Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1966, p. 9

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Spectators Welcome Swim Dis play, Award Night- Wtt!l Be HeId Friday 7:,30 À4t Cream of Barley Pool On Ffiday evemnn, Auguit 12tih, the Bowmanville Recre- ation Depertrnent will present liheir mecnd Annuel Swim DiWlaY and Awards Night at the Creain ef Barley Pool, starting et 7:30 pin. Aý progreni conaisting of theI varieus fundam-entals taiughti .*lurlng the Pest five weeks wUdr b. prescnted by the par-1 Junior Softball PIay< ticipants in thie Creamn id Bar- ley and Boys Training Selioci ClaSes. 1This programn will be head- ed up by Mr. W. Bagneli, Director of Swimniing, and sui-sted by Mmw. Lorna Cmv- erly, Mrs. B. Wiggans, Mr. Ian MeQuairrie, Mr. Brian iSaunderu and Mine Jili Nich- i S. Presentatlan ci wands wlll dfolkow the Swlm DIsplay wita presemitations b5rmemsbers of -the Camd4an Red Cram, Bow- 1menville, and Re cremîlion JComittee mmrnbers. Sa don't tas-gel, Swlmmning Dieplmy and Award Nlght et rthe Creenu of BmrIeyt pool, -K.nc Sitreet East, Friday, I Auguit l2th, 7:30 pirn. Whyte's Square Sertes i m i By Squeezing Ellîs 6 to 5 By Jim Clarke six runs and four hits in thel "Sully" retired the next man Wýhyte's Upholsteîy squared!first inning for Ellis, allowed on strikes, but wes relieved' their best of five semifinalý the Upholstery club only two by Michelson in the top of the, series "A" on Monday night, bits over the last five innings. sixtb. atoppngte defending champ;~ Whyte's, with their quick stait Herold bcd a nunnerge as eli Shes 6-5. The win ties'and stout defence, hung on te fer as third, when GrdWm the round et one game each. 1gainl the victory in a typical, lace wes safe, when Blaine Lest Tuesday night, Elli_îPlaYOf! match. Pickard dropped hie fly bell,l claînucd the opener by default' Don Ruiter, Harold Michel. te centrefield. Withh nly one] with Whyte's unable to field son, Richard McLean end AI out, Ellis' tying run died on nine men. Farrow ail hed hits in Whyte's third, as Michelson gat the With huilers, Dennîs Sulli- six-run, first inning. Dennsnext two batters. He deused van and Harold Michelson, Sullivan tossed no-bit bell for eny seventb-inning hopes, El- holding Ellis tao only a pair four inxiiags, aîtheugh Ellis lis may have bcd of a corne- cf bits, Whyte's came up witb pushed across a run la the back, setling the aide down in e top tcam effort, ta pick up fourth, when "Doc" Adams' fly eider. the win. "Sully", reîely look- to left-field was dropped and Around theBasEes - Whyte's ing sharpen, tossed two bit tie relay ta the plate was wild. received gead performances, bail over five inaings, fanning "Sully" got into bis first fîem ml the. teem and great five, while walking only onc. trouble in the top of the fifth. efforts from mone 1»panticu- Michelson tossed runless, bit- An infield error, a welk and lai, notably the strnn .ptci- ]ess, relief for the winncrs, Ken Vcitch's single staitcd ing combo of Dennis Sullivan a er tic last two trames. He Ellis' rally. Thea witi two out and Harold Michelson. Don e on as fireman in the and Ellis behind 6-4, Dennhs Ruiler poked out two et the sfllh with Whyte's clinging to McF'eeters clouted a wrong- winners' six bits. Harold Mich- their 6-5 lead.1 field borne rua, sbaving elson, Richard McLeen and Ted Leveck, after giving up'!Whyte's edge to a single ru». AI Farrow, mil supplied doub- les. Defenuively Bob Hellmm, et bis second base pest, stood E N F I E Lout, iandling five chances