Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1965, p. 6

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6 The Canadien etat.unn. nowmanvmfe, Dee. i,.1i61 Prlu ln Grade XIIIHlstory, Oshawa, were Sun dages r.GogeWleatde tvolumes biography of Sir of Mr. and Mrn. W.J.PacametncfCnilrso John A. MacDonald was pre-D and Mrs. G. Crawford h oeEcnmc eto sented te Bernice Grae by G. l - AKTC Sunday guests withr.dofOEAilthHueod tT.hettUndewo wad o (Intended for lest week) stormn and thoreughly enjoyed riext day. Mrs. Jack Green andhîrr cec uidn nUleut _Wley t du t t Ch n eTetak, nd er the icat ie aiesndoefori n.H E sthethnedI S.Jhn',PuGrdonPer: Mr.anMr.DnGe oM. and Mrs.Cr rgt rofciecy n al Screenil Tenn tmee. aete i r co essetrouhs c o Senvicsn c r n r. n aiy, M. n r. M.ad n oiMr Ivîn. M. G. Smthsonrnd:' Thewonshipwas on ii. stry weather Sth ohJakGre l en aSunîve neyManr.eendn os saa îîe r ::Readiness to M eet Challengents, rofbJets n all BusiCssfor hmeof Mhe Bond fTPae"rAi the R anyon en t r. macrrnnt fBpimgCnnN., __ te ,an and ohfor.ig RvthresomM.nnd r* .Em ~II~>IL~ U U7 ~ at Cuneci tt he CwoiLbyaon ci re repeted olwith n-otHeon sedM.Wb-Rsosbiiiso aet" n Mra.dJim Mtt elhe roicecy i al ereaia nn ldesan nteil n of r ickH. aE ys, h e takd' In S.Uon'e, thelchordsang eryMr R. aFo r spet ls r ad M .on hm Womn'9Leaue wardsp n e. Ms onCr aghan o r og truh sc hsn sn o r n r.ad M rln r revn r.G.S iho ad The w iciptue asn tsag, my altherin trou n.Jank a nthm " God Rvealsthiseom Gekwt her n he nPr o iie rn, Sna hihpet standing in Gra e me,. 4 h1-8 nd M: of Pec Duff Nttedi who told n in ter r- SPrs ene. ev ofB pim nilcone Crditand Tor ot.atrooai rs il -~~~~~~~~h m Courtîe High SThool Com- te aingng cf wCanaa. Sev Shirly Aven, Robet Burtn, Latn was presenmonteohe Ephms atdMe s. Abert Dewell, llan Fr e S t.PggyMsen by Mars.getes e ditepate ion. eusig thingd about Mr. oe s he s bjtetof saern. Vsitrs with teFe, rw Cbldc eund hm -.memnEecise hed ea ejyabe ak rasCSelnloftetions byDouglas china of wicays hea lag 20mbenProfant, teîcheir act' WriRghrd Women's eague AwrMrfornds.Mrs. aran Mn.i andeMrs.thWm.e Thomp- * w er an out tan ing suc ess un er t e d rec ion cf n. . G asp li, ern ce rac , D r- den of the diC g in.L r de bookd Je ss C hri t p an te Bdisplay. He, t hen ow e dM r a n me thds o i in re proa ne. m a x le The eent as torougly a- Snll, .R.C.., fllewd. lne Gry, Bn Hostede The Publc SpakingPrizs Chistin Chuch, as ld by ilm n th makng o!Spod.tTh-O.NO. Clb hed thir ITewin and amil. Ehnssil sonand niand Oshoaonitot oedbte lrge Scrl od cf iGarnt TubbCona . e v SDa r-JcleAe,oerle Keat were presented y eI. hil M. 4:e8nndh Smeis ufllwing thisaprizespwea e 'e be t o ig t eren . ed Mr and