etayDusters 4-11 Home-1 Ite ld admonition of the tea-1The Canadian Staemn o aviOc.6195 1 nlkngClub, held on Satur- l oney o M e ?her-"Sit stili and be quiet,, twel e ni mber Because there's rnoney te b. made, you*re asked tà vote agaln,1 r. D. A s 1 f Co rie Home with intr me t i h lci n p t la 1he members repeated the Tc open up more outiets for the dlstillery men. 'spoke o n tt & of p reprtionce tpol eeer.W e-strdtoblhreytutw S e n io r C itiz e n s T o u r ~>f4-H plejand anwee the Because there's money to e m nade, wve're asked ta speed' and. Rev. Basil Long of. Or 'n d or Fak h rsde nhodngametn S n o ti e s T uo fr-ollca ]wth '"A good habit .the flow, spoke the thidvnigon teO urshptytahsherthwierap.t r Min.the arry RyleloUld a d"Ths-halengrandthdri-,Mrs. Alvin Oa0 eund Ms Verdu ehnu < circirciskci ~i'v'atershecI nts.: arr eoledadi-fhrgdrink down the people's throats, "it gives, them portunity". hm1udvatrsedn setasotUi i t cussion on the importance of; such a glow."Fothsendouofaclaew ek iC NeaIs talked on the requireé- Because there's money te, be made. the gevernment cansents,; ft! et st1ics e~W nesadta r aer r n r.Aci ht man it's f te folYong ed te their resptivwee hoe s rtuaely, ehe bnesneede, ment. elfte a hd ftahigapriuaýalrnwl e man, utg ofihe Ed ouwng- whîch therguesptivwee hoeu rcarstaly e thebue bt, ment. fawlfte a- To open up the airways to the brewers' arguments. age group. Discussion leaders froi the same hsia article, neglected ta, mention In the 54 mile drive which for that particular emergency. Group work consisted ofý Beause there's money te be made, eur magazines are full, 1 were: (Kindergarten) Mrs. E. Tuesday. !ne idus fNw that he planned the route that occupied approximately three The two bus drivers are te making a 'bound buttonhle 0Of ads with cunning phrasing, the gullible to lul. iPegg, Greenwood; (Primary) We are lad to eotta caktwr udyvstr Was taken and ase acted as leurs of time, these honoured be commended for their skil-eand further wrk we com - Mrs. R. V. Sheffield. 0shawalmywife, Mrs. R.J.ayeiswih r.RJ.Py . <tle and commentator. At guests were shown a part of fui handling of the large, pleted on the garnents bing Bu Rev T. H. Fleethar, Green-j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the luncheon in Memerial their home ceunty that per- heavily laden vehicles, everI made.Bu they refrain from telling of the profits that they make, wrcd- (Junior) Mrs. S. G.' Park Clubhouse, fellewing the haps manv of them would flot trails eften trickey eneugh ferî United Cliureh Annlversary 'And that drink becomes a habit that Is very liard to break. Sayweýl1, St. Stephen's; (In-!j tour, served by the Kinsmen have seen but for the kind- cars. Anniverary~ services in the~ Tha t alcohol gets in.the blood and craves for more and more, termediate) Mri. Philip Ro-, ARE YOU PA NN and KCinettes, the Sr. Citizens ness of the Kinsmen Club, Duri h oig wne United Church et Bethanv'Ad r. sceoire. Kdon k M PA IMa ex iraed sincere appreciation whose members are te be con- months, the Senior Citizens were well attenderi at both' htachlcvcisae nraig h cr. Mrib odeBiso ,K; (ernor te .Yeungman fr his part gratulated for arranging tcwl eal erhv theirmerning and evening, with We've laws te stop the use and sale of drugs that harmful vTe eond ssionwa d In t te afternoon's program. !tour. 1965 Colour Tour through that yay foa usd pitoekwih form the hack On Sunday, October 3rd, the 1 To make sure that any guest, part cf Durham Ceunty which, worshipping with the regular aren o t e I stud th Kinsmen Club treated seventy- taken suddenly i, could be once a blt on the landscape, congregation.