Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1965, p. 3

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, - *«., 1 - ,, , . . -4 #..i ý'w le »e K Ex change Vows in Rehoboth Church .apr-Fayer - Bruinsma Auguel 12, 1965. gt 7 nclock. Rev. J. C. Verbrugge offi- The marriage cf Mise SyIviý Mated, and for the occasion 1. Bruinsina, daugliter cf Mi«. the ohurch wa.s prettily decor- and Prs. Jan BruinsITi, Bow- àted with pink gladioli and manville, and Mr. George ink and white carnations. J spers-Fayer, son cfPMns. J. Miss Marlys Verbrugge play- Jpers-Fayer, R.R. 4, Bow- ed the wedding music. tnfànville, and the late Mr. H. Gi yen in mariage by her Jaspers-Fayer, was solemniz- tather, the bride wore a floor- ed in the Rehoboth Christian iength gown of white tafeta Reformed Church, Bowmail- styled w i it h thi-ce-quarter, ville, on Tbursday evening, length sîreves and a train which fiowed gracefully from the shouiders. Lace appliques I embroidered wîth seed pearîs:e accented the gewn and train. 1A crown of lilies-of-the-vaiîey held her seailoped tulle veil, adsecarried a bouquet of pikroses and white cerna- th bid, asmad fhonor ' Miss Henrietta Jaspers-Fayer, y V" 'i* > ' ýniece of the groom. Tbey .** were in baby bwitb ock w . matchin~g tuille overskints fit- ted bodices and short seeves. Tey wcre baby blue bow $100 beadpieces with viig n up their bouquets were of pink Up and white carnations. Mr. G. Engbert, a cousin of and Louie Bruinsme, brothers !cf the bride. ... . j)i A receptin was held at the church following the cere. mony. 1 The bride and groom e '*'"" Value residing at R.R. 4, Bowman. 'UM1ER8 WHALEN a":sS."'; The mai-niage of Miss Mau. . < ~ reen Anita Whalen, daughter :of Mir. and Mrs. John Whalen, R.R. 3, Bowrnanviile, and Mr. iWadp Summers, son cf Mr. Mr. and Mrs, George Jaspers-Fayer, shown in the above photo, were mar- lîo p r and Mrs. MBrady of Toron- ried in the Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanvjlle, on ThLrsday w o ,0 r *s Jhris AgilcenChurch, Bc'w. evening, August 12, 1965, at 7 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Sylvia 1. mranville, on saturday after- Bruinsmna, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Jan Bruinsma of Bewmanvi]le, and the noon, July 3ist, 1965, et 3 bridegroom is the son cf Mrs. J. Jaspers-Fayer, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, and the JEWELIERY cock.~ late Mr. H. Jaspers-Fayer. - Photo by Astai Studio 29 King St. E. e X J.Fapo ws 'Mn. C. J. vatns, heryme rcandand theim nosegays were cf organist, played tihe wedding white rosebuds, ll-fte e e ty À are music. Ar-angements cf whîite Valley and fern. Ail wore, Igums and gladiol formd an yeilow gloves, the gîf't of the AJ.LL e setting for the cere- bride. ,~~ n i n mony. Mm. Jack Waeiwsbs A ttenton iatGiven in mnarriage by her man and the ushers werr Dan brother, MT. Robert Whalen, Whaien, R.R. 3 Bowmanville, L iesthe bride wore a u-11-iength and Larrv StacevOshawa.' with bell-skirt. The lace ho- ring-bearer. The groc'm's gift g iNR D CN dice 'vas styled with an em- ta themn we-e tir clip ard ----'--- Pire w'aistline, scalloped neck- cuff link sets. 4.'~ * ulne, and long lily-pointrd A eceptian was held at the ~ -' h...sîreves fastened at the wnis'ts Liens Community Centre, '~ ~ IMu «J a e-u by self mate-ial buttons. A Bowmanville, w h e r e the i. .t-yourself bew-bedecked train off nylon bride's mether received wear- Here andà lace fr11 gracefu-lly fi-rn n e flrlpitd ik Jkit . . . make your Party ýth1ee back-neckflnr, and he- sheath in pastel blues and slippers exaetly the shoulder-length veil cf nylon yellows with matchiniz thri- color ta match yotur tulle was caught to a cmewn quarter length coat. To assist, g nwihor peani petais. She car-ied a the grcoom*s mothen chose ai cascade bouquet cf American Pink linen suit. Bath wore """"s SHU-MAKE-UP Beauty roses and stephanOtis, white accessories and corsages and worr the groom s gift, a of gardenias. * W i l fl t r u o f g e l I c e e t.A s th e c o u p le le ft fo i th e ir Miss Shiaron CuIiv, Bow- * Easy ta apply imanvijie, was maid cf honor hnyani otenO * Inxpesiv i nd tihe bridesmaids werr tarie, the bride was wearing * hixpeniveMisaPegg W'aien R.R ~,a pink linen suit overlaîd *' Light shades wilI Bowinanviile, and Miss iwth white lace and fashioned "" cover- over dark. sleves coe vrdr.anne Ormiston, Bawmanville. with tie-ure îee IM*bNanc Whalen was jun- and bow at the Chelsea collai- Available in: io rdsmaid. The brides- neckline. W'hite accesseries mnaidas were in yellow chiffon and a corsage of gardenias Blues, Grey, Browns, ýover taffeta with sheer thire- compiomented hem ensemble.' Mint, Mustard, Lime, quarter Iength sieeves degign-Thyaeesdnat9Ler Caral, Rose. . . ed wth ruffid cuffs,adLn. emnpir-e waist handed in yeî- The bride attended Mople ~ -g~ actuallvy au cap getlolw veivet ribben endîng at Grove Public School and any shade vou desire. the ba'ck waistlîne wit.h a bow Courticp High School and is . and streamers. Thle maid cf1 employed at Specialty apr Available at honor wore en identicai gown Praducts, Bowmanville Tl'e in mint green. A formai- groom is an employer of Gen-. length gown cf pale yeîîow e-ai Matons, Oshawa. chiffon over yellow taffeta Guests were present. fro n ' "' Lo d Ellius was ww by the flower girl, Bawmanviiie. Oshawa, Ajax,~%Y2~? little Ms Dottie Whalen. Her Pickernng, Tomanto and King- * ~ frock was accented by a bow ston. SI' oesPlaced at the back wai.st and Prier to her mariage, the .Showor adabell.sh'aped scf yellow bride was the guest cof h nar 49 ' headpieceofylw at several parties. A mîscel-1 4King Street West roses, and carird a nosegay laneous shower was given byw jcf yelcw 'mums. 'Me senior Mrs. Rose Galea. Mms. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Summers shown in the above' BO W M A N V ILLE i attendants w e wedding ring Sheaner was h stess fer a p o o w r a r e n S .J h ' n l c n C u c , headdnesses, adorned with, similar shower, and ththetcwr are1nS.JonsAgia hrh velng match their gownsigroomn's mther, Mrs. BradY. Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, ,iuly 31, 1965, at: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3 o 'c l o c k . F o r m e r l y M i s s M a u r e e n A n i t a W h a l e ni , t h e : bide is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -John Whaien,Î AttR.t3, tudents! lRR. _ and the groom steonfMr 3BWmn.îESand is tEncfm. HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY FOR PART TIME EMPLOYMENT WHILE FURTHERING YOUR EDUCATION MOTOR HOTEL now accepting applications from Grades 11, 12, 13 for à SPID ENT TRAINING PROGRAM PART.TIME HELP TO OBTAIN UNIVERSITY EDUCATION Over the past five years, we have aNsisted at least 10 university graduates, through this training program. Presently we are helping five in f irst and second years. Bowmanville: Bus Boys and Waitresses INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD AT FLYING DUTCHMAN m 10 a.m. to 12 a.om. The very severe frost cf sho\ving of pictuiles il, aid 0 f I Sunday night finished mOst Iftheir missionary project. Gwen ! the tomate picking, very fewlFoi-d xas MC for the vng if any escaped and many adftrwloighexenîng- homemýakers wrre caughtadafe 1conn ht ui wtout the usual amount oflence, epane htthe' girls, canning done. Fiwers, es had assisted with mssionaryi ipecially the huge bright dah-'work in India two years ago,! 'lias, iaoked vrry black an' last year with Canadiaii lu-i 1Monday morning. Hardier'diaî missions, and this 'year's' Ichrysanthemums and asters poîet xas ta assist niIii1 w er ab e t w ths aad ù. sendi nig f C hristian literafiii- were ble o wit stan it.tht' n w cauntrîrs he We T h e r e w P r - e s e v e r a l a d i " ; - _ a-fi n m b r a r e n î t tirs on Friday evenîng cf last read and anxiour. for- tie pri.it- week s0 oniy a frw of the.rd material. Ra rbara Dinne(r 'Sunday school members wrre intrnd ucedl the ges with th,i ; able te attend the rally heli ,r, r.RvCbeo ! a t C n t o n T h o s e w h o i , to c h e s t e r . N .Y , f i . a n d M r F . profited fi-rn the fine devin- Cablere\jýtig sAin tional service provided bv ad wnce.r. vsatng hs Anal lElizabethville Sunday school'Snell, nd e. Mm. and Mr. Pcsrc 'and the address giveni by Rev.