Ms. Orr enhinF menaeent Eer ries, ldonan l no Towns lip' oens y, ous D McMAaer sher tna elogaeno otet Tve emeibea ndnigvn.ot ih th copihme fKalenDnein Lst oda Mad Mrs. Suaday --fiens tat ile he ttre-cf he unhm Cuny Dstrct osvea, Pter So I in ~Jnetr eb son 2 Stphe sitratedechhme inaenio ickarge, to ter Thrsaiy ,ev ing AfteriateIBob Bansn tvecle r n n abi~Ml tivey deeratd an spalousHighSciici Bardwho cted nneStaiton.LynJsieay;Jnio n t es e- c thedascss nit tthe s nfesn avt rus e p ode thatsecet yw d re ue eorts on Mrs. RBi edum ad ol.Yvetn r S da ,utrium tee caing o.ty asthaîorman er tghe evelBnd ig Sconary Sh Grdua gGMaony2 ona erii. hon essCfhn r Nitalcd mithgest n.Ad a wnneweencivdi as iedSotin OsMr.a. nda n usso n.Hr alr we r nora wesc e b e lcnem te dievreineof Mdsaid. tie iloma erne ralcose, r deTii Mofil otahTesda rnrnig. n. Dm1-o!Plont Pen;te esn h withate meit d eaivngtate rof andr.Bo.ras ii The evnt wasthoroghly e- Snel, A.RC.M., ollowd. len Gray ton HDonneil ThgaveliaSbirthdaPriethatr dayChMn.. and ed girllmcomthetîngngforSpadpnihee.Nhis luother tMrs.#eJimandryansy it wbytelag rodO as need gbnifying rteJscqreen e s, W.J. roKaýw WomeseAuxihiay, Bowan- oF"ecy. th ln Lmng a b p inthday at ombmeetn musthei nOhaw optl _paruchtalange adience.ivnsoanDalington Township'% nmeoly osieatr sthrvinalle, Nurs nir fost Mns. P. Rmeb n dl ga e g ien o5 une lstMChe armli es fstandig !5 eDr cent on' Mr.aMnda,\Mr. Bh B~n Irind tht iled heat "W. o tet urmCuDitici c Rorpsenaters o hb igand 1 et mcm our. tiepHeig ter a tenîl othookmcfthn emth;ofbirth ay prltlithr. eTh aky u e tg. ter thoeand obBvnaLenSelo aî, Ai RY L. PcATTed dsPO are ver odo o r Pnin ci School on e eeve coofetrig a Nu n they bocJeUnisan Veon Asste; edng'k Guter andtGadysnwrsundayisupper uet o JamesSpees, BA., ur b Klas AnslsteterChanes ShoolwereJreseted y Au- th ChnstiapChurh". lansday n. HroldCrawfrd.thee i wen rea. NaesaMndandMrs.Bob rvanrapdorts ~attnson R.. 1,Orore, c- BP.H.., .Ed. ounteahersBradeyJudyEnanon, Lan y udeio Este s eearhomn o!family. etivealcolm The dethfGrarn ay Lenb e icom- incipal , JaMnd ayAtion, Jean BakGeer, Bianoirye Pnes .m detthebenning et thal- o htpeasa t a ternon wiht ere dr afr exhangtebo an r.Bb r * crre etMesoril Hspialmndstmf,"Mn.Tub stted InBromeDavd Bewn J h n Ro e i sialCon wrre»gv e woshow overnth a t hodame.AfwCnsma it tte et M.ad Mi.Br us Tuesdayreerin e e rstfing eCouss, nte D abyW.JTedowDob- Ten'Ceuxrti ig So m n y eecnîe u.Bs-mngtendaon ddgeing i ch h te bfr ie held mohr nd fa iBamtn Bowrnanville, on ~~~~~Mespio eheryin.oth tenncar utetpa rng lot.at cEmminemBiey' mst Mob ndhawa Heondsitoa ndMn. Novenbe 16 195, ollwin sHih aSlare a uidingc. a !onerofnsy, a r ie onEshsey iAtlet ri