Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Oct 1965, p. 5

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Fdiendship elub Returns to School The monthlY meeting of the roding a Psalm. SPriendship Club of Trinity Mr,.. Ken Sumersford. the 'United C4iurch was held ;n ,sôiool music teaciier. led ina the suwIavSchonl Rooms on. the af in of Fridav, Sept %,jzsong with Mrs. Mary 24tý.1' a look the frm of a Cble at the piano. Public Srhool eson t Red Cross; theme was stre.' Mrs A. W. Harding. presidinz ed throughout the pe'riod and fiaeher. and Mrs. C . G.. Mor- tfler leswns on various sub- ris. the inspector, paying a ectLq were dri,ýcuSsed. old ViSit to te!zt the nahilitv <iof the (,hool books in possession of pupiIs w-ho numbcred 40. he pupîil were passed around Opening eioerc-iscs zzonsist'-,d or inspection which included of a Woirshin pe'riod incudingO Public Sehool Reeder 100 reeating î(,Lord's PrayerJea rs old. b' ln n,. izng a hymn and A school prograrn consisting R OYAL 623-5589 BOWMANVILLE THURS. To SAI., OCT. 7 - 8 - 9. MATINEE SATLRDAY AT 2 P.M. "HeIp!"t Starring the Ieatles in (nior. Aduits 75e Students fflc Children 35c Anytime Sun. Mid.Nite OnIv, Oct. 10 at 12 P.M "Shock Treatmen t" Stuart Whitman, Carol Lynly also "Curse of the Living Corpse"Y Aduit Enertainment SUN. TO SAT. - OCT. 10 TO OCT. 16 'Von Ryan's Express' Frank Sinatra, Trevor Howard (Color) Sun. to Thurs., once nt 7:30. Aduits $1.00 Students 65C Fri. and Sat. 7 & 9:15 Children 25e anytime il i t Priep Effetive October 6, 7.l 8 and 9. W'e reserve the rlghi Stêkely FaneT 48-02 Tins TOMATO JUICE 2 for 55c Ardnionn F&ncy 28-o!. Tin FRUIT COCKTAIL 39C JeIIo Ait FIai'ou sReg. SIZO) JELLY POWDERS 10Ofor 99c Froren Halibut 20-ex. mir. FISH & CHIPS 65C Chorolatr Chip or Chnenlate Fudgr 16-02. Ph g. DAVID'S COOKIES 49c "The ChiIdren's Cholce" Golden Ripe 2lb,.j Californîai-Prndturf- of I .S.A. ('atada No. 1 Grade Ribier or Seedless Grapes Ib.19c Canada No. 1 (Grade IMPOJtTED Produce of U'.S.A.- -i y, i Produre oc Crispy IGA E choice IGA PEA. IGA F«n' Pineapple Bord. ni Cheese SIt PLAY IGA BINGO oé Cash Prizes 1 kc I>O. ceo recitations. songe andd mu-'So the fr-ustration et thel ,Xathy and K<aren vlslted Sun-tT"he Canadian Statesman, Bewmanvllle, Oct. 8,.1065 Isic that pupils recalled fromn Cross becme the salvation ni day with ber mother, Mrs. W.!I___________________________ j early Fchool days were given the woi-ld arnd the fierce ecr frommemry.inds that blew against Him. Mrs. Florence Wrîgti Mrs. ves onduted he Wvisiting wtth her daughter, H Y O Ms Ivscnutdtebecam'e a lifting force Up to ~ Mrs. Len Falls and Len. 'pTheHm n colCu ,meeting and Mr. Ward pro- tefe fGd . oea~ colCu nhencle terBenedictheion atu fusraiosAs Sunday was World Com- was held .on Tuesday evenîng the loseaftr whch te Sme o ourfrutratonsmunion Service Rev. R. C. at the school. Meeting oee e poidse IiyeGop 2U...c yn dosadnt, ornfies .