* The Canadian tatsan, Eowa=vffoM ec. 1. 1I5 jjSPORTOpICf By Frn" Mohus PETRA BUEKA TO SKATEHUI The Bowmanyille SkatIng Club bas always put on a fine programme for their aunnul skating carnival. Although It la early to be talking about this spring-tlme attraction, we're sure aur readers wtll be happy to learn that Petra Burka will be the guest star. Undoubtedily the Memorial Arena will ho jam-packed en the nights of April 1th and l3th when Min Burka will show why she is such a great skator. Petra, the current world champion, la certain]y the bout skater who we shal bo privileged to tee Iocaly. The skating club executive must bo feeling quito proud at having obtained her services. We know that Clarence Oke was more than elated when he told us the nows. t t t t t MA.NY PLAYER It ha$ been tlxree weeks sInce the Ontario Minor Hockey Association held is 32nd annual meeting in Toronto. Severs.1 of Bowmanvllle's hard workers in the O.M.H.A. local organi- zation attended, but this reporter has had such a hectic uchedule reccntly that we just couldn't make it. Executive sccretary-treasurer, Gary McLcod, who is now atarting his tenth season, kindly kept us posted on some of the past seasons dotails.. You know wo had neyer given much thought te th. vast extent of the operation, but when our own miner hockey set-up la consldcred, the number cf players involved Jn provincial play really isn't so surprising. In the 1964-65 season 2,672 teama participated In O.MJA. action, including 52,680 possible future N.H..'ers. No wonder th. big league la expandlng. Varlous local leagues totafled 2,204 clubs, enabling 39,672 younguteru te play hockey. Thero were 803 teams vleing for Ontario championships, compriscd of 14,454 players. You might see from these figures just what an honour t la when a Bowmanvilfle ntry captures a provincial title. i. i. i. t t GENERALS TAKE LEAD A sudden lump that saw prcvlously unbcaten Niagara IFas Flycrs drop three stralght garnes, gave Oshawa the *pening they needcd and the Generals moved Into first place in the Jr. "A" standings Sunday afternoon. A 10-2 mld-week wln over St. Catharines and a 9-6 Saturday night decision over Montreal moved them even with thc Frlycrs. Sunday aftcrnoon at Maple Leaf Gardens, An the bout game we have seen thiascason (N.H.L. or Jr. "A") Oshawa and Toronto Marîboros battled te a 6-6 tie, the single point moving Gencrals on top. Flycrs have two games in hand. Oshawa led 3-0 at tho end cf the first, Sunday, and 8-2 early in the third. Alter Marlies had closed Uic gap to, a single goal, Brian Morenz dlicked at 16:08 of the final poriod. But Tonante tallied twice in 35 seconds to gain thc dcad-lock. Gencrals got great efforts from Nick Beverley and Barry 'Wilkins and except from one lapse, a sold shot froin Chris Rober-ta, after Bobby Orr was injured lu the second pcried. Orr returned to mtch bis second goal of the game, but after one shift lu the third, retlred te the dressing room. Chie! scout Haroldi "Babdy" Cotton told us aiter the game that Bobby had suffcred a slightly pullcd muscle and ceuld bave played if ho had ta. Ho will be lu action Saturday night when the same Marîboros visit the Clvlc Auditorium. With Jixn Whittaker already sldc-lined and Paul Cadieux forccd eut wlit a sprained ankle I Saturday's tilt, coach "Bep" Guidolin only had anc dcl ender left in Wilkins. liawever, if Beverley continues his top play, he could ern a spot as a blue-line regular. While fthe usual bench-warmers were fiiling in capably on defence, thxe forwards, particularly Danny O'Shea, Wayne * Cashman, Billy Little and George Babcock were adding ta S their point totals. Orr with five and O'Shea six on the week- end contlnucd ta lead lu the O.H.A. scoring race. Cashman 'ý*nd Littlee moved