2ý The Canaian Statesman, Bowmaànte Mar. 8,16 Doloitte, PI.nder, Hésklns & SOSI i.~wltb wI*m a&» »w merged viMonteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Mentreal Windsor Edmonton Osmwa Winnipeg Prince Toronto Regins Georte Bfamuton Calgar7 Vancouve Gordon W. Elehi, C.A., LI.A. Burt R. Waters, C.A. i Oshawa Oshawa shopping Centre 7872 TAKE OFF WUTH 71eÎ SHELL Win a holiday to Jamaica, France, Hong Kong or any one of over 100 countries served by SheiL Ail you have to do is match up one of the uTake Off With Shell" bis you receive when you make a puzchise at our service station. a MUTTON & GOULD SNE 72 Scugog St. - 623-7451 à 1 ilPrompt courteous 'service A full line of Sheil Products Tune-Ups - Washing - Repairs Protection The' OronoNews .Wa.-11 119M.d-Was Mrs.. James E.-Richards, Editor The Orono Amateur Ath-1 Ietie Ass'n. ame planning an officiai opening o!ftir "Art- ifical Ice" voith Open House et the Arenm Satwrday, April 2nd. Time 7:30 pan. Every- one la Invited to view thie1 freezing plant, and under-q stand its operatian, enjay a1 broaai-ball gaine, conipete for prizes, then put on your skates for two houri of FREE skating. Sec you there! Cornue One, Corne Ail! 01d and young alike! Mrs. Thiornton Wilson is« visting her daughter Mrs. Juin terni, Mr. làarb and Karen, et Ottawa. Min. Alfred Grice, Mr. anid Mis. Arthur R. Beb.. apd cildren of Port Hope visi*d Mr. mand Mrs. Clifford Cooper on Saturday. M.and Mn.. Bill Pound and son Dave of Toronto visibed Mr. and Mrs. Dune Found. Mrs. Cecil Robineon spent Mrs. Francis Hall, Agincourt. Mr. and Mrs. Ray'mond Chapuian' moved last week into their new house on Cobb Mr. anid Mns. Bob Knox and son M4ark, wtio qient the win- ter- witi Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Knox. left, on Saturdav for APARTMENTS FOR SENIOR CITIZENS To enable the investigating Committee ta collect necessary data ptaining ta need, and number af low rentai apartments, required for Senior Citizens of Bowmanville, we are making a survey through the faciities of the Canadian Statesman. This is not an application, but ta determine the number of resi- dents who need, and would >take advantage of such accommodations,* if available, now and in the future. This self -supporting project has been successfuily ps-aven in many other Municipalities, is compact and very efficient and is possible- because the same area necessas-y for a family-sized apartment, renting at $120.0 monthly, accommodates 2½j Senior' Citizens' apartmnents, at appraximately $45.00 a nionth. An example of how popular these apaxftments are eisewhes-e: In Oshawa, they now have 61,units, and are erecting a further 75, ta ps-avide for a longwaiting list of applicants. The' requis-ements are that ail residents must b. physically and nuentally able ta cas-e for themselves, have lived in Bowmanville for five years prior ta acceptance, no age limit, and is available ta married couples, single persons, blaod relations, widows, and strake or heart victims who are forced ta live an small incarnes or seduced pensions. Eiigibility incarne range is $1000.00 ta $16000.00 for single pensons, and a maximum of as-ound $2500.00 for mars-led couples. Each apartment wouid b. equipped with refnigerator, stave, TV autiet and laundny facilities. The proposed* location is in 1h. çeiqtial. usines's seçtion of- town, clote ta tChurches, Libres-y, Stores, BuW se vie hnd erltrtainme nt.