- White gave a short address in with singing of O Canad1a and tupoie b ru 2 . .crne tofortun and oft imues; preparation for it and conduct- repeating th >Lrd's Pa a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u to fmetintuneora and of t fiu-times ed the service. The choir Mrs. Blackburn read minuter. a Nxt eetng n frinof bcaue o sainefrutraionl sang "Whosoever Will" with of last meeting which were If Youre 'pot luck supper on Friday, we have samething for which -Ms .Fse a h rai ppoe.M.V mth gave October 29th, at 5:30 p.m. 1to be grateful. Th mm ere placed in the'tesrr eotta hw TheChistenshuldas, church in memory o f M rs. ed a nice balance. d '.How cani I use this frustra- ýThorne by bier daughter, Mrs. M rs. A. Milison coniducted S EBENEZER iLIJLL tion?" They can ha made Swarbrick and hier famri the nomination of officers for Id fruitful by a spiritual qi.ilityý Sympathy is extended to Mr. the coming year which were )f On Septe.rber lth the af the soul. Good can be and Mrs. Roy Foster on the as fnllows.: President, Mrs. J, d U.C.WÀ. general meeting open- broiight out of evi'!, and beau-pain fhrsstrMs.JeJn:tiVcMr Tpl ýd ed witlh a reading taken from t*y out of ugliness.. Hengsens. in St. Joseph's Hos- Sec'v., Mrs. W. Blackburn: OWe are happy for a great ipital, Peterborough. The fun- Treaq., Mr. Ma rt ,vn: Prograni. Dr. Joseph Newton, the "De- eoplraldepio ht ai was Tuesday morning.Mrs. Cowling. Lunch conven- fntoOfCmuiyFin-take our blunders, failures,i from the Morris I'uneral Chap- ors for October are Mrs ,i g9 ship', by Mrs. Carl. Down. aý vnorsns n evel in Bownianville. Potis. Mrs. R. Ashton and Being our coînmunit "v friend-,them into a pattern of beauyM.adMs akMfat r.Cwig ship meeting. Mrs. K. E. Cour-. and so make our frustrations' Orono, had a Bar-B-Q partyý Mrs. Cowling was in chiarge,~ tire and Mrs. Cecil Fotînd fruitful. for the boys who played on the1 of the following programme: told \vhat the-ir work entail- The hy'mn "O Love that will; Blind workers trained and placed in jobs by The Midget team, Saturday even-ýSinging by a number of the aot flavor ed, and that they did enjoy it. eîe eg"wssugaf1an inNaoalnttteorheBi, become' self- ing, when a very pleasant time, school children accompantied .: ao Mr.Eto er o s-tetwhego"Mrs. er se _ýCanda ainlIsit o h ln, e was enjoved. Orono is now'by Beth Ashton: a wonderfuil aiAru~j awa~~~~~~~ wa alc nfrdv-wt ryr ein n efspotn.Yuhl hnYU SUP- out of the plav-offs. talk bv our teacher. Mr. Mac- " lio. Se hos fr br opi Or pesden gve eti port the' CNIB annual blitz appeal for funds in Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster yn. on bis life in South Africa. Fruitful Frustrations." T1Pef Faithi at Woyrk Weekend, toi nmanville, Mondax', October l8th. returned Saturday from an Aiubr*ond h -oeý- Bible reading was takeni from beNvme16 7 8.Ay ______________________________enovabie trip to visit relatives' and School Club. Meeting e Paul's tetter to the Romans, onie wiiiing to take billets to! in 'Virginia. closed with Thf> Queen with r chater15 242g.cotac Mr. esiy Dwn - -The W.T. mecetings ;vere re- May Pntts at the piano., ch ap er 5: 4 -2 . c nta t M s. esl y D w n .sum ed W ednesday evening, N exi m e tin.z he tasi T ues- The speaker reralled PauVls 'Ple Re-gional meeting wAFsM Wp.2Sthearthehoe fMrs.