Into the top ton with Babcock very close. Many fans bave been asking us for a run down on thxe Generals team scoring. Bore t la: G.P. G.A. lan Young 18 61 Goals Assista Bobby Cm _________ 15 26 Darxny OShea ______ 16 23 Wayne Casbman______ 10 17 Bllly Little ___ _____ 10 16 George Babcock_______ 10 12 Bllly Heindl _ _ _ _ _ 4 9 Chris Hayes 4 8 Ron Duslaume_____ 4 5 Paul Cadleux __ _____ 1 8 Brian Moronz______ 5 3 Bob Black ____ ____ 3 4 Danny Sandford ____ 2 5 Barry Wilkins _____ 3 3 Chris Rober-ts 0______1 Jirn Whittaker ________ O 1 Nick Beverley O 0 0 The only player for whomn we have no White, currently out wltix an injury. ti 1 Avg. 3.39 statistica la Bin t t GREY CUF If was a long time betweex Grey Cups - the lest being Uic famous mud-bowl at Varsify Stedium. But wc finally made it again, for the big battle Saturdey. You know something - I tiink well have fo attend these Grey Cups more often. Wam't ft cold you say? Only when we hmd te take off eui- glove to write. Wearing apparel la Uic big thing, and et course a thermos of coffee helps too. Our three sweaters, couple of jackets and a coat helped linmeasunmbly te kecp the 3611 temper-afure fi-rn bothcning us. This reporter beft it toc lite to socune a sotithUi press box, but we were fortiinate .nough te secure a pair cf tickets on thxe ten yard lino mnd enly four rows from the fildls. Amy football fan will tel you that Uiey aren't cxectly fihe bout seita in fthe place - but Saturday fhey couldn't have boom botter. At lemt 75 per cent of fixe action teok place iinxost dlrecfly In front of us, with ail scoririg plays going ever in Uieeaft end. The tremendous winds from fixe wegt playesi a major raie as those of you who watched on TV ceuld undoubtedly tell. The eventual margin of victory just happencd to be the tixnee safeties conceded by fixe Blue Bombers.. V/ coulsi seo the flrst, but it seenies a poor mave when they gave one up fr-ar their owxx 25, sliply to ernu a first down if the saime spot. Two plays later, Hamilton had forced themn back fa the five and there wus little cholce but to give up anothor two pointa. It was a great game fram Our stand-point. You miglif not notice tht much difference botween boing at a regularî sesso ganie anxd vlewing if on felevislon. But to hoe t a Grey Cup coiteat, with ail fhe excitement ansi colour, cannot be matched by staylng home. You wauld have gene If You coulsi have obtained a a ticket? Surpriingly enough we counted at leat flfty of Uic prectous ducats beixg offerod for sale, shortly before game time. As a matter o!ftact, oaly other ganie we saw, resulted t=outhei puncixase of tickets rlght at thc stmdlum. But you mmy rouf assur-ed tht now we're ail hopped up on Grey Cup play again - the old scribe lutenda to have a pais bi Sture C.NZL Cup puay. Midgets Take Uxbridge 11 -4 On Saturday Saturday, Nov. 20, saw Bow- manville Midget Club down Uxbridgc here, il ta 4. Forsey opencd the scoring for Bowmanville at 2:20, fol- lowcd by another from Taylor at 3:05. At 5:45 Rogers made the score 3-0. At 10:30 Greer for Uxbridge scored and at 15:20 Greer scored again but at 13:50 Hircock scored for Bowmanville and at 18:30 Oyler scorcd again for Bow- manville, making the score at the end cf the first period 5-2 for Bowmanvîille. Bowmanviile had ail the scoring in the second period with Rogers, Hawes and Tay- lor each collecting one goal. In the third period Taylor for Bowmanville scorcd again but Greer for Uxbridge came back to score again quickly foilowed by another Bowman- ville goal from Dcvitt. Peters ended the Bowmanville scering at 15:08 and at 17:40 Parton for Uxbridge scored their last goal to make the score 11-4. Dave Wright in goal for Bo-nnanville played a first rate game. In spite cf the lop- sided score Bowmanville had to work hard ail the time te keep the gamo theirs. Rural Bowling November 23, 1965 Bts. Pins Maple Grove - 27 35980 1Hamupton.... ... 