ngScitAwardsor tu nits T. orcl av a n i e arest hoe ft r os i-ha es . tan o 5iercentl o!wasaMn Bey. DaBiTrn , an is c 0 ces H eetied te iotat nw o gl ersFnarrowShon t F ih ets fbo nt ourt ing i Ah Units wrc stomeeut . rabflt e m tbruble. Aprgood m or."W hen an whu er Ittended ,werend Sna Leisitnso Mn Wasinbisl9h yar faihte tat wihl be avaor Piabe i- chlaelGid, John Gier e tive co 1964-65 a urec ivg b y bWedn esdm Cftentoo n d Veotersn aiseltine pupihs from amy fint ON . etn g.ady end s e usr an Son ofselteMn.,ChalesdchMn. La-reentthenA x- hinhr then Cnear. lafuture.s. arHde AndrcwTrwinGoodwin, ame MDonnaMr. Ed PatverePeso i, R.R. , O r cBPHEnraulaed thegradutes nGown ai reWi- Soîta n etegnlpm eb xcapeim eolnyrgtt hi uchwMsr.dbyKtlen' a nd rlyBa onoh. as ornin Bwrnn- hei sucesiul omp etio 0'Bir a l, Dy on ar, oRutsltaigEs thr Reeti a 964 aely 80 l ies bad t e ho m es n te noonhor. Atenhrtasi group Mr an MntheterWniht ville. Helattnesd Antiohrteir Coute ihrSchoofineJohsnsHanck, TEdwadobane- 65wasrce ihSolnspeived by Gwenl D ink Thuecrsayuteholues ar, Stndynih teON.an auernds M.1adtMsi ClakeHih Shels 'Clae lu, Cama Joh n skto, ayin se rawr ae y onBonlc Upercsadt ar tkai lotrt ained ther î,uîbndato Llod right an Dea l,% log Pueblic 16, 1oo , Oroowend Rotedic. wichhJohHe ningFshr lsel h rsnoe. A nw posgtaabnuta aaSekwt te eaie. wr A lie lng esientet he h Duham Cudny Diastrc o e- AaktPu L hapicScit A ads a n. Tc o u fl ja n cst e epenShomeonfer od ake s. 2The Rllwa al aesuna usso M.adM ern ileofa 0, V ee s. ed WhtiLiptay, GmprdaMtM I w al e ho l B ard, s ae iha elle AeGibb , h Sltethe boy oTtstanding in th __________________out.Y alatoubchldte. A o me a tt"Wenan e IGaene wre SWndgh stPrennm emplnoyed t et C rply Woodhe ws1hoo4e-te5ninggree- en arh, ar- IIjVLlJ.U'1 AY J. DILLnG Agratmay ad evna !vsi' ft a deicious t in".hno rso!Genetus brha. Produts, noni, an wasa ins on ehaî o! he bard.cen cNain Weny Nebitt Chatene Accontan tor tha nigt. Hwever ah ennhnaPesidnt, oan Pis- n. ad MnthRos Aston HeoisofuMr.vendby ri: par-tpaleSpnethandnbis staffeonthe EclipPrimeaJrrynR Aanthberifrmt.i! cambeex6ct,861 pbutxthenesarhlotso!ebankioQueneandegave anbri!wreportvandbMrs.Stuant Dorrell an vencytroRR ,Or1ogauae h rdstso odiDvdGe no Wli lngtede eontsttheg iyears activities. 0 ldie brSedn-eM.anyvsd M . an ns on ents. n riBwmn-terclent organiz ti n ofthe aro al , obe n D aRm unity5 wspr ent et cast nylEOADJhE R o mesbu îl oad o admus ýand c gWeeeuproee tct astnad caugliad ar- Adeir.u Til.He fu±ncra] serv ic wshol "Ti bo ard ish SholJh grateful Aae lspl. Te rsnttos B sn s D rcor hrda.Sholbss cr, Stra ngtte ... tIi Balo Fuer fr teir coopeatin, h n, Jc o e, ernartRto vnigeSheioalrntlCenyedAcena t rBucksatoac