Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Dec 1965, p. 6

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- .1;: -*.~ ~ .. - bs be a very active mcm- ibeà7 cf Burketon United Church. The Huibbard family r eceivcd a set. cf Iuggage, pic- ture and a bathroomn set, whicb wes very beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and Pinky expressed their sin- cere thanks te ail who belped te make it a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard and Pinky invited everyone te came end visit them eat 6 Alex- ander Blvd., Bowmanviile. After the progrem e vcry deainty lunch wes provîded by the ladies. Everyone joined in singing Aud Lang Syne" which brought an enjoyable evening te a close. Mr. and Mirs. L. R. Argue visited with relatives ini Toron- te on Seturday. Mr. and Mis. A. J. Trick, 'Lin dsay, accompasiied by Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Nestleton, are spending Christ- mas in Fiorida. Mr. D. Dignard had an un- 'ýfertunate accident, falling and brealcing bis ankle on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gen- jkin, Mrs. Charles Dignard lwere guests cf Mn. and Mrs.: VDeiphis Dignard. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report Week of Dec. 13-19 inclusive Admissons ~ 63 Brth-3 maie, 4 femele 7 Dischamges - ~59 Major operetions 15 Miner operations 20 Eniergency treatments - 19 Visitirig heur 3-8 p.m. daily P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L eg a HODGINS & MORRIS Barnisters, Solicitors 1 Noteries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanville LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Rarrister, Solicitor Notery Public King St. W. Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553 E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrister - Soicitor King St W. Newcastle Pb-one 987-4735 Heurs: 9-530 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strîke, B.A. Edward C. Wildmnan, B.A., LL.B. 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmnanvilli Telephone 623-5791 Morigages SADIS HAMILTON - ORONfi M~orte 1 r 16 Virst Mortgage Funds RE sidence - Far=n 13usimess Properties UmmTHA. »ILLETTI O.D. Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowmnanville Office Hoturs: By appointnt Telepthone 623-3252 Mon. - nies. - Thurs. - Fr!. 9 a.en. te 5 P.m. Wed. oend Sat. - 9 - la ThurWay evenings (îKAPL> Z Ibs ac ~RUE Genune nuiianaFreh OeauSpra 1-b. kg.Super Eg. 75r 5 In Pkg. GenineLdusiaa FeshOcen Sray1.l. pg. TAINLESS STEEL BLADES .. 65c YAMS 2 Ibs.29c Cranherries 33c § Reg, 19.5 wt dusal azor 5 Bl d es with Adj stab e R z r$ 1.69 Reg. $1.29 5-oz. Aerosol Fancy Green Save 13 15-oz. Tins RIGHT GUARD ...............99C AYL ERPEA 50 BAKERY FEATURES Hostess Save 10e 13-oz. Twin Pack Weston or Sunbeani Reg. 69e 24-oz. Size POTTOCHPS 59c§ MINCE PIES 59c f Weston or sunibeam PO AT HIS iBrown «n Serve Reg. 35c 12 to PkX. Save 10c, 18" Roll, Free Skewers and Tying Cord T W IN R OL LS 31 c ALCAN FOIL WRAP 59 c Spee rn Aylmer Save 5c 10-oz. Tins MIXED NUTS lb. 39c TOMATO SOUP 4149c IE"uEM 93c Colored ave c 1-b. Pgs. Red & White Ige. Blin. (plus Deposit) olorcdSav fi 1-b. 'tu GINGERALE 4for49c:ý SOLO Margarine 2R'59c Christmas Coke $1.93 Stuffed Manzanilla Liquid Pack Markcd 39c 8-oz. Jars9 1-lb. Block 49c 2-1b, Dlock 97c] 0 odn Hour Asit.1-1b. Box Club House Olives 3i$1 l §CH.OCOLATES 89c MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE* Orono PECK'S RED& WHITE.