Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 13

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CLASSIFIED ÂDS *** nnouncement Girl Guides Return rThé Canadilan StsmaEwalc u.1,1 _____________________________________________________________________ ~soeethig wothwhle oUicJoanCaf, Weda Phey Oi iunx~~am~oi ioe1~, nip WntedneipWantd Loyd G. Lem, F.R.I. From Wonderful Week s camp.rau tae press To ail the nice 1epl woMARRIED man with experi- MAINTENANCE man required an bc heappointment of<imI IQune (Sper RthYesAleP& M rltves, were so kind ta meiulgm enoe for dairy farm; house for 100-employee factory, r-p r.ngQ l ck .. k mse, (kprs fhunSok liAxgad d adneighbaursfo stay i hospital and to Mom supplled. Cail 987-4331. 32-1 marnent position far. (Bt abe)rs, M WE R 1iillltof IOvelY gifts and messages af and Dad athoe the.nks a HU men wfth Chauffera ma. J N destlOnStPhoe Newcastle:- The Newcastle breath-talclng and leaves ane'Lovekin, (Bubbles) sisat *congratulations at the time of million. home, eT o doLd., Nwcaste, On. PhoOUI 4Guides and their leaders witti a feeling of swe toardslwr Cay StloIce ou ecn mriae Wo Iienetad grenwrk X' 987-4721. 32-1 awnd % vlaeo h bat falntr.T e Cady St Ou ecn md <riage.Wilma Wotten. 32-1' perience helpful. 987-4754. ____________thevillagetonetae Hoar, Hoie, Judnature.IThe....L s.E LR 32ad.1cl !oo 31-2 CLERICAL assistant required Saturday, July Sth, after en- Guides were hautesses ta the PowellChari; an h *iliz 0E ____W ws asy rtf32-1T.D usn ssa-frNotubrardDra joying a wonderful week of Waterfront staff anc evening Guides in attendce hs _____ sy rtflREITRDNrsn sit frNrhmeradDra amping and fun at Central for oupper. year were Patti 1aeJa iht thank you ta aur friends in ant wanted for private, 30-bed Health Unit office, Bowman- ra's Camp Adelaide, on the A squre meal, a ubensil Kin*fll, Gladys Alj ao o I plac texDrsKande, nures the Blackstock area for their nursing home. Phone 623-7157. vile; hours 2 ta 4 p.m. Mon- Wosd ie d s tff r. a! Part PerHs-sgenerous shower "ift and ta 2-fday ta Frlday. Typing not re- Ml'i' mnsma r-Hbs ade a pid taffao for fut, crds and those who were planning the 2t quired. Annual leave, siclct api iutdo ie let iluh.tyRvrHln Piits for fruitn ads and ih evening. Before his death, aur WANTED immediately - Man leave and pension plan. Ad- Black Lakec, four and a half Cafrnpfires were held every lyn Stel, susan 'at% a- ST bous.rathrDr.McArturkneDor.oan aArptyhcnau- resnaplictinswromqas mlesemt cuHaibuto, Ol eenng nd ookastheeapceRiicadtEizaethPeacerCenA SI VID e Davd A Wlso. of the shower and hoped ta ers in Durham County and ta Medical Officer of cealth Highway 121. dafo a masquerade, a kangaroo Carol Love.kin, AgnsGaf David A Wil2o 1 attend. Thank you also for Bowmanville with Rawleigh P.O. Box, 929, Bowmanville,Th rptylidafocutadamckra.Deb ueuH _______your kind deedsamnd thoughtà Products. Can carn $50 week- Ontario. Applications ta be Guide camping, cansisting of Janice Rickard taught them iduring aur bereavement. ly part time; $100 and up full rcceived not later than August 300 acres of woodiand and canipeïrs a Dutch folkc song wol iet hn r.1 Ardis adMgnMAtu ie rt awegt et 8 96 21-fields. The lake frontige en- ad dance. Janice also told Mei9ria nHospitsand severy-f!__H-140-3364005_Richeieu,_St.fardls hl h am simnn, and hegirls al about her edven- HubbadHnusesal and staff 0 32-1' Henry, Montreal. 