-, ,Utilization af these low rentai apartments wauld enable persans sts-uggling ta f inancially maintain a home too large -for them, .ta seil or rent ta larges- families, and assist others compelièd ta liv. under undesis-- able circumistances, ta liv. independently, with perhaps small tinancial help fsrn familles. We ask any resident who knows af someone ta whom this pnoject would b. beneficial, ta contact, discuss, and help them complete questionnais-e. Looking at -a Senior Citizens' Apas-Iment Building aven a long range period; apartments would b. accupied, and vacated, niany times over the years, so a large attractive building erected now, besides being ecan- omical, could eventually be very useful ta many residents who are yaung flow, - TIME MARCHES ON -.Ail this at absolutely no cost ta the taxpayer: Please take particulas- note, that ail returned questionnaires wil b. held in strictest confidence, and will be analyzed by ane appointed persan only, who will then submit th. figures neoessas-y ta the Civie Committee, for presentation ta aur Town Council, fan thein approval of this praject. Ail fus-thes- communication will be made directly ta the individuals, who have indicated desire to pasticipate in this means af improvîng living conditions of Senior Citizens, in theis- Golden years. Note - married couples are requested' ta submit individual questionnaires. Please return cornpleted questionnaires in a sealed envelope ta Town Clerk's Office, or mail ta Bowmanville Civic Committee, Town Hall. The success o! any scheme such as this is mas-ked by the demand or need in a community, this cen only be determined by publication and a response fsrn these senior citizens of the municipehity. Anyone requiring further information, please contact Ms-s. A. Oke, Chairman, Bowmenville Civic Comniftee. Phone 623-5142. INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONNAIRE This is not an application 1NAME last fis-st middle ADDRESS ------------- - - ------- - '- - Please Ps-ml YEAROF BIRTH (-~------ ()Married ( ) Widow Are You Interested In This Project ()Single () yes Do you apprave o! this type o! apanîments for ( ) Yes ( ) No ()Widower () no Senior Citizens? Do you qualify undes- the tentative requis-ements outlined above? ( Yes ( No If available, would you take advantage of this type ( ) Yes ( ) No of accommodation? COMMENTS t their Bec Ranch at Nipawin, Sask. Mrs. Gordon Atkins la a patient in the Memorial Hos- pital, Bownmavile. Mr. Bob Cooper o! Biznujng- haem, Michiglan, recently visit- cd his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Syer, Mr. Archie Matcluett, Mx. Elmer Hogg o! Cav.kn, -Mrs. Don Bicklc o! Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson. Mr. Cyril W. Quksauey, la- ther of Mrs. Harvey Partner, Orono, passed away on March IMthet Meanorial Hoopital, Bowmanville. Mr. Tom n.ewià lu a patient in Uh i hawa Hwital. Mrs. Luther Barrabail, who spcnt thue weekend at hen home, is new staying with Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Barrabral ut Countice. Mus. M. Birch xnoved last week into one of the White Apartanents-an Main Street. Mn. end Mra. Dean Hodgson of Ajax spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. D. G. Hooper. Mr. end Mrs. Geo. Carnegie ut Linday visited her par- ents, Mr. and Ms-s. Ernie Bowen. At the~ regular Sunday mornung aerv'idc of theOrne United C2urch, Rev. Buull E. Long baptizud Wendy Joan,I daughter ot Mr. and Mis. Paul MIoes terie ocro Groenev eriePoe.o Toronto Ivislted lier parents,i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Power, on Sunday. Mr,. and -MTs. Raymoand Bruce of Newtonville vlsited Mrs. Mavhall Chatterton on Tuesday evening of last week. Mrs. Tom MoRoberts spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Chamnbrlain, Osh- awa. Mr. and Ms. aMas. Arm- strong are ini the Bahenias this week, gueste of the I.G.A. Mrs. MarulChatterton, Mr. and Mr@. Orville CÊtatter- ton, Carolland David, epent Sunday witi Dr. mnd Mns. Keilli Taylor and deugluters at B<'omptan. The Men'a Qroup will meet on Thursday et 7 p.m. in the Priendship Rooni. The guest o! the eveining will be Mr. Warren Watt of Peterborough, for-mer principal of Orona HMgliSehool. The tiieme wil b. Population Explosion wlth emphaai on education. - Rummage Sale Raises Funds for I.O.O.F. Hall The aniuual Spring Rum- mage Sale held by Beehive Rebekah Ladge and Florence Nightingale Lodge, I.O.O.F., was an outstanding succeas. Mns. L. Bymnan, Tys-ane; Ms-s. Gos-don MeMurter