Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 10

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lOheCaadanSttema, owanileAu. 0,196!Junior Farmers HoId Successful Chicken Barbecue Dinner 4 -H, Eninbr Tour Fann fl ArCUtr Dorlinfor Durhami Darhington Township Caun-, and Budai that tender che- No*IumiUU W I trlEgneigD rm * etin the Municipalilques subinitted with tenders ~~~~ h uymeiga h Btligon August 4th, ali!on Contract 65-29 he returned 'The ' urha m HEgneigCu rf.Tektngv nat present' and Reeve ta the bidders with a letter of~~'~wshl n uy2t iteue0ftewr ia gi presiding. explanation. form af a farm tu ncn utrlegne.H trAMOved by Deputy Reeve' Moved by Councillors Budal - x ' .juinctian with the niern tesdth edfreuait .uir and Couiycilar Gibbs' and Down that, for drawing Clubs from Noitubrad ntdy5wrd %,Lent Road Accounts in the, wa-ter ta fires in the town- Hastings, PrinceEdadnd AtrlchtSpngV~ o f a $134,959.65, as ap-' ship, Clifford Pethick be paîd Lennox and AddigoCoa.eyPrinrihntegrp I~ted by the Road Conmmit-,j $4.00 per hour if no water is boredabuen vste w iebepaid. 1used, $8.00 per load if water " Tha meeting streinheewdiyorain Nt- Moved by Couneillors Bu-. is used, plus $200 per yearl prcutua Cat and Down that tenders stand-by time. eBriEtion enie ew Cut.Atacaiheest for paving (Contract 706-2)î Moved by Councillor Budai comedxtesop E imws p h nineigapc be received as follows: Duf-'and Deputy Reeve Muir that cmdter Jerin Paving & Materials Ltd. ý the Clerk be instructed ta ask shw o Farmng lcrc a mhszd h u -0276,W. B. Be nn e t tthe Ontario Municipal Board ally.' Each of thecued und aBiho fe JR1 & Materials Ltd. $52,-1 ta withdraw the Township's ers then gave a bifotievr nomtv a o 131.50. ' ~application for approval ofaitepocsteywr4-EnneigClb > 'Moved by' Deputy Reeve, By-law 2330. "Muir and Councillor Gibbs *-fliat the Consulting Engineer tId Mr. Callighan analyse thp, tenders and report back to(aCrsy Butter meeting.am r Moved by Councillor Gibbs Production HaisOHW àdDeputy Reeve Muir that! ,'lm paid ta Livestock Valuers 8.. he incrased ta35.000pr'cailcrease sale price of creamery butter ol...SH PNG CTR pJuuIs 10per mile. * Movd byDepuy Reve "at Toronto advanced four ~ -.Muir and Councillor Gibbsý The production of creaierycetprlb amJn195 fthle tender on Contract butter in Ontario during May when 55c per pou.nd was re- 706-2, subniitted by Dufferin 1966 increased fromn 11,145,000 à pr b.pind as c ofre ths B B Pavin«g and Materials Limited, ilbs. in May 1965 ta 12,131,000 9prlbinJn aitsBO U bedisqualified because Of lbs. up ?.8 %. The cumulative year. heiii quliied hetener'prouctonfor the f irst five Cheddar cheese production IIVY'. as ta completion date, and months ai the current yerinMy16wareredt **.,....'I"* ~.ietPvn n aeil an prxmtl h 0 b.frtesm ot'that the tender of W. B. Ben- was 41,274,000 lls. and re- 9,185,000 lbs. as against 9,058,- DRA! ý'Limlited be accepted at unitI same as the first five months Yea grpeetn n:- .i' jPlices as tendered, subject ta 1 ai 1965 when 41,165,000 lbs. crease ai 1.4%. Cumulative o 1lthe approvai af the Ontario' was praduced. At the same production fer the