~~N~"'~T - r y .; <. ,5 lteaches an Oppýrtun1ty Clasgs - i AjMm. Fred Billett. Searbor- gous 'ahered nt the altariThe CanadianSatsa at Sumrnit Heights Publieo'4tn Anniversary ough.* were gue sts of Mr. and whein Miss Betty Wright pre- Betty Pickrhois atnd.s Ml-s. Rov McGili. (sented their gift of $50 o. t < . 1 > 1 and Miss ~Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh-,M. & m. Treasurer Mi .L.RyYnad aod esocial & -D,.rersonia ing North Toronto Shaw's ton, Bowmanville, Mr. and Wearn. The Christmas morn- Among the ayb Business College, are spend- Mrs. Leslie Leighton and ing service was well attended floral tributes vîec 1 n h oiaswt hi fanily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. by the three congregations. eee n wihted Phon 6233303parets, r.an Mrs HowrdEugene Sewell and family, Rev. Dougherty gae er as heid. Wer9 hq r iikradsister Margaret. Courtice. were Christmas Day message 1rmLksvrin 1The Canadian Imperial Bank guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grant of the Messiah's coming. The Miss Patty Poole, McMaster, W. A. Edger, Wellington of Commerce Christmas Staffmuca nmbr eepo Unverîty, s hoe forChrit- Steet.Party was held on WednesdayC nr nshldy.Sorry te report Mrs. S. R. vided by the choir fron, l n ashidy.Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard'afternoon, December 15, from' Pethick is in Bowmanvîlle Burketon Churoh. e t .ajjryHatly Ryrsc Poy-and MWs; Janice Hubbard,:3:30 tc' 7 p.m. at the residence 11 Iicai Institute, Toronto. is Trenton, spent Christmas with of Mrs. Robert GuI, a merl-MmrilHsta.W W1I The Christmas Day gather- .iWde for Christmasr holidays. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and ber of the staff. King Street. lier a speedv recovery. ing of Mrs. E. C. Ashton Jiie I ~ Mr. and Mrs. Je* TurnerlMr A. R. Hubbard, Alexan-IA delicicus buffet lunch was ~ Mr. and Mrs. K. Viehover, family was held at the Com- Di itUV Toronto, spent ChritYas witlhder Bivd. served. There was an exchange Mgd n oi.Ensiln ubt al urnr' mIh~,Mrs. V.1 Mr. A. R. Hubbard was an!f gifis and games were en-MrM.JiUivsiyo M.an !lzTurnr'ng M.c.allers t nR.J.rmityofs Mrnandgirs.Zin, Mr. Da-' ,Storey, hnd Dr. Storey. recent guest of Mr, and Mrs.1joyed. Waterloo, were Sunday even- manan Mgrs. Ke, îtCrDea-'5 t .51Pat Vinish wbo attends thelA. Vigar and Mrs. E. W. Vigar,; Christmas visitors with Mr. vîd Stainton, BrîghOrmiton. M!s5 Canadian Memorial Chiroprac-1 Norwich. and also visited Mr.' and Yr.A ajrîo nkM.adMs .GradBi~ ile eeCrs tic College, Toronto, was home'and Mrs. Royal Whitfield of Gerald, Flett St., were Miss l'and family, Haydon. were mas Day giuests at Mr. and for Christmas and the holi- St. Catharines. Louise Harniman, Willowdale, Sundav visitors at Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton's. Miss Doris Ol i gays. The Toronto-Dominion Bank Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Fraser Mirs. W rfi'.M . ad tino returned back ta Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey,!Christmas District Staff Party and daughters