Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1965, p. 5

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CWL's Turkey Supper Attracts Large Crowd The annual Turkex' Supper, cenîreti with an attractivei helti bv the Catholie Woroens rangement o! beautiful ai Leýague in St. Iosepb ',-A ui i - turon flowers. These loy( ton m on~'j'dax. Spt. 91hdahlias. cun'Ios, asters. chr Uvas a e.at succcss. M.rs anthemumns, and other blom' John M <eph ' . Newtonvillp, were ail donated anti arran Was the 'gpnrrai convenoret by Mrs. Peter WitteveE M4rs. Thomias Masterson antI R.R. 2, Newcastle. Mrs. Joseph Cudtiahee woere Mrs. William Cowles. il in charge off tho tickeLs, andi C.W.L. Presidenî, servedt! Mu-s. E. Riebroullp er clmtd turkey, Mrs. J. E. Ranti w the patrong. in charge off the cofffee, Mi The tablýes for six wcrc oac!h J. C. Nowla.n was the pi, _____________________conven or, andi Mrs. Jami Faim was in charge of Taki ZHEYRE HERE AGAINI ;Out orders. Mrs. J. T. Scott wasi charge off serving, anti thoý who assisteti hem were Mi M. G. Heenan, Courtice, Mr Stewart Chishoîro, Miss Ly Fair, Miss Patsy Murpbl Newtonville, Mrs. Peter Lei A Leskard, Miss Sandy Crowell! E jMiss Marlon DeMark, bothn V Newcastle, Mrs. A. J. Horts man, Miss Patricia Wolnik Miss Bauldene Witteveeti 'Miss Gisella Verleysen, Mis C atricia O'Brien, Mu-s. Georg4 Card, Miss Coreen Sweep both off Newcastle, Miss Boný nie Chisbolm, Miss Rita var Hoî-nungen, Mrs. J. J. Jozko. ski. Counîioe, anti Miss Mar. jorie Murphy, Newtonvile. IThose who assistet in i0 * * * kitchen xere Mrs. Frank~ - * 0 1 *Woolner, Mrs. Henr-y Eikens, R.R. 2,' Orono. Mms. Peter WiI. teveen. R.R. 2, Newcastle, Mu-s. W. Lawrie, Mms. A. Proc- tom. Stephen Liptay, the CYO Presitient, Jack Vandenberg anti Andy Murphy, Newton- xvilleo. The mrembems off the Ilolv Name Society who assisted xvomre Presitient Joseph Cuttia- hee,' Thoroas Masterson, Mau- rire Crwiwav, Joe Cooper, anti John Irelanti. i-landso e LitieSaIlwia ane d Mrs. L bb 1 Clit The Canadian Statesnmn, flowmanville, Sept. 29, 1965 Fian som Litle Felow the Davidi Wilson's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson of Scar- borough were also guests of Honoured on Golden Wedding their parents. aMn and Mrs. Kennedy Gray Mr. and Mms. Wilbert Arc.h-1 lu andi Davd have solti their farm or weme guesîs off theîr son andi are intentiing to move to anti daughter-in-law Mr. and leyOrono in the future. ïMrs. Vincent Archer, Bowman- lms Enroule home that evenîng; flfTT AD thev were stoppet by theirj ,enL J. UARYLJ other son Elmer anti graInd- ~. B. PURDYson Ronald. who ushereti them the C.B mRYbt the' Community Hall' Elie Foilowîng an illnes.s of tw&o where approximateîy 100 rela- days, the death off Charles hvsat retswr ah rs. Bertram thPronto - 76 Ceeredti o greet thero on their es creiaPrd.ae 6o- 501h wedding anniversary. ie- u rd a h o o t e e a ,e-HoSpital on Sunday, Septen-' Florence Vincet anti Wil- ber 12, 1965. bort Archer were marrietin inSon off the late William: lngoltisby Methodist Church,' .' >sePurtiy and former Clara 'Wbit- r Minden Township. Sept. 8tlî, rs. ing, the deceased was bornaI 1915, by Rev. T. A. Ca'- rs. ~Bobcaygeon where he receiv,-,michael. vned bis education. On June 25, Their -gaîîtitaîglîer mari- 'nV 1907 he married the formerb rhr int osg ýe, nAcepneacosg Minnie E-stelle Etigar Who anti boutonniere on the surpris- I survives. et couple, Who thon spent an of Mr. and Mrs. Purdy came hour or more meeting fientis, I s- to~~ Bowmanville 35 years ago several off whom h b a k, ~from Robcayge-on. In, Bob- the wedding 50 yoars ago. n, caygeon Mr. Purdy operated ssacheese and butter factory Some off hegthe rn e- -.