£Perona j'Whitby Ladies Win Trophy After Tense 12 Inning Final Mrs. É_ E. Walden, West Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bedford. Varie -er. B.C., has been Mn. and Mrs. Fred Callan '51 hr ler mother, Mrs- C. of Prescott. Mrs. Edith Seylen H. MaRn. and Miss Emily Wood. bath Michael Leddy has bern ac- Of Niagara Falls, Ont.. were cepted in the R.C.A.F. and has weekend guests of Mr. and commenced training as Pilot Mrs. Rosswell (Jim) Callan, Officer at Centralia. Ontario Street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Miss Da-,ýn Purcelle, Mss Warder of Eugene. Oregon, Sharon Lucas, bath af Toronto, were guests last week with his and Mrs, Herman C. Lapp ai alunt, Miss Miidred Willmott. Oshawa were weekend guests Mrs. Wilbert Gilroy of Lon- af Mr. and Mns. S. R. James, don, Ont., lias returord home Town, and their son Douglas after -pend.inga week with of Toronto, at thein cottage, Mrs. Victor Ferguson, Conces- Gooderham. M ion Stneet. Miss Denise Wessels, Brama- Mr. and Mrs. G. Grahîam, lea, spent the weekend with ,~. ~ "t ~ x~~ Willowdale, have returned her parents, Mr. and Mrs. home after spending a fv Ernîr Wessells, Liberty St. N., . days with their son-in-law and and with them attended the . -'-' daugliter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie weddinig ot Miss Linda Bowen ' Wesslls.and Mr. Clyde Mutton on Sat- Mr. and Mrs. George Carterudyatron John and Judy,, Lamhs Lane, Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Ashton ~' spent the weekend in Gaît of Guelph were dinner guests with Mr. Carter's brother and on Saturday with their uncle sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and aunt, Mn. and Mrs. H. J. Fred Carter. Babcock, Ontario St. Mrs. '~. Mn ad r. ornuîWilEvelyn Powers of Orono spent M ~ o Emoton Abetalast Wednesday with lier hav he gest o Mr. Vil- cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Bab- son's sister, Mrs. Howard cack..e(,. Coucli. Bepch Ave., and other Mn. and Mrs. Terry Masters area relatives. returned home last Sunday On Saturdav afternoon, Whitby and Bowmanville 'Whitby scored what mutdt eatbekn u Mn. and Mrs. Wayne Barreitt, ram a motor trip through the lde otne hi ekadnc tugef rone oahatbekn u Hamilton, Mr. Loran Pascoe Eastern United States. En- Lde cotne ter ckad ekstggefr eor Bowmanville to make the score 3 to 2. This photo and Miss Betty Goyne, bath route they were guests ai Dr. ioftball supremnacy before a huge crowd at Central shows League President Arnold Etcher presenting the of Oshawa, visited Mn. and and Mrs. Kenneth Stuart ai Public Sehool. It concluded after 12 innings when 1ýrophy ta the Whitby teamn. Mrs. Chas. Johins, Liberty St. Watertown, Mass. Mrs. Stuart__________ Nant, o Sunay.is the former Virginia Stutt,ý Mrs. Wiii Creigliton of Cal- The long Thanksgivixîg Kinsmen Sponsor Cavalcade of Color T u gay lascta few daysfrmlyaBomnil.rT u last week with Mns. N. Wood- v.eekend is camung up and ley, Wellington Street, and aon manv will be spending the Thurday rs.Wil Stpesholiday aut-of-town, or having Thus aday r ust. iapguests for the weekend, Please was diner gest.dial 3-3303 and Jet us have Miss Rose Robinsoln, daugh- information for this column ter af Mr. and Mrs. J. Wm. cancerning your guests, or af ]Robinson, ii attendiîîg Trent vaur weekend spent elsewhene.' University. Peterbioroughi, and Mnad rsDoî ari has commenceci studies in the .tt .d.h.O.t.i....ra furt earArs cure.Service Association annual: Mr. and Mrs. Frermatî B. convention held at the Chateau' Andrus, Mark and