Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Dec 1965, p. 2

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~LJ... %L. f - -q The Canadian Statesmnan, Bôwnmanville, Dec. 29, 19653 L AKT OK rDca2, 98 Yelverton. ad fam Cobehdspe GM Christmas Card Rec ails Its O rigin in Tyrone Hp Ne YeroaI SaiJnnd el. n MrC ti'o radalyMr. and rSo is1,y DonlSnd~ e Happye Clu w tear ta School Caol iand HlaryM. and Mad rîce C and frandy Pe iy wtMr. and Ms r entertained citizens of th, Mrs. Nei1 Bailey adHwr Peterborougl, Mr. and M rvy rhinStra. ra villge y sigin Caols ini were Friday evening guests of Eric Barad evrly m Rev. and Mrs. John oei WryB front of the homes, and lat2rlMr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- clair, Bramipton, Miss Beth and fami.Iy, Courticwr'Ms et were entertained at the homelson. Nestletmn. iStrong and Mr. Geraki Fer- Sunday supper gue5t fte no n rT of the Principal, Mr. and Mrs. ' îr. and Mrs. Bill Grace: gusor. Toronto,1I. hreRe PliRorlsae senng te' Gordon Paisley. and Elaine, Beaverton, callediDe Jong. NestIeton. Th e Saturday guests ofai-.ad ihterprns ~ G Thursday evening. e vent on Mr. and Mi-s. Wilbert Ar-I Barrs. Beverley and Beth Mi-s. Wrn. Mahaffy, Grn4 n n r4MAtu though raining heavily. a elier, Sunday. ispent severaldysthoe Neil, were Mr. andMr.d M.adMsBe De igoýrodatnddt' asathm.Harris and Jim,BukonTont$Mrnd rs as rgod cowdattnde te ser- Gordie Malcolm and Bj1lý Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack CamnD nrKvnadSer vice in St. Johns Parish Hall Thompson flew to Florida Cindy and Peter, London, and Linda, Mr. and Mr.Mr1rrpo,.wereStra !when carols were sung. pray- Sunday aftei-noon to spendispent the long weekend With nay Burkett, Port Fer.M.get ihM-adMr$e ! ers offered, and a film on somne holidays with theïi is mother, imrs. Velva Bailey n r.GbMglClm usorBa n eh "The First Christmas*'Wss grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corden n u.- and Mrs. Gi antE-aniisMcehî shon, ohlwedby heun- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcol'ni Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey ana __ loading of the tree, with gifts and 'family spent Satu rday Howai-d. for aIl the ohildren. Iwit.h Mrs. E. J. Cook, Brook- Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Rahm- Tfhe United Church wast lin. Sunday, the Neil Mal-'spent Saturdav with the Allan' about twothirds filled on Fri1coîmns, Mrs. H. Taylor, andýRahms, Port 'Perry. day evening and a very nice1 the Lawrence Malcolms were Mrs. Jim Mott, Belleville. Christmas Eve serv ice was afternoon dinner guests of with ber parents, Mr. and held. ýMr. and Mrs. J. Millet and Mrs. John Venning, for the eds everyone wvas surpris-I aiy, Willowdale. hoIidays. Satudayrnoningto eeiMr. and Mrs. Rupert Bvers,.Stra;usso r n j a ray WitoCrisgtasaf- Bow manville, Mr. and Mies. Mrs. Roy McLaughlin and ter the ram mMost of Fridavý Bob Bennett, Oshawa. Mr. andi family: Mr. andMs.Hg night, and Saturda-. w-as verx' .s Leith Byers, Mr. and Murphy and family, Mr. Wal- stormy. but Sunday clear aY Mrs. Herb Swaîn, Don and ter Mu rhyKe an Gen cold and aIl roads plowediRalph were Saturdav guestsMr. nd Mrs. Albert Murphyv agaîn. ~of Mr. and Mrs. Murra y n amilY, ail of Bowaî There--s-a-ice----nd-ne rs. Jim and Janice. Jim is ville, Mr.an Mrs. Harold i1ry Vl er un t. ohns Curc at 'b omne frorn Kemptville andi Murphy anfamily and Mrs. 'a.ml. Christmas Day ývhenýJanice from Guelph for t'voiEdith Murphy, Tyrone. GINGE AL About 35,000 General Motors of Canada employ- ing showed Tyrone United Church as it was weýt hen w as dmnfi te ei weekS olda' guestMrf. nd MsTre rONIO WATER LB OA' ees and dealers received an interesting Christmas completed in 1868. The artist w as Ronald Lambert,: bers. nwycnimdmm Charles Venning, Wayne and1 bert Wright with the Earl card this vear fromn E. H. Walker, head of the vast R.R. 2. Oshawa, and brother ot Robert J. Lambert, On Suniday at 11 a.ri. Canon i Lîod a, %vere Mr. and Mrlis.lTrewins, Enniskillen. organization in this country. It brought back