-Larv i toe. .LuchI ri;ponteti o ri annaun('ed for Octoher 26th Re or s. oC. W.,tewrt ihMr.Ma ser"c'd and a social finie hau mginSpin wer h hdin Orono. Miss Muriiel Stevens'* Low presiding. There wvereb i. 9plannedbeta preach the gond-.- pane if JesusChrithand - Ibepakn.twsr- nine members and three gucsts CPnurch service \vas ',-cî. nestedot pu ris indome. quested by Mrs. Romerîl that' prcscnt. The Arca Convention: wcIl attendied on Sunday v Î ký if any of us could see fit, ta W o m's I ti u e In our New Testament we extend an invitation ta girls; York, Nov. 3, 4 and 5. Soaa sage, "The Paradox of Salva- '- hae1 etesO t PLIi rann tth saa HAMPTON W. L. f eeshnmenUs .W.I. invited aur W. ta visitl tion." Communion was adi- ' and these we woutd not have General Hoflpital, for a week-i hem Nov. 10 and we are ministered, il being World had if Paul had hlad his first end of god nid country hos- 1-Hampton MWomrcn*q s wtîuîe Ms tvn101 hne pleased ta accept the invita-' Wide Communion Sundav. choire. He got prison instead pitality, ta contact herSelf or,'was held ini September et thcei h a hle ntt tien. An afternoon tea is be- Sunday sehool will bce hi of Spain. After 20 years oif Mrs. Cecil Found. ! Christian Educatioti Building. nrogram andi our Institute ing 'fild aU the Golden Plow at 1!5 minutes to 2 o'clock and missionarv t e a ch ing and Mr.LlhrAu rsded for Lhe in\itatiun to vi'sit U»s. Ladge at Cobourg ta which the' church service at 3 o'clack. Five thank-you notes wcre preaching hie got quiet enoLlgh re-ad. Our bazaar wili ha No- and welcomed evcrvnne. lMi.s The W. 1. charlered a busýIadies are invited, on Oct. 23. On Suindav- Mr. and MrF. to mnake oui oif his frustra- vemb r 3d, ommencing atlNonie Horn pi-sided at the for a trip ta Toronto Un sec Tickets were sold for IheirGeorge Brown, Toronto, wcrr e tions the greate.s,, contribution,93 piano for the Ode. The Coil- file play "My Fair Lady" fast draw. The WlI. have been re- ','isitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. et bis lite... m. lect was repeatcdi. Thtiirsdav, nighi. Sarne ladies quested ta again coileet for Camneron. We tkel'il hvefrsta- We were( delightfuilly en-! Rol ail ca i was Natne a frein Solina W. I., Bowman-ithe blind and decided ta helpi Miss Lindel Polis, R.N., lion, isappintmhaeîs, fta-' te-rtained by testing our musu-Cnaiu vornnbeî-il, Zion and Hampton atong a good cause. As some Whitbv, is spending a fews uns.brke bpe, utifwe al abilities in singing 5some ning ivith the initial of vour,(soinie non-miemnbrs) accom- ladies wene wishing tai send ,days i;hler home. urtav withe Chris teis neolad lime favorites. Severalsrnme.whji xa nwu- aîdusW eevry glad awaly aid woollens we wouldi Mr. end Mrs. E. R. Th mp- cne who answers ta life 0 pls mauecding s ed bv ail. Mnts<fls tHe opn ot la- like ta have Iheni in by aurison and Cynthia adM . F ~-C os persuasivlelv and nede fi- newlyweds, paradied end danc- meetinig wcre read and an-,dirs w'ere in he panty and nx etnOt 7a r.Pnv omnil, w-e ly a Jeus.is he ptie d hefone the judges, pnovid- rv er i leItiers nf alI had Ra goad evening. 