oe, after someter the i husb and taltoiy drga ndi onAlool rik Puelc fno LindanoSmnthtEdward Sperel: a Mn.JKen Wlsn xib- Trst, nBaknpty elysinlevngt.t.or- oreh bl rpleden asoMn ndMn veet Munt Home Oono, oidn t Ohursda, saDuram County Disc Jo ehroakSt.PierreaMchaeliedbs nuscl!i tCSut 0W 725-995C3y ing e e tme od ad a popsed tic towasa t e1ti yRneg in r g eto!rMn -Novembr lSth and ws pel-eTii. DeiamaNr dn ThpnQun Gica Cs ts siw Sh ngCentre a llen tfnee, xen to Tohone.lades nd Nanc v raîn-adMseuse.Muto n ur duct e bytRe. BaewailLog.tncHig School Board te ha Daid T onkerin, ilarsMaTur- we.M.BueLwo o 6 5cO A .DLIGAgra ayhdSvrlvs- fe eiiu ta ci-loo fGre' WM. . HoCO GIN antspnt plasan daotor- plid.aollwinoa ing ongsevnalotir cusis i tu Prn terme nt wsin, ad Oroa n on ere aseelf o is nthe o ie , JneNa TunWnbuhl it, r eod pie wt n ! ii Ciartered Accountant itor c Uatnigtd C ur Ho se , a Ic ne ty dividdnteadnce o-1 r anea. Ro Cemeeny wee Murs deti ! Wlte Renols, icV n e am en tats n eyeuns alyitcekSecod lor iotiy w Ere aredtho uMeonayleypla rour thst ostctatop- nfm. rn aRydnls ee-I Palbe no e UniSed ch. eao ny-Tn aue T s liJn e W rr R nad ih- Cngtu frlat s t e Mn ad eL bhrary BuldnChreeti ed Fe itr Ms e ffevn îeatee-bro g, vstd M . Lsie Lesie eid To Cathm, emees a ppuln, no l o, BTi oa Worde, Wye Ms.E adLwonwom Teprnce S ý t s en, und re th capQuenableavedinec-reprtmngd Meunj. StunatD HLe s Mrvan e c. Moffpa- att, e e a end hmîtafficn gtheMay Yo!adAJ n seve ter 3oth dings E . Pio623-3612'ino M. Can Fais a RtRe.W. .CumBh- M. nd n.RoTionDi y eomnAies n dtsa.-edmllnt ra. Weon u Zavitsky. n iyentarytuest ek. LONDJAEBUROOSfererbrsident o Cadmus.ad ep o! Sask.,wasectetogust buroldwee weekendusto ~rence Hooey lois and exend our deepsym- Co mc ialose Clenca, R thc r e veSympe t tifhe R lated terni' Chartered Accountant! i u nie eey i o a o n n s m r. ten d u ie n o -nl w Aed mg t-hc Br lo n e a f orp th e i o-fami ," . Ali ana Dpo as w epeene Fackr. yn cr r e isondet f 33Blackstock about ple.afte n Gom l a th e report n . upnd a t n . a, nd M. Godn ai ey ~~florah tnibutes we.ne thosea Smirhstated P tpo l, i hi:sad bav- TuK ein t.W, a wa, nt . hdeain s eanta t ou r n-u rs en y r e n hopial. Mn. aneM csiEeEK g- hne635 4 Hrnve, OCla, nkeHihursdhoo, fr arigtn onsipf initSinnl Banonien. oalAF . ilo, .A anicasacoî oin. Al vthece oy Ptubnogteer we-205Win S -N vend LOL, ad C rpyte uh m C utandndscn T e D rh m C u t i t a c eraCot.vi r, cha l E-7n25des-99ov51,3u G mod uno s, C.. e ap y t o get te dtacir Mn d Mns. Don a ne t a ndh e nd Rg itsao!ate Brue M ut Wd Pod uctsRe. istrictn . wandsi LeownaBoaFengsuso , il- co M r.nity ewas nwo lnkt ne 2-75 __ ho a e lthtre w n igtitorotc ery and NMn.cy ou