iirst îv k Departmient ai Highways time stocks of creaniery but- months increased from 24,- ~N Moved by Counciller Gibbs1 ter in Canada declined frorn 974,000 lbs. in 1965, te 25,702,- Ï4 s Ô Ôo mad Deputy Reeve Muir that 61,422,000 lbs. as ai Junè 1, 000 lbs. in the year 1966, an. e Contract D R 706-1 be hereby 19895 ta 41,179,000 as ai June increase of 2.9%. Stocks aiof~ Caccepted as oepleted, sub- y,16.I ntracemr cheddar cheese in Canaa in- ~'Ject ta the comrpetion of butter stocks declined iromn creased from 52,149,000 i-bs. as CivuDbyonshquetn Ohw sane fenicing items te thel 14,67 1,000 lbs. as ai June 1, ai June 1, 1965 ta 59,199,000ShpigCnSt. .satisfaction of the Consultingi 1965 ta 8,561,000 lbs, as of Ibs. as ai June 1, 1966, an in- 0 * iII out ewad cnitefybii ddpstl eltbxe h A EngineLr ue1 96 crease ai 13.5%, in Ontario b oi N ucîencssr-înNevs500> Moved by Councillors Downý The average mont'hly whole-oedachsetckinra- /"e If bollot is stimi teqetc uehs tahdwne e ed f rani22,318,000 lbs. as a ofeso hoiMmel$10nl0e.t0SopI0 et, ,jeot asfaiJune 1, 1966; an increase 0Iteso hln1 iue ftedrwh evs50. i., ai22.5%. TA E WTNT Dhie average weighted priceI 0DRACMNH T71 advanced fromn 40à3 cents in,~ AilTyes orJune 1965 ta 42.1 cents in1 V& t urham Ail Types ForJune 196.This shows an:in- S A A S OPIG C N R DurhamCentral Agricultural Society 1orease ai 1.8 cents per lb. ......0 H % trated milk produ.cts in On- z. AMATEUR SHOW taria, May 1966 ameunted ta t33,286,000 lbs. as compared tol Last Thursday evening, Memorial Park was a A firm from Port Huron specializes in providing bar- O RC)O F A R 3mn4,00 a yea r i.the suine busy spot. Two bail games were underway at the becued chicken cooked right on the grounds for such *lative poucinfore fr same time, while at the north end of the large park, events. Top photo shows a few of the large crowd, e e rn ber i i960five mnths ai 1966 was 129,-tDrham County Junior Farmers were launching their while in the lower picture Carnet Rickard, his wife Sep em b r 1 , 1 66688,000 lb.a compared fOfirst effort at feeding the multitudes with succulent and sons Walter and Jim of Shaw's, line up for their' 13,080,0001l6s. frtesm barbecued chicken plus ail the extras they could plates f ull of the delicious food. Third son Donald Awars $4.00- $3.00- $2.00- $1.00Ontario dairies purchasediobtain. Approximately 175 adults and children enjoy- was helping the event's organizers. To Arang AudtionContct:freni farmers, during Aprîl 'ed the dinner served on tables outside the clubhouse. To Arane Aditon ontct:1966, 153,796,000 cwt. af iluici MR. GEORGE CARSON, mlk at an ave rage marketadCaliartkngatpEGS TV AS BL Orono, Ont., Phone 3R10pic i .7 0e9ct fra r V u wa.a ta tihe St. Lawrence Seaway, total value ai $8,4 ý09,o s~u u K h u ~ '# i by way ai the U.S., fer twe coprd ih1,9,00ct1 ~ E~ or three days, this week. ai fluid milk at an average;- price ai $5,36 cwt. fer a total I vj ois I LIAccon anieb ndouGast Th naroM niia oard 1v65.ue a i 8,30,00 inApniL e ves onfl o pan T u r Wade, Newcastle, attendeda fromi producers by dainies bSunda e ingPtroruh DN THE MATTER 0F Section30 of ýamnnted- t204,995,000 cwt