Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1965, p. 2

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1kf4# . . .~. ~ * a. Win, September 2Sth, 1965. Jn 6bo bha 5. hauled behind another tractor Patick VinentMahnev John Edward Gould tesîified trailer 86 feet ox erahl.Thne fine R.R. 1, Campbelîcroft, pleaded:that he was nortbbound at was $10 and costs. -guiltY to impaired drivingrýbu he o ori h abou tbee o for inthe Max Xicbinski wvas charged August l5th. Magistrate Craw-,morning on a motorcycle witb witb baviog no license July; ford Gucst fined hlm $150 andi the ligbts functioning proper- 131h cn Highway. The fine was costs, or 10 days. He wa'î ly. He shated that he saw the2 SIO and costs. or two days. qyanted two weeks ta pay car ligbts flash on bis bauds n uo tcwssrc rr ei Having no proof of insurance Consabl T.A. ardy ~ itc an be as Iiuleda -and cashs, or 10 days. Failing stateti that lie first noticed theýmost 80 feet down the highhOniftb Deamnto car~~~~~~~~~~~~ eaton nHgwy41wyadbslgwsbo Transport of change of address' ia n dree le. sboknnethed the court $10 and costs,, trvligat about 25 miles or two days. The officer was «.,. an hour. Ht' said that in thec Constable P.C. Harle-Max- Constable D. Stuart, OPP. ; -Iile lie followed il the carlwell, OPP, did notbv b~ crosedth cetrehie furnotebook with hirnad ol John Joseph Hornung, Scar- 2 times and forced two west- not remember the detaîls. baogwsfnd$5 nd : . bound cars off onto tht' northý The case was dismissed. :cosîs, or fix'e days, for illegal ý ehoulder. Traffic tickets: (Constable posrion of 5.h liquor' I A John Henry Coyle, King- T. A. Yardy, OPP) RaymondCa1' ibwa 3. The lfiuor Mton, was charged witb 'bhit rBarry, speeding on Highway wscnictd b fie 'vas Constable D. Stuart, OPP.') ~ and run" September l8tb. Hel40l, July 29tb. $15 and costs, Frederick L. Toms was fined' came to the OPP office twoor three days. (Constable T. $20 and costs, or tbret' days,: days later and admnitted that ýA. G. Speocley, OPP) Julyio aln o tpa tp he hadl struck a car driven by'3lst. passing on a curve 0ofi in g ta tonateasop f Gordon Best, R.R. 3, 80w [Highiway 2 dicmissed. (Cocp- Casig h Ite y 81 Concessonof '""" manville at Trull's Road onoral J. E. Closs, OPP) Nicho- fCartwnigConutyblet. tuert,- M ihway 2. las Peconi, no lights on thdier va CntaleD.Suatw Constable P.C. Harte-Max- rear of a stake truck, five dol- OP ~ well, OPP, estimated damage lacs and costs, or two days. Four Oshawa youths \vere ta the Best car at $300. Mr. (Constable Ron Parker) Don- given suspended sentences for Coyle said h.is own car was ald Lambert, speeding 50 one yeac, ordered ta report Mr. and Mcs. Harrv darnaged ta the extent of $300 miles an bouc an Scugog once a month ta tbe probation or $400. jStreet, $10 and cosîs. or tbcee afficer and stay separate andýWhOf thev won $50 duri "$200 and costs, or 30 days,"rdays. 'apart folhowing conviction for!BeeCh's Maple Grave Re( decided Magistrale Guest, "and j Canada Rubber Dealers andîtheft of four bicycles. recelin g their award fr it would have been more if'Brokers Limited were chargedr' They were Terence Gardon fl hd ot returned volun- with an overlong load July Fudge, 17, 167 Eastdale Street,iMn tarily. The automatic suspen-12lst on Higbway 401. Co-IRbeal Leger, 18, 270 Jarvis't r James Cunîningham ýstable D. Stuart, OPP, testified Street, Michael Lajoie, 20, 4801 sters Jame Cuninhampleadedithat there was a comnbinat ion, Browning Street, Michael flot gullty ta careless drîving'of vebicles, a trailer beingiSaunders, 18, 108 Kingsdale 0 Drive. The bicycles belongedih o i ta, Abrabm Sol, R.R. 3, Bow- o t co i tiavihle, and Melvin Cling-' Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selils ham, Nasb Road. ýL q or Q 1 Constable M. Joynt, OPP, LI UQ wlth whom are now merged laild the court he received a cail ta investigate and found Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. the four youths riding ther ChareredAccontans rin a car with two youtbs who' ChareredAccontans