Lynn and Mar- Ms J. Belle and family, u HptaonM dy.Ctrl ntr King St. East, spent Christmasfor its Oshawa, Bowmanville jorie, Mr. George Syvret, Ohawa werHcasers.arl onl rceiv an Eve and Christmas Day with and Whitby branches was held Hanmpton, Mr. and Mrs. Clin- Mr. S. RThe Compaors has relatives in Newmarket and on a recent evening at the ton Begg, Detroit, Mich., and Christmas Day'N guest of Mr. OTThalesaDeei Thornhill. Oshawa Tennis Club. M.adMr.BbMajri ndMs . ehc adRt.UARY alace anhe E. . PWrit anid wRenuh.16 I Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Os- Christmas weekend guests' son, Town. Th *E aigt MrandMiARHU c BUGEeheyea ed ev borne spent Christmas Day with Dr. and Mrs. Keith Sle- In the accounit of the South entertaî,ned tM. adMrs.A RU. balance rthe belo with their nephew, Mr. and mon and family were Mr. andCorieGautnmeig J. Muller's, Oshawa, on Thurs- The death of Arthur C. Bur- the depior il Mrs. Robert Eagleson, Alan Mrs. J. R. Thompson, St. Cath- recently published in The day evening. and Susie. Oshawa. arines, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B.iStatesman, it was inadvertent- . at Memorial Howlsh gsae62Ysi, ow- ter4l,%yp Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawkcr Thompson of Ben Rockwood11yommitted that Miss Marg- nreturned home from Zweid-ai eoalHstlBW1 ery Vinelnd aret Down thanked the Home niicken, Gray n ilb manville, on Wednesday, De-ý were C hris t ma sweekend a.and School Association on be- sato e a lnt, nt a!- I th 52,165 H hd ee ý guests of their son and daugh- Mr. adMrs. Ernest Foley, hi o h gauae ortetierjan. 4,196. On., ' minfailing health for the past ewliflgss a tri-aM.and Mrs. Chas. Mrs. Bert Colwell and Mr.îspecial in addonations MteSo-o!theraeJM.nad.Ms.,ai196r6.ma Cawker o! Foxboro. mas wend an Boxing D a Fieldadn e.I rpadMs o apoM. o ftelt r n r. ad Misspent wHmi-ma eeedand thin ayF eld rad n ue.I n New Year's Day will as usual be a big day at Donald Post, Campbellford, William George Burgess, the:Dee eriCe MsJuyBuhHm-.with Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Col-'tehm ofM.adMs .CnCnreS.Ihni Mr- and Mrs. Norman Moore, deceased was born at Whitbv. Mnt deth C Ntrng, i sp itmasc l ohwell, Susan, Tommy, and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Mo!- tehm fM.adMs W.CnCnr t hnTrenton. were weekend issuviedbvhi wfe satnthatbca; torngCvi sp hitas ihoo o!' eHil.fatt, Vince and Gail, Toronto, they celebrate their xvedding anniversary. This Will of Mr. and Mrs. Bil guellts .He i uvvdb i i-ý ttn her parents, Mn. and Mrs. JackHaheCo il.Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moffattý be their 64th. The photo above was taken on their Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Ho*wells. the former Vera Yýeo. generall: ihri Brough, Horsey Street. 