32-1 BELL REAL ESTATE lods de wimmngandturcs at thie International anc Who sent cards, flowcrs,1 Join Ontario's largest Realtor ular times, and under strict hecCanseateddt : fruit to me while a patient in! Te family of the late Isaac CAflET.AJCER specializing in farm, vacation superiion.h Ontario Training Centre, : thc hospital. Po*nton wish ta express sin- and town properties. No ex- Tecm cosnoae 6Dce Lake. Grace Harrison. Icere thanks and appreciatian for perience ncccssary, wc willT campacsee o tm teer Tcsa ws2it6io a 32-1' ta relatives, friends and ncigh- Lions Community Centre train you. Part or full time mD<> WIERSMA statf from the village. f or 12 first yeas! campera, and ____ bours for their many acts of Duties ta commence basis. Excellent commission Tegrslvdi et nti rvddpet fmr kindness, expressions o! sym- SEPTEMBER lat, 1966 arrangement. Openlngs in the ta represent them in the rh il ie ntns in t.p Thie Gupleso er- We wish ta express aur'pathy, and floral tributes, a t Newcastle, Kendai and Orano Oshawa and Bowmanville groups o! five. Each patrol P et h udshl Most heartfelt thanks ta our the time o! the passing of Living quartera available prtd-sa inenetcmfr oevnngnth family, friends, relatives andthibrheadwudms OCTOBER lst, 1966 areas. For appointment call or arca, with five years' ex- unt operatedas o n n epend e tifirc new c eninhe in Uic' neighbours who remembered like ta theandCapt. HerbertCi@sIiigdate for application write, Mr. Ross O'Hagan, H. perience on rural properties, unit opkeng ir.Tshw e als lbdeuis ul ew fodgne.TeW Reev tie ihtoLmtQu tt touves. Trnt 2 hms were inspected daily and it Parck holidays, inclement wea- flowers and personal -ists amnd the Morris Funeral Chap- Addresa applications ta Sec- 487-3333. 30-4 Fo evc n eut al a pleasure ta sec the nhr itrcan rgan d LEAN - TENDEI niake aur Golden Anniversary ci. retary, Lions Commun i t y Foa erv ih ando teubiggcst smiing faces when "Skippe'r" ritmtinT a day long ta be remembered. a-im ihoeo h igs gave an encouragîng word for The days were sperit in I DtadBr îLewis Pointon, Centre, 26 Beech Ave., flow- records in Eastern Canada. the fine gadgets and tidy learning camping skifls, gad-m Mrs. Laura Baillie. manvilletentari. 3- uto ae et and kitohen area. get making, tent rnaking, na- PR DotandBet Prke. rs.Lara 2ai1ie ma AL e tai. 3TA ctoEae call: Higlhlights of the camp in- ture stalking, boating and ______________________ Sincere thanks toalal my EXPER IENCED WEEKLY Idso Wiersma ciuded an înspiring Guides swimiTnifg. The Guides issued friends and neighbours for ~ 7 . Central Ontario Trust bas an LIVESTOCK SALES 728-5683 Own in the Oollen's Chapel. seve;ral challenges which tlhey FRESH MENT PR thi oeycvd etm anted ropeninin The vi'ew frein this chapel is found ta be fun. The camp- thei loelycars set m ____________________'for an experienced at Durham County Saes Arena eruetn ers dkl several good turns for70 while in the hospital also S o Real state Salesman in the Orono - Every Thurs., 1:30 p.m. KEIITH LTD., REALTOR daevin frtw wek'Ci Alidrarigth han st y fai for.ei Cash on the So Bowmanville Area. This offers Seliing Horsea, Cattie, Swine, holiday at Fort Chur'chill and gateway ta Hilîtopa site, tidied s P A Mcezeadnre fMe-fo Dead or Crippied Farm anexlen opportunity be- Caves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reidi nI'FCP<T Thonipson,Maio. Ron is the Collins Chapel, reblazed P , mcKia nd nursesao. Stock. Picked up prtly cause wc are able ta pravide & Son, Sales Managers 1-tf DBA.KSTUIjJthe representative cf Cart- a nature trail through the IDEALFRTE ARE E AnieHoligsorh. Teléphone collect 263-2721 mortgage funds toassist in Wright__ _____________________________________________ AnnieHollngswrth.the financing of your sales. 