1%. 9mdiaii. Stat«mm w, R wM % rél Tb4 10 &octeal & Personal Plone 623-3303 tr-u& lt;P&ul.*Nimg r.tfiPbtl Jr. wPent Sun- yWbM. and Mt. BID R~I4SOTHChristian i&.form.d Church Chirgél bM H *nCr f oi en son."H Mes spil e "'6 p Dack To God Hèm CKLft Evury Sunday, 9:13 pm& TRINITY UNI LHutchison and famliy, Dunn ville. Mm Margaret Vanstone, Montreal, Que., apent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vanhtone King St. West. M.r. and Mrs. Norman James, Kingston, were weekend vissi- tors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Alin and Mr. and Mis. S. R. James. Weekend guets witth Mr. and Mrs. Terry Masters and femily, Parkway Crescent, were the formner s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell of Guelph. Miss Jenny Moule, North Devon, !ngland, and her un- cie, Mr. William Fry, Brock St., O-chawa, visited this week with Miiu Mildred Wiilmott, Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johns, Liberty St. North, were Sun- day visi tars with their deu- ghter enid son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ron McDonald and fâm- ily, Belleville. Mr m. James, Montreal, Que., visited his mother, Mrs. Geo. .W.James, Horsey St., on Saturday. Br. James wasi ITED CHUR(HI Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr'. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.n. - Morning Worship #BRAS SHIELS FOR GOLD" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Internediat. and Senior 11:20 a.m. - Primat>' and Kindergarten 11:00 a.m. - Degmuners 5 KING ST. -W: Toronto- attendlng the O.W A ful moan, and flred NA. convention. jwas the setting for a skatingr Ut. and Mrs. Stars norr's'i p ta Darlington Provli- orend,' Wayne, Seven andiaoi Park, . Saturday, when tJaVid,' Mt an«& Mm . Ron several couples from the P-ne White, Douglas- andi D1an Ridge Promenaders and spent an enjoyable weekend SWingla ' Bows got together at Tory HIil on- a "'Ski-ddo" fj r an CveiIIW out. After a Party. couple of* hours of skating, Mr. nd Ms~ D Cax Mrtiey returneci ta the home nf adMrs. JacM» Harriso, Mr. Dave and Lorraine Coty and Ts.JackHaris, rswhere a délightful evenlng of Ralph Ames, Mis. L8z17Han- round and square dancing and cock, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Finn, unhwa ejye l and Mr. and Mrs. David Pres- lnhwsej son atte-nded the Bush-White- Mîr. and. Mrs. Donald Ven- man wed.ding last Saturday in ton, Mary and Scott, Weston, Retihel United Church, Stir- were weekend guests of Mr. ling. and Mrs. Sydney Venton. On Mr. and Mrs. Claie AlEn, Saturday evening a few ai R.R. 4. bave returned icnDDnald's cousin~s were invitedi t,cc,.nne.nylng tiheir s-n John Ito his parents' home for 9.1 to linais State Coîlege ati singsong. Mr. and Mrs. Syd- Urbare, Ill., where he bas ney Venton spent the stormy now cr:mmiencedl studies to- weekend, twa weeks ago, at ward a P'h.D. in Science. Thev their daughter Audra-y's h..me a-soe vigited with cousins in in Hamilton, while they (Mr. Herington, Kansas. and Mrs. Larry Murdock) at- tended their "Unit Step'" con. Mr. and Mis. Ross Clrk,vein in Dyo, hi Town, Mr. and Mis. AI.. E vTey werevery ayn Owio Ilott an.d chiidren, WhitbyTe.wr eynal nw and Mr. Dennis Clarke, 03h- ed in. awa, were Sunday dinner Mrs. Edith Martyn, Mr. and guestq witih Mr. and Mrs. A. Mmi. E. G. Clemence, Oshawa, J. Clarke, Lamibs Lane, the Mrs. Macriorie Foran and Mr. occaslon being in celebration Sidney Morris, Town, were of the brhday., of several of recent afternoon tea guets those present. with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rab- Dinnr gusts n Sudaycock, Ontario St. The next with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Haar daTuMy eray3d were their eon and daughter- i being Mvr. and Mrs. Bab- in-aw M.. ndMrs. Chas. V. ccvk's weddin.g annlverury mn-.a, Mi andand Mr. Babcock's birthday, Hoar, Barbara and Tom, Wil they had as aiternoon tee lowdtale, Mr. and Mr.s. Harold fr.LueTal, Hoar, Downsview, Mr. and gess Rm uie Mis. I Mrs. H. E. Kerr and Patsy, MrscNEughton ndéMr> Bud Osh-aw-a. Visitais on Sun-dey Pethick, Town. AIa intBte with Mr. and Mrs. Hoar were aternoon, Miss Mario.le Cie- Mr. and Mrs. Rocs Boyd and mence and ?