ýcaîored andeshhih h mc 'J. C. MacFarlane cf Port Hope. take;î whilc serving ilirte Two events teck place berrr.menths in R mission hospitai aon Saturday evening when in tht' Conzo. His pictures Ithe senior girls of the Sunday: showed a vividca ntrast cf schoel assisted hv others cf conditions fin that countrv sd the i der girls, sp sred the our mwn. Handsone poi and vers' friendiv, hprycamp'C ;held a linen showem. in large numbers ta the' bas- Mrs. Lii Tinline wai hostPss pital for treatment aud ifxvas fer a pensonal shower, and heantbreakins for the d<jctars the bride's aunt. Prs. Donna'to have te send se roan", e s- Hicks, helid a limen shewe-.tpeciaily childiren, home',' forý41 IMiss Siharon Cully and -Missithere were ont th(, facilities ýDianne Ormiston gavea mis- for treatiniz thprm. One' pretty'A ceilaneous shower, and an- littie eleven 'v( ar nlid'girl stiÉf. fl other mîsceilaneous showerfe-ing fi-rn alargc' goitre~ was held by ber frllow work-jceuld receive no help. Heri ens at Specîalt.y Patin-. The1gi'andmother had tiied a 5tring* Specialty Pape- staff present-i cf brads tîghtly aroeund bier' ed tee bride and groom wfitb neck to spri-vent tht' goitre, go- an eleetric floor polishe-. 'le ing dcwn te ber ches. bride's mother was hostess !or The niast rcnrfloz trouble tee on the evening ni July amang the chîldi-en was diet 36 KI 22nid in hmsor of tior dauhtr- detiency disease - their fooed, - lmi alxnost &Il starch, even foir! fbabies. YELVERTON iThe Canad'an tatesman, E3owmanville, sept. 29- 1 3 Dr. Cable was thanked by Linda Thorndyke who expres-' SYMPathy isexenedtOCamp on Friday evenaing with onded that we senti $4 ta aur sed the appreciation of the;Mrs. George Page an h iya fair attendance and several !Presbytery Supply Secretary Suda aholfor Dr. Cabl's in the death of er eldestIvisitors present. !in Oshawa. The treasure',ç S=lis sharing of his week- sister. c oot.M- n fe hnig Ms a report was given and it was end. He answered the many'Mrs. Flo3yd Stinsjn attendedCamp for ber kmnd invitationi decided to give a donation ýto questions of bis interestedthe funeral on Sunday. :and words of welcomne teailn the Foresters ta assist ini the audience and then ail werp Congratulations ta Mr. Roy president. the president open. purchase of a piano for the invited te the Sunday schoo] Strong and Miss Mar-v Shealed the meeting with a poem, bail. Hyxnn 252 "In Christ roomn where Barbara Dinner on winning second and thid "Send Another Day" folowed There Is No East or Weet sang "Suddeny There Is alplace respectivey with theirlby the Lord's Prayer in uni- losed this part of the meet- Valley," acconipanied by Mrs. Angus exihibits at the FatIson. ing. Carrol Nichols. After this,!Steer Competition at Lindseyý The m'orship period wasý The roll cail "Somnewhere 1 Gwen announced that the rest: Fair. A]l animais were auc-Iconducted by Mrs. Grant visited this summeir" was weli of the Party was for Mr. and tioned off beifore the gra nd-ICampbell who gave the Scrip- answered. Mrs Snell who had been given stand on Thursday eerng. ture reading from Acts 13:2-12 Mrs. Campbell then intro- seats of honor et the front of. Alsqo ta Mr. Bruce eLawsoniand the devotional. the theme duced the speaker. Miss Dor- the mrrim. A rose corsage was: who piaced seoonjl with his heing "Go quickly and tell". een Van CaCmp who showed pinned on Mrs. SneiV's dress harv humer at Lindsay FairmThs was followed by prayer. slides and gave us a very in- by her granddaughter, Barb-and first place at Oron. 1ymn 562 "Day is Dying in teresting talk on Indre. India. arrada bouio ndWniee For. pa ted n Jr. Mhuit par'tici- the West" was then sung. where she spent the past three arrageda botionier fo, paed n th Mont oreb A short business period then years. She aise showed souv- Mr-. Snell. Mrs. Harld Best Anniversarv Services on Sun-Jfollowed with the minutes f enirs cf India and Hong Kong read an address to themn both'day afternoon. !the June meeting read and which were greatly enjoyed by on behaif f about 90 peopi Due to a capicius wether- approved and ail correspond- ai]. present and other friends, ex' man, there stiLi remains a lit- ence read. Several thank you Mrs. Campbell thanked Mis$ pressing pleasure that ali'tie ombinin.g orthreshing te cards from thse who had Van Camp for ber very inter- though they