Burk.ton Woman Due uncar M Truck Crash Coroner Dr. C. J. Austin Views Remains Husband Seriously Hurt $1607 was realized Mondayl Bowmanviile during the Blitzi Campaign conducted by voltun-, teers under Bowmanvjlle WestlT Durham Advisory Board ta he Turn CI( Canadian National 1institute' for the Blind. D Any persons who were miss» uack On may either leave their dona-iT rA tion or mail ta Mr. James Bell, iThiIJYY Treasurer of Bowmanville-j West Durham Advisory Cotn- The faîl and v mittee, Bank of Montreal, wilI officially King St. W., Bowmanville. weekend when E Receipts will be forwarded. ing gives way The surroundîng communi- Time and residei ties have yet to be totalled and on the hour's sie reported results, of which w'iîl last Spring. be shown as soon as figures Remember to are available. The thanks o ~Pieces baek one the committee ta canvassers going to bedo and donors is gratefully ac- night. In practic knowledged. time will mean e, later. Early risei there is more da' they are havini and less when tih jbrreet lits ý' Dimmed When'] Car Hiits Polef - Streetignts in the entire east end of Oshawva were I--~vyTrckWrck Crblackcd out Stra ih Is H avy ruc Wreks C rl hen a car topplcd a hydre pole on King St. E. Astreetlight otlW9 in Taunton Road Colsin avhti dienb f co _________________________Malcolm, 20, R.R. 1, Nestie- jMrs. Evelena Elizabeth Bon- mother is resting at the Ger- ton, collided with the pole. umîletta, age 42, R.R. 3, Burketon, row Funeral Home, Oshawa. A standby crew workcd was instantly killed on Mon- Funeral service will be at two for almost three hours ta 'Kin ttes Hold day in a collision between the o'clock on Friday, and inter- repair the damage, Lloyd I-IaIIo' een Russell John Bonetta, age 44,lCemetery, Oshawa. tics Commission assistant and a tandem gravel trucki manager, said today. The driven by Ronald Henry Mus- two-car accident occurred on D ance Party ula 7 King Sre at Another Truck King t., at the Plaza Kiets The accident happened atý Th, driver of the second The Bowmanvile Kiets2:15 p.m. on the Taunton Rondi ver Bruce Corbett. 24, 627 Club a n n u a 1 Masquerade'att the new county road that' Goes O Ur ank Hor:top Ivas uninjurcd. A D)anuce held at the Bownian-1 goes north and south. The'Atukondb ue passenger in the Malcolm vileGof n CrlngClbBonetta a ascosngteTA st r onto, kid es natAly ans 3 vill aGratd surceinglvbTan tonad en rout nortthe T CnPRor headront bided nau oofsito, wn, anstreat Latha.geasuthessconv n towhn Rhe c rah outerre the CPwest e d f ridgeon atredalof tet onsha a ea- Lorthge ejoablte cven henMrtBetta a sre.o theyîday and o wen on the m eHosptathefOsfaia cuts. was assisted by Eleanor Lar-i injured and is a patient inl bankment on the south side ______-Oshawa- Times mer and Eleanor Murdoch. Ithe saaGnrl1 othradTedivPtr Thelage alro(m as f-Constable P. C. HarteMx Wass, 110 Jameson Avenue, APA ETWE fectivlv decorated with har- well, OPP, investigated theiýToronto, was not injured. Photos of football teams, vcst symbols and autumn col- accident. IDmage ta the truck amount- cheer leaders and field meetý ors. A huge -scarecrow with There are three Bonettaied ta approximately $500. champions at Bowmanville a pump.kin head daminated children, Glenn age 16, Gail,lConstable Don Anderson in- Hîgh Sehool have been held (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ýage 15 and Guy, 14. Their vestigated. ever until next week. Many Unusual Costumes at Kinette Masquerade Bal ing home. 18Pgs BWMNIL.ONAT I1jr'PIaLIIAV t'UJK2116 lcprCD UBR4 ~'-'-'~-'-' '->'I~ ~IJ, L~O~ lue l9er (nnv NTTK~'D &~ - - - ~*S~L, le Hour,! ~ekndAt Joint Pontypool Meeting w Sports enthusiasts i the ~p nsre y ar es nin village of rnwi lue ýbposore by armesr M lon a campaign for funds on Saturday throughout the village and the Township of Ken Sinclair, the Countyi! peakînig was decided by a'good progress tow.ards this Clarke, te raise $15,000, te Director, presided at the meet- jdraw- objective. instali artificial ice in Orono ingc of the Farmers' Union held Liberal Candidate Ia"This year we estabhished a Arena. in' the Orange Hall, Ponty- Mr. Honey said that h.'atoa Dairy Commission. It Anyone flot canvassed and poo, n uesayevnîn a Iwould discuss the Liberal has guaranteed for the manu- wishing to make a donation, phiohth on ur ay ni atesfrI GovernmenfV agri c u it ur a 1 facturing milk market a price may do so by sending thefr Duram Cont, Rss.l policies divding the long term of $3. 50 a 100 and the goal for contribution to the basement Honey, Liberal, who has been from the short terma as he did nx eri 37 a$" of Orono Town Hall on M.P. for this rîding since 1962; in his speech in the House of Mr. Honey stressed that Saturday, or they may leave Gane Rckr, roresieCommons last March. farmers withjn the framework it at the Orono branch ot ConervtivR ickard, rgressiv "We have established a na- provided by the govcrnment the Canadian Imperlal Blank Consaleraie;ilburnd rand tiy onal agricultural policy goal must establish national mark- of Commerce, the Orono Ketchum, NDP. The order of t.. te national average farm eting boards for other corn- Times or Rolph Hardware. income will equal that of other modities. Today many agri- Ceussol emd occupational groups, which to- cultural products are sold at Cayables to roo Ariimae set in this )aylight Sav- to Standard ents catch up lep they lost set ail time- hour before on Saturday ice, standard