Pasre, andoyi . Rusl :Interm_________in_ Hii Su ee e B oar, in te cd io ,aizwsiMLn a ryc- nd p ilywith ona hsix J.H OG IS adscii - ______or pid. Flown asn sn evrl te cui ti g cî s eke, . . îi- GrgoJudiNe bIl, M raeCnwel on tc lvl w îhHatrAL ERKnta-____he Unted__________________iid d t d nc o ae Pallberers ere dadsoB.SalterS.,Ren o!stii PingCae , Ja n R aont, Betydintsteay nthet way lng adScondLlA & Co.rýTmty Eato e oilpa ortw it ofetp r.LreRyo Mess .yentyTo! ueThlp Janerîy eis, Rame Sden, seCondration t by.andetheur C artend ccuinnts Birds EytoeMs Breffandy lesntevn brogh iste spleRiTm otan eoes o! his disti tn ho Sres daei w le, a n ke t o dw ankLan de oa /lnbt-. saa'Tne ýLeIi Moga, lec Mffttcioealatecancer, afiiet rit, oay estlkand Donn hyrde fir 0causedd by Ain-, Pone72-62 .mmf.M.Auwm..m PU, AiWr Geen BeRnc Noma An rw ,ad L w a n i ha r ds e xpores Wibun. broken wrca near thwek Noman98 -4a240 Save Se!. 10-os. Pkg.s ,.rence Hocey. ~lasdetet takigeepart inWITic& OshaWS aoWood Products CadrWilsoon's.Ssk., Wedanesdaygueneon Partners:ken Amog te m ny eauifu pthy tprogn am l, rAl Commerwadfnciigeiest stande- tic y Bnad" nofbeadsota o!Wi.iaCHa ll, B. Ccomm.nCA.t h u rie aeyi!fCnnadMs sm r.terduhe n ý-flraItribtes erethosfroi s a d poie e t ginIutial Artom s w s presetd akY ane orepodnto 32 intt.Wosaw ,On.wascstc aot impassabGadt epr M s RprtM . n te Gro the MenExercisspisaareospecia:lBarbaiani-soin Gradce Pcars o, i 3:30 brev- ate evid G. P enk t nal orhusW ry hm rm hsia. M .W yeM F rc s eytnd ame nbe etrimby HerBalo rn t bipasmeeJnt.49 k oo!tCandaPeh Tabb GraeXK r actd-ý O n esdlaterNon., e ny- GaEdmndeeMilla, CX.A kcr cosras l!alsecj eebruh What LO..ado u rvythec hsand sutaff aDithenct1wrst eter and Pul nLa iing bumuty wh elîcoptrs.D e te -ehpyt e atei r n r.DnLn adedget fteBu aodcademts. i cholattainm nt o! md1- hoe72-55 rnsOnion t ih o he1Ter adau.Lo eaceo abou "SeondCar"stuentswho re novig CapeMlle avand M-ed parlyecitrc a sixanch îo i e.a te g senior T.R.Ri h re o mmJuit eilM aq e t1, Sive onthe eve8-os. HALkgs Insurane? d ouses, C epao hine adne ated ytic 1961-62nt six tic ne untloic snw- . EDIN ANN,&lC I U ivsit a fcialphingand Gr ade isComme wenia s plow eventualy as iwed oup; Ch ioprd accot i Shoul bot car cary re ading aexenincorfoartJa ad and C ommrcalhys vehilue shi d t t1cditc5Offce:9 thesam inurnce la , eahnsRichas e xrt resne- Sluets wa pesntd e we' re od, rgte Nprai in St., or, o!5HNcste th.oa hesm f< p by tiC ommec c en t;rCar o tedwdsbyC.oes t ruck m rod o d i tcsno w Pho a ne63-50 banka, neaud îngenothenimnow- DOf ice G.Hou ri:Baintment stdnsateefr toftheyveti TccarNsho, A arJt.pow(trahatmien tMhuacMeiGrdeFanynrae Con - un boh a rsdo Y l ten- tev"rscioo anTc l t