and Ms-s. Las-ne Kerr were Uic co- convenons for this populas- event held in Trinity United Chus-ch Sunday Schoal Booms secently. The ps-oceeds wcnt ta the building fund for the new Odd Feilows Hall, Qucen Street, which is expected ta be completed in September. Ms-s. Nina Clar-ke, assisted by Ms-s. Spencer Wood, was in charge o the Books Table. Ms-s. Melville Moos-e was the convenon o! the sale of Home Baking. Mss. Herbest Powel Hospi tal Party (FROM PAGE TWO) nations, apple biossonus, and othes- bloarn also contributed ta bbc attractitrenes's of tihe scene. Thesye flowers fiiied dozens o! bird cages suspend- [cd fsrn the cciling, anid eaoh cage was surmounted by a bird. Tues-e wes-e colos-l pas-rots, bluebirds, canas-les, and strikingly red cardinals perched above Uic tlawes-s. Evcryone adsited the cos-- ginalitiy and effectiveness of using exquisite drapes-y fab- ries in fascinatinig calons and deigns as part ufthtie de- lightful decorations. Along lbe walls at ines-vals large golden cis-cles ados-ncd with pussywillaws painted gold held graceful swatcbes of sbinsmering rmterials in al tbe shades of spring. Eveny- body was dnrawn ta the mas-- velous display of tastc!ully arrsangcd fabrics on the stage, wbi'ch was flanked by two golden tapies-y trees. There were rich brocades, dacrans, nylrons, ailier rmiracle materials, as wcll as corded silkrs and molahah-. Some were ioaped train bamnbo asels, othesswere cxtainded in great lengths. or shown in gracefll folds. Beiow these memonabie matenials were di fcs- re nt types of carpeting inciudin.g nylons and tweed in blending and co-ordinated colas-s. The south wali was domi- nated with a navy and beige mural presenting stylized1 bus-ses. Colored giasswas-e, 1 andgleamning brsarn s andc ornanuents were the accents on stage. The hostesses wene: at the front dos-, Mmi. Aiian B. Syl-'i vestes- and Ms-s. George Vice,'t at the ents-ance to the spac-1 ious tee soom Ms-s. A. D.1 Jackson,, Ms-s. George Ste-1 phenson, Newcastle, and the 1 hostesses for the tea tables" were Ms-s. S. G. McMurtes,- tbe imnuediate past president,E an-d Ms-s. W. A. Coustney. Ms-s. A. G. Scott and Ms-s. J. J. Brown werc in charge of registrations. The treasures-, Ms-s. R. G. Cowle, Ms-s. K. J. Ferguson, and Ms-s. Duncan Smith wcrce t thse donations table. Ms-s. B, D. Tillcock, ansisted by Ms-s. B. R. Heavysege, was in charge o! the special draw. The prize winners wcs-e Ms-s. Sylvester, a coenbined elec- trie knife sharpener and can openen, and Ms-s. Ray La- thangue, a chucolate chiffon cake donnted by Ms-s. S. G. McMurter. Ms-s. J. O'Neill, Ms-s. L. T. r McLaughlin, Ms-s. W esa1e y Cawkes arnd Ms-. Duncan Smith presided oves- tih. 1c and cuféee oes. Those wIso amsisted in serv- ing wc-c Ms-s. C. G. Morris, Ms-s. L. S. Mikios, Newcastle, Mm. A. E. MeKnmiÀe, Orossa, Ms-s. A. J. Hcmtmuan, Ms-s. A. L. Haoey, Mrs. 0.- N. Plunu- mer, Ms-s. George Vice, Mn. Jlred Wood, Mum R. C. Simp- son, Ms-s. Gwen Gibson, both of Newcastle, Mmn. K. Me- Mann, Iht. Wilbert Teeple. RP.leniah!ng werc Mmn. W. Wallis,1 Ma. J. G. Nembitt, Mm ILE- D. Hubbard, Mns. Hmý9M Glbsouu, Clarke Town- "sl, MUn. E. B. Thaisupsn, and Mm. Glenhohune Bulbes. Thom î -IlU gIn the kit- cuen were MUs. Dirk Brink- man, Mm'. Geoege Stephen- uu n. -Mm Dkkuam Newaste, nu.Stuart B. Jupe. Mn W.A. 'Uger, was in charge of the Jewelles-y Table. Ms-s. Roy Webb.r was thei convenor for the Millinery Booth. Ms-s. Edwas-d Rich- ards, assisted by Ms-s. Lorne Kerr-, Ms-s. Ruby Spicer and Mns. Arthur Bur-gess, was in charge o! the Miscellaneous Booth. Ail the other *members o! Beehive Rebekah Lodgc undes- the direction o! the three gen- es-ai ca-convenons laoked attes- the sale o! suits, shoes, hand- bags, dlresses, men's weas-, and children'a clothing. Town Tax Rates Councillor Glenhoime Hughes, Chairman of the Fin- Rnce Committee, before the burget was presented, said: "The miii rate required to run te town in 1966 remnains the sme as in 