32-1 Margwill Fur Farm In return we require a go- Auction sale o! rarm ma- A large crowd gathered in ?r. and Mrs. Ha.rold Mar- ervised by the Junior Staff. iYON getter who can help us build chinery, three 1,000 bushel the RrTecreation Centre Fri- tyn, accompanied by Mr. and The girls made leather bats, BETTY CH(KR e te uc Bowmanville and District Licence No. 4-C-66 listings and sales. Your in- grainenies on skids, 6 cattle daY night for a communîty Ma onSeoEnsi-dsge rsa adddit Branch Canadian Red Cross 1We Honor Any Bonus Card quiry ta Ralph Schofield, Su- feeders, 1,500 bales straw, 15 sho'weri oiro r n eadM.adMs odnwo eteics i rs CLT Society wish o exprss ther 1.tfpervisor Real Estate Dept. at cows 'with calves at foot, 5 'Mrs. David Kyte (nec Donna Beech of Maple Grave, spent The mock trial bighlighted Pi rs Sity, shta ers the sir 1-t Oshawa will be confidential. Holstein cows due time of! McLa'ughlin). Mr. Gardon Sunday ta Wednesday last the last campfire and campers thans t aI thse wo asis- . 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. sale, 52 stocker cattle, the Paisley, Prýinipail o! Cart- week visiting i nte r e st ing received token for their vani- S cd in any way ta make the ne- D asok Srie AtnR .Dp. popryo .A er rgtHg aol, was M.C. points in Western Ontario. ous acconiplishmients. SV cetBodDnraii suh 31-2 Sons, seliing Saturday, Auguat After a few compîimientary They visited the new atomir Fatrol I showed the moat se 6 ah ctess. Particulmnly toalal Higheat Cash Pricca for Dead 20, Concession 8, Dalingtan renrarks about the bride and plant at Point Douglas, Lea- ail round camping proficien- v 3 t who took the tume in the and Crippled Farm Stock A P IA I N onhp ttevlaeo ro in High Sehool and ni:ngton, and Jack. Miner's cy. This patrol consisted o! o!th hlia sasn a BURRETT FUR FARM Haydon. Sale at 1 p.m. Ternis their work in the church and Sanctuary. Kathy Lovekmn, Mary Grace donate their blood. 32-1 Phione Long Distance REQUESTED cash. Chifford Pethick and connunitY, he invitcd themn Patterson, Ursula Stomniei, Jack Reid, auctioneers. 32-2* ta chairs on the platform Angela Ohard and Danlene GE ELECTRIC Zenith 66550 (na charge ta YOu) The T.S.A. of Clarke requires ____EiaehTon-I Flintof f. 1 wish ta express my thanks Dept. Agric. Lic.- No. 351-C-65 son l ieabe th.edig G[T *Te rze orUc aipr Fl ta ure a spta f o r instThe undersigned auctioneer march. The following pro- denionstrating the most poknns hw ewie P R1TM wl d ypbi utote~î ivn in *H resi h u b 9 Floo at eoniae Hpîta o 3t ySpA TtembEr lut, 1966ble ucio, hegramn was then gF HoIPanogress in camping akilis Vwerêh patient there; msa ta *ieds Wanted to Bu C RTAVI'RS household effects for Mrs. E. s.olo Miss Bannie Malcoini;amfilies H l Joan Kirnball and Joan Cmli. fnensBu ~ ~ LI~JIJLIJ Withenidge, 23 Scugog Street, reading, "The Seven Stages o! n U l ,n The prize for the firat year SV 0 relatives and neighbors for_______ - - for the followlng achools