- But alcoholics now outnumber the drug addicts by far. grevo n Porthe erTi Rtodf WE ARE TAKIGODR O . o e freuSno tze nrasa Wtr-iprshturb in tou, seerato uci ng Îaoresuti. rvne Rev. Douglas Pilkey, B.A., Tobacce took a beating when the doctors lad their say, Cou rfice spoke oin how and, homes on chieltw wllbldfo _____ oftMentGal, Field Seretar But th liquor trthfctgets the g-head from lagmakers 'whenthe gospels Freldrit- yotr plans or the help ',ou o choose fro s hed..- The hosts picked the i o h M s i n r and M ain- n gr p.-o r p so r n w ane fuests up at their respective BET A YWilliam Jordan, Mrs. Ina Pal- ten ance Dept. astes edscîir id h k da noes, and after the trip, de- E H N mer, Mrs. Wn,. Phullips, Ms speaker. t., was ingut to day. wRpveT.lÉ b-y Rev. .C tto f o lierd he bck sfey.Gldy Mlclmon Ms. ýws h t Is n Church?"ý Four hundred and twenty million was last yean's bill for George Mundy, Rev. PIrilip Program, the( eea oenmn nymk ~'he two buses and half Mrs. Ada Clark has left for 'isher. ýand in the evening, "Are Yen'l drink, Roneil and Rev. John Ro- adrc amn f$O Ot h oeon dozen cars travelled upi thei Niagara Falls, whee she will Mrs. Majory Edmunds andISaveci". He was introduced mrl ietpy Scugog Road to Enniskillen, visit for the next few mnts,er children Joanne andýad. thanked by the residentý By the people of Ontario, it makes yeni stop and think. n erd. sv 1ipa f er. House tabopetdb Mac 3s,196 e a s t h o u h H y d o , a s t w i h h r s n , D r . J o n C a r k M ~ ~ c O h . a a w n e g u e t s m i n i s t e r , R e v . W s . p i e c y . i W e S H O U L D k n o w w h e r e t h i s i s l e a d i n g a n d w e D O k n o w b o o A n - o re x t enz d i p a n do Woodley's saw mll, stili op-1 and famuily. with Mr. and Mrns. Thomas, Ms William Piercv was wh' a aut bcso r eh ig ea n tlf NY erated slely by water power,' Mrs. Clarence Rovan, -ho Jennings for the weekend. soloist. inging "How Shal Il Dont you think t's time for each of us to stand and neroal f ituderetpd TheatWN PYEN pmst Mespert Race Track, l as been a patient at Civi*rc Dr. Nor-man Lcswes, Os7h-iSi-ng That Majestv?" and "O, caîl a haît. of Calumbus United Chuneh $ 0 across Highways No 35 and 'Hospital in Peterborough for awa, spent the weekend with Lord, Correct Mýe", accom- served cof.fee and ceekies at: BALANCEO(...M RG G No. 115, to the Durham Forest1 several months, lýas now re- is parents, Mr. and Mrs.1panied atheI organ by Dr. the close of each session, A NY, eadquarters. After hearingiturned te er home. Donald Lowes. orman aLowes of Oshawa. -Mrs. Pearl H. Craig, AT,______ î4»'ITRS a brief history of Durhami For-; Mrs. Nettie Cordingley, Tor-, M. and Mrs. Frank White, The senior choir san~g two R.R. 5, BAT BEAUTIFUL et and being shown pulp- onto, is visiting for a week1 Trenton, were guests with Mn. anthesns, "0 For a Thousand - O-N- _________ Wood, the trip cotitiiued, ih her sister and brother- and Mrs. Harry ye o h oge"ad"Seep MayBo avle. P N Y O L r ? es n t h o g h t c a ar s a o e s , in - a w , M . a n d M rs . L e o n a rd w e e k e n d . SOeu rG rve". 