19 32664 Salem . ............ 18 33171 Hu C'a ............. 16 33402 Enniskillen Sres 16 32947 Tyrone ........ 15 33435 Enniskillen lut, il 32120 Hiihl Single-- L. Tink 330 Hiigh Triple-- R. Twist 780 Low Single- A. Sharp 69 Low Triple P . Draper 329 1 Averages Over 180 Bave Reynolds -- 30 241 D. Taylor .........33 233 R. Twist ......-... 33 231 T. Pleeaance 33 217 J. Sîcinon ....... 33 216 Cec Mills.....-.. 33 215 T. Mceaugbbin ... 33 210 Ray Davey ..... 30 210 B. Konopackl . ...3o 209 Bruce Coonibes .. 33 208 D. Woods .......... 33 208 R. Scott ............. 30 208 L. V/ern ... 27 203 K. McGiU .......... 3o 202 Jim Coombes .....,33 109 Bob Coombes ....30 197 B. McDonald .... 27 197 E. Dickey .......... 33 196 L. Coonibes..... 33 195 John Coombes ... 30 194 G. Shackletoni......27 193 Deug Reynolds .. 24 193 Rael Davcy .... 33 191 A. Wilson....-.. 33 190 Chester M.ills ...30 o 189 D. Welsh- ....... 24 189 C. Carswcll . 24 187 L. Tink ............. 33 184 B. Taylor....-.. 30 183 W. Cra.ig.........30 183 A. Martin....... 30) 182 F. Wetten .......... 30 182 L. Tenneant......... 27 181 R. McRoberts .... 18 181 D. Green............ 33 180 D. Tennant......... 3o 180 Midgets Win Two Straight From Whitby On Thur-odey, Neveniber 25t&x, thxe local Miidget Teani tarveilesi te Whitby taking along e large turnaut of local parents and fans who sew a good bard fouglit gaine, de- spite fthe fact that et tirnes thxe hockey was rather crratic. Bowinanville started off on thc wreng fbat, getting two early penalties 10 seconds apert. They managed te hold off Uic home feem with cx- ceptional checking led b. Brian Pefers and John Ovîci The gaine remainedsi sorebes. tili Uic 19 minute mar-k of thxe fi-st periosi when Mike Cawker passesi up ta John Oyler- who breke An andi made ne niistakc. Eerly in the second periosi a face-off occurrcd deep in' thc Bowmanviile zonie. Larry Devltt got ftxe draw pases back Vo Kimi Rogers wbofr- cd up te Hon W/ebb at the resi lirie. Bon broke arounsi thc Wbitby defence andi pull- ed Uic goalie ta score a pic- turc goal. Aftfixe seven minute mark Brian Peter-s and Joe Hircock set up John Taylor for an- other nec goal. Near the enid cd thc second, Ron VWcebb made it 4-0 with assists going te Devitt andi Rogers. In the thrd, Wbltby came back stonand fo1erfi jst hall cf fixeperiosi kepf Bow- manville on thxe defensive. Deug Hayes in goal was eall- cd on te nieke several out- standing saves, as he hasi donc îu ic h first and second per- iode. He wes ably assisted by lus defence of Gilhooly, For- sey, Finney andi Aider. a Whltby get tixeir firat geai around tfhe two minute mark andi nine minutes lafer scorcd another ta xnake It Bowman- ville 4. Whitby 2. Witb 15 seondcs to go, John Qyr carried ftic puck the 1lengtb af thec ice and pases in front o! fixe nef to Bob Howes ta maIre the final score Bow-, ammivMle 5, Wbifby 2. Town League Basketball Coron ation Crush Hooper's Ste phen's Defeat Whyte's Coronation Cale downcd1 Hoopcr's Jeweilcr's 30-16 and Stephen Fuels took a 20-15 win over Whyte's Upholster- ing, last Tues day night at the High School gymnasium. The victories, second cf the young season for Coronation andi Stephen's left them tied for the Town League lead, with1 the lasers failing anc game back. Danny Seto accountcd for Girls Hockey In the girls' gaine played Friday the Corvettes camne up with a 5 to 2 win ever the Mustangs. The big gun for thxe Corvettes was Cathy Ghapman whe scored ai lfive goals, wlhile Frances Henning and Heather Moore picked up ane assist each. The Mustangs goals were scored by Rosemery Ormiston and Gail Masters in a losing cause. Pee V/ce Ail Stars defe'af the Pirates by a 3 te 2 scor The Stars goals werc scorc by Murray Cawker anc goi and anc asist, Mark Jhxa what does the 'UcM.'