Paul. of are ttawa, on Wednes- Hamilton spent the weekend dav September 29th. They wîth their cousins, Mn. and' -ere overniglit guests of Mn.' Mrs. Jim Bedford, and alsa and Mrs. John Kerry, AI- visited their uuîcle and aunt, monte, formenly af Bowman-: ville. The Presîdent of the W o-, 'l men's Auxiliary of Memonia Bowmanvillue Hospital Mrs. W.M iuel, and Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason, a past president, were guests Pentecostal of the Chairman and Directars of the Port Hope Hospital Trnust at the official apeningi (hurchof the Port Hope and District ChurchHospital an SaturdaY aften-ý 15 Liberty Si. S. noan. Pastor: Rev. A. Kura B.TII. Mn.,aaîd Mrs. Peter Auch, Phn 2-5100 (neSily Coombes), Osh-z. awa, motored ta Windsor aven. Sunday Services: the weekend and visited with Mn. and Mrs. Joe Papa. Shir- 9:55 a.m. ley remained in Windsor com-! S'~ Shool mencing work at the General; Sun ay hol Matons plant, there, on Mon-' il h~.m.day. Peter will join ber this! weekend. He haIs accepted a "IS OUI~CHRITIAN poition with the "Windsor: Star." TESTIMONY FUNCTIONING OR FLOUNDERING?" 6:45 p.m. Sacred mutsic Organ and Piano 7:00 p.m. "WHAT NMUST 1 DO TO BE SAVED?"1 Wed. Oct. 13 at 7:30 parn. Family Night Service Bible Study: "«WHAT WE BELIEVE" "Corne and wnorship ln a frlendly Pentpecstal Church", j Anniversary Party Honors Couple Wed Forty Years North' Netletoiî Hall was gaily decorated with belîs and flowers ta honor Mnr. and Mr-,. G. Bowers on their 40thl weddiing anniversary. The imniediate family lîeld, a lovely banquet supper an- ranged and catered ta l' SNestletnn U.C.W. A tliree- tîered wedding cake mnade byý a daugliten, Jean, and beaUti-ý ful'v deccorated l'y a niere, Mrs. Joyce Gray. graeed the' centre oi the table. As relatives began -arriviuîg, yServices Orono United Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17TH 11:15 a.rn. - 7:30 p.rn. Rev. Dr. Mustard of Peterborough speaker at both services. At the evenlnz service the Port Hope Nlen's% Choral Grotip, w-ho have heen under directorshlp of R. C. Davis, Mlus. D.. ivill contnlh,îte a program of musie. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Fiev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. il arn. - Morning Worship "GOD'S GOING BEYOND" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 arn. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 ani. - Primary and Kindergarten 11:00 arn. - Beginners On Sundav afternoon, about 75 members. of the 1with the lunch provided by the Kinettes. At the con- Senior Citîzens took an informative tour of the color- clusion of the day Russell Gilbert., left and Mrs. J. fui Durham Countv foi-est and later were served re- Morgan, right, expressed appi-eciation ta the Kins- freshments at Memýorial Park Clubhouse. The annual 1 men and Kinettes, represented here by W. A. Kilpat- event was sponsored by Bowmanville Kinsmen Club,1 rick and Mrs. Osbarne Williams. music for d a icing was prox'id- Authority of Pentecost, te 'Jm bD ePs, rlfl Efordand Clarke High School News aamtof 7 ecst.anliTe! guest fiddler.B.vJane 1Ntler'spoon, 1:for last Friday at aur sock Cnis'nlpe'a ~ia Whean Day e eaembolte Publicity Direcer of Clarke1 hop (put on by our new.s- the inaudible, touch the ii-ý honored *couple, aptlv took Clarke l'as been x ery busy, paper staff) and made a big tangible and see the invisible." overas astr o ceemoiesthis week with aur Curti.s'hit with the students. We all h etcsa seil for a short l'ut x'ery culiter- M'agazine Plan. Tim Gray andj hope this w'ill continue. TheatPvenctal Asseh'rv .taiuîinz program. Then lie his group n eed taol'e con-ý Last Fr'iday Clarke beat St. al iitva h odn caldo teol bohr0 gratulated for their effort 001 Joscph's of Oshlawa, 19 ta 7. Go 1v e.Bu oir Itf the groom. Mn. Wallace Trick. aur plan ta raise maneY' for This victory pleased ail the hoped. thaît Mn. Butchier will who invited the bride and Our sehool1 . Bannie Bail lias boys on the teamn and aIl return ta the chunel' at a grcioomn to the platfourm. onîce heen ver.