~ kfor 20 years. a.nd after mov- joyet plaving cards, others Pl ing bere xvas enniployed ai were reneWing acquaintances, General Motors, Osihawa. Me îssn retiret seven years ago. The Jim presiteti a the guestI 's î deceaseti was a member o! book. << SI. Paul's Uniteti Churcb. Bey. P. Romyeril calîcti the Surviving, besides bis wife, company to ortier aîîd învîted e ~~~~~~~~are a daugîbter andti tree sons, 1 ------------- M'njo'ie, Jack aund Clifford,, LONndG SAULTrtArhe 'all off Bowmenville, anti Jirn M. anLMrsGWilert yhi of Muîîtreal, Que. the ie boued couple, their both white cake anti weddirg, The funeral ser'vice \vas Mis. Max' vJoilisspt the brîiesmait. Mrs. Will Dugan, 'cake, brought a pleasant ev,- hldt froro the Morris Fuiîeral xvekeiît with Mr. anti Mîs. J. Miinden. anti ber bîîsbaiîd (the ening to a close. i Chape], Bowi-anville, on Weti- Mowatt. Oî'ono. groomsiman is decoaset) to' Guests were prosouit from. nestiay, Seplerober 1Sth. andi M.Aln ae' lleslt ets aithIe front off the hall 'Mitilant. Gait,ToonoSou! was conductet by Rev. Haroldi Mr. anti Mîs. Reg Burton anti ant i wtî a few remarks ex-!ville, Brooklin, Greenwood, Turner. Interment was in baby, Niagara Falls, spent th, tentic thelî congr'atulations anti Lindsiay, Mindien, Lochlih, Bowmanviîîe Cemnetery. x4etiwt c.at Ms .gooti wishes off all anti asked 'aîtile hty Jomn. Palibearers, al] nephews, Baker. hmbacp h î. At ville aînd local points. we re Messrs. Charles Etigar,Sera ateitiLnsa the pruper timo bbe curtain Cnrtîto~ o' '~ H'arî'an Keilly Bill Puu'ty, aul Fair' on Saturtax'. ouithie stage upeneti. sbowing ceivet by cards frm Ca of B b ag ol o s na s a es v i o c , g l e rg t C opeBbandGeorge Pattei'Ofn iv crbruhM. a ace-sa f ovel', thecoui rn- ebt Cuir, Lh iofhe. ois. ndaEnsMut.k r M. r anime'.Ro nds H g uity~ , atrl psiin ndMs.Difnbke. Amo g t e nan l<vex' er, T rono. wer Saur ay wosons and familles. from John Robarts, Premie r floral tokens, evidene of the Supper guests of M ir. and Mrs. On- a table centred by a 'o!vOnt r nd s. A Roaqua M a ese m i 'i h th e e s d Gbiel Kov cs.bea uitiful cake, designed in ,and Alex Carruthers, M .P.P.- wsedwere those fromý Mr. Jack Johnson, Oshawa, the for-niof an open Bible and for Durham and Mrs. Carru[h-ý Gneral Motors Cost Account- visited bis parents, Mr. and :madie by a nephiew Mr. Burn:-:crs. Telegrams froro Honour. inn, 9ept., Jerusale mn Lodge'M r-s. Bert Johnson, Saturday 'ise Boltt of Midland, w re:able Lester P as n rm o f ' . F . A . M , G e e r a M ot rs a te r n o n .n u r o r o u s m is c e lla n co t is g ifts lM in is te r o ff C a n a d a a n d M rs . Local 222, Oshawa Board off Don't forget Club 50 rncet- whc hebie n rdes- 'Pearson; Governor General Education, Mary St. School ing at the Smith home when Imaiti unwrapped. The couple Vanier and Mrs. Vanier, Rus- i Staff, Oshawa, and Local 380,'ýpictuires wi]l be shown of very! expressed their thanks and a seill oney, M.P. for Durhail t-1 Hollingshead Co. interestinga places and scenery. 