.! off e r young men? JOB? N&. CAREER? YES. EASY? NO, REWARDING? YES. If you make the grade wfth the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, you set out on a rowarding, stim- tUlating, satisfying caroor. Your work can take you into many branches of police wark, fron criminal investigation ta security end intelligence. You may fly.a plano, sail a boat ride a hors, Iead a dog team. The R.C.M.P. daes all-and more. Your worl may lead you ta thé lonoly. frozen north or ta, crowded big city streets. It won't be dun. lt mai be dangerous. Whotover it is, it wlll be a man's work. Think you con make the grade? Ask at your nearest R.C.M.P. office or write te: The CoMmlaiomsu- Royal Canadien Mounted Police Ottawa 7, Ontade ï half the Cale total, with Jimj Coylc hooping half a dozen. XIn the opening tilt, Corona- tion out-scored Hooper's 15-3 in thc twe middle quarters.i John Fowler talllcd eight points for the Jewcllers, Hans Strikwcrda adding five. Stephen Fuels came from bchind in the nightcap with a nine point third quarter splurge, as Peter Dayle wound up with nine, Ken Kelly six and Frank Sobil five. For the Upholstery crew, John Lunn coilectcd six, while Lyn Lowcry chipped in with a pair of baskets. Toam Standings W L Pts. Coronation Cale. 2 1 4 Stephen Fuels. 2 1 4. Hooper's Jewellers 1 2 2 Whyte's Upholst. -- 1 2 2 one goal and one assist, Allen' Junkin one goal and one as- sist, while Michael Cornfll picked up two assists. The Pirates goals wcre soor- ed by Mâhaci McGregor, Jer- omne Billett, and Boyd Jcwcll rpiclved up one assist. >In the second gaime the Huskies andi the Braves fought te a 3 ail tic. 'The Braves Lgoals were scored hy Bob Johnson, Brian Burgess and Larry Preston, while thc as-1 sists went to Stephen Poole, Ken Tamblyn, Wayne Paeden and Elroy Trixnblc. The Hus- kics goals were soored by Ross Keatley with two, and Gary Chisholrn the other. The assists went te Rodney Lang- laes, Clair Syer, LeneLiving- stone andi John McKnight. In the final Bantain game of thc day the Cubs andi Liens played ta a 4 all tic. The goal scorers for thc Cubs were Baýve Willoughby one, Rick Vanstone one, Ricky Lowe one and John G-oyne one. The assists went to Daniel Meihn, Rick Venstone, Neil Brown, Gcrry Snowden and Bill Milîs. Mie Lions goals were scor- cd by Pet Pingle with three and Lerry Allun with thxe other. The assists went to Kcith Swan, Paul Raycraf t two, and Mike Lawrence anc. Mldget Hockey In the first Midget garne the Orphans defeatcd the Mt. R>oyals by a 6 to 3 score. The Orphans goals we-rc soored by John Qyler with Vhrce goals and three assiists, Kinm Rogers lied one goal and four assists, David Robinson potted the other marker, and Brian Og- den had one assist. The Mt. Royals goals were scored by Rick Woolner with two and Gary Bail one, and John Hamailton had one assist. ln the second gaine th e Generals blanked thxe B.T.S. by a 6 tao0 score. The Gen- crals goals were saored by Brian Peters with thiree, while singles went to Steven Morri- son one goal and two assista, Dave Shacklcton one goal and anc asist, an'd Bave Burdett with anc goal. Other assists, went ta BIh Wright, Brian Mixed League Bowling edà Mutton oontinued their win- Elton Brock ......'*'36 223 re. ning ways ln Mixed League Matt Harrison.... 36 221 cd Bowling, Friday night, wal- Vince Prout........ 36 2191 oal loping Yeo 7-0 to increase Dick Perfect .... 33 219 ;on their first place margin to Harold Bennett .. 36 218 -nine points. Runner-up Brock Bob Glanville ... 36 218ý edged Prout 4-3, while third- Hilda Brock ....... 36 217 ranking Glanville defeated Hap Palmer........ 