a!fwands oth ic studlntabinGrade XII di. it ack e, ndtee nstratand f V& h v . ..L h lt hp age rivrs mke niit sowsa hgi lve cf lngte est nd alLaity nnrbu". eawilot .e, loaI abouterencond i~llCamsucceiswhicharefiect hoorndvtdmtppurbyesdnsepdnto c-R.WM.RELD.. Y~' PaY. -ta Iseiorcouesd t e xin you eby CLyn e rctalto qeandre- supp n wtoten ce t nckcoff. fic oui Thes a onlya e w tii. getnioMicUieît ed nt y F. he 196 du e t f aieling wailte pumi, 9G . m ED6 p.MA D. C.l yhouild want casweareyd eA rg îutnlCee. ene fr ti ftir hGreaadeI Cmi ca i oneig sidnon th i geter Office Poe - 63707c2 o 8 of th q eti ns t e a ! Gc lps h a do ! tif o ntae ie Pnîe s for tic sents wita w iie' st ting in g tiir overcoats lsed Sat.,crdey f nd S t . thes w hae hd umbrincec Gadeewade by tc mod agoedith svnced eî Phone Newc-s55e98-21-- n may 6elb Tn ifyo'e -cr a- students aftr mtes la eadi Them ony icstAri ta igi, (te h egyanail tinta gu!.FDaC.rF CrTRAN, .D.S ily. car dl tdy teasch be Ten stoaau r dpnivîhg e st e in Bo arde anound'-ne ady ont etagt icandfic Wge drivers dmakessoiat i von a byinF e bes t eyln, soatrouble o ! k eaiepinlotalne _ _Dmn e. Bof a nvî. DS U!Mv e OT NBO NOo.Tn T E S Q I 9 dfeppninthe ragt ' Dean Rwichremie us reendvted byMn. Bown te: (?) aens20 eurdevoid lcf 9BR. W. te6M. dîLy A LIrnfLI £.IClae#1SxaPrayc Te in yproocio o yu 4 lstn rscho . G. W !St Gadef X and a s i l; r adewn time ine mention o! usamf or sedKngSaturday oan Sundayr Bskt - - taeen Th es eaue XPgg ilin;Gad Iws mder it ii. hydr e i OfsfTeepHoeu ffc 2355 ths r nyafw h rei fte niversit svTT .DtBETBU!MaeScbyNS OAG F.E k. f60 CrntonMen6fo.5 of the queucstionsiliteis t e na i o e o Mur;thGratdentXII, nwhe stnec eived oday. c CosD tR daE. W. SONd yulwn nwr Arp iliti Cees. Av e ry. A etacdei sadig po plari TVon show enieyed Office in u e me 62.1-5719()Iue LyerStle.5CaecM 7 "It s e vte tha a ubrC Tich Gank o! Mon bytelon Sunday evein iiadmn-d 0 ie rtyh StNwatle 97-426 ifyo'e -crfa-ofsudnt rrmthsars adGuhrade Shy isrc ihhrley TEA 77d Duncan Hines 2Spkgs, 85 ily.Cal lestod y oui hn peeorp today w el l be;TI Bordspee an c ke ne ldy- "Tus eur a:the7D PhC. n.e 623-5604 -. thyhv rcie.s. tv nothebardnandi ov. ee 0hus et alc of Ofie Houri: STU antheRg eanRicmhgrarrespned i: mpresene y r Bnest:e Ylexpenaleersnce hosuehioîc9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily0Sael JAMtEtS f« o. -4litienetf prec ells' GrSteat IcCan oiGadie îm e' nichmeion of 1 ~hClosed Wedneday a-dSunday IBM U! e1U!3~OFP g e n a t e n s,"T e le e ured c d e ctie in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_Off ic ek g.62 3 -5 4e5 9Y o k - B e f o r I n is h1 5 - e s T i n 'adui t cing, nd ~.