The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs S. Evertn Mr. Lloyd Taylor and Mr.ý and Mrs. Cecil Petch and sons; Wht of RAR BowmranvilleI Clarence Allen, are patients i John and Bruce near Dixie C<.and Mrs. George AllUn ofý the Memorial Hospital, Bow. Plaza, Port Credit and together Newcastle were Sunday din-!manville. were Sunday dinner guests ofý nrgest& of Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond their cousins Miss Velma hMtet J. Tamblyn and aftr iclapp of Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. Jim attended t»e evening anniver-1 Dean Hodgsan of Ajax, visit- Connor, Jamie, Dean, Michael 1sary seile at the Oronoîed their aunt, Mrs. D. G..and Lynn at Burlington. litd'îrch. Hoaper. At Orono United Church Conpaxilations ta Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morton, Mr. andithe Sacrament of Baptism will bMn. 1Bernard Haase af Cobbj Mn. Robert Morton andibe adniinistered on Sunday, HilAnnxveir 2. ingdaywthr Marilyn, spent Sun-lOctober 3lst, during the regu-î Annivrsary idaywithMr. and Mns. A. A. lar service af worship. Parentsý Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson' Martin, Port Credit. ýwishing baptism for their and son Larry of Waterdown, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jack andichîldren are asked to eti apent the weekend with Mr. children ai Markham, Mi 55itouch with the minister- and Mrs. Archie Watson. ;Sandy Wheeler of Toronto, 'mediately. Mrs. Jim Lamb of Qttawa ýspent Sunday with Mrs. Jack'si The Oshawa Presbyterial visited her mother, Mrs.mother, Mrs. Catherine Seal,; Regional Rally af the United lhorniton Wilson and her aunt'Main Street South. !Church Women will be held 341Ss Jae Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robin-'in the Orono United Church Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adams. son spent a few days over1ofl Tuesday, October 26th. recently visited her mother, IThanksgiving with Mr. andiRegistration will be at 1:20 Mrs. Emlly Brown and familylMrs. Ed Hogg and children,ip.m. and 7:30 pa. et Welland. Fraserville. Miss Muriel Stevens, Baw- Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wilson of Mrs. D. G. Hooper visited. manville, missianary nurse, Kirby and their son, Mr. JiniMr. and Mrs. Frank Werry at home on furlough from the, Wilson ai Queen's University,ithe Ladge Nursing Home at Congo, Africa, will be the' wvere Sunday dinner guests afýNewcastle. [guest speaker at bath sessions. Mrs. Cecil Robinson after at-I Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and Miss In the evening she will show tending the niorning anniver- Ruth Gardon attended a wed- slides te camplement. her ad- ary service at the Orona ding at Bancroft on the dress. Everyone, including United Church.Takiiween. men, is welcome ta came and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Middle-' Mrs. James R. Richards re- hear Miss Stephens speak at ton ope!nt Sunday with Mr. turned home an Monday even- approximately 2 p.m. and 8 and Mrs. Lee Hadder and ing after spending a long p.m. Be sure ta attend this children, Scarbarough. J weekend with her cousins, Mr. rally. M* DLf VOTE as you like 00. but VOTE on 7, VOTi p '1 Év THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ilst Polis Are Open 9 a.m. Until 8 p.m. FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS AND GENERAL INFORMATION PHONE: 623-5290 - 623-5287 - 623-2322 Registered Nurses For Baby Sitting Service Bow manville Vote "Yes" (ommittes JAMES J. BOURKE,I pres Pl Campaign Manager con roll _____________________________ ___________________________________________________las What's your stand on Mutual Life's low net cost record? Mr. Mclntosh 1Ididn't even know they had one! Interviewer Let me explain: net cost of a life insurance poicy means how much money you get out corn- pared to how much money you put i. Mutual Life poicies, in the long run, are out in front. br. McIntosh Ii«erviewer - Mr, McIntosh Sounds like something 1 should look into a littie more. Where could 1I...?1 Interviewer Just cili your nearest Mutual Life of Canada representative. Mt-wSsc ~t !And The Mutual Life has tal h iis enviable record for smre years now. H ow corne? Interviewer Lots of factors ... blcudga The Mutual Life conslstently high annual divi- ASSURANCE, COMPANY 0F CANADA dend. bHl" 0O1PM: WAT&SRLO ONAIUC/BSTAaUSIED l DONALD C.WELSII 23 Suniet Tenrace, Bownanvile, Ontario Phon 6235641KNG ST. AND SIMPSON AVENUE (Highway' Ne. 2, East) --7r rif Phone 623-5641