'lIa geu n i o I - the Cold Springs Boys' Driver. Mr. and Mrs. I-ally Mc-i("loir siang "'An AwakeningK E D R O Nurilae os a citizen ~ann She eStrY Congratulations te M. and Mahon, Peterborough, spent Song".iho aý vedntiscm Camp. M r,. Addison Scott wl-ithe weekend wiVh Mrs. Ina Pi e preseet Bethany Uinited There are several new ac- charge will meet eveny Thurs-îmnifry for about .55 years, From there. tlhc cavalcade quietlv celebrated their 25th Palmer. Church was the successon fitivities for young people in day from 7:00 until 8.30 b e hr nl ndhsbohr went west along the Clarke-lwedding annivensany l a s t Dr. G. M. L-ongfield, Mrs.' the Grahami Methodist con_ thc outh progani at Kedron ginning Septenben 30th. ThelFranfk camne here as Barnado. Liberty St. S U-IVSO Manvers boundary, te view ýMonda. Longfield and their childneni 1gregation which was organizlUnited Churcl now that the introductonv part.y and thejHome boys and miade their stands of Christmas trees, then;1 Among those fom Bethanv. Randy and RuFit f Bramp ton ed over one hundred years' new eason hias begun. Octobenr meetings will be he1d homne with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' N UR!OA souti ast the Durham fine who joined with the Cavan;were at their summen cottage ago. ThIe Bible on the pulpit( An Explorers Grou.p for et Columbusand the meetingsý Bowins. Last Sunday Henbi detection towen, te the Ken-j Wonien's Institute on a busýhene for the weekend. noiv was pnesented te Beth- girls 9, 10 and 1l will be:gin wsl1 e held 1-onth about at 1wfs Stnicken xvith a leant at-1 dbl road, west te Highway No. trip te Collingwooci on Frida'.v' 4-Hl Club :any Chapel in 1870, affer be-ion oay October 3rd. ight ail tIreec dindhes. C.G.I.T. n <id ht iht o 35 and south te the Memorial jwere Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miss Patricia Wray, district 'in used at Graham's EilIj aftpr school in tIe Lowerifor nIl girls aged frein 1 niany years he WEIS employedBULE Park Clublouse wherecocffec Jcnnings, Mrs. Hector Mer- home economist fnom Lindsay, lChapel (the foreru nner of Haîl.7.-ih cCP.l. adlaevwas *pd cakes were served, alter ton, Mrs. Harry Bigelow, Mrs.1 ttended LIe meeting of the Betany) for ten years. C.G.I.T. for the pa;trali There is nnw a13 _ i .n weditli Fogel & Co. le servce dnin the Sundre'he Christ.mas tree busines.Poe6323 se rvA larg numbnr ohe iends at- 22 Parkway CecntBw anil mernieg church service. Parendcdlareefunberalon Weeds- ents are inviited te leave any r ___ __ ___ ___the_ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___on___ __ ___ __ ___ __ sml hildren wlie are two C Halwlîcre Lheîr will le Awhole new series of elegant niew models -- the mest lavish ,atend tfo r hi eicpaent Chevole ha evr biltThee'stheCapice ust m CatteJnd trh chrdh rice . av Wao.Truly elegant in every detail, they invite (and deserve!) aft 7:00 on W'd-cnesdlay even- C à î R( Eyour closest inspection.Binps.C iI iewalr andi entlîusiastic support, tle Kedron Aurtion end Pal] Fair on Saturday eanned almost $1.600) for the Building Fnind for' a npw Christian Educa- tioln building. Proceedings bogan ni. 2:00) wvitl an officiaI oening hy Dr. I. Claude Vipond. Auc- . . .. . . . . .tioneer Lloyd Wilson of Ux- bridge proniptly began lis job of finding new owners for a widely varîcd collection of lit goods asseiibled in the yard enmd shed of the Com.munity - Hall. Tlirreï Labrador Re- Custm Cu -witha sartand tniever puppies, lImee kittens, custrn oup - itha sartend raîbits, guinea pigs, banties, elgat ooUn yuwon' fifld on doves. aRhîîngie, and