&s. Ellen Dux- Ken, Newcastl e. bury-, Ne-wcastle, called at the At Massey Hall on Mcnday. Babcock home, and Mr. and February- 7th, Internafiônai Mrs. Joh.n Ashton and Mary, Artists presented M a r 1l y n Pickering, spent the evenlng4ý Horne, mezzo soprano, ac- with the Babccks. comoanied' by Givendolyn On llà vnnFbu W1liams Kôldotsky.- Mrs. l. y- F4,ay- mevnofretu-s dofsky was -born in- Bowman- atry 4,a nuMbr ai Re Ltiv ville. Amonq- tiiose atnlgate'shere a fos.r.a L Wor- were Mft.- Hàrold La-pp. Nor- srdenahoe if o a pfiern is., Ne.,onO rIn ragg, is.approaching birthday an Feb- C. . NWIghtOb, one .M. ruar-Y: 7t1-. The evenng was C. A Wigt, Twn.spent play-ing cards anid visit- Bow'manvilIe resident, R. K.- ing. Her nieces served a de- Dewell, Nelson St., was a re- liciaus lunch, includlng blrth- cent winner on a major cash day cake. During, the even-irig eccitest now being- staled* by Mrs. Vcrden was msa pie- a To>ronto- nadia station. His eented wiVh a beautiful con- prize ofi $50.00 was won on ta-mer aif 'm-unis, Iovely carde CHIJlWs- QCash Caravan. Mr-. and other- gits. On Sunday DeweUl qualified for- the prize 'alternoon there wms a vezy by being the- tliret persan ta ha'ppy gatherin-g af ber niecesi cal! C-HUM fromn Bowmnanvilie a'nd nepbews. two aino wheir-thie gazne was- played were celebrating bi1rthdays 0on shortly aifter 7:00 p.m. on 1Fe-b. 7th, narnely Mrs.* John A PRICES GOOD UNTIL FEUB. 12 SUPER SPECIAL CON FIDETSF SUGGESTED UISTSlc 2for-83c- FOR PHOTO MUN ON VALENTINE'DAY. ~..CVIU1UA FLASH uJioS LWMIUIBULBS, AG1 - AGiR M2 - M2B SUGO. IST $1,80 sl,949 SUGG. LIST $1.92 12'. $105,9 1 TAKE EXCEDRIN FOR. PAIN. THAT'REALLY 'HURTS SUGGESTED lisT7ý$1.25 36'.$ 00 SYLVANIA INSIDE FROSTED LIGHT BULBS- 40.60. 100 WATT -m - PHONE 623.05792 'hcUvê:ontheSixth.. Une. Comingbune ha pyintoupiehalive I ~a- Comingmbnasyrvicengwas as al treached anthie. text '«And P'eter",. poinhing out the-. di-- ererit aspects ai this - disciple' oi Jeus and how we are ofen like Peter in aux actions .aîd.« works. Miss Anne Foster was at the organ and aur choir Sang "The Cburch in the Wild- woad". 1h was a beautiful Sunday marning but the ah- tendance was very low. The flowers on'- the communion table were In memory a Etta Boyd whose funeral wms irom the Barlow. Funeral Homne . n Thursday. We extend.. the sympathy oi the community ta lher farnlly. Mrs. Reg Efliott and Joyce arrived home irom Florida last Sunday and were surpris- ed. ta see, such a bad snow- Storm.. Ouests wltb Miss Catherine Stewart on the weekend were hier. niece, Miss Jean Lait- bouse, R.N., Miss Moray Grant, R.N., Mr. Danny Keane and Mr. Bill Bevington oi Toron- ta.. Aiter getting stuck In the snow, misa. having some car- Itrouble, they finally got bac3 ta Toronto an Tuesday. Ih was quite an experlence for folks w-ha are used ta cihy living. Mrs., Chas. Thompson is spending, a few days in Co- bourg wlth ber sisters Mrs. IBurwash.and Miss McBride. IWe were glad ta see Mr and Mrs.