Caninionwere Sun. The Cmaaian Statesaiwavfe p.2,16 costper unicpaliy wudayguesb wifb1Mr. and Mrs. Bd. Reserves Judgment on ' or * ' *"' Enterprîse Pupils ih I1t1eoycfMsB Using the sanie ttistics -O aud y Sams' k dererte forthecuren yer bsedonKnox and hsla M wteani. te 1965 enroument, itw E c lin F s i a mates of the. Atom AUl Starsi (Intended for latwe) aRbnWeere Redistribution Appeal ~ ~ e~aMe out Ec ~E~l played against their fathersi Thie U.C.W. hekilugfdni nhr7~ R é is r b t o ptfrPr oewould a ame of hockey. Al Madithehay b $50 hl fo l p u Zpils cf Enterin e hool wtth 85 points. The wlnnlIng faSmies returned te Hampton metngain the cl'rhbp h RnOefml Tow$520, thlige ' w ercm ost icesef In thc chorus cf this group was glvCfl for a pot luck supper. noont ltii Wednedyatr atrhhaswt h *to $613. InUpont. nonwihan excellnatedfalestGoec. econ dary S ch oo $Gostsashi Uc 'percctpetMus eetvlhe Dnna ocha ad Kren Mr. and Mrm HarrYRnox a::msThe Pre m Y EgrPne O e o d r c o o t $439 for Clarke anEd $381 for D> ~n n ~ and boys visited withtý Fe ais odce i hd wt i HretPn~ Darlington Townshuip. Te chol w Z l tic du ret lh a th i.Ko fBoga.Ms rdSmscn J intw«g reserved by andi Hope Township, G . MTowniship, andi Southica Mr. Ross claimed wlia he viinsanti auso tirdgpiem mark was 84 p<>joints gadM..Care oinsryldg tnEse eoto- Ms viy uophn lC Tie, Chainnan cf the Roms, Belleville. was the sol!- Township. an termed an unfair discrepSfcy £Ie Uniso Chorus lo oe. Welcome. There were g1 Mr. and Ms.. Bon Broome andti.~wsaweed us tU~ OiiuPI Muicial o r cîorforthetwomuncîpli r. osaoubebalf of port ini thecost per capita.'He rom schcols. In thils section entrles in tuis cdss.unyKell fBa ivile ts w er Plans were madefraiasc oe ho rm, 'into fthe distribution ies.Hp and Hope Township basis Clarke TowTWIIP RtÀn be ng 15 we pet ng Cocnhe rlsedsoothnae-andaMs yd gustawit e *apndtai i erftre r.W aeeadMw muanitncipal costs of secon- Port Hope and Hope Town- = e icprovince for a more sidtato appu-latin icer pns tdnsning 5 e Iocne Uic gils soloDnam m ly roe ananinvitation was eevdCniga iieiUcSf ofdns aehd hi onei-îis 5 ocs i ls f1 ftis aniilyfrom thc Columbus ...r-get tI. dary aciool education in Dur- ship were apçealing the arhî equalizeti apportionmnent ~dnshv idterCSBh-aant4 o ces.Tc ithiaciu f 8e tnie 's. amai y hwai County held in Port tration docision made by the education conte in relation to creaseti from $9 to $22, wlile aW&M winncru wcre given. 83 Cochrane eceiveti fourth in Miss Nancy Knox spent gamding their basar;mmes M.aî m.KiiTyo Dope recently. treasurers of Newcastle, Mill- charges levied agahuat sorti Darlington* Townaship'a Ini. points whUae Enterpnise weme the boy's solo clan. Easterholitiays with Mr. anti were askedti t save aesfrmfaiy aevle lie Tlhe enring at Port Hope brook, Port Hope, Bowman- area municipalities. He stated crease was frontI $7 te $16- given 80 points. Thc children are to be con- Mi'a. Grant Down and family, the young peopl'rae r.T alr ketwnuringwtheisarneardtervvilleUicptwoopnstichoras-En-agmitulatedponvthcermscrmstaunEteeeter. drice;rgsoEn-usetiuclotdion iseto Mr.eantisMms. A.eE. drine, m aWii l eWSin Preatoeille ope Township, ar-etat fu yterovincessmariHope Townehi-p residents hidterriae earned fourth place well as their teacher.-Tlmes. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker be collected andisn oMsasae nTmnt e a' anawe rs otHp lntnTwsi,- a r vaue system o assedumetheïr ooets increaed froua$12 atne h 5hwdiga-Mre tvn i Port Hope's shore by about o$8 and Portl1Hope I A nivemsary. oelebration -of Mn. Griffin in charge, twsd-OhrEae iios $55.000. $13 to $29, he naid. He de- ~I and Mrs. G. Burnett, Oshawa, cided to pay haîf theepne r.E .Csas ig." It was also suggested that that the average per S OW 1N- on Satumdayevening. of chiltimen wishing eatn o;Ms etieCsam I I N; the eduoatkmn cost be based at capita cost for 1964 wua $22 Mr..and Mn,. Wi.1 Tonkin, Messrs. Lorne Tink,. Harolti Mn.,anti Mrs. E. Spires visit- our cliurch camps Vssm mcvfe iiteR least in part on a population w$28 adPoHope ws 3paiti $29 . azel emn tt iaa;Mir n elyHIpeieto ems saa nSna. i.Aa alrldi i h iee hîrnaei $28an rta Hope owaip .id9 . MrelWqen r. Yellowlees and Edigar Wcrry. cd with Mr. and Mrs. Ray mer.,ipos ssnetoabu 70(,) M.Rosi also subinitteti a Vera Gibbons, Min Dootiy the A.O.T.S. Mien's Club, led Mn. anti lis. E. Hockaday study of Brazil antinid oayUcBhna u ck " has approxmaetely î i ooo pu- memorandum Iby J. C. MeCal- Plunkctt, M... Ruth Taylor, in a sing-song. A 2..act akit attendedtheti English-Yellow- work there ant iowdafl MnAtmBnckCarsà-- pila, whilc Hope wit1ha a.lin hUie Couuis seso n t Tomonte, were rcnt visitors was given by sevemal U.C.W. lees weddlng In Trinity Unitedi stnip. At, iiissseMi . sSeit cf about $3,000,000 CuclaAsso n Chair- with Mrs. N. Wotten anti ladies, witi several outstanti- Churci, Bowmanville, on Sat- Easter Suntiay sç alreLvner n aete n lias lessthia 2,000 i>upils. man of the Arbitretion Board Francis. ing points of "1not to do" at a unday, also the reception at increase in churci teiac. hlie.- Mr. Ross in bis argument dated August 4th, 1965, whl0h Mmi. N. Wotten visiteti with unit meeting. A tasty lunch Uic Lions Centre. In lier Easter messag ic niln.Aa alr exvqained that the effect of showed a comparison of as- Miss Mldred Willmott, Bow- was senvedto itll, in thc lowen A.C. 1 Glen Fraser anti Mary Dougherty emneilrDadatiarily tEtt" the provincial e d uca t ion sessment per pemsn in ecd manvile. hall. frientis, R.C.A.F. Station, Camp congregetion that tcfiipie gresi bf rin caleuon the muiality. Int pr eowed in Mr. and lins. Boy Langmnaid Tic Tyros group of Eldati Borden, spent tic weekend displayeti by Christ i gHi M.aniM.MuayPe asseamet wuld e afinn- Hpe ownhip as 1 20 ~were recent dinner guests cf are liavlng a pop bottle anti witi Mn. anti Mn. R. C. Frai- days of stress beforiccu-cotCid aniSan ' csemn ol eafnn ope Ti o6o r ûl a $,3 sM. anti lis. Chas. Joins. paper drive this Saturtiayer. fixion ih an exampefrnlCteies m niMi if ciel hardship for Port Hope Siaeto$6fr Darling-BMmainM.nd r. lxPteChsin nam nndHoe owsopwnl tnnowshple . April 23rd et 2 pji. Everyone n niM. lxPte iitasi niu iis ansat aly ot @Id Fafloried Valu. wlth th. Modem Look adH'eTîîi, iing o oîi.Cogauain ant et saketi to have their papers visîted Mli. and lins. Wm Tic choir sang an Bse n oe undue etivantage Vo Darling- Congratantibottsciain font cf tîcarSteer, Oshiawa, recently. them. The Caly is the lateit addition to our line of beautbfully et5led ton and Clerke Townships. wishes te lir. and r. Wltand oes inhe ne ftiey ibr n niMi odnla islainSisncn i.EiPg iiiga lades fams. heaot uxuies olthe ieringrmarto n He presenteti tti~st < VP fKlflhilShortt (flee Gladys Yellc>w- picked up.g ce, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. ductedtheticspecial eit fCta aii ihgn llgbt Ie the one frame, coupied with theflateing titcigh a îtith provincial IL lees) on ticir recent muariage. Pcercy Westlake were Suntiay films and program ntaiorn nt m.BcCwn" dents, make t a joy Ticbhcommunitril t. Mn.r.antillies.asR.sC. trfoseDrc'lTeensowith lins.l mrenMr.Want-MticIlusuelFrundeyalSciaolthses-.wFtnk lira. R.eGniffin.nda - y wî 2.3pe en Itedd o as ee)miss fihulhlp u werc welcomcti inta tic mcm- leke