Mr. and Mrs. Fox ad David, by Ralph Cochrane. Karen For lth enr, Elli put upr Scarborougra, vîsited Mr. and and Kethenine Oke pleyed a trenuendaus show, battling Mis. Les Cochrane. guiters and sang several num- right down the wire, atter Mis. J. Brent, Port Peîry; bers, and there was a contest trailiag 6-0. Dennis MeFeet- Mis. S. *Moore, Shirley, Mn. for musical groups naared "The ens' borner and Ken Veitcb's ad Mis, S. Smith, Edmonton, Lice", "The Bcdbugs", "The single, wCi'C their only bits,t Alta., werc with Mis. T. Tey- Fleas", "The Slugs" and "The las heu aoffence fired mostly lon last week. Angels". The Angels won. blenki, al night. Gond Wal- Joan and Bian Smith, Mis. Fred Giffin was pîanist lace pulled down a couple cff Columbus, slayed a few days fer the groups who played good drives in centrefield. Tic wilh their gandmotieî, Mrs. rhythm b a n d instruments third game in Ibis erles is set R. Griffin.1 without pîevious practice. Mr for tomanrow night (Thurs-1 Miss Gail Kenyon, Water- George Boweîs of Oshawa, day), betwecn these two clubs. down, Mr. Bruce Bowrnen, siowcd pictunes of a recent Garne lime is 6:30 p.n. t the Guelph, werc weekend guests trip ta B.C. The ladies servcd souti-west Memnial Parks uwith theJ.W.r nwnuis hi'nrh- ...diamond. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman Misses Linda and Malene ententained n eph ew c and Harris, South Monoghan, ec- nieces 10 a buffet dianen, Sua- comnpanied Mi. and Mis. Edgar day. Present werc Mi. and Prescott on a 4-day motor Mis. Alan McDoaald, Barrie; trip tirougi Algonquin Park Mn. and Mis. Warren Smith and points nothi. &%& Mu;rer, Oshawa; Misses Miss Myrtle Tamblyn wie Jean "fd Marilyn Tamblyn, hasbee tyn hteW Mr. Brian ,Tigmbyn- Miss B macc»slfrayingwb ic W Shirley Simpson,' Oroio; M.Ba ornn'sToronaofew es Gary MacDougal, B Mi. as jp"o aion. 'jll ;Mi. and Mis. Godfreyatp oCefoaa ïZlewn and Roland, Mn. and Mi. and Mirs. Donald Pies- 1rs. Carl Grass, Oshawe. cett and family ellended thc Mi. Bob Beckim and bis Smih famnily picnice t Centre bride, Pickering, and Mn. Island. Jenice and Dianne re- Bruce Rowrnan and bis bride- mained for a few bolidays to-be wcîe guests of honour with Mis. Veina Foîsythe, et a galieîiag la tic churcix Toronto.. Mis. Foîsythe ec- basement Saturday evcniag. companicd lhcrn borne for e Mi. Wallace Pascoe was chair- weekend visil. marin and -made thec presenta- Othen visitersaet the. Pies- tion address. Bob and Heath- colt home weîe: Mn. and Mis. ci wcre pnesenlcd witi an Murray Pîescott, Susan and electrlc floor polluher and Cindy, SI. Catharines; Mis. D. Bruce and Gail received a Robertson and friend, Miss dlock radio. The girls woîe Donna and John Forsytie ad beauliful corsages, essembied IMi. Wiil Hemphihl. LACROSSE In two Mnor Migt La- -crosse ganes pmyd lest week, BowmauviUfe Mdet defeatcd the Traininug ho in e homre and. bopue seriez 10 te 1 and 8 te 3. In the ganue played aI Franklin Park, John Pundy woced -thrce goals, Doug Sleep two goale amd an assst, Lariy Devitt two goals, Ken Taibb two goals and an assit, Barry Virtue anc goal, wbile Tom- Pusk picked up four as- siets. R. Watt scored the Iane Training Sobool oal. In thc gaeaiu at the Training Sdhiool last FnidaY evening, Tom Puk scored two goals, and an essIst, John- Purdy two goals, Kenu Tabb, Ron MoMul- len,' Junior Tesunant, a goal eadlu, wblle Slecp scored ae goal and an essiet. Distinguished Guest- Visits- Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel The Flying Dutchmnan Motor Hotel has