had sold their be finished up in oui- con- been sick were received and esting and informative talk farm they would be returning munity, with straw stili iying read and a card signed ta be and the meeting closeti with regularly fom their new home in the fields ta be baied as sent te a friend in hospital. A the Mizpah Benedictien. in Port Hope. As an expres; weather permits. cheque was received for cater- A delicieus lunch was then sien f the love and respect Editor's Note: Dear Harvey, ing for a trousseau tea in seved and a social heur en- in which they are heid by the our apologies for late publi- Juiy. It was mved and sec- ijoyed by al. whole communîty, they were cation of voui- recent trip ta presented wîth gifts Of 1 the Netherlands. We slipped coffee table and two end somehow! tables. The presentation was made by Clarence and Roy -~gJ NichlsCZ)r yClaers icisHebPaeden and l r Cl Truman Austin. Mrs. Snell NES TLETON was presented with a glass flewer vase on behaif of pres. Mr. and Mrs, Lyall Brookst DEFINITIONS - VIRTUE ent and former class members and family are staying with by Pearl Austin. Mr. and Mrs. his sister and family, the Jos. Snell- were cempietely sur- McClungs until able te find 1- Insuffietent temPtation. priseu and expressed their housing accommodation. thanks in their usual warm Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadier 2. In the feinale, Iack of temptatlon -in the male, way and everyone sang "For spent a weekend at Renfrew Iack of opportunity. they are jolly geod feilows." Fair where Raiph was a judge The girls served tea and cook- of iight horses. ies and thefr voiuntary offer- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cole. ing plate, arranged by Gloria Linda, Bbaira and Nancy of Nicheis who was unable te be Brantford vsited Mrs. Hattie* prsnreceived over $2. Cale. San=r Payne cf the senior i Co1ngratulations te Mr- and COHSCR IT girls provided t he flower ar- Mrs. George Bowers who'ceie- rangements, Pearl Austin andbrated their 4th wedding Clothing Iasts loner If tbev are eleaned rglly. Brins IWanda Ford greeted the \'isit-]anniversar 'y wi th a large fam- g reguusfoleperarie ors. Valerie Austin assisted ily party.temo ufreptcre witb other arrangements, alseo Mrs. T. G. Langfeld spent Cheryl Clarke cf the inter-thp past few days with the; L N A T C UB 0 T RK Y S P E mnediate class; others whc'îBilî Fortune famiiy, TOronto. LOGSUL LB50TREYSPE helped but were unabie te be! Grant Thompson arrived 1T r n alS t r a ,O t t present were Suzanne Eyden. home from Port Perry Hos- Trn al - StraOt t Sharrn Thornidyke, Marie and pital. Friends trust Mrs. Joseph 1 Bannie Austin. Farder and Mrs. Melviliel Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Austin Trewin will soon be able te F500 were in Toronto on Friday leave hospital, tao. evenngte attend the Grand' Nestieton U.C.W. heid teir - Chapter cf the Eastern Star September meeting atLth at the Royal York.--- _home cf Mrs. -Stanford Van Hydro Special, ELECTRIC BLANKET $29% VALUE WITH A NEW $29,95 value- Freel Double..bed.sze electric blanket with a 2-year replacement guarantee.. 25%/ acrylic fibre content . . . convertible con. toured corners.. nylon binding top and bottomn ...illuminated dial control. Free . . . with the purchase Of a new electric clothes dryer at any store featuring the Hydre Special. A modern electric dryer frees you from the worry of washday weather, frees you from the drudgery of hanging your clothes out on a lmne. Enjoy the automatic convenience of safe, odour- less. flameless electric drying. Buy your electric dryer now and get a FREE electric blanket! ý;X :â:Take advantage of the Hydro Special Offer.,.. % goed until November 20, 1965. ý>A This offer applies onfy 4-5's.--.to residents of Ontario yorhyr ... . . . . .. . . KEL VII KING ST. E. FRIGII [NG ST. E. EqAVAILABLECAT rJATOR APPLIANCES Phone 623-5689 BOWMANVILLE len Hardware Limited DAIRE APPLIANCES Colliss Electric FR4GIDIRG APT.ANWE Lander Hardware & Electric- GENERAL ELECTRIC & MOFFAT Phone 6234774 NG ST. E. BOWMANVM*I Phone0623-E40 4 4. I * J' BOWMAN. I I Sat. Oct. 2nd 00, a iilýilJ 1 i 51 KI] AVAILABLE AT

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