Sr. sion. Don Gnif fin soei G om la oife ~eau, mhe i a oy t beolti. tnillto cur.cqulied ehesnientfo e r- (Int Senboysfo le 2st k Glathatifulosielp, tbenship .cf EltiadtiUnitedi Mr. anti lin. Ron Broome films of Palm SuE yedo i runieenatrmv ALL OLASSES ONE 10W PRICE whisess nt as 2.per ntCub boys no Ved snthe knoles gi.ur loispseMr Clurch'on Sunda~y. wasony ckti.W and Kelly, Bowmanville, were Easter with Norma e sigaoni ncuce o.r~ cent. euaie dDryo pi tan.Ms .Sët ilri.Ctocoefrhssermon Sunday callens of Mir. and lins. nanrator, anti icnituepi-nct. PinL S HA N)Te oiio ortetotewotiOshewbyotApnil atuan t ln. W. hrttndsial e-"Tie Promises of Faiti". ]The Frank Westlake Jr. ages were readby ers We ecoeM.atMn. 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND Thunesliitor for gthe two thelitoysawa Scoud t H all. tun fthenVo hrinisocinal Sacrament cf Holy Communion Mn. and lins. Joe Snowden Smithi and ManionPect.Atu iedro noln înaingti ap Ti ys citetl aigtiemeers gtlg eei oina. wes also serveti et tuis serv- anti Bruce were Sundey tee lins. K. Davey toida, atrarcmmnt.M.Fet COLORIS TO CHOOSE. FROM pe'aî pointet out that for Port vr el aigi On Satuntiay evening a large ice.gusiwt Mranils.toyad pcal umewllsit nte eato' FOASHope teprovincial eul dea etu oth en-cod teddteEltiaciU. gBey, anti lins.aRobent Sien- Doud alett SINGLE VISIN BI FOCALSassessmnent was a1otiet-finals. John Lepine's car plac- C.W. Family Nigit held Iin tiewin, Davii nd rew anbet Nancy let wsa eittna c_ al with Darlington at 24.44 cd first in the thinti heet, anti community hall,.lins. Burney of ,Dim wedrewEandtnwcyk per cent, while the county wvent on to win sixtih itic Hoaey waa ciainlatiy for tichuesof rhmn. EnTaylr anti 1 5 ~ ~~~e 28.93 e sscsentTe ntavsio n dalssecod n tlaers cf thiprograrme lin- oth&.Elgcin Tafor andwV l e of being comparable with Davidi Kainz' entry took 'sistig f a puppet show by Mr ndMs BueTalr Darlinjgton's was iigher first place in tic second di- the Explorer gup Ti ln.ETaorrtneihome if f i COMPLUTE WITI4 FRAME, LENSES AND CASE systemn is tic one currently final race. Davidi aise placed Boss Crytiermnan anti lis. dayi. utIlizeti. second ln the design awands, George Knox. Thc Tyno group lir. and Mlis. Jack Marks, DON'? SEflLIE FOR LÉ5S THAN NATIONAL IRANÙS Mn. Ross stateti thet by and hadt t make e decision as gave two iumoreus ikits witi Scarborougi; lin. C i anr le s e FOR MEN a FOR WOMEN e FOR CHILDREN using the county equalized to which category lic wished Water Taylor introtiucing Allin, Bowmanville; Mmi. Mur- a SUV DIRECT FROM THE LABORATORY AND 'SAVE assesment system there was ta enter i car in for tic Dem- tiese numbeni. -Tic leaders ton Walter anti Danothy, Osha- a ai ssta Port Hope of $55,150, by finals. He chose ta be a of Tyros are Mm. Lanry Spirès wa, were recent visitons cf Mn. a BROIKEN FRAMES REPAIRED. OR REPLACED WHILE YOU WAJT anti a gainfoan Darington contentien in tic speeti race. and Mn. Rantiy Fraser. Tic anti Mmi. Wes Ycllowlees anti We fuli ail P.S.I., Ocuists and Optomnetristi Township a-f $44,801, anti e Traphies were awerded te C.G.I.T. girls gave their nen- family. Prescriptions et the same 10w price. gain for Clarke Township of Alan Starkoski, finît in de- dition of a "Go-Go .66". Tic Miss Nan Aluin, Tononto; Mn. $44,353. sign with 29 out o! a possible leaders are Mns. Hemry Kniox "'harles Allun, Bowmanvile, He saiti thet since the pro- 30 points, while Jordan Lam. anti lis. Joe Snowden.,' wene Wetinesday tee guests vince chooses ta make its bent won third in the diesign The Signua-C group was in- witi Mn. anti Mmi. Wes Yel- equalizatian grants on a dif- catcgany. Davidi neceiveti the troduceti by Gerdion Westlake. lowlees. ferent basis f rom that of trophy for second place in Thein entertainiment was two Miss Ellen Crytienman spent. miunicipal assessment based speed. edings anti a piano solo by Easter iolliays witi Mmi. on tie county equelized ei- lin. and lins. Albert Wood Grant Million. Thc leaders Aima Buntile anti Jean, Bow- . aciament, this factor siarulti spent the Easter weekenti cf thc Sigma-C grcup are manville. 