* Newtonville1 Glen Rae Dairy BOWMANVILLE The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 22, 19653!reporter. E. * a.nA * iasTree-Mrs. Cobledc. eirOooBn.f u N ia 4uT STI Mrs. C. Billirigs. Mrs.T.Fi-eeagodmnyas ne efollowing are on corn- Mn11V Ftic i*fJIlJ>E' brother. lrieshebenud mnittees, with the first namned, Class 6 -Gifl Box-rsTthOooBadadhscul P'imn ase r.A airbrother. Mrs. K.Shen'bawecm adio. H-ospital Auxiliary Hon ors cara: àsMs e ur hitma h wass A"eoe' ,a oo<hOooBnwl rvd Tborndyke, Nominations, Mrs mkr isAet ognen h etr.sosrdb IS ~ H Carrwclough, Mrs. H. ea ue C rsm sh wCas7-"ecm" Payne; Child Support Pro- decoration-Mrs. T. FaFhoh rciessin vr gram, Mrs. H. Austin; Flow- -erMs .Shem V o u t e e n g e G rers, Mrs. A. Ford, Mrs. H. H. Murrdayi.o r.Ab ar Barrowclough: Social, Mrs. " Class 8-"Rh apsod n Atth mein o teWo terPnstoMssSalyWth ws lo ntefomMr.A. Austin, Nrn. H. Darke, r n 0 ir. Grd e ers' lIub Green"-Mrs. T. Fairthr AthmetnofteW-tePistMs al th a loant rmM" Mrs. A. Thorndyke, Mrs. G. Mrs K. Schoenmaker r men's Hospital Auxîiary held erly, Miss Brenda Murphy, Glen:hohuie Hughes, who was Tuf ford: Visiting, Mesdamies' The Orono Junior Garden- home. NovicE'-.-Laurie Schmid, Sue Plain ln the Board Rocm of Mem- Miss Christine Tighe, and then a patient in Memorial j. Walter, P. Snell; Program, ers' Club held their annual Afterwards the children Aslett. Pan oriel Hospital rccently sev- Miss Judy Aluin, and spoke Hospital, thanking the aux- Mesdames K. Ashby, Clarence award dinner and Christmas adjourned to the back ball, Class 5 -Gif t Box-Char- M eral teenage volunteers were of the many hours they had iliary for a rose and bud vase Nichols, F. Hoskin and M. show on Thursday, December whîle entries were received for maine. Newman, E v e 1 e n e;j honored in recognition of generous]y contributed in gent to, her. The adoption of Payne. the lest tlvree will 9th in the auditorium of the the Orono Horticultural So- Brown, Donna Challice Yo n nd their assistance :n the Gifi their holiday time te give the Mrs. Cailan's report was sec- chair committees on Steward- United Church. ciety's Christmas show in con- Novice - Yvonne Schoen- o gBan s e.MSE Shop of the Hospital. auxiliary valuable help in the onded by Mrs. C. G. Morris, ship and Recruiting, Supply Forty-five members and :'unction with the Junior maker. Sue Aslett. Laurie Ms-s. Lawrence C. Mason, Crift Shop. and carried. and Welfare, Citizenship and guests sat down to a hot sup- Show. The auditorium was a Schmid. a pasteirmant, wo ste e s specially designed M. Jesse Van Nest, Chiar Social Action, Rep. te, Pres- per et 6:15 p.m.Hadtbebutflsgtsnery20 Class 6 - Christmas Corsage'Sat Patc C o m itt e, res nte V o un his yea f r H spi el ux- tee re ort d t at ee ux- ý a nd b y E .i l es a A . F ord guests w ere R ev . and M rs. ex hib its w ere view ed by the .for M other - J l e S n d h r n u i r B n Barrowclouoh.tLong, Mr. and Mrs. C. Bilingss visitors. Ai enariesfwere of Chis A - JulieCharmain M____- laries throughout Ontario to iliary's Card Party will bel Those new offilers presenit Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. excellent quality. man. commenced its weekly lub usFsa xrsino p edi h in onuiysodt eadesdb r.F Stephens (Directors of Dis- The Bowmanville Kiwanis Novice-Laurie Schmid, Sue toot and screech sessino preciation for help given by Centre on January l9th, and iNichoîs. The new president trict No. 4), Harwood; Mr. and Trophies for 1965 weep-Astt Monday evening, Dec.lthi volnters th At Ehibtin wllalslookthechir ndin er Mrs. L. Aslett, Mr. and Mrs. sented by Kiwanis President Class 71- A Christmas Favor the basement of the Towsi onter yunade wltbhelArtEhibition twill atlso t te sch a ed r a-oChlie Ms ntt ogJh wne othe Junior!