1965. In spite of tis the obligation of Bowman- vile to meet the demands of te High School Board, the Public Schooi Board, and the United Counties Council has raised aur residential miii rate about 15 mills and the ommercial about 17 mills. IlWe have met with Commit- tees of Council and believe that these ýestimates are '#n accurate fýr'c-ast ýt the 't<*I re ve nu e> and exrpenditure. After meeting with t he School Boards we have added their requirements ta aur budget. The tax dollar is now ap- portioncd as follows: Educa- tion 51 cents, County 15 cents, eaving 34 cents for Bowman- vile. "lWe would cali your atten- tion ta the able interpretation of the Budget written by aur Clerk-Controi1er and Treasur- er, Robert L. Byron, whose duty it i5 ta prepare the esti- mates. A sincere thanks goes to ail members of council and rpembers of the staff of the town for their co-aperation ini making up this Budget. "lIt is aur hope to meet the School Board during the year to further mutual understand- ing of each other's problems,' Colincillar Hughes stated. As set aut in the By-Law it is necessary that the follaw- ing sums be raised by means of taxation this year: General Purposes $354,740.21, County Purpases $ 144,446.22, Public School $224,153.21, Separate School $7,453.83, High School $26 1,403.56. The Asserisment Rail made in 1965 and revised finally by the Court of Revision this month gives the assessment as: Residential & Farmn Supporters $5,978,645, Separate School $165,950, High School $6,144,- 595; Commercial and Business, Public Schooi $2,778,448, Sep- arate School $61,515, High Schaol $2,839,963. The totals therefore are Publie Schooa $8,757,093, Separate School $227,465, and Hîgh Schoal $8,984,558. The total estimated revenue for 1966 is $ 1,430,649.86. This is $321,630.29 more than las' year. The 1966 estimated expendi- tures are: General Govern- ment $80,200 (1965$83,772.11), IEFFECTIVE APRIL lot TRAVEL DEPT. HOURS Open 10:00 amm. te 0:00 P.m. Except Wcdunday, 9 - 12:30 CIoed &Ili day Saturday1 For Information Cll Mas. M. COTY M2-3341 JURY AND LOVELL WRA_ SOWMANYW Hi ar bt th sa Il vi th ra s- cc te th a( re ti ti c ( mto, Persans ad goods. The plant hs a m- 1 N' $11550 (1905-$104,- chine that -autoutatically b2aga Ien 3ublic Works $114,025 the fertilizer. - mi 4,701.56), Sanitation Mr. Riekard said *he feit cm Le Remval, $34,050 that "lvigorous,' heulthy orn- G 1,743.86), Conserva- petition was goad- for theie Hcalth $4,000 (1965- people who are buying the m ,~Social Welf are product." The materials ar- B Education .$493,010.8Q (1965 - and as far away as Florids .397,714.96), Recreation and and Mexico (Potaslu). They Cpimmunity, Services $64.835 ane quickly unloaded, mixed (19854537, 027.66), Debt Charg- ta individual farmers' "pre- es $265,125.58 (1965-$258,061.- scriptions" for their land and 15), C a pit ali Ependitune crnps, automatically processed 51,200 (1965-$18,000), County and ioaed into Uic speciai Levy $134,101.50 (1965-$101,-. equipmnent bty hopçpers for de-, 641.43), Caunty Under LCVY livcry ta Uic farm. 1965 10,344.72, Reserve for A 25-tan tuck can b. un- Working Funds $10,000, Prior ioaded in 45 minutes. The Year's Deficit $13,666.11, Mis- plant wilai" be providing. cellaneous $25,026.91. Total anhydrous ammnunia and li-1 estirnated expencliture $1,430,- quid fertilizen as weli. 649.86 (1965-1,223,561.33). The. Canadia±n-buiit plants j _____________________are aiso scrving urcas of the North-EasternU.S. The inter- national division uf*theb fis-m Accident a provided technicai and Round-Up engineering assistance to fôr- eign countries in many parts Round-Up of thse world-, încluding Ma- i laya. Miss Dorothy Wilson, a. Mex F. Henry, Cyanansidl physio-therapist an the staff plants superviser for Ontario, o! Memnoriel Hospital, was in- brought greetings and best jured in a motos- accident on wishes. He spoke ot plant de- Monday, and is now a patient velopment, and important as- thes-e