Bowmanville, on Saturday, the Married Cold" by Miss cfamper lw _________________________________ visita, flowers, cards, gîfts FEED grain and straw. Wil <1) No. 5 BROWN'S August lth, 2 washîg ina- Leanne Doe'rell; solo, "How Aiiiu.acceptance of camp life and Clnd21 frui; ayi UC.. ndaev . Te8phne45wcst. (2> No. 7 CROOKED CREEK chines, drop-lea! table, 3-pce. Great Thou Art" by Miss most ability was Jennifer ON RI N.iFED D. Northey for bis kind wonds 3- (3) Na. 13 KENDAL chesterfield, 2 floor lamps, Cheryl Ashton; piano solo by Necastle:- The llth an- Gray. The Guide chosen the OTRON and ta Drs. Austin and Ewert. A PORTABLE cement mixer, Persons înterestcd ay small tables, aid clark, rug Miss Lorraine Turner; a hu- nual Clarke and Harness fam inost outstandling ail round O Phone 623768. 324*in wrtnwt nop 6 x 9, table lamps, hall tree, mru ktb ih l inrwshl nJuiY camper wais Janice Riekard. Kate Cowiing. 32-1 misa a quantity o! wheat straw. or ail o! these Positions appiy 2 mirrons, electnic clark, two moousle; a rcadigh ong, Ih~loth at Creani o! Barley Park. The camp cantributed saine- M UBse PoneR hi-2 rs8and32owsiari mared asta cnents rocking chairs, sewing ima-pfopDona rad avd"AlhbetCiaose ta 80 were in attend- thî'ng Vo the aharacter of! each T W.woldlketae press dc in i es o a s leayniaratig s ay xctets chine, studio couch, mats, din-fJuD onianeand Daiano ance. camper and ecd Guide con- Weur .. lke.t exbrssner insixctnir r stovele. goodsatolosalby exDebbiein-MooL uabéhanicharFun- gamCosraaedandivpiaoyFracess atdnibuteraes tibuierin e wn waya crsincere thanks and ap- phione Ralph Davis, 263-2284. not liter than 6 p.m., August iun-rmtle mndcaistv , g4 ol b Dte cAtuhei were arran'ged under directionFIEQ LIY A . c prcaint eaieiins-27-t! 22,1966. Further partieulars condition; Viking fnidg, new; Mh a isoul ieya ofeeofMrs. Ernie Vanon, rs. MEEALT and organizations for their may be obtalncd fromn the round table and four chairs, tbeadedtbe n oi Harvey Joncs and Mrs. How- MONUMENTS AND O arts o! kindness, expressions LIVE poultry, old feather undersigncd. The iaweat or captain's chair, chest o! draw- tbeadedtbe n oeadMRbrs of sympathy, floral tnibutes tirks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- any tender not necessariiy ers, 2 beds and dressers, lawn iscdlneous gifts. Bath Dm- ardMrRoerta and donation ta Pont Ferry any. Phone 7 r 13 coilect. accepted. mwr ilwdsept vid and Donne imade fitting Winners o! thie girls' events lAKR Hospital Fund in aur recent 28-tf HORCER.BES, nd pls, adse too s l Folljowing a bounteous were as follows: 5 years and ii ' loss o! a dear husband and BENCH lathe; 2 h.p. air coin- SceayTesrr other articles. Propcrty sold. lnch, dancing was cnijoyed. udrRSe Moig ars. on A MArtur and gas dor 3inx 7".a . i cklisan ie VcHo Ters o îoig mhe.pressor; Bi-Foid door 30"x78", T.S.A. of Clarke, No reserve. Ternis cash. Sale 8,dy nrnn i he eaydPaDeNi oleanson06Fr STAFFORD Oiz Orono Ontoho. t. M3OCirffPthkUnited Chunch, 11ev. Alstar 8 ayPireNîoeL-ROS. LD and famuly. 32-1' Phone 623-7490. 31-3 32-1 cer. at32-1 Haig oi Brooklyn, New York, 9t,,Pranie ydPathlerRen hhtê CE I delivcred a very nmpressive 9to 2, att Parde Rachoe. 1 I"__________________________ sermon on Frayer anid Fraise, LaiMariYmd usanJonc thc Joy o! Salvation. In Su- Boys under 5, Paul Bhight, OUEI om T U U '~ TE 1day Schiool Mrs. Germld Kelly Clarke laprarie and KellyD % E AI~~ showcd pictures taken when Laprarie; 6 te 8, Matthcw 5 U L she was caravaning in North- 1ta S uroiuers m, Ed[) cm British Columibia. 