mem- of R.R. 6, Bowmanville. We are indebted lu x',,ts. Walt-! As'hmore, w-ho has 1esigned1 Gai-y, Venning and Penny. Mr-. and Mrs. Anson Tay- Rector of the Parishi due, Port Perr. Mr. and MrS. Eu- loi- Scarborough. Mr. and: ories of 1867 when Robert MeLaughlin produced his er Rahm of Tyrone foi, hrinin this heŽ'utiful card'aiihelhsrece fin,!eiee Little and Sandra, Whit-1 Mi-s. Garnet Murray andl. first sleigh and founded the company that many years to our attention. Iarewe'll sermon. also admiJn-1 by. Miss France Quoi'. Pot girls, Cresisweil, Mrs. J. For- later became General Motors of Canada. The paint-,_______- istered the Sacramnent of -101.Vi l,'Pery. er. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor Communion. Next Sunda\'. M.adMr.LodWrig'lit spent Sunday with -the Ar- sriewilI be held at 11:15 and family, Mr. Rov Fergýu-1nold Taylors. Truck Vrecked in Christmas Eve Collisioli a.m., when Rev. R. C. RosejsomiMr. andMrs. Bill Fergu- Mr. and Mrs. Anson Tay- Attendance was not as large1 Grant Ferguson's, SuridaY af-, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- as, usual Sunda v rorninu in ternoon. 'loi'. the United Church, as si Saturday guests of Mr. anidMi-. and Mrs. Arnold Ta- hadn't their lanles opened and Mi-s. Gordon Strong and Bob loi- and girls were Mondayll others were c el1e b r at i ng ere Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cit- gutests of the Donald Nobles, Christmas wt friends in tis. Orillia. Mr. and Mr*s.lUxbridge. other places. However. a go)d* BruCe Curtis, David and Roh-1 Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Mc-1 service was held. Mcssl*. Ernest Swain, Raiph and Çlenin Lai-mer &ang a trio, !"The Birthday of a King'". Rev. Romeril preached oný '"The Lighitin the Darkness" !Holiday xisitors we h axci seen or beard of: Mr%. and I j Mrs. Walter Wright and girls.ý M.and Mrs. Lloy' d Wright i bers family joined other m:n besof the family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gai-netý . . . .. . . .. .Wright in Port Perry Fridavj Gai-net and Lloyd's birthdais. Saturdav Mi-. and Mrs. Gar- ,,~. net Wright, Port Perry, Miss Hazel Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wright and fam- ily, Oshawca, Mr. and Mr s.j Llox'd Wright. and family1 jer guests of Mi-. and Mrs.' iWa:terWrightand faZ"miC aa d Mi-. and Mrs. Austin B3ea- i eock spent the weekend wi'tb Toronto. kk, ~M. and Mrs. 0Osmionild Wrigdtt spent the weekendl With their daughters and~ W families. Toronto.P es o Mi-. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and Alan spent the weekend ' with ber mother and brother in Nôrýviclî. William Curran, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, was injured injured. Mr. and Mx's. Ernest Lai-- In a collision between his truck and a car on No. 'à Mr. Curran-'s truck after the crash, struck a tele-meM.adMsRlpLa- Highway at Maple Grove at 4:30 p.m. on Christmas phone pole and was badly shattered. A passing motor-Gler nLai,Mr and oys x' Eve. The occupants of the car, K. Couli , R.R. 2, Bow- ist right after the accid ent, took Mr. Cuirran to the Saturday guests of Mr. andl mnanville, his wife, their son Wayne, age 12, and their Oshawa General Hlospital, where he is receiving Mes. Hai-vey Yeilowlees and littie daughter, Debbie, age 6, fortunately, were not treatment for his injuries. - SRtuIdaY guests of Mrs. W.j W. VanCamp .were: Mr. and' Scugog and King Streets. The Bal bas been an outstanding Mrs. Ron Drinkwater, Nancy,l I P ay rs ves o te crsinvolved event annually, and plans for Mary and Chai-les. Ottawa; Now Available were Barbai-a Anne Howard, tbis year promise to make it Rex'. and Mrs. Fred Riding.f, Y oung l Keith Pringle, R.R. 3, Bow- verv' nuch in demnand andý Mrs. Riding Se.. Mr'. and _. f-o manville. xc cie ail sold out eaily. Stephen Saywell and Mis FROMPAGEONE)Corporal McGuev inx'estigat- 1 Original decorations in theî Margaret. Miss Helen Van iie cotnetrul 0more than $100. t aicnted Imprimus Quiin-IVanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. 