receivinsg b-azment for pects af agriculture in his facial injuries. ishort address. The t*wo car collision hap- A'mong the many present at pencd on No. 401 Higihway at the officiai opening were 12:05 arn. The driver of the, Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., New-, other car involved, Dirk Ja castie Reeve Douglas Cur-, Biessteker, Newcastle, was' ningha.m, A. O. Dairymnpie,i treatod in the hospital's out- Agriculturai Representative, patient department for neck and James Brown, Cyanan-idl injuries. Farm Service Manager, who nue Bowmanviile As-ca Arn- was formerly an Assistant1 bulance transpan.ted Miss Wii- Agriculturai Representative son ~ ~ ~ ~ o adM.Beskrtahere. son nd r. ieTseke .. Mrs. Garnet Riekard wasý Menuriai Hospital. nue acci- responsible for the delicius dent was investigated by lunch enjoyed by everyone. Costable Bruce Tilison, OPP. She was assisted by Mrs. A. On Saturday at 7:25 P.in. a Krimmenacker, Miss Cindy car dniven by George Samuel Ays-e, Miss Wendy Ayre, Miss D)olbins. Leamington,. Ont., Cas-oi Wight, Ms-s. Alex Hen- started to make a left tus-n s-, Woodstock, Ont., Missi frSm Liberty St. into Prince Janice Riekard, and Miss Stareet when it was struck by Beverley Rickard.1 a matorcycie idden by Nos-- Ms-s. Joyce Engiish was inI moen Neads, age 16, 2 West charge of registration for thel Beach Rad. yung Mr. Neads draw. She was assisted byl: and his passenger, Ron Car- Miss Linda Henr-y, Wood- tes-, aise 17, 15 Park Street, stock. received treatmnent for bruises The lucky prize winners and abrasions in the out- and the donors were: Jim AI- patient departmnent of Mcmn- lin,, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, a anial Hospital. Constable Ron TV table, Woodland Products, Parker- învestigated. R.R. 2, Newcastle; Miss Janice Thene was a two car coI-ý Rickas-d, Newcastle, a jewel- lision on Sunday mos-ing at les-y case, by J. Anderson 2:20 o'ciock on No. 35 High- Smith Company, Newcastle; way neas- the Royal Restau- Joe Dairymple, Bowmanviile, s-ant. The drivers of the vehi- eiectric pes-colator, R. B. Ric- clos involved were Charles kard Piumbing, Newcastle;, John Bruce, Mili Street, Or- Ms-s. Carl Down, R.R. 2, New- ana, an'd Fred H. Cox, New- castle, set of Mclmac dishes, « castle. Cercsdale Festilizes-; A. H.ý Mr. Bruce was taken to Ciemens, Bawmanviile, set ofi Memnoria1 Hospital whe-e lhe Meirmac dishes, Ccs-esdale Fer- i lu now at patient. He recciv- tilhzer; Gardon Bland, R.R. 3'l ed scalp lacerations in the ac- Omemec, C or n ing warc, cident. Constable D. Stuarst, Goode's Hardware, Newcas-1 OPP. investigated. le E. C. Copçing, Orono,I. A car driven by Mrs. Mary Melmac pitcher, the Cyana-i VraWictuiran, 113 Ontario mid Company; Bob Stevens,ý Stet n d a rie yBowmanville, tractor se a t Stretanda cr dive bycover, Morton's Farm Supply, Duincan Ulley, 94 Scugog Limited, R.R. 2, Bowmanvil; Street, coliided ut 10:51 8a.. Glet ufr,.Ot on Thursd'ay at the orsner of MK G iher, Bus-frd, Ont. Temperance and Que en Georgac pitchPrt Hoya ad Streets. Darnage ta thc two Greg s, Prt ope, a<s cars amounted to lessthan gEaspegnt, Bs w an -ase; $100. Constable John B irdLEnuasen, aBowagnille Sd wsheinvestigating odficer.LaateagasguM- 1a the arig ésÎsti-sey-Fergu son E qu i pme t cd by two cars in. a collision etnil;CclSaeoI on Saturday afternoan. at pillow cases, Toms' I.G.A., tii-re. o'ciek at the corner of Ohundh and Temperencel Streets. The drivers of the cars inWvolved were Ralph Melanson, 17 D>us-bai Street, and Ms-s. Kathryn Prazienka, E 'ble Ian STnith investigated.N T A On Friday at 8:45.a.m. Ms-s.1 Dorothy Bs-ooking, 45 PrinceGu rne Street, lost contrai o! the car G aa t e she was driving on Liberty Street North, and it sts-uck a car parked in the Registry Office parking lot. The park- ed car was ownsed by George iMorris, 105 Liberty Street North. Damage totalled oves- $300. Constable John Bird investigated th. accident. Mrs. Braoking was taken ta Menioniai Hospital for treat- ,ment by the Bawmanville tArea Ambulance. *A car driven by Frank J. Heaths, Cooksvilie. Ont., an'd a,0 1 car driven by DT~. Allan B.?