had many distipguished gueits since it epened several years ago, but none with more dignity and prestige than this big, beautîful vehicle that arrived Monday evening. It is a 1932 Rolls-Royce touring sedan, owned by Dr. John Mead who, accompanied by his wi.fe and two children, drove il from Lansing, Michigan, to Bow- manville et an average speed of between 50 and 60 miles an hour. Gai mileage wasn't se good . . . only about 10 miles to the gallon. They are en route te a vintage car gathering in the Province of Quebec and stopped here to visit with Mrs. Mead's uncle Mr. C. Ernie Rehder and other relatives. The car weighs 6,800 pounds, has 6 cylinders, 144 inch wheelbase and the special tires carry 60 pounds pressure. Dr. Mead, last winter, took the motor apart and rebuilt it with parts that are stili available from the British factory. This winter, he will go to work on the .body and up- holstery to completely restore the vehicle to new car condition. As this picture shows, the unique car at- tracted many young curious spectators from this area. Frank's Win Opener 6 to 5 With Big 7th Innîng Rally That Starties Chartran'Ifs Br AlM Cla. Like Ia magicieny nabbil from the hb Varicly pulled tho gaie.wi» fron Cha: Tburadey nightl, saved tliu pnizec 'the bottarn of thes eblîng them t10 lkeà lead in their best-oý final merles "B". Ch&rtran's, beiind out, four hit pitchin Baker, appeeîed erý stuaning upset. Hei the clirnaclic, seve sponted a 5-3 leac bowcven, uslng only and a lirowing eîî<: wilh a thrilling,t 6-5 verdict. Pinch-hitter, Bill opencd Fnank's sev a welc, and DonE Iowcd' suit. "Sam' tien lapped a roll nuound. Baker lielde, ly, but hic reley te wildiy past Ibird-bas Bales and left-flie McKnigit. When til aubslded, tirce rua: cd and sweet vi Chartrmn's suddcnl) ta vinegan. Tic bieatbless seemed somehow fil garne liaI was fiere ali lhe way. Frenk Webster, with bisL contrai, got the wir. toucied for nine hi gave up only one was tougb la the Baker, tagged with mllowed oaly foui hi Itwa and walked foi irke Chentran's jumped intoe Ihe bases ernply. Frank's lieni yanking the 4-0 lead, in lhe top of the wrapped il Up, in lie boltomn ia Fîank's third. of thie ectic seventh. e' opening Two crronsend his by John r Around the Bases: Brien artran's lest Connons, Terry Baker end Jim 'Bradley, Gerîy Banker, Bob 6-5. They McKnight, eccounted for McManus and Don Bishop, mc- stuat unlîl Cbartran's four runs. An in- counted for Frmnk's foui safe- seventb e»- field enron end Bob McManus' îles, Bishop and McManus col- e one game double gave Fîank's their first lecîiag doubles. For Ciarlran's f-five semi- rua lathie lest of the third. Teîry Baker bad a triple and Tbe winaers rnoved le within siagle, wilie John Connais, d the stand. -3, edding two ruas la lie Jim Clarke, Rick Lucas, Jim ng ef Tonry fifti. Bob McMaus' pop-up McKigit, Deug Paîkias ad nroute to a beck et second was missea, Brian Smith, suppîied the los- eading int scoîing Don Bîsiop who bad ers' nemaining bits. "Srniîîy's" Penlb, îîey doubled. Brian Bradley lien sixthinmniag pinci-hil borner, id. Fraak's singled, scorîng McManus. wsbifrsaparnetIh * wo walks Cbaîtren's edded their final pate in qis erne teot or, staîe of rua la tbe sixthiing, whea clubs carne Up with corne good unexpected Bilan Smitb borrd with ficîdîng piays and indications a re, that tiee.wiliibe corne rent Wiams uIvexciling moments, before Ibis Iet Wim nto 10mVl se îlest is concluded. Frank's Bishp fO- IlcaPtured ail five garnes b.