-Dorette Challice, Denrns Hall. In al, about35 er 5 To oheryoug ldie wil b hed tereon hatdat' cptace peeh tankd Ms.ensen and Mr. G. Pollard. Gardeners as follows: Cobbledick, Charmaine New- presenit to be introdiicedtth aIse receive this distinction, end on the following day,!Nichols for presîding, and the Director Mrs. T. Faîrbrother Best Garden-Chris Jorg- man. Miss Patricia Thompson and Jenuary 20th, as well. .C.W. for the honour gîven .ecmd teget n nenNvc u setLui techniques of playingmuia Miss Audrey Kitson. A Vol- Mrs. Fred Stevens seconded her. thenked the mothers present Most points in the Annuel Schmid, vnn chemei ontuentstwhaih rne fo K ute is. M as e rsERNesene y tsarport ndf thsVan The program for the after- for their capable assistance. Show-Evelene Brown. Best Arrangement using trombones, basses, drumsan i 'Is. . Isom~ n fo hrs.d.augh ter repo vrandmembes of- noon was in charge of the Addressing the co-directors Achievement 1965 - Chris netural rnaterial-Chris Jorg-Iclarinets. u* $~X~~Ms rcaThompson w duho er, ared tedonatembpris ofor group led by Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Aslett and their Aslett. ietr Vr.F sen. Alt.Sm ftehrs o ~ LI J~ ý,j,,q!iss atrcla homsonwhofere orBarrwclugBarrorwcloutmgash.hlCrnhSrisn Ctrsmwoasstchit idreor rSue. 1andieChris slwho i~is attendin.g Business College draws to be held et the Cerd hymns were sung and scrip. will soon be leaving the vil- Stephens presented Horticul-' Youngest Exhibitor-Yvonneih young musire ias. t her 91 Toontuonrc lbePatysA LrHoe, if by Mrs. John loge, the director spoke of tural Diplomas te: Sue As-,.>c.oenmaker. (10 years). inaalbe eedstrumnswbue d o_______________ g, snw livig iPterough ho p Chrs.A.'mLn. rored Gta dkroeeead; .A .Thorn- their fine service and co-opera- lett for perfect attendance;l I stKept and Coîored instrumxpen ts o b(grpi-1 T ME A C T 4 owliig n etrorug. hp haran rpotd ha dk radameditation on tien. They will be greatly Dale Evans, Best Novice Gar- Year Book-Gay Quinto.Jiedarexctdtbetth g~Mrs. W. M. Rudell read a sales during Nove mber Christrnas, Mrs. Arnold Aus- missed. The gathering wish-,den; Donna Challice, (The Scmid, Chris Aslett. ýhall this coming Mondayaog Aletter sent te her as President amrounted te more than $600. tin read "Light in a Darklcd them well in their new newl', cstablishod> 4C Award Mrs. E. Brown at the iaowith six new clarinets hc 4AI ofthe WmnsHospital Au- .The..adoption cf ber rpot World' fr.. the study book,' (Challrvene ndCharater). ac-compaied erolsnigdauhe < < < < ~< ' #,qG ilyby Board Chairman was seconded by Mrs. L. Jesus and the Christian Life.1 usiness Drco- tvnesadCmpaetiin re- cond crol sngighpitere en ucac yth Geole Hughes with the Hurson. Following the singing cf 0 Bowmanville K i w a n i a ns Evelene atnd Donna Challice mV Ssad inifornmation cf the death As the Co-convenors of the Corne Ahl Ye Faithful, Mis. Ross Jackman, Jim Colliss, who sang ln duet several love- O arCryderman, a valued Marathon Bridge, Mrs. j. Allen Clarke cd in prayer. A cc0 u n fil Il C Y Bill Cobban and President ly Christmas songs. At the member of the Hospital O'Neill and Mrs. E. V. Hoar fim on the work cf The Fred RA . ILIGSow a llows: teJnorcoeoftepoga r .W S Bor>o 4 y as b ev ee u a l e at n h Victor Mission in Toronto, RAYfJ.DY T NwN ýBad eo 1 years, as Bordmweretin. Mrs owitend the Chartered Accountant So sfolw:Couvier and her committee sdtreyasa or eeig r.Cwe h howing how the mission 9 hrhSre Class ] -Christmas Table served tea and doughnuts. J Y T S r~ JIJ Chairmn and as Chirman reasuer, reortedfor thm wo3k ChurchaiStreetiesArrange-36entrng1men, 11- ars-a Mrs.rs L. Guyandnd s.Mrs.l C. ~of th Builng sCman trea;retrns rpornted f o hem w ho , hcavme lies 63-361Evelene Brown, Charmaine Smith of Oshawa udged the ~of he uilingComnitte tat etuns fem hispro u h ippedito-.e--a..