/ iSylvester, 156 Churoh Street, c ooUided on Saturday at the1 corner of Liberty and King 1Streets. Damsage to the two Viitors <rROMPAGE ONE) srd quicky.Il began in liii- noie md Iwa, the heart of ttie US. cura bell about tive yeass ga. The blcncling ut granulas- fertilizer mates-ls on a specimized customn basis, Plus bulk handiing. takes a great demi outhUe work out o! applying fertilizes-. Savingsa aconpliiued Ibrugli bulk handiing o! ma- tes-fois ts-mnPOrted ta plants, ps-avide a mos-e accurately .suitable product ta local and indivldual tasrn mnd cs-op s- quiremnet, Mr. Br-own said. Thuis accounts for fertilizer costs having nemalncd con- stant, despite a gesses-l trend toward highor Prices. "Il Sives a much bettes- relus-n per daller uuvestcd than any allier conmodti." Wîth ftic qieciai mixing p ipe, pesticides and allier faZêuchernicals rcquired foa' occssti ad profitable tas-m opston cen b. included in éththeUi mechunical plantes- mumlcation or in me 1 wcasle, Ernest Spry, Or- veld' Po>rt Hlope, package nf.. w, Melmat pltcher, Cya na- pea seeds, BIldwp% Seed,,, dd; E. L. Gilbank, North Or- Belleville, E. Wells, Port, no, flaulhliht, Gceenaway's Hope, milk coupons, Glen Rao ibrage, Hamupton; T. PaIr- Dairy,- Bowznanviile;, David rotiier, Newcastle, case of Glm»nic, North Orono, pack- oito' oit, Cowan Equipnent, âge of graus seed, B1huop's oywmanville, Nick Go -Seeds, Bellevile ...*.. CHEVROLET 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Tinted windshild, white wail tires, one owner. Lic. X10420. OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC 4-DOOR SEDAN Power brakes, power steing, wheel discs, washens, onc owner. Lic. J14813. CHEVROLET 4-DOOR STATION WAGON Radio, washers, anc owncr. Lie. :Ù0419. 1963 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR BEL AIR Radia, white waiis, discs, wushers, anc owner. Lic. J15078. 1964 1964 1962 Radio, washers, anc awner. Lic. J15076. 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DOOR SEDAN Power brakes, radia, washers, white wall tires,' dises. Lic. 1H55043. 1964 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-DOOR SEDAN Two-tone maroan and white, automatic transmission, radia, white wall tires, discs, one awner. Lic. J15074. 28,000 GE mieVa AlNusdfrcmeia 28se. $595ha o be sd o omeca Lic. 19157B. Frics ----- - --$ 9 MEERSEDAN $5 Lic. J1576. Fric. - --------------- ------ $ 5 FONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN Clean car. $5 Lic. J2443. Frics- ---- Lic. J2465. Frics - Roy NICHOLS MOTORS~ 728-6206 Ace Richards Lou Phillips AVAILABLE ONLY AT 1ONTARIO 623-2556,, Harold MicI4elson TRUST Fi Investment Certif icates Accumulating form that yioId then at an average 3-year lix rate - An authanized investment for Trustees - Can b. used as collateral fan boans - Redeernuble mjinually upan the request of your Executar - Terms available - 5 ta 20 years ) Trust Accumulating Guaranteed estment Certificates so save an Incarne Tex tcoruenstone on which cent programme ut »save and invest et te with a feeling inimum of bothen ut ire within 10 - 20 years Yieid Per Annum Over 10 Years GUARANTEED SAVINGS AT -GUARANTEED RATES Longer Hours Mondmy t. Thuradoy Fniday 9 te 9 Saturdmy 9 te 5 (Bownanvlle Cl.sed W.dday) Begular Guarmnteed Investment Certifictuesa is. avalble u .t au interest rate of 6% per annui pald haif yeariy. A - 1961 1960 1959 Iii -reopAUWiU wno wa LU UuiiIa up *UIUU ;apiti i -People'- who are unsurs of the Stock Market --People who want ta provide for Estates Tex and Succession Duties ut For Corne in Troday t. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST& SA I MES CORPORATION voutAnnuD19 slmomeo t. N. Oshawa 723-522,1 or savics 23 XIng et. W. BowmasVllle 04527i - ------ - ------ ---------- - - - - - - - MMI «WVý- -il 11963 */0'