~Ioph fr ic ihs t sGande II- n si uher a n bile Klg t.E.Bwmnvllîo mccestiiinchalenge !the entO!edy K. uirradye XIV ane riene ayo! ou. A. s - i Je el SHORTE INà 33c MAT TWS3o ofracctino! li!e'ts Stewart. ic Tcront.DoSanveatens unexpctORAyNGEled NALD A KeGfEG0 du vie s ky rd IISily Le , ut.DHm.S.lS eOfPck-Clued 3l.Pc OffceRi!treugh slf dto t irug onBaknph A nvere.dAndvnon her Tshweand gaed Sap'1 128-861 eut he yees wes mpiasied accnacy i SiontanonwS, tc ct r aeve r s mn-Of i n s he B S U ! M v e E O S I U E 3c. T. _____________ 623841ubythe guestape a esTh e BieBen f Mnrnm'oie ieu sc îes. 9 1 lfLetySt. E. Bowmanvllle ~ n ______________ T ounpoplGe ldateswarl e' RiLwto. n edna-d"Thwis eoyed e 7Phone 623-59624a cw STATB ae ihgetrrsosb-TicRhfot pary aCu pcyjar.da fighting l el emets AAL HOY ai. 0eTFE Bttr hlk ih 2-s.7ol litis ad moe cmple pr ewerdeding afe r hgesl ted- I gv ettist c d aun stuc w fiti Auo.Ho me,: Liabll ing in GAd eII MtamVateics tnuk enhtchmt b picki9a m. nstanc O AC Pckge AA'I'IA(SMO<11 lm hntoeo rcdrStwa rnte nd ia tic ey S N.-Bowmnvlllo BEST BUT.Sgave 2De! 18OFF PAK 1-1b. Pg. Save I JAMS geertins, h delaed Thj rnedascingi the omndttie-g) Poe6376 iprac ofa blt t avper y. Mak f orris, e amntciphe eader a n ___________ f A L Tf I f adutt hne n hîgucTr h sftdig Ge XI eidthtfrq tystr;JUAU r e în I bI ScE A NSR N Eine ( kephyiing and Cem-cd Ioo stee. on Tuesday MRTL D R W eeG!Md y eea odt1-s k.' w sne yK.Pryt aerWweroe shfckerby thes- eST BUT!NI 3c ME 94 King St. E. bewmanville ý mSteywa r eseornt-dobmcubn.marn ex ctdy ôld'DNL A.M GR Il prclrto o ies dt es idn i elete G e- pasnLciwfor !PeNGAutoL.Home>Save 5!Bra1n'Bter1-s..e inBn rpyfrs dadobveur o eesiend aveyin u.ad eTlpoe Il C I W t V<pII1m n inic Grade XIIIg el euato trôgh..- ., . .f_._é_41 _______________ av O! R CO STTU ED j .Ti d for highest standing in Mu.asi nsumdfcinyinteîRg 2355 gv ôe 0db a Authorizeil by law fer the was pnesented by Mr. E. on Another flylng trip tea * Snell te: Grade X* Gail Wal- Tor onto te o drug comypany' E. RICHARD LOVEKIN ' I.,nuIma i C.ui..79c ineteto rs Ud.ter; and Grade >ÇII. Charles for àlarge supply o! mag- B.A.. LL.B. iu iiv uo IJ Ashtonstsentn et Trfo t Fut*dit of arruster-Soitr awarded t e uncil Bursanmes th remalning animai.s en the King St. W. Newcastle RS ONRDE El S-rdta tudsinGaehome farm te correct the Phone 987-473.5?Re uXI ihen gs sudents in Graldy.An îourly vigil o! Houx.: 9-5:3n0- Wed., Set., 9-h RS R D C iI Englisi, Shirley Avery;'tie animnais nigiit and day te, STRKE and STRIKE Fresh - Bri.ght Red 1-lb. ?"ckat@ INTZREST IS PAYABLE~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HAFYAL BrîeGae: 'dtc iafnlsE c a- Eistens, Solicitors ' Ocean Spray Cranberries ....... 