veryone ivilI ne hour later quit an hour rs ivili find aylight whcn g breakfast bey are com- Ç13'ts an( O ro no Starts Fund Drive for Council Hears Details of Home Mail Delivery Here From Postm aster Vice At the meeting o~f Bowman- homes and business to put in Mayor Hobbs told counel ville Town Council held in mail siots and have outeide thiat he liad invited Postmas- the Council Chamber on Mon- numbers affixed. These de- ter George Vice to be present tariswil take a littie tine et the meting s0 he could day evening, mail carrieT de- but as soon as they have been provide information and ans- livery, which is ta staTt here cýomple-ted the new mail car- wer any questions regarding within a few months, was dis- rier service for the town will the new mail carrier service. cussecl. His Worship Mayor start, the Iefter stated. Mr. Vice stated that postal Ivan Hobbs presided at the Councillor Ken H o o p e r inspectors wlll corne. to Bow- meeting and ail members of moved that thîs letter be re- manville during the'*a council were present. ceived and filed, and that a three months to make a su;- A letter from Russell C. letter be sent to Mr. Honey vey, and that as soon as 80 Honey. M.P., who has been thanking hlm for his Co-op- per cent of homes and busi. active for more than two eration and help in obtaining nesses have provided mail years in arranging mail car- the new mail carrier service. slots or boxes delivery wifl rier delîvery service for Bow- This was seconded by Coun- start. manville, intformed council cillor Glenholme Hughes, and A Post Office Departmerit that it will be nece&qary for carried. (TURN To PAGE TWO) Tropliy Winners at Cartwright Meet d U--'teces jFIREMEN - Newcastle, Orono and Bowmartvilie firemen advise they are combining on a new community effort, to xaisq ýunds for Muscular IDystrophy. 'they plan a campaign for funds dur- ing November. Incidentally, there were two small fires recently. On Saturday, bales of straw burned at Elwood McKee's in Zion, and Tuesday morning a car was on f ire near Agnew's store on Ontario Street. t t i. t MAIL BOXES More will be heard next week about a Kiwanis Club project to raise funds by selling mail boxes of ahl kinds to Bowmanville residents who will need themr to handie the home mail delivery. Ail local hardware stores have some boxes availabie now, but Lander's received most favorable comment. The day after thîs paper an- nounced that delivery was coming, they were right on the bail with a fine window display of the various ty pes of sio ts an d bo xes. PARADE - The Santa Claus Parade Committee invites any club or group to enter a float in the parade here on November 27th. If interested please contact Clarence Bell, 623-59:39, with details. Deadiine for entries is Nov. l3th. WINNER - Bill Westlake is this week 's winner of the Kmn Investment Draw of $50. Y ROBINS - Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden, Ennis- killen, report that a flock of 25 ta 30 robins have been homesteading around their place for the past couple of weeks. They must be waiting for some of their northern relatives to ai-rive before taking off for the south. H1ALLOWE'EN -- Due to lla]lowe'en falling on1 Sunday, Oct. 3lst, this year, The Statesman has received many caîls asking if the youngsters should make their rounds for treats on Saturday or Monday. We are no authority on the subjeet, but suggest that Saturday evening will probably be the best time. t t t t CURLING - This warm weather rnay be won- derful for golfers to get in a few last licks before the cold weather closes in, but it certainly isn't doing a thing for those who are waiting to start curling on Nov. lst. So far, the îce-making machine refuses to cool off the building sufficientiy ta do any freczing. It is hoped the weather will change within the next couple of days s0 some progress can be made. However, so long as this weather holds, xvho feels hlike curling? BREAKS - The Children's Aid Society of North- umberland and Durham has been experiencing some tragic problems during the past week. Two of their staff members were kilied in an accident last weekend, leaving their three young children orphans, and another staff member sustained in- juries in an accident at H-ampton last week. There is a meeting this afternoon at the Lions Centre when local supporters of the Children's Aid will learn more details of the tremendous work being done by Children's Aid Societies. SPECIALS- This week there are two commer- cial events that deserve special mention. Dykstra's Varîety Foods are marking their Sixth Birthday C with a special insert in this edition and McMul- r lcn's Hardware are holding an official openingt ta mark their Grand Opening as a Crest Hard- ware.c The six trophy winners at the Bi-School Track and Field, meet held at' Cartwright High last Wednesday are shown here, front row, Jeft to, right, Inter. mediate Champion Ron Martyn of CHS, Junior Champion Dennls Romeri4 CIlS; Senior Champion Allan Pinck, Millbrook High; back row, Junior Champion Margaret Skipp, MIlS; Intermediate Champion Helen Swain,'CHE; and Senior Champion Barb Brackenridge, MIlS. i w Impact Tears Apart Front End of Bonneta Car CNIB Canvass Reaches $1,607 More to Corne Huge Truck flips Onto Side, Spilling Sand Over Road Tû~b~rntat~man le-. -- - .1- 1 . 1 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO. WEDNEST)AV ar'rnlRV-lr 9ft Inem lt%- "--- - 2 'ocks