12 obcMHl di LIMITEDFO FO R UN la~~~~~~~~I St. Joihn's Church Rev. Luke and Philip Hamnesboim ns7 iiiS.W ' ~R. C. Rose, who la home fro imesa! h il ott eimy omn.l O U R as, pr achdafn e-on spoon race was wn ySHOP AND SV HN 344 :,mo o isor.Next Sun- Susan Joncs, Patty Parker Box 133 ~~~~~day there will be rne monning a nnacese! te bsrae Pho1 D nsSE.,Whit hOEyHRDYad RDY'IL9PM service but a memnoria srth inrs fdhdl ee bap 'ra ceîhPh8nasSe.Whitby OPNH OM 0 tTLI vice w-ill be held in St. aon's bing Michael McHolm. and hak855 cesnetery at 2 pan. Philip Harness.MOak-35 Mn. anoiMrs. VHrnion>- Inathe soda biscuit contcst, Sstine, Floyd, Colin and Teresa the winns of the girls wenc have returned home fi'om a Patty Parker, Diane Harncss holiday at Bon Echo on Lake and Tierncy Laprarie, withr Mazina'w6.ELm U '.. . thc winners of the boys bcing . Mrs. W. W. Van Camp and rihe cHlEdeLk Miss Mable Van Camp return- and Rebbic MoHolm. e d Thurada froin a ver en- The girls' three-legged race joyable tap t vyinc n d a won by Mary Parker andi - < 'iIsland and Nova Sootia. hite and NicholeB LaprarieI 'J Mrs. D. Pa'rker, S Cathar- anid Diane Harness.. Winners mnes, is visiting Miss aelc the teenage three-legged English and Mr. Dalton Eng-raeweMriRwcad liais. Bob Harnes. ath.uatcrs otageonLaelJaks ne.c Jean Hanneai. s IJ S Mra Fre treofiMr.nd ovcdby-Chnistine Joncs and anid Mrs. A. Wright were: Mr. tscconsdentD Re VMcRortsur a htFeietDv ansnd Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshi- Tressurer Bill Clarke and awa, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tre: Srtar Celina Alldncad act win, Doreen and Donald, En oenweyean, and frSa ts Nada ffiestay for two yeara. The 1966 FORD CUSTOM "500" 2-DR. Sc&hwartz, Mrs. Ida Taylor motion was carried. The ncw m d mm. Ai m Fo J.e , c c- gam es con nim ttee consists o ! 1966 FORD CUSTO 4-DR. V-8, custom radoi, w/w tires __ bmating thc birthdays of Mrs. Lil Vanson, Margaret Pearce O ~-l -Houranmd Emni Trewin. and Diane Rowe. ceral1807engin. Mrs Vncet r- There were two lucky table f. ' I U f t A I f S e gi2726e L M NOW ONLY - - - -- 2Mn.he, wan lleVincent edwc. wee wn by ¶51 CU R U ~ * E * Seil2226Mr. and Mra. Wilibcrt Archer, prizes wlihwec udyUb.~ 'rmu NOW ONLY Noxima Ransbcmry and Jdy4I mi L .,-s 2 8Snay arnasa a pize given to 4 VISIT OUR LOT TODAY . . . MANY OTHER SIZZLING BARGAINS 1 son, Pterborough, were Wed- birthdaY ta thc date o! the ncaday evening visitos ani cnic, won by Vekna Parker. umm Mr nd XMra . a nseveral gaines o! bingo weme10 H W o and W. ron, eCochrape, played and cnjoyed, alter C i VZ A 1ioswitli M.nd M. ______________ àé.an rs ery Ruse ULTS COUNTILM T D andfmlS.ToaaeConsuIta ebroth and Mrm. Jno. Ballingal andSHPNGETE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lane 1 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-2534 and Terry and Mii. Lou___ Contct ne f Or CurtousSalsme: Iday evenlng vWatora; Mr. and MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE BUDD FOGG JERRY KEAN HAP PHJILP Perry, were Sunday evcning Ouhawa & District 'Ainuh N m oBi r' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~M.Roi' Martyn left S&M-__________

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