a. five- any' other Chevroet, day o14 Hostein- caîf waited [JET~ZS~V4OOTHE Üet;eir crates for theinr prires . to le decided, while prospec- tive btiyens looked over a piano, stoves, a tyrpewriten, J E T -. M- O OH -E Rlu.strwane jugs, d n e s e r s, - . .. . . . . .vegetables, and al the "'other item.s too numerous to men- tion". Proceeds from the Auc- 00 lion Sale amounted te $1,- No Chevrolet has ever had a ride like this one. lt's smnooth, sorid, quiet Doubles Club mexnbers at- You can specify a TurboJet "396" engine at 325-hp. Smooth, quiet, pet tracted tihe niost enthusiastic of reserve power (Just one of six engines available Up to a 425-hp TurbLo- arn ilim pn ie Jet "427" V8). But really, there's only one way to find out all that's great $4800 during the afiernoon, about the '66 Chevrolet with its beautiful new Body by Fisher. Ride in one The charge for a ride was loc. A few changes had te, be made when events planned in te abnornal warmth of In- diaen surnimer lad te be car- SLEEK STUNNER dayThe Hi-C'young people takdabout the girls bing > Impaa Sprt oupe plu gedinto a tank of waten wheneven a bull's eye was sconed in their target game.j l{owever, the beys of the group clad in warm clothes 'but tIc total rced from; tle sale will not fail too fan Natural Gas Heating ini your home...wtotrpaigyu ' U N I Q U E c ~The third and final session prsent lumrace . iii' the com fort and c n e i n eo on Ya lo h udy mtcNtrlGas Heating is yours forittes19ao~ wScbool Curriculum was leldihv ov B isaldî on Menday evening ini Celunr. when you hv a .N.aural Gas erson rne CoMvir, 11k. aIl the 66 Chevroets, has a Padded instrument Panel, padded sun visors. cr»Saport coupe, tins went ut to mi rrl o r p e e t h aî g s st m n t lai n i r e e v c SW eat i front and rear. Backup lights, windshield washer and 2-Speed wipers, outside churches of thc Osawaiajsm nsaefe 4h usady .o no O etn 'J 'er-vlew mirror. FulIy syrrchronized 3-SPeed transmiWson. Al et it standard êqtipmenOCt P et eriasj Lnd t ne s ni1 *sm ns r re 4 o r Coras. Monas.*00 . C rne getone Sty Y Un ~Columbus, Kedr n, Raglan, Manchester, B 1 a c k s teo c k, rates, convenient 12-month equal billingpa..adteesn Greenwood, Courtice, Burke-'oLa n, pr.Rjvnt ie-u unc ton, Enfield, Maple Grave, cash outlay o yourpat eunt Enniskillen, Prince Albert.en an c n m ca Na u al as C v rio Bu e. Ebenezer, St. Steplen's, Port today. Rn neooia %ua Perry and Scugog Island; JUnited cdurcIes, "This wors>hop is intendedi to be a very down-to-eartlýFE INSTALLATION I NO NEED TO BUYI RETA1TRLGSCN A GENERAL MOTOU VALUL ~~~~~~look ai tle ieacler's job Jn VRINONEFRALTLES$19. tIc comning year," said Rcv. IVRINBRE OA ITES$ 9AOTOYU A IL 8E THE NEW 1966 CAPRICE *CtE VROLET- CHEVELLE* CtE VYU . COR VAIR 'CORVETTE TOMORROW AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALERS Wînnjfred Bridges, who wasi dhiefly responsible for an- Authorized Chevi-olet Dealer in Bowmanville: Aveakrspracîcî edt e n-' your naes"uto zdNatural IzaH etngelra marks. Miss Shirley MýcKee,1 Raig'i h elwp Deeceness mi NorhtîmnerlHain"1 u elw ae..rci NICHOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. study wita talk n <Under- o standing the Child", speaking IOW/MAIIVILE. Phono 623-2556 COURTICE - Phone 728-6206 o f the domnhant characteri.- 64 W4 tg t uBg&onia othe. CBG swtwoi'k h 5i und«. Gho.Jkyoiur 1"I SIgGéUâ «&lOJan M. ad ugetugbetter te- 29 CELINA ST. E.t OSHAWA- 7276 in4u 01communication 4'.an