\ papular since she-Clanke students. Let's keep future date. i er, o ira tu ia t oilz; were offered and a niecc, Mrs. AI- lan Beacock, representing ilie relatives. anîd Ralph, youn' s ,on ta repi-esent the immie- diate 1famil «v, preseited the sîurprised couple withî t %, plane tickets- ta take thprn ta 'lam pa. Florida. fou- Ch rist4- ni as. Mnr. andîh\h i-ý. B mw'.iad e gracious replie-s anîd thauiked evervaone for the lavelv eve-r- ing. Mri. aud Mrs. Rwrs xvcrp mannird in Biack.tork on- Sept. 23, 1925. hv Rev. J. F. Gl'ifijîh. The'. have fou r sons. thnee daîughters and 14 zrandchildrnui Reaivsatleided fm-u)ni jPrcstoni, Lonidon, 0.siawa, PawmiîvhleNorthî Bav, Bal- metw.Peterb'orough. Or- ana. Little Brtaja, TYrone. Part Penn'. Two Speakers, Coming Here This Sunday maniville Baptmst ChurCh for 'npecîal Thankezi'.ung Services l'e the Rex'. Leslie Tarr and the Rex'. C. Nelsoîi. Rehoboth Mn. Tar, thie uewlv ip- paiuited administratar ai cenî- ' C ri& an efomed Chuch tra! Baptist Seminary, Tor- re active pastor iii W innipeg. t~Rev. John C. Verbrugge, B.A, B.D, Minister He is nowv coufiaed ta a wheel Inelephane 623-5023 chair. bu, is activeh eua tiaîa aud ournalistic xvork. Mn. Nelson k l'ead oaii Maranath Bible Club 'Mavenicuit in Marnata ~Oshawa areaand directr of Christian Refor.ed Churc h near Ornmee. adns Rev. Henry Van Andel, BA., B.D., Minister Mr.'aruîiuîg servuc e at Iothec Telephane 623-3492i and Mnr. Nelson xill speak ini the evenîuîg at 7 a'clock. 11:00 a.î.- orning Service These special services %vhil Service Mouîdav, Outober 11., xith Mn. 7: 0 .Pr 1i. i rs ipNelson speaking at 3 p.m-. and l' 1" .n, claI m ing th S hoeîons l foW ate oom1 Tan i tue Bap Back to God four Broadcs tist Ch,îrch stresses that the Backto Gdd Rur roadcraasttpublic is %xeicome ta theFfe CKLB Oshawa -Stîndav.Oct. lOth. t :5 P. M. ~ n ta aseca uniato s e.x:endled ta corn- nuiwity , ou.ngpeople. -vil in u.,a, a *y iL. up. jackpat. We're ail trving ta' Last Tiîursday, l'nm sorry tc oe n Baîic's good side. say. Ajax got the better of Just keep up the good wonk aur team. but just wait tili we kids. and wet will reacl' aur p]a ' a î'eturn matceh with St. quota for a D. J. dance. Jaseph's this coming Thturs- Well, Clarke has naw got dav . sailne campetitian fan aur Nýext Moîîday i.5 Thianksgix'- towîî newspapcrs. Karen Lc ,iuîg. so whîatever yau do, dou't and staff have started Clarke's wait for yaur school bus be- oil 00Vspampei It xas Pentecosta Is Thailand Mi Tihe Bow.niamvihle penîte- costal Assemblv w.as privi- leged to have in their midist Rex'. F. Butcher. unisýýionar % ta Tliailanid. Rev. Buichier xvas bora la Euigland anîd a', a very early a ge entered ablSchool andi he senved n thie British Na'. uas lM the fai' east for niauuVvcaurs. His advancenieîît w'as *quite rappid aîîd a ver.,, pramisiîîg future lay before hlmn when the eall ai God came ta him ta leave the Navy and enter fulil time ministrv in the ser- vice af Jessus Christ. Rex'. Butcher and his wife Elsie went ta China sanie 28 y mars ago0aand served