36 212 Harrison 5-2. Ernie Dickens ... 15 211 IIn what you rnight cal a Howard Bromel .. 36 210 family battie. M. Etcher Jin Bedford . ...33 210i trounced O. Etcher 7-0, and Murray Grant ... 33 20eî in the night's third shut-outl Onie Etcher ...... 36 204 pWelsh blasted Bennett 7-0. Joan Brunt....36 202' Nowlan dropped a 5-2 deci- Ken Nichols ....... 33 2011 sien te Wilcox, Friday's final attraction. Ladies: .igh Single, Thel- ( ma Bennett 290; High Triple, %O Bo ln iMens: High Single, AlO- November 26th ýborne 363-, Hîgh Triple, Gordf Terc o is lc Wil'cox 820. 'Terc o is lc Singles: Bob Glanville 333 ti.ghtened with Snowden drop- Vince Prout 298-265, Gord ping 5-2 to MacNab -while B. Wilcox 288-268-264, Morley Westlake gained with 5-2 over. Etcher 283, Alan Lobb 277- Sednian, Luke 7-0 over Brock, ; 245, George Glanville 277, Prout 4-3 over Allen, Dakin' Lorne Crago 276, Joe Nowlen 4-3 over R. Westlake. 273, Kelth Yeo 271-244, Hilda H. no en ashhbw- Brock 264, Ruth Mitchell 262, er with 797 (231, 333, 233),l Onie Etcher 255, Elton Brock followed by D. Nolan withý 253-250, Ernie Dickens 252, 750 (286, 181, 283). Mel W'iseman 248, Howard M. Mjtallesr had a 620 triple, Bromeil 246, Frank Osmond high for thec ladies, while E.i 243, Audrey Osmond 240, Prout rolled a 269 high single. iVcrn Joncs 240, Bob Mitchell Tomn Standings i S238, Matt Harrison 238. Snowden ........................65 , - Triples: Vince Prout 773, B. Westlake ..............631 rAI Osborne 743, Alan Lobb Brock ..................57' 741, Keith Yeo 732, Morley MacNab . ...................40 y Etcher 718, Joe Nowlan 711, Prout ......................... 40f n Elton Brock 707, Bob Glan- Sedman ............ 36: ~'ville 678, Howard Bromeil Allen ....... ... .14! a666, Rap Palmer 663, George Dakin .................. . ........ 321 Glanville 658, Matt Harrison Luke ....................... 30.... '653, Ernie Dickens 652, Mer. R. Westlake ... ............. 23' l an Winnacott 617, Lorne Itidividual Averages i k Crego 605, Dick Perfect 605. R. Westlake ....... 24 223' nTeam Standings R. Brock............ 36 213~ ypts. ~H. Snowden ..... .... 36 212 Mutton ..........................63 E. King ............. 36 206, y' Brock ...................54 W. Denncy...... 36 202, it Glanvile ............53 G. Marshal ...... 36 200 u M. Etcher ..................49 G. Prout............ 36 200 Prout .....................44 M. Dakin...........36 196' Wilcox ..........................44 R. Griffin .......... 27 196 Nowlan ......................... 7 J. MacNab .......36 194 Welsh ................... 36 D. Nolan......._.. 21 186f > Yeo .................:«341Mk MalIey. 36 18.5 Bennett .........................321C. Roberts ........ 36 185 0. Etcher.................. 30 jB. Westlako 36 183 Harrison ...................... 281 B. Smith ... 23 179 Averages B. Allen ........... 36 178 AI Osborne . . 33. l 243'G. Malley .......36 176, *Joo Nowlan...... 36 2311F. Stubbert 18 176f Morley Etcher .. 36 2301S. Brock.... 36 175 Alan Lobb..._.. 36 2281 M. SedmM _.. 24 175 *Gord Wilcox .... 36 227 J. Smith... 33 173 Keth Yeo - ......36 226 & oberts - 86 172 D. Dennis ........36 K. King .........30 Roy WoodwaMd.... 36 B. Potter .... ....33 N. MeLean......... 24 B. McReelis......... 36 G. Dennis ...... 36 R. Nolan............ 21 E. Luke .......... 33 N. Gibson. 36 F. Allen.........33 L. Woodcock .. ..33 D. McReelis ....... 36 C. Schwarz......... 36 N. Zondcrvan ....36 I. Gibson ........-36 M. Aldread .......36 C. Borek . . ...... 30 Ruby Woodward 36 W. Hiunt ........ 17 S. Milley ..........36 V. Luke ..........36 F Prout............ 36 I. Anclringa......... 18 S. Whbite .......... 30 R. Stephenson ....30 T. Aldread .... 33 P. ]Bor a ......... 