bad gone and lefItbem so Montreal Oshawa Toronto Hamilton i they hadl "bocroxved" the bik-' Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary Stephen McCourty, Lauder Edmonton Prince George Vancouver Avenue, Toronto, was charged August 2th with failing ta, Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., RIA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. notify the Department of Transport of change of ad- Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 idress. The officer was Con- stable G. Evans, OPP, and the' fine $20 and costs, or 10) days. Williamn Spvnce Gardon, 18 Southway Drive, pleaded notî y uity ta careless dciving June CANAD& 25th. Defense counsel was E. NEWV DEMoCRATIC PARTY R. Lovekin and the eiec wsgiven by K R. Fceethy,: DURHAM RIDING iformerly a corporal bu he lclpolice force. LU A A I L A T I Lornefius Denherog testi-ý Monday, October 4, 1965 8:00 P.M. DR. POWERS SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Ward and Hope St., Port Hope Special Speaker: WALTER PITMAN former M.P. for Peterborough Riding now on Trent University Staff Menibers and affiliates please attend. -EVERYONE WELCOME - EVENUNG CLASSES PORT HOPE HIGH SCHOOL *CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH *MATHEMATICS, GRADE XI *PHYSICAL FITNESS and RECREATION * TYPEWRITING * SHORTHAND *BOOKKEEPING, SECOND YEAR *BUSINESS MACHINES * AUTOMECHANICS * DRAFTING and BLUE PRINT READING * ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE * MACHINE SHOP * FURNITURE FINISHING and UPHOLSTERING * COOKING *SEWING * PERSONAL GROOMING *MILLINERY* WELDING 1 and 2 *WOODWORKING * PHOTOGRAPHY Courses will be held in the above suàbjeets provided there is sufficient number of appli- cants. Diplomas will be available for those who complete the requirements for sccondary uchool graduation. REGISTRATION Tuesday, October Sth and Thursday, October 7th, 1965, 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. Courses to be offered in Port Hope on Tuesdays and Thursdays. MAXIMUM FEE - $10.00 forSeason Courses of two bours duration for two nights per week for the year wilI be $10.00. Courses of one hour duration for two nights or two hours for one night will be $5.00 foi the year. Courses of three hours duration one night per wu.k will be $10.00. WELDING - In addition to Instructional fie there wilI hi $10.00 charge formaterial. Port Hope 111gb School, Highland Drive, LMons (rROM PAGE ONE) was inducîed in an impressivel ceremany. Walter Rundle, a pa.st officer. officiated, assist- cd by Ru sseli Oke, a past presi- fdent; Howard Jeffecy andj James Bell. Thie birthdays of Rex' K. j i Framptan and Sam Black werc celebrated by their fel- i low Lions. Ken Laushaway of the Stouffvilhe Lions Club,I was a guest at the' dinner! imeeting. Tail Twister Jack Dun was in. charge of the' draw. Tht'i winner was the guest speaker, M.Betz. Need for' Expansion! (FROM PAGE ONE) general statisties. the confer-' ence of women, education, and business develo.pment,ý both dornestic and interna- tional. 'M.y particu lar re.sponsibili - ty is foreign trade. The Tradel a nd Jndustry Branch locates new industry, new products,j ne- agents and sales abroad, and provides municipal andý regional services. NMlr. Graham statcd that an export figure of $7,000,o00,ono annually rc'presents about $350 gross invorne per capital for ail Canadians. "This is a lexelJ exceeded only by a ha.ndful of countries in the world. It is a notable ac- complishrnent for a young ini- dustrial nation like Caniada,, and ail resulting from foreign: 'trade, hle declered. i *SOMe 80 per cent of the export trade figure is made up of agricultural, or extrac-., tive products from our mines, and forests. Only 20 per cent of ouir exports corne frorn pro- duicts Of secondary industry, and its relationship to secon-: darv manlufacturing. The speaker said that 'hie balance sheet of thi- country's business transactions w ith other countries shows an im- balance of some millions. "Our problemn of trade