'bounitifuil lunch topped with ýand Mrs. Honey. SuîivSchioo] Suiav af- trnoon at fifleen minutes to twr o'clock. church service at 'theepro Scrment will he The st ylie lad in the above photo is Carson Ed ward Dyks rat, admninistereti Thankoffering Mr. and Mis. Claude Dykstra of Bowmanvrille .Carso r nEdar wHeraty service was held Sunday even- hîs first bîrthdav on August 22nd, is the grnEo f w.ad M'.Her y Rev. Davidi Northey, ser- stra, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack de Haas, Catrnpbellcroft, and great mon, Jngratilutie. Mr. Leslieî grandson of Mr. P. Wynsma of The Netherlands. Photo by Astoî' Studi Colîrcutt off Mapie Grove wai, Organist for hIle service. Three Shackleton, Ruth, Salem, Miss ~~ ladies from Bowmanville sang Joan Falls, Kential, were tea YEIVYE fTOi a couple of lovely songs. gucqts of Mr. anti Mrs. W. The ladies were, Mrs. Sam- Blackburn and farnil «v, and tic] Black, Mrs. Russell Oke, attend t hci te Thankoffering (Ifltended for last week) 'anti Mrs. Br-LUce McGill, M~ and Mrs. W. L. Van Driel. We sct-vice Suniay evening. Congratulations to Mr. and and Mrs. Murray Shca an would like Io thank these Mr. anti Mis.W. Bennett, Mrs. George Glasbergen (nee Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcoln ladies and Mr. L. Collacuîtt. di ti Mrs. Passant, Bowman- Debbie DeVries) who we'e: As you niay have alread Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn ville, xveie Tucsday evening married on Friday, September ' presumeti. your Yclvcrton Coi .a id Brian, Mr. and Mrs. G. visit5o!so Mr. and Mrs. C. 3rd at the Christian Reformed respondent lias returnedt G a rra r'd. Church in Bowmanville. The 'the folt affter an enjoyabl Sunday visitors at the Gar- newlyweds will reside in Osha- three wecks lun -ollanti, tob lard home wcre Mr'. Bruce wa On returning from a motor greeîti inietiiately by il r Garrard anti farnily, Keswick, trip to Penn., U.S.A., and other business euti ut a scoop shnv anti Miss Pats -v Gaî'rard, Tor- points. el as restîlt of a delayeti bar' cnto, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mr. Cordon Wakelin of est due tn the incleroci NRGarraî'd and farnily. Lindsay was accompanied by!weather. Sortie of the higl, M'. a nd _Mrs. Bont Moî'rison Messrs. Case and Frank Glas- ]ights of oui'ttip includeti SaudYwitlî Mrs. et.Mrtmsrcnl oated'hogimn fiqcni E S L EMîs. M. Olesen and Mrlî. and Congratulations to Mr. Case waYs than Venice - 80 canais on wîning '502 bridges an d 90 islands; an. S T. E.are taking a trip arounti Lake place for ail Canada in discus other biruh ts 'ip f romA te anville Hotel of Bays, to enjoy the splendoî' throwing at the recent com pe- 'a 1 uyhro ianvlle otelof tfile Icaves. tition held in St. John, Newj (sonne 8,000 ships anchor here Mrs. A. Thonipson, visited Brunswick, with aý 132-foot each 3'ear) to Volendaro -a ber roterMr.B. cDoaldthrow in the Men's Junior 'village where traditional Dutcl atir alohMr,'s. F. sont lass garb is still xvorn (aI least dur- S E edlo Mr:. eo xrsndF.nOsomost:eets an Boxvmanx'ille. Deepesî sympathy is extndang tOtîî'ist season), xith its Severîal friom Iaydon at- dt Ms erge Page, dti ! r bide T ntoM kn tendcd Lindsav Fair. ters Loreen (Mrs. Earl