36 N. King ......0... j S. Stephenson -...33 F. Snowden ,.....36 B. Buna ........... 36 N. Woodeock....33 B. Aldread......... 27 F. Potter........ 33 S. MeLean......24 R. Simnpson......... 12 B. Hawkins........ 36 M. MaeNab........ 36 S. Hawkins......... 36 M. Langley ....... 33 Midgets Swamp Markkam12 toO0 Bownianv lec Misigets wcrc fortunate ta oi Mearklian ta no score in thec first periosi on Saturday, Noveniber 27th. Thcy werc net skating as they usually do andi as a result were bcing beafen te thxe puck' and Bave Wrighit hasi severalý tough stops te niake. After a pep talk at Uic end' of the first period a mucix different feani hit the ile. Thcy startesi skating end pas- ing as Uicy havcn't donc this year. The resuit wes ei.ghf goals unanswered by thc Markiarn teani. Tbey went on in Uic third periasi te score four mare. The Markhair. teani was, much better than fthc score indicetes, but coulsi not beat Bave Wright in goal lu the fir-at two perioda or Dotug Hayes who took over In Uic third. Ron Webb led Uic scoring with 4 goals, foliowed by John Qyler with 3 andi 1 amist. Brian Peter-sbit for 2 andi 2. John Taylor, Don Forsey andi Bob Howcs cacix hasi 1goal end 1 msist. Larry -Devitt hasi 3 assists, with Kim Rog- ers, Joe Hircock andi Mike Cawkcr caeh picking up 2 as- sists. Jef Gilhooly andi War- ren Aider lied one assist ecd. The game was well refereesi with Merkhem pickin.g up il penalties and Bow'manville 10. This weckend fthe local teani plays three gaines in four nighta, travelling te Ux- bridge an Friday night, then ccxniâng home fo play Stouf!- ville on Saturday night, andi then travelling ta Mar-khlan on Monday, December 6th. Night Hawks Bowling J. Woodlock ...... ......... 28i A. Perfect ............ «......125 M. Hodwon........ 26 O. Moffatt. ..... 125 I J. Shearer ...~..... 25 1. Turnbull ..... 121 M. Sedman ................. 20 L. Burgessa .. .......... 117 1. Wright ..................91 200 Games High Triple - J. Shearer 647 J. Woodlock 261, F. Cham-~ H.gh Single - J. Woodlock 261 berlain 238, 1. Wright 231 Average$ F. Land 260, TJ. Shearer m J. Shearer.............--213 D. Sallows =2, K. Raste n ... ........... 185 204, 'M. Sedn n 204. B. WiH K. Capbell177 bur 203. M. Sedman... 177 C. Sarg.inson ...176 L- L.Wocc .. 173 I wi I<lan you B. Wilbur.... 171 1713. Woodlock....171 t 170 B.k Mills.......... 168 169 G. Scott.-..... 167 $51000 168 F. Land . ..........164, 168 W. MeNeil............... 163 at a reasonable rate 167 J. Rowe .................. 161ofItrs 167 D. Mutton ................ 6 167 D. Sallows............... 160 Te consolidate your 166 C. Adams.................... 157 165 F. Chamberlain 157 bis or for any other 164 K. Raiston ......157 163 1. Wright ......-.............. 155 wortbwhlle put-pose 162 J. Mairs ........ .......... 155 161 B. Beers.................... 31 159 A. Lorusso ...............152, provîdîng yon are 156 M. Firth ...............149' " 1541 D. Cochrane ........146 steadlly employed and 153 L. Mutton.................. 145 152 J. 1-Farnesa. ............-.143 bave cood credit. 152 E. Cûombes ..............141 150o V. Sarginson.............1361 TeIeh 149 D. lIewell . ................. 1341;' hne 723-4631 1491V. Bartlett ........ ........ 1291 _ __________ 14911 MEMORIAL bARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, DEC. 3rd - 8 - 10 P.M. SUNDAY, DEC. 5th - 2 - 4 P.M. MONDAY, DEC. Gth - TOTS SKATING 3 TO 5:30 - ONLY 25c Rmuheube KODAK Load uMsady... moi or-dive film advance, toc? I1.es the budg.t.picd Kodak Iaistomotic Camera with ceo vonced featwes. Drop in th. film cartridge, ond shoot. Ne s.ttings to moite. Film advoncits automahically after evory shot. Indoors, pop on a fiashcube ond shoot up te four shots in suc- cession. Flashcub. roteles automatically after each shot. Comm plete outfit