1 Miss Jane Oliver left Tues-land Steven, Whitby, Mr. and! 6th, back in 1962. tibrcle i h o-MB urgess 1942 o! apin eiatio t dy ta continue her studies at Mr. »Ie Tennant, Mark!eî't i' r.Moe mnî îc o, K ri ndgrs. E .st V. t hr- i ton ic Hsptl and Lynn, Town, Mr. and Mrs.1 Happy Birthday, who has a ing here fron, Cobourg, andL KigS.EssetCrs-School o! Nursing after a ten-. Ron Moffatt, Kevin and Chrîs a enanati hs b! Db 31 maIween it her o dyChitms oEdyw hChristmas Day birthday hdbe naeti hi ra eoismd anma weeen whMt.ein dayC tmshlda ihand M. and Mrs. C. Nickerson E * N I 1S K ~I.LL E N Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller with the Metroplitan Life Im-1 before ec1e an dugte-n-aw M. nher mother, Mrs. Edsall Ohi- ail of Oshawa, spent Christ-:-adDny.OhwM n surance Company for 23 years.i interest rt swl ansd Chas. V. oarBrar e, ocsso t.Es. mas Day w!th M. and Mrs.I Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobs ry left by jet to spend Christ- Mrs. Ron Clemens and boys, He~ was a member of Trinitvi eoeDcnbr3 and am, illodal1 Miss Tina Hughes, St. Jos-î Allen Moffatt, Prospect St. visited Mr. W. G. Rodman mras and the holidays wt r uryAxod apoUnited Chunch, and was als'o! pany's ofcesi Mn.an Mn. n, R.Eder eph's Hospital School o! Nurs- who is ili in Lindsay. Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry in were Christmas Day guests of a member o! Florence Night-I Centra nai Debbie and Randy, Peterbarliîng, Pet erbo ro ugh, spent Mn. and Mrs. G. Graham,! Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs Cardiff, Wales, and other re- Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrig.ht, Daris ingale Lodge, Independent! nedIvsmn oughM. w ers he Mday isiasChnistnmas with ber parents, Wilwae eeget ! attended the Darlington Tea- latives and friends in Eng- Lawrence and Betty. Order o! Odd Fellows No. 66 5ya ensad5 wit M. dgn mthn, MrM. and Mns. Glenholmethisa-nlw nddgte, chers Association dinner at land. M.adMs alCos and o! the Beehive Rebekah! Hughes, and will be home for Mn. and Mns. E. G. Wesseîîs teHtlGeoh.MMr.H .GrgMsr . an G rov E r Css3 agBwavil.TeCma holidays until aften' New liver Christmas. Mr. and Mrs.1teHtlGnsa r.H .Geg ess ipeGoe eeSnq ogBwavle h BOW anVll eas.Frank McBride, David, Clif- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry ýDonald and Michael Gregg, callers at Mr. and Mrs. W. Surviving, bEsides his wife, paintings yth Bo ma vll Yas. Mn.Te Gdarfornd indna McBnide, Scr nd famniv Timmins, Mr. andlGlen une Maryland, were Howells'. rWnidaghter and three sons., Richard MroI e M.ad r.TdGdadborough, visited Mr. and Mns r.Bv elJci n:hitna ekget tM.Ms ageieWih tMrs.JmsBir, wn , uinegepstr Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Wessells o udy ai David, Murdochville, Que lîand Mrs. A. Sharp*s. Mn. and Catharines, Mn. an'd Mr,' N: eebruh MlilWl- f A I McKay, Niagara Falls, andýMcBride remained until Tues-IMn. and Mr.s. Bill Werrv and Mrs. Ross Sharp and familY, E. Wright, Mn. Herbent ian, and Wayne, ail of Bow- regular buies1o renie osiai Mn. and Mns. J. W. Herold,:a n eundt lw, Tirnmy, Mn. Cantreil and Su- Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Wright, Janice and Linda mnil.TeeaeI rn- 9 9to 9 on0] dysa London, spent C hni s t ma sdale with bis gnandpanents,lsan, Orono. Mrs. Aima Peri-, farmily were