- Chas. Gay ai Bow- tnanviile ah church an Sun- The- Ehatemi PentecostaI1 day morning at il am., Feb. Ms.W.HFstrad rs Bible Colle ge Ensemble will ha i3th. M. . Foser anit d h Mrs. presentin te Gospel in Word The Ensemble has traveledRC. Whlhse in otedwiHope and sang ah the Pentecostai hhroughouh Canada and theR.C.mWnit Hn osptal.oe Church, 75 Llberty St. S. Sun>trUnited States. They are i~n Cmt t sit raougheCii day marning only. Pastor constant demand because ai nPeebrug ii E.udra. made arrangements ta'1 their - highiy skilled. ability tahopsta as Wasreportedfobut have this highly acclaimed.sing. The Ensemble wilî pre-hoetagtersonfrn singing group lmost 15 monhhs sent hymni, antheme and spur- operation. ago. The- wiii. ba singing inlituais. Miss Terry West spent the the Worship Service only. Theý The members ai the Enseni- stormy weekend with bier Pentecostal àhstembly consid-;bIc will aise take charge ai grandparcnts, Mr. and Mrs. J. ers it a rare priviiege ta have the entire- Sunday School pro- Stapletoir. thhcrn corne ta Bowmanvllle. ceedings and present a musical There are 32 members in the programme for ail those pies- choir- wbicb. includes- twa stu-1 cnt in- Sunday Schaol. dents from Africa-. and the rest{ Rev. - Victor G. Brown, the of the members arc fram'Vice-president af the, Eastern Ontario,, the States, Newfound.;!Pentecostal Bible College will land, Maritimes, and' other' be addressing- the congregation- Smith, Director ai Music ah the sacred co'ncert prcscnted the Eastern Pentecostal Bible by the Ensenmble. College will be dirccting titis The public 15 cardialiy In- populai, group of - singçrs.-Sun- vlted ta attend'this service.I BLACKSTOCK (Intended for- last week) Monday, January-31st. Bore we are - aU snowed ln - and ýstill. snowing- and, biawing. Snowpioughs are out but it is fiiling ln faster- thair they can clear roads; No schooi buses. able tor get through.. Although it was nowing- iieavily Su n-.la.yý mornlng. services ln both churches were well atteniÉied.. By- time ta re- tt-rnr hoeme it was blowing bard. and visibility very poor. Amr far as we know ail got ta their homes safeiy. But those whctwevr%Ëedlg: the They were presented with flowers and mar birtthday giftas, and Mm-. Wcrden also reteived a lovely- birthday coke and'n'umxerouts gifts fromn aUl' present. Out - of - town guests included' Mr. and M. Kenneth Acheson, Toronto, Miss Marion- Beihnan-, Cave- nant College, Toronto, Mr. and iv&s. Jôbn-. HUiIs, Mill-. brook. Al- were 5 a'cicek- din- nier guests-, at tée- home of Mrtr Worden, 8 Brown St. uple Wed Years Ago At Kendal Over 200 guestà irom Orilhia, Port Perry, Brookiin, Whitby, Port Credit, Don- Milîs, Peter- h.aogh, Pantypool, Orono. Ncwhanviiic., Kendal, Boaw- manville and Oshaw-a cailed-ta congrahulahe Mr. and. Eft& Binia Tathersali, Nanquon Road North, Oshawa, on- Uic occasion ai their 5th wedding anai- versary recently. Mr. and Mrs. Tattersall, the former Mary Hoy, daughhcr ai thc late Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Hay, wcre married in Kendal, January 13, 1916, by the lace Reverend Burnie of Torontn. -Their attendants wcre Mr James Hoy and Miss Mary Tebble. Mr. and Mrs. Tatter- sali have iived la the Oshawa area all their married Uie. They have three children-, Margare (Mrs. Frank Con.- lin); Geraldine (Mrs. Morley Mullèn) and a son, Gardon Tathersali, eaU aofOshawa;. There are eighh grandchildren. Mr..