irn- balance is not uniquely Cana- dian. Britain and the United States have the sanie prob- lem. The saluition lies in a sensible balance of our ener- gies, being used in business and trade developmnent," Mr. Graham asserted. Dr. Keith Siemon mnoved a vole ot thanks ta Mr. Grahamn for his informative address, and President Don Morris ex- pressed bis personal apprecia- tion to the guest speaker. He, presented a book, nhe Seven Paths to, Peace, to Mr. Gra-1 barn as a souvenir of his visit to the club. The birthday of Secretaryl Wlter Reynolds was celc- brated by bis felýlow Rotar-l :ians. Guests Preseit at theý luricheon meeting were Ru-j doif Heydens, Bowmanville, and Art.hur Finzney, port Hope. WRITING TO ANYONE? youùr envelope should show: 1The name of the Lperson you are addressing. 2 The street number, street name, or post office box num ber, apartment or business block, suite-, if any. 3 City, toun or village, and postal zone, if in lise, province, too. AYour rintne and 4 your conipl'fr address in the upper le/t corner. please dont make the postman guess - be sure to write the correct address. OqSTO CPANIADA ARE YOU PLANNIh NEWIf WE ARE TAKING ORD homes on choice lots, your plans or %vill helu our plans ...do it tage of Government W Program, the Federal G a direct payment of $50( er. House to be complete $500000 BALANCE ON NH AT ONLY 6/4cý AT BEAU 2The Canadian Statesman Bowmanville, Sept. 29, 1963 jMagistrate's Court I HeId in BowmanviIe we wilI build froni backiog ont or tht' drîveway p yOlt to Choose from !of .11)Waverhey Road. The' driver or the' truck was now and take advan- Willianm De Vries, R.R. 4, linter House Building Bownianvilhe. Damage to theC E YI 0.00to te hme on- about $2,50. Constable Les 0.00to te hme on- Ricard investigated. d by March 31lst, 1966. 1 There were also 12 minor accidents with no personal HEbL ON YOURthe' week. Manv of these were DOWN PAYMENT in ocnnection wi'th the Mosport U[M O[F - < l lA l I.IA. àUUfTILAGEs 7o INTEREST /kar,ýway ?rescent .SUB-DI VISION Liberty St. S. ENQUIRE TODAY De BEER1S BUILDER Phone 623-2263 22 Parkway Crescent Bownianv ille Bowmanville MAPLE GROVE The U.C.W. met, at tht' Cburch Hall] on Sept. l6hh iwith 18 memrbers present. Tht' meeting opened by singiigý h.ymn 16 followed by tb<l Lord's Prayer. Thet' Ieme of' the worship service a8sj "Couirage" and il was giveni by Mm~. Stephien Doyle, Mrs.I Cecil Jeffery and Mrs. Wm . Laird. Hymn 315 was sung,~ folJ.owed by prayes-. The Bib le reading was givesi by Mrs.' Lai-d. Mrs. Jeff esy read the mnedîtation and Doreen closed with prayer. Minutes of thei luat meeting and an executive .1 IMeeting were rend and ap-1 $50 in Grocery Conteslanswere discussed rdS es s $5 i ro er on es and miade for the Turkey Din- j~L ner this mont.h. l'i P#I S tresse The Eust andi west U.C.W.! Rallies were announced. Ev- s P r 's U i eryon. agreeti we miter fori s P a t s n y the Cochrane and Oliver wed-' ding. Mrs. Cli fford Swal]owl and Mrs. Howard Cryderrianl 8ccoinpanied by Mrs. Wm.!A t County Meetingi Laird favoured us with two duet3. Mrs. W. H. Brownf Garnet Rîckard, Progressive on the Noveniber h federa! gae~avryitretngtlkCner-vative candidate for election saîd that ~e solidar. o wth the Bok. Metiong Durbam County, told an ex- ity tbat is now evidftt in Con- cloetiwit te Bnedotinecutive meeting of the Dur- servative ranks indicates the followed b3' a social haîf hour. bamn County Progressive Con- will ngness of men and wo- Tb fliwig bidrn-ere servative Association, held at merl wîth real convictions of baptised on Sunday: Brenda the Acres Restaurant on Mon- tbeir own to obey the Iaw of Lynn MeIntyre, daugtïter 01 day cvening tbat unity and reasonable compromise on les- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mlntyre: safeguarding tbe constitution sec issues wben the unity of Shairon Ann Goodmurpby, seems to be the theme of ail the nation is at stake. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Len1 political parties. -I would A federal election at #iis Goodniurphy: and Vanda Janelbooe that tbis is a sincere de-Itime is not wanted by anyène M00011, daughter of Mr. andisire," be said. eceîth-- Liberal strategy Mrs. Ray MeColi. 1Mc Rickard in commentingimakers, Mr Rickard claimed. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Colla--____ cutt attended th Haydon Thankoffering Service on r C Sunday evening when Mr. K n tes Induct Collacutt was the guest pian-ý ist for the occasion. Mcs. Ted 0 Hoar, Misses Diana and Lee-iveiNwve b r panied thern.A attenided the 25th xveddin- c.nt Ms.SIS Mrtnpening Meeting onStre.Ms Mca~dhe1:~ President Barbara Connei ini the season. and ta belp 4is a niece of Mr. Mot~ .1presided aItbe first meetingftbe Bowmanv'ille Kinsmen with S Miss Ann Newson, Torontolof thie Bowmanville Kinettetheir Karnival. ..... was a weekend guest of Miss ,;Club Ibis autumn, wbicb was Te Kntesdcdd t Grutes f R ver ahapy oulelas weknd Carol Greenham. Miss Mary'held ut the Flyi ng Dutchman co tinet donate cook books Gruyersof RR. , wee ahapy coplelastweeend Petens, Hamipton, Mr. Wm.!Motor Hotel last Wednesday co oinue l Hg Sh tng the first 'week of the current coritest underwav at Taylor, BowrnanvilIle, were;evening. tHoBeEowmil ue igb cho d & White Groceteria. They are shown here at right Sunday supper guests with' Inimediate Past President 'to continue to prepare and rom Mrs. Gordon Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greeni- Evelyn Werry and Jean Wil- serve lunches for the Senior ____Ihemn. liamis, who is also a past presi- Citizens Club meetings. The Mrs. H. R. Foley recently dent, were in charge of the Kinettes will also again pro- returned borne after spending îrnpressive induction ceremoriy vide and serve the lunch after D i cut wo weeks' bolidays with her for the new members Anne Bowmanville K in sme n's D is us /\ci entn at London, Ont. andl Harris, Iris Murray, Betty Christrnas Tour of Lights for Winýsr, ndnephew in Wes- Brown, Gladys Ulley, and Kay Ithe Senior Citizens. _Uton. Cain. The latter is a past Mr gante Ofl RMndsp. Win. ain St. president, wbo rejoined thel Peiet oni epes Fou pope er îjuedInFred R. Stevens one day lèst Tesue Kty Corden.rr for clubo ain Foreeplstiojre n week. Mrs. C. White, Oshawa,!presented the financial report t hcu ofa ansm i s i na five car collision on Satur- s a luncheon guest on Sun-:adth inte nwbugtarborite box for the Kinettes' dayat nteprse ilIon o.day with hec brother and'wvas read by Eleanor Murdoch.supi. The Bowmanville and Dis-r 115 Higbway. The drivers of wife, Mc. and Mrs. Fred R. Secrr'tary Connie Wiseman Secretary Wi:semaii was the Mtrîct Ministerial Association,1the cars nvolved were Alex- Stevens. Mr. Roy Topping, read the correspondence. Re- luck% winner of the draw. met on Tuesday, Sept. 28tb at ander McKinnie, Birmingham, Torronto, was a dinner gLieýtipocts were also presented. ;Past President Wecry was in the Pentecostal Churcb xiîl Mich.; Jack MeNicboll, Wil- one day last week with Mr.! Fund raising projects forýcharge of the draw, and she the Rev. K. J. Frampton lowdale; Harry Wbitbread, 230 and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. the ýear were discussed. Itiand jean Williams were in (Pres.) in the chair and tie ýNipigon Street, Oshawa; Gor- Mrs. Allan Snowden acconi- was decided ta hold a Hal-ýcharge of the program ont jRev. A. Kudra as Secretary. 'don Neil Winchester, Agin- p.anied hec sisteî- and hus-!lowe'en Dance in Octoberg-ames enjnyed aftcc the busi. The Rev. J. Gilvhrist was 'court, and William Nesbitt, band, Mc. and Mis. Reg. Ta,- uýt ithe Bowmanville Golf 'ness meeting. A delicious welcomed as a new memberiWoodville, Ont. Constable L. loc, Oshawa, ta Port Hope on Club, ta seli Regal Christmasýsalad and stcawberry short- and regrets wcre reveived'Mab oney, OPP, investigated. Sund'ay, when thev visited yards, 10 hold a Tea latericake lunch was served. *from the Rov. G. K. Ward the i Bowmanville Area Ambu- lheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. other new member. AlIso