14-Coatox'sor Mns. W, Menc- Suind'aycaliters a Mrs. Thornp- -vuswît nAs mueen. hrk ve evi-ead ra cmrr's. A bihtycoiourcd b onok s. Mrs. Tiinipsnn ing s w th uch m us m en . th nk s w er reai f ot"M e nm ories" w as on hand ta com npauîid theni on a trip ta Theîd hes.nibol off The winning coupfle were bers who have nioved aWsv KENDÂLie Iter pirsenlcd tb Wiimna,'sece the leaves as facras Miii- t- victor.Jeu ntmreyMsAinCanidan Vn <dhdccidgiî. tir y es i o eeyMs Locke. -n fuedMs.adhd * vdgi:.Ohe E DTuranisky for preficiency in ens Bay and called on Mn. endure the Cross. He used! il. Jack Lck.- indsihip conresýpanden<-<\vas uead re- pbic paig nage PrysSsen r.Gain He did not bear the blows <of cincle was formod and taps ,la'îing ta W. 1. busilless. ; pub i heKcd leics Wei mde Arhave- a an'd'ah'soied on s sistor- -ALE lite hurled at Him, He look ctesed our meeting. Foutv-i rd nte'na et eemd t aeaadas aldo i it ihrni and used thcm and made four ladies enjoyed a salad Mu-s. Allia was aliupitited'-s.ho0î is noa-,a large as il was meniber award cuir pri-ze at, the 1in-taw ai Robcaygeon. i- theina wepon aains cvi. plae luch.our delegate ta lwthe vîî a , -car. The pupils in the'Orono Duama Festival.Soe teied Tahr't Itien in Tea"t i Novenii ber. 1un inrooni tram Ihp Sixtb Mns. Garland Catheart was Trainin-g Sciîool for the' ieuv Movav d aileken h î h cncirfrHome Eco- Curriculum at Orono on Mon-, a "esrtTe laicu au. A Onnmin as are atsa the pupils in namîrs and we were vr daî' evening. ~-~ ~rr::r~ --..-..-. itier us ta lio seuil Io Couîieit Grade 3. Those heginning in pIeased ta have as aur guest'- Srgarding the painîting oif the Grade 1 Ibis year are Wesley Miss Ray, the Homoe -ono - ~rHamipton siguisalso to al-k Citibrant, Doaad Dennis. Alan nist foc Ihoeo ounlic.s.Mss for street sigis; carnied uiuii- Farrow Rnv Allenî Foster, Ray is anxious btefrni a girls' umui.Ronaldi Macti1neIl, Annie Tadd, ý4-H Club bore ibis w nier for' à $- ~ East Group wec in(-lae Vivian Walsh and Gail Young-.girls 12 tn 26 years, and namn f'< , .of trbe pro-ain. Mrs. Carrick man. cd the diffenent courses. Sho- ilh edi -~~ o k l e c ai u d w e c m d C o g a i la i n M . a d w a o i ou15g tt n lad ies fro rt M a p le G io vc M nrs. M ar tin M a riide ns w bo to u ch w ith s an ie la d ies t a tead li s a fine- demonstration on I H SO L MrIst itu edts.SalW iie, w cr ar tei 5t esddig hei iSepthtg.oHU H CH O sanga det:mott, "esiA paîx' beî r aking chee.se crisps and the ýi"Was verv ah!,' akn y arry Mandons' and Miss Date Chub hlflnlt o h - Yeeahyf no le.Cin h erhnorh n n r.Celub. heit oafe th ihtH.?be 2, 1 6 -Mrs. Allin who n-adiabouitaManidons. Mn. and Mrs. Mand-'simp Themade adre bo t îtr 2 96 élny geat poplewho hFId rs ceebraed b y takhg a ri ruaeiadp anhe ertast fom b 9 . them ndi oe od ardr brother, Arnlý' Weinein wholivs -r'eani. Mrs. Low aend Mrs.