1Ch saîlBiece îh e ak Ji Fredex'ick Barell, Base Line tet. and there xili ne bonis, Blake Gunter, Richard. Cathy, TIalBewrwl b ako Road, was driving alongibs ianusing and becomning Ila ts, Jckad1uan.o1lak c sda t evîew funda-road at 11:50 a.n. on Tuesday1 noi'snîakers andi favors. Tony's1 tok coietali acglit during the.last wben bis stationwagon -%vas Refresýhmcnt Sci-vice, OshawvastMe. aî .la-- Vn ti xee daYs and put the variouq bit by a CNR eîlgirie wlicli1i.s ('tering for thi speciai Camp and Arthuri spent Sat-ý gi-oup througli a serieC5of was pusbing six box cars 'lunch u-dywtbteGln a scri-mages. north on tbeRHut Street sid- Mrs. Ron Franîkthie Socialur, ihteGenVn uniber of oui- Mnor ig.Cn1nx'1s haeano teCamsPotPi-. Leq cacesaxe noled Tb acienghpeud-t 'jniter <hageofai- am ndmy p entPoSatur-'Y N OT UC E ill b evd. Ther'uom te lolda from their employees and remit the com i d THE N*E%%Il INTER TERNI AT THE IScbooi Association will bce and.- I1Marilyît spent Chi-i.stmas'a on.Isrcin o e itn r o tie OSHAWVA BUSINESS COLLEGE ýcaterers. ihhrfriyaDrfr.a on Is uc osfrre tigae Opens Monday, January 3, 1966j The Cathohic Youtb Oî'gaii- Mr-. and Mrs. Russel Bi-ocn i h aaaPninPlnC nrbto als Nin. career designed courses from which to ehoose. for Teenagers wiil be beld lu Norman Gi-cen were Saturday Special classes also for Housewvives, Shift-workers and St. Joseph's Auditorium fx'om gces Is of Mr'. and Mi-s. Jack ett m loesI oem e.I o c Regular Eveninx Classes. Jlunior T3'plng Classes 8:30 o'clock on Friday evening ý . Gi-cen and famiiy. rcieteeTbeo fyuhv n Saturday niorning for Young people from until one a.m. on New Ytears 'Mr. and Mi-s. Jack Swain, e iv ths Tal ,orfyuhve q Grades 6. '. and 8. morning. Tickets wili be ava il- Mis.Phen Mountjoy, Osh- Get rer iterture - ten at abe atthedoor andare b- enss.a rnea enquiries regardlng the Plan, contact you eaet - Registration Is Limited - tainable in advance from ail l uet fM.and Mi-res. ax'd OSAW BSIES CLLGEmembers of tbe CYO. BilI sofM.an d e-eS. aux'dà OSHWABUINSS OLEG Wndefu dcoatinhae_ District Taxation Office. "A Colege Where Careers Ai-e Born" Wonderful edeo ratifonh'e Cavaliers Orchestra. Oshîawa. le Slmcoe St. N., Oshawa Dee pannd7o25an-o375it iacious auditorium into a ...I .~ The clubhouse wilh be en-' _______ '- ---gala ballroom. The iatest and(] i -~ JhIanced witb luxuriaus decora- most popular muosic xvihh be Ilions. Attractive favoi's, bats,, Delitt, Pendr, askns Sets provided by te renowned and ~c noisemakers will be pro-, .House of Lords Orchestra, e ' vided for the guests, and there, Deoite Pener asin &Sels'Ptrbrogh Ter vllbeai Ms.M.A Ft eoisth!The Canada Pension P a Peterborogb. Therewili ealc be a special buffet lunch.1 with whom are noiv mcrted ;multitude of balloons, special- 'vu1 M .PtYe sbc :hy designed bats. and plenty ýconx'enor. of noisemakers. A buffet lunch. i The Swintyin' Boxvs New!' Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. !wilh bbc' (ed' jYc'ars Ex'e Square Dance for;su b Chartered Accountants convenor of bbe CYO's New hG' eld ite Newcastle Com-1 Departamt of National Revenue, TaainD1iif 'Year's Eve Dance for Tecît- G m h munxty Hall, and there xiii Montreal Oshaw'a Toronto Hamilton agers. The mcmbex's of ber be an enterhaining prograxo. Windsor IWinnipet Regina Calgary committee are Stephen Lip- The cauthority ofBil tay, Miss Edwixta Varîdextberg, o CaeTocahrsntoand benBie .Minuer, The Honourabl E .BNO Edm nt rin e eoge an o7e r and W alter Verle.\seiit The owson. Oshawa, a former, iaperones wiil be Mr'tand :Bowmanviiie resident. Gala Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., RIA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Mrs. J. J. Cuddabe ,,ori V" ir. r. and Ntrs. (G. (oheeni hats, horns. balhoonq and Ouawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 asnd Mes.E. Crccn.>îan Daidnoiseraker.. t. iMi e pi-uvided JotCob'iaw 'Clurb 'â New____________cbufer'ppr wlibeýevebuffettBo' âan ut' Ber wilii' fol'ervr"prset, nd__ __ c I **.~*l - T -' n 'lui -~ s

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