pres- lance tcaîîsported the injuced H. Wilkins. lent were the Reverends I-1 to Memocial H-ospital. William Mr. Don Brown, O.A.C.. Turner, G. Taylor, C. Catto. lNesbitt and Ron Neshitt, bis rGuelph, spent the weekend TAKING A . . Ways of st'rengthening the passenger who sustained ininor with bis parents, Mc. and Mrs.' relationship be t w een the injuries, and Gordon Winches- W. H. Bcown, and brother ' Churches of the aiea and the ter, who bad s u f f e r e d Dave. y CHRISTMAS wock of the. Chaplain at the abrasions of bath legs, receiv- Mc. and Mrs. Allan Parker, ~I ed treatruent in theOu- orno weeTsdv at Ontario Training School were PatieotwreTeda at H LD Y discussed. Ministers are lu Dainut Department. M i s s visitors with Mc. and Mrs. C. continue ta speak at assembly hianne Simmons, Birming- l", Swallow. Mc. and Mrs. on Thursday mocnings. Re- t ament at , also received Len Groom, Mrs. Harry Mc-*1Y W M presentatives ta take part i ratetatte.optl o ean, Miss argaretMcLean, __________ the Remembrance Day Service minor injuries, and remnained Toronto, were Sunday visitorsq r were proposed.las a patient until Sunday af- with Mr.ad Ms .P A report on the work of tht' ternoon when she had recup- Swallow. Vote No Committee revealedlerated sufficiently to be ce- Mrs. May Beech, Port lape,lN E that financial support was leased. spent a few deays last week!-. slow in caming, regarding the On Sunday evening at 8:151 with ber broth'er-in-law andi E E V T O S coming municipal vote on p.m. Enterprise Hill on 115 sister-in-law, Mc. and Mrc.q E ER A I N liquor outiets. Strong feelings Highwav was again the scene Gordon Beeeb. Mr. and Mrs.f that members should give of an accident. Wilfred Surge, Ray Beeoh and son Dale, Port more effort and leadership was Scacborougb, lost control of Hope, Rev. an'd Mrs. Eugene expressed. the piotoccycle he was riding Beech, Toronto. were recent: The Bible Society canvass and the vebricie stcuck several visitors with Mr. and Mrs.i la to be -on OQ£t. 251b, and 26th, .guard rails. Gordon Beech, Miss Janicel Regarding the Week of Mr. Surge was taken to Me- Beecth spenit the. weekend with~ Prayer (Jan. 2iid - 8thi, 1966), mtaliHospital by the Bow- Miss Joann Barge, Oshawa.O each member was requested t nianville Area Ambulance. He Congratulations ta Mr. and bring dlefinite recommenda- is receiving treatment there Mrs. Hairy Grayters on win- tions ta the next business for scalp lacerations and cerv- ninig the $50.00 prize for last. meeting at the end of October. ical spine injuries. Constable week et Beecb's Store. Ail ministers in the acea T. A. G. SpenceleY, OPP. in-. are welcomne ta the montbly vestîgated the accident. one ouc meetings for study John Polack, age 58, R.R. 6, V U and fellowsbip, beginning on Bowmanville, is receiving il anlan Tbursday, October 141h, 9 a.m. treatment foc multiple injuries. O at St. Andrew's Churcb, li Memorial Hospital. He was T ur s u !Inlured on Tuesday afternoonTo r M s u wben he fell into a coco S ALEM ichopper. gHe ws akntoho-prsien John Bone W IE H IE AE ý ptalby he owmnvile reapreide atthe dinner mr- W IEC OC A E Jirnmny Stephen is staying, Ambulance. . ing of the Bowmanville K i- with Mr. and Mcs. Jim There was a two car collision waois Club beld at the Flying! ARE STILI AVAILABLE Coombes while bis parents at 10:50 p.m. on Tuesday on Dutcbman Motor Hotel on1 Mc. and Mcs. Alan Stephen No. 2 Highwa3'. a quarter mile Monday eveniog. and bis grandmotbec from LeaT he driehawaniTown Toronto are on a three-weel, 'in Te d rie rs of tbe cars visterditheB0r e nia n h trip ta Scotland and England.'novdwr Lykke Knud- Mseu h o mnilý6 3 3 6 iSeveral from the comni - -nWst Hill, and John Arch- it hM. doy ure heyexhib ity attended LindsayFair lasI er, 38 Parkway Crescent. Mcrils wthoMrs. oy Lney, A. Nt week. ay chr who sustained a wb .Topohn oc pp'f F- ý, -- e- ljsh inury in the acidepnt 'p Diîling, members of the Bow- jJury & Loveli Travel Agency CONVENTION l

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