- Tathersail bu. opcrated a. lumber and builders' suppiy business for a number ai Yeats ah the. "Five Points" until hi* retit!emenh lest year. The: guestm were rccelved by Mms Mlden, Mm'. ConlIn and Mr. Gardon Tattersali. Grand- daugliters Susan and Evelyn Tattersali w-ee i charge ai Uice guest baak. Mns. Thomas Soloman, Mrs. Edward Brown and Mis. Walter Vivian poured teat at a tes table ccnhred wlthh a thrce-tier anniversary cake, ilanked by gald candles. Those servlng were. Miss. Marlene. Mullen,a granddaughter and hwo ofi ber rienda, Miss Cindy Glaver and Miss Joan Watts and Uic couple's. ices, Mis. Robert Stainton, Mrs. Stanley Hfy, Mrs.. Ieth Woods Mrs. AlxHoy, Mrs. George dâolien and Mr.. Gardon Tattersall. Mr. and Mrs. Tattersal were presented wlhh a cMatai Ptl laiirpaeaccessanlea aCe many iler g 9 , lowers and carda. Thcy rcccivcd messages from thc Prime Min- Ister, Uic Riglit Honorable Les- ter ]Y. Ptaraon; the. Leader oi the- Oepauitibn; Uic Riglit Hon- orable, John Diefcnbakcr; Uic Honorabie- Miéhael S t a r r, M.P.; the-pl -Minuster et Ontario; the.- XHoerable John Rébattu; Mr. A. V. Walker. M.L.A, end: wplaqu., trom the Povtmcial: o1ram weekcnd ah their homes did net get back. Those w-e have heard af being stili ah their bomnes- are: Jini Byers froni Kernptville, Misses Mable Van Camp and Linda Vcnning and Mr. and Mrs. Bey Deaiy ai Toronto; Miss Elaine Mount- joy- and Paul Rahm ai Peter- borough. A. good. number froni this aiea visited ah the Comstack Funeral Home Friday, or at- tended the funcral ai Mis. Leslie Graham in Millbrook. Saturday. Bath Mr. and Mrs. Graham were former Cart- wright'residents. At thie. Couples' Club Wed- nesday evening the Retiring Presidents prcsided and Mrs. Bruce Maunhjoy opcned the meeting by rcading a lether written. by Dr. Mclnhyre ai Uxbridge, explaining why he and. Mrs. Melntyre bave gene ta- India for four months. Mis. Keith Van Camp gave* a suni- mary ai* the past year's work. Failowîng officers were ap- poinhcd for 1966: Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lainier; Secretaries, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lee;, Treasurers, Mr.. and - Mrs. Richard Van Camp. The Treasurer, Mrs. Ivan Thomp- son gave their report. Mis. Neil Malcalm showed 'slides of local intetesh. Mrs. B. Mauntjoy led the devohions. Lunch and social tme- broughh a pîcasant even- ing ta a close. Very sorry ta report the- borne ai Mr. and Mrs.' A. C. Hait yzcr and iamiy- (two: miles sauth- and two west of Blackstack) w-as completely. demoiishcd by fie Friday marning-when the furnace-ex- ploded. Thec accupants were fortunahe in gething ouit witiî jush the clothes they werc wcaring, wbilc eatîng break- fast. Canon and Mrs. Ashmare moved ta their ncw, home in Peterborough, Friday. Agood number ironi here atcnded the funerai ai Mrs. Leslie Grahami in Millbrook, Sahurday. GIad ta repart. Mrs. Ed. Harris able ta came ironi bas- pital in Taronte- and is visit- mng ber daughher and iamuly, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahaiiy. Grant andi Neil. Mr;. and Mrs. Wilbert Arch- er apentý Saturday wihh. Mr. and-Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bow- rrsnville. Sympatby is extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Archer on the death af ber niece in Beaverton on Sunday. Approxirnately 45 young people, 14 ai whom were Yel- verton iriends, enjoyed a pleasai)t social evenlng Thurs- day at the arena - a skatingi part y sponsored> by Blackstock Hi-ýC. Games and simple treats were given as prizes. The ev- ening's entert.alnment w a à topped with bat chocolate and do-nuts. A goad nunaber attendéd the Wamen's Institute euchre Wednesday night. Prize win- ners werc: hlgh lady. Mrs. WiUl Farder; high. gent, Mr'. Chas. Smilth; lucky draw, Mri. Cecil Hall. KENDÂL 1" ' 1, iok! On accotnt of Me was uable ta get the, news i. 1h réally vas a blizzard and blacked roads was the arder at the. day. The schooi buses were unable ta o 80 thc sehools were = udon :c a B U~ Mto Mr. and MConç Stapeton Who woe marriesin la dal *Unit- edCurcn the eëiI!jof