on the hardevr ai Mongpolia as a mis- sionar\, and was there during the Cbhinese,-Japanese p w çe n. Fiuiallv ai the nout.brmak of w ar hetween the allies and .lapauî. Mn. Butoher was interuied with man ' vothers and lie spent two yeans iii a Japaneýse prison camp with lis family. Aiter the wvar, and lis ne- lease, lie returned ta Eng- lanîd and then returned and worked ln the nîi.ssian work in Chinîa South W'est in the prov'ince ai Yuuiuian and was t.hene until he Commnlisîst toak aven aaîd thien l'e, xvitl' is ia.milY. nîaved as mis- sionaries ta Japauî where lie labaured fan sonie vears learning the Japanese lauîgu- fnom Japan l'e took uip pas- age auîd on lis first funlaugli oral wark in Canada where he pastoned.. lIe ik labouring n Thail-nd and doing a tre- nendous wark for thec Pente- aostal Assemblies of Canada in thle city of Bangkak. Rev. and -Mu-s. Butcher anîd family ar'e now an fuu-Iough. A.fter one ,veau- the%, will l'e rettînn2 ta Thailand tan take1 up their work aigain. MIS nmi~onary ae u-dutea i .s aueis not coiing. Hear issionary 111rilIed and challenged the listeners as he related his work amonR the Thai.Q. In his mnessage he mnentioned "The F REE 'GOLF FOR THE Balance of The 1965 Seaison AT - "Erin fi" Golf & Country e Clubd ,wit1h a $25.00 deposit en i your 1966 club bi memership. 1966 RATES: p Sr. Men.. S 75.00 eý Sr. Ladies - $___ 40.00 th Juniors -.---- $ 25.00 er Married Couple - S105.00 dE Famlly $125.00 n th an 18 Holes - Snack Bar Swinuning Pool ci Restaurant of 0( 9 miles raxt of Oshawa Pt on north side of M Taunton Read. ai re du BLACKSTOCK Tuesda 'v e'en ing. Sept. 1t, over .50 ladies spuIlt R ver-v cuija 'vable everng ini the C. F. tCentre al, the General U.C.W. meeting. Piresidcnit Mrs. Ilqr- aid Kyte opetned the fm(etn'ý with a poeni and exterîdedq xvelcome Ir, ail. A splendidi Mlarship pernd ouithe thenum nif Famil *v Life wvas given l'Mr-S. Bruice MNouuîtýjo' -an'd iMrs. Wm. Ferguson. 1 The prugrani %v a ..t iutenesting pancl d..'~so 0ui mSîudnotliers cg" glainfu. emplovnýileiltotid the home?" Re\-, P. Romneril presided fnn this sînd :n*Iodui(- ed the paiîchi-îs. Vu-S W)n Armstr~ong,. Ti strict îleC: Ii Nu rse fo r Nort 1h111111he1-1 iln(d and Durhanm: Mrs. j. CiAe Vocational Gunidacu t Iii Mn. Douglas Nutter. Ass<s:aît Local Director af Cliiidircnis Aid Societ. Nu'linl'ln and Durham; Rex'. I. J. Framipton, Anglican Rector, Bowmanville. Questions isc c Whiat do) you feel about iniothiers xx'orkiuug? ' V' hY dr) woineii xvark" Is it for frrcdoîn '.r money? When înothen.s yo out ta xrork is it in onder ta provide ltixur « for the ho)mo, r>r monev i on children's (-du- cation" Is 'uhe makiuîg the hest contribution'7 Is i, t rue that one ai the poini'.s c u t enihe delinquenecv came.s iramn both parents w-orkinig. How do men iii generai feel abou~t .vuves working! ShOudi( ai! the wife eaî-ns go ta the lius- band? Thene are two sides tiie. ery questionl. Coýnîînuii;icatirîn and geoeral agreement oif pareunts and chiîdren is mo)st essential. Mrs. RoxY Turner E-xpresse(rl lie appreciatioui of time aud.- nce ta the panîel. The r.