--Chris Aslett. lHorticultural Societies exhibîts tO the nstuio ofai the planning nthectmontedt 50drn stances. The white gift offer-! Chartered Accountant Novice-Sue Aslett, Laurie la-sAfarragemen t e Aon hestrtion of WilleaneWlling th-eing fnt theday wspresentedl Trustee inBankruptcy 'Schmid.jCas1-A ragmn The treasurer, Mrs. Wîne iroftLie alis, r an dedicated with the other Suite 205W 725-99531 Class* 2 - Christmas Door depicting a "Christmas Carol" Thetresurr, is.R. . cnveor f te Lbray Crtiofferings, and will go te fthc Oshawa Shopping Centre lDecoration - Donna Challice, l-Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. T. Fair- ~ owie presented a setisfac- with Mis. E. J. Rundle, re- Missho. Sd 'h. - - iINS Julie Schmid, Evelene Brown. ibrother, Mrs. K. Schoenmeker, W~~'KuA. 2, tory financial stateinent, and ported on the 'books read dur- Thsen. e unday school W.J .CGIN oie -Lui cmd ls ec nErh seeoded y Ms. Dncanthoe Dhuhadansstedin tk rngemnts f eergrensSecnd Foor vraengcoenmketsS ue a hit andsiler arang-conddis adptin.Yvisnwselg the mot'h, an thSkedroomwahiecoatedndtbar- ChareredAccuntat , d * hconciles, and Christmas flow- New Library Building ,Aslett. ment-Mrs. O. Challice, Mis.' Snit, n are.în ie îbar Cntte eers; the seasenal refreshments Cor. Kmn & Temperance Sts Class 3 - Christ mas Mante! iK. Jorgensen, Mrs. C. Miller.,,* W. Wi"sfiflg yoL1 A; Mrs. Smith, Cheirman cf' pat'ient.s. Mrs. Wallis told thelwere serv'ed et small tables Phione 623-3612 Arrangement - Donna Chal-1 Cless 3 - "Merry Christmas", e thank ~o o orptoae Sthe Buying Committee, re- auxiiary that thene is a need wi gs ilm i 1 r decorations- lice, Chris Aslett, Carol Ann 'modern arrangement - Mrs. the blessingS M! ported thet more copies cf for uP te, date miagazines. Christmas carols were pîayed WLO URW Caldwell. Plain, Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, iVIERS the Hospital Auxiliary's Cook The adoption of her report[during the serving.32 Chartered Accountants ' Novice-SLîe Aslett, Laurie Mrs. K. Jorgensen. STATION Bokaenwaalbe n asscne vMs aod 23Kn t . saa n.Schmid.' Class 4 - Dining Tab1e BoteSaon gse c tav ailabole d second red , ve or importnt mepestig Ki t . .,Osaw nt1C las, 4 - Winter S cte in e Centrepiece--Mrs. C. Miller, Awould be glad to buy themi Mrs. E. R. Thompssoii re- but the president, MrsGeorge G don urWs, C.A. <hrst80CadKuIutNG TFiSTMr.K E NDS.f lte gîve as Christmas prescrits. 1 ported that St. Peul's C.G.I.,rfowsin e o G . EdmondeBurros,7C.A Julie Schmîd, Carol Ann Cald- Jorgensen. L G ~ . ______________ She also told of the pu.robaselwill meke the Christma av-#'Pufford was in Pee.rborough Phone 728-7554rist« with ber father. Mr. Will San- HLPRI l f the six Vlunteer Pins.lors fr the patients' travs, guins f Port Hope, who had MacMILLAN & CO. STUART R cheadotin f Mrs. bSmith's and that Mrs. Van Nest wiJl undergone surgery the pre- CatrdAcu% urm STUART L fo New ear'svicus day and hdsuffeTed 361/j King S.E. -Ohw S. G. McMurter, the imme-1 Day. She aise thanked the complications. He bas iîm- e5-.9 JA E iaeps rsdet n a-exlayfor the rose and bud proved since that time. Four Kig St., Box 245 Newcastle POUTR JA Ere.vase sent to her during ber ter regular members were98-20-*' SE ON G SMrs. R. R. Callan, the cor-i recent illness. Mrs. Thomp 98e7n-42er40tat ~ A 1 responding secretary, gavelson told the auxiliary thatnoon WlimC al .om ..