White. Mrs. Staplet wu -o 2for, 494l56 BUFFERIN COLGATEý WITH.Di-ALMINA TE* DENTAL CREAM WITH GARDOL FOR. FAST* PAIN'RELIEF TODAY'S REST TOOTHPASTE: BUY 8UGGESI i SUGGESTED. ýLislrfLw slo67LIST $1.1997 FACELLI ROYALE WRT. AVE W£ O GIST ED MAN'S SIZ CO NTAC-mC. FACIAL TISSUES îo's * 'l fàr6 ScSUGGESTED Special 2.r65$Lu___ ___ ____ ARRID CÏRMDERODIX&r sum ur m6qc- D E L SE Y TonJrln&nSU~w "M.AM 2for 29c ENO. FRUIT SALIS LAEGE SUGG. Lis? $1.19- 99 c LADY PAIRKI2w,îmmIo ewsmmy usSSte79c: OSTOCO DROPS w'ssz3.19« m I C R I R OEUL AN1LReZTC SUGG. LIST $LIS 79c- INIVEA.CREME 14 CM s.a 1.0119 VITAUS. with V7 4-oz su<r.-usr e73 c *RECK.SHAMPOO CRIME RINSE 4 oz IrZ(M.AmD ~$t. VALUE;, e131 III WfbPES-CRI PTION S ANUSOL HEMOKRHOIAL SUGG. LIST $1.50 sl.27 Ow mmN~ mmPower SPRAY DEODOEANT 70Z; SUGG.. LIST4ia 147 1. D. A& REMEDIES (Intended foi' let week) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Me- Mahan, Mr. and Mis. A. Jack- son, Toronto, Mis. R. C. Da- vldaoe, Harrowgate, Engiand, were weekend guets ofiMMr. and Mme. Aldin Hoar. Mr. Jack Hatherly, Newton.. I ville, Mr'. and MTs. Harry Hatberly, Toronto. visltedJ their mather, Mii. Annie Hatheriy. Mrs. Hatherly re- turned ta Toronto with ber son-ic'r the wInter mcnths. The Tyrcu f rom H-ampton and Tyrone played hockey cn the Tyrone rink Saturday, Jan. 29th. The score was 4-3 for Tyrone, The scorers were Danny Taylcr two, Rleky Blowers- and- Bruce Gob!e. Lunch was served'ah Mr. AI- fred Xnowlton's.- Mrs. A. Kncowton, Mrs. P. Vaneyk, Mrs. Jchn Ccombe-; and Mrs. S. Gable attended the Home and- Soho>ol -.Parent Educatlc'n in Oe-iawa. Mrs. M-abel Wilkinson, Oeh- awm. iseent the weekend wlthh Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs. .1 Congratul2ti*ons ta Mr. and Mrs. Lul.4,-,er Hôoper wba qulctly celc-brahed their 59th' weddini-Z annlversary on Snn- de-y, January -Sth. Mir. and M.rs. Donald Davey viere Saturday evenirig rguesta of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gable. Club 49 beld their annual dinner at the "Coach and Four" last weck whcn 20 were present, a-ter which they were entertained at the home of a meiber, Mrs. J. C. Cook. A, iarewell gift was oresented ta Mrs. H.' Skinner before m-oving ho her new home. There were cigbt tables ai Euchre on Frldmy nlght. The prizes wcnt ta Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Jr., S-smn Reyenga. Irene Rcyenga and Ted Wood. Mr. and Mii. S*. Gable. Leslie and Bruce, Miss* Marie Milîson were supper guests oi Mr. and M-s. Kelth Gable. on Sunday. Sundsy zmorning servie was very wdil attencd. The ,Jun- ior Choir sang very nlcely, wlth- MiàsAni Skinne- e orgeniat. Pentocostll Church 73lLiberty lit,. 8 -Phon.e133-51W rester: gev. &.L udra, B.i. Hear the Hlghly Acclàlmed BASTE19N PEN" CSAL BIBLE COLLEGE, M24EUBLE1 resent -thieGospell lim- Word md Song!, k5a anm open Session- With ,the, College.Studoatm 11 ame. lhe EnsembIé-Shgingr You Are Cordially. Invîted "Where Uic Word et Ord là m. ot uW 1 V P C S PLS WsEKEN SEI, g, g ~M. sPEaAL! tOc Off Deul A&P INSTANT COFFEE Jam9 Choke QuaIIty A&P PEAS 4«i49C M LOiIS TenderWn Pou". 3 TO 3'-LS Centre (ut Roast or Chops si89c PORK LOIN CHOPsmt Fry ?à 99C SUPER-RIGHT. QUAU SAVE 41<- CHICKEN (IUBLETS '629 "e4 MAPLE LEAF PURE (CW.EN FOR PATMIS PORK SAUSAGE MEAT F.59C frui nits £ Vepvu e N.B., White, Flffy, Cooken CANADA No. 1 GRADE POTATOES 501b bsg 00"du Ydhkw, Ne. 1 G0", BANANAS buic Jam. Parker Ree. Prim .*"h Mo- lVE PUMPKIN. sim.~ PIE *.s-"49dw FAB' m COL-MI aMRGAINE__2&59c, sPEWAU TYRONI SUGGESTED LIST 2 FOR. 59e Super-Righi Quolit>' PORK RIB PORTION 17 RIS) lb ALEX McGREGOR 0 DRUOS. A»m -pan, PL&NUT OUTTR, a ~i~IIi g. Au; puoo b an Uks-Ad 3@Ï"-t. k»a