udyenng The Planning Act R.S.O. 1960 c 296 et an average price ai $4.93 Narman J. Scott, Tarante, tualinhterest. In every catun- Cana&fan Emibassies ai the Congratulations are in or-1 per ewt. for a total value of former owner ai Brookdale- tryvivsited the group will be cauntries ta, be visited, and der for Mrs. G. W. Jones $10,100,000 during April 19)66. Kingsway Nurseries here, is a welcomed by leading officiais contact will also be miade whese 88th birthday occurs oni e- and - Sales aifniilk products b memnber of the 1966 Canadian ai the Farniers' Union and with their Agnîcultural Min- Wednesday. Apitdb [N THE MATTER 0F an application by dainies in Ontaria were a Agricultural Business Tour ta leading Governnient Agricul- istries. Don't forget the annuelableAon ytPL.sitr nmtono i oor higher with the exception af Europe, which will rnclude tural Officiais and menibers Mr Scoitt wjil be especially Decoration Day service at leJhP.obtQC.Prm Mitrtstd The Corporation of the Township of Cartwright chocolate dairy drink in Apnil Scotland, England, Holland, of Farm Associations and Or- interested in tihe subject ai Lakeview Cementery on Sun- the etcrcumstancso i.agduicnieralrlvn for apprFr ths coiparson alesai YgaslviaItal, Swt 'er an ztos otclue ad apit forappovl o is Rstrctd Aea1966, than April a year aga. Denrnark, Russie, A ust r i a, aiainHriclue ad ap t day, Aug. 144h, at 2:30 p.m subjects In ti.Poic f tro y-a No114Foruî.d mihduinanles1966 sand ace. 0Siteran f special interest widl be nients have been set UP te Mr. and Mrs. Al Graïham passd te2th ay No.S1ptember1965. were repated a 57,089000aThe rnelthstora visit ta MVoscow and, most meet with some af the lead- and daughter Janet ai New- qts. he2thdy fSetasr 16. e c eored wth5,09,-0ncTuie peasongneofis mboer ~panticularly, the Sauthern img Russian Horticulturists. castle were at Maltan Airpart, Menbers of theletCmit.oAinwllmk 0qts. na prd i 96,0utte- ifrom vlansgm emen s Agrcultural portion ai Rus- Aise rncluded in the tour Sunday evening, te meet Mr. aVSTT H NTDCUTE FNRHM 000 tsalesin April 1966 wtere Canuda AusisegmntIs-o sia, which will involve sanie is a visit ta the Vatican, at Fred Graham, retu.rning home a ITTOI N tc s Herewith ie milkslsfr Ar2,000wr Cndas giclmil nus es travel within the which tinie those in charge from England, where he has BERLAND ANDDRAAGS 1-896 o Notice u repartd et 65,000 qt. as tr. The tur willprovideinteriar af Soviet Union. have arranged fer an audi- been studying at the Royal meetings in convn tcnrsaise alu aîle ofconipared ta 509,00 qts. in th participants of the variaus ece with Pope Paul. School ai Church Music, suas- tApril 1965, choclate dairy agicultural organîz a t 1î n s Arrangemen4s have been mer course. Fred began his for the benefitceirrsdntcfteae. ndrink sales during April 19661 with an opportumity ta see coimpleted for an officiel te- Mrs. Scott will accempany course in Music Education at were reported et 1,698,000 qts. and dsouss prablems ai mu- ception ta be provided at tie Mn. Scott. the Faculty ai Music, Univer- Ail persan. ineeteInheemtruaenvedt as cenipared ta 1,742,000 qts. sity af Toronto, in 1963, and A P P O IN T M E N T inAprill965. Total fI'd tîsnmrucsify:.