Mc- Isianti - where almost ail of The weatheî' Iook a sudden Mai)o Peterboroughan the inhabitants Wear their own change on Sunday. Teme ra- irorie (Mrs. Floyd Stinson) quaint dress and lix'e like they R E D ~tures tiropped to the 30 degree o Yelverton, and sons Clar- titi 100 ycars ago or more. mark freezing plants anid offce aod aolinh as Andenwii o neigliboring Ymuid g enond aoi'A visitnd hat to wait tiI] the frost xvas fathaer. M. Pgeaqupoitioan in the \V(>ilt to accommodate i oes.T o ikng pl s heltMr ig, mqit nýe n huge ia h lret o ,;u f the aples o Mîondav wit haneay-gingthdispost I le largest ocean x'essels, a Out theheat wave we hiad been esteem by ail who knew hiro. 'walls anti ceiliîîg off cernent h av ing. M.adM-. omnKl (11>feet thick and reinforceti movedintoOLIrcommunîty, 'buitt during the war and put' Teacliers ~~~occupying the dwelling ownetiou to sea and nlow used as ayM.adMs a oi-'enetfcoy le f ih .UUU ~son. Mr, Kelsey is 'teaching ing vessels moe nte SO DCgat ulStio.n13, otus. harbor. crosseti oxer the "Afs. Attend M eetotMt . SS luitdyk" -the dyke that clos- S O D ttenSMe t ataflwho competed e nthe udrZeno te T O Y Lro n s dceived a comendable mark O! inately 20 miles in length; a: or o y s ,L ï w n , S ch ol 80.vist to a t picl D tchfaî'm, The fist rmcetinîg off the Rex'. Duncan White, Field travelleti Ibrougli the vaýsi new terniwas helti ai Brown's Secretarv of the Christian fa'rns in Nortîh bilant - School. A tielîcîous lunch was Education Dept. o! the United (Frieslanti, siiilar in looks to DRUGS serveti by Mrs. Bruton and i Church was the guest preacli- our prairie t'arnis except for Mrs. Pr'eston, the teachers off er at both services when Yel- jts numel-OuIS canais anti titch- *-this snlîool. verton United Church observ- 'es, passeti by Rembrant I U 11 t ~Ne%&, officers wcî'c electet cd its lO2nd Anniversary on bouse ivhere the famous pn- as follows: Pres., Mrs. W udy et.11. J h er worket ant i lvet for over1 Wannan; Vice-Pros.. Mrs. W*a.rn. the Junior Choir assisteti; 20 years, a visit to the "Ar't- Barrabal; Sec'yý-Treas., Mr, in t e rvieing Mins ls.n c " -a zoo xith over' ,000 Ellis; Press Reporter', Mrs. Steypoietw fiesls îmasb'i.ecswth Rowe. . Congratulations to Mr. Ken- Mint, built in theecaî'ly 1600's' Inspetoi'neth Wilson (andi bis poppa'anti maui\' more buildings o! Mr CpAoHlms ac)onhainItl radsmmilai'vintage. 1 hi aases-j g ~ ~ spok e tleachers about, Champion Fat Steer at the s rn t h iestock marketsý EUU7~~~~ the marking off the daily reg- Orono Fair. Also to Misses aionPut'mcheut utreso - - ~~~ is e s a y and L oiraine Shea ,,'slîcep. Friesi:i atl e n 6c oMr. H. Besi, secretary off (daughters off Mi'. ai MsAe'u)ho'sescsat pis(ai the laîk TowshipSch'oulMuîý'ray Shea off FleetwuutId ,.Id in tieir own uniqut' wav _______Boarti, bld lus 1mw 10oî'e' ' toppet elich u'tîîrb'pîaet'avauoî;7 îe dplesat about oui' new classes with tilili'calves - 11 ,-~ ~ tvulîî at giot n health plant. An Uut course. sYap4u an i vent but we Mrs. Wannan. the new Congrats tbu, lu mastei' .'tuniuiîc.a'd" eai'vn Wbuticîi OF F president, brouglit the nîcet- Terry Malcolnm wbo \was tonpshoes. Also trieti a few tiel- ingIo clse.man in1 Durham Countv anti icasies sucli as "ccel". paling - M - _6th in a class off over 1'00 foi' sirnilai' to a strnaîl