ý rMrs. Cellisznu itfBowinu- FitiolI ais pi-ev idcd and- - Eve _ ville -hen showed loveypc a onk thom through Ihe E-it lopoiefsn-1 vnng class~es wiIl be held in AAt, T' -pewritlng, _ - ~~~turcs offlber travels iiTnîî-lacanetBulins the i wic-hos and a delictoaus chacal- i Sewing, Woodwnrk, or any other subýipt where da, ljiaeiha eîîin ae rivo ad thr oitsofaie cake foc the balance <of ou r teei ufcet ibro and Bowmdrivesleand IVipte iointssî. rlunch. A beaniy vote <of thanks teei ufcetnme fapplicaiits. 11 Owm wâ~vs extendcd la Miss Ray anîd E $50 c;iov'c laies favoreni wfi Mrs. T'Oruo Matinil and aiscu lao Misýs Stewart. TheFE $50 another vocal duelc,, whirli v;e Mrs. Bob Brooks spent Tues- next meeting will be Octaber CLARKE lIIGH SCHOOL. tR 2, NEWCASTLE SOe' ail enjoyed. We sang 'i'lc day, with Mrs. Mary Luxon. 127 at the home of the Presi- PHONE 987-4842. /Grae "" Pedre' d Ready forth Queeuî" and liad delicious i-e-- Mrs. Ted Coathani, Chyrrell dent, Mrs. Art Low.-- _ - Us Short Sbafll 5 ftPrecfllii s-kinles.s whole. or ,Ifi UeadV- 10 Fat- & S b63cý Rinfil'%; ACON 85 , j.Cîê IDEB___ tRADIIONAI, TRIMMINGS" per haped Maple Leaf Ha Swe4I Mixed Bicks PICKLE! Smo rts PUMPKIN iu,2-1h. Tin, Pauty Tyme 2' ns. Ti" a ms $1.69 Cocktail Mix ..... $1.25 :S 32-a:. lai O.mpsters Knott Piq. of 8 S 49c EGG ROLLS .....30c 28-oz. 'Cino Hospiolity Each 2 for 35c PUMPKIN PIE ....39c *uciu j ub' ÀL c "SAVE THESE EXTRA TAPES" 1f .S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Reeeive Extra $10.00 Tape Receeae an Extra $4.00 Tape Cucumbers 2 for 25c JWit Fr@ Cr.me R se: Reynolds Wrap î,RZd IBreck Shampoo Lunch Napkinsk'eo7 "IGA BRAND FI-:ATl-RES". . Cranberries csan Pra"Y ,i -02. Botte only Receive an Extra 86.00 Tape Ree a xra$.0Tape ~ NG R A E OC Vanilla Whip 932.oz-lP qhOd South Ftexon 1-: 20e t. i g IA 14-as. Picq. Olives mn 12 oz. Canada Ne. i Grade ý3for 49c oaois5c Reynolds Wrp"'yD Cello Spinach ïI ICA Suinny Mora 1I-lb. l"W e Mapie iaf Pure Perk C 20et COFFEE ...... 75C Dinner Naknplone4 Sausage Meat 111% rJuce 2 - 29 ROFaFGEE ...... 9c RAIMÇNALLY 12 WIIE S89 'EESE FESTIV~AL. FEATURFS- #-oz. Pkqs. Kraft 4 Fiavourg 8-ms. Pkq. ,,k. 89cOCH EESE 2 fr 7c S R T DT A ~cs38cCIDP 2o7c12-as Cul Cracker Barrel il os. Cul U T A ET À "HERE ARE THIS WEEK'S TI EKÉi LUCKY NUMBERS" 9cAy a 17 34 46 64 and gel 5 m àw 4 2 35 '7 72 fREE 1 t-a î j, ae 22: 152 F1or Cards Effective October 4.6, 79 and . ~Tomato Juice Bowmanville «lA Foodliner BOWMANVILLE- May we suggest a Save-for-dw-Liie-Tigs-yo-niWgê-od risenee-buy 4coewt CANADIAN IMPE.RIAL BANK< 0F C0MMMR? -ýwlpAt PntAtnpç

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