in fOIt.d turny-ail case. ~ $35. Jury & Love!! LTD. 2 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Announcement #9 0 We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Bill Dodwell as Sales Manager Bill DodweII is weII known ln Bowmanville and district, having been in the. appliance sales fielId for some 20 years, formerly with Meagher's, Oshawa. He invites &Il his old fri s and customers fo drop in and rensw old acquaintances at HARRY LOCKE TV Heudquarters for ADMIRÂL - ELECTROHOME - PHILIPS TELE VISION and STEREO 20 KING ST. W. BROWMANVI LLE I Recreation Reviews Peo Wee Hockey The first gaine sew the Atom Ail Stars dcl caf the H'awks by a 4 ta 2 score. The Stars goals were scorcd by Ken Vivdan with two goals and one assist wbile Pbiip Romeril hasi one goal and one assist, andi Paul Forsey had ene goal; other assista werit te Pearce Wilcox andi Robbie Simnpson. The Hawks goals wcrc seor- ed by Daniny Robinson andi Ronnie Piper, while Robert Wilson, Doug Vivian andi Bruce Osborne each pîcked up anc assist. In thc second gaine Uic Red V/mga defcated Uic Generals by e 3 te i score. David Sxmyr sooresi ail thrce goals for UiceV/ings, while Jan Ben- nett scoresi one assist. The lone goal for the Gencrals was scoresi by John Celweil. In the thîrd game thxe Rari- gers andi the Bears fought ta a 3 ail tic. Tne Rangera goals were scorcd by Bave Poole, Clarke Stepheri and Walter V/ereszczynski, while thec as- sists went te Kcith Kelly, Richard Borek and Waynie Murphy. The Beara goals werc scoresi by Jim Brooks with two, anid Larry Brunt with Uic other. The assists wenfta oTcrry Cook, Howard Avery andi David Passant. In the final Pee V/ce game the Canadians defeatesi thc Bruins 7 te 1. The Canadiens goals were seoresi by Rick Sheekelton with lxive goals, whilc Leur-le Gay and Doug McKnight sooresi the others. The assista went te Marris Mcadows with flirce, Darrell Barrett wltih two, and singles ooing to Paul Martin and' Deug McKnight. The brie Bruins goal ivas scored by Doug Taniblyn. Ba.ntam Hockey In the firsf enSunter fthce Saunders, Larry Devîtt with one ecd, while Doug Tighe 1had two assists. In the third gazne the Ca- nucks defeeted the Cornets 4 ta 2. The Cenucks goals, were scored by Ron Wcbbi with two, Randy Snowdcn one, Paul Meadows onc. The assists went ta John Taylor,l John Hooper, Warren AIder, and Bob Hovws with one cach. The Cornets goals werc scorcd by Bill Sumersford with bath goals. In thc final gaine of the day thc Bantain Ail Stars defeat- cd tic Maroons 8 to 2. The Stars goals were soored by Charlie Cattran with two goals and two assists, Tom Simpson two goals and one assist. The others wcnt ta John Vanoe, Doug Crough, Ken Tabb and Deug Parker. The assists went te Doug Par- ker, Mike Donoghue, Ken Tabb, Murray O'Brien, Doug Crough. The Maroons goals werc scored by Ji MacDon- alId andi Robert Large. The as- sista went ta Robert Large and Ron MeMullen. Square Dancing Ohildren's Square Dancing et thec Ontario Street Scliool this comning Saturday marri- ing, Dec. 4th, from 10:00 te 11:00 a.m. More children are rcquircd for th-is grou.p. Boys' Basketball Mare boys arc required be- tween the agcs af 10 ta 13 years ta bori a Pee Wcc Basketbell League. Boys in- terestesi ple'ase report to the Boys Gym of the High Sohool et 9:00 &m.a Sports Nlght The Bowmanvlle Reorea- tion Departmnent will hold a Sports Night et the Lions Centre tihis coming F'riday cvening et 7:30 p.rn. This event is open te al players Wiho participaed in thc Lacrosse League, Toueh Football League and Girls Softball League. Trophies and Crcsts wiil he prcsented to the winning teams by memnbers of the Recreation Committec. Foilowing the prescritetions of awards, bot dogsand pop wlll be served. BOWMANVILLE 12 KING ST. E.