- liert* he ** weea theze two clubs, drn iciA4o te 1- lie pi therglr ceue ed t dlem»- thîrd went tsema», Bill eider, Jinu he shouliag ýs bad scor- ictory for [y changed windup, tting, in a ,cely fought k's Harvey usuel good . Although ita, Harvey walk and e clutches. h thie lssa, ils, tanaed Uri. Lots of ether dandy pluzs tee! Enter Elmers Sum mer SaIety Cootest This contest la bazed on EIm.r's rule "Look bath ways before k you crois the street". Find the saven errera in the picture IELMER US IGIVING AWAY: Z IMPERIAL "70r" IIE ONE BOY$ ONE GIRt'S IFLYTE 25ACCUSOUY KITS II lch Kioni ri ,b.flI mUdô flop end t«h" $HOW TO INTER 1 Cut this eont.mt out of poper I long don.d lin«, ond color the pkwre. Or drew a picture thal IBds Rite ths ed de fto. 2 List cesamprol. PoPer the saon tinm1 Im the piatuo.. 3 Mail Contait end IhW dr.,. on ftwayForas. IN Oet t. fn lW yout.noi IFi11 lu and mail befor. 208 KING6 STREET WEST L -IROT 1~0 LONTARIO-j 'I Publication of ti Conte.t Spam The annuel Mountjoy Pieici wes beid on lie Cartwright Park, Caearea, wiich le a vcny favorite grounds for fam- ily gatheninga. Tic weatier was favorable and a good et- tendance present. Afler visit- ing wîth frie»ds, a veîy lovely picnic suppen of eh venelles of goodies was eajoyed by ail, afler whicb the minules of thc 1965 meeting were read. Tiese were adepled and a new clate ot officers appeintcd ton 1967. Elected as toiiows: Presi- dent, Mn. Kenneli Samells, Biackslock;, Vice - President, Miss Beetrice Mountjoy, Osh- awa; Secretaîy - Treasuner, Mis. M. Mountjoy, Hampton, Table Cern., Mn. and Mis. Tennyson Sarnelis and Mn.ad Mis. Russell Mou»tjay, Bleck- stock; Sports Committce, Helen Swin, Janice Byens, Linde Meunîjoy and Judy Mountjoy. Maay games of miniature bingo were eijoyed with l teking part. It wes decided te bave the 1967 Meualjoy picnle et Cartwright Park, Ceesarea, on lhe tird Sahurday i» Juiy. HAYDON * then color it and mail t.o ddress balow. Ita fun 1 Mr. end Mie. Louis Philips, I - ' IBowniarviile, called on Mr. j I and Mire. D. Caereon on Sat- I g urdey even.ang. Mn. and Mis. Murray Tebb, ~'tU1UTUL~Bowynanville, visiteil Mis. K. Goiwling an-d Mn. and Mis. W. s-., le gBlmkburn on Sunday. III! t~Dt I Mies Cors Degeer, Mr. and Mis. J. Joncs and Sandy visit- e d Mim. Sheldo» Degeen, Ban- crtoft, on Saturday. I Mis. X. Cowling cas-ui hoe - .4)( froni Memnoriel Hospital on Mn. an-d Mie. Earl Tboap- I ss- end Cynthia, Mn. and Mie. O. Plummsuer, Bowrnaa- ville, MTi. Roland Thoiapsan, Heampton, visitod Mina. A. Thounpeon on Tiunedey. Mn. gDonald Ticençen, Debile* ms-id Jean Coneli, Bowmani- vile, were Saturday vïsitons IwllAi Mia. Thonpon-., Debbie Iand Jean ataycd with Mina. gThoaufoon foi a couple cf dM nd3&.Gordon Tay- ISuday vistois at Mws. A. Thonipen's. MM-.fThonipmo, ____________________________________ Mr. and Miro. Taylor and taïn- I ily wmr Suinday dhuner gusesta *he a A *l ecm teP. àAR e o dme" fMr. and bM. Jerry Ablt, Phfl n et O, OIOh t ohrwmOd Jy gwtWinl h. ,,«S-i.ficiao>I Mr. and Mia. J. Potte and W tedc 5 chi" of -_o f tuhp~y m e j,. *u",ie io,.Jdgu.' laMina. W. Merlan called on Mn. Dwt' fer. .opov, N.. *&Ow.wea. my es. an*'"~'sd Mia. Bort Fengunn, En- omedMW Loogu Md C.C.Mb. , - Petrulakllen, on Sunday evening. ON miMr. D. Malool m*eu home frm Memoilal H"lt.I on Fnlday. Conoratuletiona te Mns. J. Patts e» wlnnlng îneyerai prizes a et b.Oshewa Pair. Mis. IF. Oomnad vlulted ber Co*ntest N . 