33e FrendiGrce ad aîysis; veteninary ntraveneus. Notenies Publiceag ieBnbs-Ctp-Ml Ivuo "h igfoRat"SotCt-Ce tl OR MAY BE LEFT TO ACCUMULATE BrieGrc;adBiology, treatment o! tic acuteCcses LW.e R.e Stnike, Q.C.- '19 Plvoue £,UfI nounne d tic intn esbian-Wt c.Garden Fresi,"Greeninnlin) RoaB or jh LynnPU AL.ZA .edStes intnJesbt an- he ithout a monient's delay has A. A. H. Strike, B.Gre esGenOio ..............................cIIII AYDCOPOIJN RAF.EARY.presentations wcre made ivkept tic death %ss te tour.', IEdward C. Wildman, No. 1 Grae - Crisp - Nutritions 3-lb. Poir Bag SoTANDIClu RoIa Miss Shirley Plicke 71, Prcsidcnt Enaugi ta give a tellow tic B.A., LL.B. FekMrhCros....1e WI rnmd-Bnls of the. Student Council, 1965_,galloping hea*beegeebees. Ex- 40 King St. W. - Bownianvill i FehMrhCros.......... 9 elTimd-Bnls 66. cuse me now, I've got te go Telepione 623-5791 Tie Valedirtenian's Plaque. eo. orc npcin ROLLED POT RO T53 AskforsurGuasa..d~vwfsu f.d~ donated iy lie Oshawa Wood, AUi j:well! W@ pas.oan our M orlg a e S -FeIENuI 0 rahMlT IFrlh cilsmE Pddn Ask « eu Gua t»d nvutut fidu Producîs, was pnesented ta iarrowing expenience In the ae cnm FehMne Valedictorien Shirley Averyliopes that any rural readers.,%.4]DISARA..TON - OOI FINAL DATE for RED & WHITE Ground Beef.l.4cCopdSe .... lb. 43c hy H. Balson. h Student1wbo might b. ed ihaPons 1 n 16 'ES AHGM Don't Be Dlaappointed! "TheSureVaeChcdTrei Council Plaque, donated byisimi Ian circuniatance rnight inst Morîgage FundsOde'Nw Hendenson Concret. Productlbe in a better position than Re sidence -Farms DEC. 4th, 1965 lehle President o! tic Student,.we wcre ta dope With it. In .3usiness Propenties AIS ~~Council 1964-65 was prcscnledaur case it occunncd ta cows, ___________ 1by Principal Speens ta David only (witii calves et Iot Tonkin. whci have enjeyed tic besi Up fo m e fr y MP E G O E R D H T T UThe bouse Tropiy, donatedpasture ever, thii year. Thei A L R V E & WI E M i r v I r e biy tie Eastwood Construction I balance of the. herd, on poorer KEITE3 A. BILLETT, 0. Company ta tie winning bouse but more divensljled Pasture, 0 tometnist EstablÂuhod U In te Intre-Mural Porr, have- shown ne symptôme te 143 Kinisf!E. - Eowmaiiviflej CORNISH'S RED & W HITEOr n :wo bytheCanris i 194-Iat - ouc wod!Experlence Office us By appointment, 0V9, was presenled by Vice- 'tii said, enables us te make Telephone fi23-3252 Principal C. J. Munday ta 1he new mnistakes. ratier than ne- Mon. Tues. - Thuri. - Fnl. M W~ .M____________WEST___________liesade rsLGay.ctt hopatn or rdons.AWed . aSe.r EC S RED & W HITE .N w tn il 3oe DUNDA, WEST - HITBY H a. adrLna c tîad er ur ni one hound so arnd. t .rn9 -1l 1 Departmnent et EducatiônýîahUt. Thu.redar *vezdan

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