1Bond St. East HOURS: be considered in arriving et vsiting lin. Waod's aunts, lins. Mr. anti lis. Harvey Yel- a divison of liability aem>g Fred Grunscîl, Owen Soundi,R lowlees anti family were Sun- 2nd Floor MON. TO SAT. the muncipalities. anti li. anti Mmi. John Grun- Ri i tverson ategus wtMran Inhsscn ruetM.slAnnan, Ontario. lins. Glen Larmen, Blackstock. Oshawa, Ont. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Rosi midthalut In 1965 tice lins. Wm. licCaw, Bancroft, IIale Douglas Larmer anti Dennis (ozel ar li' cost per Pont Hope pupil wes visiteti her tiaugiter antidn d u sYcllowlees celebrateti thein Frclrar li' onrGoey Phone: 728-1261 CLOSED $434, and $403 fon a Hope femily, lin, anti Mns. Charlesop birtiticys tagether on hiii oc- Oshawa ALL DAY WEDNIESDAY Township pupil, as compaeet lascike oven tic weckend. LuWcesian. We wish te informi the publicehtw r owstlda u ta $353 for Clarke Township, On Saturday they travelletPtrt H mvD aEWI7V Mlin anti Mms. Alec Lownie, anti $269 fanr DaTlington Port Credit te attend Vie * lis. Don Lownie, Oshawa, new location. Ail work is now being doci h e bidn hc Tewnship, and as low as $214.McQuand-Watsan wedding. Reeve BR. C. Everson weî visiteti with lin, anti lis. Gea. bas 4,000 sq. f t. eof floor space including alagsowrn.Bcueofti M ginstalleti as mayor cf Pont Knox. iiuivarcu ~~~~Hope on Tuestiay, Apnil 12th Mr. anti lis. Ken Tink and expansion we now handie a complete ueo e untr nldn Att nt on c r uy r e by a unanimous vote cf Town family,, Ebenezer, wene Sun- visitons of Mn. anti lis. chestenfields, tables, odd chairs, kitchensutlmsaiinet.W Francis Joinston anti Daviti. Mr. EversQn will complete lins. Tom Baker anti Jean, hope te sec you soon et our new stçre ç iw~i1 abpyf.ha h. - N. i ~ I U uthc terni cf Benion Spicer wio Mni. Barry- Cowling, Salemi, ~~IIA IttfU1~II flflTfl~ ~V2ET Efl~UIU~tI~V fl* ifd recently aften a long i11- entertaineci et a linen sîower you our line ef new furnitune or the wid eeto fmtna nhn ~i~m ~ *oev u~v~,* ~u~ ~~IE~I~ DIIVU I~L~ uM n. Sf or pe wasiefinton Montiay lest for Mmi. Lanny te ne-uphoîster your present chesterfield rchis e' aon c Pot Hoe V ticiiiPermis (nec Bosemery Ormis- ice. ton) in honour of her recent His terni would have ex- manniage. _NL year. ~~and family, Oshawa; MissWYEBOF Mer. Everson was nemînateti Helen Baker, Toronto, wr wosi:"Tic office of mayor anti lis. Tom Baker for the lnot only an honomary one celebration cf Catherine Bak- but one wiici requîmes a gooti e's 4th bintlitay. deal cf expenience i muni- Mn. anti MmiEBd. Davis, Phone 623-5252 cipal govenniment". Oshawa-,lin, anti lis. N. N s - a, - ... .... ... .. 4- 44 a'-" S#90Br k . %anqiut1aou any shop or service you can think of! [at88HldySdmC EVELLE $* Our locality has a lot to offer. CHEVELLEGood shops. Good services. Gond people. CHEVYISo look firt to home for your needs. cLot your fingers do the walIking tbrough the YeIlow Pages . C LSORVETTE to find theabove peope ... and many oter. OLSM EEvoydIds here l.a town! - AUWTOMM ZI)DALER IN BOWMANVILLE: ROYNICHOLS MOTORS LIMITED .., .>.7 UOUAnviLLE 623-2550 COURTICE 7284m0 0*.amwr.obm.Snozon 11w CBC-IV mtwoe ady'. C"yowrloalmsi ng for dmmnnsi ad ie,.