Christmas Day were Sunday tea guests at children. The Bwavl C hh weekend with Mr. and Mns.' Mn and Mrs. G. Graham. goe, Miss Marilyn Perigone 'guests o! A. Shar-p's. E. Wnight's. Also surviving are three popciecsoe C urch Laurence Goddard, George, Caesarea, Mn. and Mrs. F. W.1 Mrs. Charles Labanovich The nain on Christmas Eve sistens, Mrs. Mary Waghorn acscts n erl iSLbr~~ Street. Mn. Gardon Yen, Mary and Werry were Christmas Dayj and Susan, Port Penny, visit- was no deterrent ta oun Hi-C O! Cobourg, MrS. Beatnice 1966.nt 7LietSi9Neil, Enniskillen, Mn. and Mrs. guests of Mn. and Mes. Tedi ed wvith Mrs. M. J. Hobbs. ndJ. hormebsan Micll !Gnnwo an 1 96 Phn.12-500Mn ad rs H J Bb-Ted Yeo, and girls, Whitby, Werry. i Mn. and Mns. William OIe- leaders, Mrs. E. Wright and Mns. Walter Dunn o! Tenante.' Patr:Rv.A Kia.Bl cock spent Christmas in Ton- Mn. and Mns. Delbert Yen and WMn. and Mes. Roy Wcrry, suk, Oshawa, spent Christmas Mn. A. J. Wernv, in their de- The funeral service was ICE Putr: ev A.Kuda.B.T. onto, guests o! Mn. and Mns. Lorna, Oshawa, Mn. Brian and family, Timmins, Mn. and l Eve with iMn. and Mrs. M. J. sire ta visit the homes in our held fnom the Morris Funeral' 9:55 ar..and D.Avhtonewton. ShaonJones, Oshawa, Mns. Leo Led- Mns. Bey, Veale and fanI 1 Hobbs, and Mn. and Mrs. M. cornmunity with thein annual Chapel, Bowmanville, on Fnl-' AGoigget tthe Ashton her dy, Bwanvl, hwM. and's udcvleQeaehl-1 J. Hohbs were thein guests at canol sin.ging. The pnoceeds day. Decemben 24th., and ws Grd y oing ge stsDr.at d borne. CAllin Be. ard, Cosbaaut, Mn. anddaying ith M . and Mrs. F.; a Christmas dinner. from the generous donations conducted by Rev. George K.1 Àu da toolwn elr handMr nd . -Mns. Han r ny dColacttBue;aW- .Wern. i Mr. and M s. E. A. Werry were very gratifying. At the Ward, B.A., B.D. of Trinitxr[ il .m.ton Gulph Mn an Mn. mnvileMn.andMns Brce Mn. and Mns. Allan Wcrry' xere Sunday suppen guests cf' conclusion cf thein tour tbey United Church. Interment was' NetnAshton, Joanna and Reid and family, Enniskillen, and amilv spent Chiristmasl Mn. and Mns. A. Werry and wenre ententained at the ho-nein Bowvmanville Cemetery. j ONAISD "ABBECALN E Brenda, Stnat!ord. wene Christmas day guests o!' Day with 'Mn. and Mrs. Ross! family. cf Mn. and Mrs. Ro'ss Ashtonî Palîbeanens wene Messrs. OF S Bow FOR HE NW VER" jMn. and Mrs. Otto Bragg, Mn. and Mns. Sam, Adams and Lee. Kedron. Mr. andi Mrs. K e n nl e t hl to a delicicus buffet supper. Macî,Yo oetMthell, Mn. ennth Bagg Shw'sKeIY, Twn.Mn.and rs.Veion Rat;:I Lamb, Oakville, Mn. and Mrs. On Sunday monning these Clifford Yeo, William Mthell,____ Mn.an45s.R.J,.twat, Christmas dinnen guests Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. xvj IRalph Lamb and Mns. Ga--_____ _______ 6:45 .rn.Southampton, Rev. and Mns. xiti Mn. and Mns. Howard E. Sanderson, Columbus, wene[ bargen were Sunday visitons, Organ and Piano Prelude Gea. C. Smith, Mark and Pickand and three daughtens' Sunday evening callers at Mn., at L Lamnb's. Becky, Oshawa, wene Christ- included Miss Joanne Pittman, and