ccl, whieil lquw bis general proficiency, jutig- y-ou cat. when cooketi like a ASS ý'ing, etc., in 4H coropetitioa, cob ut' cor'n with the hideoiis hbelti in conjunction wîth Pet- heati in une hanti anti tail in 'erborough Exhibition. the oihcr anti tastes like muti- ers abe aloci Lnsa. Gody cets aou n(uchone school daze in compai isun witb beefsîeak Mr. Ken Wilson returns to attn a ln e. tolt bhis studies for bis second yearthrough the narrow water- ýIN 1 N G 4 a' Guelph Uni'ýersity on Tues- front streets o! Amsterdam E dayis whei'e legalizet prostitution MîsMarguerite Wilson re- flourishes. Ail Ibis anti much cently attended a 10-day Work more conitributedti 1 a verx Sehool andi Camp Counicily I ETOsponsore by CGITat Camp iersting and e;îZ?1:? l: i V E N T IN Cagntra the ondonC.G.I.T. aý caripste t Prt yere *Mar- On retur'n trip visiteti brie!- O ct kar orrepresentative. a.mi., drank a Dublin beer ini ay, O tobe 6 thMr. and Mrs. Barry Staples inteî'ests off scientific research were recently honored with a Wihatsîha nol or 8:30 pAj presentation held at the YelN searce inspired to any7alc inga sortproamincîtîting thic air HIle breath-taking I .ia h orroga m edigt beautv off the cou ntry wlbere figh Scho l A dito iumbride and groom were 'aîe the' R ixer Shannon flows. But to the platform by I edC the prettiest sight off ail - the 1A poetic address opsdb green anti yeilow fields of M e s d a m e s J n e t p o e n c e l y O n n o a t i h m . B i t e r andEln M colmwanr a huble br e' u lc C10 __NEW____N IGA PET FOOD 1 l o"r Sz. IGA Orange Juice ..512* IGA Choice Peaches 4fe 20 oz. 0crm Tins IGA Choice Corn 3,.. 5 for I GA Peanut ButterqcmioZd 3 sfïor IGA Soft Drinks cOfl,d 12 lôo* 6 o:. SHOrtCE NEWoZE o ait LEG 0O'l LAMB l.53c41 IGA INSANT(0F 29C Picqi. Pnices effective Sept. 29, 30, IGA (ANS FWnD t.j, . E rsreth i Lamb In A Basket, RoasChops, Stw25 TableRite Rindieçs, Silced 1-lb. pkg. 88 Side Bacon 8 SPECIAL COMBRINATION OFFER! - and - WIENERS e 88h o roduce of '.S.A. Can. No. 1 G Califomnia Flame Redc Tokay Grapes 11il (alifornia Sweet and Jîîley Sîze 163 Valencia Oranges 2doz.69ci Canada No.I1 Gr. Crisp Green Large Staiks - - - - Fm R - - %-ý a, iî .REM GIA- FANCY PEAS 49ç G-ff- - --ýT I.NCY P41BLET CORN ý49ç I...ou5f APPLE PIE 3 $1.00 'VRXEY CHICKEN OR BtEl MORTON PlEs 4 79Ç blul -ItR lADDOlý 01110t. ýFISH FRIES 2 89Ç ORANGE DRINK 3 79'ç î b 'I BRADFOCR ELRO2T25S Lemon Filiid Pkg. of 12 Dempsters Buns 41 c AV CakrIGArrl 2CAS Rcuti T PE FOREAONMECHNDSECttowIs.2for 88c Al! Colours Twin Packs play the New: i o IlMNHY2 KM TU Here are thiç B G O BingonNoq 9 18 3 53 71 TI E Oc.2n, 1 2 6 49 72 ' VOLUME ofllY 9feu Bud gel arm mi m j il t 'à' e CA-o:. à Bowmanlvi'lle IGA' Foodilmer - DO WMAN VILLE - '...VIC AUD)ITORIUM Os ha'va SUN., OCT. 17th 3:00 p.ln. Admission by Ticketçs 0n13 - $1.50 Tickets availahie at: Ideal J)airy. Oshaw~a Oshawa Realty Limited, Osh awa Murray ]Rug & Tile, »tjax CourticerPharmaey, lVhitby or wvrite: IVrid 'Visionoff Canada, Box 181K, Toronto 12 ÇORI WHOLI 55 KING Opposite Bowm LEA EXPI SeIIi*nç ALL MERCI MUST BE GIFTS PATENT AND SUfq SCHOOL S L.501TO 4 4 4 a 4 Durham (o CNM Wednesdi Bowmanville fi GUEST SPEAKER: The Hon, Minister 3-1h. Bats 2 for 29c lin it 10T 15- Ti IGA Beans & Pork 7 Ic

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