LU SA ~UI*IU1 &,mfl DOm5lVL~,LDC.School Board M em bers Gather Round aid Cadm us Belil SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Wrn Clarke School Board Asks wt r.Nra Approal f Buil AddtionMr. Allan FraserI ~'is home for the Christ A ppr valto uild AddaioyIwith bis parents <. lig!Mrs. Randy Fraser. The Clarke Township School was glad this was brought ta i9 school in 1966. This, with ~* Mr. and Mrs. Grant Arpa Board beld its monthly the Board's attention and that addîtional current revenue, Dwayne and Darryl Meeting on Monday, Dec. l3th it would be corrected. The should pay the cost af this . ~ visited wlth ln the Clarke Union School secretary was authonîzed to ddtin Frank Westlake and f with Messrs. Lawrence Green- interview the caretaker in 1 In this latter respect the . ..M...R..Psco..n wood, Morley Robinson and this iTatter. Board at a previous meeting ren with Mr. andMr William Wannan present aiong A baik balance o! $37,174.32 held December 9th passed a Dyer, Sunday evein with the secretary H. R. Best. existed as o! November 30th, motion requesting the Council viewing the beautil The Board received a dele- 1965. o! Clarke Township for ap- tions in Oshawa. gation from the Brown' As a resuit of a previous dis- proval to construct three ad- Mrs. Chas. Langmai Scheel area who stated that cussîon and abtaining a report ditional rooms it No. 9 Schooi n Tm viied S they were nlot satisfjed with on adiscussion with Mr. Kay at an estimated cost o!f$5andO wth m s ae int the general cleanliness ai theELcett, the Board passed a The cost to be from current wieeh as Mrs. erti school and classrooms at mion to pay in trust ail costs funds with no debentures be- i f saa Brown' School. They asked for the addition to the New- ing issued. Mr. and Mrs. A]e en immediate remedy to the tonvîlle School. This pro- On motion on December 9th ' enjoyed a Christmasp adverse conditions at the cedure will make it possible the Board tabled the request uchool. In this connection the for the Board to receive a full for approval to buîld a new Board si received a letter grant in 1966 on the cost Of six-raom school north o! "h Y'Pol tram Dr. C. Horner o! the the addition in Newtonville Orano. It is, however, to came Counties Health Unit and also even though the building will up again for consideration in ~' ' aletter from the principal of net be completed until some- 1966. 'W~ ~ the school asking that con- time in 1966. The grant money Some delay in the construc- Mr. Greenwood stated that he1 tien o! three new rooms ta No. dition la expected due te de- ON PREMIUM lay in receiving the proper USDL MBR FR AE heating equipment.ItsFUSHOE 290 x 4"992"x 6 - 2"x 8", the Newtonville addition will1.kM 2"0 X 10" - "X 12" nlot take place until the Easter Sewer Pipe, Steel Pipe ln varlous aszes, Steel Windows, lthe Ontario Fine MashlD X Steel Stafrs, Steel Beams, Angle Iron, Channel Iran, prerfn pnoigaun At the officiai apening of Cartwright Public left to rîght, Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Elaine Romeril, Don' Serving B To nel Bos, STFurae, veread arage Do the funace at the Enterpise School's large addition on Dec, 10, the present schol Frew, Harvey Graham, Neil Malcolm, Principal Mrs. sud msny a e beunierakniateoad.rsponsie for te expansion gatiiereu for îthîs i.orotîîy Venning, David Wvilson, i'îo ori n and anyothe itms.soon as possible, Iphoto with, in the background, an aId time school bell, Walter Wright. Dlo orl n Apply between 8 and 5. The Board is not ta provide ta'hYad# sholDMm er aeHfo A LE RC IGC .Crsmstrees or treats for tken frorn th CdusD U R HAMmbr ae fo aiTeD WRCKe NG ctOry students as carried out by- IML at he ucle actrysome boardis in the past. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and Wednesday, Febrtîary l6th, on Brock Street, South, in Whitby A meeting was attended by Gloria. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 9:3 aiI4**,sio Brncc o dayusa week or phone 725-4171 mebers 0f the Board aîong E ott. g i u t r l Cenr Meeting, Ontario Department PH N 3 _________________________________________ -with Area High School Board Kendal was visited Saturday Januany 3 - Apnil 1-Dairy .m. -'iAgricultural Careens 0 giutrLnsy -members which was called by night and Sunday by nain Sha 3mnh)Dpnmn eia" nswo ih Febnuary 2lst - 25th Clanke Council ta discuss bus which froze onto everything, 0f Dai3 ny Scieatet eia" retod Hg "Farmers' Week '16': 1, a.m, routes and snowplough routes making the roads a glane o!frocuturalScince, Ontario Ag- School, Peterborough. ý-2 st-Soils Ild Crops Day > To AilC Accounts totalling $2,602.79 folks of the village took fui j Collee, Ge. Januay 5h olady 26th-28thovnto2n ar ateDy :0Member thrughuta.m.-Durham County Soil Association Annual Conven- Planning and Farmstead. VIuto e The Board will hold their and skated up and Ioln some and Crop Improvement As- tion, Coliseum, Canadian Na- 24th-Livestock Feeders Day. thDinsi. ie.TechlrnanustrtUîorr~rm incHavy~ r( linaugural meeting at the with their puck and hockey sociation Annual Meeting, Odd tional Exhibition, Toronto. 25th-Farm Economies Day. g Orono Schooi on January 3nd, sticks. The pnevious Monday Fellows Hall, Orono. Tuesday, February lst, 1:15 Tued) 'ebuay 2n,1:1 1966.-Times. afternoon they also took ad-- Thursday, aur t - ..Hy ndPsre ro ..DiyHrHalhF m:ý vantage o! the icy street and Weed otl Cnfrce duction an Clinic vyCii, Odd FellowsHalle V r J had a good skate. Ontario Department o! Agri- Wright, Souls and Crops Orono. speaker bb n ]KENDAL Thene was no Church or culture Building, Brighton. Specialist, Odd Feîîows Hall, flounced. I- lsto the icy condition of the Junior Farmers' Association Thursday, FOntanlo Associi ebr a tion of Agrit- g- (!ntended for iast week) Onatcolo uda u audy auay 8h-Ooo enur r,13 ear Asociaion o 4thr- i Mr et oln ncm oads. o! Ontario, Toronto Confer- p.m.-Hog Producers' Annual ceultural Socities, Annual Con- y ll ir Mn.Ben Holan acom- The election o! two mem-bers ence, King Edward Hotel, Meeting, Odd Fellows Hall,lvention, King JdadHtl panied Mn. and Mrs. Bil Boyd ta the school board went off Toronto. 9:30 a.m. - Public Orono, Guest speaker, Eric Toronto. da Htly spend the winter with Mr. very quietly in Kendal on Speaking Competition begins. Mlderson, McLeod ans, February 23rd - 24th.. anda adMns. Ken Archer and Mnday with very few tunning TusiJnaylt,13 uoa akr Mo aJnur lh 13 uoa.BnesSehool, Belleville. mily, on~ct to vote. pm.-Durham County Bec! Tuesday, February 8th, 1:151 Tedy March Ist,1:5I Mrs. Wm. Geany has gone ta Mr. and Mns. Russel Rusk lIrprovement Association An- p.m.-Income Tax Fanm Clinic lp.m. - Odd Fel]ows, Hall, ap inb t say wih rs ad rs Gore ereronnual Meeting, Yeîverton Town for farmers and their wve.Oroon HapFrn o! Tno ndtrogee ests o n. Hall. Tentaivepnognam will Tentative speaker, Mn. Mc-iweed contro] with Grover ' Proseo with animal health and Grogan from Ottawa, Odd Fel- ' Smith and iHacvoy "igîti- ew Y Mr. and Mns. Charlie Roach Stinday. and Hbyvtrnain. le 1yriLde- ar ey Wni- 'igcht and family of Lakeview spent Mns. Herb Mencer hais b j Tuesday, .january 1l, 1 - . Febrar 7th - 9th-Ontario en planning and time saving e theweken wth ermoter apatient in Memorial H -p.m. - Subdivision- Offîcers Farm Safety Council Annual in the kitchen" with Miss Pat ardon Langstaff came alhopeash e wil soon b e alet ntanofo!Womnen's Institutes, Conference, U ni ve rsait y of Wray, Home Economist, WE WILL BE CL Goron Lagstff cae hpesh wil oo beabe e OtaioDepartment a! Agni- Guelph, Guelph. Tuesday, March 8th, 11W r d hom fro theOshaa Ho- neurn omeculture, 14 Frank Street, Bow- Tuesday, Febnuany lsth, 1:15 pi.m.-Farrostead Beautifica-' H ISM S D pital on Wednesday. He is Mr. and Mrs. Martin Locke manville. p.m.-Grain Conn Production ýtion for those entereri in Cen- < BOXING i expecting he will have ta have of Niagara Falls visited this Wednesday, January I2th-.- Fanm Clinie. George Jones isltennial Farmstead 1npoe E * terpy n is nmsoo. eeendwih Ale Fotes.Ontario Harness Horsemen's tentative speaker. Odd Fel-iment Competîtion, Oddfellows , The Christmas party for the Mrs. Edith Locke retunned ta Association Annual Meeting, lows Hall, Orono. Hall, Oono. r-u bie evry oy e v urs ýunday School is planned for Niagara Falls with them. Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Dec. 2lst when parents and Januany llth - l3th, 10:30- - -folks o! the communîty are 1:30 a.m.-Educational TV A .H t r o k & S i invited ta attend.metn tMC ni serles "This Business o! Fanm- C)rTeCrssme tigo a sttîng nc il ta be carried by a net- ESSO PRODUCTS the W.I. was held Wednesday work of Ontario TV stations TUROCKRD.BOW ANVLLE evening at the home o! Mrs J each day. IV ROK D.BO MA VILE ýW . ererwih rs LwAttended Ub IJanuary l2tii, i10a.m. presiding. We were pleased y Durham County Holstein Club thave Mrs. Turansky back S Annual Meeting. Place ta be ____________________________ ueuîron her job o! secretany again. 58 Prou cerI noucd . .... v~-~~ . The W.I. collected for the January l2th . i3th-0n. blind again this year and got The Ontario Departmen of Ltario hlMikPoues abut $ 15.00 more than last Agriculture conducted a Mas-1 hl ikPoues yean. Miss Wray was desinous titis Clinîc at the Oddfcllows Yonk He nlMoron o ya.l that Kendal W.I. sponsor a 4-H Hall, Onono last Wednesday. January llth-l3th.Ontario i-b Homc-making Club so Mrs. Dr. H. Necley and Dr. F. INel- Jersey Club A'nnual Meeting, Bill Hoy and Miss C. W. Stew- son of the Vetcrinary Services Continental Inn, Barie 3art have agneed ta be leaders. Branch gave a joint illustrat- Jaun 7th-l9th-Ontania I.., .. ~ Now girls are invitcd te join cd talk on the ecanomie im- F uynd e.eab....o.ns ~ the clb i the12 a 26agepartnce symptoms, causes, Association Annual Meeting, pia group. The meetings will be and control o! Mastitis. . oono ciSaturdays in the vaniaus This disease of bovine ani- Tuesday, January lBth, 1:15 homes. It is expccted the mals has appeared in saine p mFr tiie ecmcd pn.etwill be ta make a animais o! dairy h e r d tiens School. A. O. Daînymple \ .- scarf and bat. So, girls, con- throughout Canada. It is in- and Harvey Wright, Odd Fel- S tact Mrs. Hoy on Miss Stewart. tcresting and reassuning to lows Hall, Orono. The dotW.I. are also consîdering consumers o! dairy products January l8th - 2th-Junior adpiga chîld. The W.I. that dairy produer are very EtninWrsoUies ad U.C.W. are again filling intenested in preventing the ity o! Guelph, Guelph. ' ~~boxes for the aged and shut- occurrence o! this disease in Jauylth-OhDir inms this Chistmas - each the herd. Fifty-cight Durhami Farmers o aaaAna ~' ~ memben ta donate $1.00 and County producers turned out Meeting, Royal York Hotel, p(~~ ~ make candy and cookies and for this etn t nras-oot 4'an Mrs Artur Gant. Emma Henders domicile into BIL , Bomanvlle623-2895 qi Dinner guests Saturday ev- their new mobile home sta- hlenng ith Mr. and Mrs John ýtioned at the Jack Wilson's. Thopsn ad ainily wr rs they xiii be very cani-1 For the Modern Farmer SALL STEEL 0 MUTI-PURPOSEr j ..FARM BUILDINGS THE ALL-STEEL BUILDING THAT IS ENGINEERED FOR QUICK AND EASY ERECTION! ATTENT1I FARMERS! A limited number of (Janadian made Steel Buildings are now avaialsbe at greatly reduced buildings for dlsplay purpornes. NO COLUMNS - NO PAINT - NO FIRE INSURANCE - NO UPKEEP *Ail aises lu length, helgtb &Bd width avafiable. *Plans supplied 50 that farmer eau easilY erect biniseif . . . a great uavfng. *When yo usure steel you choose * more for Your dollar, matcer rtrength and protection for equip- ment. produce and stock. FOR DETAILS MAIL NOW! GREAT WEST STEEL BUILDINGS 3689A Bathurst St. Toronto 9 Name Addness_________ ___ ___ Town - ________Phone CS-1 OBITUARY fortable in their cosy littie Folio wing a lengthy illness --- hiome, of four years, the death of Friends and acquaintances Mrs. Bert Samis, aged 84 of Mrs. Ernie Lane are pleas- years, Newtonville, occurred at ed te learn that she is able Strathaven Nursing H o me, ing several months In a Toron- December 15, 1965. to hospital. A lifetime resîdent o! New- IThe pupils ao! S.S. No. 1 tonville, the former Lillian W. Yletnhv e completed McCullough was born in M~ h u o exams and are preparing for Clarke Township, daughter ofi U re fo I their Christmas concert to be the late Mr. and Mrs. James held on Wednesday, Dec. 22. McCullough and attended M.and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm school in Newtonville. She and Jay of Toronto vîsited Mr. was predeceased by her hua. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm in band, Bert Samis. Janetville on Saturday. We A member of Newtonville Epie. Eufoy Epic by Geênerai ERotors-'66 editia iarc pleased te report that the United Church. Mrs Samis teCait1hpeangytlerc.Amfi j"Mater" is making satisfactory was also a former member ofaia Mà mn ltl rc.M o progress with her lame back Newtonville W.A. and also the Epsc/66 gines yul a whoie raft of oil things since returning home from Women's Institute. Her in- mdcal .triag, tauks ta a c<mbîraon of l10w hospital a week ago. terests centred around her immweaumacnsxelntrblïy Your scribe and his 'Com- home and family. bilwwltimadecletdrblt.V manding Ossifer" are planning Mrs. Samis is survived by a *etimg, tais te Benerai Motois uation-wid te put on a littie dog this son, Melville Samis, and a dejeu.g Vuy Plust omtrig, wit Epic's fo week by attending the United daughter, Mrs. 0. Edgerton Cooperatives of Ontario An- (Marion), NewtonvIiie. nual Convention ini the Royal The funeral service wau York on Monda y and Tues- held on Friday, December l7th day of this week (not ac- from the chapel of the North- customed to such plush sur- cutt & Smith Funeral Home, roundings) as one o! the dele- Bowmanvilie, and wns con. gates o! the Lindsay Branch ducted by Rev. R. C. White. o! United Coop. o! Ontario. Interment was in Lakeview jSeveral ladies from this Cemetery, Newtonville. A^ GENERAL MOTORS VALUSE community attended a baby Among the lavely floral shower this week in honour of tributes, evidence o! the Authorized Miss Shelley Malcolmn, daugh- esteem in which the deceased ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne was heid, were those from the 1Malcolm, Nestieton. ýWomen's Institute and the Sorry te report that Mrs. United Church Women. R O I H Florence Atkinsan is back in Palibearers were Messrs.R O I H Lindsay hospital, thLs time Clealand Lane, James Imlacb, BOWMANVILLE 623-2556 wîth pneumonia. Ail join in Roy Smith, Stan Rowe, Tup-1 wishing ber a speedy recov- per John ston and Normani ........s ery, Mcculiough. IL@ a a un. -,/"m dal Molors rocm, big tud4 "as tkUy, Mspot-cradr ng. Vey pleasant indeed - il jon ean thaak Epic/66's surprislng clean-heels pickup in traffic and efforttess cruising af the )n-That Tough highway for that (plus a top-notch heater for winterM Youi irbtis low price, wife will love te drive Epic too, if she can persuade yen ,: veay econo- ta get out fri, behind fi, wheel. gas consu.p- What more should you know about EpU r '66 ? Your lery convenient Chevrolet-Envoy dealer's gotail the informaf IOnlyon wantAid ide uetwork cf he's got tihe Epic/66 tee -waiting for you ta corne in and fr-passenger duive it. See him-and E*i/66-taday! ?&.anld Mrn. 1arold Pottemoi iMr. and Mrs. Steer, Mrg. Tonkin, Wm. Collins, Oshawa, visited visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Potter. ten and Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Miss Rilda Hockaday, Mr. and Mrs. London, Ernest Hockaday, Elleen and as holi- Jean enjoyed a Christmas MIr. and gathering wvith Mr. and Mrs. ers present included Mr. and laei MIrs. E. Browes, Miss Bara- Tyroe, 1o e , M r. Jirn H endry - T rs.e o Bow'ile. W i .1 Mrs.w Boa g, Mr. ld miy. Mrs. Lo e Moorehouse, of d child- ThorrihilllWith Mr. and Mrs. s. John Ernest Holmkday. ýafter Mrs. Donald Yellowlees, decora- Taunton, wvjth Mr.' and Mrm Russell Vice. d, Sally Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice aturday and Mr. Everett Vice vis ited ers and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. leHart, Harold Jebson, Beaverton. A Merry Christmas and a Potter Happy, Prosperous New Year Rrty at ýto One and AIL More... E 1le 16 QUALITY 1 a OIL 668-3341 (COLLECT) :UEL OIL wmanviIIe and District M FARMqERS' ITY CO-OPI ORONO Dr and lerry rnas nd us )SED SATURDAY, DEC. LY, MONDAY, DEC. DAY AND JAN. lst, 7YEAR'S DAY. 25th, 27th, tpic Ueltsxe [PIC/$ 1772 THA TOINLI1LE ARFROM GENtRAL MOTORS Id Epic Dealer in Bowmanville: >LS MOTORS LTD. - ah à-m~£ e~& -- t.4.mmý,j --a é~-m ACT NOW 1 THIS IS ON A FIRST COME 1 in The ra"Billen afefm~m" Tà- gloi Idffla Il COURTICE That lui moh 1 Ïttîrà- (' a r 728-6208