Mrs. E. Wrigit*.M.". and Mrs. Reg Weaving c J 7 p.m. ýmas guests at the home o! necenlly o! Calgary, Albenta, Mnr.and Mns. H. A. Banronj and Riekey, Ancaster, Mr. and â JJ "H WT HV Misses Leta and Ruby Bragg, and now nesiding here, Mn., Hampton, accompanied Mn., M'rs. Carry Beckett, Enniskil- "H W [HAE Concession S.Ws.adMs Nra aeKr ndMs .A er t o-ln isPt onCu.tc. GOD'S GU RANTEE l On a necent viewing of stan, Ont., Mn. Douglas Janes,î onto International Airpont on' wene Christmas Sna 0F ETERNAL A Pnswering Service", a panel Toronto, Mn. Bnian Watts. Rex-1 Wednesday evening w h teni guests cfMnd Mr.. 'ai 0dO SALVATION" show televised from Tononto, dale, Mn. Bruce Colwcll, Town, Miss Elyne Barron, Mi'ssl Beckett. Wayne and ltîe we wene pleased ta see Dr. Mn. and Mns. Stuart R. James, Bett.v Jane and Mn. Bert Wer- Oni Christmas Dayv Mir. îid WATCH-NI HT Gea. W. Miller as one o! the Tcwn, and their bouse guest,1 M ns. M. J. Hobhs visited Mrs i 1 SERVI ~ panelists. Dr. Miller formed Mn. E mm anu eh Mens a b,Read. Robent and Steveni Wý. C. Rodmnan, South Hav-en' the Northumberland & Dur- Ghana, Africa.i Bow man ville, wene ChristmaslNunsing- Home, Newcastle, friday, Dec. lis1'1t 10:30 han, Health Unit in 1945 and: Mn. and Mns. Hanny Hughes dinner guests o! Mi. and Mrs. land aIse were guests o! Mrs. p.m. with headed it for six yeans. !and Miss Eileen Hughes, spenil Arthur Read and Lynine. Fred Toms and Rev. Mary Ze.W. H. Dawson hMn. and Mrs. Geo. W. Gra- Christmnas with-Mr. end Mrs. Mnr. and Mrs. Alex Pergen, Alice Doeughenty, Enniskillený and family. a ad1aii ul ilo, were village. and Susanne wene ChistnasTenn., netunning on Monday.1 Christmas guests cf Mn. and' Mr. Joe Rekker, Maple Bright singing, weekend visitons with another Tbey arrived in Memphis just i Ms. Roy Graham and familv.' Grove, Mr. Murray Marshall, preaching, music and daughter and son-in-law, Mn. in time for Mn. Hughes ta flyl Christmas guests with Mni. i Bowmanville, Miss Elsie and c raG 4tiona/ llv. gospel quartet. and Mrs. Gardon Murphy, wîth son Brent and bis tean,, and Mrs. Potts and familv and Albert Oke, Mn. and Mrs. Jimmyan Sandy, Windsor. the Memphis Wings, to Hous- Mns. Martin were Miss Linda! Frank Dorland were Christ- "Where the Word o! God Barbara and children netunned ton, where they played againstl Potts, R.N., WhIitby, Mns. M. mas Day guesLs of Mn. and lanot bound" home with ber parents for athe Houston Appolos on Fni-, lsn isRn raa.'r.C vr brie! holiday. day. On Saturday everynne Mn. and Mns. Jim Grahan,,Mnl 1. and Mns. Camenon Oke., "' ~~~Miss Eleanor Pickard, wbc attended the retunn game in* ried oro'nd Cc Oshawa, wn udydne Memphis in the beautiful new1 gory, Valleyfield, visited býis. guests o'! the C. Averys,Did arena thene. Brent was cedit-1 parentsM'. and Mrs. Leslie lMn. and Mns. E. R. Walker ed with a goal and an assist Graha;,, on Chitas Day, and girls, Tillsonburg,wee5 s-in both games. and were lunoheon guests onl weekcnd visitons at R. Crif- n ST N ES Miss Yvonne Anonicbuk,' Sunday.0 f i n's. Mn. and Mes. John daughter cf