- dent conducted a short hii ess period. After the eIos5ung. the Doncas U'nit wrnved lunih ind a real visit was enjaved. The Town auîd Countr-v lub held their first meeting1 if the Faîl termn on F'ridav, Dct. Ist. in the C. E. Ceuntre.' Pesidents Bruce and jean Wnuntjo.v onesîded cSr-r-'ta rv ind treaiirer reports; werc ne- eivedi. Pepgv Larmer intro- lced Mââ aPat Knox af So-, Iflina who took the audience on The Canadian Stateuman, Bewrnanville, Oct. 6, 19618 ' Ja trip to thieBrnitiqh Isies wt b er beautiful pictures and iWight and the P'red Trewins.;weedwt red i a. very interesting and descr.ip-i Mr. and Mrs. Percy Van:crôft. jt4ve commentai-v. Miss Knoxj Camrp spent the weekend in Mr@. Dav'id Hill has retu.rn- Iwon the 4-H Travelling Scho- and around Listowel with ed to her home in Ric.hmond larship for the United King- fiends. Hill, hRving spent the surn- do~m, which is awarded by, Mn. and Mrs. Adrien Haine.%, mer months at her sumnmer the Department of Agnicul- ýBrian and Leanne, Bowmnrihrwqe here. ture. There were three others ville, called on Mrs. G. Cram- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tomnpkin- froni the Province of Ontarl.fr adM.adir.W Stuart Dorreli expressed 17he.Perce.and raday . W .,son 'and Eric, We.-ton, and thanks to Miss Knox. Rev. P.n nlMs.AlnRh Romeril eonducted a bni;ef Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright, and childreni, Port Perry, were worship pei-iod. Mrs. Romner;l accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. led the singing of a new tune.ilD. Bilhbey, Toronto, spent the O. Venning.__ Lunch was senved and a social hour spent. Approximately 70FEE attendied, hrc u-R~D L H *D * In the United Chie ur U O F E D N day mor-ning the choir sang anudtein. "Bring EveryR.M T 'Bre nPrayer to the R . .T Lord". Rev. Romeril preach- ed on the theme of Moses An active niember of the Laws. The Sacrament of HoIyi[)ntario Registered Music Teachers' Association Communrion was administered.! Next Suinda *v Harvest Thanks- TEACHER 0F PIANO and ORGAN giving service will be ob-: serx'ed. ~ iie ubro tdnswI eacpe The Harvest Festival was lrie ubro tdnswl eacpe ,)b,,e,*,,ed.i n St. John's Church for the coming year. Sunday morning. The church was beautiful with flowers, Students prepared for the Western Conservatory fruits and v'egetables.. Canon Ashmore p r ea c hed on ) Music, and the Royal Conservatory of Toronto "Thaniksgi\,ing.' The Sac-aR- Examinations. ,ment of Holv Communion was administered. Mrs. Muriel I{ainstock, Tor- STUDIO: 23 George Street, oo.spent a feu, davs. and Bownianville. MicHel Haitistock spent FridaY withi Mrs. Albert,'- II SUPER SPECIAL CET THEM NOW! .O New Gilliette Spegr Stainless makes ail other stainless blades obsolete YOUR SHAVE WILL LAST LONGER (SO WILL THE BLADE> 5'S SUGG. LIST .75 .69 LIST 1.45 1.19 ils SUGG. BAN AEROSOL DEODOIRANT__- sugg. list .99 .8 BANTRON sugg. Elst 1.50 1.3 BROMO QUININE, 1 6's . ugg. list .79 . CORICIDIN D, 12's ----------------sugg. list 1.09 .81 )9 18 EVEREADY PHOTO FLASH BATTERIES- sugit. list -Sn 2/.49 EXCEDRIN, 100's--------------- sugg. Esat 2.95 2.59 FACE-ELLE, 1 Ply Bathroom Tissu. _ sugg. list 2/.29 2/.27 DEEP MAGIC, 3-oz - - ---------- sugg. lust 1.25 1.09 FEEN-A-MINT Laxative -------------- sugg. list .98 .89, HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO Tube_ sugg. Iist 1.2n 1.09 HEINZ BABY FOOD Ini Glass Jars _ 3/.39 I.D.A. COD LIVER OIL, 16-oz. - ------- sugg. iist .89 .77 I.D.A. MINERAL OIL, HEAVY, i 6-oz. - sugg. list me 2/.99 PEPTO-BESMAL Liquid or Tablets ----- _----augg. list 1.25 1.09 TAMPAX, i Os -------------------------suir. Iist .51 .47 TRUSHAYI 7-oz.------------ Sugg.lIIst .79 .69 I CREST 1001H PASTE sugg. Iist 1.19 089 Scotties FACIAL TISSUES list price 2 for 39c Prescriptions I.D.A. Remedies S ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS Desitin Ointment REGULAR 2-OZ. TUBE sugg. lust 1.25 I.D.A. PRICE 5 King St. W. 623-5792 I lui -- 1 - 1 m 1 1 [1- 623-5792 *69 1.29 f t