~ thu~m~,atcItyIeIm cra slsduring Apnil l19ý66 k Jedhis3rdyIT wth ec-f M IMte a rpreet2,115,000 qtq.N ETN V ILEooblemioor. ogal as campared ta 2,067,000 ats. wa th mjorpefenin inteynho pri16-wst eao fr ti a fyuwud11.dtis em ceeec, c THE NTAFOMUNICIAL1 BOARD wît1 nr imi1(hll f+li imd fMrQnn pii.n hnAf <'à >'a evening, frEnotn weecle ase Mn and M.re. W. l(lA CE U ÇA~ she will spend a couple weeks' J. Hancock in Peter-borough. - Nu,, IELLLJ - * holiday with her son Bud, his Rev. R. C. Wh!-te had an V wiie and fansily. unusually busy day on Satun- 1_ That sanie evening, Miss day, witih a wedding et Brook- L C AL C OR N - P L UM S CHERR E Joan Walkey arrived aat Mal- lin at 10 amn., and the Bright- FÀtan, back iromn an enjoyable Kirnball wedding here atPO AES - T M TS trip ta Engiand and the Con- 3 p.ni. tinent. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Rowe ne- P T T E O '63 SLESMiss Bernice Milligan and tunned home et the weekend SIPE AD OUShe ant Ms Tylr f in-frm to eks hlEAyi TO CHOOSE FROM .say, were away lasit week an the HaLiburton district. E R Y A P E L E PuCE INCLUDES FRAMES, a holiday tour. Mm. Mary Loney, acconi- IRKE FAMSboys enjoyed a two-day trip son-in-aw ai Belleville, werc r EACHES - ALL HOM E RW i ta Fantasv Island, the miiddle visitons et Mr. R. Bruce's,I EHV PCA RIE NODR O WHILE YO WAIT.ai last week. Ronnie Henderson sp en t W AESEILPIE NO IAn expression oi sympathy Fniday with lits cousin, Ed- imade ta Mire. Ken Cooper ward Henderson, et Marnish. PRESERVING AND FREEZING whose mather. Mrs. Robent Mrs. L. Todd returned ta __________________________________ Patterson, passed away in ber home et Starkville, Sun- Ajax Hospital lest Wednes- day evening, ater spending OTHER PRODUCTS ARE: SOFT ICE CEM day. Interment was made in sevenal days with ber daugli- PP IAETS E RPHNY Erskine Cenieteny, Duabarton. ter, Mis. Doni Staipleton, an.d P IAETS E RPHNY PL IEEC 81~OALSMrs. Gardon Tunney and fenuily. Lnareturned ta their home Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Pan- 'et Trentan on Wedncsday row with Mn. andi Mr. F. MU ming Henderson andi Canal paid ea .~>. ~ . Au >k 095- ~~Thirty-seven ladies compris- visit ta the Mertyr's Shrine HMTN G 17 irÀ S. Eu Hougs:cd the bus Ioad who went toaet Mîdlend, S'undey. 2nd Floor 9 AJL to à P.M. Dallythe O'Keeie Centre matinee,J Mr. and Mrs. Sid Brown C R E A N O N C CIos.d Ail Day Wed. -. Wednesday. and daughtes-s visited hon ima-CO NR T N ON A D SU O R A S Lfl$*8 aa Cas* s Jia ai ignt ad i, ile, MSunda Dêv1rtt OshawaMOt. Waoc, 728-S26 uif-Plocation Fforeaniaoftervoon' andevenivilldrive! &y e> 0PJJ OelisW& Otomtrits pesciptons Lusy04an c.,Win. Brown ai Scarborough Mrs. A. Wade aconeid Prf* lctin fo a ft roo W. fD al «A»Ocs lst w i ptisetas., rescriArtio#4rionnevisitais lest week with Mr. and Mas. C. M. Joncs ta E Mn. and Mms. Harry Wade. thse Orono church service Sun- LWPCSA miscellaneous sbiower for don, morning. F O E 2 3 2 Miss Marilyn Stapletan, bride- Mnr.And Mrs. Stan Brown, elect, of Bownsenville, waa; and faahiy, Oshawa, wereim

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