Mn. and Mrs. Alexi Mn. and Mn,. R. Ormnistor Belle and family, Oshawa, ', ~~~ ~Anonichuk, Honsey St., left! Mnr.and Mns. Ivan Shlarp and1 Mr. and Mns. Wall'c nfo' KE>UTUiay mrnigN fte 'ai andan d familx' wenee GCh ni is- e tat rejain the Ice Follies' eeCnsms a ussc;Mns. F. Tomns and Mrs. E. WEEK 0F FRAYER cast for a Christmas night per- 1Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Tnewin weee guests e! Me- I1 formance in Philadelphia. Mn. Ronald and Ray.1 Lloyd Slemnon, Haydon. SERVICE and Mns. Anonicbuk and Rex' Mary Alice Dougherty,i Miss Margiutnite WrighS Yvonne wene guests at the Enniskillen, was Sundav din-1 Catharines, spent the holiday. weddng o Mn Donld Jck- ner guest of the Lloyd ý,shton'witl) her parntsMn. and MT O son, a star o! the Ice Follies.1 familv. Ms .E ngt n n'L~R Y S.S n IH A 0 at 8 p.m. Folles CasA, whichtank.placeghtrsndCeonge Tabs.TYadSChnistmsdwith Mn. an 11:20 arn. - Primary and Kindergarten Donald Ferguson, Lar, a l,'-ad e.Ala ry n and Gregory, Ancasten, Dr. Mn. and Mr..-. AnchieMcfaiy Bowmanville, Mn. and100IlnRoufr I 1:00arn -Begnnes and Mrs. W. H. Clarke, BilI l wr udy vstn!Me.LneL bwr hist- 00Iln oufr n 110j..- einr and Kenneth, Toronto, Mn. and .elwr udyvstrýr-on abwrCî IMrs. James Ferguson, Peter- with relatives nt Toronto. j mas Day guests o! Mn. and:~ boraugh, and Mý,iss Ann Fergu- ,Mn. Milton Slemon is spend 1 M.. Stuart Lamb. "' son. Victoria College, Toronto.i iný the Christmas holiday , Mn. and Mns. Wallace Gnif- DESSERTS j Miss Elsie Fenguson a! Ux- Ilth bis son, De. Cordon anù 'fii and family were Chrisýt -* bridge, Mn. and Mrs. nsatMs. Slemon and famiîv, Don mas Day caller at Mrs. N.1$u " lm udn u ndBte ac Renobothn lversides. Zephyr, and Mnr Milîs. Collacutt'sý, Bowmanville. i , Apple Hot Mince Pumnpki] i ad Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mari- Mrs. M. Bentnin,. John and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill'- -Oid Fashioned Rice Pudding (hrist~n Reformed Church byn and John Sandford, were' Birdie spent Christnmas Ex-e spent. Christmas Day withj ae aean c ra ai se Christmas guests o! Dr. n n . Geore ne n Roy Langmaid' ,Fui I eao Re. o ..VebrgeBA. BD Mnstr and Mns. Fergusen.i Bentrin, and familv, Tauinton, Solina. - Strawberry Parfait FutI Re.Joru;Vrbuge .AB..IMnstrad Christmas evening thjeSymrpathy ta Mrs. John; ýTaCofeMl I aivwas vvith Mn.iffno da on thel TaCfe Telephone 623-5023 Bentnim faAfter Dinner Mintsdsay and Mrs. Ron Monnison anid passing 0" ber mnother, the,'fe ine it HAYD N failyOshaa. late Mes. Bennett. M ara athaMr. and Mns. Morris PoHlard Miss Lavenne O rc ha r d M aranatha Snowand nain kept manY, and !'amily spent Chnistmlasi Bowmran%,ille. spent the week- hmonChristmas Day. Some'ý with Mrs. Pollard's parent.z,' end -ith Mn. and Mrs. fmilles ventuned eut to spend, Mr. and Mes. Ennie Lvons,ý Stainton. Rev.H. oes B.A, BD. Tenporry uppy 1IMn. and Mrs. W. BlackburnnMn. Hanvev MeCill, Mrs. J. Hobhs attended the Ma.W Fo Rev.H. oes B.., .D. emprar Suply hehd a fanily gathering oni Ivan Sharp, 'Enniskillen, Mn..5sonie Dinnen. Bowmanville / Christmas Day in the scbool and Mrs. Uoyd Ashton, M,. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs attend. ' NEW YEAR'S EVE SERVICE - 7:30 P.M. building. Guests wene Mr.land Mrs. Ross Ashton calleâled the performance o! the .ji ryto S'ee and Mns. Walten Blackburn et the Peterborough Funierall National Ballet, Christmas . 1 geTvr Re "Mortal Man's Confession About God" and famnil. Don Milîs. M n. oe whee thircoinIlsi. "Nuteracker", at hlie " YUI and Mns. Genald Shackleton,I Mns. Adamsn 1sreîr. O'Keefe Centre. Tenante. ' SUNDA, ilA.M. - "A Fitting Prayer Eric and Ruth, Mr. and Mns 1Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton i Mn. and Mrs. Ross Sharp ' ' io , AsteYa an"Farewell B la ckb u rn and1 and !amily callcd on Mirs1 and family were Christmas . C eet~ As heYer aws"Brian. Salem. Miss Estela Ena Werv, Toonto, on' Sunday guests o!M. and Mrs.1 Ia eýec" Worship Service - 7:30 P.M. Blackburn, Bowmanville. and, Sunday. Lloyd Skinnen. Tyrone. ' tooaL t Mn. and Mrs. John Kingbarn' onv eOnSudyM.nd is 0 eJ'e "Polamn the whole counsel of God" and Elaine, Zion. Ashton was taken to ýMemor-iKeîth McGilI and boys. Mn. 'teW ,,Ono'p4 1 610 jMn, and Mrs. Gordon Dud- 1 ial Hospital, Bowmanville, 0n1and Mrs. James Kinsman and,"" ley. Mr. and Mr& Clayton Sunday. laml.iy, Enflfiskil1en, Mr. and __________________________ in, Bgwmnanville, Dec. 29, 1985 leo. Metropolitan Lite Insurance eautifuliSta!!, Metropolitani Veterans' o! thelAssociation, Beehive Rebekah eceased Lodge. and Flonence Nightin. om thelgale Ladge No. 66. tario Trust Declares n Savings Accounts- ýe Paid in 1966 ?65 Balances o Trust Savings Accaunt Deposit- extra Christmas present this year. announced that Savings Account ier 31st, 1965 wiIl earn 5% per .he account remains at or above I1 during the year 1966. If the w the year end level during 1966 still receive interest at the usual rate paid and campounded quar- !e ta transfer dormant balances 0, per annum or to start Saving ibonus!" a Company spokesman ,tral Ontario Trust's Anniversary *mpany bas gone on record as einterest rates at ail levels are is adding the 5t7, interest "fringe Accounts that qualify as a gesture tls thousands af loyal depositors. to existing Savings Accounts lst, 1965 will quali!y for the 5%, 1as new savings accounts opened Ist, 1965 at either of the Com- )shaNva or Bowmanvllle. >Trust recently raised its Guar- Certificate rate te 6% for 3 te -!J% for 1 and 2 year terms. iprcsently having a shmving of well known Kendal artist, Mr. rthe lobby o! its head office ce Street North in Oshawa and and fniends ta drap in during is. 1. ta 6 Mondays to Thursdays, tnd 9 to 5 on Saturdays. le office w~ould like te remind ns that the gift offer for new iates expires January the 15th, ITRAL ONTARIO TRUST SAVINGS CORPORATION wa 19 Slmcae St. N., 723-5221 ,anvllle 23 King St. WV. 623-2527 ?Iea r s BOV% ~MAN VILLE )nsomme with Sherry Tomato Juice ýand Cranberry Sauce Fruit Sauce Yorkshir-e Pudding Horsceadish u rg' on Rice Bed XVhipped Potatoes ,eamed Cauliflower French Dressing