths' jil îter. fAil trips operate daily except udyadHldy Ur. PulkL DIAILs Mient that with the quality products "e oung en ve <un- WUDK thy.cre cnufaci~drgtheir ust abet ucallo n, getinganCHARTER COACHES AVAILABEFOALOCSIN ers willb. retcined. mret"cnted Megis-___