-I..SAE ,11ber report for Noveniber. Sheý she was appreciative cf thp i.adMs ak er ai .PriC Insurance Real Estatp4% read a letter frem Mrs, Harry good nursing servie an Mrad s.Dk we DvdG.PknCA ~Cydemen thanking the ax added that, the hiceand a t the funeral cf Miss Cernie J. Graham MacMillan, C.A. King St.E. Boiwmanviiiten iliarv for the flowers sentmeals were echecorlaloenutin.n Offie Reide r% when ber husband dieu. A'Pesd'tcheie owdwTFford HrldAt tef.inU LlD upe Office Res1dence jýI~~~~~~~~~~, etter cf thanks was received the membersa euilyW.Tfodwratheun Chiroprac c 623-5681 623-59ýfc Gi ln wohdr- hand knit baby set consistin& fMr . ay i G. EDWIN MANN, DÏ.C. éc-ived a Hospital Auxîliary of bonnet, jacket, and booteesý, Clarence Nichols and Ar-' Chînopractor SGSAE giBiirsar.va teGbre ighmneolMs H d Thorodyke attendied the Office: Sah thCmme cmet.hrk e . foha by Mrs Herb S ' 1 last mncring f the oir] milk 15 Elgin St., cor. f Horsey St. ________ ehol Cmmecemnt.Thee fr te exilanys Gft hop. Prodiirers' board in Toronto Phonte 623-5509 Follwing the b us in e ss'on Wednesrlay evening. Ofie15c:Byapinmn 623-5589 metnXfeno tea wasý Once leýst winter, Sunday m i served and a social hcun xvas;school was cancelled because Z v o BO M NVLE 9!noed _i BOWMANVTLLE of îcv rcads, and again last _ ___ R O Y A LSundov rnorning, il. was con- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. TH RSAYTOSAURAY DC.23- 5 dered fn bc ton, dangerous 75 King St. E. Bowmanville A n THURDAYTO STURAYDEC.23 25 WESLEY VILLE for drîvîng. The whte gift Office Heurs:RKE M -(Intended for last week) wîll take Place Dec. 19th. Closed Saturday and Sunday GrdeA upreTm. Va06luChce avCO K AI IJp.,..Ju.nTe Christmas meeting of' Schoc children ore busv et Office Phone - 623-5790 (Over 20 lb.) (onFomR02 l.ag)UIT iiS KIi P artteu C.W. was held in the xmina tiens, and Danya 'Hill Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 lihole anipiord ra nrvSJe4c1 z yolx 7chrchoýn- Wednesday after- o Port Hope scent the week- DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S colf non, December 8t.h, Mrs. end al E,. Barrowcioughs Office CC A Fiankie Avalon, Deborah Walley John Groeneveld coiîducted where tle rush cf busy town 75 King St. E. Bowmaniile th re .Tnz i he ma inbuse -bof rs. w en o ucmn , f re w bhO ffîeed Sur day: and Sun ay SU DA MD-IT SOW DC.2thhefi presîdent and opened it steady studv, 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily lb lb y'DYMDNT HO ,DC 6h àMs for ten opa.st week, loeft _____________and_____ r79 ness ao'tedy ocràhs been stayin~g et Ken Ash- Telephene: Office 623-5459 gBIa k -settlhng cf affa'rs for the 1965 b'sfrteps wklt DR. E. WV. SISSON TreeweetSae9 jozTn -yeer. Reconimendations mýade on' Mcnday oif this week by L.D.S.. D.D.S. E1L CBack BS a rloff aet the executive meeting were air for the south Ofc nbshm Maple Leaf (shank portion) INU N An accepted, except the amountl 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville A AR rç U WU cf rinev for local M. & M. ~ T~ ITI Phone 623-5604 SM O K ED H A M S IL 63 Suprenie Cho g whchws ebyte etig 13R ET Noffice Heurs:* DaN t $275. At the conclusion cf 9 arn. te 6 p.m. daîly Schneider Boneless (3 te 31/-1h, a'vg.) so L"' e vil U OII' the business, ail offices were Syvmpalbv 's exter'ded te the Closed Wednesday - Sundey * ~ L~A sre ic isTn ADULT ENTERTAINMENT declared vacant end the elec- relatives and famîly, in the 3 - aM L 9c lb e _____________________________________ tion of officers for 1,966 was passing cf Mr. Russell Spinks Insurance 9 c conducted bv Mrs. Clarence of oshawa. n u a c The following slate cf 26off9i-iholsin Mrs, R. Devey spent Friday DONALD A. MaeGREGOR H A M S LU C ES lb. 95c S R INES3fo 88 ThéNDAY TO WEDNESoDoffAY , Lindsay. Life, Auto, Home cers was elected: Past Presi- Alren îe fnol Insurance Maple Lcaf 1-lb. Cello '14tonder fu Lif edent, rs.Gere u.od gtberedin h coo ui i4Rn t.EBw fi- A.A E M A l.4 c~ IB' ROE OD

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