4 Imotuer, Miru. A. Thon*wro n NMSE.......................................Md. ,and tMix a. Brt nnteu Cr»or City)ha vnit terhldy$ at Ir cotteeretarue .......... TLPHONU......... .........Roy ..... .... Toranto on Sunday. Se. Bersua Housemnan, YYWWEKïiEm.1 HoWnarn hod yémflh, aid Mm s. Garrerd. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mms. H. MeGill attended decoration service at St. M.ary's Cemnetery, Liifford, on Sunclay, Atig. 7th, and had dinner with Mr. and Mr&s E. Staples, Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelly and Pauja, Port Credit, were Sunday visftors of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Rodney. Mr. and 'Mr. Ted Werry and family enjoyed their holi. days at Murdochville, Quebec, at Mr. and Mis. Bey Veale's. 'David and Jackie Veale re- >turned home with them for holidays with T. Werry's and F. W. Werrys. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Henry, 5Markham, were last Wednes- 1day visitors at A. Stharp's. Mire. Ru s sel11 MéLaughlin, Caesarea, was last Thurmday Mn. and Mrs. K. McGil and boys visited MW. and Mns. Fred Bilîcît aI thein cottage et baindoS Lake. Pleased ta ieport Mms.Roy McGill is bonme fren lie lues- pitl, feeling smch beller we hope. Mr. and Mis. C. Stainton and girls spent a week with Mr. anid Mim. Elwyn Dickey CANDIAN -NATIONAL. EXHBITION SPECIALS The Canain Stateaxm, Eowmanvtfle, Aug. 10, 1M MA.PLE SonTy te, report thae Vaca- tien Bibi. SdIoolwhich wua to have been held tbis week hme hed to be canceLled owing to laick ci response. Mrs. E. Ashton wem a visitor last Sunday with her eun and wife, Mi. and Mrs. Orville Ashiton, Eflrnskillefl. - Mim Janice Beech bas con- pleted ber swnume course in Toronto on "Auxilliery Edu- cation" and la enjoylng a well earmed holida& with Mr. and Mne. Ronald Macklln, Rose- nemth. ' Mr. and Mis. Gordon Beech aecoavnied by Mr. and Mis. John Siemon, Ennuskoiillen, Mr. and Mis. Harold Martin, Blacketock, spent a very en- JOYable trip lest week touring North Western Ontario. Eigbteen young people en- joyed an autdoor pmrty last Saturdlay evening et Mins Bonnie BeechWs, wbidi sterted with a bel] gie. Several ether ginies were &Iâo plaed. Mm Camle Greenhein sc- compenIed Mi. and Mrs. Dave Presson, Oshawa, over the weekend to his parents cot- tage- on Esson Lake. Master Bill and Da'vid Gil- batik, North Oroeio, Master daysaet Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mis. M. Steinton visitedi thc Dickeys et their cottage, FenelonFells, and called on Mr. and Mis. Ted MoLaug'blin et Linday. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, spent thie week- end witb ici parents, the N. E. Wrights. Mi. and Mra. E. Wright en- tertained MT. end Mis. Mur- ray Axford, Mirs. J. Muller aind Danryl, Oiiawa, miss Marguerite Wright, St. Cath- arines, Mr. and Ms-s. Ren Cle. menas ad boys, Hamapton, Mn. Herbert Wright and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright te Sundaty dinner on Uic occa- sion> of Betty Wnlght end Murraiy Axford hirthday. *Mir. Wna. E. Reid, Orono, wms recent caller at Mire. F. Toms. Saturday and Monday visi- tors and callers et Mms. F. Tomas' wcne Mr. mand Mi. Les Johnson, Pamela and Bian, Wegt Hill, Mi. and Mis. John- son Si., England, Miss Alice Taylor, Mrs. Leslie Ttyl6r, Burketon. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Giove was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mis. 0. C. Ashton. Mi. Seam Smith, Bownuan- ville, Miss A. Aked, Mire. J. SmTIales, Tyrmue, were calleis at S. R. Pethick's. Mn.ead Mis. Frank Mc- Gill, Miss Clara Page, Mn..and MrS. M Cocmbes and farnily, Toronto, were visitera with Mis. E. Page. Mis. F. Toms occonipanied thie Nestleton ladies on a bus trip ta Toronto ta sec the danw, "Tic Sound cf Musie." Mies Ruby Vil-tue, Toronto, apent the wcckend with Mi.1 ad Mss. R. Virtue and am. NeUI Pritectwd, aa*t Mbuter C n Alla,, 1fr4 rRoas Allin, Miss Gld 3n, [Newunle, were leI4 : , day visiters with W.'a")> rMrs. H. G. Freeman. Mr. Rob 1ARin and ?&, Gordlon - mi ewere ajjuper gueula the MM day. .Misa SheillhCruuidafl iBr¶"ton, ?&. Keith CameqçK -on,M. Peter Barrowery, 1John Pritdhad, Mntc 1were on Tueeday of lest week luncheon puesta with the Jet- tera grandnmother, Mm. L. C. iSnewderi. Congratulations te Mr. Vie Coolson on wlnning the foi- lowing prizes on hie boises et » Osawa Pair: lut, geid mere' rlut, fosi: 2rid, brood man, et a heavy draft tearn; 3rd, Uh*4 tHe will b. diowing later * ;week met Peterboarough. LMmn. Normaen Burgess, Tmi. 1onto, wIio bas b..» visiting M. and Mis. Lloyd Snowden, duso Mr. and Mi. Boy Van OaRmP et their cottage ett Mink Lake, returned home 10 Tor. onto this week. Mr. and Mue. Howard Cry. denn, acconIpanied by )Mr. and Mrs. Bert Muttosi, ail « the Buse LUne, attended tue;, Gilbert Sullivan Opera end titled "Patience". put on b he ones who took: &à weeke' animer course ini musei, n Toronto lest Thursday even- ing. M. and Mis. G. Týrewl, Maple Grove, were Sunday dinner gueste with MT. ui4! Mrs. . C. Coilaoutt. Mrs. C. Greenhuaecomn% pmnied her daugtater aaid hus- band and fagnily, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin, Bowman. ville, on a motor trip to 8v ern Palle lait Sunday. Mr. end MWibRy snowde lalington, vleited, her mother;ý Mrs. R. R. Stevens, la*ê Thursday. Miss Marie end Mee4i., Douglas Brooks visited tbelt grandPerents, Mr. and M*- Gordon Rodran, Lttie el- tain, last week. Mr. Don Brown, Tovont«" sipent the weekend with hi> Parente, Mi. and Mrc. W. Xý Brown, and brother Dav«ý Brown. Mr. and Mrs. H-arrySow~ den end daughter Psitt!, Bow-, manville, were Fnldqy visitorw with hNe notiier, Mis. Allan SnOwden. Mie. Allan Snoyw"- den aent the weekend tj Mri». and Mis. Bob S ur phy, Oshawa. M. end Mini' R«g Taylor, Oiiaswe, wert; -Monday evening caiera01o9 ber sister, Mia. Alliai Snow. den. Mr. Amny Niddery, Taroeaté, la vuatlng her sitr and hua" band, Mr. and Mrs.- C. P Swal1ow. M. and Mis.Orlon Hl mnd tuni4, end Iieir Mthqe Mm . Jëhbssn, Wuestn, w««» Saturday night visitorn witla> the forniees aunt, Mus. K.H ES1 Goi alng DiiI ro-m Bowmanville Commencing August l9th Ride on the. Bus and avoi d worrying about drivlng ln heavy traffic, prking or crowding for street cars Buses will leave Exhibition Grounds 15 minutes after grctndstand performance. DAILY FROM BOWMANVILLE Leaves Bowmanville 9:00 a.m. Arrives Exhibition 10:30 aim. Includes admission to grounds - far. $3.50 BUSES WILL TRAVEL TO EXHIBITION FROM PLACES SHOWN BELOW ON THE FOLLOWING DAYS: AUGUST 24 - AUGUST 25 - AUGUST 29 - AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 2- LEAVE ICEA» DOWN 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:.00 Janetville Nestieton Blackstock Burketon Enniakillen Hcampton Bowmanvile LEAVE PAiES READ DOWN $4.50 7:15 $4.35 7:35 $4.25 7:50 $4.15 8:10 $4Mo 8:30 $3.75 8:40 $3.50 9:00O Milllbrook Gacrden Hill Elizabothvile Kendal Klby Orono Fatre include admission ta Exhibïtion Ciound -,Chikdr. -. Hai For WPAUS $4.50 $4.35 $4.25 $4.15 $400 $3.75 OBRW2,723.7171 ERROS ER BURLEY BUS LU LIMITED FOR INFORMATION PHONE BOWMANVIALE623a381 9- c ti a c ti ta, 1

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